• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 26: New Hero, New Problems

Equestria Girls POV

The day progressed at Canterlot High was relatively uneventful. The bell rang for the end of school and the students were chatting happily with each other as they proceeded to do their after-school activities. All except for the Rainbooms and Wallflower Blush. The group were resting by the school's pedestal, Rarity still working on the red fabric, Rainbow Dash boredly rolling a soccer ball with her shoe, Fluttershy playing with her animals and Spike, Applejack was playing twenty-one with Pinkie Pie at the top of the pedestal, Twilight is looking over a book and Sunset rested against the pedestal with Wallflower standing up and kicking her leg idly. Sunset sighed as she closed her journal she was looking over and looked over her shoulder to the pedestal. She put a hand to it, the open base of the pedestal shimmering.

"Still nothing from Princess Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, noticing the bothered look of Sunset Shimmer. Sunset sighed again and nodded.

"It's been two weeks. Something must have really come up in Equestria." She replied. "She usually responds within a few hours or a day or two. I'm starting to get worried."

"Probably some internal Equestria conflict that only a princess can handle." Rainbow Dash suggested before juggling the ball with her legs. "I'm sure they can handle it." Wallflower rubbed her arm again.

"So... you all just sit around when a magical crisis goes on that you need the other Twilight's help with?" She asked. Twilight looked up from her book.

"I wouldn't say it like that. It's just a thinking place." She said. Sunset set her journal down on her knees.

"We can't rely on Twilight to drop everything at a moment's notice to help us. With our geodes, it's up to us to settle the rampant magic as best we can. I'm just wondering where Quiet Fire ran off too. How did she even get here? Is she even from Equestria? And how is there another alicorn?" Sunset began to smile a little. "What kind of dark Equestrian magic are we dealing with? Where is it coming from? How does it relate with Quiet Fire?"

"You're doing the look again." Applejack stated with a small smirk. Sunset blinked in realization and blushed with a bashful smile. There was the sound of buzzing and Sunset gasped, a hopeful look on her face as she looked at the journal. The buzzing sounded again and she slumped seeing that the journal didn't buzz and glow. Twilight, however, blinked and looked at her backpack. The buzzing was coming from inside. She reached inside her backpack and pulled out her cellphone, seeing Timber Spruce was calling.

"Timber Spruce??" Twilight raised a brow, a look of concern on her face. The others looked to her as she answered the phone. "Timber? I haven't heard from you all day. Is everything okay?" She asked. The girls waited as Twilight listened to Timber's explanation. "You what!?" Twilight stood up in shock. "But when did... how!? Are you okay!? You're not hurt are you??" She panicked. The others exchanged concerned glances. "Wait, who saved you?? A girl in red? An entire warehouse? What even happened??" There was a momentary pause, Timber's voice muffled on the other end in the quiet. Twilight sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're safe. But please be careful on your way home." Twilight was quiet again to let Timber finish before saying goodbye and disconnecting the call. "Well... I think we might know where Quiet Fire went." Sunset stood up with a hopeful look with the others.

"Where is she??" Sunset asked. Twilight rubbed the back of her head.

"That's the thing. Timber said she bolted after hearing the police sirens approaching." Twilight replied.

"Are we sure it's Quiet Fire?" Wallflower asked. Twilight adjusted her glasses.

"He described her wearing a tattered red cloak and threw fire around. Sunset, I think she might be an actual alicorn come to this world." She replied with a slow realization. Sunset punched her fist in the air.

"Yes!! At least we have an idea of where she might be now! Err... what even happened to Timber Spruce?" She exclaimed before quickly showing concern for Twilight.

"Timber Spruce was just doing a quick errand for him and Gloriosa when all of a sudden he was pulled into this black haze. The next thing he knew, he woke up to see that girl defeating the creature and freeing the other people it captured." She explained with her own worried concern.

"Then it's good to hear that Timber Spruce is alright. So, she has a good side to her." Applejack smiled before hopping off of the pedestal.

"And even better that she ended up saving those people. What with all the disappearances that have been going on, I'm just glad no one was hurt." Rarity stated. Pinkie's phone buzzed and she swiped to read the notification.

"But then that was just one bit out of the many others!" She exclaimed before looking upside down to the others and showing her phone. They looked to see a news article about recent kidnappings again. Sunset checked her phone to read the same article as Pinkie Pie and saw that Timber's explanation holds true.

"Look at this!" Sunset said. The others gathered around her as she hit play on a video. It showed a crowd of people gathered around an apartment complex that was quarantined by several police officers. Suddenly, screams rang out and the camera focused on the building, showing a black mass of a creature crawling out of a window and screeching loudly before scaling the building. When the gunfire rang out from the officers, that's when a fiery comet rocketed up towards the creature, cutting it off at the roof. The video showed the fiery ball tackle the creature into the next building before being sent into the wall of the apartment in a black sticky web. The fire still surrounded the figure, but they could make out a silhouette of a hooded figure, burning the web and tackling the creature again before dragging it up into the sky where a blinding flare happened. The camera man tried to zoom in properly, but the shakiness didn't help the footage. The creature grew wings and began to fly away while the fiery figure observed it before taking off after it.

"Are we still sure that's Quiet Fire?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking rather excited about the action-packed footage. "Because that was awesome!" Sunset was a little confused on this.

"Okay. First the living garden and now a giant shadowy spider?? Did this really all happen after the earthquake?" She asked. Fluttershy looked concerned as she spoke.

"And all those gunshots. T-terrifying..." She shivered.

"Maybe." Twilight replied to Sunset's question, tapping her chin in thought. She then turned and reached for her backpack, pulling out a journal and holding it up to everyone. "And I think we can find the answers with this." Rainbow Dash smirked and pointed at her coolly.

"That's always the answer to everything." She said. Twilight adjusted her glasses.

"Yes, but this might actually help us understand where this dark magic is coming from. I found it last month after doing some cataloging for Ms. Cherilee in the library. I found it in the restricted section." She replied, flipping open the book.

"There's a restricted section in the library?" Sunset asked, thinking back to when pony Twilight freaked out about discovering a restricted section of the Canterlot library when she was dealing with the Memory Stone incident. Twilight gave a bashful smile before clearing her throat and reading the title.

"All Things Magical. Believe it or not, I found it in the non-fiction area. And the author, Megan Williams, had a lot of interesting things to say." Twilight said, her eyes scanning the pages.

"Megan Williams? That's a funny name!" Pinkie Pie commented, giggling a little before eating a chocolate cupcake.

"It's an old name dating back centuries ago. And I thought it sounded familiar too. Doing a bit more research, I discovered something." She slung her backpack over her shoulder when Spike hopped into it and motioned for the girls to follow. They exchanged glances and walked back into the school. Twilight came to a stop in the main lobby, looking up at a portrait of a kind old lady hanging on the wall. Wallflower rubbed her chin.

"You know, no one ever really looks up." She commented. Sunset squinted her eyes.

"Is that Megan Williams?" She asked. Twilight shook her head.

"No. It's Sarah Bell. The founder of Canterlot High. Back in the old days, she used to be the daughter of a wealthy ranch owner. As she grew up, she found that she loved children and enjoyed teaching them. So, when she graduated from her school, she wanted to go on and teach the next minds of tomorrow the joys of expressing not only their educational prowess, but their innate talents to shape the world and their lives through all forms of academia. Sports, literature, knot tying even. All the curriculars we know today are part of the foundation ideas she had set in stone." She explained.

"So, she made a school for kids like us to be awesome. We already knew that!" Rainbow Dash said proudly. "But what does she have to do with this Megan Williams?" Twilight slumped a little.

"I'm getting to that. As I was trying to say. The name Willams sounded familiar because I remember doing some research on the history of Canterlot High for a history project a few months ago." Twilight looked back into the book. "Get this. Sarah Bell wasn't actually named Sarah Bell. It's the name she took when she married. Her maiden name is Sarah Williams." The girls looked up at the kind old woman smiling down at them. "She's the great-great grandniece to Megan Williams! And from a quote she said in an interview article when she opened up the school, she said this: 'I wanted to open up a school of not only just education, but to show the world that the bright minds of tomorrow are more than just a one-track minded generation. They all have special talents that make them unique to themselves and will forever shape the future we will have. It was something my great-great grandaunt told me when I was a bright-eyed naïve girl myself. She helped me realized I enjoyed learning and implementing what I learned to teach my friends their own special talents. I can still smile knowing that she doesn't have to worry about the future and can enjoy her peace.'" Twilight looked up to see her friend's reaction. Rarity fanned a hand toward herself in awe.

"Wow. That is such an inspirational idea!" Rarity said with a smile.

"Okay, that is pretty cool." Rainbow Dash said with a bashful smile and rub of her head.

"That's a woman I can look up to." Applejack commented.

"She sounds like a lovely person." Fluttershy chimed in.

"Yay!! Fun school idea giving!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly, having thrown out confetti around them in joy. Wallflower looked up at the portrait in awe.

"There really are people like that? Amazing." She marveled. Sunset and Twilight smiled at each other to their friend's reactions before Sunset rubbed her chin in thought.

"So, what does Megan have to teach us with that book?" She asked. Twilight nodded.

"Well, from what I read, she described most of her life working on her family's ranch. But then, she started talking about how a strange creature from a magical land crashed into her well from the other side of a rainbow. She was then whisked away by the equine creature with wings to a castle where she soon found herself having to help these magical creatures against a dark force. She was given a pendent that housed this powerful magic that helped her combat these creatures to fight against the dark magic and bring peace back to their land. There's a lot of interesting moments she had noted about each creature. Like how there was a monster named Scorpan who used to be a prince that was cursed by the dark rainbow." Twilight explained.

"Scorpan? But... how is that possible?" Sunset spoke. "From what I read back when I was Celestia's student, Scorpan was an ancient warlock that helped Starswirl the Bearded during a time of crisis. How can he be a prince cursed as a monster?"

"History can be lost in translation if you ask me." A voice said. The girls turned around to see Professor Discord walking down the hall with his book bag over his shoulder. He grinned at them. "You can never be too sure if things are true or not." Sunset glared and readied herself.

"Professor Discord? What are you doing here?" Sunset asked suspiciously. The intense atmosphere had all the girls on edge a little. Discord, however, looked bored and cleaned out his ear with a pinky, flicking the wax away.

"On my way out after grading test scores. I must say, the bright minds of the future do need a bit more work." He then looked up at the portrait. "Ahh to be young again. That is a woman who had her priorities straight. And as charming as ever." His eyes then fell on Fluttershy. "Though, I can't hold a candle to just anyone really." Fluttershy squeaked a bit and stood behind Applejack. Discord looked between the girls. "What's with the intense looks? Can't a professor check up on his students and see that they are not staying past curfew?"

"Curfew doesn't begin until we close up, professor." A voice said. The girls looked to see Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, Celestia crossing her arms with a raised brow and Luna with a hand on her hip. Discord sighed and shrugged.

"Always so serious. That complexion doesn't really suite your beauty, Principal Celestia." He said casually. Principal Celestia shifted a frown.

"Charming. But I must ask that you please try not to freak out the students with your... questionable teaching methods. I've gotten a lot of concerns about you." She replied. Discord smiled and turned to the exit, shrugging again.

"The bright minds of tomorrow deserve to have an interesting class rather than the boring hum drum day-to-day. Liven up the place a little! You can't just rely on prep rallies and school spirit alone." He said.

"We always make everything interesting!" Rainbow Dash said with a confident smirk. Discord waved a hand lazily.

"Yes, yes. Education and friendship is magic and all that. Wonder Colts united! Until tomorrow, girls." He said before flicking his wrist and snapping his fingers to bring out a rose. He tossed it to Principal Celestia, who caught it in confusion. "And do try to relax a little, dear Celestia? You too, Luna. No need to fret over everything." And with that, Discord walked out the school, closing the door behind him. Pinkie Pie scratched her head.

"You're right. He is wacky!" She said.

"And that suite. Ugh! Why would someone wear something so gaudy to school?" Rarity commented. Sunset Shimmer turned to the sisters.

"Where did you even find the guy?" She asked. Principal Celestia rubbed her chin in thought.

"He's always been working here. He's just never been assigned as a substitute before." She replied. Sunset raised a questioning brow.

"I'll say! He destroyed a teacher book in a shredder! And our tests!!" Twilight exclaimed. Vice Principal Luna chimed in.

"While his teaching methods are a little... unorthodox. He does have a degree in education and learning from the Everton Independent and Study Program." She explained. Twilight's eyes widened. Principal Celestia smiled and placed the rose in her vest suite pocket.

"He does bring a certain air about the school. But I think it's time you girls went home. We are about to close up." She said. The girls chatted amongst themselves as they turned to walk out the school with the sisters. When everyone was outside, Pinkie Pie suggested they carpool to her house for a slumber party. Everyone agreed (except the sisters as they had their own home of course). Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity got into Rarity's car while Sunset, Twilight and Rainbow Dash got into the Apple Family's personal truck. The girls noticed Wallflower awkwardly standing outside the car. Rainbow Dash rolled down the window.

"You coming or what?" She asked with a grin. Wallflower bit her lip.

"Is it... okay for me to do so? I haven't really had a sleep over before..." She said. Sunset leaned over and motioned for her to get in in the back with them.

"Then allow us to treat you to an all-out pizza hangout." She smirked. Wallflower darted her eyes in thought, softly smiling. She stepped into the car, Twilight scooting over for her and the girls began to pull away from the student lot. While in the truck, Twilight read over the book once more, skimming some of the pages before coming across a passage.

'Magic is always around us. It's how we handle it is the biggest responsibility to the balance of our world.' Twilight then couldn't help but remember Professor Discord's lesson about balance and harmony and the conversation they just had. A realization came over her. 'Does that mean Professor Discord knows about the dark magic?? No, no. That's ridiculous. Unless...' She studied the book again. Seems that more research is needed to be learned.

Quiet Fire's POV

I took a walk in the Canterlot Park, wanting to find a place to rest for the night. Earlier, when I had arrived at the mall, I didn't realize how big a shopping center could be. I was so transfixed on everything around me I was unable to move until Din snapped me out of my stupor. Taking a walk around the mall, I found all sorts of interesting shops that even Equestria couldn't think of. There was also a shop I passed by called Spicey Tropic that had all sorts of strange characters on graphic tees, accessories and even some stuffed animals that I found interesting. However, when taking a browse at the clothing, I noticed the price tags. They were in a currency I am not familiar with. I had observed in the shop that customers paid with paper currency. Unfortunately, I left my saddle bag behind in Zebrica before doing the bonfire thing. I had forgotten to take it with me to the Zetecan temple and thus wound up here without anything to my name. I sighed and had walked out of the store defeated. How am I going to get anything in this world? Thankfully, there was a robbery that happened at the jewelry store in the mall that security was struggling to catch the thief over. Taking my chance, I set myself up ahead of the thief and tripped them on their way out. They had turned to draw a knife on me, but I quickly disarmed them and knocked them out with a deft chop to the neck. Before security arrived, I pickpocketed the thief and turned him over with the jewelry returned. Denying a compensation discount coupon for saving the jewels, I had walked away and moved out of sight. I dug through the thief's wallet and found a good stack of the paper currency. Not needing anything else, I discarded the wallet in the trash and walked into a clothing store.

I came across a hoodie that made me smitten with the casual and cool design of it. It was red with a white hood and black long sleeves. Apparently, there was a discount with winter items, so I ended up buying the hoodie and removed my battle ridden hoodie cloak, folding it up and replacing it with the hoodie I bought. Checking myself in the mirror, I felt satisfied and pleased with my purchase. I then proceeded to get myself what this world calls a backpack from Spicey Tropic. It had a neat fire decal with the rest being black and the zippers colored white. I tossed the hoodie up and decided to grab myself a quick bite to eat at this place called a food court. With a full belly and something to go, I stuffed my hoodie cloak into my backpack and my wrapped-up paper bag of food and the currency in a smaller pocket, I walked out of the mall and wandered around for a bit longer.

With nothing interesting happening in the area right now aside from people talking about the recent events of several missing people found in the warehouses and the giant spider creature, I ended up in the park currently and took a seat at the bench. I sighed and stared up at the grey clouds. I could tell it was getting darker. Another day going by and no way to get home. I shivered a bit as the cold breeze blew through. Today is the last day of this month and heading straight into the spring season. Winter Wrap Up must be being planned right now. I know with war being on the horizon, it shouldn't stop Equestria from doing normal celebrations. I sighed, feeling home sick once again. I held up my hand outstretched to the sky. Sadly, I don't think I'll ever be able to go back. An exile to my own nation. I then put my arm over my head.

'Living in a world of magic can be quite the struggle.' I thought to myself.

Speak for yourself. All this power and its' being wasted on meaningless things. Mortals have grown too comfortable with what they were given rather than pave the way. You know, despite our enemies, one seems to at least to try and evolve the next generation. Din commented. All day I was feeling the tingling sensation. I wondered how much she has untangled. I'll find out tonight anyway. Right now, I wanted to just destress. I closed my eyes and let the cool breeze wash over me. Stuffing my hands in my hoodie pockets (something I found to be quite comfy), I imagined being back home. Ponyville looking lush and peaceful as ever. The ponies neighborly and always helping one another out. I could just imagine myself coming home to the greetings of the four mares that are living in my house currently, watching over the denizens while I'm off being a demon to some and a hero to others. My eyes shot open.

'Wait... my angels!' I beamed. I looked ahead. "Fire's Angels." I stated. I was expecting the loud thunderous cracking of the four mares to appear. However, nothing happened. I blinked and hummed. "Fire's Angels." I repeated. Nothing. I sighed and rubbed the back of my hooded head. 'Well damn. Could at least let me check up on my home...' I frowned. My ear twitched when I heard voices approaching. I remained how I was as I peeked out from under my hood. My eyes widened as I noticed Flitter Glider walking down the path, busily on her phone. She then came to a stop and sighed, brushing her bangs aside and warming her hands. Checking her phone again, she tapped on it several times with her thumbs before looking around. She then looked over to me and waved. I was about to wave myself when I heard someone else approach behind me. My jaw dropped as I recognized that hairstyle anywhere.

There she was. This world's Cloudchaser. The athletic looking girl with cerulean spiked hair reaching down halfway to her back, a blue sweater with a golden horseshoe on it, a skirt and some leggings with sports shoes. I don't know how I felt about this. She looked strangely pretty in this alternate body. Yet, my heart wasn't racing with excitement at the sight of her. More like anxious. I lowered my head and put a hand over my chest.

'That's because she isn't my Cloudchaser, Fie.' I thought to myself, opening my eyes. 'All the more reason to return home. And need to start planning a proper date.' I kicked the ground a little in thought. 'Is there anything good in Zebrica that I can take her to? Maybe some place when we arrive in Pony Land? I hope maybe somewhere in Pony Land that isn't tyrannical. I don't know why, but I imagine Pony Land to be filled with trenches and bunkers along with factory work and the military lining up, marching in platoons and saluting an alicorn figure as they marched by. I shook my head. 'Keep an open mind.'

"What took you so long?" Flitter asked in annoyance. I peeked out from under my hood to observe the two sisters.

"Gee, sorry for running through martial arts classes. Tomorrow is the big day. I need to ensure I can beat Chop Block." Cloudchaser replied. Flitter sighed and shook her head.

"You know, Thunder has been asking about you. You should really text him back." Flitter replied. Cloudchaser rubbed the back of her head as the two began to walk together away from me.

"Oh. Well, I've been meaning to tell him something anyway. Though... I haven't been able to come up with the right words. I don't want to sound like I'm being off putting." She replied. The conversation grew quieter as they moved further away. I leaned back into the bench and felt my mood shoot down.

'At least these two don't have to worry about anything aside from schoolwork. I can already tell that my Cloudchaser and Flitter would be envious of their counterparts.' I chuckled to myself sadly. I closed my eyes once more, being lost in my thoughts. Thoughts that were eventually cut off when I heard a scream. My eyes shot open and I stood up. Din shifted in my head.

I sense a powerful force. Tenebres. She said. It was coming from the direction the two headed off too. I could hear several more people screaming and some of the citizens running away further down. I grit my teeth and sprinted out of the park, nearly slipping on the rocky path before booking it down the road. Running towards the direction of the fleeing people, I turned the corner and came to a stop when I saw several equine shadow lackeys cantering around a fountain head plaza. This must be Canterlot Square. I saw someone's legs kicking as they were absorbed into a shadowy equine while another was fleeing, only to be caught and begin to be absorbed into the black haze of the creature. Vessel, above! I gasped and looked up, seeing a gargoyle like creature floating over the plaza, waving a trident and sending out several bat-like creatures. I was about to call my staff when Din hissed. Don't use it right now! It'll tangle up more!

'Then how the hell can I do my job!?' I growled. I looked around, seeing onlookers trying to film the events. 'And why are people so stupid!?' I held out my hand to the onlookers. "The hell are you people doing!? Get out of here!! Run!!" I shouted.

"Help!!" I heard a scream. I looked over and my eyes widened in horror. I could see Cloudchaser reaching for her sister as she was being pulled into a shadowy equine. Flitter did her best to pull against it, but Cloudchaser was sucked in with Flitter following suit, her legs kicking before vanishing completely. I felt my blood boil and I sprinted after the creature. I bounded off a light post to gain momentum before rearing back my fist and delivering a hefty punch to the face of the equine. A solid hit. The creature was sent onto its' side and splattered into the ground. Landing with a skid, I saw Cloudchaser and Flitter looking around confused, the black substance over them. They helped each other up and I turned to look up to the gargoyle creature. I threw my hand out to them. "Run! And don't be heroes!" I called out to them. Cloudchaser and Flitter looked at me with shock and awe before Cloudchaser's expression softened and she nodded, grabbing ahold of Flitter's hand and the two running away. I tossed out my arms to the gargoyle creature, the attack on the lackey catching every creature's attention.

"Still here, Tenebres! Whatever you're planning, we're going to stop it! And you're coming home right after!" I smirked and got into my stance. "Your sister says you're grounded too!" Din rolled her eyes in disgust.

Please stop showing off and do something about this. I'm nearly done untangling this mess. Only a hundred more to go. Din snorted. I readied myself as the gargoyle waved its' trident overhead and aimed at me. The equine creatures on the ground reared up, kicking their forelegs out before charging me with the bat like creatures following them from above. I hopped back several times before doing a backflip and springing off of the building behind me. I slugged a bat creature all the way through and flipped onto the back of one of the equine creatures. I dug a hand into the body and lit my fist on fire, causing the creature the whinny in pain. I then began directing the creature in its' wild bucking, splattering the other equines. Only two got wise and didn't approach. With the creatures that were defeated, the people that were captured got up and began to flee. I dug my hand around inside the body of the one I was riding on and felt my hand grasp something. Taking a hold of it, I stood up and pulled the person out of the equine. I landed with the person, realizing it was the museum curator from when I first entered this world, coming too and looking startled.

He looked at me and then to the creatures. I let go of his suite as he panicked and fled from the area. I could hear the sirens close by. The bat creatures shrieked and began to dive bomb me. I swiftly bobbed and sidestepped them before catching one and throwing it down before punting it into the fountain. It splattered upon impact followed by the gargoyle landing on the fountain head. It tilted its' head at me, the yellow beady eyes and grinning maw observing me. I proceeded to punch, dodge, kick and jump in and out of the dive-bombing bats. With the last one crushed under my shoe, I faced the remaining two equine creatures. I smirked under my hood and motioned for them to bring it. One decided to charge me and with a flourishing flip, I planted my shoe right into the chin of the creature, sending it up on two. The motion felt natural.

I quickly rushed forward, jabbing quickly several times into the creature to raise it up even more off balance. However, with me no longer being a pony, a buck would be hard to do. So, I improvised. I jumped up and brought both my legs in before lashing them out hard into the body of the creature, sending it tumbling away and splattering at the hooves of the other creature. The person that was inside the creature looked around in confusion before panicking at the sight of the equine panicking in front of them. They fled the area with a scream as I spun and kip-upped from the ground, getting back into my stance. I panted a little, the alien body I am in making me realize I don't have quite the stamina as I do as a pony. I wiped my cheek and grinned. The equine creature refused to move. Then, the gargoyle rose from the fountain and floated over to the equine creature and landed on the back of it, creating a makeshift rein around the muzzle and raising its' trident high in the air as the equine whinnied and reared up, kicking its' forelegs out.

I slumped which then turned into me yelping as I dove and rolled onto my feet as the equine charged me. The gargoyle creature directed the equine around and began to gallop around the plaza. I stood up and readied myself. It flourished its' trident above its' head and aimed the point at me. I wasn't expecting a beam of magic to shoot out of it. I brought my body back hard, falling onto my back as the beam sliced the fountain and causing the cold water to spray around the plaza. I stood up and using Din's warmth to keep me dry and unbothered by the cold, I sprinted out and timed my jump onto the table as another beam shot out of the trident. I noticed a plate with half-eaten food and I quickly kicked it up wards to me, knocking the food out. I then chucked the plate like a slicing disc and it struck the head of the gargoyle. That only seemed to piss it off. I flipped and kart wheeled from one table to another, avoiding several more beams before landing on the ground and sprinting around a light post just in time for the beam to miss me. I growled.

'This is getting annoying! Can I use my staff now?!' I hissed. Din remained quiet and I groaned in frustration. My eyes then fell onto something. There was an acoustic guitar laying on the ground. A street performer must have left it in an attempt to flee the monsters. I eyed the gargoyle before rushing out of my cover, dive rolling to avoid a beam and grasped the guitar. Picking it up, I adjusted it in my grip before sprinting towards the gargoyle. It halted the equine creature, twirling the trident in its' hands above its' head before directing the equine towards me and charging me. I came to a halt and timing my strike, I clashed with the creature's chest, using the guitar as a bat. This caused the equine to rear up in pain. When it stomped on the ground in an attempt to squash me, I zipped out from under it and brought myself up onto the back of the creature, tapping the gargoyles back and smirking. It tried to reach for me, but I ended up climbing up its' back and brought the guitar high over my head, bringing it down and not only cracking the stone skull of the creature, but shattering the guitar too with a note playing upon impact.

I then flipped off the head of the gargoyle and balanced myself on the back of the equine's head. I clenched both my fists and with an angry growl, I swung. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Overhead. Upper cut. I jumped up and brought my fists together, my fists catching fire. I then brought them down hard on the skull of the creature, shattering the stone and also squishing the equine with the body of the gargoyle creature. I rolled off the ground and stood up, hissing in pain as my hands twitched and bled. I then watched as the gargoyle's body shattered when it crashed into the ground, the black substance around the plaza finally vanishing. Ignoring the stinging pain of my hands, I couldn't help but notice. If I recall back to my other fights with the other elements, if I destroy the heart of theirs, all their influence will vanish, leaving them in a vulnerable state. I furrowed my look and walked over to the shattered gargoyle.

I wish it was, dear vessel. But with the amount of destruction and meddling Tenebres has been doing, I doubt the heart will be so easy to find. We have a whole city to scout out. She said as I felt a tingling sensation flow through me. I looked at my hands and saw that the wounds were healing. What a time for her to fix the healing factor. With my hands no longer tingling and free of pain, I flexed them and looked around. The sirens were getting louder. That's my cue to leave. I was going to run in one direction, but two auto wagons pulled up with two officers from each auto wagon stepping out and aiming their arc pistols at me, shouting at me not to move and keep my hands up. I winced and turned to run in the other direction, only for more police auto wagons to show up with the officers all pointing arc weapons at me. The plaza was lit up with the many blue and reds. I then noticed a few heavy armored auto wagons pulling up with people dressed in black armor with rifles aimed at me. I looked to the sky to see two floating sky ships I have never seen before shine a bright light down at me, causing me to shield my eyes.

"By order of the Canterlot Police and the city, keep your hands up and do not move!" A voice echoed from one of the fluttering, hovering machines. I clicked my tongue. Din cackled.

Foolish mortals. Having to let a child clean up your act? I grow tired of incompetence. Din grinned maniacally. I felt a warmth flow through me and a ring of fire began to circle around me. I heard several gunshots start to go off, but the bullets were eviscerated in the fire before they could even reach me. Din unfurled her wings and kicked me off the air. I snapped my fingers as Din rose me higher into the air. A small flame lit at the tip of my finger. I then crushed it, holding it to my chest. Feeling the warmth grow the fire, I then raised my arm up over my head and released the flame. A bright and blinding flare shone, blinding the onlookers and officers around me, giving Din enough time to direct me away from the plaza and sailing downward to hide us further inside the city, descending into an alley. I landed deftly on my feet and jogged forward a bit before stopping and panting, hunched over. I studied my hand again.

"Really... missing... pony... strength..." I rasped. Taking a moment to catch my breath, I shook myself off and sighed. "So much for laying low. I take it we are throwing caution out the window?" I asked.

Have you've forgotten about the bylaws? I believe it calls for our interference due to a brat throwing her tantrums around. We do not belong in this world. Our very existence will cause natural destabilization of this world's order. I do not know how much time we have before the crack in this realm unfolds, creating a rift that'll doom this world. So far, I haven't sensed any instability yet. But I cannot guarantee it for sure. We still need to find a way to get back to our world and ensure Tenebres comes along with us, either kicking and whining or fatally unconscious. Din chuckled and shrugged. Either way, somepony is going to get a good spanking when I get ahold of them. I slumped.

'Not only that, but war is on the horizon and we need to be there before the summer solstice. Put me in a toaster and call me a strudel, this is a mess.' I shook my head. ‘I thought we were past bylaws.’ Din chuckled.

Only the ones that the serpent made himself.

At the very top of a building overlooking the plaza, the cloaked child stared down with a worried look, arms crossed and a constant tapping of her button shoes.

“Ohhh… Why do the adults always ruin everything!?” The child groaned.

Be at ease, my dear vessel. We have all the friends left over and more to come still. Divide and conquer, as somepony once told me. Tenebres grinned. The child put a hand to her curly head and ruffled it.

“I just want everyone to have fun…” She pouted.

“Mistress!” An excitable voice called out. The child looked over her shoulder. A small figure in an oversized winter jacket skipped towards her accompanied by a long and slender creature. The child frowned.

“Mitzi. Why is our friend like that? He doesn’t look fun to play with.” She said. The shadowy childlike figure slumped.

“I’m sorry, Mistress. This one had too much of a strong will. He had thought of his family. Which made me feel bad so to not make him sad to make you sad, I asked the family to join us! Even more friends!” The shadowy child gleefully jumped for joy. From the dark haze that formed behind her, several deformed figures emerged. An amalgamation of tendrils and black sticky substances. The child winced but rubbed her chin in thought.

She then smiled and turned around to face Mitzi and skip to her, leaning over.

“You’ll get there Mitzi! Great job on acquiring more friends! Though we need to work on your creativity, it’s a solid start.” The child said, patting the hooded head. Mitzi’s beady eyes widened and a blissful expression was attempted. Tenebres sighed proudly.

Isn’t friendship a beautiful thing? Tenebres sniffled a little. I can’t wait until we show off our friends to my sisters! They’ll have to listen to me with everycreature supporting us! The child giggled and pirouetted skip over to the edge of the building before throwing her arms out into the wind.

“A kingdom fit for queens!” She marveled.

Equestria Girls POV

The sounds of instruments could be heard from a house. The garage door was open and the Rainbooms were jamming out to a song they planned to play at the last day of the charity fundraiser. Wallflower was jamming out, patting her hands softly against her legs and bobbing her head to the beat with a smile while sitting on a stool.

The girls had Pony’d Up, a phenomena that happens to them everytime they play music, but freely accessible now thanks to the geodes they wear around their necks. When they finished playing, the girl’s pony ears and long ponytail hair vanished, returning the traits back to normal. Wallflower gave a small applause while the girls excitedly gushed about their performance.

Twilight took a drink of her water before leaning against the wall with her back and began to read through Megan’s book. Sunset noticed this and walked over to her.

“Found anything yet about this dark equestrian magic?” Sunset asked with a reassuring smile. Twilight hummed before tapping at a passage.

“It’s not quite clear, but she mentioned having gone against three witches before with the ponies. They tried to spread a lot of filth throughout Pony Land, but that’s about as much as I can make a connection to dark magic.” She sighed and closed the book. “If Quiet Fire is from Equestria, then why appear now? And right around the time when those dark creatures and disappearances happened?” Wallflower blinked when her phone’s notification went off.

She checked the notification and gasped, standing up.

“Girls. I think Quiet Fire was seen at the Canterlot Plaza!” Wallflower exclaimed. She tapped her phone when the rest gathered and she showed them her screen. The article headline made the girls have different reactions.

“Canterlot City in peril. Stand aside magical girls, a new hero is in town?” Twilight read, adjusting her glasses. Sunset continued, skimming the passage.

“With the recent disappearances, police reports, yadda yadda… here we go!” She tapped on Wallflower’s phone. “No one knows who this mysterious girl is, or where she came from. Onlookers described her as a savior from the heavens who valiantly rushed in and saved the people from an unknowable fate. Police have sent out a request for any knowledge of this fiery figure and to report any suspicious activity to local authorities.”

“A new hero? Guess we gotta’ step it up a notch!” Rainbow Dash smirked challengingly. Applejack slumped and frowned.

“It ain’t a competition, Rainbow. People could have seriously gotten’ hurt.” She stated. Rainbow Dash shrugged confusedly at her.

“What? We’ve saved the day and plenty of people before. We’ve been recognized by the city. If anything, if there are new heroes in town, then they have to be taking an example off of how awesome we are!” She then strummed her electric guitar as if to make a point. Rarity was examining herself.

“I do wish we looked a bit more fabulous in the pictures, but its’ hard to just even keep anything maintained what with all the running around and physical confrontations on occasions.” Rarity sighed as she pressed a loose thread into her outfit, planning to fix the disaster soon.

“Not to mention the injuries.” Fluttershy commented, eyeing Rainbow Dash.

“Part of being a hero, Fluttershy!” She winked in reply. Sunset rubbed her chin while Wallflower skimmed through the article on her phone.

“But why is she doing it? She just appeared out of nowhere and started saving people. We need to find her.” Wallflower spoke. Twilight cleared her throat and posed proudly to them.

“I think I might have a solution.” She grinned.

Quiet Fire’s POV

I sighed, trying to get comfortable inside a kid’s play place in a park. It was the only open shelter I could find that was roomy enough for me to sleep in. I had snapped my fingers to create a small flame and let it hover to warm me. I took the last bite of a taco and crumpled up the bag. I was planning on tossing it aside, but the security guards from earlier kept replaying “we have laws in this world”, causing me to hesitate before deciding to use it as kindling for the flame.

Feeling the warmth of Din’s fire, I sighed and closed my eyes, finding myself in the fiery fields. I walked over and sat on my haunches next to Din who was busily working away at a tangle. I smiled and reached over to help her. Din paused a bit and studied me as I did. Helping her with the tangle, she remained quiet before going back to the tangle. I shifted over and focused on my own. Din has done quite a lot to fix the mess my new body created for us.

The stars were starting to get brighter. Throughout the night, we worked together, unaware that not too far from where I was sleeping, I was being watched.

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