• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 8: The Tree of Power

A week. A full week. A week worth of rummaging. A week worth of helping survivors. I was defeated. I couldn’t believe what had happened. I thought things would be okay for the residents of Sun Ville. I walked among the many covered figures of what would have been individuals and families. Their friends and loved ones mourning over them. Some injured from the traitor’s attack. It was the third day when I got the full story.

Flitter and Cloudchaser had told me that they talked to several ponies that all mentioned about the mayor needing personal help around the house. So, he hired a few maids to attend to the house while he’d be away. They were foreigners from overseas mostly. But the one no pony expected was Pommel. Born in Equestria, she would always be looking for work as her dreams of being an author crumbled underneath corporate publishers. Scribble had managed to converse with the mare and snuck her personal diary away.

While I was asleep that day, he had read it over with Cloudchaser and Flitter. Apparently, she had come across a pony who had promised her a way of reaching her goals while at the same time being paid. She had fallen for him at some point as she had obsessed over everything he did. Which was all the more sadder to realize that the one she had fallen for was indeed a Triad spy. She had managed to learn this from overhearing the stallion’s friends that were with him usually.

It seemed that the spy was able to manipulate the poor mare into believing that the Triad way was the only way and she had promised to carry out his wishes. She had been positioned in Sun Ville to act as a spy herself, relaying information of Equestrian imports that would pass by the village every now and then. The Triad had planned to use these imports in order to smuggle their own into Equestria as a means to prepare their soldiers for when the war happens.

I was disgusted. I was angry. And most importantly, I was depressed. I should have done something. Scribble had explained that those crystals were volatile compounds that when friction is involved, it’ll cause a chain reaction that would be big enough to wipe out an entire city if the crystals were big enough. It seems the Triad wanted minimal damage if Pommel had failed to manipulate the village into turning a blind eye to their dealings.

The last entry in her journal was hastily scribbled and looked to have been wetted with tears. She had expressed her distaste for me showing up and would ruin things. She had wrote she’ll do what she must for him. And now, here we are in the aftermath. I came to a stop at two covered bodies. I sat on my haunches and lowered my head.

“Just in time, huh… yeah right…” I muttered to myself. No pony deserved any of this. My ears flicked as I heard somepony sit next to me. I looked over to see Xanza. She had an eye patch and several wounds that were bandaged. She stared blankly at the two covered figures before us. I didn’t say anything and looked back to the two. Scribble says the blast wasn’t enough to gib. However, it still gave the sensation of burning and physical wounds. It was the shock that took their lives.

“Xanza?” I heard a voice say. I heard hooves trot into the snow towards us. “There you are. Spray is looking for you.” The voice of Sky Stinger said. She remained quiet. I could sense Sky trying to figure out how to appropriately approach this. Xanza finally stood up after a bit and turned to walk away without saying anything. I could still sense Sky’s presence. He must have looked at me sadly before getting up himself and following after Xanza. I continued to stare blankly at the covered bodies.

I should have done something. How could I have let this happen? I was right there. I was too slow. Dammit… dammit! I felt myself shake. ‘You’re weak, Fie. All this godly damned power and you can’t even stop another catastrophe! You make me sick! You should be ashamed of yourself!’ I felt my breathing grow heavy and the burning in my body rise.

“Fie?” I heard a voice say behind me. I looked over my shoulder slightly and saw Cloudchaser sit next to me. I didn’t respond. I only proceeded to look back at the covered figures. The silence was awkward. I then felt a wing wrap around me and pull me in. My head rested under her chin as she hugged me. I felt all my anger leave and I was suddenly exhausted. I slumped and leaned into her. We once again remained silent. I wasn’t sure how long I had been here. Cloudchaser pat me softly and I looked up. “Fie… I know this is hard to manage… but we can’t stay here. We are waiting for you.”

I looked into the pretty eyes of the mare. So full of life, yet the shine a little dimmed from her own experience. I silently nodded and stood up with her. I threw my hood up and gave one final goodbye to the two figures before walking with Cloudchaser through the covered ponies. As we walked past the charred and burned plaza and several houses, I felt my mood lower and lower. I wanted to do more for these ponies. But we don’t have time.

Our wagon puller was as quiet and disturbed about the whole situation. He provided as much help as he could, even getting some other passing wagons to aid. We’ve done all we can do. As I was about to climb into the wagon, I heard another voice.

“Hold on, whipper snapper.” I froze and looked back to see Spray being wheel chaired along by another pony. Her burns clear on her face and mixing grotesquely with her own coat. I lowered my head again. “I have to thank you for sticking around and helping where you can.” She sighed and shook her head. “No pony would have ever saw any of this comin’. Not even Equestria’s champion. Ya’ get what I’m sayin’?” I only stared at her. I knew what she meant. But that didn’t make it any better. She turned her head to the burnt plaza.

“I can tell you live in a village yourself. Giving young Spark her moment to shine and how you helped us in the aftermath. Your focus on helping us spoke to me that you are a Ponyville gal, ain’t ya’?” I only nodded in response. She smiled softly. “Good ta’ see that the charity of Granny Apple Smith and the others hasn’t gone sour. I need to write to her sometime.” She then looked at me kindly. “I wish you luck on your journey, kid.” She was wheeled around and was about to head back.

“Sprinkle Spray, wait!” I called out. The pony stopped and I hesitated. I lowered my head. “I… I’ll send help.” The old mare looked at me from her chair. “I know ponies in Ponyville that can help… you’ll get what you need to help rebuild.” I rubbed my foreleg. “I-isn’t that the neighborly way? Not to turn our backs on neighbors?” The old mare suddenly laughed, coughing and winced in pain before she wiped a tear out of her good eye.

“Kid. Not every neighbor is worth looking out for. We’ll manage on our own just fine. But a little help wouldn’t hurt.” She then eyed me and waved a hoof. "A hero's journey is never easy. So many trials and tribulations. I feel it has just begun for you. But look at how far you've come. Equestria's champion will surely succeed. And if you aren't a champion, then live up to the Fire Demon way against your enemies." And with that, she motioned for the pony and they wheeled her away from us. I watched them sadly. I then turned and climbed into the wagon. We were off back on the road again. The mood didn’t sit well with us.

Scribble wrote in his journal, retelling the events that played in his head probably. I had asked him at some point how he managed to get ahold of Pommel’s diary or how it led to it all. He only stated that the mare was close to somepony in the village, who unfortunately had perished along with her. I then had a thought, crossing my forelegs.

“So… did she ever mention any specific locations that she met the spy in?” I asked. Scribble shook his head.

“Probably told otherwise. She’s not from here either so it’s hard to tell exactly where she met up with the spy.” I tilted my head with my eyes closed in thought.

“Considering that Unicorn Range is close to Pony Land, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a Triad station held up somewhere around here.” I stated. “With any luck, it might be in Vanhoover.” Flitter looked at me with concern.

“Fie. Don’t be like that. We don’t want another Manehatten incident.” She said. I looked at the mare and my look softened. She’s right. Manehatten led to a lot of things happening with the Triad. If we go chasing that kind of stuff again, we’ll end up losing more time to search for the remaining three power elements. We spent a week trying to ensure Sun Ville was okay enough. Spring is right around the corner.

Our wagon puller suddenly stopped and we looked around quizzically. We were still out in the range. Vanhoover isn’t until another two days. I looked over and I could see what the wagon puller was looking at. He looked pale as in the distance, a small figure was walking towards us. I narrowed my eyes, using Din’s to get a better look. It was a filly. She wore a dark cloak and had her head lowered. She was smiling to herself and from what it looked like, swaying to a tune in her head. She then mouthed something. My lip reading was starting to get a little better.

“Found you~” She mouthed. My eyes widened and the area behind the filly grew darker. I quickly stood up.

“Enemy!” I stated, drawing my quarter staff. My friends quickly stood up at the ready. The wagon puller yelped and unlatched himself quickly before diving into the back of the wagon, hiding underneath a cover. I hopped out and trotted ahead a bit before stopping. The filly was still quite a distance away, but the dark area behind her swallowed the winter snow and sky. Using Din’s eyes again, I gasped when she suddenly looked up and I met a pair of pink eyes swirling with a dark, purple fire.

In an instant, the whole world around me faded into a black void. It all happened so fast. Din appeared in front of me and with a quick swish of her head, she released a wave of flames that surrounded us. The filly had also gained so much distance that she was now just a few hoof steps away. She giggled underneath her hood.

“Hehehe~ I finally found you, bearer of fire~!” She sang. I glowered at the filly.

"I've just about had it with Tenebres. And I'm definitely not in the mood to be dealing with this." I growled. Din cackled and scraped the ground.

Oh, this is just so precious!! My sister picked a child to be her bearer!! Ahahahahah! Oh please, kill me now!! She laughed.

With pleasure!

A childish voice said. Din however, smirked and pushed me away with her hindhoof, sending me back as she flipped over a dark blade of a scythe inches from her muzzle. The floating dark fire scythe hovered in the air, spinning and twirling before embedding itself into whatever solid ground we were standing on. Tenebres melted into existence from the ground and took a hold of the scythe in her magic, shouldering it.

Darn. If only you didn't absorb your vessel's quick thinking. She said with a small pout. I scrambled to my hooves and cantered over, only for Din to hold up a wing in front of me.

Hmph! And yet, you flaunt borrowed power. Still a child who doesn't get what hard work means. Din grinned. Tenebres was about to retort when the filly held up a hoof. She lowered her hood, revealing a bubblegum curly mane and light blue coat. She grinned back, a little dementedly.

"Borrowed power made our own! Because we have truly been at work! Hard work, mind you." The filly waved a hoof and from the ground melted into existence figures of creatures. I widened my eyes. The armor and weapons they bore. Their blank, lifeless expressions. The golden chimera with a cross on their garb. As if like puppets, the creatures shambled before drawing their weapons. Din rubbed her chin with an impressed look.

Well, well! It doesn't change the fact that I can overpower you! Din grinned. Tenebres smirked.

Gloat all you want, sister. But my vessel and I have something that you don't. Friends. She said in an eerily innocent way. What the hell are these two!? When I first met Tenebres, she was cold and a little hot headed, but now it seems she completely changed her attitude. If there was any doubt of our power elements exhibiting our traits, there was none now. I glared at the filly, who only grinned and waved at me. Din scoffed.

Your friends? Yeesh. I knew you were desperate. But not that desperate. Din rolled her eyes. Tenebres glared but the filly rose a hoof up again.

"Then perhaps a simple demonstration? A one mare army against a legion!" She chuckled. Din smacked her forehooves together.

Bring it, brat! She grinned maniacally. I balked.

"Din! What the hell are you doing!? We don't have time for this!" I stated. Din snorted.

Have you've forgotten what we are supposed to do? The bearer of shadows is here face to face! Din cackled. I wonder how you'll befriend a mind so demented? She glanced at me and I backed away a bit, my mind racing to try and figure something out. The filly shrugged and waved her hoof.

"Tenebres? If you will." She said. Tenebres twirled the scythe and aimed it at Din. The hunters rushed Din. I had to draw out my own staff, dodging a stray slash from a giant sword one of the griffons had. I bumped into something and turned to see a pegasus rearing up with an axe and brought it down. I hopped to the side and brought my staff around, smacking the pony away. I narrowed my expression.

'That was a hollow hit...' I thought to myself. I got into my stance and glanced over my shoulder. Din was skillfully bobbing and weaving through the attacks, punching and kicking in a display of finesse before finishing with a spread of her wings and sending fire out, charring the creatures. They melted back into the shadows, only to reemerge again and charge. I grit my teeth, focusing back at my own attackers. I swiftly side stepped what appeared to be a ballista arrow. I was shocked as I looked to see an earth pony mare take aim and fire a volley at me. I quickly ran to the side, avoiding them before coming to a stop and batting a club that nearly struck me. Giving the zebra a buck to the side, I twirled my quarter staff and began striking at the ones who rushed me with blades and axes. As if in a dance, Din and I dodged, weaved and flipped through and from our attackers, eventually tag teaming most of them. We were in complete synergy that I couldn't help but grin a little. However, despite our work together, the creatures kept reemerging from the ground. And what's worse is that I noticed Din showing a little bit of drain. The filly and Tenebres were watching with popcorn somehow. Dammit, Din's getting carried away again!

Then, at that moment, Din swore loudly and with a loud pop the fiery halberd appeared. She heaved it and Tenebres balked, screaming as she got struck in the chest. The filly looked shocked and the puppeted creatures froze. Din was instant. She appeared over Tenebres and held onto her halberd. She grinned down at the shadow alicorn.

Tsk tsk. All that hard work won't matter if you can't keep your own guard up. Din stated. Tenebres's shocked look then turned to a smirk and, in an instant, Tenebres suddenly was grinning down at Din. Din blinked in shock, looking to see that her own halberd was in her chest. Tenebres laughed.

Duly noted. She grinned. My eyes widened. As quickly as it happened, Tenebres brought the scythe around and with a loud singing of a blade, Din went limp. I felt an intense pain at my neck and I screamed, being thrown out of the domain. I was thrown back and landed on the ground, clutching my neck and screaming in pain. I could feel it. The feeling of a clean cut across the neck. I flailed my hind legs, as if an invisible force was still over me.

"Fie? Fie!" I heard Flitter call out. My friends were over me and, in a panic, I threw off Cloudchaser's hoof and sat up, panting as I still clutched my neck. I looked around before looking ahead and seeing that the filly had vanished. "Fie, what happened!?" Flitter said worriedly. Scribble lifted my head up by the chin and examined my neck. His eyes narrowed.

"Your neck..." He began. Cloudchaser and Flitter gasped. I removed my hoof and I could notice a black wisp from my neck. I closed my eyes.

'Din? Din! Answer me, Din!' I called out. No response. I bit my lip and tried to enter into my mind. When I opened my eyes, I looked around a black void. "Din! Din! Where are you!?" I called out again. I turned around and screamed. Tenebres stood there, Din's head on the tip of her scythe. She grinned evilly. I quickly got into my stance. Tenebres flicked her scythe and Din's head rolled over to me. At the cut was fire flailing out of her. To my shocked relief, Din growled.

Of all the rotten... Din snarled. I knelt down and picked up Din's head.

"Din! Thank Celestia you're alive!" I said. Din snorted.

Don't be an idiot! We can't kill each other! She exclaimed. Tenebres laughed.

Don't lose your head over it, sis. Tenebres replied.

Laugh it up, brat! You've pissed off the wrong primal!! Din snapped. I slumped.

"Headless but still so loud..." I muttered.

I can still bite you! She snapped at me. I looked up to face Tenebres. Holding Din's head in my foreleg, I stood up and called upon the fire halberd in the other. Tenebres looked uninterested at me.

Pfft. I've already gotten my revenge for last time. And what do you know, it happens to be the second loss you have, dear sister. She smirked. Din growled as Tenebres turned around, her scythe vanishing into the void. Don't think I'm letting you off so easily. My vessel and I are just getting started! There is a whole new world out there just waiting to be conquered! You can have this one for all I care now. She looked over her shoulder slightly and made a small motion with her wing before vanishing into the abyss. I suddenly felt exhausted and fell onto my haunches, my halberd clattered next to me. I let out a relieved sigh and set Din's head in front of me. The fire alicorn glared up at me. I studied her and she spat beside her.

What the hell are you looking at!? She hissed. I furrowed my expression.

"You... you can't kill each other... but can mortally wound each other?" I asked. Din frowned.

We have a lot of animosity amongst us. Tis what we know. Tis not the first time it has happened either. Though, I was never on the receiving end. She sourly explained. I studied Din again. Her look became complacent. This is the first time I've seen Din looking at a loss. I felt my heart skip a beat as Din's body stood over me. She picked up her own head and reattached it, cracking her neck and stretching a bit. She then turned and walked a bit away from me before laying down and resting her chin on her forelegs. Leave me. Now. I felt myself being pulled away, finally opening my eyes to reality once more. My friends looked at me with concern. I looked between them, a bit dumbfounded before lowering my head and rubbing my neck. Din was right about being careful. Yet, she still lost. And this time, to her own child sister.

"So, they can't really die if they mortally wound each other?" Flitter asked. I nodded as I tossed more sticks into the fire. We had pulled into an outdoor rest area. Our wagon puller was smoking not too far off. He was surprisingly calm after the whole Tenebres attack. Though, it seemed I was the only one attacked as when my friends had reached me, they blinked and the filly vanished, only to see me flailing on the ground clutching my neck. I stared into the fire, finding myself relatively calmer now. Perhaps Din was using this as a coping mechanism at the moment. I didn't think a primal could get depressed. Scribble closed his journal and sighed.

"Things just keep getting better and better." He stated. Cloudchaser casually ate her can of beans, her look in contemplation.

"It was just so sudden. A lone filly wandering the road and she just happened to be the bearer of shadows. A filly?" She said in disbelief. I remained quiet. It's not a common occurrence in Equestria. But it does happen. I hear that if you ever travel the roads, you'll occasionally meet a runaway filly or colt. It's strange that ponies here in Equestria are okay about it to some degree. Some consider it a pilgrimage to discover who they are. And most of the time, parents would usually hear that their child is doing well enough. Yet, some are not so fortunate. I won't get into too much detail, but life on the road isn't easy.

That night, I didn’t dream. Instead, I found myself standing over Din. The fire alicorn had a look on her that showed she was in deep thinking. I subconsciously rubbed my neck and sighed quietly.

Vessel. Din began. I blinked and looked at her. That draconequess has me wondering something. This… Dark Rainbow Power. I have a feeling that is our key. I tilted my head questioningly. Din rose her head to face me. I recall in your time several thousand years ago that certain individuals have acquired this power. I’ve seen it myself. The Dark Rainbow is more than just negative magical power. It can destroy things not of this world. She looked down at her hoof. We must obtain this power. With it, you mortals might just have a chance of survival. I balked.

“Din, you can’t be serious about using it against your sisters! I get that you are a little sour about losing, but you never have let that bothered you as much!” I protested. Din frowned and laid her head back on her forelegs.

Who said anything about using it against my sisters? As much as I want to return the favor, we still have a task to do. Acquiring the Dark Rainbow is more than just having destructive power on our side. It is for the benefit of the realm. She explained. I was about to say something when I had realized what she said.

“Wait… you were paying attention on the train? I thought we knocked you out cold? And… what do you mean by it being the benefit of our realm? Why harness it at all?” I motioned to no direction in particular in my statement. Din snorted.

Idiot. Remember, anything you pick up in that mess of a brain of yours, I absorb the knowledge with it. And what’s wrong with having a bit of destructive power to ourselves? It’s better that than some sorry fool who will use it uncaringly. She said. I opened my mouth to speak, only to stop and thought about it more.

Twilight Sparkle compared Din to be an enforcer of the seven. Wild, questionable tendencies that are really meant to keep everything in check. Perhaps Din is onto something here. However, Din’s expression showed no care of my thoughts. She turned her head away from me.

Do what you will. Not like I care. She stated.

When we arose and broke down camp, my friends and I paid the wagon puller again as an apology for the events of yesterday. However, he stated that having to pull me and my friends around had been interesting and decided that he wouldn’t accept the payment and instead, take us still to Vanhoover in a gallop. I held onto the side as he barreled down the road at a fast speed. Cloudchaser and Flitter used this opportunity to train their flying. The cold wind blew past us and I, for some reason, felt a little better.

When we rounded a hill, we saw a sign out in the range. It showed a fancily dressed stallion and mare with a filly and colt happily in a family picnic. The sign read:

Welcome to Vanhoover!

The city towered in the distance and I felt myself grow sad. I was hoping we’d run into Thi along the way. But still no sign or word of her whereabouts. The wagon puller gasped and slowed to halt. Cloudchaser and Flitter flew down and frowned.

“Another straggler on the road…” Cloudchaser said. I blinked and looked down the road. There was another figure who was walking down the road towards us. However, this one was taller. Way taller than I’d like to imagine. I used Din’s eyes to get a better look. However, travelers have a way of keeping their faces covered under hoods. Yet, there doesn’t appear to be anything sinister. We waited with bated breath as the figure got closer and closer. They had just walked past our shaking wagon puller before stopping at the side.

I then noticed something dragging behind the figure. A reptilian tail. I looked at the staff and saw a snake coiled at the top. I beamed in recognition. The figure looked over to me and lowered her hood. Zalas nodded to me in recognition.

“Fire bearer.” She said.

“Zalas! It’s been a hot minute.” I smiled. Unlike the filly, Zalas was somecreature who wasn’t out for my head. At least, not anymore. However, I was adverting my eyes from her’s. I didn’t want to risk Ventus from attacking us while Din is still recovering from her own injuries. Zalas noticed this before throwing her hood back up. “What are you doing out here?” I asked. Zalas turned her head to peer out into the range.

“Ssssurveying. I ssssensssed Tenebressss nearby.” She stated. I looked back to my friends who seemed to look grimly at the mention. I sighed and nodded.

“You just missed her.” I said. Zalas didn’t meet my eyes, but she did turn to me with a studying look. She then turned to face down the road she came from.

“I ssssee. Then perhapssss it issss bessst I sssshow you ssssomething.” She walked past the wagon puller and motioned with her head to follow. He looked back at us and I smiled softly.

“Don’t worry. She’s somecreature you can trust.” I said. The wagon puller shrugged and followed Zalas. She took us down the road for a bit before taking a left at the fork in the road away from Vanhoover. I blinked and rubbed the back of my head. Scribble, however, had recognition.

“Huh… this is…” he began. He hopped out of the wagon and trotted over to Zalas. “You didn’t perhaps find an excavation site, have you?” Zalas looked out from under her hood to the stallion.

“Issss that what you call it? You sssshould have dug deeper.” She replied. Scribble remained stoic but tilted his head slightly. He then reached back and pulled out the crystal. I noticed it was clear and glowing this time. Scribble narrowed his eyes.

“What did you happen to find?” He asked. Zalas looked back ahead.

“You’ll ssssee.” She said. We walked a bit further down the road before coming across some ruins. The wagon puller stopped and we hopped out of the wagon and over to Zalas. I froze and noticed a giant quad pedal skeleton. Zalas nodded to the sight. “If I recall you mentioning, ruinssss had unpleasssant guesssstsss.” She said. Scribble shrugged.

“No surprise a Manticore would have taken up residence here. It was one of the reasons we left in a hurry.” He said as he began to trot over to a bench full of scattered books and knick-knacks. He pushed aside some things and skimmed a couple of papers. As he proceeded to salvage what he could, Flitter and Cloudchaser began exploring a bit of the surroundings. I walked over to Zalas, who was waiting patiently for us to finish up.

“So… how’s Quetzalcoatl?” I asked. Zalas shifted her staff. The snake coiled at the tip having petrified into the wood.

“Napping. The cold issss not kind to ussss.” She said. I noticed that she had been wearing fur under her cloak. I took a look back at the manticore corpse.

“You know, merchants would pay a good price for Manticore parts.” I said casually. Zalas rubbed her chin.

“Perhapssss. But it issss better to usssse what nature givessss. As issss the way.” She replied. I softly nodded before looking at her neck.

“Seems like you’ve been doing well for yourself out here.” I smiled. Zalas nodded.

“It hassss been bountiful. Thesssse ruinssss provide ample shelter. Assss well assss ssssomething more.” She said. Scribble turned away from the bench, stuffing a bundle of papers into his saddle bag.

“Right. Then, would you care to show us?” He asked. I could see behind his stoic expression a sense of excitement. Cloudchaser and Flitter met up with us as Zalas nodded, motioning us to follow. As we descended into the cave, we noticed a lot of left behind equipment. Scribble brushed over what appeared to be a purple vein in the wall. The deeper we went, the more of the same purple veins began showing up.

“Fascinating.” Scribble marveled as he examined one of the veins. “The physical properties have overlapped. I bet within a hundred years or so, this cave will be covered in this ethereal matter.” I rolled my eyes playfully.

“Like a child in a candy store.” I remarked. We proceeded to follow Zalas further when Scribble stopped.

“Hold on… there was a wall here that our pickaxes couldn’t break through. Not even compressed magic.” He said. Zalas smiled and waved her claw in front of her. Scribble seemed to nod in approval. “What a time for primals to walk among us.” I looked back to Cloudchaser and Flitter, all of us giggling at the nerdy egghead. It was a nice break away from all that has happened recently. We proceeded deeper, the physical crystallization of the ethereal stream growing denser with each step we took. Eventually, we broke through to a cavern.

I stared in awe. All around us was a mass of hanging purple crystals. It was as if they were seeping and trailing out of the walls and combining into a tall, spiked pillar in the middle of it. I could feel a strong energy flowing through me. So much so that even Din stirred from the feeling. Cloudchaser whistled.

“I knew crystal caves could be amazing. But seeing this?” She stated. Flitter marveled at the crystals.

“Oooh, pretty! There are colorful lights flowing through them.” She pointed out. Scribble was amazed. He did a slow turn around, his stoicism gone entirely and replaced with a marveled joy. A rarer sight than what we are seeing currently.

“Amazing! All the ethereal mass have subjugated to this particular location!” He studied the mass of purple at the center, brushing his hoof against it. A light oval followed his hoof. “Ladies. We are looking at pure, unfiltered masses of the ethereal stream in physical form!” Zalas arched an amused brow.

“It’ssss a tree.” She stated. I tilted my head, studying the tangled masses of connections to the cavern walls. Now that she mentions it, it almost does feel like we are under a tree. Scribble gasped and turned to Zalas.

“Wait a minute… a tree…” he then quickly brought out a different journal. He hurriedly skimmed through the pages as we watched on with amusement. He beamed when he came to a stop and turned the journal around. “Years ago, my team and I had the honor to study the magical properties of the Tree of Harmony with the permission of Princess Celestia herself. We gathered as much data as we can. The physical properties of the tree is solidified magic that dates all the way back when Starswirl was around.” He said. Cloudchaser smirked.

“Duh. He planted it after all.” She said. Scribble shook his head.

“Anything could have happened when it was a seedling. It seems that because of the natural magic that flowed throughout what would eventually be the Everfree, all of it stemmed from one point. Kind of like what we are seeing now. Only…” he turned to face the mass of crystals. “Unlike the natural magic the Tree of Harmony possesses, this one appears to be pumping into and from the ethereal stream. It’s like… a heart. A beating heart of what we believe would be the afterlife.” He then turned to me and Zalas. “Do you two feel anything unusual about being close to this tree?”

Zalas and I exchanged careful glances.

“Errr… now that you mention it… I do feel alert more than usual.” I stated. Zalas rubbed her chin in thought.

“When I disssscovered thissss place, Ventussss sssstirred from their sssslumber. The vasssst amount of magic flowing through here.” She then looked to me. “Reach out to the tree.” I blinked at her before focusing on the purple crystal pillar. I closed my eyes and reached with my magic. I didn’t grasp it. Only washed my magic over it. When I opened my eyes, it was almost like a flash bang, causing me to shield my eyes. When the light dimmed, I lowered my hoof and gasped.

The web was now a flowing fire of energy. It traveled up and trailed the stems and branches of the crystals. I could see the auras of my friends being touched by the energy.

Interesting…. Din spoke in my head. Zalas pointed with her staff to the branches.

“In the center of thesssse branchessss are sssspheressss with the ssssymbol of what we bear. Look closssely.” She stated. I did as she told me and sure enough, I found a sphere with a symbol on it. It was glowing a dim grey hue. I followed another branch and saw a sphere that glowed a dim amber. Din hummed in thought and without thinking, I found myself reaching out with my magic to the sphere. It began to glow brightly and suddenly, I felt a force yank me a bit.
I opened my eyes in surprise and to my shock, Din stumbled forward, her body physical and… living.

My friends readied themselves in reaction to her appearance. Zalas held up a claw to everypony. My friends exchanged glances as Zalas reached with her claw extended. I could see a swirl of her magic trail up into her arm and connect to the grey sphere. The next thing we knew, Ventus came stumbling out. I felt an increasing worry, but seeing as Ventus looked puzzled, she turned to Zalas.

“What is the meaning of this?” She asked with an annoyed tone. Zalas lowered her arm and nodded to Ventus.

“Theory tessssting.” She replied non-chalantly.

“Theory testing?” We all asked in unison, including Din and Ventus. Zalas nodded as she sat down criss crossed.

“Thissss tree issss connected to ussss. The onessss who hold the power elementssss. A quesssstion I had ssssince arriving issss, how and why doessss it connect to ussss?” She looked between all of us. “Our elementssss are before a time when civilization wassss created. They were made to sssshape our world and give life. They appeared once more when the realm wassss threatened by an evil erassssed from time. I believe it wasss at that time when thissss tree appeared.” She held up an index claw at us. “The theory I’m tessssting is the propertiessss affecting ussss assss individualssss. And assss you can ssssee, the tree pulled our elementssss out of ussss if we connect our magicsssss to it. What if we… borrow from the tree?”

I saw Din perk up a bit. She turned to the tree and a grin began to crack.

“Borrow, huh…?” She marveled. I frowned and nudged Din. It caused both of us to be a bit startled. It really did solidify Din. Regardless, I glared at her.

“We don’t need any more complications, Din. It’s bad enough Tenebres is hunting us. Unless you want to get humbled again, you sit tight and listen.” I stated. I then turned to Zalas, arching a brow. "How do you know all of that?" Zalas looked up to the tree. I blinked and looked back to it. I was expecting something to have happened as my luck tends to do, but surprisingly, nothing has changed. Zalas tapped her staff once and stood up.

"You and Din need to intertwine your magicssss and wassssh it over the tree. Not your element ssssphere." She explained. I glanced at Din nervously. However, the maniacal look in Din's eye told me she was craving for more than just curiosity. I slumped. Din looked at me from the corner of her eye, as if she knew I had no choice in the matter. I closed my eyes and with Din, we reached with our magic. We then moved our magics together and washed it over the crystals. I could feel it. Our magic being absorbed into the tree and branching out into the webs. When I opened my eyes, I gasped as the tree began to glow. Din and I watched a pillar of light began to form in front of the tree and in a spectacle shimmer of light, a figure began to emerge. It morphed into an equine figure and when the light vanished, the figure solidified. A majestic alicorn of a starry coat and fiery blue mane that curled of a prim and proper princess. Yet, when she opened her eyes, they were glowing brightly of the stars. My friends gasped in awe at the sight. The alicorn scraped the ground with a single hoof and bowed to us.

"Greetings, bearer of the one who wields fire." The voice resonated. It was soothing, as if she was singing a lullaby. I was speechless. Her beauty definitely is godly. Zalas stood up and walked to stand next to me. The alicorn acknowledged Zalas with a courteous nod. "Thou as well, bearer of winds. It fills this empty heart with joy to see two of the fated together under my embrace." I blinked in confusion.

"Empty heart?" I asked. The alicorn nodded.

"What thou see before is nothing but a mere memory of once was. A fragment husk to a being no longer existing." She replied. Cloudchaser rubbed her head.

"What is she saying?" She asked. I blinked at her quizzically. They can't understand her?

"Please listen, for thou fate is tied to this very being. Long ago, an evil named Malevolence descended upon the realm, bringing ruin to the land. Fated heroes from far and wide banded together and banished the evil back to the stars. In its' wake, a scale from the beast landed here. Here, grew the very tree before you. With the combined efforts of the seven, they granted a mortal power beyond comprehension. Yet, the stars are unkind. For they wrote the fated arrival of the evil once more. A cycle hath been created, one whom watches the balance would have thou believe otherwise." I exchanged glances with Zalas. "The realm of the gods are uncertain of the events in your time. For the prophecy hath been rewritten. Or, it will be. This tree must be protected from Malevolence. For when the evil shall search for its' missing power, there will be no hope in saving thou." I narrowed my eyes.

"Hmmm. So, I was right then." I stated. Din snorted.

"Damn. I will never hear the end of it." She stated. My friends looked at me quizzically. I turned to them.

"Ouroboros is not only a lazy world serpent, but he's also been lying and manipulating us into believing somethings. He told me that we would be the last before no longer having to matter. Meaning that once we had fixed his mistake, he'd just shelve the seven back and that's that. This is the third time this has happened. Whether Ouroboros has an ultimatum is yet to be determined, I think. And I do believe he isn't lying about us having to gather and combat the catastrophe that is going to disrupt the balance of our realm thanks to what this husk confirms. But now I'm confident that not everything he tells us is for our benefit." I explained. Zalas rubbed her chin.

"For one whosssse lived for millenniumssss, it'ssss a ssssurprisssse he would lie." She stated. I snorted.

"He's a higher power. He doesn't give a damn. That also means that I'm not the illegitimate child of a primal and Starswirl the bearded. I knew it was just a bunch of lies." I said with a relieved smile. Being a child of Starswirl may not be entirely bad, but he doesn't strike me as father material. And Equuilie, the one who is supposedly my biological mother, is just a creation made by Ouroboros as a... secretary? It was hard to imagine Starswirl would fall for such a thing considering his own animosity towards the World Serpent. Yet, seeing the alicorn eye me gave me a bad feeling.

"Yes. We do sense thou art not of mortal standards. Yet, thou latent power tis indescribable. Thou origin birth I cannot tell. Tis no mistake thou art mortal. For now." She said. I blinked questioningly. I'm a mortal for now? Din rolled her eyes and stepped forward.

"Alright, you... whatever you are. I demand absolute power. As the one who calls for fire and the next apex of the world, bestow upon me the rite." She said, standing imposingly at the figure. The alicorn showed no emotion or reaction. Yet, she looked over her shoulder up to the tree.

"Thou seek forgotten power. Nay, more than forgotten power. Ascencion." She then turned back to Din. "We can grant you this rite, however, the rite must be obtained when all seven are together." She replied. Din growled.

"Do not assume I care for what my sisters demand. They were given power by the serpent while I have done nothing but worked for it. I completed the Trigram. Tis I who has bested my sisters with nothing but wit and personal strength. Yet, that can only get me so far." She lowered her head, her look clearly angry and resentful. "Bested by mortals... by my younger sister no less... by all my sisters before... It's infuriating that all my work has been crumbling. I aim to correct it. But not in this state." She shot her eyes at the alicorn. "So, you will do well and give me what I desire! Tis my rite! My power! No insignificant insect shall have it! That power is beyond their understanding!" She pointed a hoof at the figure. "If I am denied this rite, I will claw my way into the star's domain and beat them to a pulp until I get what is rightfully mine! Mine!" We all looked uneasily at Din. Ventus stepped forward, her annoyed tone breaking the air.

"You babble too much, sister. Your power shouldn't be held for yourself. Tis for the benefit of this realm. You know full well why we exist." She stated. Din quickly turned and slugged Ventus in the face with a forehoof, sending the alicorn into the wall in a blink of an eye.

"You quiet your tongue, Ventus!!" She roared. She stamped her hoof, causing a crack. I backed away with my friends and Zalas. "You, who has been given power and more by that damned serpent!! You continue to piss me off!! Lux is going to get her punishment by me for even giving her power to one she did not choose!! And with you speaking like that, I am inclined to release some much needed tension against Tenebres towards you!!" She spat on the ground, the small fire hissing when it hit the ground. "You all make me disappointed to be alive... We are in charge of the balance!! We are the ones who were promised domain over the realm!! Uncaringly bestowing that promise onto others is disgusting!" She then looked to me, her eyes flaring brightly with fire before looking back to Ventus. "You are creating more work than I'd care to fix!! You are not taking this as seriously as you should!!" She turned to the alicorn and got up into her face. "My rite!! Now!!" Once again, the alicorn did not react. However, she did a courteous bow.

"Thou will be granted the rite, caller of fire. However, if thou aim to achieve thou desire, it can only begin when all seven are present." She met Din's glaring gaze. "Thou hath our word. We can sense that thou truly mean for the betterment of this realm. Tis why we will now bestow upon thou this mark as a sign of thou pilgrimage of power." The alicorn unfurled her wings and I shielded my eyes as a bright glow flashed overhead. When the light dimmed, I looked to see a prismatic, glimmering scale hovering over Din. Din grinned maniacally, as if her whole world has been lifted. Yet, it quickly dropped to shock when the scale floated over to me. I took it in my magic and blinked questioningly. Din growled and shot her glare back at the alicorn.

"What is the meaning of this!?" She demanded. The alicorn lowered her wings.

"Tis a purified piece of Malevolence's scale. Thou will perish if thou comes into contact with it. Tis meant for mortal hooves. Yet, it is the very thing that will help thou desires. Treasure it well, for the path of ascension tis not an easy feat." She then stepped back and bowed with her wings lowered. "One who shall inherit the domain of the gods, bear witness to my next message. For it will aid thou in your desire. Seek not the words of the wise and whimsical, for they only seek thou ruination. Carve your path and be one with the Tree of Power. For it is here where you will begin the final trial." The alicorn began to glow brightly, causing us to shield our eyes once more before the light dimmed. The alicorn has vanished. Everycreature in the room was speechless. Din snorted and turned to me, eyeing the scale. She growled.

"Tch. Whatever... Vessel. No more failures. None! We will obtain this power and crush any who get in our way." She walked towards me and I felt her phasing into me. I will not back down, no matter how many losses! I was speechless. So much so that it took Flitter clearing her throat to snap me out of my stupor.

"Err... that was... scary." She stated. Zalas crossed her arms as Ventus walked up to her. The wind alicorn did not look pleased as she rubbed her cheek.

"We'll see, sister. We still have a score to settle." She hissed before phasing into Zalas. Zalas rubbed her own cheek, grimacing.

"Fire one doessssn't pull punchessss." She stated.

We hopped onto the wagon and I turned to face Zalas, who stood next to the wagon.

"You sure you don't want to come along with us?" I asked. Zalas shook her head.

"Disssscovering the Tree of Power hassss given me a lot to conssssider my own identity of thissss matter." She clenched her staff a little. "My people maybe gone, but I continue to live. Issss it becausssse I'm one of the sssseven? I sssstill want to find that ansssswer." I smiled softly and held out my hoof. She looked at me quizzically.

"We call this a hoof bump. For you, you can just ball up your claw and go from there." I explained with a smirk. "Don't worry. Unlike Thi, I won't fly back." Zalas held up her claw casually and clenched it before bumping it with my flack. A small smile spread on her face.

"I will keep a look out for Tenebressss in the area. With any luck, I can sssstall her." She said. I nodded and looked at her seriously.

"The vessel of Tenebres is a filly. Be very careful about her. Tenebres isn't a push over like before." I looked grimly at her. "I still don't have a good read on the vessel, but if the imprinting has anything to do with Tenebres acting like a sick and twisted child, I can only imagine what the vessel is capable of." As crazy as it sounds, it's one of the seven. Durable, powerful and extremely dangerous. Zalas nodded. The wagon puller tipped his hat and we began to make our way back to the fork of the road and towards Vanhoover after some time. I leaned my back against the wagon wall and sighed, closing my eyes while my friends chattered amongst themselves. I was lost in thought to pay attention. I heard Din humming.

Soon. She began. Soon everything will fall under my hooves. Are you listening vessel? I will always continue to say this, from the bottom of my own being, I will be the apex of the world. No... the entire domain of the gods.

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