• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 59 - Shadows of the Past

Equestria Department of Law
June 12th, 10:45 AM

Phoenix felt far more nervous than he thought he’d be.

As the clocked ticked down the final fifteen minutes until the start of his misconduct hearing, he found himself fidgeting anxiously in his chair, unable to keep still. Even though he knew the ruling wouldn’t affect his law license back on Earth, the thought that he could get censured or even stripped of his attorney badge anywhere was extremely unsettling.

Can’t imagine not being a defense attorney, he shuddered internally, scarcely able to imagine his life without his legal work or what he would do in its place. Dunno. Guess I’d have to become a full-time poker pro or maybe a piano player on the side? He chuckled at the thought, remembering how unspeakably bad of the latter he’d been when his parents had tried to give him lessons back in grade school.

The train ride up to Canterlot had been both interesting and awkward. Still feeling the effects of her magical exhaustion, Twilight had barely been able to stumble her way to the train depot after rising before dawn; she had ended up sleeping most of the two-hour ride there. In truth, Phoenix’s sleep had been somewhat restless as well, punctuated by dreams of Twilight and various moments of his life. In fact, the latter had been strangely lucid, almost like someone had been looking through his memories, replaying scenes of people and places, cases and trials from his past.

Chalking it up to another magical side effect of Equestria—maybe I’ll start developing magical powers if I stay here long enough? he thought half-hopefully—he allowed Twilight to lay her head on his leg as she slept and more than once found his hand resting against her side or shoulder, to Rarity’s evident delight and some teasing remarks from Rainbow. With the possible exception of Spike, the others seemed surprised, even disappointed to learn they hadn’t done anything. All except Rarity, that was, who had been aghast to hear of Applejack’s clumsy attempt to throw them together, to Phoenix’s great and initially happy surprise.

“I mean really, Applejack! What were you thinking?” she asked as if Phoenix wasn’t there. “They’ve barely met and you’re already foisting intimacy upon them? I can certainly appreciate wanting to help Twilight land such a fine stallion, but your romantic sense truly needs some work, darling.”

Applejack was unrepentant. “Mah ‘ro-mantic sense’ is just fine, Rarity!” she replied from the other side of Phoenix. “And so what if they just met? They like each other, don’t they? Well, take it from me—ain’t no better or quicker way to find out if yer right fer somepony than a good roll in the hay!”

Phoenix went bright red, grateful Twilight couldn’t hear the exchange. “Uh, guys—I am here?”

Rarity turned up her nose. “Well, I suppose a ‘roll in the hay’ might do you, darling. But we elegant, sophisticated Canterlot ponies are far more refined and require proper courting. And certainly a gentlecolt like Mister Wright would not want to do anything so crude or rash.”

“My thoughts exact—”

She spoke right over him, going starry-eyed. “After all, if they’re going to do it, they must do it properly! With a romantic evening and rendezvous! There must be music and flowers! Chocolates and moonlit walks! Oh, and they would need new outfits! I will have to set aside part of my schedule to design their ensembles…” she rambled on just as she had after repairing his suit the first time, at which point Phoenix gave up.

Almost equally awkward was the fact that The Judge had joined them for the trip, dressed in improvised civilian attire with one of Mayor Mare’s aides in tow as an escort. He and Phoenix spoke briefly while they waited on the platform, the former explaining he was going to tour Canterlot, compliments of the Princess “for his just and fair rulings,” and, more ominously, to provide testimony at the misconduct board hearings of Phoenix and Trixie. He gave Phoenix an odd look as he saw Twilight snuggled against him, causing Phoenix to become self-conscious again and leaving him fervently hoping The Judge hadn’t heard the ongoing argument between Applejack and Rarity.

Better talk to him before we go back to our world. The last thing I need is him spreading this around! he thought, scarcely able to imagine what Maya or Pearls would say.

Trixie had joined them for the trip as well. She was escorted by two uniformed bailiffs, including a dark-furred unicorn stallion that he thought Twilight had glowered at for a moment when they got on the train, and a second pegasus guard that Phoenix recognized as the bailiff that had delivered the results of the police analysis they’d finally cornered Sonata with. The showmare was just as tired and bleary-eyed as Twilight, pointedly ignoring the group as she was led on in shackles and the magic suppression collar she’d worn when they’d talked after the trial. She ended up sleeping most of the way as well, though Phoenix thought he saw her ears twitch when Rainbow started muttering insults under her breath.

The train ride had been scenic enough at least, taking them through lush forests, across verdant plains and over rolling hills, going through a tunnel and then climbing a mountain to arrive at Canterlot proper. Phoenix couldn’t help but gape as much as the ponies that saw him as he stepped off the train and beheld the city for the first time.

The Equestrian capital city was awe-inspiring. It looked like it had been carved directly out of the mountainside, studded with towering spires and gorgeously ornate architecture, at the center of which stood Canterlot Castle, the home of the Princess—Princesses, he corrected himself, remembering from his reading there were at least two. I’ve already met the Solar Princess. Wonder if I’ll ever get to meet the Lunar one?

Spreading around some more of Phoenix’s bits, they hired a chariot pulled by two earth ponies to take them to the sprawling Canterlot Castle grounds, which looked even more impressive up close. The press was waiting for them again as they got out in front of the overwrought Law Department, but they ignored the shouted questions—few of which had anything to do with his hearing—as a dozen Guardsponies formed a phalanx around them, escorting them up the steps.

Equestria Department of Law
Attorney Misconduct Board Hearing Room
June 12th, 11:00 AM

There was a sharp rapping on the elevated central desk of the room, overlooking the chamber not unlike a judge’s bench in a courtroom.

“Order, order!” barked the pegasus mare sitting there. “The room will come to order,” she called out loud enough to be heard over the background conversation in the gallery. She was a dark-hued beauty; her coat was a deep amaranth color while her mane was long and grey except for a crimson stripe running through it. She wore a cloak of deep blue, held together on her neck with a clasp that bore the emblem of the sun and moon side-by-side. Her sapphire-blue eyes looked at everyone in the room, lingering on two particular individuals: Phoenix Wright and Trixie Lulamoon.

As it turned out, the hearings for the two had been scheduled concurrently, before the same board. Though Phoenix was nervous about the situation, Trixie felt more than a little forlorn, knowing she was likely to lose her law license.

Rapping her hoof again, the pegasus at the central desk silenced what little chatter remained among the hundred or so media and other spectators in the relatively small audience gallery. “This session of the Equestrian Attorney Misconduct Board is convened to review the actions of Phoenix Wright and ‘Trixie’ Lulamoon during the trial of Rainbow Dash,” she began, reciting from a scroll laid out in front of her.

“The charges against Phoenix Wright are as follows: false accusation of a witness, breaking and entering into a private motel room and illegal appropriation of evidence. The charges against Trixie Lulamoon are as follows: deliberate withholding of exculpatory evidence, striking illegal deals with witnesses, engaging in conduct unbecoming an officer of the court, assault, and reckless endangerment of civilians,” she summarized. “We are now in session; Royal Court officer Delta Requiem presiding.”

Royal Court? thought Phoenix. That must mean she works directly for Celestia. Wonder what she’s doing here?

He was given no chance to ponder the question as Delta motioned to him. “We shall start with the less severe charges. Phoenix Wright, step forward.”

Phoenix took a breath as he stepped to the podium in the center of the room. It reminded him rather badly of the last time he’d taken the witness stand in a courtroom, some years earlier. The situations, while different enough, still had enough similarities to make him uncomfortable.

Well, at least this time, I won’t try to eat the evidence! He grimaced at the memory.

Delta looked at him appraisingly. “Mister Wright, you have heard the charges against you. Do you deny these allegations?”

“I do not,” Phoenix answered promptly and respectfully. “I’m well aware of what I did, and I’m also aware that my actions, while well-meant, were nonetheless wrong. I forced an innocent mare to spend time in prison, and I violated the privacy of another mare in my zeal to conduct an investigation and clear my client.”

Delta’s gaze didn’t falter, but Phoenix saw the corners of her mouth turn up slightly. “At least you admit your mistakes, Mister Wright. Do you have any justification for your actions during the trial of Rainbow Dash beyond simple ‘zeal’?”

Phoenix sighed. “My accusation of Fluttershy was done out of desperation, when I realized a guilty verdict was about to come down and I couldn’t think of any other way to extend the trial. It was my own fault—I was incredibly ill-prepared that day, and it will haunt me for years to come how I nearly both failed my client and ruined the life of one of the kindest ponies I’ve come to know.

“As for my breaking and entering into the hotel room of Sonata Tarot, I confess that at the time of my doing so, I was unaware of her existence. I had assumed the room belonged solely to the deceased Ace Swift, and that nobody would have any reason to object to my presence there. I understand that I should have confirmed with somebody at the motel whether or not Ace Swift did, in fact, book a room for himself alone.”

Twilight had brought that up while they were waiting for the session to begin, pointing out that had Phoenix confirmed with a member of the motel’s staff whether or not Ace Swift was rooming alone, it would have saved a lot of trouble. Phoenix had spent the rest of the wait kicking himself for overlooking something so obvious; then again, he had been in the company of Pinkie Pie, with whom common sense seemed to take a back seat.

Delta considered him for a moment before speaking again. “So you were trying to cover for your own ill-preparedness by falsely accusing Miss Fluttershy, and acting in ignorance for the charge of breaking and entering?” she summarized in an unimpressed tone, causing Phoenix to wince, and judging by the looks that passed between her and the other ponies of the Board, he realized her low opinion of his actions was shared. “Is there anypony else present to testify on your behalf?”

“There were some who offered,” Phoenix admitted with a glance at Twilight, “but I declined. I know full well that what I did was wrong, and that I deserve to be punished for it.”

“Wait, members of the board!” Twilight Sparkle, groggy though she was, rose to his defense despite his warning look. “Sorry, Phoenix, but if you won’t stand up for yourself, I will. The board needs to understand the circumstances behind your arrival and the first day of trial,” she said, giving him a look back that told him not to stop her. If you’re my stallion, I’m going to defend you, Phoenix!

“Very well, Miss Sparkle,” the pegasus mare replied evenly. “The board recognizes you. What information can you offer us as Mister Wright’s co-counsel?”

“That I magically summoned Mister Wright to Equestria on the direct orders of Princess Celestia herself,” Twilight announced, to looks of surprise from the board. “At the time I did so, it was already the evening before the trial, and as a result, he had no chance to acclimate to our world or conduct a real investigation.

“I grant he should have studied, but in truth… it would have made no real difference,” she admitted with a downcast look. “Due to his late arrival, he came to court the next day disoriented and sleep-deprived, in no shape to defend anypony,” she insisted, moving to Phoenix’s side.

Delta Requiem appeared unmoved. “The Judge you summoned came even later than he did, Miss Sparkle, yet was still able to prepare himself in time. Are you saying Mister Wright could not have spent his time preparing as well?”

“With all due respect to His Honor, The Judge did not have to present a case; only preside over it,” Twilight quickly countered before Phoenix could cut her off. “A defense attorney needs time to investigate and interview—time Mister Wright simply did not have. I summoned him so late he got barely five minutes with Rainbow Dash, and only a half-hour to investigate the crime scene before the start of the trial,” she said in deep regret. “So what happened that morning was as much my fault as his. I respectfully ask the board take that into consideration when making their ruling.”

Phoenix was impressed by her arguments and quick comeback, doubly so for them coming from her as tired as she still appeared. Sounds like she’s been rehearsing this for a while!

For her part, Delta Requiem nodded slowly, even thoughtfully. “Very well, Miss Sparkle. Thank you for your statement. Are there any other witnesses who wish to speak up on Mister Wright’s behalf?"

“Um… may I?” A quiet and shaky voice offered from behind them; Phoenix was surprised to see Fluttershy timidly raising a hoof. “If that’s okay, Missus Your Honor?”

Delta and the other board members looked amused. “This is not a court of law, so please just refer to me as ‘Lady Requiem’, Miss Fluttershy. And yes, you may.”

“Oh! Okay.” Fluttershy gathered herself carefully before gliding down to the floor in front of the board bench, cringing slightly as the seven-member board looked down at her, waiting, some with curiosity and others with a noticeable measure of disdain.

“Um, it’s just that, well… I don’t want Mister Phoenix punished for what he did to me, Missus—I-I mean, Lady Requiem. He was trying to help Rainbow, and that’s all that matters to me. He didn’t mean to hurt me or anypony else, and he already said he was sorry. So, please don’t punish him for it?” she asked tentatively, catching herself from retreating behind her bangs a few times, forcing herself to stand tall and address the board.

Delta stared at her silently for a few seconds; Phoenix could tell she was considering her next words very carefully. “Miss Fluttershy, your willingness to forgive Mister Wright does you great credit, and that there was no lasting harm to you is noted. But the fact remains that by his own admission, he knowingly and falsely accused you,“ she said slowly with a glance around at the other board members, who gave nods of agreement back.

“But—” Fluttershy tried again, only for Delta to shake her head.

“I’m sorry, Miss Fluttershy,” she said more gently. “But I do wish you to know that I read the trial transcripts, and I think what you did there was a very brave and noble thing. I thank you for coming forward, both then and now, as I can tell how hard it was for you. Be assured that our ruling in this matter will be just and fair, and that your words and actions will be given due weight.”

“Oh. Um... okay,” Fluttershy conceded, stepping back as she realized she couldn’t get any more traction than she already had, Phoenix giving her a grateful smile and nod.

“Next, I would like to hear from the presiding judge of the trial. I understand you wish to address the board, Your Honor?” Lady Requiem turned to The Judge in the first row of the gallery.

“I do,” he confirmed, stepping up to the podium dressed in his judicial robes again instead of the Bermuda shorts and suspenders he had worn for the trip up. “I would like this board to know that Mister Wright has been a fixture of my courtroom for some time back on our own world. His tactics are very... unorthodox, and when I first hear his theories, I often consider them insane.”

Phoenix winced. Could you sugarcoat it any LESS, Your Honor?

“If they are, then why have you not sanctioned him before?” one of the other board members, a bespectacled unicorn stallion, asked.

“Because too often, even his wildest theories bear fruit, as they did here. Though I would never have thought this possible at the point the accusation was made, Mister Wright was correct in that the feather was significant, even if not in the way he initially suggested.

“It is for that reason I tend to give him a bit more leeway than other lawyers in my court, simply because I have seen him uncover the truth in such unlikely fashions repeatedly... though I often find it aggravating the circuitous route he takes getting there,” he added, his expression turning both exasperated and annoyed for a moment.

“His trial record is amazing, but not without blemish; my experience is that he tends to bluff and bluster his way through cases far more than I am comfortable with, to the occasional detriment of his client and witnesses alike,” The Judge concluded.

“I see. So this is not the first time he has falsely accused an innocent witness?” Lady Requiem read between the lines.

“It is not,” he confirmed with a reproachful look at Phoenix. “As this was the second occurrence in as many cases, I saw fit to sanction him this time. Miss Fluttershy also requested of me not to punish Mister Wright, and though I was not unmoved by her plea, I simply do not feel I can allow him to make wild accusations with impunity, regardless of the eventual outcome of the case.

“Though I have borne first-hand witness to his many courtroom turnabouts, and I can also speak readily to the many crimes he has solved and falsely accused defendants he has freed, I have also seen the damage his tactics can do when he trains his fire on the wrong target, as he did at least twice in this latest trial.”

“Well said, Your Honor,” Lady Requiem was nodding slowly, as were the other board members. “Then this board asks directly: as Mister Wright’s longtime judge, what would you have us do in this matter?”

The Judge turned to look directly at Phoenix as he spoke. “Make clear to Mister Wright by severe censure and other measures that these tactics are not acceptable, regardless of the outcome of the trial. That rules of law and standards of conduct must be followed for confidence in our judicial systems to be maintained, and to drive home that regardless of the circumstances, he must prepare fully and properly for each case rather than try to blindly blunder his way to victory,” he finished, his pointed words causing Phoenix to grimace.

You know, usually I think he’s completely dense, but then he turns around and comes up with something like this! He raised his opinion of The Judge by several notches at that moment.

“Do you wish to make a rebuttal, Mister Wright?” Delta asked, but Phoenix shook his head.

“No, Lady Requiem. I do not. He said it like it is, and I thank His Honor for giving it to me straight,” he replied, suddenly feeling like he was back in grade school, being admonished by his teacher for cheating on a math test before his parents again.

“Very well, Mister Wright and Your Honor. The board thanks you both for your input, and yours as well, Miss Fluttershy and Miss Sparkle. We will deliberate on this matter further, after we hear from Ms. Lulamoon. You may return to your seat, Mister Wright.”

Phoenix nodded, heading back to his chair along with The Judge. As he did, he looked at Trixie. In terms of appearances, she didn’t seem all that different from normal besides the shackles on her legs and the magic suppression collar around her neck. But her posture was that of a mare about to face her execution, and it seemed to him as though the very light in her eyes had gone out.

Delta cleared her throat. “Trixie Lulamoon, step forward.”

Trixie sighed, and trotted forward slowly, her movement slightly hampered by the shackles. She looked up at the board, and Phoenix could see that she still had some rings under her eyes, despite her nap on the train.

He wasn’t the only one to notice. “Ms. Lulamoon—did you get enough sleep last night?” Delta asked in some concern.

Trixie grimaced. “I prefer ‘Trixie’, if you don’t mind. And yes, I got enough sleep aside from some odd dreams. I’m suffering from magical exhaustion, for reasons I’m sure you can guess!” she explained with no small amount of bitterness, taking some slight solace from the fact Twilight appeared little better.

“If you’re certain,” Delta replied evenly. “In that case, we’ll proceed. You have heard the charges against you, Ms. Lulamoon. Do you deny these allegations?”

Like Phoenix, Trixie’s answer was prompt. “I do not. To deny my actions with so many witnesses present would be foalish.”

Delta nodded. “Have you anything to say in your defense?”

Trixie paused, and then shook her head. “No. The actions I took during the trial of Rainbow Dash are all a result of my own selfishness and jealousy. I deserve no mercy, nor do I ask for it,” she announced to the surprise of all present.

Delta arched an eyeridge. “You are aware that with the charges arrayed against you, a lack of defense on your part would more than likely result in permanent disbarment? Are you certain there is nothing you wish to say for yourself?”

Trixie opened her mouth to reply in the affirmative, but she was cut off by a cough. “Members of the Board, may I offer testimony on behalf of Trixie Lulamoon as well?” Twilight spoke up again.

Trixie’s eyes flashed. “Trixie does not need your pity, Twilight Sparkle!” she snarled, some of the fire coming back into her eyes. “Trixie is—”

“I’m not doing this solely out of pity,” Twilight interrupted. “After all, the Board hasn’t heard everything they need in order to make a fair and proper ruling.”

At her desk, Delta’s eyeridge quirked up again; given how often it had already done so, Phoenix was given cause to wonder if her brow wouldn’t freeze in that position. “Well, as you were present as not just the defense co-counsel, but the personal student of Princess Celestia, your word carries great weight, Twilight Sparkle. What is it you wish to tell us?”

Twilight took a deep breath, ignoring Trixie’s glare. “That Ms. Lulamoon’s actions during the second day of the trial of Rainbow Dash, specifically the charges of conduct unbecoming, assault, and reckless endangerment, were in part due to a… disagreement between myself and her the day before. During it, I challenged her to a winner-take-all magical duel, with her restored reputation and Rainbow Dash’s freedom being the stakes,” she admitted in some embarrassment. “As such, our duel represented her acceptance of that challenge, and thus, I bear part of the blame for it.”

This admission drew a round of gasps throughout the room. Delta’s eyes widened. “Dare I ask what inspired such an impulsive and reckless act, Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight grimaced. “As I’m certain many in this room already know, Trixie’s personality is rather… abrasive. What’s more, she’s good at getting under ponies’ fur, and I’m no exception. When she insulted Mister Wright, I lost my temper and lashed out as I consider him a… a good friend,” she finished somewhat lamely, blushing a little as a few stifled snickers were heard throughout the room and the corners of Delta Requiem’s lips twitched upward. “But the bottom line is we were both under severe stress as a result of the trial, and I fear this duel was the inevitable result.” If it didn’t happen then, it was just going to happen later! she was only too certain.

“I see. Well, regardless of how ill-advised your challenge was, I’m happy that you came forward with this information,” Delta acknowledged, picking up a quill in her muzzle and writing down a quick note. “It does cast Ms. Lulamoon’s actions during the second day of court in a somewhat new light.”

“Thank you,” Twilight said as she stepped back, watching as the board conferred quietly among themselves.

Once their discussion was through, Delta Requiem turned to The Judge again. “The board has received and read your recommendation on Ms. Lulamoon as well, Your Honor. Do you have anything further to add?”

“Only that regardless of Ms. Sparkle’s revelation, I must stand by my recommendation of disbarment.” He rose as he spoke, causing Trixie to slump. “I am all for second chances, but as willfully and wantonly as she violated the rules and decorum of my court, turning it into not just a legal but a literal battlefield in the process, her actions are egregious enough that I do not believe she should be allowed to keep her law license.”

This from the judge who allows himself and me to get whipped by Franziska von Karma? Phoenix didn’t say. He’d often wondered why she got away with it, only to imagine what would happen if someone actually tried to take her whip away. Hell hath no fury! He shivered, then stood.

“Members of the Board, I respectfully disagree with His Honor’s appraisal. May I offer my own opinion on the matter?” he asked politely, his hands clasped in front of him.

“Oh?” Delta’s eyeridges shot up yet again. “I admit I am surprised to hear you say that, Mister Wright, given the severe personal abuse and threatened magical attacks you endured during the course of the trial. Why do you disagree?”

“For the very simple reason that, whatever her intentions throughout Rainbow Dash’s trial, Trixie’s actions led to the discovery of the truth behind Ace Swift’s demise,” Phoenix explained with a glance at Twilight, who nodded. “Yes, she was determined to convict Rainbow Dash, but she also truly believed she was guilty and prosecuted based on that belief—which is exactly what a prosecutor should do!

“Her teleportation theory was instrumental in putting Sonata at the scene of the crime, it was her final piece of evidence that was decisive, and she later proved my final theory of the victim’s death correct, exonerating both my client and Sonata Tarot of murder charges,” he recited, lowering his head and closing his eyes for a moment.

“I truly believe that if it weren’t for her, then an innocent mare would be in prison right now, or worse. I’m not exaggerating when I say she was one of the toughest courtroom opponents I’ve ever faced, and in my view, to disbar her as His Honor suggests would be a waste of a very promising, if admittedly immature, legal talent,” he finished to Trixie’s visible surprise. “As I told His Honor, personal abuse and magic duels aside, she did her job and did it well. I thus believe she does deserve a second chance, and I would be more than willing to defend her myself at her coming trial.”

“I see,” Delta nodded thoughtfully. “Your points are well-taken, Mister Wright. If there are no other questions, then I believe we’ve heard enough?” She glanced at the other members of the Board, each of whom nodded. “Very well. The Board will take a recess to deliberate on the charges and testimony.” She rapped her hoof and departed the room with the other Board members.

When the door had closed behind them, Trixie rounded on Twilight. “What’s your game, Twilight Sparkle? Was defeating me in court, in magic, and in reputation—again—not enough for you? Did you put Wrong up to speaking for me? Do you just want me to be indebted to you; to forever be at your beck and call? Well, I tell you now that whatever your plan is, I won’t fall for it! So you can take your so-called ‘help’ and just—!”

“Trixie,” Twilight broke in patiently, even as her friends in the gallery behind her wore curled lips. “As I said, I wanted the Board to know all the circumstances behind what happened. No more and no less.”

“Liar!” Trixie snarled. “Nopony is that selfless! You may have gotten lucky with your friendships, but that doesn’t give you the right to trample on my life however you see fit!”

Twilight shook her head and looked her wounded rival in the eye. “Trixie… don’t mistake me for Sunset Shimmer.”

Trixie’s expression morphed from anger to shock in the span of half a second. “H-how—?” she stuttered.

“I’m not doing this to take advantage of you,” Twilight continued. “I may have power and standing, but I don’t abuse it. I’m helping you simply because it’s the right thing to do. And regardless of what happens here, I promise that once everything is said and done, you won’t ever have to cross paths with me again if you don’t want to.”

Stunned silent, Trixie did little but gape at Twilight for the remainder of the recess.

It was an hour later when the door to the private chambers of the Board opened again, and the Board members returned to their desks. Delta Requiem rapped her hoof on her desk, more for propriety’s sake than for order, as the room had gone silent when they had returned.

The robed pegasus mare began by clearing her throat. “After much deliberation, the Equestrian Board of Attorney Misconduct has reached its rulings. Phoenix Wright and Trixie Lulamoon, please rise.”

The two did so, if somewhat nervously.

Delta looked first at Phoenix. “Mister Wright—have you heard the saying ‘the road to Tartarus is paved with good intentions’?”

Phoenix blinked. While he wasn’t familiar with that particular phrase, it was similar enough to another idiom for him to get the gist of it. “I am familiar with it, yes.”

“Then you should understand how it applies to you,” Lady Requiem said gravely. “We grant the circumstances under which you took this case were exceptional, and we further accept that at the point you accused Miss Fluttershy, there was no realistic way for you to extend the trial short of that.

“What we cannot accept is that matters need ever have gotten to that point,” she went on, her tone and expression turning stern. “You were woefully unprepared for the first day of trial, and this was the result. We realize that you were disoriented and sleep-deprived, but you had legal options open to you. You could have filed for a stay of proceedings given your late arrival or poor health that morning.”

Phoenix knew that stays were rarely granted in his world, and he didn’t expect that they would be any easier in this one. “If I may ask, then—would you have granted me a stay, Your Honor?” he turned to his left, addressing The Judge, who still sat in the first row of the gallery.

The Judge cleared his throat. “Barring extraordinary circumstances… no, Mister Wright, I would not,” he conceded. “I arrived in Equestria even later than you did, yet was fit to preside. You had an entire night to investigate and study should you have chosen to take it. On that basis, I would have denied your motion for continuance,” he concluded, at which point Phoenix nodded and turned back to the board.

“Then a stay was not an option.”

“Be that as it may…” Delta looked annoyed to have part of her reasoning shot down. “While this board accepts that you had the best of intentions with your actions, said actions are still nonetheless illegal, and with proper preparation, unnecessary.

“Regardless of the outcome of this case, rules of evidence and ethics must be followed to the letter, Mister Wright, or else ponies will lose faith in their justice system. If we forgave your actions by virtue of a favorable outcome, we would be endorsing an ends-justify-the-means philosophy that would, in time, lead to a dark age of the law where cases are decided by false facts or ill-gotten evidence,” she pronounced, making Phoenix blink.

A ‘dark age of the law’? Aren’t you being just a little overdramatic? he didn’t ask out loud.

“Therefore, Mister Wright, you are formally censured by this board, fined 5,000 bits, and sentenced to perform one week of pro bono defense, here in Equestria,” she announced his sentence with a sharp rap of her hoof. “After the week is up, you may return to your home.”

A week of pro bono… Phoenix felt a little let down. Well, it’s not like working for free is anything new to me, although one full week’s worth of work will be different! “Thank you, Lady Requiem. I understand and accept my sentence.”

Delta nodded. “Good. Now, as for you, Ms. Lulamoon...” she continued, turning her gaze on the other mare, sapphire eyes hardening. “Unlike Mister Wright, you had anything but good intentions with your actions. You were determined to convict Rainbow Dash by any means necessary, refusing until the very end to even consider the possibility she may have been innocent, overlooking and even outright concealing potentially exculpatory evidence in your zeal to convict her.

“Moreover, you placed many lives in danger when you realized you’d blown your case and lost control of your powers along with your temper,” she noted. “Such actions would normally warrant permanent disbarment in addition to the criminal charges you face.”

Trixie grimaced. It was certainly what she expected—

“However...” continued Delta, pausing to take a sip of water from a mug, “However. The testimonies of Miss Sparkle and Mister Wright have also been taken into account. You were challenged by Miss Sparkle to a duel the day before, with your reputation and Rainbow Dash’s freedom as the stakes. This could very well have influenced you unduly and helped cause a lapse in judgment.

“Mister Wright’s point is also taken that you helped uncover the truth behind the death of Ace Swift, preventing a grave injustice to both Ms. Dash and Ms. Tarot. The Board can’t ignore either of these facts, and concurs that it would be a waste of a clearly gifted attorney to disbar you over a case a rookie prosecutor should never have been assigned in the first place.”

Trixie held her breath, as did Twilight and Phoenix. So what does that mean? The latter was not yet sure.

Delta cleared her throat before giving him the answer. “Accordingly, it is the judgment of this board that your license to practice law is hereby suspended, effective immediately, for a period of no less than one year.” She rapped her hoof again. “During the year, your actions will be monitored. At this time next year, you may apply to have the suspension lifted. If your actions in the interim have been deemed acceptable, your badge will be returned. But if not…?” She fixed the showmare with a warning glare. “Then the suspension will become indefinite.”

Trixie very nearly collapsed at the unexpected reprieve. Suspension? NOT outright disbarment? It was far more than she dared hoped for. “I... I thank the board for its consideration,” she managed, surprised to feel her legs shaking not in fatigue, but relief.

“You’re welcome, Ms. Lulamoon. I will note, however, that you must still stand trial for the charges of assault and reckless endangerment,” Delta reminded her. “Our sentence for you only covered prosecutorial misconduct. We aren’t in court, after all.”

Phoenix glanced at Trixie, then coughed. “Members of the Board, I’d like to request as part of my pro bono sentence that—”

“You represent Ms. Lulamoon?” Delta Requiem finished for him, causing Trixie to gape and Phoenix to stare. She smiled back, the most emotion anyone had seen from her yet. “We anticipated that you’d ask that, and we have already discussed the question. If Ms. Lulamoon formally requests your services, then the Board sees no reason that you may not represent her, as well as Ms. Tarot should she not find another lawyer willing to do so.”

Phoenix stared a moment longer in surprise, then remembered himself and nodded. “Thank you, members of the Board.”

“You’re welcome, Mister Wright,” Delta acknowledged with a nod and smile back. “With that, I believe all matters that needed to be heard have been adjudicated. This session of the Equestrian Board of Attorney Misconduct is adjourned!” She rapped her hoof sharply, and the Board members filed out.

Outside the Equestria Department of Law
June 12th, 12:30 PM

“Whew! Glad that’s over with,” Phoenix sighed in relief as he stepped outside, the cool mountain breeze feeling good against the light sheen of sweat on his forehead.

“You said it!” Applejack agreed, pointedly ignoring the reporters shouting questions at them. “So what now?”

Before anyone else could reply, there was a light cough from behind the group. They turned to see Delta Requiem trotting up, still clad in her robe. “Sorry to interrupt, but I was hoping to catch you before you headed out to wherever, Mister Wright.”

Phoenix arched an eyebrow. “Why were you hoping to speak to me, Lady Requiem?” he asked, having gained immediate respect for her during the hearing. She’s as sharp as any attorney, and she tried to be fair by hearing all sides as well.

Delta smiled. “In truth, I’ve wanted to meet you since I first got wind of your appearance down in Ponyville, but I never had the opportunity until now. I just want to say, from all reports, you’re quite the defense attorney. You could have settled for having Sonata take the blame for the ‘murder’, but you went the extra mile to prove her innocent as well. I have to admit, no lawyer currently here in Equestria would have been so thorough.”

“Why not?” a curious Phoenix asked. “Most ponies I’ve met seem genuinely friendly and want to do right by others.”

The pegasus mare sighed. “To be honest, Mister Wright, it’s not a matter of friendliness. It’s a matter of friendlessness, in Sonata’s case. She’s made quite a few enemies for herself over the past few years, and I wish you the best of luck in defending her.”

Phoenix nodded slowly. “Thanks,” he acknowledged, and then he asked a question that had been on his mind since the hearing started. “By the way, not to pry, but what is an officer of the royal court doing presiding over an attorney misconduct hearing?”

Delta grinned. “Well, my particular station in the Court allows me a number of privileges. Among those is the authority to take on a judicial role should I feel the need to. I actually would have gotten involved in Rainbow Dash’s trial, but all the roles were filled before I could do so. Perhaps it’s for the best that it turned out that way,” she mused.

“So, where are you going now, Lady Requiem?” Twilight asked.

Must be her official title within the Court, Phoenix thought idly. Though it’s rather vague?

Delta lost her grin. “Well, my next stop is the Prosecutor’s Office, to have words with their clerical department. Trixie should never have been assigned to Rainbow Dash’s trial, and I intend to find out how she was.”

Phoenix blinked while Twilight’s eyes turned dark. “What do you mean, she shouldn’t have been assigned?” the former asked.

Delta blew out a breath. “She had serious conflicts of interest. One look at her history should have red-flagged her for the case. Her prior visit to Ponyville ended with her home of several years destroyed and her reputation in ruins. It doesn’t take an arcane theorist to know that assigning her to prosecute the friend of the pony she holds a great grudge against might be a recipe for trouble.”

“Tell me about it,” Rainbow Dash muttered, folding her forelegs from her hover.

“What’s more, Trixie was fresh out of law school,” Delta went on. “She’d passed the bar exam scant hours before the case came in. A rookie prosecutor on a case this important was a horrible idea, at least on paper. In practice, it seems to have paid off,” she finished, as Trixie was led past the group.

“How important could it have been?” the showmare scoffed, some of her old attitude resurfacing in the wake of her judgment. “So a hot-shot racer died. It’s not like the world hung in the balance to find his killer!”

Even as the others turned to glare at Trixie, Delta fixed her with a piercing stare. “It wasn’t Ace Swift’s death that made it an important case, Trixie! The important part was who the defendant was! I’m honestly surprised you never stopped to consider the possible consequences had you actually succeeded in convicting Rainbow Dash.”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Don’t tell me you’ve bought into that Ponyville tripe as well, milady. Really, it’s so ludicrous!”

“Is it so ludicrous if Princess Celestia herself says it’s true?” Delta interrupted, causing Trixie to falter. “You forget, Ms. Lulamoon, that I am an officer of the Royal Court, which means I frequently speak to both princesses on a regular basis. I’ve heard the whole story from both of them, and it matches up with that ‘Ponyville tripe’, as you so ignorantly put it. So I suggest you pay more attention to local newspapers the next time you get your traveling show under way.”

Trixie said no more as she was led away. “Calling our heroic exploits ‘tripe’? What nerve!” Rarity sniffed once she’d departed.

Delta sighed. “Well, I’d best be on my way. I’ve got a clerical department to rake over the coals.” She paused, then glanced at Phoenix and Twilight, taking a moment to look them over, a hint of a smile on her lips. “By the way, you two do make a cute couple.”

Blushes erupted on both of their faces, and they both looked away as their friends laughed. “Really, Lady Requiem, there’s no need to tease us,” Twilight protested.

“Yeah, I mean we— ” Phoenix cut off as he looked back up, only to see that Delta had completely disappeared.

“Whoa,” Rainbow Dash managed to say through her laughter. “I barely looked away for a second, and now she’s nowhere in sight!”

“I bet she’d be fun to play Hide ‘n Seek with!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Lady Requiem hasn’t changed one bit! Twilight thought with a grin, having had some schooling from her growing up. She still enjoys her departures as much as her appearances!

Applejack coughed. “Well, like Ah said before, what now?”

“Well, the train back doesn’t depart until six, so we’ve got some time to kill,” Twilight noted, turning to Phoenix and sounding more herself than she had all morning. “Anything you’d like to see or do while we’re here, Phoenix? I could take you to the Canterlot Archives, if you’d like?” she offered hopefully.

“Well, actually—”

“A library? Come on, egghead! Let’s go watch the Wonderbolts derby!” Rainbow suggested, trying to tug Phoenix away in a different direction by his sleeve.

“Uh, maybe late—”

“And just what’s so special about watching pegasi fly in circles for an hour?” Applejack asked. “If you want some real action, let’s hit the rodeo, partner!” the country mare invited, bringing out her lasso and twirling it over her head, using it to yank down three hovering cameras at once and toss them in the nearest trash can.

“Uh, guys—”

“Dude, let’s go see some wrestling!” Spike offered next, pointing to a nearby poster. “Today’s marquee match is Horsepower versus the Silver Stallion!”

“That’s not really—”

“Oh. Um… how about we tour the Canterlot Gardens? Maybe Mister Phoenix would like to see all the wonderful animals?” she asked hopefully.

Phoenix was starting to get exasperated at his inability to get a word in edgewise. “I’d say yes, but—”

Pinkie Pie cut him off next. “Oh! Oh! We should totally go to Donut Joe’s! He has the bestest, excellent-est, most-yummiest donuts ever!” She jumped up and down, leaving Phoenix wondering how she maintained such a svelte figure given her high sugar intake.

“Guys!” Phoenix said a bit more forcefully, finally getting their attention. “I appreciate the offers, but in all honesty… I’m not in much of a mood for sightseeing right now and I think I’d rather go someplace a little more private.” He rubbed his head ruefully, looking out over the crowd of press and passerbys. “Sorry. It’s just that I’m just getting a little tired of all this gawking and attention, and I’d like to go somewhere I can relax and unwind,” he explained, to the evident disappointment of all.

All except Rarity, that was. “Well then, darling—I know a charming little café a bit off the beaten path, with private booths, soft music and some excellent cuisine!”

“You mean the Dressage?” Applejack turned her nose up. “That place is so pricey you have to pay a buncha bits just fer a single cracker and a little smear o’ cheese!”

“Well, that’s hardly an issue now, is it?” Rarity grinned, motioning to Twilight’s saddlebags, still bulging with Phoenix’s bits.

“Pass,” Applejack said. “Ah'd rather do the rodeo.”

“Derby for me!” Rainbow added.

“Wrestling!” Spike insisted.

“Donuts! Donuts!” Pinkie Pie jumped up and down again.

“Um… I’d rather go to the gardens,” Fluttershy offered. “If that’s okay with everypony…”

“Okay, then.” Twilight took charge. “Rarity, Phoenix and I will go to the café while the rest of you do whatever you like. We’ll meet back up at the train station at six for the ride home,” she said, floating some bits to everypony. “That fair?”

Judging by the way they all grabbed the bits and took off, it was.

Dressage Café
June 12th 2:45 PM

The Dressage Café, as it turned out, was only a short carriage ride away, tucked off a side street in the city’s opulent fashion district.

Upon entering, the mostly-unicorn tuxedo-wearing café staff was very surprised to see Phoenix but immediately cleared a private booth for the group even before they asked. The threesome ordered an array of vegetarian hors d’oeuvres, about half of which Phoenix found edible, sticking mostly to fruit and the admittedly very good crackers and cheese. He initially asked for tea, but changed the order quickly, as whatever song the band was playing was making him crave coffee for some reason.

Wonder if there’s any attorney out there with a bigger coffee addiction than me? he chuckled to himself as he sipped the café’s signature brew.

Rarity was as gratified as Twilight to see Phoenix finally relaxed and enjoying himself, doubly so for their destination being her idea, eager to finally get to know him in a more social setting outside of the courtroom. In truth, she had spotted the reason for Twilight’s interest in him almost immediately as her friend had rattled off a list of her favorite romance novels the previous morning, and it still made Rarity, a hopeless romantic, giddy with delight.

He could not be any more perfect! she thought gleefully. Dragonfire—a small-town filly falls for a visiting blue-furred pegasus with a spiky black mane, she grinned, thinking she’d love to show Phoenix the cover illustration, which was all but a pegasus version of himself. Talonhoof—a three-novel saga of unlikely interspecies love. Silverwing—a story of redemption and triumph over great odds, she cataloged, reflecting that she’d certainly seen both from Phoenix Wright during the previous day’s trial, culminating in a spectacular turnabout that put every courtroom drama she’d read to shame.

ALMOST every drama, she corrected herself. One possible exception was a legal romance Twilight mentioned titled Mare in Manehattan—a young unicorn attorney joins a law firm and finds herself falling for the young and dashing head defense lawyer as she assists him in a series of epic court battles, she chortled, though in truth, her favorite character out of that growing series—there were already two books in it with a third on the way—had been the defense attorney’s greatest rival; an elegant red pegasus prosecutor with a silver-white mane and very cultured accent, possessing both the intelligence and legal acumen to match his regal looks.

Now if only there was a human such as THAT! Rarity could not help but wish for wistfully, certain that he and Phoenix would make a matched set. One for Twilight and one for me!

There was only one book in Twilight’s list of favorites Rarity wasn’t entirely certain of. Cloverfields—the healing of a deeply wounded stallion by the devotion of a young and powerful mare, she recalled. She wasn’t sure how or even if that applied to Phoenix, but she didn’t dwell on it too much. Aside from that? YOU, Phoenix Wright, are the embodiment of all Twilight’s favorite romance novel love interests! she wanted badly to say out loud.

“Enjoying yourself, Mister Wright?” Rarity asked Phoenix when Twilight excused herself to the little filly’s room.

“Yes, thanks,” Phoenix confirmed, taking a sip of his coffee. “Good call on the café, Miss Rarity. Perfect way to unwind.”

“My pleasure.” She felt her cheeks warm a bit at the compliment. If Twilight wasn’t already interested in him… “But while we have a moment alone, I really must apologize on behalf of my friends for trying to throw you together with Twilight last night.” She bowed her head and ears to him. “They mean well, but rest assured that had I been there, I would never have allowed them to pressure you like that.”

“Yes, well…” he shifted uncomfortably. “I’m actually surprised that all of you are so keen on me. You still barely know me.”

“Surprised? Why?” she asked earnestly. “We saw your mettle in the trial, darling. Rainbow is eternally grateful to you for saving her, Applejack greatly respects you and Fluttershy clearly trusts you—which is no small thing for either, mind you—and as I myself told Twilight yesterday, human or no, you are a true gentlecolt and a fine specimen of a stallion. One any mare would love to have!” She batted her eyes at him, taking some delight in seeing his cheeks redden.

“Trust me, if we did not think you were good for her, we would hardly be encouraging her interest. For all her power, Twilight has a certain… naivety… about her that is adorably endearing, but also dangerous in matters of the heart. That is why I am grateful to you for not letting yourself be swayed by Applejack’s attempts to bring you both together last night. Twilight is not ready, and I daresay, neither are you.”

Well to be fair, she was hardly in any sort of shape for it after she sent that text to Maya! “I thank you for the vote of confidence, Miss Rarity. But I’m still a human,” he pointed out. “I guess I’m surprised by how easily you all seem to overlook that.”

“I suspect that matters less to us than it does to you, darling.” She grinned, extending a tendril of her aura to top off his drink. “Equestrian society comprises many different species, after all, and the three pony races—unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies—form relationships quite readily,” she noted. “I grant true inter-species relationships are rare but not unheard of. Such pairings have been the subject of many a romance novelist, and more than a few films.”

Like Lenora and Cruise Control, Phoenix noted, remembering the reaction to their kiss at the end of the grand racer reveal the previous day. “Actually, Miss Rarity—since you’re a unicorn, maybe you can answer some questions about magic for me?” He changed the subject, still not comfortable talking about himself and Twilight so readily.

“Myself? Well, I am hardly the expert on the subject that Twilight is, but I shall do my best,” she promised, sitting up straighter and giving him her undivided attention.

“I guess I’m still trying to understand how magic works,” Phoenix began, idly stirring some sugar and cream into his drink while looking troubled. “I get that Twilight is unusual in the breadth and strength of her powers, but is what she can do really that rare?”

“It is, darling,” Rarity replied as she dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “In point of fact, most unicorns possess magic that serve their special talent but little more. My magic is superb for fashion and gem-finding, for example, but I would struggle mightily if I, say, tried to apply it to weather control. I simply can’t do it.”

“That’s an elemental power,” Phoenix noted. “And such things can’t be learned, like an illumination or levitation spell?”

“They cannot,” Rarity confirmed. “We can develop and refine our magical abilities, certainly, and as Twilight said, spells like teleportation can be learned. But elementals of any type are quite rare, and such powers cannot be taught. You either have them or you don’t,” she explained. “Though in fairness, it is theorized that all ponies have at least one elemental alignment that influences us in subtle ways, but only the most powerful of us can truly tap them. Possible alignments include the standard elements—fire, air, water and earth—and the exceptionally rare plant, weather and ice abilities.”

She grinned at his impressed look. “Trust me, darling, you can’t spend time with Twilight and not pick up a few things. But to answer your original question—what sets Twilight apart from other unicorns is that her special talent is magic, though in my humble opinion, even that only explains part of it. No, what truly sets her apart from other ponies is her unquenchable thirst for knowledge and understanding, coupled with her desire to serve both her friends and greater ponydom. It gives her the drive to study and master things few unicorns can.”

It certainly explains why she’s a walking spellbook! Phoenix thought. “Well, perhaps you can answer a related question for me, then.” Phoenix took another sip of his coffee and helped himself to more crackers and cheese. “Why are ponies so afraid of Trixie for being a weather elemental?”

Rarity’s smile dropped a bit. “Well. To understand that, you have to know a little about our ancient past…” she began, going on to tell him about the War of the Celestial Sisters, including the banishment and subsequent resurrection of Nightmare Moon.

When she finished the tale, Phoenix was both amazed and aghast, having known only part of the story from his reading. Twilight and her friends fought… THAT? “I think I get it. So basically, if you’re a fire elemental, you’re seen as a disciple of Celestia, but if you’re a weather one… you’re assumed to be a follower of Nightmare Moon?” he repeated, a disbelieving note in his voice.

“I’m afraid so,” the fashionista confirmed with a troubled look. “Weather magic was a signature power of Nightmare Moon, so rightly or wrongly, weather magic is associated with her darkness and evil… just as fire is associated with Celestia’s goodness and the sun.” She bowed her head. “It is unfair, I readily admit, but in some ways weather power like hers is also considered an unnatural ability, as weather control is supposed to be exclusively the province of pegasi like Rainbow. For a unicorn to do it is considered… inharmonious. And the fact that she’s an ice elemental as well doesn’t help matters either.”

Sounds like little more than flimsy old fears to me! Phoenix thought. “Why not?”

“Windigos,” Twilight replied from behind them, taking her seat back at the table. At his uncomprehending look, she picked up where Rarity left off, going on to tell Phoenix the story of Hearth’s Warming and the founding of Equestria. The tale left Phoenix marveling again at the parallels between the two worlds... and alarmed that such creatures as she described could even exist.

“So in a nutshell, Windigos used the discord and hatred of the individual pony tribes to fuel their powers and lock the land in an eternal winter,” Twilight summarized. “We overcame it by resolving our differences and taking the hate away, but ice powers are forever associated with Windigos for it. Much like weather magic, it’s seen as an evil power with an evil source. And you have to admit that Trixie’s temperament doesn’t exactly help ponies to see past that.” She sighed, levitating her teacup to her mouth.

Wow. So Trixie’s got two strikes against her right off the bat? Phoenix shook his head sadly. “Hardly seems fair, Twilight. She can’t help the powers she has,” he said, reflecting that he now fully understood why the mare magician had called it a curse.

“It isn’t, Phoenix. I’m not arguing with you there,” she said sadly, sipping her drink. “Now that her abilities are out in the open, ponies see her as a ‘weather witch’ and shun her for it. I can only hope the return and redemption of Princess Luna will remedy that.”

If she’d ever stop being a recluse and start showing herself to ponies, that is! Twilight added with her thoughts, remembering that the Lunar Princess hadn’t actually been seen in public since her purification.

After hiring another carriage to take them back to the train station, the group reconvened and reboarded for the trip home, though they once again had to wade through a sea of reporters and photographers, cameras and microphones magically hovering around Phoenix like gnats he badly wanted to swat.

Taking the 6:00 PM train, they retraced their steps to Ponyville, though with Twilight awake this time and pointing out various landmarks and scenery to Phoenix as they munched on donuts procured by Pinkie Pie, it was far more of a pleasure tour than the ride up. Sure beats the city mass transit trains back home!

Pulling into Ponyville station just before 8, Applejack invited the entire group back to her farm for dinner, but Phoenix demurred. “We had our fill of hors d’oeuvres and donuts. I promise to take you up on the offer later, Applejack, but for right now? I think Twilight and I would like to be alone again,” he explained before catching himself and seeing Twilight’s eyes go wide, realizing how that sounded.

“Oh! Um… do you want me to take Spike again?” Fluttershy asked as the scribe made another face.

Rarity looked alarmed while Applejack’s expression turned smug. “No, Mister Wright, you mustn’t! It’s too soon!”

“And we’re not,” he said evenly, to the evident surprise of all. “But we do need to talk, and I’d like some privacy for it. Spike, if you could just wait outside for a bit?”

“Oh,” Rarity blinked, visibly relieved but shooting Applejack a triumphant look. “Very well, then. You heard him, everypony! Let us leave them to it.” She shooed the others away.

When the door to the library had closed and the treehouse had passed out of sight, Rainbow Dash went up to Applejack. “We’re gonna listen in, right?”

“You better believe it!” Applejack answered, the pair doubling back at the first opportunity.

Golden Oaks Library
June 12th, 8:45 PM

“So…” Phoenix began after the door had closed behind them.

“So…” Twilight replied in an identical tone, feeling an odd sense of déjà vu as they began the same way they had the previous evening—but this time, she knew there was no escaping it as the pair turned to face each other again, keeping a respectful distance. “Where do we begin?”

“I guess with just one question—why?” Phoenix asked her, sitting down heavily on the sofa. “I asked Rarity, but I’ll ask you too—I come from a different world entirely. I’m not a pony, I don’t have magic, and I can’t stay here. So why in the name of both our worlds would you be interested in me?”

“Well…” Twilight blushed as she sat down on the rug, facing him. “Maybe the best answer I can give you is just to show you something,” she decided, her horn flaring as she materialized an object in front of her—a paperback book, turning it to face him.

When he saw the cover, he started—the depicted pony could almost have been a pegasus version of himself, with his coat the color of his dress jacket and mane jet black and swept back into points, lounging on a meadow with a unicorn mare at his side, the pair in a rather provocative pose.

The resemblance—it’s UNCANNY! “You like me… just because of this?” he asked in some wariness.

“No. This is just the tip of the iceberg,” she clarified, materializing several more books that Phoenix remembered had been scattered on the floor of her bedroom when he’d took her up to it the previous night. “Before you came here, and long before any of this happened, I’d been reading romance novels given me by Rarity. Among my favorites were this one… an interspecies romance series… a story about a mare falling for a defense attorney… a tale of rekindled hope... and a couple others that have one common thread.” She raised different books in turn, then took a deep breath and forced her purple eyes to meet his brown ones.

“You,” she admitted, a tremor in her voice as comprehension dawned on Phoenix’s face. “I honestly didn’t realize this until Rarity pointed it out, but you’re all my favorite romance novel themes and characters rolled up into one tidy package. So if these books are any indication…” She blushed hard again. “You’re my ideal mate.”

Phoenix stared at the book cover again, then back at her, uncertain if he felt more reassured or disturbed by the revelation. “You’ll forgive me if I’m not sure what to say to that.”

“If it’s any consolation, I don’t either,” Twilight told him, her tail twitching nervously. “All I know is that regardless of their source, I do have feelings for you, Phoenix. They’re real to me. And I think to you as well.”

“Are they?” he asked in a rhetorical tone, running his hand through his hair. “I’m not sure that my accidental resemblance to romance novel characters is the best basis for a relationship, Twilight.” In fact, I’m pretty sure just the opposite is true!

She nodded ruefully. “I know, but… there it is, Phoenix. And I think the bigger question now is: what are we going to do about it?”

“That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?” Phoenix said, more to himself than to her, running his hand through his hair again. Twilight waited, her body tensing, afraid of his answer. “Well, let me first say something about your magic. It’s…” he trailed off uncertainly.

She relaxed a bit, thinking his hesitation was simply trying to find the right superlative. “Impressive? Amazing? Incredible?” she suggested with a grin.

“Terrifying,” he finally whispered, causing her expression to drop and eyes to go wide. “What unicorns like you and Trixie can do with your magic, Twilight... it scares me half to death.”

Her ears went flat, seeing her abilities from his point of view for the first time, realizing how teleportation, memory replay and elemental fire must look to a creature with no innate magical abilities, awareness or defense. Magatama aside, he has no magic of his own and must find what we can do overwhelming! “I’m really sorry if I’ve scared you, Phoenix. I know I’ve got a bit of a temper at times.”

He shook his head again. “I can deal with tempers, Twilight. But the thing is, I don’t have any defense against what you do. You could wipe my memory, incinerate me in the blink of an eye, or—like Rarity did yesterday—pick me up and undress me and I couldn’t do a thing about it. You could even do that and then…” he didn’t finish his sentence but looked away, as if he was ashamed for even thinking it.

She followed his train of thought, and was appalled for it. “But Phoenix—I’d never do that!” she insisted, tapping her chest with a hoof. “Magical ethics are something instilled into unicorns at a very early age, and I’d never do something like…” her voice trailed off, sensing his rebuttal even before it was said.

“Like put a tracking spell on me without telling me? Or that ‘scrying’ spell you used on Trixie? And what was that about experimenting on other ponies with the Magatama’s power?” Phoenix reminded her in a subdued tone, causing her to look away in guilt.

“And that’s just what I know about. And therein lies the problem, Twilight,” he continued, turning away and crossing his arms. “Short of seeing an aura around me, I can’t tell if magic’s being used on me, and even then, I can’t resist it. You have to understand—that’s very frightening to me.” He took a deep breath before continuing, as if he was steeling himself to voice an unpleasant thought. “I don’t know how or if you’re influencing me somehow—whether you’re somehow making me feel these things for you.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide at the suggestion. She began to vehemently deny it only to stop short. Am I...? she suddenly wondered. Magic couldn’t make somepony fall in love, of course, but it could cause feelings of intense infatuation or desire, and she knew there was at least one major spell out there that could have that exact effect. Could that be happening here? Is it possible I’m doing something to him subconsciously…?

“Your hesitation says you’re not sure yourself, Twilight,” he pointed out with the sad surety of a defense lawyer who’d just spotted the contradiction that pointed to his own client’s guilt. “And that alone means what we’re feeling—what I’m feelingmay not be real.”

Twilight searched her mind for an answer, for some piece of evidence that would refute his hypothesis just as Phoenix had done to refute testimony in court, only to realize… “I can’t deny the possibility, Phoenix,” she admitted in defeat, going downcast. “All I can do is give you my solemn oath that from here on out, I will not use any magic on you without your express permission. And if you want? I can have my friends take you to be magically scanned. Doctors can determine if you’re under the influence of a potion or spell. And I’ll stay behind to make sure there’s no chance I can influence the results.”

“You’re the Element of Magic, Twilight,” he quickly pointed out, leaning back against a bookcase, suddenly feeling more like a prosecutor than a defense attorney. “If anypony could defeat such an effort, it’s you.”

“Phoenix…” She looked away in pain, sensing things slipping away from them. “By your logic, I can’t prove my innocence in any court. How is that fair?” she asked him, letting the hurt into her voice. “I can’t help what I feel for you. But do you at least believe me when I say I would never hurt you?”

He looked at her, seeing the pain and pleading in her eyes. “Yes,” he acknowledged. You certainly had plenty of chances and reasons to hurt me after the first day of trial! “And by the same token, I can’t deny the possibility that this is real, and I’m just trying to find excuses to not admit it.”

Twilight looked up, her hope rekindled. “But why wouldn’t you, Phoenix? I mean, why would that—why would we—be so bad?” Twilight asked earnestly, taking a cautious step towards him. “If we really do like each other genuinely, why should we fight it? We come from two different worlds, yes, but… I’m willing to try if you are.”

He was suddenly unable to meet her eyes. “You don’t understand, Twilight. It’s just not that easy for me...” he trailed off, wringing his hands together in distress.

“Why not?” she asked him before a potential answer occurred to her. “Is it because I’m a pony?” she suggested, the very possibility hurting her.

Phoenix searched his heart and was surprised by the answer he found. “No. It’s not that, it’s…” his voice trailed off again and his eyes went distant.

“What, then?” Twilight had to know.

He looked back at her like he was weighing something; Twilight read the indecision on his face before he sighed in defeat and went for his right pants pocket. After fumbling for a moment, he pulled out the wallet Twilight had seen earlier, opening and flipping through it until he found what he was looking for. “It’s her,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut in pain as he passed Twilight a small photo.

Accepting it in her aura, Twilight started as she saw the picture of a younger Phoenix with a petite red-haired human woman on his arm. She had a warmth and gentleness about her that shone clearly even through the camera’s eye, her demeanor very strongly reminding Twilight of Fluttershy. “She’s very pretty,” Twilight admitted, though her heart inwardly sank. He already has a mare—er, womanfriend? She didn’t know what else to call her. “Is she…?” She held her breath.

“She’s the devil,” Phoenix shook his head violently and hissed out his answer with such vehemence that Twilight flinched, having never expected to hear such raw, visceral hate from him. “Her name is Dahlia Hawthorne. Remember how I said I was framed for murder by someone I thought cared for me? Well, she’s the one who did it,” he told her, standing up and stepping away, taking several deep breaths to still his suddenly surging emotions.

“She was my girlfriend five years ago, Twilight—the only one I’ve ever had. When I ran into her back in law school, I thought I was the luckiest guy in the world. No girl even gave me a second look before her,” he recalled.

“It was love at first sight and I fell head over heels for her. I worshiped her and I’d do anything for her. But it was all… a bucking… lie,” his voice went shaky and his hands shook as well; he had the sudden urge to rip the picture in half as he had a hundred times before. But for the hundredth time, something stopped him.

“I thought she loved me back, but all that time she was just using me! It turned out she’d already killed someone and was using me to hide the evidence—never mind how.” He got up and walked to the window, leaning heavily on the sill as Twilight stared at him, aghast. “I still don’t know how I could have been so blind, even then. I mean, it was like she was two different people—one when we were together, and another at my trial when she told me I was weak and worthless…”

A horrified Twilight remained silent, not knowing what she could say or do as Phoenix sat back down and clutched his head in both hands. “She ripped my heart out and broke it into a million pieces, Twilight. I’ve tried very hard to move on from it and not let it define me, but hurts like that? They don’t easily heal.”

“Phoenix…” it was all Twilight could do not to go to him, not understanding how a mare, even a human one, could ever do that to a stallion. What kind of world does Phoenix live in that there exist such awful people? “I’m so sorry,” she told him, but couldn’t help but have a flashback to reading Cloverfields, where the mare protagonist had faced a very similar situation, uncertain if she dared try what that mare had done to heal a wounded stallion as she took a single, cautious step towards him. “But I’m not like that. You can’t think I’d ever do that to you.”

“I know you wouldn’t. But that’s still not something you shake off easily.” Phoenix turned brooding, his head bowed as he leaned over against a windowsill. “Because of her, it’s hard for me to have any interest in the opposite sex. Whenever I see a pretty woman, I see her. I remember how she deceived me, how she betrayed me, how I had my heart broken and…” He shook his head sharply. “It’s like I don’t trust any women at all now.”

On the other hand, maybe part of the reason you’ve turned my head is because you’re NOT a woman? the odd thought crossed his mind. “It hurts me just to look at this picture, Twilight. The only reason I keep it is to remind myself never to trust appearances.”

Twilight’s brow furrowed as she spotted a contradiction in his statement—an ability I’m picking up from YOU, Phoenix! “But your law firm chief—she was a woman, and you trusted her, didn’t you?”

He seemed surprised at the suggestion. “I never looked at Mia Fey that way,” he said, rubbing his hand behind his head. Which is maybe kind of odd given how revealing her outfits were—never mind how she fills out Maya and Pearls’ clothes when they’re channeling her! “Maybe she earned a pass for defending me in the murder trial. Or more likely, I see her more as a mother figure than anything else.”

Or maybe we just weren’t together long enough, he admitted to himself, though he’d heard rumors that Mia had been in a relationship of her own with another defense attorney from her original law firm.

“Okay. Then what about your assistant? Maya is her name?” Twilight tried next. “She clearly cares about you, and you for her,” she pointed out, trying to get him to acknowledge that there were women he trusted. “Any interest there?”

He gave her a startled look. “Did you just ask me if I’m interested in a teenage girl I’m the acting guardian for?” he rephrased her quesetion, causing Twilight to cringe, having not known her age or status. “She’s Mia’s younger sister and I took her in after Mia was killed. I grant I don’t know all the rules of this place, but I’m pretty sure sleeping with your ex-chief’s quasi-orphaned teenage sibling would be frowned on here as well,” he noted in a very mild tone. Never mind the fact Mia would probably kill me the next time she got channeled!

“It definitely would,” Twilight admitted in chagrin, her cheeks going red. “I’m sorry, Phoenix. I didn’t mean to—”

He put a hand on her shoulder for a moment, walking past her to sit back down on the couch. “It’s okay. In truth, you’re not the only one who thinks me and Maya should be together,” he recalled, managing a weak chuckle. “Maya’s cousin Pearls is a budding romantic who thinks I’m Maya’s ‘special someone’. We humor her, only because we don’t want to break an eight-year old’s heart.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile. Might like to meet those two someday! “Well, I think she’s right about one thing,” Twilight began, moving closer to him, trying to build her nerve. “You are a special somepon—er, someone, Phoenix.” She put a hoof on his knee. “Romance novels aside, I’ve never met any stallion as intelligent, generous and selfless as you.”

His cheeks went warm and he put his other hand over her hoof. “Thanks,” he acknowledged, giving her a squeeze. “But I’m not a stallion, Twilight.”

To his surprise, she gave a hearty laugh. “Actually, Phoenix, I spent a lot of time after the first day of the trial trying to tell myself just that. And you know what I decided? That it doesn’t matter. That to me, you’re a better stallion than most stallions here, even if you’re not an actual pony.” She moved a little closer.

“Well… thanks.” Phoenix’s cheeks warmed and he took on his goofy expression for a moment, finding her flattery getting to him. “But that’s not the only reason I’m reluctant. There’s also the fact that people around me tend to get in trouble or hurt. My friends. Even my rivals.” He sighed sadly, his better mood vanishing almost as quickly as it came as he slumped over in his seat.

“Case in point—I’ve had to defend Maya from murder charges twice, and in my last case back on Earth, she was held hostage to force me to defend a guilty client.” He visibly shivered. “Her kidnapper is still at large. In fact, a lot of people I knew ended up hurt by that case. Detective Gumshoe crashed his car trying to rush the last pieces of evidence to me. And even Franziska took a bullet.”

Twilight didn’t know what a ‘car’ or ‘bullet’ was, but she shook her head anyway. He IS just like Shining Armor—always putting others before himself! “Phoenix—I’ve taken on everything from an evil alicorn to an ice elemental. I’ve got a Princess at my back and five Elements of Harmony at my side. Five of the best friends a pony could ask for,” she quickly pointed out. “Between them and my magic, I should hope by now I’ve proven to you I can take care of myself.” And Shining Armor, too!

He chuckled almost ruefully, scarcely able to imagine what would happen if Shelly de Killer had tried to kidnap Twilight instead of Maya. “You’ve got me there,” he conceded. “Though that’s also part of the problem, Twilight. In my world, males are supposed to protect females. Here, it seems like it’s the other way around, and I’m so weak in comparison to you.” He stood back up and took a step away. “It feels like I’m the one that needs protection, and that’s a hard thing for me to accept.”

She gave him a disbelieving look. “Phoenix—you have protected females. You saved two mares yesterday and stood up for a third today,” she reminded him. “You protect those you care about in ways that have nothing to do with physical strength or magic but are no less important or powerful. Don’t ever think of yourself as weak, because you’re not to me or anypony else,” she told him fervently. And maybe it’s that inner strength of yours that’s so attractive to me. One you so rarely see in stallions?

He heard the conviction in her voice and found himself responding to it, standing up a little straighter as she spoke. “Thanks, Twilight. I needed to hear that.”

“You’re welcome. But now that all this is out in the open… where does it leave us?” she desperately wanted to know. “You’ve been through a lot, Phoenix. I don’t know if I’m right for you, I don’t know if I can help you, and I don’t even know if I’m not somehow influencing you,” she admitted, then took a deep breath to muster her courage, remembering the climactic scene from Cloverfields as she reared up to put her hooves on his shoulders.

“But I’m willing to find out. I’m willing to try if you are, Phoenix,” she told him again, her purple eyes sparkling hopefully. “And maybe my friends are right and the best way to find out if this is real is…” The rest went unsaid as she pressed close.

Surprised by her forwardness, he did not resist as she flattened herself against him. He smelled her subtle floral scent, felt her soft, thick fur under his hands as they began to travel freely over her back and sides, the silky strands of her mane running through his fingers. He felt the warmth of her aura, the weight of her body against him, sensed the invitation implicit in her stance and gaze, saw the compassion and concern for him in her oversized purple eyes…

Eyes he was slowly falling into as long-dormant desires suddenly flared to life. He could have her right now, he realized. He could go as far as he wanted and she would welcome, even encourage it—and the choice was all his. Sensing his response and receptiveness, her aura turned pink, his passions surging in its light as their faces drifted closer to a final, fateful kiss…

A kiss that, once made, meant they’d cross the point of no return…

A kiss that, once made, meant there was no turning back for either of them.

Mustering all his willpower to override what every fiber of his being was telling him to do, Phoenix closed his eyes and raised a shaky hand between them. “I’m sorry. We can’t, Twilight. Not yet. Not like this,” he told her despite her visible hurt, gently turning her away. “Not until I know this is real and isn’t somehow a magical by-product of this place. Please understand that if we do this, I don’t want to wake up with doubts or regrets. I want to know it’s real and it’s the right thing to do. And right now? I just don’t.”

Every strand of Twilight’s mane and tail drooped along with her ears, as her aura reverted back to its normal hue. “I understand,” she told him quietly, dropping back to all fours. “And I can’t disagree with your reasoning. You’re right—there are too many unanswered questions for both of us and it’s just too soon to do this,” she admitted. “Forgive me, Phoenix. I had to try.”

She offered herself to me, and yet… she didn’t push or force me, Phoenix noted. She took no for an answer and didn’t try to magically influence me. So maybe the question here isn’t so much whether I can trust her as whether I trust myself? “It’s okay. But your friends need to understand all this too,” he reminded her, stepping back, still feeling a little shaky—it had been a very long time since he felt something so intense. “I’m flattered they like me, but it’s a little uncomfortable when they keep trying to push us together or argue over the best way to play matchmaker for us on the train,” he told her, rubbing his head again.

“I’ll talk to them.” She grimaced; suddenly very glad she hadn’t been awake to hear it. “Please don’t hold it against them, though. They’re only acting like this because they think you’re good for me. Though, speaking of them…” Her expression turned stern as her horn flared and she yanked the front door to the library open, causing Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to fall inside the room in a heap. “And just what do you girls think you’re doing?”

Rainbow Dash spoke up first. “Just, uh... making sure no reporters were snooping around?” she offered to quick sounds of agreement and nervous smiles by the others.

“Uh-huh,” Twilight replied, unimpressed as an equally annoyed Phoenix crossed his arms and glared. “If you don’t mind, we’ve got another busy day tomorrow, and I’ll also thank everypony to stop playing matchmaker for us. If you were listening in, you know why.”

“We… do indeed,” Rarity admitted in a shaky voice, sounding like she was on the verge of tears.

Fluttershy was already there. “Oh, Mister Phoenix!” She sobbed softly.

“Ah’m sorry, part’ner. Ah... Ah just didn’t know.” Applejack removed her hat and bowed her head apologetically.

“Feeeeeenie! I’m soooo soooooorrrrryyyyy!” Pinkie hugged him tightly and wailed; she wouldn’t let go until Phoenix assured her repeatedly he was fine.

Chagrined, the group left with muttered apologies and a few parting hugs and sniffles—all except for Spike, who stood looking down at the ground, shuffling his feet uncertainly like he didn’t know what to say or do. “We’d better go to bed, Twilight,” Phoenix told her, feeling suddenly spent. “We have to hit the ground running on Sonata’s defense tomorrow.”

“Right,” she acknowledged. “The Detention Center opens to visitors at nine, so I’ll have Owlolicious wake us up at seven. And Spike?” she turned to her scribe.

“Y-Yes?” he said in an unusually respectful tone.

“You said you wanted to help us on a case? Tomorrow will be your chance.”

“Thanks,” he offered a wan grin, hugging Twilight before falling in behind her, giving Phoenix an apologetic, near-pitying glance as they departed.

“Goodnight, Phoenix,” Twilight said as she cast one last look his way before heading upstairs to her bedroom, a very subdued Spike in tow.

“Goodnight, Twilight,” Phoenix echoed, watching her until she passed out of sight, waiting until he heard her bedroom door close before heading for the guest room.

Sleep did not come quickly for either.

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on October 15, 2018.

Hope everyone enjoyed the quick visit to Canterlot and the long-awaited talk between Twilight and Phoenix! Sorry for the delay, but it was for the very best reason—I was playing Dual Destinies, which I can now heartily recommend. Thanks as always to Raven for letting me drive, to TheGoldCrow for preread and feedback... and to Leo Archon for a true collaborative effort on the chapter, which often saw us working on the same draft simultaneously in google docs. I wrote the intro and Phoenix/Twilight scene while Leo did the hearing and immediate aftermath, presided over by his OC, Delta Requiem.

For those of you who are wondering why we're engaging in this kind of worldbuilding so late in the story, it's because we're starting to lay the groundwork for our coming sequel, set in the future of this novelization. Ace Attorney: A Sonata for Two Worlds is now under development and, much like this chapter, will be a collaborative effort between myself and Leo Archon. Consider the final few chapters a preview of sorts.

As a final note... I went back and edited Part 57, both to clean it up a bit and because I realized I missed a golden opportunity for a (non-Frozen) reference. Look for it in the racer reveals.


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