• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 61 - Reunions

Detention Center
June 14th, 3:23 PM

Phoenix got little chance to relax or celebrate after the end of Sonata’s trial before he had to shift mental gears and start work on Trixie’s defense.

Gonna be hard to pull off the hat trick, given all the charges she’s facing, he knew. He was still uncertain exactly how he was going to defend the showmare, knowing only that with her trial less than a day away, they had no time to lose.

After a brief statement to the press, who to little surprise, seemed less interested in Sonata’s just-concluded trial than his ‘working relationship’ with Twilight, he returned to the Detention Center to speak with the mare magician, who was looking and sounding a little better than she had previously. She looked far less tired; Phoenix noticed her face was not as drawn as before. Her magical restraint collar had also been replaced with a larger one, and Twilight instantly guessed the reason why—her returning powers were too much for the standard one.

If she did break through to a new level of power in our duel, she’s going to need to relearn her control, Twilight fretted, wondering if she’d be willing to accept help in doing so. Even if she is, I can’t really teach her how to master her weather magic, not having it myself. She’d need somepony who does to do that!

“I offered to represent you before, and the offer stands, Trixie,” Phoenix told her, unaware of Twilight’s thoughts. “My services are yours if you want them.”

“Why?” Trixie challenged, her icy eyes smoldering. “Why would you want to help me? Did your marefriend put you up to this, Wrong? Because if she did, Trixie will have nothing to do with you or your pathetic attempts at a defense!”

“She asked me to talk to you originally, but the offer to help is mine,” Phoenix replied evenly, while Twilight decided it was best to remain silent. “You’re a casualty of this case too, Trixie. And just like I told Sonata, I don’t like leaving loose ends. I’ll defend you because it’s the right thing to do. And because I want to.”

She stared at him in disbelief before scoffing in open disdain. “Oh, please! You expect Trixie to believe such ridiculous sentiments? And what can you even do?” The showmare’s expression turned from one of derision to despair. “You were there, Wrong. You know perfectly well what I did. So how do you intend to get me off when there were over five hundred witnesses to my actions?”

That’s the million-bit question, Phoenix knew, telling her it wasn’t a question of getting her off, but one of getting her sentence reduced. “I can offer mitigating evidence—Twilight said you were under severe stress as a result of the trial, so I’ll present expert testimony regarding the effect that would have had on you. Twilight also challenged you to a duel the day before, so I’ll call her to testify to that fact.”

Trixie smirked. “That may mean implicating her, Wrong. Are you truly willing to do that?” she asked him point blank, giving Twilight an evil grin. “Because if you’re not willing to grill her properly in a cross-examination and give her the same nitpicking treatment you gave my witnesses in the trial, you can turn around and leave right now!” She pointed with a hoof to the door behind them.

Twilight spoke up before Phoenix could. “I’m willing to accept my share of the blame for what happened, Trixie. And if that means I get put through the wringer by Phoenix? Then so be it,” she stated with a firm look, one that told him not to hold back on her.

Trixie's smile got more pronounced. “Very well, then. If for no other reason than to see Snarkle squirming on the witness stand, Trixie will allow you to defend her, Mister Wrong.” She took on her haughty pose, raising her nose and putting a hoof to her chest.

“Then it’s settled,” Phoenix agreed as she signed the affidavit appointing him her attorney, if somewhat sloppily by wielding his pen in her muzzle, though he was inwardly worried, wondering what might happen when Twilight testified.

* * * * *

Phoenix and Twilight ended up spending the better part of an hour with the imprisoned showmare, whose attitude alternated between apathy and antipathy towards them, though once in a while her mask slipped and Phoenix thought he heard a note of genuine gratitude in her voice.

She really DOES want help, even if she can’t quite bring herself to admit it! Twilight allowed herself a small smile at the thought.

Phoenix later saw four psyche-locks when he asked Trixie how she’d gotten herself assigned to Rainbow’s trial. The showmare visibly froze at the question, saying only it was “none of your business!” and “not relevant to the case.”

Blueblood, Twilight already knew the answer, but decided it would be best not to press Trixie on it until they knew more of the circumstances. Lady Requiem said she was investigating that very question. Perhaps we can write her and ask what she found out?

Later, Phoenix asked Trixie if there were any ponies she could think of that would be willing to speak for her. Somewhat reluctantly, she gave them a name that Phoenix didn’t recognize, but Twilight did, in some surprise.

Zecora? she repeated to herself, explaining to Phoenix who Trixie was talking about. But how would she know Trixie? And why would she be willing to help?

Phoenix was equally uncertain as Twilight described to him who the name meant. A zebra mare who lives by herself in the Everfree? He shuddered at the thought. Based on that fact alone, I’m not sure she would make the best character witness! “What about your father? Would he testify?” Phoenix suddenly asked, remembering her wordless admission from their post-trial talk that there was someone out there who cared for her.

Her posture immediately went rigid as her eyes turned fearful, even panicked. “No! Don’t call him!” She reared up and hit her hooves hard against the partition; for a moment there was pleading in her gaze. “He’s… he’s had enough pain over me,” she finished weakly as she fell back into her chair.

Is that the reason or the excuse? Phoenix instantly recognized. At a guess, it’s less about him and more about the fact you’re afraid to face him! he thought, exchanging a knowing glance with Twilight that told him she’d reached the same conclusion, the pair silently resolving they would get in touch with Trixie's father as soon as possible. Just hope it’s not too late to bring him here...

Golden Oaks Library
June 14th, 9:25 PM

The rest of the day passed in a seeming blur, and after sending out a series of messages to potential witnesses and having dinner with Twilight’s friends that evening, it was time to sleep again—after one more little chore, that is! Phoenix reminded himself.

After the others had departed and Spike headed up to the room he and Twilight shared, Twilight remained on the ground floor with Phoenix, discussing Trixie’s case and reading through some of the replies they’d already received, including an oddly-phrased promise from ‘Zecora’ that she would testify if they wished—“My presence at the trial, I will grant, but promise my words will help, I can’t.”

This time, though, there wasn’t any awkwardness between the pair as both knew the question of a relationship between them remained tabled for the time being. “I think we’ve done all we can for now,” Phoenix decided with a yawn, getting up to stretch his arms out over his head, lacing his fingers to crack his knuckles and neck. “So, Twilight—are you up to sending another text to Maya before bed?” he asked, loosening his tie and pulling out his phone, turning it back on.

“Actually, Phoenix, I think I can do you one better now,” Twilight replied, giving a sinuous stretch of her own that turned Phoenix’s head when she raised her hindquarters towards him and briefly flicked her tail aside. “I’ve done it twice now, so I’m getting used to the strain. I think I can hold it for a full minute or two if you want to talk to her directly.”

Phoenix blinked and blushed a bit, trying hard to ignore her pose. Did she do that deliberately? “So, you think I can attempt to actually call her? Are you sure? I saw how just sending the text wiped you out the first time.”

Twilight nodded, a twinkle in her eyes even as her tone was all business. I won’t touch, but that doesn’t mean I won’t tease, Phoenix! “Like I said, I’ve gotten used to the strain, and I was already pretty drained the other day anyway. I’m close to full power now, so holding the spell for a longer period shouldn’t be too problematic,” she promised as she touched up the chalk lines of the summoning circle again, picking up the chalk in her aura but making a point to keep her hindquarters pointed towards him, even going so far as to add a little hip wriggle as she worked.

Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! she recited internally with a grin, thinking her old foalsitter Cadance probably never meant the dance she taught her to be used like... that! “I can’t hold it indefinitely, but I think I can give you a few minutes, at least.”

Phoenix blinked a few more times, his blush deepening at her display and having an increasingly hard time tearing his eyes away. Keep teasing me at your peril, Twilight! “Well, if you’re s-sure…” he said in a slightly flustered tone that only encouraged Twilight further as she recognized the effect she was having on him, but with some effort, he forced his thoughts back to the matter at hand. He wasn’t that confident himself about the improvised spell she’d come up with, but he’d learned to trust Twilight’s judgment when it came to matters of magic.

Goodness knows I still know next to nothing about it! he thought, extending the antenna of his old phone as Twilight prepared to cast her spell.

Wright & Co. Law Offices
Los Angeles, California
June 14th, 9:35 PM

“This is completely baffling,” Miles Edgeworth said as he sat on the guest couch in the office of his best friend and rival. “To this point, there’s absolutely no evidence of a break-in, a kidnapping, or anything else. Quite frankly, Miss Fey, it seems as though Wright’s text messages are the only clues we have as to his whereabouts, and they seem cryptic at best.”

“Tell me about it,” Maya fumed from behind Phoenix’s desk, reading the last text she’d received from him for the hundredth time.

Maya—I won the case, but I got a contempt citation that will delay my return. I was sentenced to fifty hours of pro bono, so looks like I’ll be here for another week or so. I promise I’m fine. Hold my calls in the meantime and please, don’t worry! I’ll fill you in on where I was over burgers when I get back.

“Why can’t we just trace where they came from?” Maya asked, sitting on the desk across from the couch. Don’t worry when you’ve disappeared without a trace, Nick? Fat FREAKING chance! “I mean, I’ve tried texting him back when he sends them, but it keeps telling me that it can’t be delivered.”

“Mister Nick better be grateful that we’re trying so hard to find him,” Pearl Fey grumbled before departing for the washroom. “After all, he’s your special somebody, Mystic Maya!”

Edgeworth glanced at the young girl, then back at Maya. “Enlighten me, Miss Fey, as to why your cousin is here as well?” he whispered to her after Pearl had stomped off.

Maya rolled her eyes, making sure Pearly was out of earshot before speaking. “She thinks that Nick and I need to hook up, and she’s taken it upon herself to make it happen.”

“I see...” Edgeworth said with a sigh. “Regardless, we can’t simply trace the text messages without a proper connection on Wright’s end. Which would be pointless, as we could then talk to Wright directly about his disappearance. His earlier text said he was called away on an out-of-town case, correct?”

Maya rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but that’s a load of baloney if I’ve ever heard it! The guy has a hard enough time getting work here in town, so why would someone from outside the country ask for him?” she asked with a snort. “And even then, why would he just up and leave without telling any of us? Why doesn’t he say where he is?”

Edgeworth paused. That would certainly imply that wherever Wright went, he didn’t go willingly, he conceded with his thoughts, allowing himself a moment of worry for his friend and rival. “Wright has been having trouble finding work? Then how has he been affording to care for you and himself?”

Maya frowned. “You know, I’m not sure. Maybe he’s still living off the payment you gave him.” She sighed, strangely certain Nick was doing something on the side he wasn’t telling her, given the hoodie and toboggan cap she’d spotted in his closet at one point. “Come to think of it, I remember him saying you’re the only one who ever actually paid him in full for his services. I know he’s still trying to pry some money out of Matt Engarde, but that’s apparently snarled in civil suits because all Engarde’s creditors are now suing him and Nick has to wait in line.”

“I see.” Edgeworth made a note to himself to talk to Wright about his acceptance policy regarding cases, while also wondering if there was anything he could do from the prosecutor’s office to grease the wheels of the civil justice system. “At any rate, unless Wright tells us more about the situation he’s in, we’re operating in the dark.”

Maya snorted. “Yeah? And how will he do that? He said his connection wasn’t stable, so it’s not like he can just call us.”

At that moment, the phone in Maya’s purse began to ring with the familiar tune of the Steel Samurai theme. Maya pulled it out to look at the name, and blinked. “Of course, I could be wrong…” she mused as she hit the ‘accept’ button, activating the speaker function. “Nick?”

“Hey, Maya,” his voice answered, though he sounded very distant and slightly distorted, like he was calling from the other side of the world. “Listen, I can’t talk long, so—”

“Don’t ‘Hey Maya’ me, Nick! Just where the hell are you? And why haven’t you called before this?”

“Maya, I’m try—”

“Oh no you don’t!” Maya cut him off. “And don’t try to change the subject! You’ve been missing for almost five days! You wouldn’t answer your phone or anything!”

“You aren’t seeing other women, are you, Mister Nick?” Pearl broke in, returning from the bathroom. “You better not be cheating on Mystic Maya!”

“No, I’m not seeing another woman, Pearls, I—wait, why would that even matter? I’m single.”

“You’d better not be! Your heart belongs to Mystic Maya, Mister Nick! She’s your special somebody!”

Edgeworth heard an audible sigh on the other end and could all but visualize Wright rubbing his eyes. “Look, if you’ll just listen for a sec—”

“And exactly what case have you been on, Wright?” Edgeworth called out, noting his friend didn’t sound like he was under duress at all. “What required you to disappear without a trace and then send cryptic text messages?”

“Wha—Edgeworth? What are you doing there?”

“The better question, Wright, is what are you doing there, wherever ‘there’ is?” he asked in some annoyance just as he heard an unfamiliar female voice in the speaker background.

“Phoenix?” the voice called out.

“Huh? Who’s that?” Maya asked, instantly suspicious as the voices on the other end grew muffled as it sounded like Nick had put his hand over the receiver. Pearly is right and Nick’s seeing some GIRL???? She could scarcely believe it.

“He is seeing a sugar mama!” Pearl rolled up her right sleeve. “So who is she, Mister Nick? What does this lady who took you away from Mystic Maya look like?”

“Well, uh…” Phoenix sounded strangely flustered to Edgeworth. “She’s purple, walks on all fours, has a horn on her head and doesn’t actually wear anything…”

Maya’s jaw dropped open. “WHAAAAAAAAAT??!?!??” she all but screamed into the phone.

“I’m lavender!” the female voice on the other end corrected him.

“Do you have any shame, Wright?” Edgeworth demanded to know in disgust.

“Um… I think I’d rather have it be a sugar mama now.” Pearl looked confused and uncertain.

“Uh, Nick? Is there something you want to talk about?” Maya asked in sudden concern, the barest hint of hurt in her voice. I knew he was lonely, but not THIS lonely! “You know, if you wanted to go see someone, you could have just told me!”

“That’s not why—” A facepalming Phoenix was suddenly wishing he’d stuck to texts.

“This sounds less like seeing someone and more like indulging a disturbing fetish,” Edgeworth added, increasingly irritated and ready to leave.

“Phoenix? Hurry!” the background voice came again, sounding considerably more strained.

“Right. Listen, I can’t talk much longer, so real quick…”

* * * * *

Twilight Sparkle was a unicorn of incredible magical ability. Her sheer power was rivaled only by the number of spells she knew, and her desire to learn even more. She was, in the estimation of Princess Celestia, perhaps the most magically gifted unicorn to exist since the days of Starswirl the Bearded himself.

Yet for all her skill and knowledge, she was still an inexperienced spellcaster who had a tendency to overestimate her abilities and misjudge a spell’s costs or effects. Had she done more research or consulted the Canterlot library, she would have found that merging two completely different spells—one of which was extremely costly in terms of mana—was something that even a dozen unicorns working in concert had difficulty maintaining. As it was, she’d severely underestimated the strain of the combined spells…

As well as how much power and reach they would have.

When she felt her knees start to tremble less than a minute after starting the spell, Twilight realized her mistake. Still, she attempted to keep the spell going, for Phoenix’s sake. But metaphysical laws would not be denied, and as she felt the improvised incantation start to spiral out of control while her mana reserves dwindled at an alarming rate, her concentration wavered.

This caused the balance of mana between the spells to start shifting; sensing this, she attempted to compensate, struggling to maintain it even as she urged Phoenix to hurry.

Had she compensated in favor of the telepathy spell, perhaps nothing untoward would have happened. As it was, however, her compensation went in favor of the summoning spell, in an attempt to regain control of it… which was using Phoenix’s phone as a conduit, and targeting the phone held by Maya in turn.

And unlike the previous night, Twilight didn’t have the time to exclude anything from the spell’s grip.

* * * * *

Maya was getting ready to launch into a full rant against Phoenix, intending to inform him how insensitive he was for disappearing without a trace just to shack up with what she could only guess was some anime cosplayer, when she felt the muscles in her hand and arm seize up. Her first thought was that she was just that angry, but when the feeling spread, she began to panic.

“Uh, Mister Edgeworth? I’ve got a prob—!” she just managed to get out before her jaw locked up as well.

Edgeworth had noticed Maya’s distress even before she spoke up. The sudden tensing of her muscles had alerted him that something was wrong—to say nothing of the otherworldly glowing violet aura that had appeared around her phone, and then quickly expanded to encompass Maya herself. “Miss Fey!” he shouted, grabbing on to her to try to pull her away, only to watch as the aura seemingly sensed his presence and reached out for him as well.

I can’t MOVE! he realized, then felt the edges of his vision start to close in. Getting dizzy… what’s… happening…?

“Mister Edgeworth! Mystic Maya!” he dimly heard Pearl call, but with his vocal cords paralyzed, was unable to warn her back before the young girl latched on to his leg. The room spun and dissolved into a swirling cacophony of color that reminded him of a whirlpool—one that was sucking all three of them in.

His final thought before darkness took him was that whatever trap had snared Phoenix Wright had just claimed them as well.

* * * * *

Phoenix had been trying to get the conversation back on track with his human friends when his phone began to spark. Surprised, he dropped it, not wishing to be electrocuted. I had enough of that with Franziska’s dad and that stun gun! “Uh, Twilight, I think—Twilight?!” He cut himself off as he glanced back at her, seeing her surrounding by visibly swirling magical energies.

“Phoenix! GET BACK! she ordered him frantically, giving him a sharp magical shove away as she felt the improvised incantation surging out of control. She dimly realized what was happening; that the summon part of the spell had grabbed hold of Maya but had no time to consider the implications or consequences. All she could do was hold on for dear life, pouring all her power into the portal in a desperate effort to keep it open long enough to complete the spell, and not lose its living cargo to the interdimensional ether.

As an alarmed Phoenix watched, a bubble of pure magical energy, glowing bright white, formed around his phone in the center of the summoning circle and grew until it reached the circle edges. When it faded, the shocked human lawyer realized there were not one but three familiar figures inside.

The accidental summon completed, the magical field Twilight had been sustaining collapsed, and her along with it, Phoenix rushing to her side. “S-sorry, Phoenix,” she said shakily, falling to the floor in exhaustion. “Guess I m-miscalculated…” was all she managed before she passed out completely, a thin tendril of smoke coming off her visibly singed horn.

Phoenix looked between his ward, her cousin, his rival, and the mare who’d brought him to a strange new world. He stood back up and sighed, placing his hands on his hips. “Great. Now what?”

June 14th, 9:42 PM

Miles Edgeworth prided himself on two things above all else—his deductive powers, and his refusal to be ruffled no matter the circumstances.

He’d had to learn the hard lesson that neither was infallible in the course of his court battles with Phoenix Wright, but he’d been made much more unflappable for it, as he was much harder to surprise or be caught off-guard. After all, who could be surprised by anything after experiencing firsthand the unlikely feats of Phoenix Wright?

Now, though, both were being sorely tried. He’d seen two impossibilities in the course of several seconds—one, a glowing aura surrounding Maya’s cellphone, and two, said aura reaching out to grasp him, like a living thing, when he’d tried to pull Wright’s young assistant away.

His senses and cognitive abilities returned slowly. The first thing he was aware of was someone speaking, and after a few seconds, he had recovered enough mental function to recognize the words as coming from the missing Phoenix Wright.

Wright returned? was the first coherent thought he formed, followed by annoyance that he’d had them all worried for no good reason.

“Easy, Maya. You too, Edgeworth,” the familiar voice came again. “The paralysis will pass. Just wait a few minutes,” he promised as he helped him into a sitting position and leaned him against what felt like a couch.

Paralysis? With that, Edgeworth realized he couldn’t move, and then remembered again the final few events before he’d passed out. What’s happening? Where ARE we?

“Spike!” he heard the other attorney call sharply, followed by the sound of rapid but rather light footfalls coming down a flight of stairs.

“Phoenix? What’s going—“ he heard an unfamiliar voice trail off in surprise; his deductive abilities reengaging, he placed it as belonging to a boy in his early teens. “Oh, that’s just great. Did Twilight mess up a new spell again?” the newcomer said in a tone that was equal parts concern and exasperation.

Twilight? The prosecutor mentally blinked at the word, realizing from the context it was a name of some sort, as bizarre as that may have seemed. The only ‘Twilight’ I know is a book series I’m never going to read…

“Again?” Wright echoed incredulously. “Look, I don’t know what happened. She was contacting my assistant for me, and then—” Edgeworth could all but visualize him motioning to the scene with a wave of his hand. “They seem to be okay, though. And if my experience is any guide, they’ll come to soon enough. Can you check on Twilight and then get some water for everyone?”

“Will do,” ‘Spike’ agreed as Edgeworth again heard soft footfalls, like those of a child, padding across the room. “Hmm... not quite as bad as the last time I remember her doing this.”

“Do I want to know?” Phoenix Wright’s voice asked warily.

“Let’s just say that there’s a little less property damage this time,” the other voice answered, deadpan. “For as much experimenting with magic as she does, it’s a wonder this doesn’t happen more often. Guess I should at least be glad she didn’t accidentally switch everypony’s identity,” he said in a tone that was only half-joking while, slowly coming to, Edgeworth’s mind locked on to the words magic and everypony.

“Right...” Wright answered in a tone that suggested he’d decided it was best not to ask. “Is she okay, then?”

“She’s out for the count, but I’ve seen it happen before. It’s magical exhaustion, and she’ll be fine with some rest. I imagine she’s going to wake up tomorrow with a massive headache and a hay of a sore horn, though.”

Magical exhaustion? Horn? Edgeworth felt his eyelids begin to twitch, his body only just starting to respond to the orders he was still trying to send it, his mind attempting to logically put together the pieces of what he was hearing like he was conducting an investigation, but finding only more mysteries the more he heard. What are they talking about?

“Spike, can you send letters to anypony with your fire?” Wright broke into his thoughts with yet another nonsensical statement.

“I have to know their appearance pretty well, but yeah, I can send letters to anypony I’ve got a strong enough connection with,” Wright’s companion replied.

“Good,” Phoenix said, then grunted like he was hefting a load. “I’ll take Twilight to bed and then come back down. In the meantime, get the water, and then send letters to Twilight’s closest friends asking them to return here ASAP. Might as well get intros over with sooner rather than later.”

“One gathering of the element bearers coming up!” ‘Spike’ promised, leaving Edgeworth with yet another unknown term to catalog. “Can I ask why?”

“I’ll explain when they get here. The rest of you, just hold on. You’ll be fine in a few minutes,” Wright promised, heavy footfalls making it sound like he was taking a substantial weight upstairs. ‘Spike’ likewise audibly left the room as the prosecutor’s eyes finally fluttered open, though it was another minute before he could focus enough to see anything.

He was in a strange room filled with slightly rough and irregular bookshelves, all looking like they’d been carved directly out of a tree. The floor, in fact, appeared to be that of a giant tree trunk judging by the ridged rings he could feel beneath his fingers... except, that was, for the part that was covered in arcane chalk markings in the shape of an elaborate circle or ring he could only describe as being of the occult; the references to ‘magic’ now taking on new meaning to him.

Some of the markings had been smeared, and Edgeworth judged by the two parallel drag marks that his feet had done the work when Wright had picked him up under the shoulders to move him. Still unable to move his head, his eyes darted back and forth, taking the sight of Wright’s assistant leaned against the sofa beside him and her cousin lying on the cushions, both moaning softly. His muscle control beginning to return, he finally managed to raise a shaky hand to his head just as he heard the childlike footsteps of whoever Wright had been talking to return, sounding like they were coming up the stairs out of view to his left.

The soft footfalls then reentered the room, followed by the sound of pouring liquid. “You’re awake? Good. Here you go, buddy,” the boyish voice came again, and he felt a cup being pushed into his hands.

Edgeworth raised the cup to his lips and drank, the cool water serving not only to refresh him, but also seemingly banishing the lingering traces of paralysis. “Much obliged,” he said when he was finished. Then he looked at ‘Spike’ for the first time.

The sight of a bipedal lizard, standing about thirty inches tall from the top of its spines to its toes, caused the normally unflappable prosecutor to have a brief mental disconnect. What…?

“Well, at least you haven’t started screaming yet,” the lizard noted somewhat sardonically, further sending Edgeworth’s mind into stupefied shock. “That’s already an improvement on when Phoenix first got here. I was upstairs, and I heard his yell when he saw Twilight clear as day,” it—no, he, judging from the voice—continued, as he walked over to Maya, pressing a cup into her hands as she showed her own signs of recovery from the paralysis. “Welcome to Equestria. I’m Spike, #1 assistant to your temporarily indisposed hostess, Twilight Sparkle.”

Equestria? Twilight Sparkle? Edgeworth felt his mind going into logic lock as he processed the impossibility of a walking, talking lizard.

Maya took it no better than he did. “Wha… what’s going on heeeeeeeeeEEEEK!” her initially weak voice escalating into a full shriek as she laid eyes on Spike herself, causing Wright to audibly hasten his return, his footsteps down the stairs speeding up. “A yokai!” she exclaimed, causing Spike to start.

“Yokai?” The reptilian creature blinked as if the term was familiar. “Oh, you read nangas from Neighpon too?”

Maya went on like she hadn’t heard him, scrambling backwards in a panic, her hands and feet beating hard against the slightly rough wooden surface and huddling in the corner as Wright reentered the room, dressed in his royal blue suit and red tie as always. “Th-that’s it. I’m dead. I’m in hell. All I need now is for a bunch of monsters in wh-white masks to show up. I kn-knew I shouldn’t have eaten that last burger. Or m-maybe this is punishment for l-leaving Kurain Village—“

“Maya!” Phoenix grabbed hold of her shoulders and shouted, giving her a brief shake. “Look at me. Take deep breaths. In… out… in… out,” he ordered her, inhaling and exhaling along with her, finishing by squeezing her shoulders reassuringly. “You’re not crazy, you’re not dead, and you haven’t been sent to hell,” he informed her slowly, giving Edgeworth a glance as he spoke.

Don’t YOU go to pieces on me too! the prosecutor read his friend’s thoughts clearly, and forced his fears back for it. “I’ll explain everything, but for now, I need you to calm down.”

“M-Mister Nick?” Pearl called next on hearing Wright’s voice. “Where… what…?”

“Easy, Pearls,” he called out, helping her up and raising a cup to her lips. “Here’s some water. Drink it slowly,” he told her gently, helping her do it.

The young girl pushed herself up on the couch when she was finished, just before her eyes landed on Spike and promptly tripled in size. “Wow. Big lizard!”

“Hey, now, I’m a dragon! Dra-gon, not lizard.” He folded his arms and harrumphed, taking genuine offense. “I don’t do that tongue thing,” he added, blowing a raspberry with his long tongue immediately afterward.

Dragon? Edgeworth had finally reached the end of his rope. “Wright, what in the hell is going on here?!” he snapped.

“Edgeworth!” chided Phoenix. “Not around Pearl.”

“Wright,” Edgeworth interrupted, his voice calm but icy, “I have witnessed quite a few impossibilities in the last few… minutes? Hours? How long were we unconscious?”

“A few minutes,” Phoenix answered evenly.

“Fine, the last few minutes. I have seen some otherworldly violet aura ensnare your assistant, her cousin, and myself when I tried to free her! I’ve felt this sensation of being, apparently, dragged—unwillingly, I might add—into another world! I’ve seen with my own eyes a self-proclaimed dragon! So, I think you can forgive me for indulging in a minor bit of profanity!” he finished, nearing a shout, losing his composure for one of the few times Phoenix had known him.

“Yeah, Mister Edgeworth’s got a point,” Maya said shakily, still staring nervously at Spike. “Seriously, Nick, wh-what’s going on?”

Phoenix sighed and rubbed his eyes. “Okay, let’s take this from the top.” He paused, then glanced at the young lizard boy. “Spike, have you sent the—?”

The ‘dragon’ shook his head. “Oh, sorry. Not yet. I’ll get right on that.” He padded over to a writing desk, which had an old-fashioned quill pen and inkpot, as well as a number of paper sheets—or were they parchment? Grabbing a stack of the latter, he dipped the pen in ink and hurriedly wrote out a series of identical messages, rolled them up individually, and then, to Edgeworth’s renewed shock, breathed green fire on each of them in turn!

“Messages sent,” he announced as the papers disappeared within his flames, not understanding why Phoenix had facepalmed and the new arrivals were staring at him fearfully. “They’ll get them instantly.”

“What… what did he just…?” Edgeworth had to lean on the wall for support.

“It is a demon!” Maya looked like she wanted to hide.

Her younger cousin, on the other hand, seemed less fearful than fascinated. “Wow, cool!”

‘Spike’ crossed his scaled arms, his face contorting in an air of offense. “Demon? I’m a dragon. Dragons breathe fire and can send messages with it. Duh!” he said as if it was self-evident.

At that moment, a new, brightly-colored figure swooped in the open window and burst into the room. “Spike? Your message hit me in midair! What’s going—“ She trailed off as her rose-colored eyes took in the other three humans, who stared back at the hovering blue pegasus with rainbow mane and tail, eyes wide and jaws agape.

Phoenix facepalmed again. “Don’t you ever knock, Rainbow?” he asked the fanciful creature in some disgust.

“Uh…” She rubbed the back of her neck with a foreleg while grinning sheepishly, her expressions surprisingly human to the newly arrived trio. “What’s knocking?”

Phoenix could only groan at that. “Well, this is a little earlier than I wanted, but—meet my client, everyone! And the reason I was brought here.”

“Your client is…?” Pearl began, staring at the blue mare not in fear, but wonder.

“A… pony?” Maya finished as she beheld yet another impossibility before her.

“A… pegasus?” the more learned Edgeworth recognized from a barely-remembered mythology class, His mind was threatening to go into logic lock again, noting the new arrival had come in on a rainbow-colored streak that lingered for a few seconds in the air, the sight of it triggering a memory of an old movie he had watched as a child. There’s no place like home! There’s no place like home! the thought came unbidden, as did the sudden wishing for a pair of ruby slippers.

“Geez, most ponies don’t swoon in my presence until after I’ve done something cool!” Rainbow said, alighting on the floor in front of them and folding her wings to her side, the fact she was talking causing Maya to feel faint. “Rainbow Dash is the name, and being totally awesome is my game!” She preened, flaring her wings in a proud display. “So who are all of you guys? Friends of Nix?”

“N-Nick? What is this place?” Maya finally managed in a shaky voice, having to sit back down, still staring at the talking sky-blue winged pony with a rainbow mane.

He had no chance to answer before a new, country-accented voice was heard coming up the stairs, one Edgeworth and Maya found frighteningly similar to Lotta Hart. “Alright, just what in the hay is going on here? I was halfway home when that message hit me right on the noggin, Spike, so this better be—“ she trailed off as she rounded the corner and took in the new arrivals, her green eyes going wide underneath her Stetson hat.

“Another pony,” Edgeworth said, some part of him noting that this one was orange and didn’t have wings, and also had a different mark adorning her hip.

“Another pony,” Maya repeated, her voice equally shaky.

“Another pony!” Pearl repeated, this time in a tone approaching delight and a barely restrained impulse to hug.

Not good—too much too fast! Phoenix realized. “Spike, head downstairs and make sure nobody else comes up until—”

“Hello, everypony!” Fluttershy’s voice came next as she fluttered softly into the room, causing everyone to gape anew. “Oh! More Phoenixes!”

“Spike…?” Phoenix repeated warningly, seeing Maya and Edgeworth going noticeably unsteady again.

“On it!” The scribe winced, starting to head downstairs, but he’d barely made the door before—

“Good evening, everypony!” Rarity strode into the room. “Your message found me out on an evening stroll, Spike, and I—” She immediately locked onto Edgeworth, her pupils narrowing to pinpoints as she took in the human prosecutor.

Phoenix slumped. Great. And the only thing that could possibly make this any worse would be—

“I’m HEEEEEERRRRRRRREEEEEE!” a bubbly voice announced as loudly as she could, causing Maya to shriek and Edgeworth to stumble backwards as a fluffy-maned pink head popped up from behind the sofa between them. Pinkie’s expression abruptly lit up upon seeing the three new humans. “More visitors? Yay! Now I can throw even more parties!” she proclaimed with a sourceless eruption of confetti.

—that. Phoenix finished the thought, barely able to catch Maya before her eyes rolled back in their sockets and she fell forward in a full faint.

Golden Oaks Library
June 14th, 10:08 PM

Trying to regain control of the situation, Phoenix immediately shooed Twilight’s friends out so he could revive Maya and talk to his own friends alone.

They listened to him completely subdued, except for Pearl, who seemed more excited the more she heard, wanting to immediately go out and explore the new world she found herself in.

Well, I guess a magical land of talking ponies would be paradise to your average eight year-old girl! Phoenix decided.

It took the better part of half an hour for Phoenix to finish telling his story, explaining how and why he had been summoned to Equestria and the events that had transpired since, touching on the two trials and his contempt citation. Overcoming her initial shock, Maya was ready to stomp upstairs, wanting to charge into Twilight’s room to give her a “piece of my mind!” upon learning she was responsible for them being there, but Phoenix stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

“Let her be,” he ordered, a warning note in his voice that gave the young mystic pause. “She didn’t mean for this to happen, and it wasn’t her idea to bring me here originally, either. She was ordered to by the monarch of this land, who also happens to be her teacher. You can meet her tomorrow, but the spell wiped her out. She has to sleep, so leave her alone for tonight.”

Edgeworth picked up an undercurrent in his friend’s voice that suggested his concern for their unknown summoner had a personal side, but put the questions that raised aside for later. “So if I am to understand you, Wright—we have been pulled, by arcane force, into an entirely different world called Equestria, one populated by talking ponies?” he said, crossing his arms and tapping his finger against his forearm.

“And a few other species, but that’s about the size of it, yes,” Phoenix acknowledged.

“And you were originally brought here by our unicorn hostess to defend that blue pegasus with the rainbow mane from a murder charge?” he asked further, scarcely able to believe he could say such a line with a straight face.

“Yes,” Wright confirmed. “It was quite the case, too. I’d be happy to get you the trial transcripts if you like. Their justice system functions much like ours, and the prosecution was very tough.”

“Hmmm… perhaps I would,” Edgeworth agreed, his interest visibly piqued.

Now THAT’S the Edgeworth I know! Phoenix couldn’t help but grin. He can be caught off-guard, but he always recovers quickly! “Done,” Phoenix promised his friend. “I also have another case coming up tomorrow, but that can wait for now.”

“So why didn’t you tell us any of this?” Maya suddenly spoke up, sitting hunched over on the couch, nursing her water. “Why didn’t you say where you were in your messages?”

He gave her a look, then picked up his now-drained cellphone and pantomimed typing a text. “Hello, Maya, I’m texting you from the magical land of Equestria with the help of a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. She summoned me here to defend a pegasus named Rainbow Dash from a murder rap, but don’t worry; all is well!” he suggested mildly.

“Point taken,” Maya barely mumbled, now looking subdued as their predicament finally sunk in.

He recognized her look as one of numbed shock, not unlike what he’d seen on her face after discovering her dead sister. Better head this off now! “Look, guys—this was hard for me to adjust to as well, but I promise you will. This is a wonderful world, everypony’s real nice here—yes, that’s the word they use—and they can do some truly amazing things. You’ll see for yourself tomorrow, but for tonight, we need to get you guys settled. So are you ready to meet my new friends now?”

“I am!” Pearl spoke up eagerly, to which Maya just nodded numbly, allowing Phoenix to lead her downstairs. As they descended the curving staircase and entered a large main space, Edgeworth realized his earlier conclusions were accurate: they were in a library that was literally built inside of a giant tree. Waiting on the reading lounges were the five multicolored mares—they were mares, Edgeworth was now certain—they had seen before, who immediately got up to greet them, the rainbow-maned one hovering impossibly in the air again while the elegant white one with the spiral horn, blue eyes and purple mane seemed fixated on him.

“Everyone, these are my friends from Earth,” Phoenix began. “First, meet my assistant…”

“Maya Fey.” Mastering her nerves, Maya pursed her hands and gave the group an exaggerated bow. “Nick’s assistant, and spirit medium in training.”

“Such wonderful robes,” Rarity turned her attention away from Edgeworth, flaring her horn to run her aura over them, causing Maya to jerk back in shock. “Almost Neighponese in nature. You have a superb sense of style, my dear, much like Mister Wright!”

“What was that!?” Maya stared at her suspiciously while pointing a trembling hand at Rarity’s glowing horn, memories of the similar aura that had come out of her phone to grab hold of her causing a wave of panic.

“That was magic,” Phoenix answered patiently, shooting Rarity a warning look at which point her eyes went wide and she quickly withdrew her spell, having recalled human unfamiliarity with magic too late. “She’s a unicorn like Twilight—you can tell by the horn on her head. Unicorns here can use magic for everything from levitation to illumination.” And a few other things I’d best not mention now! “Next, let me introduce…”

“Pearl Fey,” Pearl offered eagerly. She had gotten over her initial shock quickly and her manner was one of giddy excitement, bouncing on the balls of her feet and smiling brightly at the ponies before her. “Mystic Maya’s cousin. You can call me Pearly. Very pleased to meet you all!” She pursed her hands and bowed low as well.

That’s my girl! “And last but not least, may I present…”

“Miles Edgeworth,” he nodded, trying mightily to maintain his composure in the midst of five talking ponies and one baby dragon. “Prosecutor and friend of Phoenix Wright.”

“P-Prosecutor?” the white mare repeated almost shakily, her blue eyes roving over him repeatedly. Pausing as if to gather her nerve, she approached him. “Then let me be the first to welcome you to Equestria, Mister Edgeworth. I… am Rarity,” she sketched him a bow, “and I must apologize for the involuntary manner in which you were pulled here. I hope your stay in Equestria will be a pleasant one.” Her eyes sparkled hopefully, offering her hoof.

Uncertain of the correct response to the gesture, Edgeworth looked over at Phoenix, who pantomimed raising her hoof to his mouth to kiss, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Uncertain what the look meant, he knelt before her and did so. “Charmed,” he replied, laying his lips on her immaculate white hoof, surprised to find it slightly yielding. She blushed hard and nearly swooned, causing shocked looks from the others and Spike to cross his arms in disgust.

“Geez, do you guys have no mares in your world? Why are you always treating ours like princesses?” the rainbow-maned one asked with a roll of her eyes.

“You already met Rainbow Dash,” Phoenix noted with a chuckle. “And this is Applejack…” He motioned to the orange freckled one next.

“Howdy,” she said with a thick country accent and tip of her hat.

“Fluttershy…” His hand next indicated the winged yellow pony with long pink hair.

“Um… hello,” she said quietly, but seemed to have taken a particular interest in ‘Pearly’, staring at her like she might a cute new animal. “Are you all okay? I hope being summoned wasn’t too hard.”

“The lovely Miss Rarity…”

“Truly an honor,” she said, looking up at Edgeworth again, the blush still on her cheeks.


“Yo,” the scribe said, putting on an indifferent air.

“And who could ever forget…”

“I’m PINKIE PIE!” She jumped up and down in excitement as if her legs were on springs, causing Maya to back away a pace and stand stiffly, staring at her warily. “Oh, we’re going to be the bestest of best friends! Any friends of Feenie’s are friends of ours! We’re going to have so much fun! I can’t wait to throw you all a PARTY!!!!” she exclaimed with a fresh blast of confetti that once again erupted seemingly from out of nowhere behind her.

“How did she—?” a taken-aback Edgeworth began, but Phoenix stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

“Take it from me, Miles—when it comes to Pinkie Pie, it’s best if you just go with it and don’t think about it.”

“I... see,” Edgeworth replied, though he really didn’t.

“Last, of course, is Twilight Sparkle, who won’t be available until tomorrow but whom we have to thank for our presence here. She can send us back, but it costs her a great deal of magic power to do so, and I’m not allowed to leave anyway until the punishment for my contempt citation is fully served. So, make yourselves at home, and we’ll see about sleeping arrangements tonight and sending you guys back in the morning.”

* * * * *

It took another hour before the group was more or less settled, with the help of some of Fluttershy’s herbal tea and a hasty batch of treats Pinkie procured from Sugar Cube Corner.

Edgeworth, to no surprise of Phoenix, immediately set himself to learning about the new world he was in, going over the same reading material Phoenix himself had previously. To help him study, Phoenix introduced him to Owlowiscious, who, he noticed, was frequently flying out to different bookshelves to get new volumes for him when he wanted to know specific things.

That’s Edgeworth for you—if he doesn’t understand or can’t make sense of something, he doesn’t rest until he does! He thought in approval, wishing again he’d done the same his first night there.

Edgeworth was also being attended by Rarity, Phoenix noticed, who was serving him tea and answering his questions, staring almost dreamily at him. Watch out, Miles! he thought with a grin, deciding he’d just sit back and enjoy the show this time.

Pearls, by contrast, was a ball of energy, delighted by her surroundings and already a favorite of the others, who seemed to find her adorably cute. Fluttershy appeared to be treating her like a lost puppy while Applejack had taken a surprising shine to her, the human girl’s precocious eagerness and energy reminding her a bit of Apple Bloom. The young mystic was currently watching with delight as Rainbow put on an aerial display in the library’s high interior, clapping loudly and asking to see even more—a request the boastful mare was only too happy to oblige.

Somewhat to the surprise of Phoenix, Maya seemed to be adjusting to her new surroundings the worst. She didn’t say much and was very uncomfortable around the ponies, though she did seem okay with Spike, finally deciding he wasn’t a demon and finding she had something in common with him for being an assistant, also being a bit more at ease around him for his smaller size and laid-back demeanor.

Near as Phoenix could tell, Maya was most upset over the realization that her spirit medium powers were suddenly nothing in comparison to the ‘magic’ that had brought them there and was apparently commonplace, leaving her feeling helpless and weak. And I guess being cut off from the internet and all her online friends doesn’t help either…

Phoenix talked with her for a bit, telling her about Twilight and her ability to tap the Magatama’s power, pointing out she would probably love to see Maya’s ‘magic’—her ability to channel spirits—as well. “She can’t do that, and I know she’d be really impressed that you can!” he promised her. Maybe later I’ll ask her to channel Mia as a demonstration! I'd love to see her reaction to this place and ask her if she was really there at Rainbow’s trial!

Seeing that Maya wasn’t enjoying herself, Pinkie immediately set out to befriend her, launching into an array of antics in an effort to get her to smile. “Give her a try. She grows on you!” Phoenix grinned, offering his assistant one of Pinkie’s trademark pink-frosted cupcakes. She tentatively licked the frosting from one and her face immediately lit up in surprise.

“I made them myself!” Pinkie announced proudly. “Good, huh?”

Maya’s only answer was to bite into it fully, though she wasn’t quite ready to admit that maybe this new place wasn’t so bad after all.

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on November 4, 2018.

Hey, everyone, this is Leo Archon, currently collaborating on this fic with Firesight. I’m doing my own author’s notes this time for a few reasons. Reason #1: I apologize for this chapter taking so long. I’ve had a lot of RL issues, including moving to a new place, worrying about paying rent for said new place, having to adjust to being on my own for the first time in a while (my last apartment, I had a roommate), etc. But, I’ve got everything squared away (hopefully), so I’ll be able to devote more of my time to writing, both on this and my own works. This leads me to reason #2 for doing the author’s notes: shameless plugging. If those of you who actually read these things are enjoying these latest chapters, please feel free to look at my other works on my page. Just note that most are on hiatus, while I try to hunt down my muse for my big project (Pony Fantasy IV) and finish that.

Aside from that, I’d like to thank everyone for sticking with us this far, even when we’ve gone so far off the rails as to almost be a separate story from the original Turnabout Storm videos. We only have two chapters left (plus maybe an epilogue), so we’re in the home stretch! But this isn’t the end for this novelization’s universe. As Firesight mentioned in a prior Author’s Notes, I’m also currently working on the first few chapters of a sequel, Ace Attorney: Sonata for Two Worlds. It’s set post Dual Destinies for the AA-verse, and post Season 4 (and 5, most likely) for FiM. As you can probably guess from the title, Sonata is going to play a major part in it. I won’t say much more here, save that I’m mostly done with the first case. Don’t expect it to go live as soon as we’re done here, though. We gotta let things settle from this novelization, first.

Until next chapter, Auf Wiedersehen!

* * * * *

Firesight here! Not much to add except that hope everypony enjoyed the introduction of Maya, Pearls and Edgey-poo to Equestria! Little late to be doing it, perhaps, but we're playing it for laughs and to help set up the sequel. We're gonna close this story out in style, with a flurry of fireworks and one final trial. Thanks as always to Raven for her suggestions and indulgence, and GoldCrow for the preread. Leo and I collaborated on this chapter much as we'll be collaborating on the sequel ahead.

* * * * *

Heyyoo!! Raven Regios here... A.k.a Chrome Regios. For the record I'm a girl, and second... I'm also the Tumblr RPer and blog reposter. Anyway, I'm glad that my first chapters of the novelization of Turnabout Storm and for my very best Editor for going so far as to taking over my project, and I'm proud to say that I... well, WE are the very end of the project... Catch the next one by Gold Crow (As I like to call him) to be more exciting and more gut-busting suspense... I thank the readers and the suggestions you all gave for the progress of the story... again, thanks Y'all...!! Enjoy it while it last!

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