• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 9: The One and Only

It took us a couple of hours to arrive at the main entrance road to Vanhoover. The smell of saltwater stenched the area. The city with a tall skyscraper at the center loomed over the office buildings. Vanhoover mainly dealt with imports from the neighboring nation. It is also the place where we are most likely to find Triad mixed in with other ponies. Aside from being mainly an import trade city, Vanhoover is also an industry production city. In fact, crystal tech is abundant here. It was evident upon heading into the main square that the giant crystal powered screens displaying high resolution ads for businesses. Cloudchaser and Flitter looked around in awe.

"Wow. This is a bit cumbersome than Manehatten." Flitter stated. I couldn't help but nod in agreement. I knew about Vanhoover, but I've never visited the place before. The wagon puller pulled up to a dingy building where there were wagons all lined up. Taking another look, I noticed there were hardly any wagon pullers. I furrowed my look as my friends gathered their things and paid our wagon puller for the trip. I turned to the puller.

"Hey. Is it always this full but empty?" I asked. The wagon puller tipped his hat slightly as he stuffed our bits into his wagon's lock box.

"Eh, with the development of auto wagons in this city, there is no point in using wagon services to get to places anymore. These are just meant for long, off road trips to those that just want an outdoor get away." He pointed in no particular direction. "If you hadn't noticed, we passed by a crossroad that is smooth with cobble. That road is the main junction road leading to the next district of the city. Kind of like the late Hoofington. Streets and roads meant for auto wagon travels." He shrugged. "You never see auto wagons where normal wagons travel because they have yet to expand the road to the next city. So, the auto wagons just continue to putter on here in the city where it's easier to maintain for now. I hear EMI is planning to invest into a highway to make it easier to get to Canterlot from here." He explained. I only nodded and turned, waving to him.

"Thanks for the ride." I said. The wagon puller tipped his hat.

"Not every day you get to experience a small part of a hero's adventure. Ya'll take care now." He returned the smile. And with that, I trotted over to meet up with my friends as we proceeded to walk out of the parking lot and into the bustling city of Vanhoover. The sounds of puttering auto wagons and droning chatter was the usual ambience you’d hear in a city like this. However, the adverts were playing audio echoing throughout the square when we arrived felt like I had stepped into the future.

And I thought Hoofington was ahead of itself to some degree. My friends and I, except for Scribble, were in awe of the city. and surprisingly to me, the streets were a bit cleaner than Manehatten and definitely better than Hoofington’s. Aside from the classy cafes, restaurants and some nifty looking shopping stores, the biggest attraction to this city is the Vanhoover Dam. While not in the city itself, it does expand across the Luna Bay. In fact, it’s the very checkpoint if we are to head to Pony Land via ship.

And that came to another problem. I turned to my friends once we stopped in front of a map kiosk.

“Wish I could have told Katlyn to grant us passage to Pony Land.” I began. “I don’t even know who to ask or what to go for in order to grant passage to Pony Land.” Scribble and the sisters rubbed their chins in thought. Cloudchaser’s eyes then fell onto the kiosk and tilted her head. She reached down and pulled out a brochure. She smiled as she read it.

“Get this. They do offer legal passage to Zebrica and Roam.” She then rubbed the back of her head. “I don’t see anything about Pony Land.” Flitter rubbed her chin.

“Perhaps… if we can visit Roam, we might be able to gain passage to Pony Land.” She stated. Scribble nodded and withdrew his journal, flipping through the pages.

“That sounds like a good idea, Flitter. I doubt anypony in Equestria is willing to give passage to a warring nation. But with Roam and Zebrica being neutral powers, it’s highly likely. Here’s the issue. Roam and Zebrica despise Pony Land.” He stopped at a page and pointed with a hoof to confirm himself. “It’s nothing recent. It’s centuries worth of bad blood. Pony Land had offered them to join under their banner and were denied. It led to a long feud with Minotauria, the capitol of Roam and Zebra Land’s tribes, who were already at war with one another. Pony Land at some point decided that they should interfere with the war in order to gain either faction on their side. However, there were rumors and documents that stated Pony Land instigated the war. No creature knows the truth of what happened, all they know it was bloody and vicious that lasted way too long. They called it the Two Century War.” Flitter frowned grimly.

“So, in short, Pony Land got the two to fight it out in order for them to make themselves the heroes of the hour, if the Triad has anything to say about it.” She said. Scribble nodded.

“Plausible. The history isn’t talked about in the books as much unless you go looking for it.” He replied. “What is never talked about is the blood war between Minotauria and the Zebra Lands. While the rumors of Pony Land had instigated it, it goes way further back. Discourse between King Romulus the Sixth and King Xerius.” Scribble sighed and closed his journal before pocketing it in his saddle bag. “As far as the story goes, Xerius was a brutal war chief who enslaved his own people and Romulus found not only Xerius’s own people were enslaved, but his own had turn coat.” I furrowed my look.

“So… anything we have to worry about if we do decide one of the two?” I asked. Scribble shook his head.

“Both sides had a new generation make amends. The war is over, but Pony Land is the scar still there.” He replied. I rubbed the back of my head.

“So… why Roam and not Zebrica?” I asked curiously to Flitter. Flitter smiled.

“While Zebrica doesn’t mind tourists, they openly state that creatures would be safer inland with Equestria. There are certain tribes that are not fond of foreigners. The pegasi also avoid dispensing weather over there under the treaty.” She explained.

“Err… excuse me. I couldn’t help but overhear that you need passage to Roam?” A voice said. We looked and saw a scarred zebra mare eyeing us. Her emerald eyes looked a bit glossy. Her mane was neatly primmed but braided at the end, giving her quite the casual look. She also wore several sets of bracelets on her legs and two half-moon earrings in one ear. She was wearing a pink short sleeved hoodie with what appeared to be skintight under armor sleeves. It was almost as if she was either going to go workout or had just finished one. My friends and I exchanged glances before I stepped forward and nodded.

“Errr… discussing it really. But… by hypothetical chance that you know of any place or somecreature that might be willing to grant passage to Roam?” I asked, hoping not to be too forward. The zebra rubbed her chin.

“Hmm. Not that I know of. But I do have a friend at the pier that can probably help. He’s mainly a fisher pony, but he has the legal work to head outside the bay area.” She said. Cloudchaser smirked and crossed her forelegs.

“Awfully convenient.” She said. The zebra chuckled.

“I can tell you guys aren’t from around here. Don’t have that Vanhoover smell. In fact…” she sniffed the air in our direction. “One of you is a Manehattenite. Two of you are Cloudsdale. And one is… Ponyville.” She guessed. We all had mixed but shocked reactions.

“Y-you can tell that by smelling?” Flitter asked a little nervously. The zebra laughed a bit.

“Sorry. Just something I’ve been able to do since I was a filly. We Vanhoovians tend to poke their muzzles in things of opportunity.” She stated. Scribble arched a brow.

“Opportunity? Are you planning on offering a tour at a ridiculous price?” He asked stoically. The zebra skipped past us.

“Nope! But I will charge you for let’s say… a date with the champion of Equestria.” She said before turning and pointing at me. I balked and my friends, once again, had all mixed reactions. I blushed and pointed a hoof at me in confusion.

“M-me?” I asked. Wait a minute! What is going on here?! Cloudchaser hummed a bit.

“Forgive me if I sound a little off put about it, but considering Fie’s reputation, you sure you want to be seen hanging around her?” She asked. I glanced nervously at Cloudchaser. She may not show it, but she seemed bothered. I studied the zebra. She didn’t look bad at all. Wait, no Fie! This isn’t something you should be worried about! I shook out of my shock and rubbed the back of my head.

“Errr… why me? What did I do?” I asked. The zebra laughed and waved a hoof.

“Ahaha! Sorry. I just wanted to gauge what kind of pony you are, champion. Everypony from here to Saddle Arabia knows about you. And you don’t really try to blend yourself in with the crowd.” She said with a smile. I blinked and looked around. I did catch some cold looks I’ve noticed, but everycreature was going about their business. Cloudchaser arched a brow.

“So, you know Fie. Then what do we call you?” She asked. The zebra swished her bangs out of her face with a flick of her head.

“Call me Xena. I work at a gym not too far from here. I was actually on my way to go meet the said pony before running into you. I figured might as well do my part and help you along the way.” She said casually. I rubbed the back of my head nervously.

“That’s… awfully considerate. Thanks.” I replied. Xena spun on her hooves and casually wiggled her hoof.

“Don’t mention it. Not everyday you run into a bonafide hero.” She said. I began to nervously laugh a bit, feeling my face growing hot. This was completely unexpected.

“I-I wouldn’t exactly call myself a hero…” I replied. Xena shrugged with a smile.

“Modesty is a trait to a hero. Now are you all going to come along or am I going to have to hold your hooves?” I faltered my look and threw my hood up, hoping to hide my blush. This is completely unexpected. She’s so straight forward and… kind of pretty. I carefully glanced under my hood and my eyes fell on the scar across her muzzle to her brow. I wonder how she got that? I then saw Cloudchaser float past me and I suddenly felt guilty. She was indeed bothered.

Xena was quite calm yet full of talkative energy. As we walked, we began asking her questions about herself. She’s pretty much the manager of her own gym. Studies mixed martial arts, which piqued my own interest, and lives in a condo. She’s pretty much living a productive and easy life. When Flitter asked about where she came from, Xena stated that she was born to immigrant parents from Zebrica. They could not speak Pone-ish well enough so she had to study hard to be fluent in it. She graduated top of her class in Vanhoover University and has a degree in finance.

Daily she would do groceries for her parents when she was free. She had also slyly mentioned she’s interested in looking for a special somepony. I had a sinking feeling this wasn’t going to go well as Cloudchaser seemed to be keeping herself relaxed. But her body motions betrayed her. I wasn’t oblivious to this fact.

My heart longs for Cloudchaser more than anypony. If I didn’t have my eyes set for her, Xena or the other mares I’ve met throughout my journey might be good picks. However, I’m not here for personal desires. I confessed to Cloudchaser a while ago and while her answer wasn’t a yes, it wasn’t a no either. Perhaps, she just needs a bit more time to figure things out. I gave her a reassuring smile. She gave me a small one back but quickly found the ground a bit more interesting.

While the kindness of a good samaritan was welcomed, I couldn’t help but feel that this was all too convenient. I looked to Scribble who was walking next to me. His eyes glanced at me, a knowing small nod before looking back ahead. When Xena finished explaining the major sites of Vanhoover, Scribble spoke up.

“Just out of curiosity, who is this friend of yours that we are going to meet?” He asked. Xena smiled.

“Conch Shell. A seafarer and export trader working under EMI.” She replied with a small skip. We exchanged glances. I leaned in and whispered to Scribble.

“So, as much as I am glad we found somepony to point us in a direction, I feel that this is just a little too convenient.” I said. Scribble whispered in reply.

“If this Conch Shell works under EMI as a transport trader, that seems like our ticket to Roam. I agree this is all too easy. But I trust we are dumb enough to make it out of an obvious trap.” I hate to admit it, but he once again is right. We handled ourselves in Hoofington. If this is a Triad set up as I suspect it to be, it’ll be easy to get out of." I focused my look on the back of Xena. She didn't seem to really notice us whispering. My senses were completely kicking me in the head about this. I don't want to be too suspicious, but right now, we are in unfamiliar territory. Not only that, but we are also more than likely at the belt of Triad operations. She must have taken us through the scenic route. It took three hours to reach the pier. We were a bit annoyed it took us so long to get there as it felt like we could have arrived sooner based on the signs we've passed. Xena, unphased, skipped a bit as we descended the steps to the docks from the pier.

I shivered as the cold wind of the Luna Bay washed over me. Xena threw her hoodie up over her head as we proceeded down the docks, turning down to an aisle of ships. Xena led us down to the very end before turning left to a decently sized ship. Xena reached for a rope and pulled, a bell ringing overhead. We waited a bit before a unicorn stallion emerged from the cabin below. He had a grey curly mane and an orange coat with green eyes. His eyes beamed at us.

“Xena! Right on time!” He then saw us and his eyes widened a bit. “Isn’t that…?” Xena nodded.

“Yup! The grand champion of Equestria. The Fire Demon. Etcetera etcetera.” She replied casually before smiling. Conch Shell rubbed his chin.

“Huh… To what honor do I have to be visited by a demi-god?” He asked with interest. I felt an annoyed nip in my head but I ignored it and waved a hoof dismissively.

“Nothing too major I hope.” I replied. “We err… need passage to Roam.” Conch leaned against the wall.

“Passage to Roam? Well, you’re in luck! I’m fixing to head out that way.” He replied happily. This took me by surprise. Cloudchaser slumped.

“Awfully lucky…” she muttered enough for us to hear. I had to agree with her. I stoically looked at the two.

“What’s the catch?” I said suddenly. Conch and Xena looked at me.

“The catch is that I’d have to smuggle you out.” Conch replied. I arched a brow. He held up a hoof. “Yes. I can understand your suspicion here. But believe it or not, I’m a huge supporter of you, champion. Been following your exploits ever since the Mediterranean.” Xena brushed her braid softly with a hoof.

“And I’ve been following you since Red Canyon. What was it like being so close to a Thunderbird?” Xena asked curiously. I blinked and rubbed the back of my head.

“Honestly… very intimidating. I thought Rocs were big, but a Thunderbird is huge.” I replied. Conch pointed at me.

“What about a giant octopus? You made a lot of old fisher ponies huntin’ a kraken jealous.” He smirked. I smiled nervously.

“Squirk is err… well… something.” I stated. The two looked at me, eagerly waiting for me to tell my tale. I glanced nervously around. Should I do so? We have to get to Roam. Scribble, to my relief once again, stepped in.

“We can tell Fie’s story to you while we are on the way to Roam. Does that sound like a fair deal?” He suggested. Conch blinked in realization, chuckling to himself.

“Ah, forgive me! I’m a little eager to get out into the sea and can't resist a good tale. I hear there’s a rare catch that had been sighted and every seafaring pony is out for it. And now that I think about it, havin’ the champion at my side could really help catch the beast.” He said with a curious rub of his chin. I held up a hoof quickly.

“L-look, we appreciate you both for helping us, but we are on the clock here. And since we are in a bit of a rush, we won’t question the kindness you both are providing. We’ll make it up to you after we have completed our business in Roam.” I quickly said. Besides, if it is a Triad trap, I fully agree with Scribble. Conch turned and nodded.

“Of course! Oh, before I forget, Xena.” He began, reaching into a compartment chest. He pulled out a satchel and tossed it to her. She skillfully caught it in one hoof and tilted her head curiously before a look of recognition fell over her expression. She smiled.

“Thanks, Conch. You guys becareful now. Roam maybe open for tourism, but they’ll be doing background checks.” She said. I gave a small sigh of relief.

“Appreciate it you two.” I said as I trotted into the boat. Xena smiled as we filed into the boat.

“Don’t mention it. Besides, I know how you’ll make it up to me.” She smirked and winked. “Dinner and a movie. Sound fair?” I flushed brightly again, bowing my head to hide it. Yet, my attempt to hide my embarrassed face became a nod and Xena beamed. “Great! Don’t keep a mare waiting too long, champion!” She said with a flirty wave before trotting off down the docks. What is with that zebra? I’m not used to being flirted on. I’m usually the flirtee. But ever since falling for Cloudchaser, my flirting game has been non-existent. Which, honestly bummed me. I could be making so many clever stuff towards Cloudchaser.

I peeked out from under my hood to see Cloudchaser preoccupied with helping Flitter, who seemed a bit wary. I felt my mood shoot down and I sighed depressively. We’ve been so busy trying to save creatures and other stuff that it is beginning to look like there will be no chance at all. ‘Perhaps I should keep my options open.’ I clutched my chest as my old exes flashed in my head. ‘Or maybe I should not bother at all.’ I thought. Cloudchaser spoke up to Conch.

“So, how long is it to get to Roam?” She asked. Conch was tying some rope to the ship as he replied.

“Leavin’ now, we’ll be able to reach it in four hours tops.” He said. Flitter looked at him curiously.

“Four hours? Shouldn’t it at least be half a week?” She asked. Conch smacked the wall proudfully.

“With good ol’ crystal tech and my navigational skills, we’ll speed on through! Not even the Luna Navy can catch us!” He grinned. That didn’t sound exactly compelling, but what could be worse than being targeted by the navy? Conch took ten minutes to get things ready while we sat and waited.

When he revved the boat engine, we had to hold onto the side railing as the boat jerked forward and Conch rang the bell. We were soon off to the middle of the bay. Xena watched us from the dock, waving to us. The further we went into the bay, I had a sudden urge to look back. When I did, I used Din’s eyes and saw Xena studying the satchel. Two ponies approached her from behind and she turned, nodding to them before trotting past them. Looking at the two uniformed ponies, I narrowed my eyes.

There was no mistaking that symbol on their coats. I turned to my friends and looked between them. Scribble caught my eye and slumped.

“Well, ladies. Let’s just hope we don’t have to swim the rest of the way.” He said.

We were once again back out to sea. I must admit, I felt a little small when we came up to Vanhoover Dam. Conch had to slow the boat and talk to a uniformed guard wearing midnight blue and black. The Luna Navy were stationed along the dam. Conch showed the officer his papers and paid a fee before they waved us in. We had to wait for the dam to flood us up to a certain level before we were allowed out to sea.

But that is as much as we toured the dam for. With war on the horizon, I could only hope that these ponies were prepared to fend with their very lives to hold the dam. I shook my head at the thought.

‘Don’t think that, Fie. That’s the worst-case scenario! That won’t happen so long as you can handle the stuff in Pony Land. I had another realization. I’m heading to Pony Land to try and reason talks with war as a third party. But I have no clue how I should begin. Should I wing it? Should I be discreet? Straight forward? Is there even a straightforward with the Triad? I crossed my forelegs in thought. ‘I wish Thi was here. I could really use her expertise with Triad thoughts.'

I slumped and sighed. We left the mainland without Thi. I was hoping to have met her along the way, but there was still no word or signs of her. It was as if she just upped and disappeared… again. I hugged myself and looked sadly out to the sea. The water being kicked back by the rotors. We must have been going pretty fast. I then heard somepony sit next to me. I looked and blushed as I saw Cloudchaser kicking back.

She gave me a pretty cool grin and any depressing thoughts I had vanished in an instant. Cloudchaser spoke.

“You know, it’s funny. Always thought that your fame would net you some eyes here and there. Yet, I think Xena is the first to ever confront you about it.” She smirked. I squirmed a bit, hoping my hood was hiding my blush.

“I-it was surprising, wasn’t it?” I replied with a small stammer. We grew quiet. ‘Oh no… it got awkward! Come on, Fie, think of something!’ My mind raced with thoughts, stopping at one that I quickly jumped on. “A-about Xena.” I began. Cloudchaser looked at me casually. Her pretty eyes meeting mine. I lost my train of thought, steam hissing from my head. ‘Get it together, Fie! She’s waiting for you to finish!’ I shook away my daze and faced her determinedly. “I-I won’t let fame get in the way of how I truly feel!”

I must have said it a little too out loud. Scribble and Flitter looked at me curiously. Flitter, however, gave a sly smirk.

‘Shit! This went from awkward to never seeing the light of day again!’ I quickly pulled back and crossed my hind leg over the other and bobbed it casually, hoping to play it off as just a random thought I had openly voiced. Cloudchaser rubbed the back of her head in confusion. She then cleared her throat.

“Ahem. W-well, that’s good to hear, I guess? I mean, fame and fortune is the biggest downfall to anypony.” She stated. I only gave a nervous laugh in response. It grew quiet again. I sighed after a bit and continued to stare out to sea. The waves were relatively calm and a bit foggy. The cold wind blew past us without a bother as the splash and windshield of the boat made it tolerable. For some reason or another, I decided to use Din’s eyes and scan the ocean. I guess I wanted to test how far I can really see.

Nothing as far as the primal eyes can see. Except… something did catch my notice. It didn’t look like a fin or something belonging to a creature. It looked… metallic. But before I could really get a good look, it dipped back into the water. I narrowed my eyes. I scanned the area a bit more. I then looked to the other side and noticed pretty far from here a big cargo ship. Yet, it didn’t look Equestrian. It looked strangely familiar. I then stood up, startling Cloudchaser.

“F-Fie?” She asked. My friends looked at me. I narrowed my eyes again before trotting over to Conch.

“Conch, does this ship have a radar of some kind?” I asked. Conch smiled and tapped a small glass mound.

“S’all here! But it’s mainly used for fishing.” He explained. I frowned.

“Can it detect other ships?” I asked. Conch looked at me questioningly. “Yes or no?” Conch rubbed the back of his head.

“W-well, it can’t. B-but err…” he looked around before leaning in and whispering. “Don’t tell no creature, but I do have another radar below deck that allows me to know where the Luna Navy or anything foreign is located.” He whispered. I looked at him stoically.

“Can I use it real quick?” I asked. Conch seemed to laugh a bit.

“Now, missy. Just cause you are the champion of Equestria doesn’t give ya’ the right to ask of such thing. I think it’s best if you-“ I put a hoof on his shoulder and looked at him.

“It’s because I’m what you say that I want to use it. Not for my safety, but for yours.” I stated. Conch looked nervous. Scribble stood up and eyed me.

“You saw something?” He asked. I nodded slightly. Scribble narrowed his eyes. Cloudchaser and Flitter were now sitting aware and looking around. “Mr. Shell. I’d listen to Fie if I were you. We are here today because of her gut instincts.” He said. Conch glanced nervously between us.

“A-alright, if you say so…” He replied, flipping a switch to have the ship in auto cruise. He led me and Scribble down into the cabin and when he reached his bed, he opened a compartment and pulled out a metal box with crystals on it. He blew the dust off of it and studied it. “Well, I’ll be. Haven’t used it in a while. Odd… I coulda’ swear I’ve used it earlier…” He then began to mess with some knobs and when the radar blipped once, my eyes widened. Conch arched a brow. On the second blip, he stood up quickly.

“Navy?! No… this ship is bigger… and there are two?” He turned and quickly rushed out of the cabin. I furrowed my look and studied the radar. There were two red masses that were off quite a distance from us. Yet, there was no denying we were being followed. My thoughts rushed back to Xena and the two uniformed ponies.

“Well, I can’t say I’m entirely surprised.” I said to Scribble. He nodded.

“If they have a lock on us, there is no way we can outmaneuver their fire power. We have to ditch them somehow.” Scribble suggested as we walked back up the cabin, my magic having the radar in tow. I set it down as the sisters kept scanning the horizon.

“Cloudchaser. Flitter. We’re going to have to act natural.” I began. Conch revved his boat and I quickly turned around and put a hoof on his back to stop him, shaking my head. “Steady as she goes, captain. We don’t want to draw their suspicion even if they are following us. Do you know of any place nearby that you can think of where we can lose them?” I asked. Conch shook his head, sweat beginning to form.

“N-no. We are miles away from Death Rock and certainly not another two hours till land. We are out in the open right now.” He quickly said. I pat his back.

“Breath, captain. Just act natural. They aren’t after you. I’ll turn myself in and distract them long enough for you to slip out.” I said. Conch studied me warily.

“I… I didn’t think you’d be this red hot.” He said. I gave him an apologetic look. I can’t really chastise him. He offered us the ride, but we already suspected something was wrong. Now it’s just a matter of how it’ll go.

"Thankfully, they are quite a distance away from us. We can get some distance before they catch up." I said. Cloudchaser stood up and smirked.

"Flitter and I can scout out around the ship. Surprise them from above." She stated. I shook my head.

"Simple as it is, Triad is anything but. They'll definitely have something aimed at the sky for any pegasi. It's better if we just remain steady and not draw attention." I stated. The sisters nodded, their looks wary. I nodded to Conch. "Keep on track, Conch. We'll lay low when they show up." I then sat back down and lowered my head. We remained quiet as time went by. I studied the radar, seeing that they were also keeping their distance. It was about another hour when one of the giant masses began to change direction and the other moved away. I looked up. "Here they come." I said. We waited as our boat continued.

Sure enough, a looming giant cargo ship appeared out of the thin fog and over to us. Conch gulped as we looked on in slight caution. I gotta' hoof it to the Triad. The one thing they really can make up for their lack of competence is the grandiose engineering. An echoing and commanding voice rang through the intercom.

"Turn off the ship and step out into the open where we can see you. Hooves raised." A mare's voice said. I looked to everypony.

"Play along." I whispered. We rose our hooves up and several spotlights fell on us. I looked up and with Din’s eyes, I scanned what I could through the fog. I could see several armed ponies at the ready. I saw one uniformed pony step forward with a device in her magic. She spoke into it.

“By order of the Iron Wave Navy, you are trespassing on government ocean. You will be detained for questioning.” The mare spoke. I shook my head before responding, raising my voice loud enough.

“Let’s cut the crap, Triad! You aren’t that clever! I know exactly why you are detaining a small craft such as this!” I narrowed my eyes. “I will comply with surrendering under the condition that my friends are to be let go and the civilian free to leave!” There was a moment of silence before the mare’s voice broke through.

“We’ll let the civilian go. But your friends are not, Fire Demon. Do not try anything funny or we’ll light the ship up.” The mare replied. Conch was sweating profusely. I gave him a reassuring smile.

“Nice and steady, captain. Thank you for getting us this far.” I said. Conch didn’t respond. His eyes warily studying the ship. It took the Triad five minutes to row a raft over to us. Arc rifles were aimed at us. The iron-colored uniformed Triad soldier shoved us by as we entered. With every pony on the raft aiming at us, the raft began to row back. We had climbed up a ladder on the side and were greeted with several more armed Triads aimed at us. From the crowd, a long coated, iron colored uniformed Triad stepped forward, adjusting her captain’s hat. The unicorn mare eyed us disappointedly.

“Hmph. For the one and only Fire Demon, you certainly leave a lot to the imagination.” She stated. I smirked.

“I aim to disappoint.” I retorted. The mare shifted her disappointment.

“Notify Shore Bay we have the demon. Send her down to the special containment.” The mare ordered before turning around.

“What about these ponies?” One of the guards asked, motioning to my friends. The mare looked over her shoulder.

“Interrogate them. We need info against our enemies. These are Equestrian ponies. Show no mercy.” She replied. I looked worriedly as I was led away from my friends. Cloudchaser was shrugging off the guards as they pushed my friends away opposite to me. Our eyes met and I gave them a reassuring smile. The guards led me down below deck. This was completely different than the prisoner cargo we snuck aboard on. All three floors of the ship were like a warehouse. Crates stacked high to the ceiling. Some animals kept in cages and mainly heavy artillery lined neatly with massive steel behemoths.

Equestria is indeed sorely underprepared to go against even one of these beasts. I was led to a square opening and forced to stand in the center. The soldiers backed away, aimed at me cautiously as the sound of heavy metal grinding and cranking resounded throughout the area. Tall metal frames with what looked to be sturdy glass rose from the ground around me. I arched a brow as the container shot out above me and sealed shut. This was… quite unnecessary if I must say.

The guards then stationed themselves around the area. I sighed and sat on my haunches. I hope my friends would be okay. The Triad have an unusual way of torturing information out of creatures. However, I doubt they are inclined to use ancient relics like they did with me. While our plans A through C were out the window, plan D it would be. I began to count in my head. After a while, I began to pace my containment cell. It eventually led to me to stop counting and began to hum tunes in my head. When that didn’t interest me anymore, I began to grow curious about how sturdy the cell really was.

I brushed my hoof along the glass wall. It was certainly thick. Arc proof I imagine. But is it primal fireproof? I blinked once and found myself in a pitch black. I turned around to see Din sitting like a statue, as if lost in her own thoughts. I walked over to her and sat down in front of her. She eyed me, the quiet a little unsettling.

You need to cease questioning the capabilities of my power. Of course I can blow through everything. But I can tell, you already made up your mind here. She spoke. I lowered my head a little.

“I’ll ensure my friends safety in the process. But I’m going to be free game for the Triad.” I replied. Din growled.

I recall the last time was rather annoying… I will not allow myself to be subjected to that humiliation! She glowered at me. I looked up to meet her amber slit eyes.

“In due time. Let’s focus on conserving your power. We’ll need it against Lux.” I replied. Din rolled her eyes and stood up, walking past me.

If we are weakened before I can punish my sister for being a fool… She began. I looked over my shoulder to watch Din. She still seemed bothered. I hummed and turned to face her.

“Din.” I began. She only stood and didn’t look back to acknowledge me. “Have you been thinking about what Twilight said?” I asked. Din was quiet. After a bit, she scoffed.

Not in the slightest. Yet now that you bring it up, remind me to burn that mare for thinking to know me. Let me make one thing clear to you mortals. She finally looked over her shoulder boredly. Your precious Elements of Harmony are useless without the Power Elements against instability. They who bear the Harmony Elements should not boast so knowingly about power. For that very same harmony can be used for power. She waved a hoof lazily to her side in dismissal. And I will not hold back should they be used in such a manner. I narrowed my eyes.

“It sounds like you believe that Twilight will use the Elements of Harmony for more than just banishment.” I said. Din turned to face me, her look serious.

You should take my advice. Do not boast so knowingly about power. That princess… when she struck my heart, I felt more than just the embarrassing defeat by a mortal. She walked over to me. The intent to kill was evident. She unleashed all her might into that spell of her’s. I arched a brow.

“Come on, Din. Twilight is fully aware that she can’t kill you, let alone wants to start anything with any intention to kill. I find it real hard to believe that.” I stated. Din put a hoof to her chest.

Injuries inflicted upon to us is shared in equal. While your unicorn minds need more than just intelligence to use a spell, the intention or a strong emotion is just as effective. Do you recall the feeling of Tenebres cutting my head off? I winced and rubbed my neck nervously. We Power Elements can feel and sense the attacks inflicted upon to us. Every strike, every spell, every injury. We remember it. The intention is there. I looked at Din questioningly.

"So then, why are you bringing this up? It shouldn't matter if Twilight had intention to kill you or not, right?" I asked. Din smirked.

What should matter is your people's faith in your royal powers. They have put everything upon her. Just like the whole world has been put upon you. She stated. I did not like that look in her face. I frowned with a glare.

"I'm not going to let whatever you believe to happen, happen." I said. Din cackled, her wings shifting.

Tis not I who is believing it. We are of the same mind, different beings. She said with a sly grin. I could only imagine what kind of clutter can go through that goodie-two hooved princess like her. I gave her a worried look. Din then looked up and over her shoulder. Seems something is wrong. Better hurry back. She cast a sideways grin at me. I blinked and found myself back in my containment cell. Only this time, there were sirens blaring. The room had gone from a dull grey to dim red. I looked around questioningly. I noticed that my armed guards were positioned in certain cover. I flicked my ears. Time to do more lip reading. I used Din's eyes to focus on two that looked like they were talking.

"Is it really just one pony?!" One guard asked. The other guard looked concerned.

"There's no way! On a heavily guarded Iron ship? They must have a death wish!" They stated. There was another guard that seemed to speak from behind a bit of cover.

"Will you two quit yapping and get into position! Comms are stating to keep the Fire Demon locked! We must stand here!" They shouted. I looked around again. Everypony is tensed up. I noticed one nearly cowering, much to their partner's chagrin. They were muttering "It's her!" over and over again. I tilted my head. What in the hell is going on? Before I knew it, I heard something loud thud above my containment cell. Since the top was sealed and blocked by metal, I couldn’t tell what fell on me. However, I saw the terrified looks on the guards faces as they looked in my direction.

They began firing up. I quickly cantered over to the side and pressed my face against the glass wall to get a better look. I then noticed arc bullets firing down off the top of my cell. I saw the guards fall one by one. The room was then filled with smoke. Even with Din’s eyes, I couldn’t make out anything. There was silence. I furrowed my look and stepped back, looking around. Suddenly, there was a metallic grind and click as the ceiling slid open and the walls began lowering. I continued to look around.

I saw a pony stumble out of the smoke and over to me. The uniformed Triad guard fell at my hooves, coughing. They clutched at my sleeves to pull themselves up, only to freeze when their eyes met mine. I smirked and winked before giving a deft chop to their neck. They slumped down and released my sleeve. I heard the sound of rustling cloth behind me. I turned and faced a tattered and bullet ridden cloaked figure. They had their head lowered.

“Fire Demon. I have come for you.” The deep, raspy voice said. I studied the pony. Something about her was familiar. The figure then threw her hood back and revealed a red mane and blue eyes. I beamed. The mare had the cockiest grin on her face. The unicorn mare rubbed her muzzle and shifted a smirk. “Geez, Fie. How can you be so dark and brooding with your hood on?” The unicorn mare asked. I chuckled and wiggled my hoof at her.

“Because it’s my style. Unlike yours, oh dark and brooding one.” I replied. The mare smirked. I then galloped over to her and hugged her tightly. She winced and pat my back.

“Ouch! Careful, Fie! I did get hit with arc bullets on my way to rescue you.” She said. I pulled away and arched a brow.

“Huh. Guess the one and only Thi Billet isn’t so immortal anymore. I thought Hoofington showed you that.” I replied. Thi grinned.

“Meh, Triad can do better than that Viper mare.” She then unholstered her arc pistol and reloaded it in a skillfully finessed manner. “We can catch up more later. Do you happen to know where the others are?” She asked. We began to trot past the fallen guards to a door, taking point on both sides.

“Probably an interrogation room on the ship somewhere. Err… quick question. How did you know we were on the ship? More importantly, how did you manage to sneak onto the correct cargo ship?” I asked. Thi tapped her horn with a smile.

“You have Xena to thank for that. Been tracking this Triad ship for a bit after I heard you were back.” She explained. I looked at her questioningly. Thi readied her weapon. “I’ll explain when we get off this ship. Trust me, Fie. I’m not going to leave you behind again.” As nice as that sounds, I couldn’t help but think what she meant. Xena? Didn’t she tell the Triad where we were? Thi shifted and bucked open the door, aiming her arc pistol in general areas. With the coast clear, I followed Thi as we galloped down a hall and exited onto a side catwalk. I froze.

We were outside the ship. The waves crashed against the bow and I found myself hanging on to the railing. Thi then took my hoof and smiled.

“Still afraid of heights?” She asked. I gulped and shook my head.

“J-just heights with dangerous elements at the bottom…” I rasped. Thi chuckled before leading me up the steps. We went up several flights before reaching another door. She stopped me and knocked on the door, taking point on the side. We waited a bit before she decided to open it with her magic. She shifted back as a rain of multi-color arc bullets fired out into the sea. Thi grinned and withdrew a pineapple looking rock. She bit down on the stem and pulled it before chucking it down the hall.

We heard several yells of panic before a loud pop and crackle of magical energy. Thi rushed in and popped off a couple of shots before I followed her. I queasily stepped over a smoking uniformed guard before galloping after Thi, who was already at full steam. Thi has always been a quick fighter. If she can reach you first, then she’s wins. If she can’t? She’ll ensure an arc bullet or two would reach first. We eventually arrived at a hall that looked to resemble an office building.

The hall was empty, my assumption being that the guards are trying to look for Thi. We cantered down the hall, rounding the corner. Thi stopped me and got me to cover behind the wall. We saw two guards in front of a door. When they spotted Thi, they aimed their weapons. Thi flicked her head down and a yellow circle like platform formed and sprang her forward.

She planted her hoof into one guard and quickly popped the other guard between the muzzle before turning the arc pistol on the one she punched in the temple. She stood up and reloaded her weapon. My eyes widened as I noticed a guard having snuck up on Thi. I stepped out of cover quickly, staff withdrawn and I chucked my staff at Thi. Thi balked and ducked. The unfortunate guard went with the staff and blew through the door behind them and with a loud crash, the guard was buried underneath filing cabinets.

I called back my staff and threw it on my back. Thi looked a bit dumbfounded, but quickly beamed at me.

“You’ve gotten quicker.” She said impressively. I only smiled before we heard the sound of a struggle through the door the guards had been guarding. We readied ourselves before Thi bucked the door open. Thi quickly aimed her arc pistol as the uniformed captain of the ship turned, holding Cloudchaser by the neck and weapon aimed at her head. I gasped when I saw Flitter bearing a dagger under Scribble’s neck. Her neck had black veins pulsating up to her face, blackening her eyes as if they were inked tears.

She had a pained, crazed look on her as Scribble struggled against her hold. Thi and I growled as the captain smirked.

“The one and only Thi Billet. How nice of you to join us.” She smirked.

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