• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 57 - Revealed Racers

Ponyville Courthouse
June 11th, 7:10 PM

Phoenix, it seemed, was now the man of the hour.

As he entered the lobby along with Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Spike, he was met with a crush of ponies; a mixture of fans, photographers and reporters, all of whom were clamoring to get a statement or picture of him. Much to his surprise, a few ponies were even shoving scraps of scroll paper and quill pens at him, asking for his autograph!

He obliged his new fans as magically hoisted cameras hovered all around him snapping photographs, and a lot of them, he noted, were trying to get both him and Twilight into the shot. Finally, he acceded to the wishes of the crowd and approached the front desk, where a microphone was floated towards him by the unicorn receptionist; his gym friends interposing themselves along with the few Royal Guardsponies in the lobby, trying to keep the crowd at bay as he addressed his equine audience.

“I’d just like to say… that justice was served today,” he said as cameras continued to flash. “The truth has been revealed in this case, and though I may get all the credit for it, there were in fact many ponies who made this possible. And I’d now like to thank them all individually—starting with my co-counsel, Twilight Sparkle!” he took pains to say, causing her to blush as he invited her to step forward, cameras flashing with renewed fervor as she stood beside him.

“She was my guide to this unfamiliar world, and I couldn’t have solved the case without her. You already know her magical prowess, but it was in fact her intellect that proved decisive—she uncovered several crucial facts in this case, and she also came up with the theory of the crime that ultimately cornered Sonata,” he noted, looking down at her with a proud grin.

“It was her love for her friends and her unshakable belief in Rainbow’s innocence that drove her to reach out to me. She was a superb co-counsel, and I have no doubt that with just a little time and seasoning, she’d make a very good defense attorney!” he added, his flattery causing Twilight to beam.

“I would also like to thank a pair of ponies who are not here—first, a free spirit by the name of Pinkie Pie, for befriending me yesterday when I was sure nopony would give me the time of day,” he recalled ruefully. “She snapped me out of my post-trial funk and assisted me on my investigation; made sure I was fed and escorted where I needed to go. She couldn’t come today except briefly...” He rubbed the back of his head at the memory of her sudden appearances, still having no explanation for them, “But her presence was certainly felt.”

“Next, I want to recognize a lamb with the heart of a lion—Fluttershy!” he said loudly. “For those who don’t know, she not only saved this case by coming forward with crucial information when all seemed lost, but she saved my life in the Everfree yesterday,” he explained, closing his eyes and bowing his head.

“I’ll never fully live down what I did to her or forget what she did for me—what she did for us all! So even though she’s not currently here, I just want everypony to know that I think she’s the most kind and forgiving individual, pony or human, I’ve ever met, and that what she did in court today took very great courage,” he said to a nod of satisfaction and approval from the rest of Twilight’s friends, Rarity most notably among them. “This case would have ended much differently without her.”

Seeing her reaction, Phoenix turned to the fashionista next. “I must also thank Miss Rarity, who repaired my suit twice out of the goodness of her heart, and gave me a crucial piece of evidence,” he followed up, causing Rarity to preen and Phoenix to decide in a moment of mischievousness that perhaps he could publicly stroke her ego a bit. “I appreciate her being here today, and I know Rainbow did as well. She is truly the spirit of generosity, and her beauty is matched only by her heart,” he added with a teasing look, causing Rarity to swoon again, Spike catching her but shooting him an angry look.

It was only then he realized that Spike had something for Rarity. Probably not a good idea to piss off a dragon—even a baby one! he decided, making it a point to single him out next.

“And let’s not forget Applejack and Spike, for retrieving Twilight’s copy of the spellbook in record time, delivering it just when we needed it most,” he said, making Applejack tip her hat to the crowd and Spike’s anger turn to surprise.

“We would have lost this case unless they got here when they did, and I’d especially like to thank Spike, for the extreme lengths he went to in order to get that book through,” he took pains to say, having been told by Twilight exactly what Spike had done during an earlier intermission, causing the scribe to blush and put a hand behind his head as everypony’s attention turned on him, cameras flashing again. He let out an embarrassed chuckle and gave the crowd a timid wave.

“And last but not least, I’d like to thank my new gym friends here in front of me, just for making me feel at home this morning, for coming to cheer me on, and later for helping to make sure Sonata didn’t escape. Thanks, gang!” He raised the microphone to them as if he was toasting them.

They all clopped their hooves and whinnied their appreciation. “YEEEEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!” Bulk Biceps shouted, rearing up and flexing.

“I’ll take a few questions now.” He saw a hoof shoot up immediately, waving for his attention. “Yes?” He pointed to the hoof’s owner, a unicorn mare standing in front.

“Mister Wright! Will you be representing Sonata Tarot?”

Phoenix answered honestly. “I’d like to, but I don’t know if I’ll be allowed to… or if Ms. Tarot would permit me to. Yes?” He pointed at a hovering pegasus mare next.

“Will you be opening a law office in Equestria, Mister Wright?” she asked around the quill pen in her muzzle.

“Oh! Well, I’ll certainly give it some thought…” he managed, wondering if there was even any way he could as he saw Twilight’s face light up and her gears start visibly turning, considering the same question. Sure would be nice if she could open a permanent portal!

“Is it true you’re going to be retained as private legal counsel to the Princesses?” an earth pony reporter asked next.

Both Twilight and Phoenix blinked, giving each other a glance. “Not that I’ve heard?” the latter replied.

“Are you Twilight Sparkle’s coltfriend?” a stallion shouted from the back.

They’d known the question would come, but Phoenix and Twilight still blushed. “I think that’s between—”

“Are you now going steady?” a unicorn mare didn’t let him finish.


“And will you be starting a herd with her?”

“A what?” He blinked as Twilight’s eyes went wide.

“And will the Princess preside over your wedding?” a unicorn stallion asked next.

“Okay, I think we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves…” He rubbed his hand behind his head.

“Is it true she’s going to bear your foals?” the earth pony mare shouted again.

“Wait, what?” he asked as Twilight went beet red.

“Will you be taking any other pony wives?” Phoenix was asked before Rarity could so much as utter a protest.

“N-no, I—”

“And is it also true Miss Rarity is being invited to join your herd?”

“B-but—” was all Phoenix could manage as Rarity went stunned.

“And why are you now leaving them for Fluttershy?” another called out, causing both ponies to blush hard. “Don’t you care about them anymore?”

“Bwuh…?” was all Phoenix could manage while Twilight just looked like she wanted to hide; beside her Rarity had turned equally red while Spike was trying his hardest not to laugh.

“Okay, that’s ’nuff ’o that!” Applejack stepped in front of them with a stern voice. “Private lives should be private, so y’all can kindly buck off and leave ’em alone!” she ordered, to no effect as a new round of shouted questions erupted, each more intrusive and embarrassing than the last.

“Excuse me, Mister Wright,” a new voice cut in; Phoenix turned and was surprised to see Lenora beside him, having just returned from dropping off Scootaloo. “I think I know how to stop this and save your sanity. May I?” she held out her paw and opened her talons to ask for the microphone.

“Sure…” He passed it to her.

“Thank you, Mister Wright. Everyone, may I have your attention, please?” Lenora requested as she grasped the microphone and took flight into the middle of the lobby with a single powerful beat of her wings, where she was swiftly joined by five pegasi and a griffon male led by Cruise Control. They entered the lobby through the high window on a burst of wind; the excited reaction of the crowd told Phoenix they were all famous figures.

“We are all elite Equestrian 500 racers. And we all were blackmailed by Ace Swift and Sonata Tarot!” Lenora announced from her hover. “After talking it over, we have decided to reveal what we were being blackmailed for, to prevent that information from being used against us in the future! Painful though some of this information is, we will now reveal our deepest secrets so we can finally have a real race!” she announced, causing the media to turn their full attention on them as they landed in the center of the large room.

A sand-colored pegasus mare with a darker brown mane and single-arrow cutie mark stepped forward first. “Most of you know me as Attack Angle," she announced. “But my real name is Hurricane Wind. And I am not actually a pegasus…” Phoenix blinked as a magical aura suddenly surrounded her, causing her wings to disappear and a unicorn horn to appear in their place, an orange glider-like contraption strapped to her back.

“I’m a unicorn… and an air elemental!” she announced, punctuating her statement by causing a sudden and very powerful wind to whip through the chamber, the unicorn hovering on it with her glider, her mane and tail whipping in the air.

The media stood stunned for a moment before starting to snap pictures of her. They began shouting questions after she landed and ceased her wind, at which point the griffon tiercel stepped forward. His coat consisted of black feathers paired with white hindquarters, making him look to Phoenix like a cross between an owl and a panda. “I’m known as Steel Wing,” he told the crowd. “And... here’s why.” He took a deep breath as he reached up with his right forepaw to seemingly peel off a layer of skin from his left wing to reveal... an intricate mechanical wing consisting of very thin, flexible metal feathers, causing the crowd to gasp.

If the assembled media had been merely shaken before, they were now completely shocked, turning their attention, cameras and questions on the male griffon. But they were given no chance to recover before two very toned and trim pegasus stallions stepped forward, causing several fangirl squeals from excited mares.

“I am Highway,” the first, green-colored stallion introduced himself.

“And I am Danger Zone,” the second, red one added, just before the pair stepped towards each other and hooked their hooves together.

“And we… are colt-cuddlers,” they announced as they reached in to exchange nuzzles, causing jaws to drop all around the lobby and several of the mares to burst out crying as their dreams were crushed.

The crowd had barely recovered from that unlikely revelation when the next racer stepped forward. Phoenix noticed Rarity was openly drooling over this one; a rather handsome if pale-looking pegasus stallion with high cheekbones and a distinctive aristocratic look. “I am Alucard,” he announced in a very cultured voice, going into a hover a short distance above the other racers.

“And I…” he took a deep breath and removed his medallion, dispersing the illusion spell it contained to reveal… a dark purple coat and near-black mane, tufted ears, and cat-slitted eyes with blood-red irises that caused the entire crowd to take a step back and collectively gasp as he suddenly flew up to the ceiling to hang upside down from the rafters. “Am a thestrel!” he announced, flaring his bat-wings for all to see.

Several loud shrieks were heard from the gallery and Rarity fainted dead away, Spike stepping protectively in front of her.

All that left was Lenora and Cruise. “You already know me as Lenora Arielle,” the eagless spoke for them both. “And Cruise Control—” she hugged him with a wing, drawing him closer “—is my lover,” she announced as they openly kissed, causing all remaining muzzles that weren’t already agape to fall open and the assembled media to all but explode.

Well. That was a quick fifteen minutes of fame! Phoenix shook his head as the press surrounded the revealed racers, snapping pictures and shouting questions at them, seemingly having completely forgotten about him and Twilight.

“Um… sorry about all that, Phoenix,” Twilight apologized with her hoof behind her head, still blushing heavily over the questions.

“It’s okay. Looks like the press here is just as fickle and gossip-driven as back home.” He shook his head as he watched the throng.

“Well, they ain’t the only ones. Reckon Rarity’s out fer the count this time,” Applejack announced, motioning to the still-fainted fashionista, who Spike was trying gallantly to hold up.

Twilight smiled at that. “She was up all night and did emergency repairs on Phoenix’s suit. She should probably be put to bed. Would you guys mind?” she asked Spike and Applejack.

“No problem,” Applejack promised, draping her fainted friend over her back. “Meet ya’ll at the library later, then. Dunno where Pinkie was again, but you can bet she’s gonna wanna throw a party once she hears the news!” the country mare noted, taking a limp Rarity out the side door with Spike following.

With that, Phoenix thanked his gym friends for their help and support, exchanging hoof bumps with them and promising to make his gym visits regular for the duration of his stay. They departed, and he suddenly found himself alone with Twilight.

“Okay… so now what?” he wondered aloud, his guts clenching as he sensed exactly what. “So, um, Twilight? Do you, uh… want to find some place private and talk?” he finally posed the question he’d been dreading all session.

Twilight blushed hard again. “Actually… please don’t think I’m avoiding you, but there’s something I need to go do first,” she told him, shuffling her hooves nervously as she looked down the hallway where she saw Sergeant Major Delta waiting for her, and she instinctively knew why—he was there to take her to see Shining Armor. “And Phoenix, I realize this may be a bit selfish, but… while I’m gone, could you do me a favor?”

“A favor? What?”

“Could you please return this to Trixie?” she floated him Trixie’s torn-up wizard hat out of her saddlebags. “And talk to her, if you would?”

Phoenix was caught short. “Uh… why do you want me to talk to her?”

“Well…” she shuffled her hooves uncertainly. “It’s that issue I wanted to bring up with you earlier before the trial, regarding the Magatama. Trixie bears awful feelings towards me for some reason she refuses to admit. I have some insights on it now, but—”

“You do?”

Twilight hesitated before speaking, her eyes going evasive. “When we were dueling, I… did something a little naughty. She was broadcasting her thoughts and emotions very strongly, so… I used a scrying spell on her,” she announced, looking away in guilt.

“’Scrying spell’?” Phoenix repeated, giving her an askance look.

“Remote memory or dream viewing,” she clarified. “It’s only possible when a pony is extremely emotional and their mental defenses are weak or distracted, like she was in the duel. It’s… also very frowned upon as an invasion of privacy,” she further admitted.

No kidding! Phoenix was perturbed, noting Twilight’s expression looked just like Pearls after being caught with her hand in his jelly bean jar. Could she do that to ME?

“She was so intent on her storm and fighting me she never even noticed. It’s also why I wasn’t fighting back during the duel, so I could concentrate on the spell. And to make a long story short…”

She took a deep breath before continuing. “I saw what happened in her past, Phoenix. It wasn’t pretty. She was a pariah because of her powers, bullied badly and later blackmailed, hurt severely and repeatedly—and learned all the wrong lessons from it. I think in the end she was trying to hurt me as she’d been hurt. Make me feel her loneliness and pain,” Twilight looked away in deep regret, mentally berating herself for not learning more about Trixie before and making more of an effort to reach her.

And just who is this Sunset Shimmer? For as strong as she appeared to be, how come I never heard of her? she suddenly wondered, making a mental note to ask the Princess about her later. “I’m still not clear why she’s made me the proxy for everypony that ever wronged her, but in an odd way, her dueling me like that was a breakthrough. In her mind, she was finally fighting back against her tormentors; standing up for herself even though she knew she couldn’t win.”

“You sound like you’ve got new respect for her,” Phoenix noted.

Twilight nodded in amazement. “I do. It was quite remarkable, really. When she saw my fire form, she broke through to a new level of power to fight it and gave me a really good run in there, Phoenix. She even got through my defenses a couple times,” she admitted, wincing as she showed him the wound under her shoulder, immediately waving off his concern.

“I’m fine, really. The point is, she’s gotten a lot stronger since I last saw her, and I daresay she’s one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria now. But in any event, she’s hurting bad and really needs a friend right now. And I don’t think she’ll accept me.”

“And you think she’ll accept me?” Phoenix gaped at her. “Um… not to put too fine a point on it, Twilight, but I just foiled her revenge scheme! Do you really think she wants to see me right now, let alone befriend me? And you do realize she already attacked me once and could freeze me in an instant if she wanted to?” he reminded her. “You may outmatch her, but what chance do I have?”

“She can’t use her magic, Phoenix. That collar she’s wearing prevents all spellcasting, even if she had any power left,” Twilight replied, looking troubled. “Her magic is completely drained. She threw everything she had into fighting me and was left with nothing afterwards. In fact, she’s even worse off in terms of magical exhaustion than I was yesterday. It’ll probably be days before she can wield any elemental powers again, and I doubt she’ll even be able to levitate a pencil before tomorrow.”


She forestalled any further protests with a hoof on his arm. “Please, Phoenix. There was once another magically powerful pony in Equestria who was consumed by feelings similar to hers, and the result wasn’t pretty.” She glanced back at a portrait of the strange dark-furred mare with the ethereal-looking mane on the wall. “Please try. For me?” she asked, turning her dewy purple eyes on him.

Phoenix rubbed his forehead with his fingers. Am I REALLY going to do this? he asked himself, only to realize—For Twilight? I guess I am. “Okay, I’ll try. But I’m out of there the moment she starts throwing spells or rocks at me, understood?”

“Thank you, Phoenix.” She nuzzled his side lightly, then turned away to leave, heading for an unfamiliar red pegasus stallion Phoenix saw at the end of the hall. “I’ll meet you in the lobby afterwards.”

“Before you go… what does this have to do with the Magatama?” he belatedly recalled her mentioning.

She stopped for a moment, looking fractionally back at him. “Just use the Magatama and ask her ‘what do you have against Twilight Sparkle and her friends?’ and you’ll see for yourself,” she promised. “She’ll probably insist it’s just the Ursa Minor, but I know that’s not the case.”

He nodded his understanding, though he really didn’t. See WHAT for myself? Sounds like regular old psyche-locks to me! “Alright then. Wish me luck,” he told her. Think I’m gonna need a lot of it!

“Good luck, Phoenix.” With that, she headed down the hallway where the large red pegasus stallion with the military mane cut seemed to be waiting for her.

After watching her turn the corner out of view with him, he realized he didn’t actually know where the courthouse’s detainee holding was. Hoping to find somepony who did, he walked back towards the courtrooms, arriving at a hallway junction to find a pair of ponies chatting there; a mint-green unicorn mare with what looked to be a harp cutie mark and a light yellow earth pony with a curled pink-and-blue mane and candy cutie mark.

Recognizing the pair from the gallery—they’d been present for both days of the trial—he went up to ask directions. “Excuse me,” he addressed the unicorn mare first.

She didn’t reply right away, her mouth hanging open as her eyes went wide and cheeks flushing a bright pink as she beheld him, looking upon him in what seemed to be a mixture of awe and giddy excitement. In contrast, the yellow earth pony mare visibly rolled her eyes. “Forgive my friend. It’s an honor to meet you, Mister Wright!” the latter said politely, stepping forward. “May we help you?”

Phoenix wasn’t sure what to make of her unicorn friend’s reaction. “Um… yes. Could you please point me towards detainee holding?”

“Of course. It’s that way. Go to the end of the hall and turn left,” the earth pony mare said as she pointed down one of the side corridors with her hoof.

“Thanks,” he acknowledged, turning to leave.

“M-Mister Wright?” the mint-colored one called after him in a shaky voice.

“Uh… yes?” he turned back to her.

She came up to him, but wasn’t looking at his face so much as his… “H-has anypony ever told you that you have the most w-wonderful… beautiful… h-hands?” she finally managed, staring intently at them, suddenly picking them up and grasping them in her magic so she could look at them more closely. As she did so, her aura abruptly turned pink and she dashed into a nearby broom closet, slamming the door behind her. Her friend facehoofed, giving him a very embarrassed and apologetic look.

“Thanks, um… I’ll… just be going now!” said a slightly shaken Phoenix, his hands feeling strangely sullied as he hurried away down the hall.

Ponyville Courthouse
Detainee Holding
June 11th, 7:26 PM

Phoenix arrived at holding a couple minutes and one wrong turn later.

The bailiffs at the front desk were surprised when he asked to see Trixie, but they let him through with a minimum of hassle, completely unlike his experience at the detention center two days before. The guards escorted him to her cell, where she was being kept pending her arraignment the following morning. As he walked down the hallway, he couldn’t help but note the prisoner cells were pretty much the same as back home—small and utilitarian, little bigger than an office cubicle and consisting of only a bed, sink, toilet and small stool.

As he beheld her, he couldn’t help but feel sad at the sight of the proud showmare stripped of her freedom and dignity, noting that even her cape had been taken away. She really looks a lot different without it, Phoenix couldn’t help but note, seeing for the first time the entirety of her light blue coat and cutie mark. She’s beautiful in her own way, and her powers really do suit her—with her eyes, mane and coat color, she even kind of looks like a winter wizard!

“YOU!” Trixie shouted as she recognized him, scattering his thoughts. “You ruined everything, Wrong!” she all but hissed as one of the unicorn guards magically opened the cell door for him.

AH! She looks angrier than a swarm of hornets! Just hope Twilight’s right and she can’t sting like them now… “Well I… uh… w-wanted to r-return your hat. You l-lost it during the d-duel…” he offered it to her through the now-open door with a shaky hand and voice.

Her violet eyes flashed. “Give that back, you rotten thief! That’s mine!” she insisted, trying to reflexively retrieve it with her magic but only managing a few weak sparks off her horn, instead grabbing at it with her hoof and stumbling slightly when she tried.

This isn’t going so well… Phoenix thought as she snatched it back and struggled with it clumsily for a moment, trying unsuccessfully to pull it on with just her hooves.

Finally, she gave up and fell back on her haunches, defeated, looking weak and shaky. “So what do you want, Wrong? Why did you come down here?” she demanded to know, an edge to her voice. “Have you come to chastise me? Mock me? Gloat at me? ‘Put me in my place’?” she suggested bitterly, turning away from him.

Phoenix blinked. “No, of course not! I just wanted to talk to you, that’s all,” he tried again. She’s asking because that’s exactly what SHE would do, he realized, wondering what he would have done if she’d won and then come by to gloat.

“Well I don’t want to talk to you, Wrong! So just—” she shouted only to stop short; her nose suddenly twitching, sniffing the air. “Wait—what’s that you’ve got in your pocket?” she pointed at his jacket.

“My pocket?” he blinked at the sudden question, patting the area before he remembered what was there. “Oh, uh… it’s just a pine cone. Some filly friend of Rainbow’s gave it to me as ‘evidence’,” he explained as he pulled it free and showed it to her. “Cute, huh?”

“Yeah… cute.” Trixie seemed to Phoenix to be looking at it almost hungrily for a moment; she even licked her lips once. “Can I…?”

“Yes?” he asked, confused by her sudden shift of mood.

She shook her head sharply, as if in disgust with herself. “N-never mind! Like I was saying, I’m not in the mood to talk, so take your cheap suit and your pointy hair and just go away!” she ordered him imperiously with a wave of her hoof.

Gathering his courage, Phoenix ignored the dismissal and pulled up the cell’s small stool, sitting down on it a short distance away from the incensed showmare. He started and looked over his shoulder when he thought he felt something brush by him as he sat down, but there was nothing there except the side wall and sink. A little jumpy, are we, Phoenix? he asked himself, imagining all the fun Maya would make of him for it.

“Trixie, take this however you want, but you did a really good job as prosecutor in there,” he told her, causing the showmare—and a couple of the guards—to look at him in surprise. “No joke—I thought you had beaten me several times over the past two days.”

She gave him another scathing look. “Oh, don’t patronize me, Wrong! I lost! And you won…” she trailed off, her shoulders slumping. And SHE won…

“But it’s not about winning or losing when you’re an attorney, Trixie. It’s about finding the truth,” he told her fervently. “And I think in the end, you realized that. I remember how you sided with me when Gilda was giving her false testimonies. And that move you made against Sonata by sharing your teleportation theory had no benefits for you as a prosecutor.”

“’No benefits’?” she repeated in a derisive tone. “Are you dense, you idiotic ape? I wasn’t trying to help you, I was trying to prove she was at the scene so I could prosecute her!” she corrected him. “I don’t care about you or your stupid truth! And do you remember how that mangy griffon felt bad about revenge? Well, I certainly didn’t!” She grinned gleefully for just a moment. “As soon as I heard that guilty verdict, I felt like I was on top of the world because I finally had my payback. Sweet, sweet payback…” she told him, but Phoenix didn’t react, sensing she was just trying to get a rise out of him.

“For all the bucking good it did. I suppose that makes me a bad pony, but whatever. It’s not like it even matters anymore,” she said as she climbed onto the bed, though Phoenix noted it seemed to take much more effort than it should.

She really looks weak right now. Guess Twilight was right and that duel did a number on her, he realized, relaxing a bit.

“I don’t believe a word you’ve just said, Trixie,” Phoenix told her, crossing his arms. “You honestly thought Rainbow was guilty, and your actions as a prosecutor—and even your reaction to the guilty verdict—was predicated on that. Did you really want your victory if that meant banishing an innocent pony, even one of Twilight’s friends?” he challenged. “I’m a pretty good judge of character, and I don’t think you’re that far gone—in fact, I know you’re not. If for no other reason than you gave up when you realized the truth and even verified my theory.”

He went on when she stayed silent, perhaps unable to refute his reasoning. “You helped me solve the case, Trixie, and because of that, I don’t have a problem with your trial performance for the most part. After all, it’s up to the defense attorney and prosecutor to push each other to their limits as a means to find the truth, and you certainly delivered!” He rubbed the back of his head in a rueful manner. “It could have been done without the insults, but you kept me in check constantly and forced me to be at my absolute best in there.”

She gave an audible snort as she laid back on the bed in a surprisingly human manner, deliberately looking up at the ceiling and not at him. “Oh, please. It wasn’t that hard given you’re such a blithering moron.”

I really can’t get through to her, Phoenix worried, but for Twilight, he tried again. “By the way, did you ever think about the possible consequences of banishing Rainbow Dash?”

Trixie blinked and turned towards him. “Consequences?”

“Well, she’s a very popular mare in town, from what I can tell. I doubt anypony local ever actually believed that she murdered Ace Swift. Not only that, but she’s something of a national heroine, if I’ve been hearing things correctly.”

Trixie snorted. “Oh, please! Don’t tell me you’ve bought into that local tripe, Wrong!”

“Tripe? It sounds authentic from what I’ve heard,” Phoenix replied with a frown.

“There’s a big difference between sounding authentic and actually being authentic!” the showmare said with another snort. “I mean, let’s be reasonable. A dressmaker, a veterinarian, a party planner, a farmer, a weather manager, and a librarian all went into the most dangerous forest known to ponykind, found ancient relics that nopony had seen for a thousand years, and purified a great evil?” she asked derisively. “It sounds like some sort of colossal joke!

Before Phoenix could reply, he felt a shiver pass through him, like someone was silently listening—and seething; taking great offense to Trixie’s statement. “So this whole thing was about Twilight, wasn’t it?” he asked her, sparing another uneasy look around—the cell was empty except for the two of them, yet his senses were insisting they weren’t alone; he was strangely certain that someone—or somepony?—else was there right beside him watching. Or maybe I’m just more tired than I thought! “You were trying to get back at her for the Ursa Minor incident?”

Trixie’s eyes flashed again. “What do you think, Wrong? That lavender loser ruined my life—again!” she shouted, causing the guards outside to take a look back and make sure she wasn’t threatening Phoenix. “My wagon is smashed, my shows all bomb, I’ve made it a regular practice to dodge tomatoes and now this? It’s not… bucking… FAIR!” she announced bitterly, slamming her hooves down on the bed hard enough to make the springs squeak, a renewed glistening in her eyes.

“Why? Why does she get all the attention and acclaim? Why do ponies like her and not me? Why is it when she uses her elemental power ponies cheer and stomp their hooves, but when I use mine… they run and hide?” she asked nopony in particular, staring up at the ceiling of her cell.

Phoenix frowned and cast an uneasy glance over his shoulder, not understanding why he kept getting an odd feeling from that direction, having the uncomfortable sense that he could see someone nodding there if he just turned his head fast enough. “Well, uh…” Is there any way I can say this gently? “There’s the fact that you insult ponies constantly and you looked like you were trying to freeze up the courtroom and everypony in it…”

And particularly ME, Phoenix noted to himself weakly, praying Twilight was right and Trixie’s power was spent; ready to bolt if he saw her eyes start to glow blue again.

To his relief and surprise, they remained dark and she actually looked chagrined. “I’m sorry,” she said, suddenly unable to meet his gaze. “I swear I wouldn’t have hurt you despite appearances. And speaking of which—did he hurt you bad?”


“That buffoon who attacked you in the forest yesterday on Eye-Butt’s orders. Did he hurt you?” she clarified, turning towards him.

Phoenix blinked at the sudden concern she showed him. “You mean Cruise Control? Not really, no. A few bumps and bruises, nothing more.” The Timberwolves, on the other hand… He suppressed another shiver.

She nodded. “Good. Trixie was dispatching the police and planning to search for you personally after we got the report, but Snarkle ended up finding you first.”

He stared at her in surprise. “I didn’t think you cared.”

She gave him another look. “I don’t. But I didn’t want you dead, either. Despite what that purple-colored nerd and her fan club may have told you—and despite what you may have seen from me in there—I’m not a monster.” Her gaze became downcast and she wrung her hat in her hooves. “I’m sorry about the duel, and I’m sorry if I scared you when my power burst loose. I just… couldn’t keep it in any longer,” she explained.

“It’s okay. But why do you feel you have to keep it in?” Phoenix challenged. “Suppressing part of ourselves is never healthy, Trixie. If it’s who you are, you shouldn’t have to hide it.”

“Tell that to all the ponies out there who fear me now for being a ‘weather witch’!” she replied with a sharp but bitter laugh. “I didn’t want them to know. And for good reason.”

“And why is them knowing such a bad thing?” he asked her, genuinely curious. “Being a weather elemental is a great gift, Trixie, and one you could do a lot of good with—everything from watering crops to putting out fires. Heck, I could think of tons of uses for your powers!”

“A ‘gift’?” she hissed out the word. “Try curse. I didn’t ask for these powers! It’s like a cruel joke, you know!” she continued, and Phoenix let her speak, recognizing she was finally unloading. “Life gives you one talent you have to keep hidden. so you find another you think you’re gifted at. You fight and claw your way to some modest success, but then some little goodie-four-shoes-know-it-all comes along and ruins it all in a heartbeat!” she spat out, wringing her hat in her hooves again.

“I hate her so… bucking… much! Why does she have to be better than me in every little aspect? Why is it her friends are loyal but mine weren’t? Why is it when I try to entertain with magic I get an angry mob, but when she does the simplest, stupidest magic trick at her own leisure, she gets a crowd of hoof-stomping fans?” she asked the universe at large.

“But how is any of that her fault, Trixie?” Phoenix asked her earnestly. “From what I heard, she wasn’t trying to ruin you; all she did was save her town from an Ursa while you were there. So why do you hate her like this?”

“Why do you think, Wrong? She showed me up! And it’s all because of that stupid…” she began to say Ursa only to realize that when it came down to it, it truly wasn’t.

“Stupid what?” Phoenix prompted.

“It’s because of that…” she tried again but still couldn’t say the words, as she finally began to see the truth she’d first glimpsed at the end of the duel, when she realized she was going to lose. It’s because... I’m jealous of her… she now admitted to herself, but also sensed that reason alone didn’t go deep enough.

“I’m listening?” Phoenix wasn’t sure what was happening except that Trixie seemed to be reaching some form of epiphany, silently urging her on even if he wasn’t sure towards what.

“It’s because…” she trailed off again as her brow furrowed. It’s because Sparkle has everything I want. Everything I don’t have! she suddenly saw. Friends… respect… love… the ability to use her powers freely…

“Because…?” Phoenix prompted again.

“It’s because…” At long last, the answer crystallized in her head; Phoenix watched as tears began to roll freely down her face. It’s because… she’s everything I’m not,.. the showmare finally realized. I hate her because she’s what I COULD have been… and what I always wanted to be…

Phoenix felt an odd sensation and a wave of great sorrow, regret and anguish wash over him. He swore that he heard the sound of psyche-locks breaking while the unicorn guards outside looked staggered for a moment, one rubbing her head and the other dropping his spear. There was a visible wavering in the air behind him as well from a disrupted cloak, but his attention on Trixie, he only perceived a weak shimmer out of the corner of his eye.

What the heck was THAT? Phoenix wondered, going belatedly for his Magatama but by the time he grasped it, there was nothing to see, either in front of him or behind him. He thought of asking Twilight’s question then, but decided against it when he saw Trixie crying.

It was another minute before she recovered enough to speak again. “Argh… and just why am I telling you all this?” the defeated showmare sniffled and rubbed her eyes, suddenly feeling extraordinarily tired, and not just from the duel. She deliberately turned away from him to hide her tears, rolling to her side on the bed so she faced the wall.

“You’re a high-priced defense attorney who probably has more money and friends than he knows what to do with. How could you ever understand what it is to always be second fiddle? To never be noticed or appreciated no matter what you do? Or what it is to have ponies you thought were your friends betray you?”

Phoenix’s eyes went hooded and distant, a single name filling his suddenly brooding thoughts. Dahlia…

Shoving the painful memories—and equally murderous fantasies—of his ex-girlfriend aside, Phoenix focused back on what he now recognized was a deeply wounded showmare. Twilight was right. She’s hurting really bad.

“People do betray us, Trixie. That’s a fact of life,” he said very quietly, a bare note of pain in his voice. It’s a good thing that… witch… was given the sentence she was, or I might have carried it out MYSELF! “But they’re not all like that. The fact of the matter is, we need other people—or ponies—to push us. Friends to support us and rivals to help us realize our potential; push us to reach new levels of ability.

“For me, that’s a prosecutor—or actually, a pair of them. One is a man named Miles Edgeworth. He’s the greatest courtroom foe I’ve ever faced, and he pushes me to my limits in every case I have against him. In fact, he beat me this last time out,” he told her, deciding to leave out the fact that he didn’t want to win that case.

“That doesn’t sound too difficult,” Trixie said in a perfunctory tone, but there was little venom or conviction behind it. She’d seen firsthoof his courtroom prowess during the course of the day and still had a hard time believing what he’d accomplished.

Don’t let her get to you—she’s just insulting you because she doesn’t know what else to do, Phoenix realized, resolving not to take her put-downs personally. In a weird way, this seems to be how she relates to people! “We’re rivals, but we’re friends now, too, after I defended him from murder charges. And later I met another equally adept prosecutor—a woman by the name of Franziska von Karma.

“She’s very grudge-driven and has to be the best at everything, just like you. And just like you, she made a case personal—she came after me, seeking to avenge an affront to her family name when I beat her father. She’s brilliant and clever, tough-as-nails, doesn’t back down to anyone, and, well…” He shifted uncomfortably. “You’ll be happy to know she pulls out a whip and beats me with it whenever I step out of line in court.”

A smile bloomed on the showmare’s face. “Trixie might like to meet her.”

Trixie and Franziska together? Phoenix suppressed a shudder. BAD idea! “Look… I guess what I’m trying to say is, I wouldn’t be who I am without them. Without them there to push me and push back against me; without them there to fight me with everything they have and everything they are in court? I wouldn’t be the Ace Attorney I am. They’ve made me a much better lawyer, and I’d like to think I’ve done the same for them,” he told her, and was gratified to see that Trixie actually seemed to be listening. “Honestly, I think it’s the same with you and Twilight.”

Trixie’s eyes narrowed again, this time in fatigue and pain; she looked to Phoenix like she was struggling to stay awake. “But there’s one major difference between me and you, Mister Wrong—you occasionally win. But I never do!” she said in a voice that was now more resigned than bitter. “How am I supposed to get better if I’m always beaten down?”

“What makes you better isn’t getting beaten down, Trixie. It’s getting back up,” Phoenix immediately countered, unable to restrain a glance into the back corner of the cell, swearing he’d sensed a pony nodding again out of the corner of his eye… but there was still nothing there. This is getting spooky!

“You know, Twilight actually said you’d gotten a lot stronger since the last time she’d seen you, and that you reached a new level of power during the duel. Heck, even I could tell that you gave her some real trouble out there,” he noted. “Would that have happened if she hadn’t shown you up? If she hadn’t given you the motivation to improve and forced you to your limits by taking her fire form?”

Trixie opened her mouth, then closed it again, rolling to her side away from him once more.

She knows I’m right, Phoenix sensed, a hint of a smile on his face. “No joke—what I saw in that duel was absolutely incredible, Trixie. Between your weather power and your ice magic… despite what I’ve heard from some ponies, you’re no fraud at all.”

The mare magician gave another sharp but bitter laugh. “There’s an Ursa Minor and an entire nation of ponies out there who think otherwise. And Snarkle still beat me,” she said, suddenly sounding on the verge of crying again. “Trust me, Wrong—that’s all they’ll remember from this.”

Phoenix looked at her in disbelief. “You went horn to horn with the Element of Magic, fought her evenly most of the way, and yet you think losing to her is something to be ashamed of?”

“You don’t get it, do you?” Trixie sighed, now sounding very subdued. “In another time, in another world, I could have been the princess’s prize student. Change just one event, and I might have been the Element of Magic,” she said with a fresh sniffle, remembering her lost opportunity at the Young Magician’s Competition and Sunset Shimmer’s smirking face once more. “Instead, I’m stuck here in a holding cell awaiting disbarment and a prison term. No friends, no fans, no stage, no legal career… and now no hope. Yay, me.”

Phoenix shook his head sadly. “So there’s no one out there who loves you? No one who cares about you? I doubt that,” he said, trying a different tact. “There has to be somepony. A friend? A relative…? A parent,” he closed in just by watching her reaction. “Your father?” He finally guessed.

Daddy… was all Trixie Lulamoon could think in answer to his question, fresh tears welling in her eyes. I threw away the second chance you gave me. How can I ever go back to you again? “It doesn’t matter now,” she said in a very quiet voice.

“Yes, it does,” Phoenix insisted. “Take it from me, Trixie—there are times you have to set your pride aside. And holding grudges like you have against Twilight doesn’t lead anywhere except to more pain,” he told her. “Best advice I can give you is what was once told me when I was badly hurt—just let it go.”

“Let it go. Let it go?” she pantomimed, raising her head and giving him a look despite her growing fatigue and fluttering eyelids. “Oh, come off it, Wrong! Do you really think it’s that easy? That I just have to adopt some stupid slogan, sing a sappy song and then everything is okay?” she asked derisively, her head falling back to the pillow, leaving her staring up at the ceiling.

You know, when she puts it like that… “Well, no, but—”

“Do you see Trixie’s cutie mark, Mister Wrong?” She cut him off, nodding to her hip. “It’s a wand and a crescent moon, not a snowflake! All Trixie has ever wanted to be is what her father and grandfather were—a stage magician! Not some freaky ice mare or weather witch!” she told him and then looked away. “Our marks are supposed to represent our destiny? Well, all mine has ever done is cause me pain! And just what in the name of Luna is the moon on my mark supposed to mean anyway?” She threw up her forelegs in disgust.

Phoenix had a strange sense of movement out of the corner of his eye again; there was an odd tingling on the back of his neck he’d last had when he’d nearly stumbled on a snake. Maybe I’ll ask Twilight about this—I swear I’m sensing things that aren’t there! “I don’t know, Trixie. But I do know it doesn’t have to be that way. That there’s no reason you can’t be both showmare and weather wizard,” Phoenix suggested, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end as his instincts continued to insist they weren’t alone in the cell. “Why not incorporate your ice and weather magic into your show? You could make it a real spectacle that way.”

She looked startled at the suggestion, like she’d never considered the idea before. Sensing he’d gotten her attention, he pressed on. “You know, when I was a kid, I was really into magic myself. Or what passed for it among humans,” he changed the subject, deciding to give her time to absorb what he’d said. “I really got into card tricks, and for a time, I really wanted to be a magician myself. I even wanted one of those fancy silk hats magicians wear, but my parents couldn’t get me one. It was too expensive.”

“Trixie is very tired. What does this have to do with anything?” the showmare asked without looking back at him, still curled up away from him.

“I don’t know… I just wanted to find some common ground with you, I guess. I thought it was traditional for a magician to wear a silk hat?”

She looked back at him fractionally. “Do you honestly think Trixie cares about your pathetic life? Sorry, but I’m a little busy dealing with mine!” she snapped hard at him, her bitterness back. “Trixie is tired and just wants to rest—wants to forget this entire wretched day now. So get to the point and then please leave!”

He sighed. “I’m curious. I’ve seen Trixie the prosecutor, but I haven’t seen Trixie the stage magician. Looks like I’ll be staying in Equestria for a while, so if you’re out in time… could you come and give me a show?”

That caught her short, and she turned back to face him in surprise. “Wh-what? Y-you really—?” she began to ask with a strangely earnest hope on her face that quickly disappeared. “In case your feeble mind hasn’t noticed, I’m stuck in here, Wrong.”

Phoenix hesitated. I’m probably going to regret this, but… “I can’t guarantee I’ll be allowed to, but if you like, I’ll represent you, Trixie. And testify on your behalf at your review hearing,” he offered. “I can’t get you off, but I can probably plead you down and get you a reduced sentence. I might even be able to save your law license.”

She gave him another startled look. “You would?” Her face ran a gamut of emotions, finally settling on a feigned indifference. “Do what you want, Wrong. It’s not like I’m going anywhere or anything can be done for me,” she told him.

Phoenix belatedly realized he hadn’t asked the question Twilight had said to, but decided it was simply not the time. She’s had enough. It looks like she made at least one breakthrough, so let’s just leave it at that.

“I’ll let you know if I can represent you,” he said as he stood up to leave and the guards opened the door for him. “In the meantime, are you sure you’re okay? Is there anything else I can do for you? Anything you want?” he asked as he placed the pine cone on the stool beside her.

“All I want right now is your immediate departure, Wrong. So kindly leave and let me rest.”

The cloaked figure in the corner watched Phoenix leave before turning back to the fast-asleep Trixie, considering all she had heard, though she did at least briefly wonder if there was something wrong with her concealment spell that the blue-suited human barrister could sense her presence.

She had been drawn to Ponyville by the massive discharge of weather magic, seeking its source, wondering if she would finally find a pony in this new age that shared her unusual—and apparently feared—ability. And now she found herself staring down at the powerless and imprisoned showmare, her sleeping form sparking a multitude of emotions within the visitor’s magically-concealed mind. She heard the cell door shut but paid it no mind, knowing it would take far more than a simple cage to contain her.

Who was Trixie Lulamoon? What events and traumas had shaped her? Why had she fought a battle she knew she could not win? And why, the visitor asked herself, did she feel drawn to the young unicorn mare even as her numerous and perhaps intractable faults became apparent? Though there were no immediate answers, the cloaked figure was strangely certain there was more to this prideful but deeply wounded showmare than met the eye; more than the arrogant and insolent persona she presented.

But whether it was simple chance or outright fate that brought them together, the visitor wanted to know more, and knew where she could gain the knowledge she sought. Beneath her invisibility spell, her horn glowed, her eyes closing in concentration as she entered a realm where she was master…

A realm through which all ponies passed.

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on October 4, 2018.

The essence of a Phoenix Wright story is a mixture of suspense and humor, a roller coaster ride of emotions and plot twists. That's what I've aimed for as we've gone forward, and hopefully this new chapter is keeping in that spirit. And before anyone points out certain missing scenes or characters, they're being saved for later. So please don't spoil them for those who haven't seen the videos.

Thanks as usual to Phoenix Wright himself, aka Gold Crow, for his usual good feedback and suggestions, and part of the Phoenix/Twilight talk was written by Leo Archon, who will also be writing a significant chunk of the next chapter. Thanks as always to Raven as well, for letting me play in her sandbox and continue to write the story, which is now nearing the home stretch. I can't say enough how thankful I am for the privilege!


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