• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 6: The Fire Demon

The trip back to Manehatten's M.E.S.S. HQ was exhausting. It didn't help that there was an awkward silence between me and Stethoscope. I could tell she was struggling with her thoughts. I, on the other hoof, was keeping an eye out for police. We had to duck into alleys a couple of times to avoid a duo patrol. When we reached the M.E.S.S. building, we ducked behind a dumpster. There were less police than usual, but it seemed that the building's front door was taped up and I noticed a lot of yellow, red and blue coats. I didn't even know M.E.S.S. had blue coats. And the only red coat I met was the co-founder of M.E.S.S. Marquis. A somewhat seclusive pony who seemed to have only the passion of his research being his best friend. In fact, I could see Marquis in the crowd. He looked just as disheveled as before. I noticed a mare in a blue coat next to him. They were chatting amongst themselves. I looked around and found a pebble. I lifted it up with my magic and heaved it across the street, pelting Marquis in the head. He rubbed his head and looked around. I made a waving motion with my hoof when he looked in my direction. His eyes widened and looked around nervously.

The blue coated mare watched him slink away before her eyes met mine. She proceeded to follow him as I ducked back into the alley. I was expecting Marquis to round the corner first, but I shrunk back when I saw an angry looking mare rounding the corner and facing me. I held up my hooves as she towered over me.

"You got a lot of nerve to come back here, demon!" She hissed. Marquis rounded the corner and looked at us with concern.

"M-Marigold, please calm down!" Marquis said worriedly. Marigold's pink eyes glared at me through her square rimmed glasses. Her raven black mane styled in a ponytail and her blue coat complimenting her grey coat. She turned to Marquis.

"Calm down!? She's the reason Silver Scribble got arrested!!" She stated. I balked.

"Scribble got arrested??" I asked. Marquis sadly nodded while Marigold glared at me.

"Housing a wanted fugitive. Not only did he get arrested, but two Wonderbolts also got arrested as accomplices." She pointed down the alley. "Our entire work building is now under detainment until further notice. Do you realize how many ponies are now jobless because of you!?" She stamped her hoof in frustration. "Scribble shouldn't have brought you in. I should turn you in in exchange for those three." I winced. Ahh, crap. Stethoscope glanced at me before stepping up next to me.

"M-Marigold. May I say my two sense?" She asked. Marigold's look went from frustration to annoyance. She rolled her eyes.

"Don't tell me you are going to get arrested for The Fire Demon!" She stated. Stethoscope looked over her shoulder to me, her look contemplative before turning back to her.

"Ma'am. Silver Scribble tasked me to investigate the beach side research base as they had grown dark for a time. He sent Fie with me as to protect me from anything that happened. And... we found somethings I wished we shouldn't have." She reached into her pouch and withdrew Rum Runner's journal before passing it to Marigold. Marquis looked over her shoulder as she skimmed the pages. She came to a stop at one and her look dropped to concern.

"A strange figure and a device that seemed to trigger the kelpie response?" She looked to Marquis before back at Stethoscope. "Did you manage to find them?" Stethoscope shook her head.

"They got away before things got bad. But... we found the device buried in the sand and it lured a kelpie towards us. I..." She looked at me sadly and then smiled softly. "I would have been a victim to the kelpie if Fie hadn't stepped in." I was a little puzzled. My friends usually call me Fie. I remember then that I must have not introduced myself properly. She looked back to the two. "She took down a kelpie and destroyed the device. I... think it won't stop the kelpies, but it might give us enough time to figure out how we can push them back to their habitat." She put a hoof to her chest. "The Fire Demon risked her life to protect me. Maybe Scribble didn't think about things clearly when bringing her in, but he seems to have full trust in her." Marquis nodded and rubbed his chin.

"Ahh yes. I recall you now. You were with the two sisters and that loudmouth." He then smiled. "Good to see you still alive, Quiet Fire. Though... I wish things were a little different. It's true, Scribble and the sisters turned themselves in for bringing you in. Scribble and them will most likely be questioned about your where abouts. It might be a while before they are let off the leash." I glanced between the three ponies. I lowered my head and closed my eyes, crossing my forelegs over my chest as I thought.

'Hmmm. We don't have time to wait for them to get out. So far, my thinking has been on the fly.' I had another thought. 'I'm already vilified by Equestria...' I wasn't going to like this. And neither are these three. As much as Stethoscope's mind about me has changed, I'm going to really hate doing this. I then looked between the three and stood up.

"You three. I..." I rubbed my foreleg nervously. "I'm not going to be... the best pony from this point forward. Consider this... a heads up. And... I'm sorry. I hope you'll understand." I said. "Where is the police department they were taken too?" Marquis arched a brow.

"Y-you're going to turn yourself in? Wh-what about saving our realm?" He asked. I smiled softly.

"I'm sure they'll understand when I explain the situation." I said. Marigold frowned and pointed down the alley.

"Take a right at Junction Road and when you hit Posey Lane, take a left. You can't miss the blue building with the shield." She said uninterestedly. I then looked to Stethoscope.

"I'm glad you are okay after the kelpie incident." I then trotted past them and looked out of the alley. "Just have hope, you three. Equestria needs it more than ever." I gave them one last smile before cantering out of the alley, hearing Stethoscope call out to me.

"F-Fie, wait!"

I was completely surprised by the turn of events. When I arrived at the police station, I not only saw some of the M.E.S.S. employees, but several ponies dressed in red with fire graphics. I figured I'd blend into the crowd, but I came to realize that those wearing red turned out to be supporters of... me. They had signs waving and protesting my right as a pony, not a monster. The many officers gathered in front of the PD eyed the crowd cautiously. Among the crowds, of course, were the ones who call for my banishment. They wore black. Something I wasn't sure about but asking one of the supporters carefully without giving myself away, they mentioned that wearing black was in contrast to the darkness that I carry for Equestria if I stay around any longer. There was a lot of disquiet amongst the groups. And mixed in with this all is a multicolor of red, blue and yellow demanding Scribble's release. I eyed the front of the building. I could see two officers looking over the crowd from the top of the steps. They were conversing with each other. I wish my lip reading was better.

I waited a bit to see if there was any grand speech about to be made. Thankfully, this was just a mix of protests. I bowed my hooded head in thought. Am I really going to do this? The ponies here who are supporting me... they picked the wrong side. I took a deep breath. 'Now or never, Fie.' I nodded to myself and began to push myself through the crowd. As I did, I imagined splitting myself. Creating four copies, I had them spread out through the crowd but continue to make their way to the front. When I approached the barrier, the officer eyed me suspiciously. I then turned and with one hind leg, I bucked the barrier. The officer flew with the barrier and became pinned by the bent metal. The crowd screamed and backed away from me. I turned back to the officers and stepped forward. The officers drew their arc weapons.

"Don't make another step!" One ordered to the side of me. However, he immediately fell when my copy came out of the crowd and struck him in the back of the head. The same went with the other cops at the barrier. The remaining cops aimed and fired at me, the crowd behind me screaming and scattering away. However, I popped my copies and a large amount of smoke enveloped the area. I rushed forward and knocked the guards out before rushing up the steps. The two cops at the top of the steps didn't see me coming as I jumped out of the smoke and planted both my hooves into their face and sent them through the doors. Ensuring they were unconscious, I then turned to the officers inside. I was disgusted with myself. But this had to be done. I withdrew my staff and began to advance. One officer rounded the corner and fired. I tilted my head to the side, surprising me. Before I was picked as a vessel for a primal, I had confidence in my own senses. Yet... it seems that I honed my senses a little further. That, or it was thanks to whatever Din has done to me. I haven't forgotten that box she messed with for a while. I spun around and heaved my staff like a javelin, the weapon sticking into the wall right next to the officer's head.

The officer trembled while the others retreated behind their security door. I called my staff back and turned to the door. I aimed my staff and a ball of concentrated fire fired off a beam that melted the door. The officers aimed and fired off their arc weapons. I quickly copied myself into two and rushed them. They yelped as my copies subdued the officers and I cantered past them. I then ordered them to pop and with a sound behind me, smoke enveloped the area. I paused when I got to the second floor. I could sense ponies on the other side of a door I came up on.

I frowned. I need to figure out where my friends are. I took another deep breath, hating myself more and more as I aimed my quarterstaff at the door. With a simple poke, the door was blown off its’ hinges, knocking three officers away. I quickly swished my staff and stringed Din’s fire at their firearms. The pieces were bright orange, causing the officers to drop them out of being burned. I stepped in and looked around. One officer fell onto their haunches and crawled back in fear.

“Y-you’re the Fire Demon!” They cried out. I looked out from under my hood to the officer. My expression stoic. I narrowed my eyes, only to hear a pop and something whiz right past my muzzle. I looked over to see another officer with a smaller arc firearm. The gruff looking stallion aimed and stepped around, standing between me and the other officer.

“Stand down, Quiet Fire.” He said. I remained quiet but still at the ready. He glanced nervously between every pony before focusing on me. “Alright. We don’t have to do anything rash here. Let’s just calm down and talk this over.” I lowered my head a bit.

“Are you in charge?” I asked. The officer carefully lowered his firearm that was in his magic.

“Chief of Police, Nickel Ridge.” He narrowed his eyes. “I’m surprised. You are supposed to save Equestria, correct?” I rubbed the back of my hooded head and shrugged.

“I’m one of the few. But so far, my own home has voiced their opinions on me.” I then looked out the window. “Whatever support I had out there is probably gone now after this.” Nickel Ridge eyed me.

“We were told to bring you in peacefully. What reason do you have for rushing into a police department for?” He asked cautiously. I sat on my haunches and tapped my staff on the ground nonchalantly.

“I’m looking for my friends who have been detained for housing me. Silver Scribble, founder of the Monster Ecology and Study Service organization along with two Wonderbolts, Cloudchaser and Flitter Glider. I would like for them to be released so we may handle a task given to me by Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The officers glanced nervously at each other. I sensed some intent behind me and I looked out the corner of my eye at the two officers readying themselves, only for Nickel Ridge to motion not to proceed.

“Is that all you are here for?” He asked. I nodded. Nickel Ridge holstered his arc pistol and nodded. “Very well. I’ll take you to them. We don’t need any more officers injured.” I looked at him apologetically. I wish I had thought of a better way to do this, but nothing else came to mind. We have to get going. No more distractions. I tossed my staff at my back and it vanished, causing some of the officers to look baffled. I nodded and the Chief of Police told the officers to stand down before leading down the floor I came from.

He eyed the melted security door cautiously, leading me down another flight of steps into the detainment cells. I noticed there were some ponies here that were my banishers. Only a couple of supporters. They looked at me for a moment before going back to what they were doing. It took two to realize I wasn’t cuffed and instead being led by the Chief of Police. We stopped at a cell and I saw Silver Scribble, Cloudchaser and Flitter talking amongst each other before noticing us.

“Fie! Oh no…” Flitter said, her look being defeated. Nickel Ridge opened the cell. I smiled.

“It’s alright guys. I talked it over with the COP here.” I nodded to him. “Though, we should leave as soon as we can. We have to head to Pony Land without further delays.” The three looked between each other before looking at me with concern. I only kept smiling at them. With my friends freed, we walked back out. The officers I injured outside were now walking in and clutching themselves. When they saw me, they gasped and stepped aside. I could tell my friends were eyeing me.

When we left the department, I turned to the COP and gave him a sad look.

“Err… I…” I noticed his judging look at me. I sighed and turned around solemnly. “Goodbye, Chief Nickel Ridge. Keep yourselves ready for anything.” He didn’t say anything as I met my friends at the bottom of the steps. Silver Scribble eyed the bent barrier.

“Thi would have had a field day.” He said before looking at me in disapproval. I ignored his look and kept walking.

“Come on… the sooner the better…” I replied. Flitter and Cloudchaser floated next to me while Silver Scribble trailed behind me.

“Fie… look we…” Cloudchaser began but faltered. I shook my head.

“You were only buying time.” I looked over my shoulder. “We dealt with the kelpie issue. We found a device that seemed to have drawn the kelpie to the shore. It looked like the research base was left in a hurry. We don’t know where the researchers on site went, but we hope they got away.” I told him. Silver Scribble sighed and nodded.

“I expected worse. But I can only hope from this point on.” He said simply. I lowered my head sadly. Equestria is looking down on me. And I don’t blame it.

At the train station, we waited for our ride out of Manehatten. We weren’t taking the train. But a paid wagon travel service. We decided that doing so would avoid any trouble with other ponies and for fear of being attacked while on the way. We paid the pony and grabbed a couple of snacks for the trip before climbing in and heading off. Our next destination is Vanhoover. It’s the only place that can guarantee legal passage into Pony Land. It’s going to be a long trip, so I’m hoping we’d find or at least hear word of Thi Billet at some point. I wished I had a bit more time to say goodbye to some ponies.

Which reminds me. When we got to the rest stop, the wagon pony took a small nap while Scribble and the sisters handled their own stuff. I went off the path away from them and sighed.

“Fire’s Angels.” I said. There were four loud cracks and four ponies stood before me. Each wearing different garments of clothing to match their personalities. I smiled as they bowed to me.

“It has been a long while, mistress.” Tender said. I nodded.

“It has. How’s the stallion treating you?” I asked. The mare brushed a strand of hair behind her and smiled.

“He’s been a treasure.” She replied. The others snickered before I turned to Lavender.

“How about the rest of you? Enjoying life in Ponyville?” I asked. The remaining three smiled. Lavender went first.

“Had wonderful tea with the librarian, the strawberry shop owner and the antique owner. We talked a lot about history in Equestria while enjoying strawberry cakes. I also met a wonderful stallion whose interested in astrology.” She said. I blinked blankly. Another one of them? Bubble Sparkle rose a hoof.

“I’ve made some friends in the park that want to invite me to a derby club! I’ve never been to a club before. Everypony has been so nice! Especially that mare from the bowling alley. I was thinking about asking her out to the park sometime so she could show me some more dance moves.” She said excitedly. I felt a small nip in the back of my head.

“I… see… Whistle?” I asked the other mare. She put a hoof to her chest.

“The house is in stable condition. Everypony is comfortable and getting ready for Winter Wrap Up. I’ve been tasked as lead organizer this year as Princess Twilight is currently occupied. My marefriend and stallionfriend both are leading ponies in the Wrap Up.” I felt something sharp pierce my heart. Two?! I found myself dreading my own single self and slumped before them. How?! These ponies are imprinted to me! They are gifts from the World Serpent to bribe me!

Granted I told them not to tie themselves to me so much, but them mentioning being in relationships bothered me more than I realized. I had a sudden thought. Could it be that they are losing their ties to the bylaws? The four were looking at me curiously. I sighed.

“I… didn’t realize how quickly everypony took to you four. You all must have been working real hard.” I said, feeling more and more pathetic. Lavender stepped forward.

“It’s all thanks to you mistress. You provided us a chance to make ourselves worth to your standards. Everypony has been asking about you.” She said. I looked up to Lavender. Bubble nodded.

“Ponyville has been following your exploits ever since the Red Canyon Incident.” She smiled. I found myself feeling worser at that.

“Then… they know what I’ve done in Hoofington…” I said. The four looked between each other worriedly. Whistle put a reassuring hoof on my shoulder.

“Ponyville hasn’t forgotten you, mistress. It’s really remarkable. I think everypony is happy that they have a new hero representing them.” She reached back to her saddle bag and withdrew a satchel. I eyed it curiously. “A gift from Derpy Hooves. Your co-worker.” I took it in my magic and read the folded-up letter:

Hey, Fie! Hope your adventure is going well! Please, try not to over work yourself. Fudge is pretty overwhelmed by everypony sending you so many letters here. So, I took the liberty of gathering them in a bundle and hopefully will mail them to you! If I don’t forget of course. We miss you! Your friend, Derpy Hooves.

I was stunned. The best mailmare in Equestria did this for me? I looked at the satchel and opened it. Letters flowed out and I scrambled to gather them in my magic. Whistle helped by picking up a few and giving them back to me. I took one letter and opened it up. It was, to my surprise, from my teacher Namaste:

Hey, kid. Heard you are kickin’ ass over there. I never thought my own student would become a literal hero to Equestria. My son always wanted to know more about your exploits whenever the radio would come on. Ponies can’t stop talkin’ about the whole war thing, but Mayor Mare, being the glue she is, assured that with you leading the front that we should put our faith into their heroes. That means you too, Fie. When you are done with your whole journey thing, come stop by. I’ll whip up something we all can enjoy.

I couldn’t help but smile. I then looked through the other letters. There were quite a few who say they don’t know me on a personal level but remember small interactions that helped them greatly throughout a bad day. Which took me completely by surprise as I genuinely thought I was the one who had the most problems. I was beginning to realize just how much sober I am now compared to then. There were some that were wishing me well on the journey and then some that were less than meaningful.

Yet, a pink letter caught my eye. It was from Pinkie Pie. Curious, I opened it to get a face full of confetti and streamers. Shaking away the paper, I read the letter:

Hiya, Fie! I know this must be super surprising considering we probably just met at some point! But I’m going to write this letter anyway to wish you amazing and awesome luck on your journey! Hard to believe that you showed up one day and I threw that welcome party for you! The best Ponyville welcome anypony could have! And trust me, there’ll be way more parties later on! Just remember, don’t sweat the small stuff, have fun and always know that you are always welcome back here!

I was dumbfounded now. How long ago was this letter written? I checked the dates. Pinkie’s was made around the time I began my journey. The other letters were somewhere between the events of The Red Canyon and sometime after Hoofington. I grew concerned.

“Is there… has there been any other recent letters?” I asked. Whistle rubbed her chin before reaching back and digging into her saddle bag. She then shook her head.

“I am afraid not.” She then smiled and pat her chest. “But do believe that despite what has happened, you are still welcomed back to Ponyville.” I lowered my head and looked into the satchel box full of letters. I sighed and levitated it up and back to Whistle.

“Thanks for the confidence boost. But… I’m not sure they would entirely want me back. I… can’t go back anyway.” I felt myself growing sad. “I don’t want to cause the ponies of Ponyville any trouble. I’m wanted in Equestria. That and war is coming. I…” I sighed. “I have to do this. I have to ensure that whatever faith ponies have left in me that I don’t fail.” The four mares smiled. I then had another thought. “So… you all have a relationship with other ponies now? Does that have to do with imprinting? The bylaws?”

Lavender waved a hoof.

“Rest assure, our loyalty will be to you, mistress.” She said. I shook my head.

“That isn’t what I asked.” I replied. The four looked between each other and Bubble was about to speak when she paused and looked a little puzzled. I arched a brow between them as they all gave me the same puzzled look. Whistle rubbed her chin once more in thought.

“Could it be…?” She began. She then looked at her hoof and examined it. “Strange… I’m compelled to… aid those ponies.” I slumped.

“What does that mean?” I asked. Lavender furrowed her look.

“The bylaws prevent us from interfering unless the balance is threatened. We are also not to aid anypony in their element. We are to observe and provide exclusive aid to you. But…” She faltered. Lavender spoke up.

“Girls… I… thought it was just me auto piloting and reassuring myself it’s at the behest of our mistress. But… I’ve been… interacting with ponies in their element. A week ago, Mayor Mare asked me to help out with a speech.” She looked to me. “Anything could have happened, but… the mayor was in her element and she managed to have nothing bad happen to her.” I rubbed the back of my head.

“Err… I’m sure Mayor Mare doesn’t have much to worry about.” I said. Lavender shook her head. She then explained that she had helped Mayor Mare organize her speeches and files, since Pinkie Pie would tend to do so. When it came to rehearsing for speeches, Lavender had made some good point reviews and when the speech happened, there were no negative side effects. Whistle mentioned helping out Lyra and Bon Bon over a personal dispute. It ended with the argument being resolved. She pointed out that their elements were displayed when arguing and nothing negative happened between them. "Lyra and Bon Bon are a pretty strong pair. I've seen them argue plenty of times and always made up." I stated. But Whistle pointed out that it was about Lyra's musical ability and Bon Bon's unintentional and harsh scheduling for Lyra to succeed. I had to think about it a bit but realized that indeed those two were in their elements when they were together in that time.

Bubble mentioned helping out Amythest with her pre-prepping on Winter Wrap Up. She is once again taking charge as lead organizer. Bubble mentioned that despite Amythest having a clear head and a level attitude, she had been losing confidence in herself as of late. Bubble stated that thanks to her, Amythest found a new sense of understanding and Bubble was surprised that the "bad luck" when a pony is in their element didn't happen. Tender finished her own observation having aided Doctor Hooves in a strange adventure that would have certainly caused him harm, which wasn't a surprise as the estranged inventor would have some sort of moment that would express his element. I never quite got to know him as well as I should. But Derpy can't stop talking about him. I wonder how their New Year went?

I sat on my haunches and bowed my head.

“I’m glad everypony there is doing well enough.” I sighed. “All the more reason for me to stay away.” I looked back to the four. “It seems you four may have been severed from the bylaws. My only guess it may have something to do with Din messing with a box.” The four ponies exchanged glances as I continued. “To be honest, I’m not sure what to do with you four from here on. I’m pretty much an exile in Equestria and no matter what ponies say, I won’t be fully welcomed back. And Ponyville doesn’t need anymore endangerment. It gets it enough being close to the Everfree.”

It was Bubble that stepped forward and pat her chest proudly.

“Chin up, mistress. I think that no matter what you do from this point on, you’ll be your very best self. And we’ll do the same.” She said. I don’t know why, but I looked at her with hope. Whistle stepped forward.

“If what you say is true about us being severed from the bylaws, I think we can now fully aid you. You’ve given us a chance to live like normal ponies do, even though we are spawned from nothing. As strange as it sounds, we have enjoyed the new experience.” She smiled softly. Lavender beamed.

“So much knowledge to be unearthed, it’s incredible how rich Equestria is in history! And there is still a lot to know more of! I want to learn it all!” She said excitedly. Tender calmly smiled and twirled her braided mane with her hoof.

“I’ve been enjoying the villager life as well. So many interesting neighbors you have, mistress.” I was speechless. These four ponies, who were created for the sole purpose of bribing me with desires, have completely blew me away. It made me realize something about myself. I gave them a chance and they were greatly rewarded for it. Have I… given that chance to others? The thought of Hoofington came back and I was hit with a wave of mixed emotions. Seeing my struggled thoughts, Whistle nodded.

“I believe your friends are waiting for you, mistress.” She said. I blinked and looked over my shoulder. My friends were watching me from a distance, idly sitting at the wagon. I looked back to the four and proceeded to hug Whistle.

“Thank you, girls.” I said, pulling away. “I… I’ll try to be my better self. For everycreature’s sake.” I smiled softly. “Dismissed.” The four bowed and with a loud crack, the four vanished. I remained staring at the spots they were at previously before faltering my smile and turning around to trot back to my friends.

When I arrived, Cloudchaser eyed me.

“Checking up on Ponyville?” She asked with a small smirk. I only nodded in response before climbing back into the wagon. With my friends sitting in the wagon, the wagon puller proceeded to move. Halfway down the road, Flitter sighed.

“So. Does this mean we are fugitives now?” She asked. Scribble had pulled out his journal and was scribbling in it.

“More or less, I would assume. Though, it’s only to be expected in the current time we are at.” Scribble said without taking his eyes off the journal. I leaned over the side of the wagon, resting my muzzle into my sleeve as I watched the winter wonderland of Equestria go on by. Cloudchaser was kicking back with her forelegs behind her head and her hind legs crossed.

“I just hope Captain Spitfire will understand.” She said a little solemnly. “Things really got out of control fast.”

“I’m sorry…” I said. I looked to them as I continued. “I… I didn’t know what else to do. We need to head to Pony Land and it’s just…” I bowed my head. “I wanted us to… get back on the road I guess…” My friends were quiet. It was Scribble that broke the silence.

“No rest for the weary. I’m sure Marquis and the others will be fine.” He said. I looked at him apologetically.

“I… I think you taking me in caused your workplace to shut down…” I stated sadly. Scribble looked at me stoically.

“Did Marigold tell you everpony is unemployed?” He asked. I was a little surprised, but sadly nodded. Scribble let out a soft sigh and pocketed his journal. “I have my trust in Marquis and not Marigold. Marigold is Marquis’s aid. And a bit of a quick to conclusion talker.” Scribble leaned cooly against the edge of the wagon as he continued. “I hired her due to the departments recommending her canny knowledge in monster studies. Not only that, reading her dossier showed she would be perfect to get Marquis out of the office and take better care of himself.

“M.E.S.S. is temporarily down for the day. The COP and I know each other, and he only wanted to know the story behind your grand entrance.” I couldn’t help but frown a little. “Everycreature in Manehatten employed to M.E.S.S. will continue to work tomorrow.” He then met my look. “I told the chief of what he should know. It’s why he handled the situation much more calmly than the… other officers you met.”

I winced and my mood continued to shoot downward. Scribble never held back when scolding me or anypony who didn’t deserve it. He’s not so innocent himself, but he’s the sane one out of all of us. Scribble looked to Flitter.

“Now that we have some clear air, how have you’ve been fairing, Flitter?” He asked her. Flitter blinked questioningly. Cloudchaser smiled and playfully nudged her. She sighed and rubbed her foreleg.

“It’s been… getting worse. It’s almost as if a never waking nightmare has just been unleashed upon me.” She then rubbed her neck. “I still imagine the mad doctor sticking the needle in me over and over again.” I noticed Cloudchaser’s look contemplative. “I keep hearing the whispers. ‘Hail to your king’ over and over. I… I don’t know what to do…” Cloudchaser wrapped a wing around her sister in comfort.

“It’ll be fine, Flitter. I won’t let anything like that happen ever again.” She said in confidence. I eyed Cloudchaser. My heart wanting to encourage her with more confidence. Flitter smiled softly at Cloudchaser, but quickly faltered.

"Sis..." Flitter began. "I'll be... I'll be fine. Really. Out of us two, I think you're the one who has been having it rough lately." My concern grew. Cloudchaser smirked and pat her chest.

"Nightmares, sis. Nothing I can't handle." She replied. Flitter studied her sister before laughing a little.

"Alright then, Miss Princess Bell Flower." Flitter smirked. Cloudchaser flushed and quickly covered Flitter's muzzle, shushing her.

"N-not in front of these guys!" She whispered. I tilted my head, curious now and my concern turning into playfulness.

"Oh? Now my curiosity is peaked." I said with a mischievous smile. Cloudchaser shook her head, but Flitter moved Cloudchaser's hoof away and held her back as the pretty mare tried to fight back to silence her.

"She has a reoccurring dream where she's the ruler of a magical kingdom and is dubbed Princess Bell Flower to her 'subjects'." She smirked. Cloudchaser was bright red as she pulled Flitter into a hold.

"Stop talking!" She panicked. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“I think you’d look adorable in a princess dress.” I teased. Cloudchaser shot me an embarrassed look.

“You put one on me and not even your god like powers will stop me from bucking your flank to the next dimension!” She exclaimed. Scribble shrugged.

“That’s not the attitude to befit a princess.” He said. Cloudchaser shot him a glare.

“Bite me, egghead!” I started to laugh. My friends followed suite. Oh, Celestia how I missed this. The rest of the day flew by quickly as we bantered and lost ourselves to the enjoyment of company. Our wagon puller pulled us up to an inn in a hamlet nestled off the road. It was a quaint little hamlet. The ponies here were rather kept to themselves. Which was a relief as I felt that the lack of crystal tech would ensure I was under the radar. However, spying a radio on the shelf in the inn behind the inn keeper's counter, I felt very anxious all of a sudden. Scribble did most of the talking and we managed to get rooms. Scribble slept in his own room while I slept in the room with Cloudchaser and Flitter. I was nervous as I had a sudden hope that I would be sharing a bed with Cloudchaser, but Cloudchaser was the one to suggest sleeping with her sis for now just in case her night terrors happen. I sighed and laid in my bed as Flitter and Cloudchaser lounged. I rested my eyes as I just let my body ease from the anxiety.

Cloudchaser and Flitter began discussing two ponies. One is Thunderlane, another fellow Wonderbolt, who has been acting rather strange as of late. The other is Rumble, who the two fondly call Squirt. The two used to foal sit Rumble. Apparently, Rumble has been going through a bit of a phase that has Thunderlane rather distracted with his Wonderbolt training. The two discussed a bit more before agreeing that when they have time, they’d contact Thunderlane and check up on him.

I couldn’t help but feel guilty once more. I turned my friends into fugitives with my actions. I can only think of how their fellow Wonderbolts would react to the news. My concern grew. The two have always followed the creed of the Wonderbolts. While they seemed to be relatively calm about what happened, I have a feeling that deep down, I ruined whatever creditably they had with their positions.

I turned over to my side away from the two as they continued to chat and just let depression wash over me. Eventually, I found myself falling into a slumber. I don’t know how long I was out for, but I remember waking up in the dark. Our room quiet with only the winter wind blowing outside the window. I groaned softly and sat up in my bed, my eyes closed but my brain aware. I tiredly looked over to the other bed. The sisters were sound asleep.

I looked back to the wall facing me and stared at it for a while. My half-asleep thoughts making the shadows dance before me. I was then hit with a sense of awareness, one that sent a chill down my spine. I finally opened my eyes fully and darted them around the room. My eyes fell upon the corner. I could make out a silhouette. After a bit of staring, I saw it shift and I gasped, fear paralyzing me. Table Top stared at me with one wide glossy eye, a majority of his body hidden in the shadows.

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even speak. I could only stare at him. Our eyes unblinking. I wanted to look away, but something was keeping me from doing so. Before I knew it, I saw hooves beginning to poke out from the shadows. Terrified, I managed to look away, only to see hooves clawing at the edges of my bed. I wanted to scream. Unable to move, I felt the hooves began to grasp and hold me in place. There were soft whispers around me.

It was hard to understand as they seemed to overlap each other. But I had a hunch as to what it was saying. I felt my muzzle being covered and my neck being strangled. My eyes met Table’s again, his figure unmoving from the corner. The whispers were getting louder and louder. Then, Table tilted his head, a loud cracking sounded.

I jolted up in bed, panting. The sweat beaded down my forehead. I quickly kicked off the blankets and hugged myself. I darted my eyes around the room. It was still dark, yet I could hear the soft breathing of the two sisters in the next bed. I took a long while to calm myself, reciting an old lesson list my teacher had repeated to me over and over.

Finding a bit of relief, I cautiously moved out of my bed and walked over to the bathroom. Closing the door and turning on the crystal lamp, I rinsed my face in the sink before looking at my reflection in the mirror. My irises swirled with a spectral flame. The telltale sign of being a power element. Aside from that, I looked pretty much the same old me, but a little paler. I sighed and turned off the sink.

Clutter and clutter. Just so much of it that a queen can’t get so much as a wink of sleep.

My eyes looked back up to my reflection. I was expecting to see Din in the mirror like before, but there was nothing.

‘You’re finally awake.’ I replied in my head. Din shifted.

No thanks to your primate brain. You’re still on about the stallion? Take a hint, vessel. The dead can’t reciprocate emotions. I could sense her grinning.

‘What do you want?’ I asked with a frown. Din gave an uninterested sigh.

Bored and spiteful. It’s pretty fun to prod that one part of your mind. Your fear is priceless. She cackled. I glared at my reflection.

‘You got humbled and yet, you still want to start something? I thought my depression was licking her wounds in a corner.’ I retorted.

It’s sad that you think me being defeated would set me back. It’s not the first time, loath I am to admit it. But you can’t have a winning streak without losing something. She replied matter-of-factly. I arched a brow.

‘What, you think you claimed a victory out of your defeat?’ I frowned. Din chuckled lowly to herself.

When life gives you lemons, squeeze them back into life’s eyes. Then brutally stomp said lemons before taking another’s and squeezing them into their eyes. The thought seemed to amuse her. In short, one defeat just makes me more dangerous. I couldn’t argue this.

The imprinting effect with Din has been beneficial to her. On top of now finding some newer power and a higher goal in mind, I worry not for myself, but for when we achieve ascension. How am I going to do that? Whenever it decides to present itself I guess. Din smirked.

I could even say the same about you, dear vessel. I am quite impressed that you would use it so uncaringly in the midst of your fellow ponies. I glared at my reflection.

“There wasn’t enough time. No pony got hurt.” I said aloud. Din scoffed.

And that is why my disappointment always wins by a landslide with you. But I digress. She replied. I furrowed my look. Something seemed off about her. Well… in an unusual way. I could sense it. Something was nipping at her.

“Bothered? You? That’s a laugh.” I said suddenly. Din narrowed her eyes. “I can sense something is bothering you. While I could care less, I’d rather know what it is so I can ensure you won’t use it as a means of venting.” Din didn’t show any surprise. Just annoyance.

I cannot wait to rid of the bylaws fully. Not that I would care for you to know. Tis my brat of a sister, Tenebres. I arched a brow. Her relentless hunt for us has proven to be quite tiresome. I know about your solo endeavor with her. Yet, to my surprise, she has grown competent. I couldn’t help but smirk in a way that I hoped pissed her off.

“Even the little ones can shut their elders up.” I said. Din gave an uninterested wave of her wing.

Try as you might, there is one thing that doesn’t sit right with me. The power given to my sisters via the snake. I stoically stared at my reflection.

“What about it?” I asked, a little intrigued now. Din welcomed the challenge with open hooves, yet this attitude had completely changed. Din shifted.

The serpent did something more in that moment. I can just feel it. Vessel. I will not tolerate any failures from this point on when engaging with the others. We cannot lose. Do so and I’ll ensure I’ll burn you alive along with your pathetic realm.

This was a complete surprise. Din issuing a warning? But sensing her distracted mind, something tells me that for once, I should listen to Din.

“So… what other concerns should I be aware of?” I asked. Silence. “Din?” Continued silence. I sighed. Washing my face once more, I exited the bathroom and crawled back into the bed. Pulling the blankets up, I turned to my side facing the other bed and stared at the back of Cloudchaser for a while. I clutched the edge of the blankets with my hoof, wanting for her to turn around and comfort me. My eyes dropped heavily and sleep fell over me.

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