• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 12: Shivering Scourage of Roam, Steel Heart

With a deafening roar, the dire bear fell motionless on its’ side. I fell back on my haunches and panted exhaustively. My halberd dissipated into my quarterstaff next to me. The sweat dripped off my brow as I was starting to regret doing an endless gauntlet. But with the cheers of the crowd, I had quickly won them over. It also helped that I improvised. Being creative with my takedowns also awed the crowd.

“Another fantastic kill for the Fire Demon! That dire bear didn’t know how dire it was in the situation! Oh? What’s this?” There was a momentary pause. “My apologies, creatures! It appears that we have received word that a rematch has been set! However, as much as you lovely folks want more heart racing and death-defying fights, the arena can only fill up with so much blood! There will be a forced break while the arena is spruced up for the next fight! Please, enjoy it while it lasts! Because no matter who wins, we will keep bringing you entertainment just as our ancestors have before!” The announcer stated excitedly.

I fell onto my back, sprawled out and panting for breath.

Quite the show, I must say, you play the jester quite amusingly. Din grinned. I was too tired to argue back. I could only groan. My body was aching. It made me realize how badly I needed to stretch and warm up a bit more for longer fights. I tiredly pushed myself up and let out a long, tired sigh. Din hummed, causing me to look up and see the gates open and out came the guards. They aimed their weapons at me while the others proceeded to haul wagons out. I watched as two guards stepped aside and to my tired shock, Gild stepped through, accompanied by both the king and queen.

My friends were right behind them with their own guard escorts. Gild frowned disapprovingly at me.

“Prostrate yourself, warrior. You are in the midst of royalty.” Gild glowered. I let out a soft chuckle and shook my head.

“They aren’t my royalty…” I rasped. Gild drew his weapon but I casted a glare in his direction. Din cackled and there was a sizzle accompanied by Gild dropping his weapon and clutching his claw. The king held up a hoof as Gild was ready to swipe and the guards surrounding me at the ready. Gild looked quizzically at the zebra.

“My liege?” He asked. King Leo and I met eyes. I bet he was studying the tell that I have a primal inside of my head. I then had a thought. What the hell am I doing? I’m a third party. Through all my fights, I nearly forgot. This is a neutral power. I shifted myself, the guards shifting as well to my movements. I got down and put my horn to the ground.

“Rise.” King Leo said, his accent heavy. I honestly didn’t want to. Resting my head on the ground felt amazing. But I did so, rolling my neck and sitting on my haunches. King Leo eyed me again. “Allow me to note your combat prowess. For somepony so young, it’s a wonder why our investors caged you like a wild animal.” I remained silent. “I am King Leonidas I. Current ruler of Roam and its’ people, first of his name. My wife, Queen Zeuli, the Oracle of Zenith, welcomes you.” I looked between the two. I bowed my head and sighed.

“Caged like an animal is right. And frankly, you aren’t the ones to blame I imagine. It’s your investors, the Triad.” I stated. King Leo nodded.

“Yes. Our friends from Pony Land. Since you are familiar with them, then perhaps we may talk.” He then smiled softly. “Not here, of course.” I arched a brow and looked to my friends. I then frowned.

“We’ll talk, your majesty. But first, release my friends.” I replied. King Leo looked to Gild and nodded. The guards exchanged glances before stepping away, leaving my friends to rush over to me. Scribble, being the unlicensed doctor he is, checked me for any wounds. Cloudchaser and Flitter smiled at me.

“Thank Celestia things didn’t spiral too out of control.” Cloudchaser stated. I smiled and was about to reply when Gild cleared his throat.

“As per my king’s order. We will have plenty of time to discuss more away from here. If you please?” The griffon stepped aside and motioned towards the gate. Scribble helped me up with Cloudchaser and I nodded. We exited the monster ridden arena and made our way through a couple of hallways before entering into what looked to be a much tidier place. Wooden floors, warrior decor and a fireplace that was burning brightly behind a long table with several chairs. I tilted my head slightly.

“Huh. I am kinda' hungry.” I stated. Gild nudged me forward roughly.

“You’ll eat after you are done.” He said.

“Commander Gild, please.” King Leo said politely. Gild hesitated but bowed and stepped back. We took our seats and King Leo eyed me as I sat directly across from him. “Now then. I would like to hear your side of the story.” He began. I blinked.

“Huh?” I replied. King Leo leaned forward with his hooves under his chin. Something that took me off guard a little.

“Pony Land has been rather restless as of late. And they have graciously been trading plentiful resources to us in exchange for our own products for the past few weeks. Word gets around fast about your reputation.” King Leo began. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. “Destroying an entire city… it is quite unbelievable. However, we are inclined to believe it. Equestria’s minor suffering is a blessing for us and an annoyance to our neighbors.”

“What do you mean?” I asked narrowly. King Leo smiled.

“Forgive me. It has been a while since we have talked to adventurers. We haven’t had any in centuries. Not since my late great grand uncle passed after a tragic incident. I’m sure you are wary of your environment. And you are rightfully so. The underbelly of Roam is not a kind mistress. It will chew and spit until there is nothing left of you. Hence, why we throw these games in the Underworld.” Flitter frowned and crossed her forelegs.

“A bit extreme to quench anarchy.” She stated. King Leo nodded.

“A necessary act. Otherwise, I would have followed suite as my ancestors. But I digress. Now, will you tell me how you’ve managed to be involved in the middle of a conflict with our neighbors?” He asked. I saw him glance at his wife, who was awfully quiet. I looked to my friends, and they shrugged. I looked back to the king.

I told him everything that happened since the start of New Years. How I ended up to where I am now. I left somethings out when it came to certain regards to my friends. When I finished, King Leo was quiet. It was then that Zeuli stood up and faced me. Her glossy eyes meeting mine.

“Destiny has called you to this very place. And not just by happenstance.” She then walked over to me, her steps graceful and light. I rubbed the back of my head questioningly. “The realm is in peril and seven have been called. Yet one among them desires complete balance. That one is destined to ascend beyond the stars and cease to exist among the mortal plane.” She leaned in towards me and our eyes met again. Only this time, I gasped and found myself in the pitch black.

I quickly looked around and saw Din in a readied pose. She was looking around, alert and cautious. I was about to speak to her when I felt a strong aura wash over me. We both looked ahead, seeing blue fire rising higher and higher. Din was shocked. Well, that can’t be good. Looking a bit closer, I could make out a figure. A beautiful mare watching us from the fire, her silhouette moving with the flames.

Heed this message well, ascender. You are the one who will outshine amongst everycreature in the realm, including the gods. Your entire being and soul is the key to saving our realm. But beware the dragon, who seeks ruin. There was a blinding bright flash and we shielded our eyes. When the light dimmed, we saw the glowing scale. It floated over to the figure, who reached out with a hoof and brought the scale close.

She put the scale to her lips and I thought she was kissing it at first. But whatever she did, the scale began to glow brighter and she pushed it gently back towards us. I quickly reached with my magic as I noticed it was floating towards Din, levitating it towards me. The scale flashed and I stared in awe.

The scale had turned into a magnificent blade. A double-edged broadsword that spiked on both sides at the base of where the bottom of the blade would connect to the hilt. The hilt itself was intricate, making what would look like an E laying on the long end. The handle spiraled like a unicorn’s horn and polished wood. The pommel had an arc at the bottom with grooves, almost as if it was making a rainbow. The sword floated in front of us.

This blade belonged to the hero that banished the evil the scale belonged too. Purified by the blade's will and the wielder's desire to achieve victory to no end granted this blade to be a key to unimaginable power. This is your rite for your desire. The one who is destined to wield this sword, bearing the blood of the one who wielded it long ago, must slay the evil that will bear down upon our world, in order for you to fulfill your rite. The figure pointed at me. You are destined to sacrifice yourself to save our realm. For it is written in the stars. I furrowed my look at these words. Din, however, stamped her hoof.

Words and words and prophecies and more words. Din began, her annoyance clear. Gods and oracles. Stars and bloodlines. All this trivial bullshit and now I am being told that in order for my rite to power is stagnated due to a scale that will transform into a magical sword that only another creature can wield? Din's mane and tail began to flare and wildly flail. I stepped back a bit, only to stop myself and put my hoof on her shoulder.

"Din, relax. Remember, we declared war against the entire domain of gods. Whether these prophecies matter or not doesn't change the fact that we may be being lied to. And if they are, we can manage." I began. Din glared angrily at the figure.

Get out of my domain... Din rasped, her fangs bearing at the figure. With a quick wave of her head, she aimed her horn and the fire changed into her own. The figure began to scream. I blinked once, finding myself back into the room. I stared in shocked horror as Queen Zeuli reeled back, screaming in pain and covering her eyes. I could see smoke hiss from her. King Leo stood up quickly and Gild and his guards drew their weapons. King Leo held up a hoof to stop his guards. Gild glared at me before standing down. Queen Zeuli leaned against the wall, hunched over and removing her hooves. Her eyes were blackened and charred, ridding her of her beauty with a grotesque scar. She panted exhaustively and winced. As quickly as the grotesque scar appeared, it soon faded. Her glossy eyes returned and she pushed herself off the wall, rubbing her eyes. King Leo sat down and nodded.

"As you can see, an Oracle is granted a gift of a special form of clairvoyance. It has been passed down from her tribe for generations. She is one of the few who exist to this day." He explained. Queen Zeuli regained her composure before taking a shaky seat down at the table. "Now then. I have heard your tale and my wife has given her blessing. It is time to discuss another matter. One that I feel will turn the tide of favor for Equestria." It took me a moment to realize what he was saying. Scribble was kind enough to point it out.

"That almost sounds like you are willing to join Equestria in the war against our neighbors. Forgive me, but I'm a bit skeptical about Roam's position." He began. King Leo looked at him as he continued. "Considering the assassination of the late King Julius, Roam has been subjected to a lot of infighting. Are you sure you are wanting to bear our banners against Pony Land?" King Leo closed his eyes and sighed.

"It isn't a surprise that the change had been sudden and my people are restless. I have done my best to ensure that my people are well attended for. Yet, it has been difficult ever since the Gorgons were formed." He explained. I blinked. Gorgons? I remember seeing some that were bounded down on the Triad ship before I ended up fighting Aquarius. My quizzical look caught the king's attention. "The Gorgon's were... once brethren to my army. Or rather... Julius's. They continue to preach the ways of King Julius, acting as heroes and 'liberating' tribal villages of Roam that are 'uncared for'." He flourished his hoof. "Brandishing these... firearms bestowed upon by our investors after raiding a warehouse has only led to them becoming increasingly violent and bold in their approaches. Thankfully, we have something they don't. Better equipment. The ones they brandish so bravely for this twisted sense of justice has caused them to lose more kin. Such a waste of talented individuals and resources." He looked to Scribble, who was listening intently. "Yes, we do have our own issues. But as of late, I am confident to test a certain... theory of mine." His eyes then fell on me. Queen Zeuli looked nervously at King Leo.

I had a sinking feeling that I was not going to enjoy any moment of this.

"Gild. Prepare the match. Have Equestria's champion fed well and rested." He stood up along with the queen as Gild bowed to him.

"Right away. But before that, sire." Gild stated. "The Visar has been asking for you. A certain matter has been discovered and I think you'd want to hear for yourself." He began. The King eyed his general. He then looked at his wife before slowly sitting back down.

"Very well. Retrieve Visar Galm here." He said. Gild bowed once more before exiting the room. To no surprise, he left his guard here to watch us. King Leo sighed. Queen Zeuli glanced nervously at him.

"Must the Visar always be with us?" She asked him. king Leo didn't look her way.

"The Visar has been a constant companion to the throne for moons. I still do not see how you can distrust him so." He replied. Queen Zeuli lowered her head. A look of sadness on her. I arched a brow in response to this. Even my friends noticed this.

"Who is the Visar?" I asked to break the tension. King Leo gestured with a hoof.

"He has been the right hoof to the throne, providing insightful advice to those that are unprepared or indecisive when proclaiming their rule. He has been a great help in the times after King Julius. My wife... knows the Visar from a past before. An unpleasant one, but one the Visar has been trying to mend." He replied. Queen Zeuli looked up slightly.

"If you call decades of enslavement a scar to mend, I must remind you that some snakes rely on instinct. And most things never change with that griffon..." She replied, hugging herself just slightly and looking disgusted. I gave her a concerned look. King Leo, however, didn't seem to acknowledge his wife's distress.

"Our ancestors spent centuries with distrust and unkempt company. If we do not forgive our demons of past transgressions, how can we ever call ourselves zebra?" He replied. "You haven't been sleeping well these past weeks. Perhaps you should retire early tonight." Zeuli shook her head.

"My sire... I am afraid you do not understand the danger having the Visar under your wing is. If you would just listen-" King Leo shot a glare at his wife, silencing her.

"Do not question my words, Zeuli. You know better that I hold my words. You need not worry about the Visar. If he steps out of line, I will take care of it." He said. Zeuli studied her husband sadly before bowing her head. I noticed she cast a glance towards me. A cry for help. The door opened and Gild walked in with a purple robed griffon. He was balding just a bit at the top of his head. He smiled pleasantly at the king and queen and bowed.

"Your graces. It is good to see you all in good health." He began. King Leo smiled.

"Come now, my friend. Rest yourself. I was just chatting with Equestria's grand champion and her companions." He said. The griffon studied me. He rubbed his ruffled beard.

"How interesting... You share the same..." He then clicked his tongue and waved a claw. "Ahh, forgive me. A pleasure to meet you, champion." He said. I didn't say anything but only nodded slightly. The Visar looked to the king and sat down. "My liege, it appears the Gorgons have been spotted at the entrance to Underworld. As we speak, they are beginning to raid the barracks and will soon find themselves inside the arena. No doubt to liberate our criminals." King Leo's look turned grim.

"Of all the worst possible times. The champion has yet to prove her worth for Equestria's sake." He began. I arched a brow.

"For Equestria's sake?" I replied coldly. King Leo waved a hoof dismissively.

"I do not mean it as a threat. What I meant to say was that if you prove yourself to be what your people say you are against Roam's own champion, then perhaps we could work on an arrangement to aid Equestria." He said. Me and my friends exchanged glances.

"Just... like that?" I asked. King Leo shook his head.

"It is more nuanced than that, my friend. But it is a step in the right direction. Lately our neighbors have been transporting imports from their nation. Almost abundantly so. The same could be said for our own neighbors in the Zebra Lands. Pony Land has been exposing the tribes and disrupting ancient traditions in a means to amass support by the tribes as well as exchange for exotic fauna and flora. Why they need so much exotic specimens is still baffling to me, but no doubt the power the two kingdoms hold is not a telltale sign.” He smiled and nodded to Zeuli, who was still a bit in distress. “It is thanks to my wife here that we are able to understand what the true intentions of our neighbors are.”

Scribble rubbed his chin.

“Are you saying the queen foresaw our intentions as well as the warring nation?” He asked. We looked to Zeuli. She shuddered and seemed to calm herself before facing us.

“I had a dream. One that came true a few days after.” She looked at me. “We would be visited by a messenger. They would tell us that fire would rain down upon a city. Destruction and chaos as our land burns. And from it emerged a figure. Mane and tail flailing like the wildfire. Coat charcoaled and eyes of fierce amber. She would descend from the heavens, not out of malice or hate, but to protect. However, before that time came, our world collapsed. The elements clashed and none lived to tell the tale. Overlooking the destruction was a giant serpent.” She sighed. “How it came true was news about your land suffering from lightning and the earth rising. The water swirling down and upwards. A tropical climate attacked by a deity and fierce winds. Darkness would enshroud with the screams of maidens. Light would shine brightly over its’ land.”

She kept her gaze on me. “And cold winds blowing over the scorched, bloodied sands of our home.” She then shot a look at the Visar, who seemed less interested, but listening none the less. Realizing he was being addressed, he put a shocked claw to his chest.

“My queen! I would never unleash cold winds onto our beloved lands! It is nigh impossible! I am much too busy aiding the king and our diplomats to bother with anything remotely catastrophic!” He replied. Zeuli shook her head and stood up, pointing a hoof at him while looking at the king.

“Sire, he has already unleashed the foreseen prophecy! Amongst the iced winds, his body lay in the center of it!” She stated. The king glared once more.

“Zeuli, I will have enough of your tongue! You are tired! Guards, escort her out and take her to a bed so she can rest!” He ordered. The guards went around, wrapping their hooves under her’s, but she broke free and fell at my chair, clutching onto my hoodie cloak.

“Champion, I saw it! You are the one! You will destroy to save! Achieve your ascension! Find the one who wields the bloodline of the hero! She will grant you passage!” She shouted hurriedly as the guards fought with her to drag her out. We watched her worriedly, save for the unamused looks of the king and the Visar. Din hummed.

She’s doomed herself. She stated casually. I arched a brow. I would feel sorry for the mare. But alas, I apologize to no one. I couldn’t help but groan softly and rub my head in frustration. Which is the truth and which makes sense?! What the hell am I supposed to do?! Find the seven, save the world. Simple, right? Now find somecreature who shares the blood of a hero from before? What is this damned prophecy and why is it so convoluted?! Din was quiet, but she tapped my head.

I looked over to the king, who sat with a sigh.

“Forgive my wife, she is not well. Her dreams of this clash of elements has taken a toll on her. We have nothing to worry, she assumes the worst.” He said. The Visar smiled.

“Do not fault the queen. Her gift comes at a price as with all oracles. Now then, as for the matter at hoof and claw.” He said. “The Gorgons are at our doorstep. Reports have stated there is another with them that has helped them progress further.” King Leo narrowed his eyes.

“Is Gladius among them?” He asked. The Visar tapped a singular claw on the table.

“Perhaps. There is no positivity on that info. But one can never be too sure. We’ve already dispatched their scouts and prisoned several assassins. I hate to say this, but it appears your life is to be ended this day.” The griffon spoke. King Leo went quiet, his look contemplating. He then smirked, catching me and my friends off guard. He looked to me.

“Very well then. We will ambush the Gorgons. If I know Gladius, he’d want to go after the criminals in the cages. Champion, I would ask that you keep the crowd entertained and distracted as to not draw attention to what is going on. It maybe an unpleasant sight, but they are our people.” He looked past me and I tilted my head, only to see Gild walk past me and bow.

“As you requested, my liege. The match is ready. The err… combatant has been…” Gild hesitated. King Leo looked puzzled at the griffon.

“This is not like you to hesitate.” He said. Gild sighed and looked over to me.

“Just a sinking feeling.” He said. I narrowed my eyes at him. King Leo nodded before a look of realization.

“My apologies. You have not been fed.” King Leo clopped his hooves together. The door opened and a couple of guards brought in fruit bowls. I was shocked a little to see that this was prepared. We stared at the food while the Visar helped himself to something charred. It smelt strangely delicious. But my brain was telling me no. King Leo motioned at the food. “Your friends are welcome to it as well.” Cloudchaser didn’t hesitate. She took an apple and began to chomp down on it.

I looked at her in surprise. How did I not see it? Flitter too helped herself to the food. Even Scribble helped himself to some. I felt my blood boil. I shot a glare at the king and Visar. Din began cackling.

I’d say it’s more than ample justification. You did warn them. I ignored her and angrily levitated a grape bundle towards me and chomped down it. I’ve gotten used to eating slop that tasting something juicy and quite delicious eased me a bit. But the thought of what my friends are going through kept my anger on standby. Once I was sated with food, King Leo smiled and stood up.

“Ready yourself well, Equestria’s champion. This battle will decide whether you carry Equestria’s suffering and ideals proudly or fail and doom yourself.” He then bowed and left the room with Gild and his guards. Cloudchaser frowned.

“The king gave off a lot of mixed signals.” She began. Flitter nodded.

“It’s no surprise considering what is going on.” She replied. Scribble looked at me.

“How are you feeling, Fie?” He asked. I appreciated Scribble for his sentiment.

“It all depends on how this goes down.” I crossed my forelegs over my chest. “King Leo isn’t treating Queen Zeuli properly enough. She seemed… stuck.” I sighed and lowered my head. “I wish I could help the creatures of Roam a bit, but we are trapped ourselves and we don’t have a lot of time to stabilize internal conflicts. I say we stick to our plans and if we can somehow make things a little easier, for better or worse, then that’s fine by me.” I replied. Cloudchaser motioned at us.

"So, what now? Do we just continue fanning the king like good little fillies?" She looked at me. "I don't want to watch another minute of Fie having to bloody her hooves. It might not be monsters next time." I blushed brightly and fidgeted in my seat.

"Th-that's sweet of you, CC. But I'm fine. All I have to do is win this set up battle and we can figure out what to do then." I replied with a small tapping of my hoof tips. Scribble helped himself to a pineapple before speaking with a bit of a full mouth.

"We muth keep upth apperanth's for now." He spoke, swallowing and patting his chest. "We need to figure out the bigger picture in all of this. That and we still need to find Thi. The Triad could have put her anywhere." We heard a throat clear and looked, realizing that the Visar hadn't left with the king and the group. In fact, he was drinking from a goblet that I wasn't sure where it came from. He let out a satisfied sigh after pulling away the goblet and slightly shifting it to swirl the liquid inside.

"Sounds like you could do with a bit of help." He began. I narrowed my eyes as he continued. "You see, these... mercenaries... are no more than terrorists. Nothing here is illegal under Roam's laws. Well... except for a few, but those are trivial compared to what the Gorgons are going to do." Flitter furrowed her look.

"And what exactly should we be worried about exactly aside from our freedom being stripped away currently?" She asked. The Visar chuckled.

"Who said that you all were enslaved? Granted, we were unaware that your friend here was caged like an animal. Upon hearing this, his majesty proceeded to free you. Even granting you the ability to 'spare a life' so you could fight them later. Something that isn't our tradition. The merciful King Leo even went out of his way to talk to ones who aren’t even involved in local affairs. I’d say you four have the best chances to survive this world.” He said. Scribble stoically shook his head.

“If you believe our survival depends solely on the favors of royalty, I am afraid you couldn’t be any more wrong. Yes, we need leaders to guide us along a path that is bloodied and dark, but we as individuals don’t need them to survive.” He said. The Visar chuckled.

“I’m unfamiliar with the customs of Equestria. But doesn’t Equestria have two?” He asked. “Why, I think that’s more than enough to show that what you say maybe considered a lack of faith.” Flitter and Cloudchaser stood up and glared at him. But Scribble held up a hoof.

“Be it as it may, all creature’s own ideals and morals are being tested at this very moment. Equestria has its’ own bloodied past just as Roam had. But what Roam failed to see is the dangers of unfairness Equestria had. Our land was frozen. Cold and undesired. It’s thanks to the founders realizing their differences could help each other that we strive for harmony.” The Visar seemed intrigued by Scribble’s words. He then stood up and shrugged.

“I admire ones who are aware of their situations. That makes them all the more dangerous. Equestria was right to pick you all.” He grinned. I stood up.

“I picked them.” I said. “Equestria picked me and I picked them. And considering how Roam has purposefully starved my friends after being traded to the king, something tells me that this battle the king has set up is more than just a display of both nations sizing each other up.” I looked stoically at the griffon. He only beamed and tapped his head.

“I like you. Perhaps when this is over, you could show the king an idea or two.” He grinned and shifted a wing before walking out. Cloudchaser rubbed the back of her head in confusion.

“Err… what just happened?” She asked. I sighed and walked over to the door.

“We aren’t guests and we aren’t slaves. We are being treated this way because we are Equestrian.” I frowned and looked to them. “This is something we as a third party are going to be subjected to. This was something I expected when arriving into Pony Land.” I then gave a small chuckle. “Glad that Roam is the one that caught us. This’ll be the Triad’s next mistake.”

I stretched inside the cell room. I was getting wary looks from the combatants inside their cells. I don’t blame them. My cell is literally outside in the main walking area. I rolled my neck and did another stretch. I cast a slight glance at a zebra sulking in the corner of one cell. Damascus was quiet, her head bowed, but her eyes glaring in my direction. I could only assume she was having dagger-ish thoughts for what I did to her. She wanted a warrior’s death rather than having to live another day in this hell hole.

I understood warrior pride as I’ve seen it a lot in my time during the underground fighting rings Namaste set up for me. I wonder how my old teacher is fairing. Hope the little ones are okay. I was then hit with a wave of homesickness and it made me pause in my stretching. I was tempted to call the four mares to see how things are going, but I think that’s a bad idea in a room full of creatures waiting for the clock to count down. When I was finished stretching, a guard had conveniently walked in, spear at the ready.

“Get moving, slag.” They ordered. I sighed and stood up. The guard led me out of the room and down a hall. I braced myself as they stepped aside, still keeping their spear aimed at me as I walked by. I stood in front of the tall gate, hearing the crowd chatter and drone around me in a reverb echo.

Hmmmm. Din hummed.

'Something wrong?' I asked in my thoughts.

Just focus on keeping yourself alive. There is something I can try here. Use whatever you feel like of my power. But I will conserve most of it. She replied. I narrowed my look a little in a concern.

'You're asking me to trust you?' I responded. Din scoffed.

I still have a void for a domain. Don't get the wrong idea. I remained silent. Something in me clicked a bit. I stood at the gate, waiting for it to rise. I took a moment to steady my breathing. Whatever match the king has set up could only mean to fully test me. But one thing that I have a hunch feeling about. He might not follow through on lending aid to Equestria. At least, talk about it. The king didn’t show himself to be the best zebra to handle emotional situations.

But I’m not political power. I’ll leave that stuff to the princesses.

“Welcome back, folks! Hope you enjoyed the break! We got a special fight set up to bring you all thrills and excitements! Those of you in the splash zone better have a new change of tunics, because things are about to get bloodied!” The announcer echoed excitedly over the arena. “As many of you know, many warriors are made here and many fall here! It is part of the cycle that continues to provide us Roamers to understand that the world can be unkind and that any creature can be a savage if provoked into it! No offense if you are a resident of Pony Land.” There were some chuckles from the crowd. “But I digress. Folks, I believe we are in for the battle of a lifetime! Allow me to bring back introductions to the Fire Demon of Equestria!”

The gate began to rise and when it was high enough, I walked out into the arena. The crowd was cheering. There were hardly any booing now.

“This mare has shown to be quite the brutal fighter! Not only that, but this Equestrian hot streak hottie also knows how to show up even the most skilled shaman in zebra arts! You would think unicorns are all book smarts, but not this pony! Hope you give us a nice fight, demon!” I frowned. This announcer is really pushing his luck. Din couldn’t help but chuckle.

Wouldn’t be remiss if a stray bolt of fire from me would hit the announcer stand? Din stated. I kept it in mind as the announcer continued.

“Now folks, you’ve all heard the stories. A warrior who woke up one day battling the mighty Basilisk, gaining power that rivals that of the gods themselves! Divine intervention? Or latent power that the warrioress had been training for years on! Able to adapt and brutally finish a fight, you know her, you love to hear her battle cry! The minotaur of Midas’s labyrinth! Give it up for, Steel Heart!” I had to lower my ears to cover them as the crowd went wild. Din, however, I could hear clearly.

About time… She remarked. The gate ahead of me opened up as I readied myself, not using my stance or calling my staff yet. I waited. The crowd cheered before quieting down after some time has passed. I tilted my head and looked up to the podium. King Leo and the Visar looked down at me. Eyes open, idiot!! Din barked, snapping me out of my confusion. I felt myself being yanked to the side as something crackled past me. I rolled on my side and looked up in shock.

A wall of spiky ice trailed from the gate to where I was moments ago. The air in the arena suddenly got colder and I saw my breath. I quickly stood up and finally withdrew my staff aiming at the gate. A hulking figure took one stamp out of the shadows. The figure was cloaked in tattered rags that swayed with the steps. The figure lumbered with a swagger further out. With a snort, I could see the wind from it clearly. I began to shiver. Not out of fear, but because of how quickly the temperature dropped. The figure looked up from under the hood and our eyes met.

It was almost instant, but something told me to move. I quickly dove and rolled out of the way as several ice spikes impaled into the snow that now surrounded us. A flurry of flakes swirled around us. I saw Din dusting the snow off of her shoulder as she stood next to me. I kept my eyes on the figure. The creature rose a hand up and removed the rags causing me to gasp. The announcer wasn’t kidding. The vessel of Shiva is a minotaur. Rustic fur with white spots dotting her backside. A leather strap covering certain bits across her chest and a leather waist belt that draped down to her knees. Abs and muscles toned that’d make Bulk Bicep jealous. An iron ring accessorized on her nose and mean looking horns pointing forward.

Her silver eyes swirling with frost to show her being one of the seven. Din smirked.

I must say, Shiva. You picked a mean looking one this time. She stated. From the swirling flakes of snow that rose next to Steel Heart, formed a spectral icy alicorn. She stepped forward a bit and scraped the ground with a hoof.

How amusing. You continue to display such smugness despite having been bested by a brat. Shiva replied. Din’s smirk softened a bit, but she waved a dismissive hoof.

Somethings do change with age. Such as you picking prodigies for something more rugged. She eyed Steel Heart. Shiva unfurled a wing in front of Steel Heart as the minotaur shifted. This caused Din to arch a brow before suddenly throwing her head back, laughing. By the stars, things really do change with age! Ahahahaha! You care for a vessel?? That's priceless! She laughed. Shiva didn't show any emotion.

I do not need to explain myself to you. You only need to know that we are here for a reason. And since you do not yearn to listen to your kin, then I will put some sense into you your way. She replied. Din cocked a brow.

Hah? Now that's a surprise... Din said. She took a step forward while Shiva followed suite. Putting some sense into me? And what makes you think I have none? I'm not the one flowing with that damned snake's power. I earned mine and I will continue to do so. If you are going to get in my way of obtaining more, then I have every reason to crush you. Din and Shiva got up into each other's face and their horns crossed. The moment they did, the snow dissipated, and I shielded myself. In a flurry of wind, we were back in the arena. I heard the crowd express their surprise through shocked screams. I lowered my hoof and gaped. Din and Shiva were visible in their spectral forms, their horns still locked. Steel Heart rolled her neck. Din grinned maniacally at Shiva, who only showed stoic struggle. The two then hopped into the air and kicked off of each other, shaking the ground as they soared back towards us. Din quickly phased back into me while Shiva did the same with Steel Heart. Steel Heart was the first to make a move. She let out a roar of defiance and with crazy speed, kicking up the sand as she did, she charged me, horns ready to gore. She was so quick I barely had time to roll out of the way.

Steel skid to a halt, unfortunately, as if predicting I'd roll and brought a heavy fist down. I was forced into the ground and the sand erupted around us. My eyes widened as I felt all the wind leave me. Steel didn't waver. She wrapped her hand around me and lifted me up. I could almost feel myself passing out as she started to choke me. However, Din growled and moved my head, aiming my horn and let out a beam of fire. Steel dropped me as the fire grazed her cheek. I hit the ground and coughed, gritting my teeth and painfully pushing myself off the ground.

Stop fooling around!! Din barked. I looked up in time to see a hoof from the minotaur raise over me. I rolled out of the way as she stamped her hoof. I kept rolling as she tried to stomp on me. Finding my second wind, I kicked some sand up and hit her in the eyes. She yelled in pain and stumbled back, covering her face. If there was one thing I learned about fighting underground, you don't play fair. I rushed forward and delivered several good punches into her stomach. If I was a normal pony, I wouldn't have been able to do much to a toned minotaur. But with the strength of Din, Steel reeled down and I followed up by gripping her horns and bringing up a hind hoof directly under her chin. I still held onto her horns and let her head get thrown back by the force, bringing me up over her. I brought both my hind legs in and bucked her directly into the face, letting go of her horns and backflipping off of the impact. She went crashing into the ground, the sand being kicked up around her before she crashed into the wall. I landed on my hooves and got into my stance.

"Holy whoa!! What just happened!?" The announcer exclaimed. "What an explosive start to the fight!! It was so fast even my own eyes couldn't keep up with it! And just what were those specters that showed up out of nowhere in the middle of the arena!? I tell ya' I never thought I'd see somecreature manage to keep up with the Scourge of the Sands!!" I narrowed my eyes. Din growled.

Move!! She barked. On instinct, I quickly hopped to the side, avoiding a trail of spiked ice shooting my way. Steel Heart roared as she rose up from the ground, her muscles bulging and rage on her face. I panicked a bit as she sprinted in a charge towards me. I noticed she had ripped something bulky out of the ground before chucking it at me. I dove out of the way and in quick reaction from the kicked-up sand, I conjured three clones. I had them rush out of the sand cloud and Steel Heart's rage subsided to shock a bit.

"Is there sand in my eye or am I just seeing a mirage?? Did the Fire Demon just clone herself?? Perhaps the unicorn isn't just all brawn!!" The announcer stated. The cheers began to erupt. Two of my clones rushed, jumping at her. Steel Heart deftly dodged one and avoided another. I vaulted the third one off my back as Steel Heart stumbled to avoid my "attacks". Steel Heart looked over her shoulder and gasped as my vaulted clone flipped, axe bucking the minotaur over the head. She fell to her knees and my clones dog piled. Steel Heart seemed surprised that my clones matched my strength. I got on my hooves and walked over to her. She looked up at me.

"Steel Heart. You don't have to do this. We can work together." I began. Steel Heart snorted and with a roar, she threw my clones off of her. She loomed over me with a glare.

"Don't screw around, pony!! The fights only started!" Steel spoke, a surprisingly gruff feminine voice from her. I stepped back and quickly dodged a grab swipe, trotting away from her a bit.

"But we don't have to fight!! They want us to battle to the death, but we cannot kill each other!" I retorted. Steel Heart snorted.

"Shut up and fight! There's a reason for all of this! I just need you to sit the hell still!!" She threw her arm back and an ice javelin formed. She heaved it at me, but I was quick to call upon my halberd and bat it away in time. Steel Heart grinned as she swished her hand. I blinked and looked over to the javelin. It shattered into tiny ice particles, and they began sailing towards me. I spun my halberd quickly, but some of the ice that didn't evaporate began to cut me. My hoodie cloak quickly getting shredded in some areas. I ended up shielding myself. Steel Heart grabbed one of my clones by the head and chucked her at me, sending both me and her bouncing into the sand. I shook away my daze as I rose, seeing Steel take both of my other remaining clones and crushed both of their heads together. I winced as the crowd followed my wince. My clones vanished save for the one that went rolling with me. We readied our halberds as Steel glared at us. "Nice trick. I wonder what more you can show me." She held out a hand towards me. "Show me that resolve you declared against the serpent. It'll be all the more satisfying to crush it." I tilted my head, confusion clear on my face. Why do I feel like I'm being proclaimed an actual villain? Din hummed.

What are you doing sister? Din asked more to herself. A swirling mist of ice formed at the palm of the minotaur and when she gripped the mist, an icy axe solidified. She twirled the axe in her hand and swished her other hand, forming an icy spear. Holding both at her side, ready to fight, she stamped her hoof and a trail of ice shot towards me. My clone and I avoided it and I heaved my halberd like a javelin myself while my clone rushed. When my clone stabbed her halberd, Steel deftly blocked it with the ice axe, hooking the halberd and lifting my clone just enough for the spear to be stabbed through her. She lifted my clone high overhead before swinging her spear and my clone tumbled over to me. I avoided my clone as she vanished behind me. Calling back my weapon, I aimed my halberd at Steel as she proceeded to lower herself and charge me again. This time, she wasn't bull rushing me. I readied myself, twirling my halberd around my waist and clashed with her axe. She raised her spear and began to stab at me. I shifted my body a bit, deftly avoiding the stabs before flicking the axe and bringing the butt of my halberd around and jabbed her stomach. She let out an "Oof" and was lifted off of her hooves. However, she brought her hooves down and slid back across the sand. When she stopped, she heaved her axe. It was so fast that I didn't have time to dodge. I braced myself as the axe reached me, only for it to shatter around me and I felt an intense chill wash over me. So much so that I began to shiver and my teeth chattered.

I felt Din's warmth start to flow through me. The ice evaporated into steam off of my body. I wiped the blood from my head and got back into my stance. Steel Heart reached behind her and from the icy mist did she draw a massive sword. She held it in both hands and took a stance at me. Din scoffed.

Refusing to use her own weapon? Whatever. I’ll shatter that ice and teach my sister not to look down on me! Din said. Steel brought the sword around and charged me again, the blade digging into the sand. I wanted to stand my ground. Readying my halberd as she got close, she raised her sword and brought it down on me. I blocked it with my halberd in a lock.

“Steel, please! We have to work together here! We don’t have to fight like this!” I grunted, struggling against the weight. Steel leaned over me.

“You want to talk? Talk to the sand!” Steel retorted. I wasn’t prepared for her to shift her weight and using the flat of her icy blade, she successfully pressed me into the sand. I struggled to fight back against her pressure.

“What… reason… are you talking about?” I grunted. Steel snorted, blowing my mane.

“Warriors do not use words in the heat of battle! They are meaningless to me!” She retorted. I felt a wave of frustration. Just then, I felt Din and I synergize. She got on her back and mimicked my pose. Together, we pushed back, causing Steel to look at me with slight shock.

“I’m no warrior!” I retorted. Din smirked and together we aimed down with our magic. Releasing a compress of fire, the sand erupted around us. Steel backed away, allowing me to retreat into the dust. ‘We gotta' figure out something to pacify her.’ I thought to Din.

Just crush all of that fighting spirit. What more must be done? Din replied boredly.

‘Minotaurs are known for their strength, endurance and stamina. I may have a lot of stamina myself, but they topple it tenfold. And with Shiva at the helm, who knows what amount of energy she is supplying her.’ I replied. Din chuckled.

None. I sense she is using nothing but her own vessel's combat prowess. Shiva has been silently observing, only lending minimal amount to her. There is one thing that is bothering me. Din stated. I balked and hopped aside as Steel roared and swung her blade down at me. I bounced back and got into my stance as she turned and began to rush me. I avoided her attacks as Din continued. Shiva has yet to draw her own weapon. Despite the serpent’s power stinking her up, I do not sense her at her fullest.

I clashed blades with Steel, our weapons making strange sounds that weren’t normal steel on steel. It was almost as if bones were being crunched. After a bit of back and forth, we circled our spot before pushing off of each other. Din cackled and I felt power flow through me. I swished my head, my horn’s tip leaving an amber light trail as Din aimed me and sent out five small orbs of fire. Steel slammed her palm into the ground, creating a massive ice wall.

Predictable! Din barked. One of the orbs hit the wall and a cluster of explosions shattered it. Steel shielded herself before the remaining balls sailed around her and exploded into clusters. It launched Steel into the air as Din followed up with aiming my horn once more. Din rapid fired beams at Steel, some of them pelting the minotaur a few times. However, Steel recovered and with the momentum, she held out her hooves and dove into the ground. Din was quick as she used her wings on me to send me into the air. With the sand that exploded around Steel when she landed, a massive ring of spiked ice erected high into the sky. Din had me dodge and spiral, having to swear when one tip of ice nearly nicked me. I swished my head and Din cut the ice before bucking it away, letting it fall back towards the arena.

The ice chunk vanished into the dust and a loud crash of ice shattering signaling it had hit the ground. I used Din’s eyes and scanned the area. What was her next action? The dust was massive. It was hard to make out anything. Din quickly grew impatient and groaned.

I grow tired of waiting, sister! If you want to knock some sense into me, I have saved some for yourself! I felt my head being drawn back and aimed down into the sand. Spectral fire swirled out of my horn and entered into the dust. A raging vortex of fire formed, encircling inside the arena. Thankfully, the audience weren't affected, but they were shielding themselves from the intense heat from Din. Din cackled and tightened the vortex, bringing it into a twister. I noticed a silhouette rise quickly inside the vortex. As quick as it appeared, the vortex dissipated in a wind of ice. Steel floated in the air, Shiva's wings on her back. Steel didn't get out of the vortex unharmed, however, she did have something different in her hands. A massive sharply shaped battle axe. Din hummed amusedly. Hah! About time you stopped playing around! She grinned.

You tire me with your cockiness, sister. Do you truly wish to keep going down the path of destruction? You are one of the seven. Cease your pointless battle! Shiva responded. Din growled and together, we kicked off the air and sailed into Steel. Our blades clashing and causing a shockwave over the arena.

Pointless? Did you get one too many beatings being a slave to mortal entertainment? Or has all the time here softened your mind? Since when did you start talking so much?? Din smirked. Steel grunted, struggling against me.

"Everything talks too much... annoying!" She growled. Din cackled.

Oh, now I get it! Big muscles here is too dumb to use her words! Bet there's all that room inside that head for you to work with! So tedious! She grinned. Steel didn't like that. With a raging roar, I yelped as I saw my vision go black before feeling my body being pulled and then heaved downward, quickly crashing into the sand. I felt the wind leave me, but Din took over and blocked Steel bearing down the axe on me. We sunk a bit more into the ground. Steel raised her axe up and brought it back down on me. Over and over and over and over again. Getting another second wind, I quickly swiped under Steel's hooves. Primal strength is insane. Steel tripped and stumbled, losing her momentum on the swing and grazing me. She angrily reached out for me again, but thinking the same thing as Din, I stabbed her palm with the tip of my horn, digging it in and Din unleashed fire. Steel screamed in agony, pulling away and dropping to her knees, her axe buried in the sand. She clutched her hand, the hand shaking. The wound was immediately cauterized by the attack, but it was enough for me to push off the ground and wipe the blood off my muzzle. I couldn't hold my curiosity anymore.

"Alright... What the hell is going on here...?" I rasped and panted. Steel glared and was about to speak when Shiva's voice spoke through.

Steel, I need you to quell your rage and allow me to speak. My sister will only retaliate if you proceed to continue. Shiva spoke. Din cackled and with a wave of my head, Steel was suddenly bombarded with waves of bladed fire. She shielded herself, only to get blasted off her hooves and onto her back.

Seems like the minotaur's empty brain has been imprinted on you, sister. You don't know the extent I'm willing to go to beat you down. Din cackled. Something in me clicked again. Now I understand what I was seeing here. Din hummed at my thinking. You've got to be kidding me. She said with disappointment. I sighed.

"You should have picked Steel, Din. It's only right for personalities to match." I said. Din glared.

How dare you! She growled. I shook my head and stabbed the butt of my halberd into the sand.

"Shiva. What are you trying to get at with us? What reason do you have to fight us?" I asked. In a swirl of ice and snow that appeared out of nowhere, Shiva's spectral form appeared over Steel, who was painfully trying to raise from the ground.

Were it so easy to explain. Heed well, for I feel it will fall on deaf ears. She said. Din scoffed.

The hell!? Are we not in the middle of battle!? Why must I subject myself to this idiocy!? I felt my body began to move, but this time, I desynergized from Din and stopped myself. Din roared. Imbecile! Moron! Idiot! Do not fight me on my victory!! She stated. I shook my head.

"Din, as much as I understand your desire to win this fight against your polar opposite, we should probably hear out Shiva." I began.

Shut up! This has been a long time coming for this bitch! She retorted. I frowned.

"And yet, Shiva has been taking it relatively easy on us." I mentioned. "The others would have gone all out, but both of you have been holding back." I looked stoically at the two. "It's something that happens in the heat of battle. You can tell when your opponent is holding back or not. There was no killing intent. Everything was meant to pacify. Taking that as I will, what is this reason you have against us?" Shiva looked back at Steel, who had finally stood up and still clutching her hand before looking back at me.

The reason is why you are here. Why our fated encounter is here. Shiva looked up over to the podium. I followed her gaze and blinked questioningly. I didn't realize our scuffle had caused some destruction to the arena. Several craters, destroyed walls and some of the creatures in the stands looked a bit injured as certain areas appeared to have been struck by heavy debris. However, where the king and Visar were sitting along with my friends, I noticed something else. Din's eyes narrowed. I felt a boiling anger from her. Around King Leo was a light. Distorted but shining. I gasped. Tis not just the king tainted with sister's light. But several creatures here are suffering from the same fate. Shiva looked to me. The king is not compatible with her power and will die upon a single use of it. Steel and I have been trying to learn more about the king's ties to Lux. Yet, anything attempted to discover more has been quelled thanks to that damned chicken. I scanned the podium. The Visar was sitting relaxed, being fanned by a bored Flitter. The Visar swirled a goblet before taking a satisfying drink and smirking. I narrowed my eyes.

'Din.' I began. Din snorted.

I know what you are thinking, vessel. As much as I want to destroy this pathetic excuse of a civilization, my sister's punishment comes first. She growled. I was surprised by this, expecting a similar situation with Hoofington. Steel sighed and stood up.

"So, I can finally drop the slave act now?" Steel spoke. I tilted my head at her. Shiva nodded.

Indeed. However, if we want to draw out the one responsible for your enslavement as well as my sister and her vessel, we must continue to act as enemies. She said. Din cocked her head a lot from this.

Act as enemies?? Have you've forgotten that the moment you gained the serpent's power that you've fully committed your opposition towards me? Din retorted. I care not for you aid nor am I at all pleased with this new outcome. I'll take both you and Lux out. Shiva sighed.

Be it as it may, sister, I am an ally in this time. Something that you should have in your current situation. She replied. Din scoffed.

Ally? You? I do not buy this one bit. She said. I nodded.

"I agree with Din. Even if there is no intention to kill, I'm not fully on board with what you are trying to get at." I said. Shiva met my gaze as Steel reached down and shouldered her battle axe.

The others may have submitted to your power, but I will not yield to you in such a manner. Which is why I must knock some sense into you. It is the only way for you to attest what I say is not just a matter of strength, but a sense of trust that will get you to realize that the entire world is not out to harm you. She explained. Din arched a brow. I was a bit speechless. Shiva wanted to ally with us? Willingly? I couldn't believe I was saying this, but my whole world felt like it just got turned around once more. Steel readied herself, glancing over to the podium. She then smiled challengingly when her focus went back at me.

"Now with that cleared... show me what you got, champion of Equestria." She stated before charging me once more.

Author's Note:

I am deeply sorry for getting this out so late. Technically, I don't have a stable posting schedule and have come to be a bit distracted with personal destressing. I have been working on the side of in the work stories. Thank you for being patient and taking time to read my silly stories.

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