• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 56 - Verdict

Ponyville District Court
Courtroom No. 2
June 11th, 5:59 PM

The case, despite Trixie’s assertion, was not quite over.

Before Phoenix’s theory of Ace’s death could be accepted and both Sonata and Rainbow Dash could be cleared of killing him, it had to be verified by police forensic and cloud ballistics specialists. They hastily re-examined the cloud and Ace’s body in light of Phoenix’s new version of events, causing the case to recess for a third time.

The Judge allowed Trixie to direct the investigation in the interests of expediency, if under close supervision, the mare magician in both physical and magical restraints with two bailiffs flanking her at all times. To her credit, she performed her final duty as prosecutor professionally though she made no eye contact with Phoenix or Twilight as court came back into session. She looked very subdued, even numb to Phoenix as she presented the results to the packed chamber, where it was now standing-room-only in the gallery.

Phoenix’s theory was confirmed. The coroner reported that Ace’s mouth had fine metal flakes behind his teeth that were matched to the club, and cloud ballistics found that the golf club itself bore the ‘aural residue’ of both the first and second lightning bolts, meaning it had been struck directly by both. When Phoenix inquired as to why such a test wasn’t performed on Ace to begin with, he was told only metal and crystal retained such residue.

Further examination of Ace’s body also revealed a ‘fractal scar’ beneath his fur that seemed to originate at his mouth and radiate down his neck—the telltale signature of a lightning strike; one Phoenix knew also existed in his own world.

There was, however, one final surprise in the data. The cloud ballistics specialists reported that more careful tests showed the second bolt was not random but had in fact been triggered, and the underside of the cloud had a disturbed area consistent with being struck head-first by a pegasus…

Meaning that Ace had accidentally called the bolt that killed him down on himself when he collided with the cloud.

Poetic justice! Phoenix couldn’t help but think, but Twilight was far less philosophical, visibly annoyed that so much potentially exculpatory evidence had been overlooked at the start and claiming she would have been far more thorough and careful. Phoenix didn’t doubt her, but he was more forgiving of Trixie and the police, knowing that police forensics and prosecutors often missed subtle things they didn’t know to look for. And neither did we until the very end…

When Trixie’s report was finished, the conclusions were unmistakable, and Sonata, who had been standing rigid, suddenly went weak in the knees. “I… I didn’t kill him!” she said, then collapsed over the front of the witness stand, laughing and crying all at once.

“I didn’t kill him! I didn’t kill him! I didn’t kill him! I didn’t kill him!” she proclaimed over and over between giggles and sobs, announcing that a great weight had been lifted from her soul.

It was more than a minute before she could speak again; Phoenix couldn’t help but smile as an avalanche of pent-up emotion and anguish finally poured out of the normally stoic grey mare. “Mister Wright, I… I don’t know what to say,” she eventually managed between sniffles, dabbing her eyes with a tissue a sympathetic Rarity had floated her.

“Never in my life has anypony—or anyone—done something like this for me…” she told him, her watery eyes only partially hidden behind her spectacles. “I can’t believe I was so wrong.” She took a deep but ragged breath. “So very wrong.”

“You weren’t wrong, Sonata,” Twilight spoke before Phoenix could. “That note was proof you were trying to do the right thing in the end. And I lived your memories when we were doing the playback spell. So I know exactly what you went through and what it must have done to you,” she told the other unicorn, worried she would be having nightmares of her own. “The terror you experienced was very real, and the emotional trauma you suffered because of it…” She shuddered. “Between that and all the pills and memory magic, you weren’t yourself. So I forgive you for going after Phoenix, as I’m sure he does too,” she said with a glance up at him.

“I do,” Phoenix nodded in agreement. “I forgive you, Sonata.”

The gray mare smiled sadly. “For which I thank you both. But I wasn’t actually talking about that. I meant that Mister Wright was correct—my powers of observation failed me. I overlooked such an important detail and thought I had killed Ace. It’s ironic I tried so hard to convince myself I hadn’t when I really didn’t.” She shook her head in happy disbelief. “If only I’d been thinking clearly. If only I’d been willing to face what happened instead of hiding from it. If only I could have looked at the scene dispassionately when I returned. Then I wouldn’t have had to put you, your friend, or Mister Wright through this ordeal to learn the ultimate truth of this event.”

“I don’t blame you for reacting the way you did,” Phoenix told her. “You were in shock. It would be impossible for anypony to be dispassionate or thinking clearly under those circumstances.”

“Be that as it may,” The Judge broke in. “Ms. Sonata. Though you may not have killed Ace Swift, you still face serious allegations including tampering with the crime scene and the blackmailing of numerous athletes, as well as orchestrating an assault on Mister Wright,” he reminded her. “As such, I am issuing a bench warrant for your arrest on these charges, and with such overwhelming evidence, you may expect to be found guilty and punished accordingly.”

“It’s all right, Your Honor.” Sonata bowed her head. “I have done some terrible things, and though I regret them, I humbly accept my sentence, whatever it may be,” she promised before turning to her left. “I also owe you an apology, Trixie. Both for earlier… and for what I did to you back in magic school,” she told the other mare. “In truth, I’ve always been jealous of your power and abilities. And I think the only pathetic fake here is me.”

Trixie’s only response was to look away, a dull pain in her eyes. She seemed more drained than anything else to Phoenix; her powers and emotions completely spent.

Sonata noticed, too. “Your Honor? Please go easy on Lula. I’m ashamed to say I used a past trauma from her life against her, and thus I helped drive her to do what she did,” she told him. “All I can say to her and to everypony is… I’m sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I just wanted to quit and leave all this ugly extortion business behind. I just wanted to be left in solitude and not have to think about any of this ever again.

“By the end… the guilt I felt over the blackmail and Ace was excruciating. But you’ve given me this second chance, Mister Wright.” She looked over at Phoenix. “You stayed determined and true to what you believed in, true to your client and your search for the truth when everypony—myself included—thought otherwise,” she noted. “I swear to Celestia and all present that from here on out, I will let your example be my guiding light. And for that…”

She closed her eyes and her horn flared, a little stronger than before with her distinctive silver-white aura. As everyone watched, she suddenly removed her spectacles, lowering them out of sight and then audibly crushing them beneath her hoof.

When she opened her eyes again, they were bright and clear, shining with joy and gratitude, startling everyone in the courtroom at how much her appearance and demeanor changed without her glasses. “I feel reborn. And for that… I thank you, Phoenix Wright.” She gave him a warm and happy smile; one that Phoenix would never have thought she was capable of.

And thank YOU, whoever you are! she mentally called to the mysterious human woman; she swore she felt a hoof—or was it a hand?—on her shoulder for just a moment as if in answer.

Phoenix smiled and bowed his head to her. “You’re very welcome, Sonata,” he answered as Twilight beamed with pride and the entire gallery rose to give him the pony equivalent of a standing ovation, whinnying, clopping and pinwheeling their forehooves in appreciation of his efforts.

“What a very peculiar turn of events,” The Judge noted in another prize understatement once the ruckus had died down. “It turned out the victim brought about his own death. There was no murder at all!” he summarized in renewed wonder. “One can only speculate that all that negative karma finally nipped him in the flank, very hard. But regardless, it would seem that in this case, I can now not only withdraw my previous verdict, but at long last render a proper one.”

No objection this time! Phoenix grinned, standing up straight to receive the ruling, Twilight moving closer to share the moment with him.

“In the case of Ms. Rainbow Dash, this court finds the defendant—”

The shout went up again, causing sounds of dismay from all corners of the courtroom… until The Judge gave a hearty laugh and all present realized the cry had come from him! “Well, I must say—that really is fun to do! Now I understand why you attorneys enjoy cutting off my verdict!” He stroked his beard as he mused, not noticing the increasingly lethal looks every pony in the chamber from the spectators to the bailiffs to Phoenix himself were giving him. “The tension! The suspense! The Drama! The—!”

“JUST GIVE THE BUCKING VERDICT!” The entire courtroom yelled at him as one, Phoenix slamming his hands down on the rail and Trixie throwing the soggy remains of her cape at him for emphasis.

The Judge looked surprised at the outburst. “Okay! Okay! There’s no need to be vulgar. You didn’t have to shout at me!” he insisted, looking almost hurt and clearing his throat. “On the charge of murder, this court hereby finds the defendant, Rainbow Dash…”

As he said the words, there was an explosion of confetti from Pinkie’s pre-placed Party Cannons that rained down all over the courtroom pit, startling Phoenix. But he shrugged it off, deciding that after all he’d seen and experienced, magical confetti was a fairly minor feat.

Ponyville District Court
Courtroom #2
June 11th, 6:17 PM

“Now that the murder charge is dispensed… there are some additional matters to adjudicate before we adjourn at the end of this very long day,” The Judge announced once the cheers had died down. “I’m afraid, Ms. Dash, that even though I find you innocent of murder, I cannot fully absolve you of blame in this matter.”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash looked up at him.

“It is clear from this trial that you did not intend to kill or even hurt the victim. But I cannot condone your actions in stealing that cloud and using it to ‘scare’ him. It was extremely reckless and dangerous of you, and I feel it warrants punishment.”

“But Your Honor! I was careful! I made sure he wasn’t standing under the cloud!” Rainbow protested before Phoenix could, but The Judge just shook his head.

“And what if he had been standing on top of or right beside the golf club, which you apparently did not know was there, Ms. Dash? Would the bolt not have been drawn to it—and him—regardless of where you aimed?”

“But—” Rainbow’s expression dropped as she considered the point—one Phoenix hadn’t even thought of himself. “If it was close enough… yeah, it probably would have. I didn’t even think of that. I’m sorry, Your Honor.”

“At least you admit it,” The Judge acknowledged in an approving tone. “Next time, Ms. Dash, go to the police and do not try to deal with such criminal matters as blackmail on your own!”

“With respect, Your Honor, I think Rainbow’s actions ended up saving a life—Ms. Tarot’s!” Phoenix pointed out. “Had the events not happened as they did, the confrontation between Ace and Sonata would likely have still occurred but could have had a far worse outcome.”

“Perhaps. But as there is no way for us to know such things, I leave that judgment to a higher court, Mister Wright,” he answered.

“Yes, Your Honor.” Phoenix took his meaning immediately, but wasn’t sure the ponies present would. Is there a pony deity or afterlife? he couldn’t help but wonder.

“You’re right, Your Honor,” Rainbow conceded. “I shouldn’t have done it. I screwed up, and I’m sorry.”

His expression softened a bit at her hangdog look. “You are a fine young mare, Ms. Dash, if a bit on the impulsive side. May this be a reminder to you to think through your actions and consider their consequences. Regardless, I checked during the last recess, and by Equestrian law, I am allowed to render judgment on lesser charges in place of a higher one, even without a plea agreement.

“Thus, it is my intention to find you guilty on one count of reckless endangerment in the second degree. For punishment, you will be fined two hundred bits, and given a suspended six-week sentence… unless there are objections from either counsel?” he asked after not immediately hearing one.

“No, Your Honor.” Trixie didn’t even look up.

“None, Your Honor,” Phoenix answered after a glance at Rainbow, who shook her head at him. He’s right. On this point, Rainbow’s guilty, and even she knows it. “The defense does not contest.”

“So ordered.” The Judge rapped his gavel once to make the ruling official. “Then next in line is the question of your actions in this trial, Mister Wright!” he said, his expression going stern again.

Phoenix grimaced, turning to face The Judge once more. Knew this was coming. Time to face the music…

“I grant that—yet again—you have managed to uncover the truth and prevent a great injustice, both to your client and to Ms. Sonata. But that does not absolve you of responsibility for your unethical and likely illegal actions in breaking into Ms. Sonata’s hotel room, or your falsely accusing Miss Fluttershy at the end of yesterday’s session!” The Judge told him in an increasingly severe tone.

“Regardless of the outcome of this trial—or Miss Fluttershy’s insistence that you not be punished—I can neither condone nor accept such actions as being right or necessary. The fact of the matter remains that you were inexcusably unprepared for the first day of trial, and an innocent pony suffered because of it!” he told his fellow human, and Phoenix felt the sting of his words. “Before I pass judgment, do you have anything to say in your defense, Mister Wright?”

Phoenix bowed his head and made a halting motion at Twilight as he saw her ready to speak up on his behalf. “No, Your Honor. I am guilty of everything you said. I can only offer my apologies to this court, as I have already done to Miss Fluttershy.”

The Judge shook his head. “Apologies alone are not enough this time, Mister Wright, as I believe this is the second time you have falsely accused an innocent witness in as many cases!” he reminded his fellow human, causing Phoenix to wince and Twilight to give him a startled look. “No more. For your actions in this trial, I hereby find you in contempt of court! He brought his gavel down, making the ruling official. “Now as to your punishment… I believe that earlier, I promised to impose the maximum possible penalty of five days in jail and a 500-bit fine for any further breaking of court rules,” he recalled as he stroked his beard.

“You did, Your Honor,” Phoenix acknowledged, and for the first time, he felt genuine worry over his sentence. How am I going to pay a fine in Equestrian currency? And will they only allow me hay and water for the duration of my prison stay?

“However… in light of the remarkable outcome of this trial, I will forgo the jail time,” The Judge decided, to Phoenix’s great relief. “In its place, you are hereby fined 500 bits and sentenced to fifty hours of community service, and further ordered to stand before an Equestrian Attorney Misconduct Board in Canterlot,” he told him. “Do you have any cases pending back home, Mister Wright?”

Phoenix deflated a little at that. “No, Your Honor,” he conceded, not wanting to admit he hadn’t had a client in months; Maya’s new slogan notwithstanding.

The Judge nodded. “Then there is no reason for you not to remain here and face punishment for your actions.”

Twilight felt her heart leap at the news Phoenix would be staying for a while, struggling to keep the smile off her face, but the feelings of Phoenix himself were far more mixed. He liked Equestria, and he certainly didn’t mind the idea of staying a spell—to say nothing of spending more time with Twilight—But what if a client needs me back home? And how am I going to get word to Maya? he fretted. Knowing her, she’s probably already panicked and called out the search dogs over me being gone for two days…

The Judge broke his train of thought. “And as for you, Ms. Trixie…” His voice took on a much more ominous tone. “Aside from your contempt citation, you are also now facing numerous charges given your attempted assault on Mister Wright, and the magical duel that followed. Regardless of the outcome of your trial, you, too, will face a Misconduct Board. Unfortunately, given your repeated attempts at collusion with witnesses to keep evidence and information suppressed… I’m afraid I have no choice but to recommend disbarment.”

“Yes, Your Honor,” Trixie acknowledged with surprising meekness, sounding very numb. In truth, she was still in shock, unable to believe it. After everything that had transpired, after being inches away from her victory, even after a guilty verdict, it ultimately hadn't mattered—Phoenix Wright had still found a way to win, pulling off an absolutely miraculous turnabout, turning her own arguments and evidence against her! And even worse, she’d helped him do it just to get back at Sonata, blind to the truth he’d finally revealed.

Was it that I was blind or just so lost and consumed by hate that I refused to see the truth? That I was willing to banish an innocent pony just to get back at Snarkle? she asked herself belatedly as she realized that Phoenix Wright had managed to give a happy ending to everypony—everypony except her, she reflected bitterly.

Of course not. There’s NEVER a happy ending for me. It doesn't matter what I do; I can never win...

With that thought, a sad smile cracked her face. “I can never win,” she muttered to herself with a weak chuckle. Then, as if the floodgates had opened, the mare magician burst out into full-blown laughter. “Even when I’m right, it turns out I’m wrong! Even when I win, I lose!” she announced. “Isn’t that funny, Your Honor? It doesn’t matter what I do or how hard I try, I never win!” she continued her uncontrollable laughing, which gradually gave way to crying, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. “I never win…” she said one last time before collapsing headfirst to the remains of her bench again, the one she had so proudly prosecuted behind, her sobs barely muffled by her cuffed hooves.

The freshly broken showmare couldn’t see Twilight’s gaze upon her, sorrow and pity in the other unicorn’s eyes. It was only then Twilight noticed something there at her hoof, tucked back in the corner under the defense bench where it had been blown…

Trixie’s hat.

The Judge stared at Trixie for a moment. He looked like he was going to call for order again, but in the end, he just shook his head sadly, deciding the showmare was no longer his problem. “You may pay the fine to the court clerk when you are able, Mister Wright, and I will leave the exact question of how your community service will be served to the attorney misconduct board. In the meantime, our business here is concluded. Court is now adjourned!”

He brought his gavel down for the final time before getting up to retire to his chambers, the unicorn bailiff mare holding the door open for him and then falling in behind him, escorting him down the hall.

Ponyville District Court
Defense Waiting Area
June 11th, 6:31 PM

Rainbow Dash had barely been released from her hoof and wing shackles before she shot across the room and Phoenix found himself knocked backwards, taken in a rib-crushing hug. “You did it, Nix! You WON!” she shouted in joyful relief, squeezing him so hard Phoenix thought he was going to pass out.

“Rainbow? Let me go!” he barely croaked, unable to take a breath, amazed and alarmed she could be so light and yet so strong at the same time.

“Rainbow!” Twilight called out in alarm at seeing his distress, yanking her friend off him with her magic.

“It was a victory hug!” Rainbow insisted as she saw Phoenix coughing. “Geez, you need some more meat on your bones, Nix!”

“A little more gently, next time!” Phoenix coughed, loosening his collar. “And you’re welcome.”

“That was incredible, Phoenix,” Twilight spoke up. “You not only saved Rainbow Dash, but Sonata as well!” Now if only there was a way to save Trixie, she wished, stowing the showmare’s wizard hat in her saddlebags and wondering how best to return it. Or should I even be the one to do it…?

Her thought was broken by a sudden and very familiar buzzing sound, followed by a helmeted young filly zooming into the room on a scooter, propelled efficiently by her tiny wings. “Rainbow Dash! I came as fast as I could!” she said as she hopped off her scooter and removed her helmet, revealing a slightly unruly mulberry-colored mane paired with orange fur and light purple eyes.

Phoenix didn’t recognize her, but Rainbow Dash did. “Scootaloo? What are you doing here?” She asked in genuine surprise.

“Well, I tried getting in that Detention Center, but those armored thugs out front wouldn’t let me through!” She looked angry for a moment, giving Phoenix an appraising glance. “And you have no idea how much I wanted to come to the trial yesterday but I was stuck in school! Can you believe Miss Cheerilee said I wasn’t allowed to leave? This was an emergency! So I came over at lunch, but the guards said I wasn’t allowed in without an adult!” She rolled her eyes. “I had to wait outside the whole time!”

“Um… correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t today a school day, too?” Twilight pointed out.

“Well, yeah, but… Apple Bloom got the day off for coming down here!” Scootaloo offered.

“That’s because she was testifying as a witness,” Twilight pointed out, then her expression went horrified. “Don’t tell me you just took off from school without permission!?”

“Oh, uh…” The young filly’s eyes went evasive for a moment. “Okay! I won’t tell you that!” she said brightly, flaring her small wings.

“You deliberately cut your classes?” Twilight was aghast. “What is wrong with this generation?”

“Well, the reason I came down here was to help!” the orange filly announced proudly. “Detective Scootaloo has come to crack the case as a Cutie Mark Crusader Private Investigator!” She shouted so loud Phoenix winced.

Phoenix wasn’t sure what to say to that, but Twilight was. “Not another one!” she groaned as she facehoofed.

“So you’re that human lawyer dude Apple Bloom was talking about, right?” Scootaloo asked, giving Phoenix another appraising look.

“Yep, that’s me.” Phoenix nodded, not sure what to make of the young filly. She seemed like a younger version of Rainbow Dash in some ways, between her unruly shock of hair and generally cocky temperament. But why the scooter? Why didn’t she just fly in?

“Well, Mister Lawyer, look at all this great evidence I found! Here!” She shoved a few items at Phoenix with her hoof.

Phoenix accepted them in some bemusement. “A bottle cap… a peanut… and a pine cone?” he cataloged in turn, exchanging a quick glance with Twilight, who just shook her head and gave him a wan but helpless smile that told him to roll with it.

“I’m glad you came down to help, kid, but everything’s fine now!” Rainbow said, giving the young filly’s mane an affectionate ruffle. “Nix here got me off!” she motioned to Phoenix with her wing.

“Aw… you’re saying I missed it all?” The young filly went crestfallen.

“Don’t encourage her! She skipped school!” Twilight looked so angry Phoenix thought she might burst into flames again. “Tell her, Rainbow!”

Rainbow blinked. “Oh, yeah!” she said in a placating tone. “That’s bad… and stuff… and you, uh… shouldn’t do that, Scootaloo…” she offered without any conviction or enthusiasm, looking up to the ceiling in what seemed to Phoenix halfway between an eye roll and deep thinking.

“Anything to help you, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo flared her wings happily again, leaving Phoenix thinking they looked small even on her small form.

Twilight sighed and shook her head, realizing this was one argument she wasn’t going to win. “Well, back on the subject of Sonata,” she addressed Phoenix, “do you have any idea what’s going to happen to her?”

“Well…” Phoenix sat back down, happy to take a load off after having been on his feet for the better part of eight hours. “She’ll be facing a few years in prison for tampering with the crime scene and blackmailing all those racers, but that’s just a slap on the wrist compared to the punishment of murder, or even manslaugh—er, ponyslaughter,” he said, scratching his chin. Come to think of it, she’ll need a lawyer. Wonder if they’d let ME represent her? He had the sudden idea. Could THAT be my community service?

“Is the same thing going to happen to Gilda?” Rainbow Dash wanted to know.

“Yeah, but not to that degree,” he reassured her. “She’s facing charges for perjury and crime scene tampering, but she’s a first-time offender. If she pleads guilty and gets a decent defense attorney, she should be out in no more than a couple months,” Phoenix promised. “For Sonata, though…”

“It’s all right. I don’t mind,” a familiar but surprisingly jovial voice said from the waiting area entrance. “It could have been worse. So much worse.”

“Sonata!” Phoenix recognized, getting back up to greet her. “Weren’t you being taken into custody?” he asked, seeing no restraints on her and only a single pegasus bailiff attending her; he still found the sight of her without her glasses jarring—she looked so different now!

“I asked if I could speak with you one last time, and the guards accommodated my request,” she explained with a nod back at her escort. Twilight smiled as well, though Rainbow’s greeting was considerably cooler, offering only a terse nod.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” he asked, clasping his hands in front of him.

“I just wanted to let you know that you were right. I have done some truly despicable things.” Her eyes flickered to Rainbow before going downcast again, while Twilight glared her friend silent.

Phoenix’s cheeks flushed. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. it was just in the heat of the moment and—”

“It’s all right,” she waved him off, looking back up to meet his eyes. “You don’t need to feel bad about me. But I do owe you an apology, Phoenix Wright. And most certainly you as well, Rainbow Dash. I not only orchestrated the blackmail scheme against you and so many other athletes, but tried framing you for murder.” She bowed her head and lowered her ears submissively before the other mare. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to forgive me…”

To little surprise, Rainbow didn’t, her wings flaring in anger. “After taking those pictures and nearly getting me sent to the sun? Fat chance, you no-good, conniving little—!”

“Rainbow!” both Twilight and Phoenix scolded her, but Sonata waved them off.

“It’s okay if she doesn’t want to forgive me, Phoenix,” she chuckled, and it wasn’t forced or fake. But then her smile abruptly dropped as her eyes went past Phoenix to the open hallway door.

“Honestly, I’m having a hard time doing that as well!” a new female voice called out; one Phoenix didn’t recognize. He turned, and his heart dropped into his stomach as he beheld…

Ah! Another GRIFFON! he cringed, belatedly identifying her from her headband as Lenora. Now that he was seeing her up close, he could see she had a darker coat than Gilda and a sleeker build, as befit a racer. Though that didn’t change the fact she was nearly as big as the lion her hindquarters looked like. I just hope she doesn’t want to rip me to shreds like Gilda!

“Lenora!” Twilight greeted her warmly, offering her hoof, not noticing Phoenix tense.

“Hello, Twilight Sparkler!” The griffon eagless bumped her paw to Twilight’s hoof, talons curled inward.

Twilight growled low under her breath at the mispronunciation as Sonata turned impassive, waiting as Lenora turned to a disconcerted Phoenix next, looking him over from head to toe. “Sorry, it’s just that I’ve never seen a human before today. Great job winning the trial!” she congratulated him, offering her paw to Phoenix in turn, giving him some pause as she opened her sharp-looking talons as if to grasp. “Though I admit I was a little unhappy with you for accusing Cruise there.”

“Yeah… uh, sorry.” Phoenix returned the gesture with some trepidation, starting when she grasped his forearm instead of his hand, causing him to quickly do the same back before she took offense at him not greeting her properly. “Uh… y-you don’t want to tear me to smithereens too, do you?” he couldn’t help but ask in a nervous tone.

“Um… what?” Lenora gave him a funny look as she let go. “Cruise attacked you. I know that now. Why wouldn’t you suspect him?”

“Never mind him. Why are you here?” Twilight asked. “I noticed you were at the trial earlier, but then you disappeared?”

Lenora nodded. “I left to find Cruise at the Detention Center. I wanted to ask him if Mister Wright’s accusations were true, and try to get him to testify against Sonata when I realized that she was being called to the stand,” she explained, pinning the grey mare with a stare, her wings flaring in anger. “I’m just sorry I wasn’t there to see Mister Wright and Twilight Sparkler here take you down! I heard it was quite the scene.” She grinned at the pair, missing Twilight’s peeved look when her name got mispronounced once more. “I even brought him with me,” she said as she reached outside and pulled a second figure inside; a downtrodden blue pegasus stallion with a cloud-colored mane and tail wearing a pair of brown pleather flight goggles on his forehead.

“Cruise Control!” Twilight flinched and immediately moved to stand between the newcomer and Phoenix, whose eyes widened in surprise at the name—he’d never actually seen his assailant. “Isn’t he supposed to be in detention?”

THIS is Cruise Control? Phoenix looked at the forlorn and unkempt pegasus male, whose wings hung limp and green eyes were locked on the ground in front of him. He hardly seems capable of attacking someone!

“His lawyer got the proceedings stayed pending the outcome of this trial, after I told him Sonata blackmailed Cruise into ambushing you, Mister Wright. He even got Cruise released on his own recognizance,” Lenora replied, draping a wing affectionately over the still-silent stallion. “And given Sonata’s confession, he says he should be able to get all charges against Cruise dismissed now. Thank you, Mister Golden Rule!” she called out over her shoulder.

“My pleasure,” a voice answered from the hallway as a new pony came into view, causing Phoenix to do a double-take at the startlingly familiar voice coming from a rather portly orange-brown earth pony stallion with a greying black mane and thick curled mustache, wearing only a dress shirt and matching suit jacket with a gold-colored tie.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Mister Wright,” he acknowledged a gawking Phoenix, giving him a low bow and clearing his throat loudly as he entered. “We arrived here in time for the last ten minutes of the trial, and I must say—that was the greatest courtroom feat I’ve ever seen an attorney perform. You sir, have inspired me to become a better lawyer!” he offered Phoenix his hoof.

“Uh… you’re welcome.” Phoenix bumped his fist back weakly; he couldn’t help but stare as the stallion lawyer disappeared from sight again. Was he…? He looks and sounds just like…!

“So we decided we were going to pony up and testify about Ace and Sonata’s blackmail scheme, even despite what she still had on us,” she said as she glared at Sonata anew. “But it turns out it wasn’t necessary.”

Twilight was visibly surprised. “Really? But how? How did you convince Cruise to testify, I mean, given…?” She knew better than to say more.

Lenora looked suddenly chagrined. “I… went against Cruise’s wishes and wrote Princess Celestia, detailing the situation with Catalina—Cruise’s sister,” she explained with an apologetic look at the still-downcast Cruise, “I was terrified I was doing the wrong thing, but the princess immediately wrote back and gave Cruise a royal guarantee that Catalina would not be removed from Canterlot hospital. That was all it took,” she said, a little sadly as Twilight mentally kicked herself for not writing the princess earlier herself as she’d had the idea to. “I don’t know if he’ll ever forgive me for taking that chance, but… it had to be done.” She nuzzled him and was gratified when he seemed to reciprocate, pushing back with his cheek against her.

“That was very brave of you. And I know sorry isn’t enough for what I helped do to you both,” Sonata acknowledged, forcing herself to meet Lenora’s angry gaze. “But I truly am. What I did to you—to everypony—was wrong. So very wrong…” She went downcast again.

“To be fair, she was intending to stop it before Ace’s death,” Phoenix felt compelled to speak up on Sonata’s behalf. “Here’s her resignation letter to Ace. You weren’t at the trial to see what happened, but suffice it to say, her telling Ace she was quitting put her in serious danger.” He held out the letter to her. “Ace tried to kill her over it.”

Lenora scanned the taped-together letter but was still unconvinced. “News flash, Phoenix Wright! She did it again when she got Cruise to attack you! And that was after Ace bit the dust!” she pointed out, her tail twitching angrily.

“Let me make it up to you then,” Sonata spoke up before Phoenix could tell the pair about how the painkiller pills had been affecting her. “Cruise—your sister is still in a coma, right?” she asked him directly.

He perked up, giving her a wary look. “Y-yes?”

“After Ace died, half of his estate went to his mother; the other half to me.” She drew herself up straighter as she spoke. “To begin my atonement, I’m going to donate every last bit of my share to medical research regarding your sister’s case,” she promised, bowing her head to him.

He stared at her in disbelief and a near-desperate hope. “Y-you’d do that?”

“I would. And just so you know, it was you and your sister’s case that finally made me decide to quit,” she told him, then turned to Twilight, who was standing at Phoenix’s side. “Twilight Sparkle? Since I’m going to be in prison for quite a while, can you manage my money for me and make sure it goes towards that cause?” Sonata asked. “Since you’re a former citizen of Canterlot, it shouldn’t be too hard legally for you to arrange.”

“Yes, it would be my pleasure.” Twilight smiled and bowed at the request, but then her brow furrowed in confusion. “Wait—how did you know I used to live in Canterlot? I don’t think we’ve ever met before.”

“I just noticed the slightly smug and self-important manner in which you carry yourself.” Sonata smiled again, and Phoenix couldn’t but do so as well. “A lot of Canterlot citizens adopt a rather distinct saunter and a high-class accent which they then take with them when they move. I can tell you’ve been living in Ponyville for a while now, but you haven’t quite been able to lose them,” she pronounced, closing her eyes in satisfaction.

Twilight goggled. “Wow! Your talent really is incredible! It’s amazing how you can…!” she trailed off as she suddenly realized something. “Wait—smug and self-important?”

“If you really can do that? Then thank you.” Cruise smiled back.

“Whatever,” Lenora said with a dismissive wave of her paw. “I still don’t trust her after what she’s done. And I don’t think I can ever like her.”

“I wronged you as well, Lenora,” Sonata apologized again. “I wronged you both even before Catalina’s accident. All I can really offer is that I’m well and truly sorry. I’ve learned my lesson, and I will be punished severely.”

Lenora studied her carefully and finally nodded. “Well, if Cruise and Mister Wright can forgive you? Maybe I can, too. Kinda-sorta.” She shrugged. “But I’m going to want to see that you keep your word first!”

“’Kinda-sorta’?” Phoenix echoed.

“Uh, yeah. Kinda-sorta. You know, like kinda and sorta?”

How about ‘makes no’, and ‘sense’! Phoenix didn’t say.

Lenora then turned to Rainbow Dash. “So you’re that newbie racer I’ve been hearing so much about! Congratulations on the acquittal!” She curled her talons into a loose fist and offered them to Rainbow. “I’ve heard a lot of good things about you, Rainbow Dash, and your Sonic Rainboom is legendary even in the Griffon Kingdom. I look forward to going head-to-head with you in the Equestrian 500!”

“Thank you.” Rainbow bumped her hoof back and preened, opening her wings to proudly display them. “You’ll see I’m no slouch, promise!”

“Yeah! Rainbow Dash is totally going to win the whole thing! No contest!” Scootaloo declared, sitting beside her idol.

“I’m glad to hear it.” Lenora grinned, an amused note in her voice, giving the young pegasus filly an affectionate mane ruffle. “Well, you be sure and take good care of your big sister here,” she told her, completely misreading their relationship.

“Big…” Rainbow trailed off in surprise, while Scootaloo just blushed and beamed.

“Well, we best be going now. We’ve got a lot of practice and conditioning to catch up on before the race. We wish you all well! Yeah, even you,” Lenora conceded, giving Sonata another momentary if half-hearted glower.

“Hey—maybe I’ll actually watch the race this year!” Twilight thought out loud. “I don’t have wings, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it and root for Rainbow anyway!”

“That’s the spirit! Finally, somepony showing some patriotism and taking the Equestrian 500 seriously!” Lenora praised. “More power to you, Twilight Sparkler!”

Far from looking complimented, Twilight’s expression turned angry again and her elemental powers began to reassert themselves despite her drained state; Phoenix took an immediate step back as her eyes began to glow red once more.

“It’s ‘Sparkle’…” she ground out through gritted teeth. “Sparkle!” she repeated, more forcefully as her mane began to smoke. “SPARKLE!!!!!” her mane and tail ignited. “NOT SPARKLER! SPARKLE! SPARKLE! SPARRRRRKKKKLLLLLE!!!!!!!” She jumped in place a little higher and shouted a little louder each time, her mane and tail ablaze as all present took several steps back.

All, that was, except Lenora, who was staring at her, seemingly completely unimpressed by the display of magical fire… which suddenly erupted in a blast of steam as the overhead fire sprinklers were triggered and magically targeted Twilight, putting out her flames and leaving her sullen and wet.

“There’s no need to go off like a blowtorch! You could have just told me in a calmer tone and I would have gotten it!” Lenora informed the dripping unicorn mare over flared wings, looking away in disgust.

Twilight found her anger extinguished along with her flames. “B-but—”

“It’s okay. Twi has these little temper tantrums from time to time. But we love her anyway,” Rainbow Dash told Lenora, giving a soaked Twilight an affectionate noogie with her hoof. “But can you do us a favor and take Scootaloo here back home?”

“Aww! But I wanted to stay here and celebrate with all of you!” The young filly looked crushed.

“Sorry, squirt. If it was up to me, you could stay, but you’re probably in trouble with your Aunts anyway after running off like that, and you need to get home now,” Rainbow told her. “Can you guys take her?”

“Sure, Rainbow Dash. I want to stay far away from Crabby Miss-Mane-Flame here until she decides to chill out!” Lenora rolled her eyes. “Pity there isn’t some ice elemental around who could cool her off…” she trailed off as she exited, waiting for Cruise and Scootaloo.

Twilight went crestfallen as well. “B-but I’m not—”

Cruise only chuckled, looking genuinely happy for the first time. “We’ll see you all later,” he promised. “You can fly, right?” he asked Scootaloo, whose expression dropped at the question.

“No. I can’t,” she admitted to Phoenix’s surprise. “Not yet. But just you watch, pal! One day I’m gonna be just as awesome a flyer as Rainbow Dash!” she promised, flaring her undersized wings again, leaving Phoenix wondering if she was just a late bloomer or if there was something genuinely wrong with her.

Cruise’s grin got wider. “You look up to her a lot, don’t you?”

“Well, duh!” Scootaloo said. “She’s the fastest, bestest, most coolest pony ever! We’re like birds of a feather!” she said, moving to stand beside her idol again, who gave her mane another affectionate ruffle in response.

There was a sudden sadness in Cruise’s eyes. “You know, you remind me a lot of…” he trailed off and his eyes went hooded for a moment, but this time he seemed to quickly shake it off. “Never mind. We better get you home, then. Hop on my back; I’ll give you a lift free of charge!” he offered, crouching down and waiting for Scootaloo to climb aboard.

She did so quickly. “Goodbye, everypony!” she called out from his back as Cruise trotted out.

“’Sparkle, Sparkle, Sparkle!’” they heard Lenora pantomiming Twilight from outside as Cruise and Scootaloo joined her. “She didn’t have to yell at me! It’s not my fault pony names are so hard to remember…” they heard her voice fade out as they walked away.

“How in the hoof is ‘Twilight Sparkle’ hard to remember?” a still-dripping Twilight asked Phoenix and Rainbow while behind her, the two pegasus guards were looking like they were doing their best not to burst out in laughter.

“Actually, that went over a little better than I expected.” Sonata smiled as Twilight materialized a towel from somewhere and began to dry herself off. “Phoenix? After all you’ve done, I don’t have the right to ask for any more favors. But could you please do one more thing for me?” She looked up at him.

“What’s that?” Phoenix inquired as Twilight looked back angrily at the still-chortling guards.

“It’s about your friend, Pinkie Pie,” she told him.

Phoenix blinked. “Pinkie Pie? What about her?” he asked, wondering again how she’d made her fleeting appearances at the trial and why she hadn’t been there otherwise.

Sonata smiled again. “Tell her that I said thank you. You see, back in my hotel room, when she made her jokes and you saw I was in pain? It was actually because I was trying my hardest not to laugh,” she admitted, to Phoenix’s surprise. “In the haze I was in, between my cracked horn, the painkiller pills, the memory spells and all the emotional trauma, she was the only thing that broke through. I didn’t think I’d ever laugh again at that point, but she showed me I still could. So thank her for me, if you would.”

Phoenix smiled as well. Score one for the Element of Laughter! “Will do. Anything else?” He considered asking if she wanted him to represent her right then and there, but decided against it for the time being—he simply didn’t know if he’d be allowed to and didn’t want to make a promise he couldn’t keep.

To her surprise, she actually blushed and looked away for a moment. “Actually… there is one more thing,” she admitted. “And I hope your co-counsel will forgive me,” she added with a glance over at Twilight, who was now looking at her curiously.

“Uh… okay?” Phoenix waited.

“Well… I don’t know if this is appropriate for humans, but…” She trailed off and blushed again just before she reared up and hugged him hard, wrapping her forelegs around him. “Thank you for saving me, Phoenix Wright,” she said as a surprised Phoenix quickly checked with Twilight, who looked equally startled but gave him a nod and smile.

With that, Phoenix returned the gesture, hugging the grey mare’s head to his chest. Does feel kind of odd, though. Almost like I’m hugging Mia! he thought as Sonata suddenly propped her forehooves on his shoulders, pushed back from him slightly and stretched out her neck to whisper in his ear.

“And thank your human lady friend for me—the one who speaks with my voice,” she told him very quietly, causing him to start and stare. “I don’t know who she is, but let her know I’m very grateful,” she added as she broke the embrace and went back to all fours, wondering again why she felt an odd kinship to the mysterious woman.

“Bleah. Mushy stuff,” Rainbow rolled her eyes after Sonata was led away, Phoenix still staring after her. “But Nix, seriously—I can’t thank you enough after all you did for me. I owe you one!”

“Really?” Phoenix glanced at Twilight, who took his look for the instruction it was, heading out into the hallway to retrieve her waiting friends—she’d told Phoenix what she was planning just after the trial adjourned, messaging Spike as well. “Because I don’t think I’m the one you should be thanking.”

“Huh?” Rainbow blinked. “What do you mean?”

“There’s somepony who deserves your gratitude even more than me,” he replied, giving a quick glance past Rainbow to the entrance, seeing the pony that was now poised there, ready to be presented.

Rainbow looked confused for a moment, her eyes going towards the ceiling. “Oh! Right! Thanks for hiring such a cool lawyer, Twilight!” she called out, not having noticed her friend was gone.

Phoenix stared at her for a moment. What do you have to do to get her to see something? Does she only notice things when she’s flying? “Well, it’s nice that you’re thanking Twilight, and she certainly deserves her share of the credit. But that’s not who I had in mind.” He crossed his arms. “You got acquitted because of this particular individual.”

Rainbow only looked more confused. “You mean The Judge?”

Phoenix wanted to facepalm. “No.”

“You can’t mean Trixie,” she said the name in distaste.

“No. Though admittedly, she did play a critical part. Try again,” Phoenix instructed.

“Scootaloo?” Rainbow tried next, and this time, Phoenix couldn’t hold it back.

“Ugh! NO!” He put his hand on his head in exasperation. “Somepony without whom you would have been found guilty!”

“Uh… Heh-heh.” Rainbow gave a placating smile that said she had no idea who he was talking about. “I’m not good at oral exams, Nix. Can you refresh my memory? I forget things easily.”

Do I REALLY have to spell this out for you!? Phoenix wanted to scream, in disbelief that anyone could be so dense. Fine! “The trial would have been lost without…”

“Fluttershy,” he finished, which Twilight took as her cue to escort her friend in, who approached Rainbow with some trepidation.

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow repeated in disbelief, her wings flaring in anger again, not noticing her friends entering. “But she betrayed me! She helped Trixie by testifying against me!”

“She did do that,” Phoenix agreed as her friends took position behind the still-oblivious Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity and Spike in back with Twilight and a cowering Fluttershy in front. “But not to betray you. She did it because it was the truth, and she was required to tell it,” he reminded her with a glance at Applejack, who nodded her approval, the country mare looking like she wanted to smack Rainbow Dash with her Stetson right then and there.

“But that’s not—!” Rainbow Dash started to protest, only to be stopped short by a stern shake of Phoenix’s head.

“You had been given a guilty verdict, Rainbow. Your fate was sealed. I had nothing left to fight with…” he trailed off, suppressing a shudder at how close they had come, wondering what bad end would have been reached had it not been for Fluttershy’s unlikely intervention. “Then she objected, flew down and took the stand in the face of all that attention and doubt, and forced the trial to continue despite the verdict,” he reminded her.

“Don’t think that was an easy feat, especially in the face of all that pressure and scrutiny she was under. I haven’t known her as long as you have, but I could tell she was scared out of her mind yet still trying her absolute hardest for you up there,” he concluded. “She did it for you, Rainbow! Out of her friendship, love… and loyalty to you,” he took great pains to emphasize. “Things would have ended a lot differently had she not done what she did.”

Twilight spoke up from behind Rainbow. “He’s right, Rainbow. And I think that’s a lot more than you deserved after the way you treated her this morning,” she scolded as gently as she could.

“O-oh…” Rainbow suddenly went downcast, rubbing the back of her head with her hoof. “Well, uh… yeah, maybe I was a little rough on her.”

“Well, maybe you should tell her that yourself!” Phoenix nodded behind Rainbow, who turned and started to see all her friends but Pinkie Pie present.

“Hello, everypony!” Fluttershy offered cautiously, mustering her courage to smile at Rainbow and Phoenix.

While Rainbow hesitated, Phoenix took the lead. “Fluttershy, I can’t thank you enough! You did great in there!” he told her, getting down on one knee before her and causing both Twilight and Rarity to blush even as a badly deflated Rainbow Dash looked away. “You saved us both. I owe you everything. My victory… and even my life,” he told her, bowing his head before her.

Fluttershy looked surprised—and very flattered—by his words and deferential manner, her cheeks blushing along with those of her friends. “It was no problem, Mister Phoenix.” She closed her eyes and flashed a winning smile, reaching in to rub her cheek against his, causing Phoenix to feel that he’d once again been touched by an angel.

“Well, in fairness, your timing could have been a little better,” Phoenix admitted in a slightly playful tone as he stood back up, his words causing her to draw back.

“O-oh! I’m s-sorry my timing wasn’t good!” she apologized immediately, looking nervous again and causing the others to give Phoenix a warning look.

“Easy there, Fluttershy—I’m just teasing. It’s alright. We won, didn’t we?” he told her, giving her a grateful scratch behind the ears.

“Yes, we did!” she immediately agreed as she accepted his gesture with some surprise but couldn’t help but lean into it a bit, amazed at how good his talons (?) felt, wondering again what kind of phoenix he was to have such odd appendages. “Congratulations, Rainbow Dash!” She looked over at Rainbow, who was sitting off to the side with a hangdog expression, hunched over and giving her only furtive looks.

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight prompted. “Don’t you have something to say?”

“Yes. Like how incredibly sorry you are?” Rarity asked in anger, stepping towards her friend. “We just now learned of how you treated her before the trial. How dare you speak to Fluttershy in such a manner, Rainbow Dash!” she said, pointedly closing her eyes and turning her head away.

“And how!” Spike added as he glared at her over crossed arms. “What, did you want her to lie for you? Go to jail for you? Be sent to the sun for you? Would that have made you happy, Rainbow?”

“No, b-but—” Rainbow began to protest, her expression and wings drooping a little more with each sentence Spike spoke.

“No buts!” Applejack called out next, walking up to get in the other mare’s face. “After what you did to her, ‘n after all she did fer you, you bucking well better say yer sorry, Rainbow Dash!” She poked the other mare hard in the chest. “You’d’ve been banished if it weren’t fer her!”

“I… uh…” Rainbow visibly cringed as the words struck home, forcing herself to face her friends. “I… I’m sorry, Fluttershy,” she finally managed in a shaky tone. “Th-thank you.”

“Oh. It’s okay,” Fluttershy replied easily, taking a tentative step towards Rainbow.

“NO, IT’S NOT OKAY!” Rainbow Dash suddenly exclaimed vehemently, stomping her hoof and flaring her wings once more. “They’re right, Fluttershy! So don’t pretend this morning didn’t happen! You can’t say everything’s okay when I treated you like dirt! she told her friend. “I said so many awful things to you, and I was wrong! Wrong about all of them.” Every feather and hair on her mane suddenly seemed to droop.

“I said I hated you! And even then… y-you still came back and helped me?” She turned away completely, unable to meet Fluttershy’s eyes or those of her other friends. “Why, Fluttershy? Why would you do that after how rotten I was to you? Why would you even want to help me?”

Fluttershy’s answer was characteristically simple and heartfelt. “Because you’re my friend, Rainbow Dash.” She went up to her friend and gently turned her around to face her. “I was so scared to go back on that stand, with all those eyes staring down at me,” she visibly shivered at the memory, “and after what happened last time, I really didn’t want to make things worse for you like I did yesterday.”

“Then why did you do it if you were so scared?” Phoenix prompted, genuinely curious.

She turned her beautiful teal eyes on him. “Because, Mister Phoenix… after I saw that stick again, I knew that other mare had something to do with this, and that I needed to let everypony know. So I thought to myself—what would she do?” she asked in her soft but lovely voice, her eyes going frightened, then determined as she remembered the agony of her decision. “What would the strongest and bravest pony that I know do?

“I knew she would dart in, force everypony to pay attention to her and make them listen. I knew that she would stand her ground and be strong, saying what she needed to say. So I promised her I would try my hardest to be there for her and be brave for her...” she trailed off and turned back to Rainbow, looking directly into her friend’s rose-colored eyes. “Because that’s what that strong and brave pony has always done for me.”

11 Years Earlier

Rainbow Dash was eight years old, one of the fastest flyers of her age at the Cloudsdale Flight School… and was in total disbelief.

“Why aren’t you mad? Those three jerks knocked you right out of the sky and hurt you, for crying out loud!” she asked the injured yellow pegasus filly she was tending to, who remained silent except for her continued sniffling, tears still matting down her yellow cheeks. She’d been injured by three reckless colts joyriding through the air as she was flying home from another unhappy day at flight school, the force of their passing knocking her down and causing her to hit the pillar they were now in front of, twisting her ankle.

“You’re lucky I was there to see so I could fix you up! Don’t worry, I picked up first-aid from my dad. He always patches me up when I get banged up!” Rainbow’s eyes widened. “Oh! Speaking of which! Check this out! I got it from crashing in to this same pillar! Awesome, huh?” she asked, spotlighting a large scar on her right forehoof.

But the pink-maned pegasus still did not look up or reply, her head remaining downcast as Rainbow wrapped the bandage around her injured leg.

“You don’t talk much, do you?” Rainbow noted a little dryly, feeling bemused. She was so used to her fellow pegasi being competitive and strong-willed. They were descended from great warriors, after all, yet this one seemed the complete opposite of all that; Rainbow had no idea why or how to approach her. “Look, those three morons give me trouble every day calling me that—Rgh! Dumb name! But take it from me, if you want them to stop bullying you, you just have to stick up for yourself and show them who’s boss!”

“I… I can’t…” the yellow filly finally managed to force out in an extremely quiet voice, looking and sounding heartbroken, tears welling in her teal eyes once more.

“Why not?” Rainbow replied in shock at hearing her incredibly meek, soft-spoken voice as she secured the bandage around her leg.

“I try, but I just can’t. I can’t stand up to them. I-I don’t know how. And they always make fun of me for not being able to fly right,” she whimpered, letting the pain show in her voice. Rainbow knew instinctively it wasn’t the hurt of her injury causing it—she’d actually been surprisingly quiet during the most painful part of it when Rainbow was disinfecting it earlier—it was because this filly had actually convinced herself that she was as weak as her bullies claimed, and not worth standing up for.

The cloud the two sat on grew silent as Rainbow finished the job; the only sound to be heard was the high-altitude wind that blew by. “Hey! I got an idea!” Rainbow blurted out of nowhere, causing the young filly to flinch in surprise. “If you can’t stick up for yourself, let me do it for you! I’ve got enough confidence to go around. Next time those three bug you, just call me and I’ll kick their flanks for you!”

The other filly looked surprised but didn’t immediately reply; there was another long pause before she answered. “Why would you do that?” she finally, if somewhat weakly, asked, breaking the silence again. “You were racing those three and you let them win. You even came back to help me,” she added at Rainbow’s confused look, feeling guilty. “Why?”

Rainbow sighed. “I was racing them because they said they’d stop calling me that stupid name if I beat all three of them at once!” Rainbow Dash flared her wings in anger at the thought of hearing their dumb voices calling her that name she despised so much when she saw them the next day at flight school, mocking her for abandoning the race—one she’d challenged them to.

“Then why?” the soft-spoken filly followed up, raising her still-wet eyes to meet Rainbow’s for the first time.

“Oh, it’s just something my dad taught me: ‘Rainbow Dash, you don’t need a reason to help anypony in trouble’,” she quoted, doing her best impression of her father, even affecting a deeper voice. “I never really questioned it; it just felt right to me. I mean, you shouldn’t need a reason to help somepony who needs it!”

“But now those three are going to make fun of you just like how they make fun of me,” the pink-maned foal sadly muttered as she went downcast once more. “S-sorry for that.”

“Eh, who cares about them anyway? They were probably still going to call me Rainbow Crash even if I made them eat my dust—which, for the record, I would have!she proclaimed, all confidence again. “I’ll just keep doing my best to prove them wrong! And I will prove them wrong! I’m going to be in the Wonderbolts someday, you know!” Rainbow showboated, fishing for a compliment.

“Hey, I know! Maybe I can even give you a few pointers on flying if they are really bugging you that much! I know a few tricks on how to get airborne those fossils they call teachers at flight school don’t teach you! You’ll be the best—er, second best flier in no time!” Rainbow promised, flaring her young but powerful wings.

The yellow filly was bewildered. She had never had anypony offer to help her or talk to her this way. She was so used to being ignored, which she normally didn’t mind. But now? She found herself touched by the rainbow-maned filly’s desire to defend her. What any other pony might see as insufferable, brash, and cocky, she saw as loyal, dedicated, and motivating; for the first time, she allowed herself a small smile while in the company of another pony outside of her own family.

“So what do you say? Let’s show those three doorknobs… no! Cloudsdale… no! Let’s show all of Equestria what we can do!” Rainbow beamed as she did an aerial somersault.

The meek pegasus nodded slightly and couldn’t help but giggle a bit, finding Rainbow’s enthusiasm infectious, almost forgetting about her twisted hoof. Rainbow put her front hooves to her mouth and started yelling. “Did you hear that, Celestia? Rainbow Dash and—!” Rainbow paused. “Uh… sorry, but what’s your name?

“Fluttershy,” The yellow pegasus responded so fast it shocked her; it normally took a good five minutes for anypony to get her name out of her when they inquired.

“Fluttershy, huh? Alright!” Rainbow took a deep breath and turned back to the heavens as she prepared her shout once more. “Did you hear that, Celestia? Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are going to be the best in the world!” she proclaimed to the princess before turning back to the other filly.

“Now you try it, Fluttershy! I know it sounds a little stupid, but it makes you feel a lot better!” Rainbow flew down, patting the other filly on the back.

“Um… okay,” Fluttershy said hesitantly. She inhaled deeply before letting out the loudest shout she could muster:

“Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are going to be the best in the world!

Rainbow stared blankly at Fluttershy after her weak and half-hearted shout. “Uh… Yeah. Good job!” Rainbow chuckled nervously, rubbing a hoof behind her head. “Anyway, I’ll meet you at flight school and I’ll help you get up in the air once your leg gets better. Do you want me to walk you home?”

Fluttershy’s heart warmed as she gave the other filly a grateful smile. “That would be wonderful. Thank you, Rainbow Dash,” she said happily to her first friend ever.

It was a speech and story guaranteed to not leave a dry eye anywhere, and not even Rainbow Dash was immune, Phoenix watching in satisfaction as her usually indifferent and cocky persona crumbled before her friend’s heartfelt declaration of friendship, loyalty and love. “I… I…” Rainbow couldn’t speak for a moment, tears welling and then streaming freely down her face.

“I’m so sorry, Fluttershy!” She burst into tears and threw her forelegs around her friend, sobbing into her pink mane. “I w-was a big jerk!”

Fluttershy held her friend gently and patted her neck reassuringly. “There, there; it’s okay, Rainbow Dash. There’s no need to cry,” she told her friend, wrapping her wings around the other pegasus as well.

“I-I’m not crying! It’s just m-my… my al-ler-g-g-gies!” she somehow insisted even as she broke out bawling again, hugging Fluttershy even tighter.

Phoenix watched happily as the two friends reconciled, finding it hard not to have a tear in his own eye as he saw the scene unfold; he looked down to realize that his hand was resting on Twilight’s shoulders as she watched as well. She looked up at him and smiled, then made a motion indicating that they should leave the pair alone.

Mystery solved… case won… two mares cleared of murder… two friends reunited. Not a bad day’s work, Phoenix! He grinned to himself as he followed Twilight and her friends out to the lobby. They exited into a sea of pony reporters, shouted questions and camera flashes, leaving Phoenix feeling that regardless of why Twilight had summoned him, at that moment he was the greatest defense attorney in existence.

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on September 30, 2018.

After 56 chapters and nearly 300,000 words (who would have thought?), we've finally reached the verdict. But as anyone who's familiar with Phoenix Wright or watched the videos knows, the story doesn't end with the verdict. Plenty of wrap-up yet to come, including several bonus chapters on the way. And speaking of bonus material... here's some directly from NeoArtimus herself! :rainbowlaugh:

Credit as always where credit is due--to Leo Archon for the pre-read, to Raven for her kindness and indulgence, and it was in fact TheGoldCrow who wrote the Rainbow/Fluttershy flashback sequence and Trixie's end scene.

And speaking of Trixie... before anyone decries her apparent lack of a happy ending, the story isn't over yet. Once you hit rock-bottom, there's nowhere to climb but up. So be patient. She will get her bone.


PS: No complaints about the not guilty icon, please. I decided to use a simple screencap from the videos, and that's that.

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