• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 5 - The Great and Powerful Prosecutor

No matter how far you run…
No matter how long you hide…
The Eyes of Justice will never lose sight of you!

Phoenix Wright / My Little Pony FIM - Turnabout Storm [Part 2/4]

After Phoenix’s encounter with the ‘Fearsome Dragon’ known as Spike—who, to his great surprise (and no little embarrassment) was actually a small but sassy baby dragon no bigger than Maya’s eight-year old cousin Pearl—he went to bed inside the guest room of Twilight’s library treehouse to rest, but his night was anything but restful…

Ponyville District Court
June 10th, 9:45AM

“Coffee… need Coffee...” Phoenix walked sluggishly from the library to the courthouse, very hungry and sleep-deprived.

“I told you Phoenix; we didn’t have any!” Twilight reminded him, increasingly annoyed with her human guest.

“And that bed was way too small. I hardly had any sleep last night,” he added, still forcing himself forward despite feeling on the verge of collapsing.

“It wasn’t designed for a biped as tall as you!” she shot back.

“And I’m starving,” he growled, as did his stomach.

“Spike and I offered you breakfast, but you wouldn’t eat it!” she reminded him as they reached the courthouse, exasperated with his constant bellyaching.

“Sorry, but I can’t eat hay,” he groused, trying not to think he was hungry enough to eat a horse.

“Stop WHINING!” she ordered him in frustration as they entered the defense lobby.

“I’m not whining, I’m COMPLAINING!!” he shouted back at her, causing the two white-armored pegasus ponies standing guard by the courtroom doors to look at him. Realizing he was making a scene, Phoenix took a deep breath to get back his self-control and sighed. “Ugh… I'm sorry Twilight, I’m just a bit nervous,” he admitted, rubbing his bleary eyes. I feel like such a rookie right now; I’m going to be the only human being in that courtroom, he knew, imagining a room filled with ponies and no other humans except for himself.

“I’m sorry, too. The feeling’s mutual, believe me,” Twilight agreed. She hadn’t gotten much sleep either, even before she had fulfilled an emergency late-night request from the Princess, though in her case it was more due to endless worry about Rainbow Dash’s fate mixed with an insatiable curiosity about Phoenix and his world, finding herself fascinated by his human form and the strange ‘magic’ he told her about.

Lost in their own thoughts, neither the unicorn mare or human lawyer noticed when Rainbow Dash snuck up to them. “HEY!!” she shouted, startling both of them.

“AHH!!” Twilight reared up in a panic, tripping over her own hind hooves and falling backwards into an equally frightened Phoenix, knocking him over and resulting in the pair falling together, ending up in a tangle of limbs on the floor.

The two looked at each other in surprise, then separated quickly with badly flushed cheeks and muttered apologies. Can’t she just say hello instead of blurting out HEY like that?! Phoenix thought, still shaking from the adrenaline surge and embarrassment at suddenly finding himself with a pony in his lap. At least I’m awake now!

Rainbow Dash looked back and forth between Twilight and Phoenix, giving them odd looks. “What’s wrong with you two? I should be the one who’s jumpy right now!”

“Oh… uh… *ahem*… that’s right,” Phoenix said sheepishly, clearing his throat and looking back at Twilight, who was still blushing furiously, not meeting his eyes.

“So did you find any super-awesome proof to clear my good name last night?” Rainbow asked, eager to hear their progress.

“Uh…” Twilight groped for an answer, still flustered.

“I wouldn’t exactly call it ‘super-awesome’, but we did get a tip about who will be testifying as a witness today. So we got that on our side, at least,” Phoenix offered.

“And who would that be?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Fluttershy,” Twilight finally found her voice again.

“WHAT?!” Rainbow Dash shouted, causing Phoenix and Twilight to jump anew. “Why is she testifying against me?! She better not say anything dumb!” Rainbow warned, an edge to her voice and her wings flaring in anger.

“Calm down, Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy wouldn’t do that,” Twilight assured her hot-tempered friend.

“We’ll find out what she’ll say soon enough. In the meantime, Twilight, do you happen to know who the prosecutor is and what they’re like?” Phoenix asked, smoothing out his tie and royal blue business suit in an effort to restore his dignity and master his freshly-frayed nerves.

Twilight blinked at that, still trying to refocus after finding herself in the human lawyer’s arms. “The prosecutor? I forgot to look into that,” she admitted, a tinge of blush still present in her cheeks.

Phoenix turned away to spare her further embarrassment, still working on his own. Speaking of prosecutors… I wonder what Edgeworth would do if he were in my shoes right now? he thought idly to himself, thinking of his former classmate, an accomplished attorney who was at once his greatest rival and closest friend.

As if in answer to his unspoken thought, he had a sudden mental image of Ace Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth… dressed in his courtroom attire while frolicking with a trio of colorful ponies in a meadow, riding the back of one and prancing around like a little girl.

“This is just like that one episode of the Steel Samurai where he meets the Pink Princess!! WHEEEEE!!!!” Phoenix imagined him saying in a sickeningly sissified voice.

When the vision had ended, Phoenix had gone deathly pale, cringing and shivering. Doctor, I’d like the part of my brain responsible for that image lobotomized please!

“Does it really matter what the prosecutor is like?” Twilight interrupted his bad daydream.

Phoenix shook his head, both in response to her question and to clear it. “It can. Save a few, most prosecutors in my world are stuck up, smug and arrogant,” he told her, summarizing his experience over his many cases. “They go out of their way to win, trampling all over the truth and opposing counsel if it’ll help them get a conviction.”

Twilight smiled at that. “Don’t worry. I admit I’m not too familiar with our stable of prosecutors here, but I don’t think there is a single pony in all Equestria like that.”

At that moment, the room echoed with a very loud and mocking laugh. “HAHAHAHAHAAH!!!”

A startled Twilight seemed to recognize the voice, as she slumped and let out a long sigh. “Oh… no.” She grimaced, putting a hoof to her head.

From behind Phoenix, a blue-furred unicorn mare with a striped lighter-blue mane appeared, wearing a gaudy star-covered violet cape and a pointed hat akin to what might be worn by a wizard. “We meet again, Twilight Sparkle!” she said in a sneering tone.

“Friend of yours?” Phoenix asked Twilight, more bemused than intimidated. What’s with the get-up?

Before Twilight could answer, the blue mare did. “The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie is no friend of Twilight Sparkle!” she introduced herself theatrically; Phoenix could all but hear the capital letters in her title as she spoke.

“What are you doing here, Trixie?” Twilight challenged the other mare.

In response, Trixie reared up on her hind hooves and spread her forelegs like a performer issuing an invitation to her audience. “Come one! Come all! The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie will be displaying her PRODIGIOUS and CUNNING prowess as a prosecutor in the courtroom today!” she announced like she was advertising a show to the annoyance of all present; even the guards at the courtroom door looking irritated at her over-the-top antics.

“You’re the prosecutor?!” Twilight asked in disbelief.

“Trixie is a mare of many talents. Does it really come as a surprise?” the newcomer answered before continuing on her boasting spree. “As soon as Trixie caught wind of one of your pathetic little friends performing such a heinous act, Trixie jumped all over the opportunity to humiliate them as you had humiliated me!”

“Who are you calling pathetic?!” Rainbow Dash demanded to know, her blue cheeks turning red with anger.

“Oh? Are you mad?” she teased the hot-tempered pegasus. “Don’t worry, The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie hears you’re going to be having a nice long vacation on the sun! That should get your mind off things!” she needled. “Bon voyage, Rainbow Trash!”

“Why, you...!” Blinded with fury, Rainbow Dash flared her wings and was about to attack the insulting showmare when Phoenix stopped her.

“Rainbow Dash, don’t let her rile you up; it could look bad for us,” he reminded her calmly, trying to set his volatile client at ease.

Hearing his voice, Trixie turned her attention towards Phoenix, looking him over from head to toe. “And just what in Celestia’s name are you supposed to be? Some kind of outlandish ape?” she asked with more than a hint of contempt in her voice.

Outlandish ape? “Me? I’m Rainbow Dash’s Defense Attorney, Phoenix Wright,” he politely introduced himself to her despite the insult, holding out a hand in greeting.

“What? YOU?!” she laughed at loud at the strange creature in front of her, making no move to return the gesture. “This should be easy if Trixie’s opponent is to be this sorry simian! From what Trixie has gathered, you are only here because ‘Twilight Screw-up’ botched up a spell! HA!” she spat out, making Phoenix’s blood boil. “Be assured, the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie would never settle for a wretched-looking creature such as yourself as a Defense Attorney… nor would Trixie blunder such a simple summoning spell in the first place.” She put her nose in the air and a hoof to her chest as she spoke.

With that, both Rainbow and Phoenix snapped, Trixie’s verbal bombardment finally pushing the badly stressed pegasus and sleepless human lawyer over the edge. Seeing red, Phoenix set his jaw. “Actually, Rainbow Dash? Forget what I just said. Go for it! Take her out and make it hurt!”

“Gladly!” Dash was about to attack the offensive mare when Twilight intervened.

“PHOENIX! RAINBOW DASH! STOP IT!” she yelled, using her magic to halt them in their tracks before stepping in front of the incensed pair and addressing the other unicorn directly.

“Trixie, I didn’t mean to humiliate you. Please don’t take this out on my friends,” she pleaded.

“Hmmph! It’s too late for that…” the blue mare with a frosty mane said smugly, sticking her nose in the air again. “Now if you’ll excuse Trixie, she must prepare for her GRAND debut as an EXTRAVAGANT and AUDACIOUS Prosecutor!” Already enraged by her insults and how she always spoke in third person, Phoenix felt outright infuriated at Trixie, his fists clenched and eyes narrowed as he watched her depart.

Twilight looked back at him and sighed as she spoke. “Phoenix? You know what you said about prosecutors being stuck-up, smug and arrogant?”

“Yeah?” he replied through gritted teeth, still glaring after the showmare.

“I guess we have those here in Equestria as well,” she said succinctly, a hint of worry in her voice.

“So I see. But who was that?!” Phoenix asked, his blood still boiling.

“She’s a traveling performer named Trixie,” Twilight explained.

Phoenix rolled his eyes. “I kind of got her name down already; she only said it… oh, I don’t know… ABOUT A DOZEN TIMES?!” he yelled, letting some anger out of his system.

“Actually, she only said it twelve times, not a dozen,” Rainbow Dash obliviously corrected.

“Rainbow Dash, twelve is a dozen!” he lashed out, not even bothering to sugarcoat it.

Rainbow blushed, turning away to try and cover up the fact she suddenly felt like a total dimwit. “Oh, I didn’t know that. It would have been easier if you just said twelve,” she excused away her own comment, but Phoenix just shrugged it off, too incensed over Trixie to care.

“Ugh! Anyway… how did you know that prosecutor, Twilight?” Phoenix asked, hoping for information that might give him an edge over her.

“I didn’t know her as a prosecutor; I didn’t even know she was one!” She rubbed her head with a hoof. “I met her when she came to Ponyville a while ago as a traveling performer showing off her magical talents.”

Phoenix gave her an odd look. “Magical talents? Like magic tricks? She kinda looked like a magician judging by the attire,” he noted, looking around to make sure Trixie wasn’t in earshot.

Twilight nodded. “Yes. Like me, she’s a unicorn and she had a habit for running her mouth about her magical abilities, claiming that she was the most magically gifted unicorn in Equestria,” she explained, sounding strangely subdued to Phoenix as she thought back to that day.

“Running her mouth is kind of an understatement. She seemed to have some sort of grudge against you. What happened?” Phoenix asked, wanting to know why the mare magician would act like such a… jerk!

Twilight chose her words carefully. “How should I put this? I—“

“Twilight totally wiped the floor with that snob by fixing a mess she caused!” Rainbow Dash eagerly finished for her friend.

“W-well… yeah,” Twilight said sheepishly, not knowing if she was thankful for Rainbow’s comment or not.

“Trixie is just jealous because Twilight is better with magic,” the brash pegasus proclaimed, praising her friend.

Phoenix nodded slowly, imagining well how somebody—somepony, he corrected himself—like Trixie would take to being shown up. “’The mighty don’t flaunt their power. The sly eagle hides its claws.’” he quoted.

Twilight looked up at him in surprise. “Phoenix! I’m impressed! I didn’t know you were into proverbs!” she said, eyes glimmering a bit, looking at Phoenix in renewed interest.

“Heh! What can I say?” Phoenix grinned, allowing himself a minor boast. I should really tell her I just stole that one from a video game! he knew, but ultimately didn’t, deciding he liked the bookish unicorn thinking of him as an intellectual.

“So, Nix... do you think you can beat that stuck up braggart?” Rainbow Dash asked, increasingly confident about the outcome of the trial.

Phoenix stared at the cocky pegasus for a moment—talk about the pot calling the kettle black! “You didn’t do it, right? I’m sure things will turn out fine,” he assured her, wanting nothing more than to prove Rainbow innocent so he could wipe the smug grin off Trixie’s face.

“This isn’t Mister Wright’s first murder trial, Rainbow—he’s a professional. If anyone can get you out of this, he can. There’s no substitute for experience!” she added, looking up with pride at him.

“Right!” Rainbow agreed.

Phoenix sat down on a plush lobby couch—still too low for him—taking a load off in the last few minutes before the trial. Stepping out for a moment, Twilight shortly returned with a pair of apple turnovers—“compliments of a good friend,” she told him—which he wolfed down ravenously, finding their taste heavenly, double so for being on an empty stomach. With the edge taken off his hunger, his focus sharpened and he began to look around. “Thanks for the food. But there is something bothering me, Twilight,” he told her, brushing some crumbs away.

She gave him a curious look, happy to have him at eye-level for a change. “What is it, Phoenix? You’re not getting cold hooves, are you?” she asked as she saw him looking around the lobby.

He shook his head sharply at that. “No. It’s just that this courthouse looks almost exactly like the one in my world,” he said, scanning the room and checking every detail again. It was indeed just like the one he remembered from home; the only differences he saw were the two armored ponies replacing the armed human guards and the picture over the sofa on the back wall of some strange but striking dark-furred mare with a tiara-crowned head thrown back against a night sky; her starry, almost ethereal-looking mane partially obscuring the moon.

“Of course it does! It was inspired from human architecture,” Twilight told him, pulling his attention away from the odd image.

Phoenix blinked. “Why would it be inspired off of human architecture? Seems a little unnecessary, if you ask me.”

She grinned at him. “Well, having observed your world from afar, we feel that humans have a commendable sense of justice. That the way you humans uphold the law is worthy of imitation, and to that end, we took inspiration for the design of our courthouses from yours. Our criminal justice system also resembles yours as well, from what I’ve read, so you should feel right at home,” she promised.

He nodded, still a bit uncertain, wondering how Twilight and ponies in general knew of his world in the first place. And just how do they ‘observe it from afar’? He put the question aside for later. “I just hope justice swings in our favor today.”

“Do you think the evidence we found will be enough?” Twilight asked.

“It’s not much, but I’ve made do with less,” Phoenix replied, taking out his evidence bag and setting it down between them. As Twilight looked through the contents, something caught her eye.

“Hey, what’s this thing? I don’t remember us finding this yesterday,” she pointed with a hoof to an odd green comma-shaped gemstone with a hole in its center.

“Hey! That’s the toy you were playing with yesterday, Nix!” Rainbow said with a knowing grin, recognizing the object immediately.

“Huh? Oh. Yeah, that’s mine. I must have mixed it up in the evidence we found. AND IT’S NOT A TOY!” he shouted at Rainbow Dash, emotions still raw from Trixie.

Rainbow was unimpressed. “Ha! Whatever you say,” she pretended to agree while still giving him a teasing grin.

Phoenix struggled again to keep his temper in check, not helped by his lack of sleep. “Can you pass it over here, Twilight? It’s a keepsake of someone I know,” he told her, holding out his hand. I should really keep a better eye on it. Maya will kill me if I lose it!

“Sure, here you go,” Twilight offered, eager to see his fingers grasp it again. But as she enveloped it in her magic to float it over, the Magatama suddenly glowed brilliant green within her purple aura.

“Huh?” was all Phoenix got out before the Magatama flashed a brilliant white. “WHAT THE—?” he stumbled backwards and went blind for a moment; when his vision cleared he was lying on the ground again… and so was Twilight a few feet away.

“WHOA! Are you two okay?” a seemingly unaffected Rainbow Dash said, blinking away spots in her vision.

“Phoenix? What was that?!” Twilight asked, pulling herself back to her hooves but drawing back from the mysterious artifact, wearing a shocked expression.

“I-I don’t know! It’s never done that before!” Phoenix exclaimed, wide-eyed as he climbed back to his own feet.

Twilight stared warily at the strange object, now lying on the floor between them. “You still haven’t told me what that thing is, yet. The energy it just emitted; it felt… mystical…” was the only description she could come up with. I’ve never felt magic like THAT before!

“It allows me to—” he started to explain before he caught himself. Should I really tell her what it does? It would be awkward if I told her that it enables me to see deep secrets people are hiding in their hearts… he worried, his mind turning.

“It allows you to what?” she prompted.

Deciding that revealing its true purpose could cause trouble, he made up a false one. “It allows me to... have good luck. It’s a good luck charm.”

“You say ‘Good luck charm’—I say ‘toy’!” Rainbow snickered.

Phoenix grumbled, muttering inaudible obscenities under his breath. Don’t forget who’s defending you, Skittles! he thought to himself, wishing sorely he could say it out loud—but knowing full well she wouldn’t get it even if he did.

“I see. Well then, here’s your… ‘charm’, I guess we need all the good luck we can get today,” Twilight told him, picking the amulet up off the ground with her magic again. This time, there was no reaction.

“Right,” he said, holding out his hand for it.

Twilight floated the Magatama back to Phoenix, who pocketed it, still wondering what had happened. That was odd; it flashing like that when Twilight picked it up! It looks fine; I just hope it still works! he fretted, only to shake his head. With any luck, there’ll be no further need for it here, anyway.

“Phoenix? Are you alright? You look a little worried,” she asked, noticing his troubled expression.

He shook his head. “It’s nothing.” Eh, just forget about the Magatama. I have bigger problems right now! Even with my lack of sleep and what little time I had to prepare, I’ve got to try my best for Rainbow’s sake!

At that moment, the clock chimed ten and a guard at the door spoke out. “The Defense and their co-counsel are to make their way to the courtroom immediately!” he announced.

Twilight took a deep breath as Phoenix stood back up. “Okay, Phoenix. The trial is about to start. I’ll be right there as co-counsel to help. Now do your best!” she offered a few encouraging words to the human lawyer, using her magic to straighten his tie and smooth out his rumpled suit a bit before he went in. Surprised, he stood still for her, half-thinking she was taking a little more time and effort than needed to merely make him presentable.

Finally, she stepped back and nodded in satisfaction. “There we go. Ready?” she asked him, the barest hint of a blush on her cheeks… or was he imagining it?

“Ready,” he nodded back, putting on a confident air as he led Twilight into the courtroom to begin the trial.

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