• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 32: Darkest Heart

Once again, the Rainbooms and the mysterious fire bearing girl are the center of every headline. Along with this headline, word has finally gotten out that The Dazzlings are behind the recent attacks on Canterlot City and Canterlot High. People began sharing videos of The Dazzlings during their rise after the Battle of the Bands. Having gained a cult following, some fans found it hard to believe that three idols are behind the gruesome disappearances. But with witness reports and even a statement from Sonata Dusk confirming the attacks, every corner of the forums and outlets are in a fiery inferno of debate.

It has been a couple of days since Canterlot High was attacked. The school was beginning to develop another reputation. People believed that the school was created by old wizards and witches of ages past and had sealed their magic away in the grounds and it has now only recently been showing up. People have pointed to the Friendship Games where Sunset and Twilight clashed during it being the point of exposure to magic.

As discussions continued with the fates of The Dazzlings and theorist speculating the Rainbooms and the mysterious fire bearing girl, whom the internet began to dub as Star Fire due to her rocketing into the conflicts like a shooting star, the world continued with a wary air. The events that transpired had made it clear. Even the skeptics were questioning somethings about the believability of magic. There were some people who have stated that they too have begun to start using magic, but so far it has only been claims or debunked videos of people doing simple stage magic or special effects.

As for the Rainbooms, the girls could not catch a break. Their workplaces were always packed with people wanting their autographs or contracts for their band. It got to the point that the girls had locked themselves in the confines of a storage closet in the mall just to enjoy some quiet time. Fluttershy sighed and hugged Angel close to her.

“I can’t stand another second of all the attention…” She said pathetically. The girls all agreed. Rainbow Dash bumped the back of her head against a wall out of boredom.

“When I always dreamt of how a hero would be, I think I may have undersold it to myself. It’s driving me crazy!” She stated. Rarity sighed.

“I can’t take another minute of all the praise! One moment, it’s fashion questions and then the next it’s admiration! I have tried to advertise my new line I’ve been working on, but we’ve been so busy and selling out so quickly that I haven’t had time to finish nor mention it!” Rarity said, frantically adjusting her frazzled hair while looking through a pocket mirror. Sunset lowered her head sadly.

“I wonder if Twilight and the others had to deal with attention like this.” She sighed. She had begun to write in the journal once more, hoping that Twilight might be reading her messages but unable to respond. Applejack swiped at her phone.

“Well, safe ta’ say that ‘Star Fire’ is having the time of her life.” She held up her phone to show them. “She’s been seen around town stopping crooks and questioning ‘em. I jus’ feel bad because we’ve barely even started helping her track down the heart.” The girls went quiet. Sunset closed her journal and hugged it close to her chest, feeling her mood shooting down. She keeps asking herself the same question.

‘How can Twilight just go off and save Equestria at the drop of a pen? How is Quiet Fire able to not be so overwhelmed by the attention she has? How are they both able to keep going despite everything?’ She hugged the journal tightly. ‘I wish I knew how to do that. They make it look so easy.’ Suddenly, Sunset felt a vibration in her back pocket. She blinked and withdrew her cell phone. Twilight was calling. Sunset answered the phone.

“Twilight? What’s up?” She asked.

”Oh, good! Sunset, I need you and the girls to come over to my house as soon as you can. I- careful Timber! That’s very delicate! Wallflower, Flash, Bulk. Can you please move those rods just at a sixty degree angle? Mmmm… a little to the left…” Twilight’s voice spoke. Sunset arched a confused brow.

“Are you throwing a party?” Sunset asked. Pinkie perked up but Fluttershy held a finger to her mouth, motioning at the door. Pinkie deflated a bit.

”Huh? Oh, no, sorry. I’m having my assistants assist in setting something up. I also think I have an idea of how we should look for the heart! Get here as quick as you can!” Twilight replied before hanging up. Sunset blinked and pocketed her phone.

“She wants us to go over to her house as soon as we can.” Sunset said. Rainbow Dash groaned.

“How are we going to get past all those people looking for us??” She asked annoyed. Sunset rubbed her chin before meeting Pinkie’s look. Pinkie seemed to read her mind and with a nodding, knowing, narrowed smile and a slow withdraw of two cupcakes from her hair, Sunset smirked. Sunset nodded to the others and they each braced themselves. Sunset carefully opened the door and peeked out. The mall was packed as usual.

“Rarity, get ready with your gem. Pinkie, on my mark. Three… two… one… now!” Sunset opened the door and the girls ducked as Pinkie chucked the cupcakes out. There were startled screams of surprise as the cupcakes exploded into sprinkling confetti. The girls squeezed out and Rarity wagged a finger, making a gem. They stepped onto it and Rarity flew them over the shocked crowd. Sunset waved her hand and used her magic to open the door of the mall and the girls sailed out and took off into the sky.

Finding a moment to breathe, Sunset and Pinkie fist bumped.

Quiet Fire’s POV

I sat idly on top of a catwalk over a stage, the darkness hiding me. I had went ahead and scouted out the place. An abandon fair ground. One that was tucked away at the far west end of town. I quietly studied the horn in my hand as I waited for the eventual confrontation that would take place below me. After the events of Canterlot High, I began my investigation thoroughly close with my dad and my mom in this world.

The past couple of days felt like I was getting closer to finding out where Tenebres and Fickle were hiding out. The criminals I’ve been apprehending as of late have some connection to specific locations that most of the disappearances had. I was then given a name by one that was currently laying in the hospital and mostly drinking from a straw. Slap Happy. Detective Wild Fire and Officer Cloud Mist have had their fair share of run ins with the ringmaster of the Gates of Cerberus. Yet they wouldn’t be able to pinpoint the gang lead due to every mark that Wild Fire has been going after had some unfortunate accident. One major mark that dad had been chasing for a few months was an unfortunate victim of the kidnappings. And sadly, despite most of the victims being found thanks to me, there were still quite a bit left missing.

Din and I came to the conclusion that Tenebres had to make use of some of the kidnapped right off the bat and are now forever lost. It left a bad taste in my mouth, but that is sadly the way Din and her sisters work. Prolonged effects are forever. What we could only do now is hunt her down and stop her for good. And Slap Happy is the one who’s the key mark. For the past hour, Slap Happy has been taunting my dad through his little traps, which I thankfully had sabotaged behind the scenes with my quick arrival. It was quite amusing to hear the reactions of Slap Happy as my dad breezed through the traps. My gaze looked past the horn and onto several punkish looking individuals rush in and start taking their positions. My eyes then fell onto a rather stout looking fellow in a clown outfit walking across the stage. The only one that the gangers were taking orders from.

I was curious as to what Slap Happy’s story was, but at the same time, we’ve been here for far too long. I’ll admit, I am getting a bit desperate. But I had to calm myself as rushing into Tenebres like last time caused our defeat. Slap Happy cleared his throat before speaking into a mic.

“Testing. Testing! Is this thing on? Oh… damn… maybe it’s uhh… aha!” A loud screech was followed, causing me to wince and cover my ears. Din growled.

Why must we entertain such foolishness?! She snapped. I grinned, twisting a pinky in my ear to lessen the ringing.

‘Dear ol’ dad wanted me to scout ahead. Plus, don’t you like humiliating our enemies? He supposedly knows about Tenebres, so all the more satisfaction, correct?’ I replied casually. Din grumbled.

I do not like circuses. She muttered. I thought better than to question the strange uneasiness from Din. Eventually, my father rushed in with several officers, including my mom, and aimed their weapons at Slap Happy.

“Show’s over, bozo. You are under arrest for animal endangerment, destruction of city and government property, forging classified signatures of government and city officials, smuggling and kidnapping!” Wild said coldly. “We have enough to put you behind bars for life.” Slap Happy held out his arms in happy wonder.

“Ahhh, my dear officers of the peace! I hope you had fun! I’ll admit, nothing is perfect in the show business. But you know what they say. The show must go on!” He presented. I noticed Wild taking note of me and I softly waved to him. Wild motioned with his head and my mother waved the officers to advance. She took the lead and got halfway through the ring when Slap Happy clapped his hands with joy.

“Ohohoho! Volunteers are always welcome for today’s show!” He exclaimed excitably. My eyes widened and I stood up as my mom’s reaction time was god like. She dive rolled onto her feet at the cost of her fellow officers being clamped down in a pillory fashion and being hoisted up by a thin platform cage that separated Cloud and Wild. I was about to hop down when I saw my father shake his head and aim his piece at Slap Happy. He cackled unnervingly. “Ahhh, no need to be party poopers! Fine then! If it’s personal entertainment you want, then allow me to introduce you to Berta and Ellie Phan!” He nodded past my mother and I saw two gangers hoist a rope.

My mother spun around and aimed her weapon towards a cage. A low growl sounded followed by a tiger wearing a shredded up tutu skirt walked out of the cage. What in Celestia’s cake gorging flank is this kind of ganger?! I then saw several gangers hoist two ropes over by Wild and from the wall barreled out an elephant, charging my dad. Wild sprinted around, having to duck a swipe from the elephant’s tusk before turning and aiming his piece at the elephant. I noticed neither my parents were shooting. Berta stalked around my mother while the elephant stamped angrily, as if trying to get out of the ring. Slap Happy cleared his throat.

“Ladies and gentleman! Boys and girls of all ages! It’s time to get in line! For it’s…” He then waved his arms upwards and the gangers cheered in unison.

“Slap Happy’s Showtime!” They cried as colorful lights turned on and began to skate around the ring. I clicked my tongue and threw my hood on.

“Screw this.” I muttered. I then stepped up onto the edge of the railing and let myself fall, front flipping once before landing on my feet in front of Slap Happy. The clown ganger jumped in surprise, tripping over himself. I then called my staff and chucked it behind me, impaling into the ground between his legs. A ring of fire shot around him and I hopped down into the ring. Berta licked its’ maw, eyeing my mother hungrily. I sprinted over to her right as the tiger pounced and I tackled the side of the tiger with my shoulder, sending it crashing into the cage. I rolled my shoulder and my senses went off. I pushed mom aside and rolled away as the gangers began firing down on us with a strange substance. I felt one pelt me in the head and I blinked, using my finger to feel the texture.

“Potatoes?” I questioned, shaking my hand of the substance. I then scrambled to my feet and rushed over to my mother, dodging the potatoes being shot at me. I took cover with her.

“Leave it to Slap Happy to live up to being the clown.” She said stoically. I frowned as potatoes splattered around us.

“Gangers in Equestria are eccentric to a degree, but this is the first time I’ve encountered one who commits.” I said sourly. Cloud looked at me, a questioning gaze through her stoicism. I then looked and my eyes widened. Berta growled at us and began to charge us. I pushed my mother away and held up my arms as the tiger bore down on me. I screamed in pain as I felt the fangs of the tiger bite down on my arm and began to claw at me. Din cackled maniacally.

”Creature!! Hear my voice and listen!!” I suddenly spouted. I was in pain, but Berta pulled away and began to lay down on her stomach. I was struggling to sit up, but the healing kicked in and the pain subsided only slightly. I managed to push myself up with the help of Cloud Mist. I looked down at my now ruined hoodie cloak.

“Aww man… Rarity isn’t going to like this…” I said with a wince.

“Are you alright?” Cloud asked. I looked up at her and smiled softly.

“I’ll be feeling it in the morning, but primal healing works wonders.” I told her.

“That’s great and all! But I could use some help here!” We heard Wild call out. We looked to see him swiftly avoiding being stepped on. I looked to mom.

“Mom, you stop the gangers with those potato guns. I’ll help dad.” I said. Cloud Mist nodded but then arched a brow. I realized what I had said, but right now, I was more concerned with helping him. Cloud Mist readied her weapon and did some crazy acrobatics that made her vault over the side and began to give chase to the gangers. I then looked to Berta. Din smirked.

”Obey me! Free the mortals from their imprisonment. A simple creature like you can even work a lever.” Din spoke through me. Berta growled before turning and rushing over to the side of the arena, the gangers running for their lives. Din then directed my gaze to the elephant and spoke. ”Heed my words, simple one! Cease your rampage on the one mortal! The ones you should feast your anger on is the ones who imprisoned you! You are not bound to them! Earn your freedom!”

The elephant ceased its’ movements as it had just cornered my dad. The elephant then backed away, shaking its’ head as if anxious about something. Din sighed in annoyance through me before speaking.

”Then avenge her! Regain your pride in her name!” Din spoke commandingly. The elephant looked to me, my eyes seeing such sadness and rage in its’ own. The elephant then reared, uttering a cry of anger before turning and charging back into the cage at full speed and breaking through the makeshift wall. The sounds of panicked screaming could be heard. As this happened, the cage splitting the arena in half clicked and shrunk down, releasing the officers from their pillories. Wild pulled himself away from the wall, a sigh of relief escaping him as we walked over to the officers. One of them adjusted themselves.

“Thanks, Star Fire.” They said. I shook my head.

“Help officer Cloud Mist. Wild and I will deal with Slap Happy.” I said as Berta bounded down from where the lever was and over to me. She purred and rubbed her head against me. I was feeling a bit hesitant about a tiger, but I mustered up some courage to softly pet Berta. The officers and my dad were cautious of the tiger, however. The officers then proceeded to rush off and help Cloud round up the gangers while my dad and I walked over to the stage. Slap Happy was still dumbfounded and wide eyed at the fire around him. I called back my staff and the fire vanished. Berta took the liberty of rushing the clown and putting a paw and her body weight on the clown, Slap Happy panicking in the process.

I walked up next to the tiger and crouched down.

“Alright, bozo. The curtains have closed and it’s time to drop the act. Care to answer a few questions?” I asked stoically. “Rather it be us than the tiger, wouldn’t you agree?” Berta growled angrily at the clown, causing Slap Happy to gulp loudly.

“A-alright, I-I’ll talk!” He exclaimed with his hands raised, keeping his face away from what I’m assuming is a starving tiger. Wild stepped over and opened up his notebook. I narrowed my eyes.

“Word around the block says you’ve been dealing with something far more mystical than your average dealing. I think you know what I’m talking about. In fact, the whole entire world is talking about it. So I’ll make this simple. Where’s Tenebres?” Slap Happy met my cold gaze.

“T-Tenebres? I-I-I don’t know what you mean?” He replied shakily, only to “Eep” when Berta bared her fangs at him. I clicked my tongue.

“Berta doesn’t forget, Slap Happy. Be thankful I’m keeping her in check right now. What about a child? Curly blue hair? Has dark purple eyes that swirl with an effect like mine?” I asked, pointing at my eyes. Slap Happy perked up.

“Th-that child, yes! Her I know well! A child as innocent and clever!” He said with a wavering smile. I narrowed my eyes.

“What is she up to?” I asked suspiciously. Slap Happy kept still as he spoke.

“Th-that’s the thing! She didn’t tell me anything! Only said she enjoyed circus shows and thought I’d be interested in keeping the audience’s attention for a while!” He replied. Wild tilted his head.

“To distract us? While she does what?” He asked. Slap Happy stammered.

“S-said she’ll give me a seat as her councilor for her new kingdom if I did so! So, I put on a show just for you, Star Fire!” I glared at the clown.

“I’m running out of patience, bozo. Tell me where she is, now!” I demanded angrily, Berta roaring to solidify the point.

“P-perhaps I’ll be a bit more willing to explain more without th-the tiger?” He suggested. I frowned and stood up. I then pet Berta and nodded.

“It’s alright, Berta. We have it from here. Get out of here before animal control does something worse than the Cerberuses.” I said. Berta roared one final time at Slap Happy, the clown wetting himself before the tiger stepped off and turned around, bounding down the stage and out of the ring. Wild gave a concerned look.

“Berta looked hungry, Fie.” He mentioned. I nodded.

“There is a meat kiosk that one of the gangers had wheeled in before you arrived. All that raw meat must be being used to some degree.” I said, thinking back to when I arrived here before the officers. I then brought my staff up and smacked the shins on Slap Happy, causing him to scream out in pain and roll on the ground. “Where. Is. Tenebres?” I glared down at the clown. Slap Happy clutched a leg, groaning and whining in pain. It was Din that snapped, taking over my body. She reached down and grabbed the clown by the scuff of his outfit and lifted him up easily with my one arm.

“I grow tired of your incessant whining, clown! I have every right mind to make your torment excruciating!” Din spoke through me, the warmth flowing. “Speak your tongue! For a whole week and a half, I have been searching for my sister with nothing to benefit the search! Patience is no longer an option! I can smell her darkness reeking off of your caked oraffices! Speak!!” Din shook the clown.

“I-I-I swear, all she approached me with is to help her keep you busy!” Slap Happy said, his whole act gone. “She just appeared out of this shadowy pillar! That’s all I know! I swear!” I felt a vein twitch and Din grinned evilly.

“Perhaps this’ll make you loose your tongue…” She hissed. I held up my hand and reached onto the front of his face. He suddenly began screaming, smoke rising from between my fingers and palm. Wild balked and put a hand on my shoulder, shaking me. But Din kept my hand there. “You know not what you play with, clown! Your life is already forfeit for your deal with my brat of a sister! Mortals who toil in the god’s domain will suffer more than retribution!” Din removed my hand and leaned in close to the clown. “I’ll make sure of it when I ascend beyond their debaucheries! I’ll make sure the serpent chokes on his own tail!!”

“That’s enough, Quiet Fire!” Wild spoke sternly, pulling me back. Din let me gain control of myself and I dropped the clown, who clutched his face. I agreed with Din’s impatience. I sighed and spun around, pushing past him.

“I’m going to go cool off…” I muttered before Din unfurled her wings and we kicked off into the sky. I began to circle the abandoned fair, my eyes scanning below me. It seems that mom and the others were able to round up the gangers. Berta was seen dragging a hunk of meat off the cart and began to gnaw on it. Ellie the elephant is seen traipsing around the fair. I sighed and landed on the very top of the hump of a rollercoaster. The wind blew against my hair and the metal groaned and creaked underneath me.

Yet, it stayed steady. I hung my legs over the edge and swayed them as I leaned against the railing. Canterlot City could be seen close by but quite a ways away. Din snorted.

Every mortal we encounter and question, it’s the same thing over and over. Tenebres will receive no mercy from me. Din snarled. I sighed.

“Discord isn’t being much help either. If we are in a dire state to get back home, then why prolong it?” I replied with a shake of my head. My mood was beginning to shoot down. I then reached back and withdrew the horn, studying it. “We have our key to get home. But something tells me even with every piece collected here, our job won’t be done in this world.”

You mean both worlds. Din casually replied. I blinked and she rolled her eyes. Yes, we are not supposed to exist in this realm. Tis not our’s to meddle with. The more Tenebres continues to act out of defiance in this world would cause more havoc in our world. Keeping her and any other being of immortal power from ever stepping hoof, claw or foot in here will be one of the main responsibilities of our ascension. Yes, vessel. Even after we stop the crisis, our job is far from over. She explained. I slumped.

“It’d be a lot quicker if Discord would help a little more. Gathering info and then having me figure it out is not helping. He does realize that I’m not that clever like Twilight.” I said sadly. Din scoffed.

He is designed with his own independence. Such is the Creation Mother’s will. As annoying as he is, he understands full well that mortals are tempted by the desire for power and greed. She said. I blinked.

“That almost sounds like Discord was born specifically to test mortals. Even though he gave Equestria so much strife before Celestia and Luna encased him in stone.” I replied.

I do not question the ways of the Creation Mother’s will. If Discord was to be born for the sake of the realm, then he exists. I tilted my head.

“Who is this Creation Mother?” I asked, finally having a moment to ponder this question. Din frowned.

Exactly the deity she sounds like. Need I say more? She retorted. I sighed and shook my head.

“Nevermind. Whatever the grand scheme of things are, I just hope the Creation Mother will be merciful enough.” I replied. Din was quiet. She then directed my gaze with her eyes as if noticing something. A dark pillar appeared in front of the officers. From the darkness stepped out a twin tailed girl dressed in a pastel punk attire. My eyes narrowed and I stood up. Din unfurled her wings and I floated down towards the confrontation. Wild Fire stared down the girl, who only grinned smugly and crossed her arms.

She then looked up to see me descend and I stepped forward after touching the ground. The officers held their weapons towards her, but she remained unfazed.

“Times up, Slap Happy.” Aria Blaze spoke with a chuckle. With Din’s eyes, I could see the thick dark haze swirling around her. I glanced over to see the handcuffed scarred clown tiredly looked at us.

“That’s her! The girl I was talking about!” He exclaimed. I frowned.

“She’s no where near the description I gave you.” I stated. Slap Happy suddenly chuckled, his tone sounding panicked.

“T-to be frank, you did have a tiger at my neck…” He chuckled nervously. Aria gave a disgusted look.

“Everything is set. You are of no use any longer.” She said, outstretching her arm. It was almost instant. Aria’s eyes glowed purple and a bolt of shadow shot out and struck the clown through the chest. The officers began to open fire, but Aria brought her other hand up and with two fingers, flicked them upward and the bullets came to a stop in front of her. She then waved her hand and the bullets turned around and aimed at the officers. I stepped in front and reacted by spinning my staff so quickly you could see the after images as the bullets shot back, deflecting off of my staff.

I then flourished it around me before aiming my staff at her, my eyes glaring.

“I’ve had enough games, Aria. Tenebres. Where is she?” I demanded coldly. Aria gave me a smirk of disgust.

“Hmph. If you must know, she’s been looking for you too. Has a very special surprise in store for this entire human scum ridden place.” Aria replied, examining her nails. I slumped.

“Oh, thank Celestia. I was starting to wonder if she forgot about us.” I said with relief. Aria grinned and wagged a taunting finger.

“Uh-uh-uh. You’re going to-“ She began but I swished my staff in her face.

“No. I’m done playing around. You don’t understand the situation that my existence and Tenebres have being in this world. The Dazzlings won’t have a home to go back to or any other place to go if we continue to be here.” I retorted coldly. Aria glared at me but I continued. “Give up that path Tenebres laid out for you. She will never fulfill her promise.” I saw a vein twitch on Aria’s head. But she then slumped forward, chuckling. It then escalated into a laugh as she leaned her head back, one hand over her eye. She then faced us and snapped her fingers. We readied ourselves. But only a shadowy pillar appeared behind her.

“I’m not doing this for that brat. She can have this realm for all I care! Adaggio and Sonata can rot in the human prison cells! No more will I be the second fiddle!” She then bowed and outstretched her arms to her side. “Fine then. Since you are in a hurry, then I’ll take you to her.” Her eyes glinted as she stepped backwards into the pillar and vanished. I eased my stance and narrowed my look. I stepped forward, only to have Wild put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

“Fie, don’t. You know it’s a trap. Let’s think about this carefully.” He said. I lowered my head, my expression hidden by my hood. I then smiled and turned around to face him.

“You know. I’m glad I got to spend some time helping you and Cloud out. It was like a part of me was longing to return a favor that never existed here.” I sighed and rubbed my arm. “No offense, but you two really make me home sick. I have to get back to Equestria. Both our worlds are counting on it. I… appreciate all the help you could provide. I’m glad I got to be a small part of something bigger going on within the city. But my… our duty is to the world. Not just one place.” Cloud stood next to Wild and crossed her arms, her stoic expression being betrayed by a concerned gleam in her eyes.

“We understand the severity of the situation. And we are glad to provide something in return. Even if it wasn’t impactful.” She then lowered her head as if thinking about something. “Your Equestrian parents must be really proud of the woman… err… mare you’ve become.” I gave a small chuckle and shook my head.

“I wasn’t the best daughter to them. But I aim to make things right. And I believe now I have a better idea of how to do that. So… thank you. Both of you.” I said with a smile. Wild shifted a little awkwardly while Cloud smiled softly.

“Guess this is goodbye then.” Wild said a little sadly. I then jogged up to them and hugged them both. Cloud didn’t hesitate to return the hug. Wild was hesitant, but a quick motion from Cloud made him smile softly and hug me. I pulled away from them and turned back to face the shadowy pillar. Taking a deep breath, I readied myself.

“Let’s do this, Din.” I said aloud. Din smacked her hooves together, grinning challengingly.

I’ve been waiting a long time for this… She hissed excitably. I held my staff to my side and jogged into the pillar, finding myself being absorbed into the darkness. I found myself yelping and tumbling through the void, hearing the screams of the damned. Din unfurled her wings and rightened me. She then had me kick off and we went soaring through the void. We spent a good minute before I began to hear a song. I stopped and closed my eyes.

I drowned out the screams and focused on the song. It was calling to me. Din directed my gaze in the direction and we took off. There was a light glimmering brighter and brighter as we got closer. When we were swallowed by the light (having to shield my eyes as we did), we then burst out of the darkness and over what appeared to be a patch of island with nothing around it save for the shallow water. I landed on the sand and looked around using Din’s eyes. I could make our Canterlot City in the distance. I sighed and swished my staff.

“Alright, Aria. You want to have your fun? I’ll give you your fun.” I said aloud. I could sense her behind me. Something huge rising out of the water. I turned around and faced the magenta siren, baring her sharp teeth at me. “But don’t start crying when you aren’t having it anymore.” Din reacted instantly as Aria snapped her jaws at where I stood seconds ago. I followed it up with a batter swing of my staff, smacking her off into the water. Aria roared as she reemerged and began to circle the patch of island.

She hopped out of the water, singing notes that sent sound waves towards me. I swiftly dodged them as she then jumped out of the water and floated in the air. She then put a fin hoof to her chest and raised the other in the air, closing her eyes as a sorrowful angelic voice began to sing. I suddenly felt very sluggish as her voice resonated through me.

It was a song of longing for home. The ocean breeze and the sound of waves the chorus to their harmony. Din growled and took over my tranced body. The song continued to tell how three were strong, the villagers they preyed upon sung admiration for them. It then transitioned to sorrow as she sung of the arrival of six who banished them into a never-ending nightmare. Din sailed towards Aria and swung her halberd around at the siren, but Aria deftly avoided as she kept singing, going on to sing about how the companionship felt one sided.

Conflicting ideals kept in check by the one who saved her from a shadowed past. It then transitioned to triumphant and Din began avoiding more sound waves from Aria, who then sang about how the defeat of one became cowardice of the second and the eventual rise of the third, no longer shadowed by first’s ignorance and one-track mind. The song reached a crescendo as Aria dove into the water, the song leaving me no longer in a trance. I shook my head of the strange pounding that knocked on my noggin. I rubbed my head as I looked around, trying to spy any form of Aria in the water. I reacted quickly, but not in time enough as I did a wide split and planted my feet onto the jaws of Aria, pushing against the force. I grunted as this hurt a lot. I then held out my hand towards the open maw of Aria and Din unleashed a torrent of flames. Aria pulled away and flailed wildly, sending me flying into the patch of island. I groaned and shook my daze away before hopping to my feet and facing Aria.

Aria clutched her throat, rasping angrily and staring daggers at me. I stabbed my staff into the sand and stared her down.

“Give up, Aria. There is still hope for you yet.” I stated. Aria growled and loomed over me.

“I. Will. Never. Give up.” She snarled. “I don’t ever want to see those two ever again. I work better alone.” I sighed and shrugged.

“Alright then. I gave you every ample opportunity to back out.” I said, rolling my neck. Like a bullet, I kicked off the sand thanks to Din’s magic and tackled Aria in the gut. We both went sailing up into the sky where the world melted around us and a bright flash of light swallowed us. When the light dimmed down, I gasped and braced myself, crashing directly into the side of a building. I hung in the spot for a bit before falling back and hitting the side of a flagpole and then onto the hard sidewalk.

I felt the wind leave me and struggled to push myself off the ground. Din snorted.

Hearts are a fickle thing. Din commented. I managed to get a breath in before responding.

“What… the hell… are you talking… about?” I rasped as I pushed myself off the ground. Shaking away my daze, I looked around in a blink, seeing primmed and neatly dressed students looking at me in awe. I winced and clutched my side, still trying to catch my breath.

“Hey… isn’t that Star Fire?” One student asked. Muttering began to ring throughout the students. Thankfully, my hood was still up to hide my annoyance.

‘Great. At least I don’t go to school anymore…’ I hissed in my mind. Finally catching my second wind, I stood up and rolled my arm.

“You alright? That looked rather painful.” A voice asked. I looked to see Shining Armor jogging over to me. I didn’t say anything as my eyes darted around the area.

“Tough luck, hothead!” A voice shouted from above. We looked up and I saw Aria smirking smugly over the side of the roof. “As if I’d give up the source of this power so easily. Unlike the other two, I have other things in mind.” She then gave a cool salute before snapping her fingers. “Have fun figuring out where Tenebres is, loser.” I grit my teeth and Din unfurled her wings. I sky rocketed into the air and flipped over her, blocking her from stepping into the shadowy pillar. I then tackled her, feeling the flames wrap around us.

Aria struggled, elbowing me in the face and sending our trajectory off, crashing into the side of Crystal Prep once more. Nothing padded our fall. I coughed and groaned as we pushed ourselves up off the ground.

“I am not done with you yet…!” I winced. Aria panted, clutching her side.

“Fine then… if that’s how you want to play it!” Aria shouted. A dark haze began to envelop around her and the students began to move away from us.

“Everyone, get to safety! Evacuate the school!” I heard Shining Armor shout from a megaphone. Students began panicking and running for their lives. Someone must have pulled an alarm as the whole school rang out with a loud blaring annoying sound. Aria clenched her fists and began to rise into the air, outstretching her arms.

“Then… let’s begin the first phase of Plan Conquest!” Aria cackled. I called my staff and readied myself into my stance. Aria began to sing a song. I braced myself with Din at the ready. But when nothing washed over me, I then noticed that dark clouds began to form over the school. No, not just the school. It was reaching all the way to Canterlot City. And the more I listened to the song, the more it began to sound like a chant. Aria finished the chant and her eyes glowed a fierce purple.

Aria then crossed her arms and looked down at me.

“My part is done. Now then… time to take out the trash.” She smirked. She shot out an arm out and I immediately rolled to the side, avoiding what appeared to be several dark spears stabbing into the ground. Aria began to sing again and the spears removed themselves from the ground and spun around her. I twirled my staff around me right as Aria aimed the spears and began ordering them with a wave of her hands to attack me.

I blocked, deflected, flipped, rolled and ducked to avoid them. Finding an opening, I rushed forward, jumping off the shaft of a spear and readying a strike. Aria took me by surprise and caught my staff with a hand before pulling me in and punching me hard in the cheek. I went rolling across the ground, landing on my feet and facing her. She scoffed in disgust before throwing aside my staff.

“How dare you dirty my hands. Pony human filth.” Aria grimaced. I called back my staff and smirked.

“Wanna work alone, you better get used to it.” I taunted. Aria smirked back, but she then waved her arms and hands around, directing the spears to circle around her before she rushed me, creating a buzzsaw with her spears. I did several back flips to keep my distance before Din used her wings to have me jump over Aria. Aria quickly flicked her fingers up and the spears separated from her. I yelped as I nearly impaled myself on one and moved away, only for Aria to nick me with a few good stabs.

I then caught one of the spears and felt a sharp pain go up my arm. Ignoring it, I spun the spear around and heaved it like a javelin. Aria gasped and barely avoided it. Taking advantage of the surprise, I rushed her and gave a heavy round house across her cheek that sent her crashing into the side of the building. I saw the spears drop and Din rose me to level with Aria. Aria emerged from the dust out of the classroom and growled, rubbing her cheek.

“I won’t make the same mistake Adaggio made.” Aria said, more to herself. She clenched her fist and her eyes glowed a burning fierce purple once more. The debris from the school and the spears began to levitate around me. I attempted to move, only to find myself being weighed down. Looking down, I noticed she had encased my foot with some of the fallen debris. Then, the remaining debris latched onto me, making it hard to move. I started to scream as I felt a tight crushing pressure against my body.

Aria cackled, waving her hand again and the spears circled me with the blades aimed at me.

“Shame I can’t kill you! But I can at least get some enjoyment out of your torture!” She grinned. I tried to keep one eye open, trying to keep myself conscious. Din was also pushing against the force, growling loudly in my head. I then noticed someone move behind Aria. My eye widened as I saw Flitter raise what looked to be a trophy over her head and she smacked it hard across Aria’s head. Aria’s head lolled and she knelt down, clutching the back of her head. Flitter balked as Aria turned to her, staring daggers at her. “But maybe I can kill other human scum!” She hissed, lashing out and grabbing Flitter by the neck.

I was dumbfounded at the sight of Flitter gasping for breath and clawing at Aria’s hands. A flash of my own world’s Flitter appeared in my mind, making the same motion, only with black veins snaking up her neck and throughout her body. I felt my blood boil and with a roar, Din mimicked me and we blew apart the debris and knocking the spears away. I then shot forward and grabbed Aria by her twin tails, pulling her away and making her drop Flitter. I dangled her under me before I then twisted my body, holding onto her twin tail’s tightly and spinning her around.

“Don’t you ever hurt Flitter!!” I roared. I then stopped and let go of Aria, sending her rocketing into the street where she bounced and rolled along the ground, crashing into an auto wagon and sounding the alarm. I panted angrily, feeling the flames warm me greatly. Din cackled amusingly.

We should have your friends in danger more often. Din hummed with a smug smirk.

“Don’t. You. Dare.” I said aloud before floating down and standing over Aria. The Dazzling looked up at me, clutching her arm and sitting up against the car, blood trickling from her head and arms.

“Bitch…” She spat. I still felt my anger rising and was about to reach down towards her when I then froze upon seeing a spear impale into the auto wagon.

“Aww… having fun without me?” A childish voice spoke. Din’s anger suddenly added to mine and I turned around. From out of a shadowy pillar emerged a young child with a neatly brushed curly head of hair and pink skin with dark purple eyes swirling with fiery shadow in the irises. Suddenly, a shadowy, sharp teethed face of an alicorn shot up in front of me.

Boo! I didn’t flinch as Din retorted with forming out of me and clashing her horn with Tenebres, the two taking to the sky and kicking off each other. Tenebres giggled and clapped her hooves together.

Enjoying play time? Awww, what’s the matter? Still heated about your loss? Tenebres cooed tauntingly at Din. Din flared.

I’ll break that horn off and shove it so far up your- Din began but was interrupted with Tenebres clicking her tongue and waving her hoof.

Now, now, sister. You shouldn’t swear around children. It’s not very… inspiring. Tenebres giggled.

Shut up, bitch! Din snapped back. I grow tired of your games!! You’ll suffer more than a spanking! I’m going to kill you!! Fickle Spark giggled and rocked her upper body to the sides with her hands behind her back.

“Now, now, you two! Tenebres, remember why we are here.” Fickle grinned. Tenebres casually kicked back in the air, angering Din more. With the sudden arrival of Tenebres and Fickle, my anger subsided. Fickle waved at me. “Been a long while since we came face to face, Quiet Fire. Good to know that you still have your head on you.” She said. I stabbed my staff into the street, cracking it as I did.

“We need to talk. Now.” I said sternly. “No more games. No more goose chases.” I narrowed my look coldly. “No more bullshit.” Fickle tilted her head, looking at me curiously.

“Well, duh. I want to talk to you too! We are one and the same after all. And I promise, no backstabbing or any other primal stuff.” She said with a hand on her heart. I aimed my staff at her.

“You’re playing me. I was a kid once too. But you stepped into the big kids' playground. So, we’re going to handle it like adults.” I replied. Fickle slumped.

“Awww, but I hate adults! Adults are so boring and always trying to boss me around.” Fickle pouted. I frowned.

“Should have thought about that before going off and allowing Tenebres to satisfy your childlike curiosities.” I replied. Fickle returned my frown.

“But I promiseeee!" She whined. I slumped.

"Seriously?" I replied with a defeated look. Fickle held up a hand.

"Din's vessel. I genuinely want to talk to you! No backstabsies! In fact, I want to show you something!" She smiled. I lowered my staff and looked to Din. Din met my look and she snorted, lowering her head threateningly at them.

I won’t be taken by surprise like last time, sister! I’ve gotten more power than you can suck a pacifier in a day! Din cackled at her own insult. Tenebres growled.

Try as you might, dear sister. But like your vessel said. We are in the big kid’s playground. So perhaps you should start acting like one. She smirked. Din snapped.

I’ll be a child to hit one! She shouted. I held a hand up to her.

“Relax, Din. Keep a cool head and we’ll get it done.” I told her. Din shot her glare at me before tossing her head to the side with a “hmph” to follow it. I then stepped forward, calling away my staff. “Alright, Fickle. Where do you have in mind?” I asked her. Fickle beamed and excitably skipped towards her portal.

“This way!” She cheerfully said before vanishing into the pillar. There was a brief moment before her head poked out. “Oh, Aria, can you come too? It’ll be worth it, I promise!” She said before ducking back in. I looked over my shoulder to Aria, who met my cold glare. She spat onto the street, using the bent auto wagon as support to help her up before she limped and slouched her way past me and into the pillar. I nodded to Din, who phased back into me and I stepped into the portal.

Equestria Girl’s POV/b]

“You sure about this, Twilight?” Wallflower asked as she scribbled something down onto a journal. Twilight, who was using her hands as a way to measure the straightness of a big device that Flash Sentry, Timber Spruce and Bulk Biceps were struggling to wheel out on a wagon, smiled at her.

“The magic in finding a primal’s heart must be extremely powerful. With this device, the girls and I can use our own magic combined to make the machine send out an echo signal that’ll come back to us with magical readings. We just need to look out for a reading that has a huge spike in it.” She explained. She then waved to the boys. “That’ll be fine, boys! Thanks for the help!” She called out. The three fell onto their backs, exhausted.

Timber pushed himself up and walked over to her.

“As usual, I’m impressed. But… how is it that you were able to know how to make devices for magical stuff?” Timber asked, rubbing his back. Twilight knelt down to pick up a journal and began to scribble a drawing on it.

“Magic cannot be read by normal means. I figured using a color spectrum and sound can make for a better use in reading magic. And it is all thanks to Megan Williams that I’m able to do so.” She said with a smile. Wallflower looked up from her own journal questioningly.

“What do you mean?” She asked. Twilight reached into her backpack and withdrew Megan’s journal. She flipped open to a page and skimmed with her finger tracing under the words.

“Megan states that magic has an unpredictability even if it can be contained. Via outside forces acting on it or not, all the magic accumulates from a vein that cannot be seen by any means unless looking through colors.” Flash rubbed the back of his head as he stood up.

“Vein as in…” He said. Twilight wagged her pen.

“Like our blood veins. Think of it that way.” She replied. The boys nodded, understanding the concept now. Wallflower pursed her lips in thought.

“So, what, the world lives and breaths magic?” She asked. Twilight seemed a bit hesitant on this.

“Yes… and no… it’s… well it’s pretty much tricky to explain but in order for magic to be visible, the spirit has to draw from this, let’s call it a layer, from around them and able to shape it into something usable depending on the will, heart, mind and spirit of the individual.” She tapped on the journal page. “In short, if me and the others combine our magic that is drawn from this layer, it’ll create a new one. And anything on the amount combined will interact with this on another layer, creating a chain reaction and revealing the magic.” The four scratched their heads in confusion. Twilight sighed.

“Tricky to explain. It’s better if I just show you.” She said, looking up and waving. Sunset and the others descended from the sky and landed gently onto the ground. Sunset slumped.

“Sorry for running a bit late. Had to dodge a lot of people.” Sunset sighed. Twilight looked to her friends, seeing them in a bit of a frazzled state. She gave a concerned look. Sunset cleared her throat. “So. What’s going on?” She asked. Twilight smiled and presented the device to them. The girls “oohed” and “awed” at it.

“It’s huge-gantic!” Pinkie Pie stated happily. Sunset smiled.

“Wow. You made this in two days?” She asked. Twilight adjusted her glasses proudly.

“Eeyup! I just used some parts from the smaller one back at the school and spent the last two days rummaging in the junkyard for spare parts!” She grinned. Sunset then gave a worried look.

“Did you sleep?” She asked.

“Sleep? Who needs sleep? We need to find that heart and I am also excited to have a breakthrough in magical research! There is just so much to work with and not enough time!” Twilight cackled, her hair becoming a bit tussled and her eye twitched as she did her best to keep sane. The girls looked between each other before Sunset pat her shoulder gently.

“We appreciate all you do, Twi. So, what next?” Sunset said reassuredly. Twilight’s eyes widened a bit as if she had realized something of herself before she cleared her throat and gave a bashful smile.

“R-right! Okay. What I want all of us to do is Pony Up. We then release our magic into this rod here.” Twilight explained, pointing at a brass rod. “Sunset, your magic is stronger than ours. I need you to use that magic to ‘wash’ our own around the city if you can. When you do, it’ll cause a chain reaction and reveal magic that is on par to yours. Maybe even Tenebres and Din’s magic as well.” Sunset balked.

“Whoa, whoa. My magic is than everyone's? But… I was only able to turn into Daydream because of the horn.” She said. Twilight smiled and looked to Wallflower. Wallflower stepped forward and held out her journal to her. Sunset blinked and took it, opening up the journal.

“I… did some testing with the horn myself.” Wallflower spoke. “When I had it in my possession, it does activate magic when I strongly wish for something to happen. But I also realized that that effect tends to err… be temporary.” She dug her shoe tip into the ground bashfully. “The garden I showed you guys became overgrown and well… I trimmed one leaf off and everything went back to normal in an instant. I did a bit more testing before being… captured… and found that the horn’s effects creates the illusion of powerful magic.”

She motioned to Sunset. “When you and Fie saved the school, you held the horn and turned into Daydream. Did you wish for power to save the school?” She asked. Sunset lowered her head in thought. A realization washed over her.

“I didn’t wish…” she muttered, studying her hand. “When I grasped the horn, I didn’t wish. I strongly felt the urge to protect and save.” She then furrowed her look. “Then what about what happened with Adaggio? You used the horn to help us against her and I turned into Daydream after you wished.” She said. Wallflower winced.

“I… didn’t wish for you to have more power to save the city. I wished for you all to be stronger together to stop Adaggio.” She explained. Sunset looked stunned. Twilight smiled softly.

“Don’t you see, Sunset? No outside force made you Daydream. When you went against Midnight Sparkle, you showed the true form of friendship and a strong desire to save and protect. It’s because of that, you were able to transform and in turn, making your magic stronger. Together, we are strong, yes. But with someone to show everyone the true values of friendship and the desire to protect, who better than it to be you?” Sunset looked over her shoulder to her friends, who each gave her a confident and approved nod.

Sunset rubbed her forearm nervously. “But… why me? Why not you, Twilight?” She asked. Twilight smiled.

“I’m err… not sure. But it shouldn’t matter. What matters is that you exhibit the true values needed to harness magic at its’ fullest. I’m sure Princess Twilight would think so too.” She replied. Sunset blushed and brushed a bang out of her face, her mind racing to comprehend this information. Rainbow Dash wrapped an arm around the back of her neck and playfully punched her arm.

“You earned it, Sunset. After everything you’ve been through, it only seems right.” Rainbow winked.

“‘Ah can’t think of anyone suited for it.” Applejack agreed with a tip of her hat.

“Here-here.” Rarity smiled.

“We always knew you had it in you.” Fluttershy chimed in.

“Woo-hoooo!” Pinkie cheered. Sunset looked back to Twilight and Wallflower. Then, Flash and Timber stepped up with Bulk.

“You’ve come a long way, Sunset Shimmer. And it’ll only get better from here on out.” Flash smiled softly.

“If Twilight believes you to have the magic to help out Quiet Fire, then I do too.” Timber grinned. Sunset was still stunned by this, but she then turned to face the machine. Dark clouds were beginning to form over them. They then heard a chanting song echo loudly from within the city. Lightning crackled through the clouds, making for a sinister backdrop.

“Looks like we need to act now. Can you feel that?” Rainbow Dash stated, her expression serious as she looked towards the city. The girls nodded. A strong and dark cold breeze had blown through. Together, the six girls circled Sunset and held their hands out as their geodes activated, ponying them up. One by one, the girl’s magic shot out of their palms and began to twist and spiral around the brass rod. Sunset took a deep breath and closed her eyes, reaching out her own hands to the rod.

A red beam of light combined with the others, the machine whirring to life. Colors began to glow from the glass dotting the machine. Twilight looked to Sunset.

“Sunset! Wash our magic!” She called out. Sunset scrunched her brows, sweat beginning to drip from her brow as she tried to figure out how to do so. Is it just a wave of a hand? A motion? A chant? She began to realize that she had no clue what it meant to wash the magic. “Sunset??” Twilight spoke.

“I don’t know how!” Sunset called back, grunting as she struggled to turn into Daydream.

“Pretend you’re spreading out a jigsaw puzzle!” Twilight called out.

“Making a different scenario isn’t helping me understand it!” Sunset called back again, her frustration beginning to rise. Her eyes widened and she gasped. In a blink of an eye, she noticed a small figure crouching and grinning at them at the top of the machine. A child with curly blue hair and a shadowy cloak draped around her pink skin. Sunset met her eyes and she could see the shadowy fire swirl around her dark purple irises. Suddenly, a sharp teethed wide grin of a shadowy alicorn rose up in front of her and hissed. Sunset yelped and the girls released their magic at the notice of the sudden stranger. The girl stood up and cusped her hands in front of her courteously.

“I thought I sensed powerful magic nearby! What do you think, Tenebres?” The girl spoke happily. The shadowy face of the alicorn hovered around them as the seven huddled back-to-back. Sunset looked over and gasped as she saw Wallflower, Bulk, Flash and Timber being held at sword length by a giant suite of dark armor.

Yessss. These seven are indeed the magic that have been spreading around the town. This is it, bestie! These seven will give us what we need! Tenebres giggled eerily. The girl snapped her fingers and a dark haze began to surround them. Sunset grit her teeth and outstretched her hand, shooting a beam out towards the girl. Yet, the girl didn’t move and the beam bounced off of her. She giggled.

“That tickled! But you should know that your magic won’t work on me unlike our friends. Not when we have everything all set up perfectly. Din and her vessel won’t stand a chance now! Sorry not sorry, but I’m going to need your magic.” The girl then swished her hand and Tenebres hissed, charging them. Sunset held up her arms in front of her as Tenebres flew right through each of them. Sunset looked down at herself and she began to panic. She was unable to move as a red crystal began to form around her. When the crystal finished, Sunset was trapped. The same can be said for the others. Tenebres used her magic to have the seven trapped girls float around her as the girl sighed in satisfaction.

“Phase one is done thanks to Aria. Now let’s begin phase two.” The girl giggled. She withdrew her hand and from her cloak she drew a scythe. She then stabbed the butt of the scythe into the machine, crumbling it under her and cheering as she fell back into a shadowy pillar. Tenebres looked to the four and studied them. She then grinned and cackled as she dove into the pillar, leaving the four to look on in awe. The knight pulled away and walked backwards towards the last pillar and vanished. All four were speechless.

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