• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 42 - Fluttershy: Lost and Found

Ponyville District Court
June 11th, 10:32 AM

“Rainbow Dash, we need to talk…” was the last thing Twilight heard Phoenix say as she stepped out into the hallway and the door to the defendant waiting area closed behind her.

Yes, we do! Twilight agreed with her thoughts, hoping the human lawyer would give Rainbow Dash the third degree over what she had just done to Fluttershy. Save the fourth, fifth and sixth degrees for me, though! After we get Rainbow acquitted, I’m going to hug her and then I’m going to sit her down… and LECTURE her! She set her jaw, still hoping she wasn’t making a mistake by leaving Phoenix alone in the courtroom, vowing to return as soon as possible.

Once she turned the corner into the lobby, Twilight found herself having to fight through a crowd of ponies still waiting in line to get into the courtroom gallery. She would have teleported directly past them to get outside, but much like the Detention Center, the courthouse had an enchantment that prevented teleportation and certain other types of spellcasting as a security measure. Trying to push through the throng and not paying attention, she ran right into a large, deep red pegasus stallion with a darker red mane.

“Excuse me,” she said in clipped tones, her frustration growing as she tried to get past him.

“Oh! Hey, Twilight!” the stallion greeted her in some surprise. “Haven’t seen you in forever!”

Startled, she looked up. It took her a moment to place his voice and face, but once she did, her eyes lit up in delight. “Sergeant Delta!” she exclaimed, accepting a foreleg hug from him as she recognized him. A longtime and well-decorated veteran of the Royal Guard who bore the rarely-reached rank of Sergeant Major, Twilight had known him as a filly and had taken to him quite readily; he had been one of Princess Celestia's personal guard and had often been present when she had private lessons with her mentor, occasionally watching over Twilight himself when Celestia got called away to deal with various matters.

Unlike some of the other Guardsponies who tried to be as impersonal as possible, he’d been willing to talk with and even occasionally play with her, though he’d eventually been posted to Fort Spur as a trainer of new recruits and they’d lost touch as she grew older. “Forgive me for asking, but what are you doing here? And without your fur dye or armor?” she asked, not having recognized him without his soldier regalia or magically applied white fur color that was customary for military pegasi.

“A big race and a big case mean extra security, not all of which is supposed to be obvious,” Delta shrugged. “Actually, your brother sent me down here when the murder happened and told me to keep an eye on things,” he explained, unable to add he’d received additional instructions that morning to keep watch over both Twilight and the human lawyer representing Rainbow Dash as well—and not let either of them know. “So officially, I’m off-duty, here on leave to watch the race, but unofficially…”

“Right,” Twilight said somewhat shortly, renewing her vow to go see Shining Armor as soon as possible. “Listen, Delta… I’m really sorry to cut this short, but I’m currently looking for a friend of mine. Yellow pegasus with long pink hair; she flew out of here just a couple minutes ago. Did you see her?”

“Oh, you mean Fluttershy?” he suggested, causing her jaw to drop. “Don’t be so surprised, Twily. Of course I know of her; all the higher-ranked officers and NCOs know about the Elements of Harmony—and yourself,” he explained with a wry grin, deciding to leave out that her time as a fashion model had also made Fluttershy a very popular pony with the rank-and-file, pin-ups of her adorning many an enlisted locker. “But to answer your question, I think I did see her dart out of here. Flew out that window there,” he motioned with his head and pointed with a long red wing to an open window at the upper part of the atrium. “Only got a glimpse of her, but she seemed really unhappy. Is something wrong?” he asked with a look of concern on his face.

Twilight hesitated. “Well, nothing I hope can’t be rectified,” she said, her eyes distant and troubled. “But you’re right—she’s upset and I need to find her.”

This time, it was Delta’s turn to hesitate, torn between his duties to keep watch over Twilight and Phoenix, who were now split up. Well, between the bailiffs and other undercover agents, he should be safe enough in the courtroom, he finally decided. “Do you want me to come with you? I could help,” he suggested, flaring his large wings in offering.

She thought about it, wavering for a moment—his wings and sharp pegasus vision would certainly help her search, but… “No. Do me a favor and stay here to keep watch over Phoenix,” she requested, trying to keep the worry out of her voice. “He got ambushed in the Everfree yesterday and barely survived. And he’s got this bad habit of taking risks he shouldn’t.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he grinned, sketching her a salute though he was inwardly troubled by the news—it was the first he’d heard about an attack on the human lawyer, guessing it was the reason for the addendum to his orders. They might have mentioned that! “Good luck, Twi—both finding your friend and in the trial. After it’s over, let’s catch up before I leave, okay?”

“Promise,” she replied, reaching up to hug him with a foreleg again, dwarfed by his large form. As she left, trotting out the courthouse doors, Delta caught the eye of a small and slightly nondescript unicorn stallion across the hall, motioning with his eyes towards Twilight. He nodded and followed her out half a minute later.

Ponyville District Court
Courthouse Plaza
June 11th, 10:36 AM

Unaware of the other unicorn’s presence, Twilight stood on the stone stairwell outside the courthouse, scanning the sky and surrounding area below. But Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen, either on the ground or in the air. The plaza wasn’t its usual mill of activity, given that it wasn’t lunch hour yet with most ponies either at work or inside watching the trial, but there were at least a few about, tending vendor stalls or the clouds above.

Reaching the middle of the courtyard square, she took a deep breath. “FLUTTERSHY!” Twilight called out with a magically boosted shout, her voice echoing across the square and causing many ponies to turn towards her briefly in surprise.

But if Fluttershy heard her, she didn’t respond or appear. Maybe somepony saw her leave? Twilight fervently hoped as she approached the nearest market stall on the periphery of the plaza, one belonging to a flower vendor as it was decked out with various blooms, blossoms and bouquets.

She had expected one or more of Daisy, Roseluck or Lily Valley, the town florists, to be inside the booth, but was surprised to see a markedly different and somewhat larger pony there—a bright blue unicorn with a darker muzzle and a striped darker blue mane and tail that seemed to almost be in the style of Rarity’s, though she had a few more flourishes. Twilight started when she got closer and realized that the unfamiliar mare had a set of bright blue wings as well, folded against her sides.

She’s an… ALICORN? Twilight couldn’t help but gawk for a moment, Fluttershy briefly forgotten and not noticing the dark blue unicorn that passed behind her to visit an adjoining booth. “Excuse me, but are you… a princess?” she had to ask, wondering how in the name of Celestia there could be one she hadn’t heard of.

The florist chuckled at that, as if she was used to the question. “Not at all, sorry to disappoint you,” she corrected, flaring her wings in proud display. “I’m not an immortal princess, just a fortunate flowershop owner who happened to be born with both horn and wings,” she grinned.

“Oh,” Twilight blinked. She’d heard of natural born alicorns—sometimes called pegacorns—but they were a very rare hybrid that were not immortal and didn’t have anywhere near the power of the pony princesses. Resulting from a fusion of unicorn and pegasi blood where neither side proved dominant in expression of physical traits—an exceedingly unusual occurrence—they possessed the powers of both races but their abilities tended to be weaker than either; they were more magically limited than full-blooded unicorns and weaker flyers than most pegasi, possessing only limited control over clouds and weather. “Sorry to stare, then. I was just hoping you could help me,” she explained, trying to stop gawking.

“Of course…” the florist said amicably. “Anything for Celestia’s favorite student… and sister of Shining Armor.”

Twilight was caught off-guard by the statement. “I’m sorry. Have we met before?” She gave the other mare an askance look, certain she would have remembered meeting such an unusual pony. Even aside from her appearance, something seemed… off about her, but Twilight wasn’t sure what.

“Not directly. My name is Drifting Rose,” the blue pegacorn said with an odd, even coy smile. “I am but a humble florist who specializes in romantic bouquets and growing courtship flowers of every color, in service of the lovestruck and lovelorn,” she recited, referring to an old pony custom of mares offering stallions they courted and their prospective herdmates a flower in a color that matched their coat in order to indicate their interest.

“My business is based in Canterlot and I know of you from there, Twilight Sparkle, having seen you in the company of the Princess and the Captain of the Guard many times before,” she explained easily. “As I do most years, I decided to temporarily move my store to take advantage of the race crowd. Which this year, just happens to be in Ponyville,” she added, her odd smile coming back.

“Oh, I see…” Twilight said. “My apologies, then.”

“Quite all right. So tell me, Twilight Sparkle… how may I be of service? Is there some floral arrangement I could interest you in? I can alter this purple iris to perfectly match your eyes, mane and coat color if you have a stallion suitor you would like to court?” she suggested in a strangely eager voice. As she flared her horn to levitate the iris before her, Twilight couldn’t help but notice her mostly-blue aura had a mild greenish tinge to it, slightly incongruous with the rest of her appearance. “Hmmm…?” Drifting Rose prompted with a raised eyeridge and expectant look, theatrically raising the bloom to her nose when her prospective customer didn’t immediately respond.

Twilight blushed at that, a sudden and strangely compelling image of Phoenix wearing such a flower nearly causing her to lose her balance. “N-not right now, thanks,” she begged off, fighting off a surprisingly strong urge to buy the bloom on the spot. “Actually, I’m, uh, looking for a friend of mine,” she struggled to regain her focus, not understanding why her mind suddenly seemed so clouded, filled with thoughts—and fantasies—of Phoenix. “Did you see a yellow pegasus with pink mane and tail flee the courthouse?” she forced herself to ask, desperately ignoring the decidedly blushworthy images now flowing freely through her head.

Surprised and appearing a little disappointed by the question, the mare’s brow furrowed. “I believe I did, actually. She flew out over the plaza, but I’m afraid I didn’t take much more note of her other than that. She was heading north, if that helps,” she said. “I can tell you were interested in this flower, though. Even if you can’t accept it now, would you like me to preserve it for you to pick up later?” Drifting Rose offered hopefully, theatrically bringing it up to her nose to sniff.

“Y-yes!” Twilight stammered before she could even think about it, flaring her horn to slap a couple bits down on the counter before tearing herself away and quickly trotting off, trying very hard not to let her aura turn pink. By the time she had made it thirty feet away, her mind started to settle down again, the thoughts and fantasies fading, leaving her rubbing her temples in confusion.

What the hay HAPPENED back there? she wondered with a glance back at the florist booth as the hot haze cleared from her head, but Drifting Rose was already attending another customer. I was just about ready to…! she couldn’t finish the thought, suddenly relieved Phoenix hadn’t been there with her, not certain she could have restrained herself if he was. After staring back at the stall for a moment, she reluctantly turned away and trotted off, deciding it was a mystery for another time.

Ponyville Park
South Entrance
June 11th, 10:47 AM

Odd little diversion, but now back to the matter at hoof—where is Fluttershy? Twilight asked herself again as she exited the plaza area.

Taking a page from Phoenix, she decided to try looking at the problem from a different angle, putting herself in Fluttershy’s hooves. I’m Fluttershy and I’m very upset. I fly off north from the courthouse. Where would I be going? What lies in that direction? What do I want to do? she asked herself, sitting down not far outside the grandstands construction site and pondering the question, ignoring her growing anxiety over being away from the trial and Phoenix.

She looked up as something occurred to her. Now that I think about it… Fluttershy wouldn’t have flown over here by the starting line, with so many ponies about. No, she’d avoid crowds and seek out solitude… and maybe her animal friends? she reasoned, picking up her pace into a canter as she realized the nearest place to do that was Ponyville Park, not far to the northwest.

Noting but otherwise ignoring what she thought might have been another teleport somewhere ahead of her, Twilight arrived at the park’s south entrance a minute later to find it already darkening under a cloud being assembled by the Ponyville weather team.

Looking up into the gathering gloom, she spotted a familiar face—a young, dark purple pegasus colt with black mane that looked like he’d be right at home as one of Princess Luna’s personal guard, though Twilight had heard the as-yet reclusive Princess of the Night preferred the bat-winged and cat-eyed thestral ponies for such postings. “Hey! Quick Shift!” she called out, magically enhancing her voice to make sure it carried far enough.

Looking down, the young weather colt smiled and immediately swooped down to greet her. “Hey, Twilight!” he greeted her, hovering in front her for a moment before his smile disappeared in some confusion. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at Rainbow Dash’s trial?”

That’s what I keep asking MYSELF! Twilight grimaced. “No, the trial is late starting, and there was an… incident. Anyway, to make a long story short, I’m looking for Fluttershy. She flew out of the courthouse about ten minutes ago in roughly this direction, and she was very upset. She might have been heading for the park. Have you or anypony else in the weather patrol seen her?”

He shook his head apologetically. “I haven’t, sorry. But I can’t say I was looking for her, either. Let me grab the rest of the morning shift and see if they have,” he offered, flying back up towards the dozen-pony team that was assembling clouds for a shower over the park and north side of town. Her heart sank when he came down a minute later and shook his head again. “Sorry, Twilight. You’ll understand if our attention has kind of been up here. We have to tend to this shower, but we’ll be sure to watch out for her,” he promised. “When you see Rainbow, tell her we’re all rooting for her, okay?”

“Will do,” she acknowledged, bumping his hoof. “Listen, Quick Shift—is there any way you could delay the shower, say about fifteen minutes? I need to finish searching the park.”

He considered that. “I’ll have to ask Thunderlane, since he’s in charge, but it shouldn’t be a problem,” the young weather colt promised. “Good luck, Twilight!” he wished her before returning to his work.

She thanked him and moved on, knowing that even if she was granted the delay, it wasn’t really enough. It could take her nearly an hour to thoroughly search the park, leaving her wondering if she was wasting her time and where else her upset friend might have sought refuge. Her cottage? That’d be a haul for her. She doesn’t like flying long distances. And short of teleporting, it’d take me half an hour to get there, look around and get back. Celestia only knows what could happen in the trial during that time… she thought, feeling more and more torn, desperate to find Fluttershy but equally anxious to return to the courthouse and be at Phoenix’s side.

Sitting down in frustration, Twilight considered her options. She could teleport the distance to Fluttershy’s house and back, but to do so over such a long distance would use up a significant portion of her power. And she had a strange feeling she was going to need that power before all was said and done. No, I need to stay close to the courthouse. And I still think the park is my best bet, she decided, moving deeper into it, granting herself ten more minutes to search with.

She had nearly reached the bridge when she once again detected a teleport somewhere ahead of her; a strangely muted flash of magical energy that disappeared almost as quickly as it began, leaving her little sense of the unicorn behind it. That’s three times, now! she realized, starting to think she was being followed, stretching her magical awareness out in that direction but finding nothing.

Ponyville Park
Central Gardens
June 11th, 10:52 AM

Twilight gradually moved deeper into the park, occasionally calling Fluttershy’s name and hoping Quick Shift was as good as his word; that the weather team would hold off on the rain just a bit longer. Being a work and schoolday—to say nothing of the trial and looming shower—there weren’t many ponies about, but two in particular lounging in the grass under a tree caught her eye.

The first was a pegasus mare; an innkeeper she knew of by the name of Chrome. She had a two-tone tail of light and dark blue, her coat and wing color a middle hue between them with lilac eyes and she had an unusual hobby—alchemy. A rare pegasus practitioner of the arcane art, one developed by earth ponies to make up for their lack of magic, she offered alchemic services from her inn; Twilight had even availed herself of them once or twice, when she required items or reagents she couldn’t easily obtain for her own experiments.

With Chrome was another figure, an indigo-furred unicorn stallion with a fiery mane and tail. An architect and inventor with a secondary talent in writing, he was sitting by Chrome and marking up a piece of scroll paper with a quill dipped in red ink. That’s Firesight! she recognized in surprise, amazed he was out and about so soon after…

“Firesight! Chrome!” she called to them, causing both to look up in some surprise of their own as she cantered up.

“Twilight!” Chrome called back, while Firesight remained silent, offering only a closed-mouth nod of acknowledgement and a weak grin—understandable, given what had so recently happened to him. “Twilight, what are you doing here? The trial isn’t over already, is it?” she asked in some alarm.

Twilight couldn’t help but wince at that, reminded yet again that there was somewhere else she very much needed to be. “Hey, guys. Trial was delayed. Sorry to bother you, but have either of you seen Fluttershy?” she asked.

The pair looked at each other only to shake their heads; when she got a look at Firesight from the side, she could see that his jaw was now jutting forward a bit and there was noticeable swelling in his cheeks. Ow…Twilight winced, amazed at what he had put himself through—having his jaw surgically and magically advanced to open up his airway and relieve his long-time sleep apnea. Well, when you can’t sleep, I suppose desperation is a HAY of a motivator!

“Sorry. Should we have?” Chrome asked for both of them after a glance at Firesight.

Twilight sighed and rubbed the back of her head. “No,” she admitted, feeling like she was getting nowhere and was running out of time for both Fluttershy and Phoenix. “Just do me a favor—if you see her, please tell her to come back to the courthouse? And if it’s not too much trouble, escort her there. She’s very upset, and I’m worried about her.”

“We’ll spread the word, Twilight,” Chrome promised with a nod. “Oh, and you should come by my inn before too long. I’ve got a couple new alchemy items you might be interested in,” she offered. “My business is starting to take off. Firesight here has been nice enough to help me with the advertising materials,” she said with a nod to the unicorn sitting next to her.

“I will, promise,” Twilight said. With that, she turned to Firesight, deciding it would be impolite not to ask. “How are things with you, Firesight?” she wanted to know. “Your surgery—did it work?”

His grin answered for him; for a moment she thought she saw tears in his espresso-colored eyes. And then to her surprise, he opened his mouth fractionally and spoke, though his normally deep voice was muffled and distorted, sounding like he was talking through his teeth and a mouthful of cotton.

“It worked,” he confirmed, giving her some appreciation of how much effort it was for him to speak—he had to pull back his lips to do so, showing his jaw sealed shut with a series of glowing wires and elastic bands—they’d clearly been reinforced with magic to make sure he couldn’t open his muzzle for the duration. “Sorry I can’t really help with a search, but I get tired easily and don’t have much magic to work with right now. Already sick of the liquid diet, too,” he added, rubbing his cheek ruefully and nodding to the glass filled with something beside him; it was an orange-yellow pulp that left her little idea of what it once was.

Twilight nodded in sympathy, knowing how hard it was for a unicorn to go through something like he had—having his jaw magically and surgically advanced to relieve his long-time sleep apnea. Unicorn magic tended to automatically resist a body alteration like he had attempted; they had to have their magic suppressed by potion or spell for weeks afterwards to keep their aura from trying to undo it until their body healed in the new configuration and finally accepted the change.

“Well, come by the library some time, and we’ll see if we can’t find some smoothie recipes for you,” she invited, though she knew that even with all the potions he was taking and the assistance of his doctors, he had a long way to go. Fourteen weeks with little magic and mostly liquid diet? I can’t even imagine!

“Thanks,” he said in a heartfelt tone, accepting a hug from her.

“Good luck finding Fluttershy,” Chrome added, the pair packing up and heading back towards Chrome’s Bannered Mare Inn as the skies got more threatening. Twilight estimated that even with her requested delay, there were only about five minutes left before they opened up, and she picked up her pace in worry.

If I can’t find Fluttershy before then— She suddenly frowned, her thought cut short—there it was again, a strangely muted burst of magical energy she recognized as a short-range teleport, and once more it had come from somewhere ahead of her, as if somepony was tracking her but trying to stay out front and out of sight.

Okay. Somepony’s definitely following me. But why? she wanted to know, looking ahead but seeing nothing, straining her magical senses but still unable to detect the unicorn behind it. They can mask their aura? That unicorn’s good, whoever they are, she granted, trying to tune her magical awareness to the teleports. But what if I force them to try to keep up? She turned away and trotted off in a different direction, calling to Fluttershy again for effect.

Half a minute later, the muted magic burst happened again but this time she was ready and pinned down the exact location.

GOTCHA! she thought with a triumphant grin, charging a restriction spell and teleporting to the spot herself. When she materialized, she found herself face to face with a startled dark blue unicorn stallion, his surprise redoubled when she cast her prepared spell and dissipated his half-formed invisibility shroud, preventing him from teleporting away. Her aura now holding him in place three feet off the ground and restraining his magic, she approached him, a stern and angry look on her face.

“Okay. Who are you and why are you following me?” Twilight demanded to know, angry at being pulled from her search for Fluttershy again.

Her dark blue male counterpart gaped at her, realizing she had him dead to rights and marveling at her abilities. Damn… she really IS the Element of Magic! “My name is Night Storm,” he told her, deciding there was no point in holding back the truth. “Apologies, but I have orders to keep an eye on you. I mean you no harm,” he assured her, not even certain he could harm her after what he’d witnessed her do. “Would you let me down, please?”

“Keep an eye on me? On whose orders?” Twilight demanded to know, ignoring his request.

He hesitated only briefly. “Captain Shining Armor’s,” he finally admitted, causing her eyes to go wide. “I’m part of an undercover team sent down here from Canterlot to provide security for the race and trial. And being part of the trial, that includes you, Miss Sparkle,” he informed her. “I was instructed to watch over you and keep out of sight. My special talent is stealth and I didn’t think you could detect me teleporting or see through my invisibility spell. Not many ponies can,” he admitted in some embarrassment, deciding not to tell her that he’d in fact followed her all morning before the trial while she was taking her human lawyer to and fro.

She glared at him for a moment before releasing him from her aura, letting him drop several feet to the ground. “Well, as I hope you can plainly see, I can take care of myself!” she told him, aggravated anew at being treated like a helpless foal and resolving she’d have some choice words for her brother next time she saw him, annoyed that he would assign her bodyguards without telling her. Wonder what ELSE he hasn’t told me about? “So I’d appreciate if you stop tailing me.”

He gave her a wary look as he landed back on his hooves, stumbling slightly before drawing himself up straight again. “I’m afraid I can’t, Miss Sparkle. As of this morning, our orders are to watch over both you and Mister Wright,” he insisted. “Will you permit me to accompany you back to the courthouse, at least?”

She shot him another look. “I’m out here searching for a friend. If you want to help with that, wonderful, but if not? Just go away!” she pinned him with a stare, her eyes glowing red in warning for a moment. His eyes going wide at her fiery glare, he reluctantly obeyed, teleporting out. Her senses attuned, she felt him rematerialize about a hundred yards away, but decided that as long as he wasn’t hindering her, that was good enough.

Ponyville Park
North Grounds
June 11th, 10:59 AM

Now, if there are no more distractions? Twilight resumed her search of the park, ignoring the lowering cloud base and cool, moisture-laden breeze that was getting steadily stronger. But two minutes later, she realized her self-imposed time limit was up.

“Fluttershy!” she called out one last time, but there was still no response. Sighing, Twilight decided she’d done all she could and turned back towards the courthouse, her head low. Maybe she just doesn’t want to be found right now. Can hardly blame her after what happened; I doubt there’s anypony in Equestria who could cheer her up right now or—

“Hey, Twilight!” A familiar, bubbly voice called to her.

Twilight turned in surprise as Pinkie Pie came bounding up to her. “Whatcha doin’ out here? Shouldn’t you be at the trial?” she asked in her usual cheerful manner, a trio of pastry boxes precariously yet perfectly balanced on her back.

“Like you?” Twilight answered slightly irritably, sitting back down in frustration. “Why aren’t you at the trial yourself, Pinkie? Did you sleep in or something?”

Pinkie didn’t even blink. “Sleep in? Of course not, silly! I just had to help the Cakes through the breakfast rush! And then I needed time to get a fresh batch of food ready for everypony!” she said, looking over her shoulder to the boxes on her back. “Can’t watch a courtroom drama without party snacks, you know!” she insisted, taking a cupcake out of its box and stuffing it in Twilight’s mouth before she could protest.

Forced to chew and swallow it, Twilight found the confection as delectable as ever, feeling her mood lightening as the flavor and sugar started to soak into her. “You could have made them last night,” she suggested around her full cheeks.

Pinkie Pie looked shocked at the suggestion. “Serve day-old cupcakes?” she repeated in an aghast tone. “NEVER!”

Twilight chuckled a bit, deciding that Pinkie’s priorities, like her thought processes, were in a world all their own. “Thanks, but I’m out here looking for Fluttershy. Rainbow yelled at her and Fluttershy left the courthouse crying,” she told Pinkie, her expression going downcast again.

“Oh!” Pinkie said in surprise. “So the trial hasn’t started yet?”

“There was a delay; it was only about to start just as I was leaving,” Twilight admitted with some worry. “But that was over twenty minutes ago.”

Pinkie wore a rare troubled look at that. “Twilight… you need to get back to the courthouse,” she said, sounding uncharacteristically serious. “Feenie’s going to need you, and soon.”

“But Fluttershy…” Twilight protested with tears in her eyes, more torn than ever. “She’s out here upset and alone, and if somepony doesn’t find her…”

“I will!” Pinkie instantly replied. “I’ll find her and make sure she’s okay. I Pinkie Promise!” she gave her namesake oath. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” she recited, ending with smooshing one of her own cupcakes into her right eye before licking it clean with her impossibly long tongue.

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. Trust Pinkie to always get a laugh—and keep her promises! “Thanks, Pinkie. But when you find her, bring her to the courthouse, okay? I want her there so we can sit her down with Rainbow afterwards and hopefully get them talking again.”

“Okie dokie lokie! See you later, Twilight!” She waved goodbye as Twilight teleported back for the courthouse in a flash of light, helped along by the sugar rush already taking hold of her.

Pinkie watched her go, a smile on her face before turning her thoughts to the problem at hoof, setting her boxes down on a picnic table and contemplating the situation. “Have to find Fluttershy. But where to start...?” she wondered before getting a sudden idea, a lamppost capped with a jar full of fireflies suddenly lighting over her head in response to the gathering darkness of the overhead storm cloud. With that, she ducked behind a tree…

And instantly reappeared at Fluttershy’s cottage, popping up from the cushions of her living room sofa, causing the various animals there—squirrels, chipmunks and bunnies—to scatter in fright from where they had been gathered in the middle of the room, diving for various hidey-holes and other concealment.

“Hey Fluttershy!” Pinkie called as she emerged, only to receive no response except the nervous chittering of her various animals. “Hey Angel! Is Fluttershy here?” she asked Fluttershy’s pet rabbit eagerly, who she noted was wearing a visor like a card dealer, the remains of a poker game scattered in front of him, strewn cards and knocked over snacks and chip stacks all over the short table.

The white bunny rabbit looked slightly freaked at Pinkie’s sudden appearance—and guilty at having been caught playing cards—but shook his head sharply, adding some kind of chirping explanation. “Oh! She left for court this morning and hasn’t been back since? I see!” Pinkie took on a pondering expression like she’d seen Feenie use. “Guess she’s elsewhere, then. Thanks!” she said, before sinking back into the cushions. “Oh, and Angel?” she reappeared briefly, causing the small bunny to start again. “Next time you have a poker party, be sure and invite Gummy too!” she told him, disappearing again before he could respond.

Next, she searched Sweet Apple Acres, calling Fluttershy’s name as she flitted from the orchards to the cellar to the underside of Granny Smith’s rocking chair, the napping elder Apple never waking or noticing Pinkie’s head sticking out from under the base. “Can’t find Fluttershy anywhere. Maybe I should ask somepony!” With that, she ducked back under the rocking chair only to reappear in a cart full of watermelons being pulled by Big Macintosh.

“Hey, Big Mac!” She hopped on his back. “Have you seen Fluttershy around?”

The big red stallion didn’t even blink or break stride despite Pinkie Pie suddenly standing on him. “Nope,” he said around his ever-present hayseed.

“Oh! Well, thanks anyway!” She grinned, helping herself to a melon out of his cart, breaking it in half and consuming the deliciously sweet fruit inside before tossing the rinds into the nearby pig pen and diving into the bushes.

She next appeared in Rarity’s house, emerging from under her inspiration room carpet… and directly under where Opalescence was sleeping, causing Rarity’s pet cat to leap up in surprise and fright, the well-groomed white feline suddenly hanging by her claws from the ceiling, back fur and tail puffed out, looking freaked. “Oh! Sorry about that, Opie! Just looking for Fluttershy! Did she come in here?” Pinkie asked.

Opalescence’s only answer was a hiss and swipe of her claws… which made her lose her grip and fall back down somewhat awkwardly to the floor, after which she bolted from the room and ran for Rarity’s bedroom to hide under the bed.

Okay. So Fluttershy’s not at her home, she’s not at Rarity’s or Applejack’s, and she wouldn’t be at the library because she’d know it’s locked right now with Twilight and Spike at the courthouse. She doesn’t seem to want company right now, so where would she go…? Pinkie wondered aloud, producing a bubble-blowing pipe and donning a brown plaid deerstalker cap as she pondered the question, looking out the second-floor window of Rarity’s inspiration room. Abruptly, she made a snapping sound with her hoof. “I’ve got it!” she exclaimed, disappearing behind a window curtain…

And reappearing back in the park where she began, coming out from under the picnic table she’d left her cupcake boxes on. “I’m such a silly filly! She’d come right here to the park! She’d want to avoid ponies but be somewhere with animals! And I know just the place she’d go!”

Ponyville Park
West Grotto
June 11th, 11:03 AM

Balancing the cupcake boxes on her back again, Pinkie Pie disappeared behind a bench only to reappear behind an identical one much further up the path; glancing up at the cloud deck, she realized the rain would be starting soon and she needed to find Fluttershy quickly.

Following a wooded trail from there, she soon heard a faint sobbing coming from a secluded grotto on the western end of the park. Little more than an isolated alcove sitting above the junction of two streams, the grotto was protected and shielded from both air and ground view by an overhead tree canopy and a series of vine-and-flower-wound trellises.

A more secluded section of an extended bird and butterfly sanctuary on the western end of the park, it was a place Pinkie knew that Fluttershy had taken refuge in before when company or pressure had gotten to be too much. THERE she is! Pinkie thought in satisfaction as she rounded the corner of the trail, though her smile quickly dropped when she recognized how upset and anguished her friend truly was.

“Fluttershy?” Pinkie called as she entered the grotto, half-trotting and half-bounding up to her friend. She was a mess—her normally beautiful mane and tail in disarray, long flowing pink hair filled with leaves and brambles; her face and feathers covered in dirt and grass from where they had been pressed into the bare ground. There were a few animals there as well, mostly birds and butterflies but also a ferret and rabbit or two, sitting at her side, trying to comfort her.

“P-Pink-ie?” she said in some surprise, her teal eyes watery and bloodshot.

“Hey, Fluttershy! What’s wrong? Pinkie asked in genuine concern.

“R-Rainbow s-said she hates me!” Fluttershy finally managed, bursting out into tears again. “She said it’s m-my fault sh-she’s going to be banished! Sh-she said she never wants to see me again!” Fluttershy wailed anew, burying her face in the ground.

“Hey! Hey…” Pinkie soothed her, putting down the boxes and pulling her distraught friend up into an embrace, reaching with a hoof into a random tree trunk that had a hole in it to pull out a large hoofkerchief. Despite her sorrow, Fluttershy looked surprised by that. “Oh, this? I have these stashed all over Equestria!” Pinkie said as if that was all the explanation needed, dabbing her friend’s eyes and trying to clean off some of the leaves and grass that had stuck to the wet fur on her cheeks.

There was a sudden flash followed by a low rumble of thunder overhead, causing Fluttershy to flinch and Pinkie to look up in concern—a single stroke of lightning was the usual announcement from the weather team that their work was complete and the rain was about to begin. “Oh, d-dear,” Fluttershy fretted as the animals scattered, taking cover in their nests and dens.

“Not to worry! I’ve got that covered, too!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed with a grin, reaching into the tree again, this time to pull out a large beach umbrella and opening it up over them both just as the first fat raindrops reached the earth, reaching back with a hind hoof to pull the cupcake boxes beneath the umbrella as well. “But no point in hanging around here, is there?” Without waiting for a reply, Pinkie closed the umbrella over them both and when she opened it again, Fluttershy was shocked to realize they were now in Pinkie’s upstairs room in Sugar Cube Corner.

“But… h-how?” Fluttershy looked around in disbelief, her sorrow momentarily forgotten.

Pinkie acted like she hadn’t heard the question. “Now let’s get you cleaned up. Oh, and—Mister Cake?” she called downstairs.

“What is it Pinkie?” the orange-furred stallion co-owner of the shop responded, appearing at the bottom of the stairwell. “I thought you were off to the trial!”

“I was, but a friend needed me. Could you get a bear claw special and a sarsaparilla float ready? It’s for Fluttershy and it’s on me!” she told him.

“Oh. Okay, sure,” he replied, walking off to the kitchen while Pinkie put the cupcake boxes aside and dragged Fluttershy over to her bathroom, putting her mildly protesting friend in the tub. Turning on the showerhead to rinse off the worst of the dirt, she soon added some bubble bath and started cleaning up her friend’s face with a wet washcloth and strawberry-scented pink soap, following up by turning the shower off and working some shampoo into her disheveled mane. As Pinkie Pie tended her, Fluttershy found herself starting to cry again, the unconditional love of one friend clashing hard in her wounded psyche with the abject rejection of another.

Pinkie’s expression softened as she heard her friend start to hiccup again. “Hey—it’s okay, Fluttershy,” she told the other mare more gently, hugging her again despite her wet fur and sudsy covering. Fluttershy embraced her back, sobbing softly into her friend’s sweet-smelling mane. “I promise Dashie doesn’t hate you, even if she thinks she does. You’ve been friends for way too long. She can’t hate you!”

Fluttershy’s lip quivered, tears rolling down her cheeks. “B-but she said she d-did! And that if she was banished, it would be m-my fault!” she sniffled again.

Pinkie shook her head, forcing Fluttershy to meet her big blue-eyed gaze. “She won’t be banished. Feenie will see to that! And besides, Dashie’s good at saying things when she’s mad that she doesn’t mean,” Pinkie added, sounding surprisingly certain. “Repeat after me, Fluttershy: ‘Dashie doesn’t hate me’,” she directed as she brushed the brambles out of her friend’s mane.

“Dashie d-doesn’t… h-hate me…” Fluttershy hiccupped slightly as she said the words, wanting desperately to believe them.

“That’s right! And in fact, she needs you!” Pinkie further told her, turning the showerhead back on to rinse her off.

“Needs me? B-but… I only m-made things worse!” she sniffled again, closing her eyes as the warm stream washed over her. “I testified that I saw her leave the forest. And n-now she hates me for that!” Fluttershy admitted, tears starting to flow again.

Pinkie stopped and looked Fluttershy directly in the eye. “Did you see her leave the forest?” she asked with a slightly sideways look.

Fluttershy looked guilty. “Well, y-yes, but…”

“But nothing, kiddo,” Pinkie told Fluttershy as she finished rinsing her. “You told the truth, like you were supposed to, right?”

“W-well… yes…”

“And what would Element-of-Honesty Applejack have said if you didn’t?”

Fluttershy blinked at that, surprised by how serious her normally irreverent friend had turned. “I… I…” she knew the answer but didn’t know how to reply.

“Exactly!” Pinkie said cheerfully as she turned off the water and began to dry her friend using a fluffy pink towel. “So you can bet AJ’s gonna let Dashie have it when she hears about this! And you know Rares will have words with her too…” her voice trailed off, and when it resumed, her smile had vanished and there was an ominous note in her voice. “Never mind what Twilight will do…”

Fluttershy visibly gulped at that. “You don’t mean…” her eyes widened as Pinkie gave a very grim nod. “Sh-She’ll… lecture Rainbow?” she shuddered, speaking in a tone of pure horror—even after as mean as Rainbow had been, surely she didn’t deserve… that!

“You got it! And you and I don’t want to be anywhere nearby when that happens!” Pinkie said with a rare shudder of her own, still blotting her friend dry with the towel.

Fluttershy considered that. “But… what will you do, Pinkie?” she wanted to know, her emotions starting to settle down.

Pinkie just shrugged. “Me? I’ll do what I always do—make sure there’s plenty of food and friends there! It’s not my job to scold; it’s my job to make sure we all smile and laugh and make up afterwards, and what better way than to throw a party and serve up some rainbow-frosted treats?”

“Um… okay,” Fluttershy said uncertainly. “Oh, but… please invite Mister Phoenix, too?” she requested.

“Yup-yup!” Pinkie confirmed eagerly as she discarded the towel and began to comb Fluttershy’s mane and tail back out into their usual flowing state, leaving the latter marveling at how fast her friend could work. “He’ll be there! In fact, I’m already planning to throw Feenie one of my Extra Super-Duper Special parties before he has to leave!”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy blushed at the memory of the last such party Pinkie had thrown. She still had no idea how much cider she’d had or how Pinkie had gotten her up on stage to sing Karaoke, let alone how she’d ended up sleeping in a bathtub with a shower curtain as a blanket, waking up the next morning with a severe hangover and flowers in her mane…

To say nothing of an equally hung-over Aloe and Lotus snuggled up against her, neither of whom remembered what happened the previous night any more than she did. Better not have so much of Pinkie’s super-special party punch next time, she decided, standing still and letting her friend finish restoring her to rights.

Sugar Cube Corner
Dining Area
June 11th, 11:12 AM

A minute later, Fluttershy was fully cleaned up and allowed Pinkie to lead her downstairs. Her snack was ready and waiting for her at a small two-pony table; her favorite bear claw pastry and drink sitting on a platter, Mrs. Cake drizzling a little hot glaze over the former.

Grinning, Pinkie gave her friend another hug. “Eat up, okay? When you’re done, we’ll head over to the courthouse together!” she promised, bounding back upstairs to clean her bathroom.

“Okay,” Fluttershy said in a very quiet voice before taking a seat at the table, the sweet smell of her favorite pastry calling to her. She ate slowly at first, letting the warm, gooey liquid, the flaky, nutty crust and the sweet filling soak into her tongue, the combination of the familiar food and Pinkie’s heartfelt attention helping to soothe her aching heart. Glancing around, she noticed a couple new faces in the store, giving her a curious look. She looked away in response, uncomfortable with their scrutiny, partially hiding her face behind her pink bangs.

She was further discomfited when one of them—a young and small earth pony mare with a lilac coat, light-blue-and-violet mane, lavender eyes and a crescent moon cutie mark—somewhat tentatively approached her. “Excuse me,” she spoke up. “I’m so sorry to disturb you, but… are you Fluttershy?” she wanted to know, asking the question in a voice almost as quiet and reserved as Fluttershy’s own.

Fluttershy nodded shyly but did not speak or look up.

“I’m Moonlight Flower,” she introduced herself somewhat shly. “I’ve come to Ponyville on… family business. And to watch the race, but I ended up going with my friends to watch the trial yesterday. I saw you in court then,” she said, taking the seat across the table from her, looking down at her hooves a little awkwardly. “I just wanted to say—I thought you were very brave.”

Fluttershy looked startled at that. “B-brave?” she repeated, raising her head to meet the newcomer’s eyes for the first time.

“Yes,” the almost-equally timid earth pony mare replied. “I could see how hard it was for you to be there,” she shuddered. “I know how hard it would be for me. It took courage for you to go down there and testify like that. I immensely admire you for it,” she added.

“Oh. Um… well… thank you,” Fluttershy offered, not sure what else to say. Brave? ME? she thought as she raised her glass to her muzzle again, reflecting on how terrified she’d been during her testimony.

“You’re welcome. I couldn’t imagine having to endure all that attention and questioning. And that’s to say nothing of what that awful alien lawyer did to you.” Moonlight’s eyes narrowed in anger.

Fluttershy reacted with a vehemence that surprised even her, slamming her glass back down and causing some of her drink to slosh out. “Don’t ever speak that way about Mister Phoenix! He’s not awful! He’s—” she caught herself when she saw the smaller pony draw back in surprise, her eyes wide. “He only did it to buy time to help Rainbow Dash. He already apologized to me and I forgave him for it,” she explained, hoping that would be enough.

Moonlight Flower was very surprised, staring at Fluttershy in disbelief. “You forgave him?” she asked again, as if certain she’d misheard.

“Yes!” Fluttershy responded, her voice getting stronger. “He was just doing what he had to in order to help Rainbow. My friend,” she said, trying not to think again about what her longtime friend had said to her. Rainbow doesn’t hate me. Rainbow doesn’t hate me… she repeated to herself like a mantra, deciding to change the subject. “But, um… the trial is still going on. Why aren’t you there today?” Fluttershy wanted to know, sipping on her drink again.

The young earth pony dropped her head at that. “I couldn’t go back. Not after seeing you accused like that,” she replied in a very quiet voice. “It was too hard to watch. I can’t bear to see ponies treated that way,” she explained, her eyes moist. “And if you could forgive that ‘Phoenix Wright’ after what he did? I admire you even more.”

Fluttershy’s heart went out to Moonlight Flower, seeing some of herself in the young earth pony. With that, she pushed the plate with the uneaten half of her bear claw across the table. “Here,” she offered. “Try it. It’s quite good.”

Surprised, the smaller pony did so, her eyes widening and then narrowing at the flavor. “It is!” she agreed, starting to push the plate back. “Thanks for the taste.”

“Please. Take the rest,” Fluttershy told her, blocking the earth pony’s hoof and keeping the plate in front of her. “I need to get going and shouldn’t eat any more.”

Moonlight grinned gratefully at that. “You’re very kind,” she told her new friend, not understanding why Fluttershy gave a bashful smile back. “I can’t stay either, but I wish your friend luck in her trial. And I hope we can talk again before I leave,” she said, picking up the plate in her mouth and taking it back to her original table.

“Feeling better, dear?” a visibly pregnant Mrs. Cake asked after Moonlight left, topping off her drink with more soda.

Fluttershy nodded, managing a shy but grateful grin. “Yes, thank you.”

“That’s good! It’s like I always say—tasty food makes everypony feel better,” she pronounced, giving Fluttershy an affectionate peck on the cheek. “Well. Almost everypony,” she conceded, a rare frown creasing her face. “There was that unicorn mare that came in late morning yesterday. Dark coat, dark mane, eyeball cutie mark and didn’t want anything except black coffee straight up. Wouldn’t even look at our pastries. Paid and never once changed her expression. Barely spoke, either,” she remembered.

“I remember her too, honeybuns,” Mr. Cake added from the back where he was cleaning a counter. “She was definitely not a local pony. Probably in town for the race.”

Fluttershy’s eyes suddenly furrowed at that, something tugging at the edges of her memory as she sipped at her drink, letting the mixture of cool creamy soda and vanilla ice cream wash down her throat; a welcome contrast to the warm gooey bear claw she couldn’t get enough of and came to Sugar Cube Corner occasionally just to have. “Oh. Maybe she just doesn’t like sweets?”

Mrs. Cake shrugged as she returned the drink pitcher to its stand. “Maybe. She sure was acting odd, though. Out of it and emotionless like she was drugged or something,” she noted. “Only other time I’ve seen somepony act that way was an earth pony on painkiller potions after surgery. Though if she’s a unicorn, she shouldn’t need them,” she mused. “Kind of funny, actually. She never used her horn. She used her mouth to get her money from her saddlebag, and she looked like she wasn’t used to holding a cup with her hoof since she spilled a third of it.”

“Used her… mouth?” Fluttershy repeated, the tug at the edge of her memory growing stronger and more insistent.

Before she could consider the question further, another unfamiliar face entered, this one a unicorn construction worker still in his safety jacket and hard hat, his saddlebags bulging with blueprints. Ignoring the other patrons, he went up to the counter and asked Mr. Cake if his shop could fill a large but last-minute 2 PM lunch order.

“Of course, uh… Mister Shady?” he said amicably, reading the newcomer’s name tag.

The unicorn smiled. “The name is Shadow Hooves; ‘Shady’ is just a nickname my crew gave me for my sunglasses,” he corrected, accepting a catering order sheet. Taking the pencil in his aura, the construction forepony filled it out and passed it back to his fellow stallion. Mister Cake’s jaw dropped at what he saw, hurriedly motioning his wife forward.

Taking a look of her own, Mrs. Cake likewise went wide-eyed and nearly dropped the platter she was carrying. “Oh… dear…” was all she could manage at first, exchanging a horrified yet excited look with her husband.

As Fluttershy watched, they both turned to shout up the stairwell at once. “Pinkie!” they called, bringing her bounding downstairs quickly.

“What is it, Mister and Mrs. Cake?” she asked eagerly.

“Uh, Pinkie? We need your help,” Mr. Cake said in a shaky voice, holding up the order sheet for her to read.

Pinkie’s eyes went wide at what she saw. “OOOooooooOOooOoO… that’s a lot of cupcakes! And doughnuts… and pastries… and bagels… and juice… and coffee… and…” her expression went from excited and delighted to worried. “But I need to be at the trial! For Dashie and for Fluttershy!”

Mrs. Cake looked away at that. “I know, Pinkie, but filling this order could really help us! If we pull it off, it would give us enough money to finish renovating our new nursery!” she said, wincing and sitting back to rub her belly as she felt her unborn foal give her a hard kick, thinking for as many as she had received, the baby had to have eight legs.

Mr. Cake noticed her reaction and immediately went to her side, helping her into a chair. “Honeybunch… you shouldn’t be pushing yourself right now. Just tend the store, and me and Pinkie will handle it,” he said with a pleading look at Pinkie Pie, whose expression was beginning to waver, looking from Mrs. Cake to Fluttershy and back.

Seeing that, Shady spoke up. “I know it’s short notice, but our regular caterer is overwhelmed with all the extra ponies and work crews in town. Can you do it? Or should I go elsewhere? I could also split the order between yours and other stores?” he suggested.

“We’ll do all of it!” Pinkie piped up before either of the Cakes could. “It’ll be ready by two, Pinkie Promise!” she said with a smile, to a look of befuddlement from the construction worker and ones of gratitude and relief from the Cakes.

“Thank you, Pinkie,” Mrs. Cake kissed her after she’d finished recording the order and accepted payment, her register now bulging with bits. “You don’t know what this will mean to us!”

“No problem, Mrs. Cake!” she said cheerfully. “Just let me take Fluttershy over to the trial, and I’ll get right on it!”

“I do need to get going,” Fluttershy spoke up timidly, having watched the whole exchange, her heart sinking at the realization that Pinkie wouldn’t be able to stay—she’d feel a lot better sitting in the gallery if her friend was there with her.

“You’re right! You do!” Pinkie said in a surprisingly insistent tone. “Come on, kiddo! We gotta get you over to the courthouse! They’re going to need you, and soon!” she insisted, returning the three boxes of cupcakes to her back before tugging Fluttershy out the door.

Fluttershy was confused at that as they began to walk down the street. “Need me? What for?” she asked, dreading the idea of having to be back down in the middle of the courtroom pit testifying in front of all those other ponies again, and certain she’d just make things worse if she tried.

“Sorry, no time to explain! You need to be there right now, or it’ll be too late!” Pinkie insisted, dragging Fluttershy into an alley.

“Um, but… the courthouse is this way,” she weakly protested. “And I can just fly there?”

“My way is faster!” Pinkie insisted, pulling her slightly befuddled friend into a doorway. She opened it and pushed Fluttershy inside—a storage shed—and then closed the door behind them, leaving them in a cramped space and pitch blackness, able to see nothing except each other’s eyes.

The teal pair spoke first. “Um, Pinkie? I don’t mean to be rude, but, um… how is being here in the dark helping us get there?”

Pinkie’s response was to giggle and open the door again… to reveal the courthouse lobby, several milling ponies and security guards giving them odd looks to see them emerge from a janitor closet.

Ponville District Court
June 11th, 11:26 AM

“Okay! We’re here!” Pinkie Pie told an astonished and speechless Fluttershy. “Come on, let’s hurry inside! They should be getting close to the part where Feenie asks Gilda about the stick!”

“Feenie? Gilda? Stick?” Fluttershy stammered, completely bewildered but allowing Pinkie to pull her along. A brief security check later—

“Do you have any weapons?” a unicorn guard asked as he magically scanned them.

“Just my PARTY CANNON!!!” Pinkie Pie proclaimed to an eyeroll.

—they were allowed inside the courtroom. With no seats available except in the nosebleed section of the back corner well away from Spike, Rarity and Applejack, Fluttershy headed for them while Pinkie quickly passed out her cupcakes to nearby ponies, plus one strawberry muffin for a certain delighted pegasus mail mare.

When she was done, Pinkie gave Fluttershy a parting hug—“You’ll knock ‘em dead, kiddo!” she promised in a quiet voice, leaving Fluttershy no idea what she was talking about—and departed again, bounding quickly but quietly out the door.

As she settled in and nearby ponies caught her up on what had happened in the trial to that point, Fluttershy was surprised—and a little afraid—to see Gilda the Griffon on the stand, remembering how mean and unpleasant she had been the one time she’d visited Ponyville previously. And it was soon clear from her testimony that she hadn’t changed at all, directly accusing Rainbow, her former friend, of the murder.

Please, Mister Phoenix! Don’t let Rainbow be banished! Fluttershy silently pleaded, wishing there was some way she could help…

Her eyes went wide in sudden recognition as he produced a long rusted stick.

Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on August 1, 2018.

This chapter was originally written as both a suggestion of The Voice™ of Phoenix Wright himself, aka TheGoldCrow, and as a gift to the original author of the story, Raven Regios aka Chrome, who requested that the OCs of her good friends (including me) be written in. This was the result.

It was also written right around the time I had very major surgery to end my longtime severe obstructive sleep apnea, which was costing me a great deal of sleep and quite frankly, slowly killing me. It consisted of breaking my upper and lower jaw and advancing them about 2/3rds of an inch to pull my tongue forward and open up my airway. It was weeks before I could even return to work and nearly three months of my meals coming out of blenders while my jawbone healed in the new configuration, held in place by plates and screws. But it worked--knocked out about 70% of the apnea and enabled me to get real rest again. Not perfect, but so much better.

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