• Published 6th Oct 2023
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Warsong: Primordial Conflict - Jumping Jack

With war over the horizon, the quest to search for the remaining three power elements, as well as saving their realm, continues.

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Chapter 14: Roam’s Atonement Pt. 1

Quiet Fire’s POV

I had to give it to Steel Heart. Nothing wavered the warrioress. Blow after blow we exchanged had me bearing through the pain of my body taking the impacts. It didn’t take us long to take the fight up into the sky. In fact, we weren’t above the arena but a bit away from it. We flew at each other, our weapons bouncing and clashing against each other. Blow after blow, a bright flash of light resonated over Underworld. On our next clash, I feinted my swing, causing Steel to miss.

I wrapped my forelegs around her outstretched arm and flipped over it, causing her momentum to shift entirely. Din cackled as she synchronized my movement, spinning Steel around me twice before chucking her back down into the arena. Another crash and explosion of sand covered the arena. Din grinned wildly.

Getting tired, sister?? Just submit to my power! She cackled. I squinted my eyes down into the arena. They widened when I saw something glow from within the sand cloud. Din and I twisted our bodies, avoiding a beam of ice that barely grazed my cheek. I flipped in the air a bit, flailing my legs to steady myself before locking onto something sailing out of the cloud. With a swish of expanded, icy spectral wings, Steel faced me. I gasped and avoided another beam after seeing her rear her head back and the sphere of ice forming at the tip of her horns.

Never in my life would I ever see a minotaur imitating a unicorn. Does having two horns make your magic powerful? Hypothetically speaking of course. Din growled.

Shut up and focus! I will not lose to my sister! Din barked.

Keep the pressure going, Steel. I’ll handle sister. I heard Shiva state. Somewhere in our fight, Din and Shiva created a link of some kind that know allows us to hear one or the other. I see this a double edged sword. It only catches the voice of the two, but we still can’t hear each other’s thoughts. Steel roared and kicked off the air at me, shooting an ice beam at me. Din controlled my pathing, having me twirl over it and kicked off the sky to sail towards Steel.

Din retaliated with her fire beam. Steel dodged and struck me in the side with a hoof. I tumbled in the air before Din steadied me and kicked off once more, avoiding several more beams of ice. Din growled.

Enough of this! Yield! Din shouted. Steel and I locked our weapons in another clash, however, I saw Din form over me from her fire surrounding me. She pulled back a hoof and aimed at Steel. However, Shiva had the same idea. Before Din’s spectral hoof could connect, Shiva’s hoof formed and intercepted the hoof. There was another clash as our primals locked horns and began to push against one another. Din was furious while Shiva remained stoic.

Cease your stubbornness, sister! I tried to get you to listen with our battle, but you continue to refuse to listen! Do you not understand I share your sentiments? Shiva asked. Din was quick to shoot back.

Share?! Hah!! I’m not the one flowing with tainted serpent power! Wasn’t it you who made the first move?? You did so against my vessel before I could wake up! You did so again when we started this fight! So shut up and finish what you started! Din spat. They pushed off each other and Din slugged Shiva across the cheek with a flack. Shiva remained undeterred and returned the favor. I felt my face going numb from the hit. But I couldn’t show any weakness here.

These two are out to win, whether I’m fine or crippled. Din and Shiva exchanged blow after blow with each other, heavy sounds resounding with each impact. The two then locked horns and hooves once more, glaring at each other before we pushed away from each other. I was feeling numb. And from the looks of it, Steel was too. However, she flared her snout, hot steam flowing from it before she charged and wrapped her hand around my face. I felt myself being pulled along with her. As quickly as I was grabbed, I found myself gasping for breath, laying in a crater once more with Steel flying high overhead. Like a bullet, Steel shot downward and crashed over me, her axe raised to strike.

"Shit!" I blurted out. Without even thinking, I threw some sand up into her eyes. She swore as she covered her face, allowing me to buck her knee and causing her to buckle into a kneel. However, I was too panicked to retaliate and wanted to get away from her. I scrambled and galloped backwards. Regaining my composure once I was a good distance away, Steel shook her head and glared angrily at me.

"Twice!? Do you know no hon-" She began but I quickly rebuttaled.

"Don't give me that honor crap! I heard it so many times in my own Underworld! Considering that our position doesn't allow us the honor of anything, how about let me think so I can get us out of here!" Steel punched the sand and stood up, readying her axe in both hands. She rushed me again. I was starting to get tired of her doing so. I readied my staff, aiming to end this by subduing her when she then kicked sand up and onto my face. My eyes burned and I reeled back in pain. I stumbled and fell onto my back, painfully trying to open my eyes as they watered.

"Not so funny now, is it!?" Steel barked before planting a hoof on my chest. I felt a warmth that watered my eyes, Steel blurring into clarity. Din cackled, feeling the warmth flow out of me. I saw Din form over Steel and bore down on her. My eyes widened when Steel shot out her arm and strangled Din in her place. Din also looked to be taken by surprise, but as quickly as it came, Din struggled, punched and kicked at Steel.

You dare... put your... grkgh! Din gasped. How hard was Steel holding on!? I tried to struggle myself, but Steel applied more pressure. I swore I felt my ribs crack. Eventually, Din began to slump, gasping for breath. How was this even possible?? Din isn't physically formed! Unless I missed something in the seven's primordial handbook of physics, Din shouldn't be able to be choked out in that form. Shiva formed over us and looked down over me.

Simmer down, sister. I've tired you enough. She panted a little exhaustively. Din held onto Steel's arm, trying to free herself but was unable to do so. Shiva must be amplifying her strength into her. Quiet Fire. Will you please listen to what
I have to say? I assure you, what I've said before is fully beneficial for everycreature here. She said. I grunted, finding my energy leave me all of a sudden. What is happening? I stared at the alicorn. There was such a strange stoic sincerity in her eyes. Something I didn't think any primal was capable of. Shiva seemed a bit disappointed in me. I didn't realize I needed to do so much to convince you to listen. Your friend needs to make it much clearer. I blinked at her questioningly.

"My friend?" I asked with a pained rasped. Shiva nodded.

That red mane and rebellious justice in her eyes reminds me of somepony I used to know long ago. I have your attention? I coughed before nodding painfully. Shiva nodded to Steel and the minotaur snorted before stepping off of me. I rolled onto my side, clutching my chest and painfully pushing myself off of the ground. I took a moment to regain my composure before standing and facing Shiva. Din went limp and Steel dropped the alicorn. I couldn’t believe it. She actually choked her out. Din laid motionless while Steel and Shiva looked down at me.

Your friend speaks very highly of you. And yet, what you displayed has shown me you have nothing planned at all. Let me guess. Expecting me to ravish Roam with a never-ending winter? She began. I rubbed my chest, wincing.

“That’s… about the gist of it…” I rasped. Shiva looked around. The dust must be clearing. She unfurled her wings, releasing a swirling dense fog of ice to cover us. Shiva looked like she was straining herself a little. I couldn’t help but feel a tad relieved that Shiva is just as winded as Din.

Then allow me to convince you otherwise. As I’ve said, the more my sister and I fight, the borrowed power King Leo has begins to manifest itself. This is due to our ties with our sister. By now, King Leo is feeling that surge of energy. The creatures will begin to notice the change and their king will no longer be sane. And whatever the Visar has planned can be executed at that time. I coughed after I finished patting my numbing chest.

“Are you… saying… that you planned for the king’s assassination?” I rasped. Shiva hummed.

Perhaps. But then again, the punishment is best suited by our own hooves. Unconsented borrowed power, especially if it has been blessed by the serpent or authorized by origin bearer, is being used to exploit rather than to stabilize the balance. As per the bylaws, we are to punish the bearer, cleanse the power and instate reminders that the powers cannot be comprehended by mere mortals unfit for the star’s powers. She replied. I winced as the numbing pain was a bit overbearing.

“I don’t… follow why… the king needs to die…” I rasped. “I understand the whole thing about borrowed power, but I’m not going to let you both destroy Roam for it.” I glared at Shiva. Shiva gave a stoic shrug.

I’ll admit, what happened via my sister’s actions was an unforeseen consequence. But she got the point across that crossing that line is unforgivable. Wipe the slate clean. But if you have a better option, at least I will hear it out. The others are not so… open minded. She replied, glancing at Din. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at her.

“You’re an odd one…” I stated before sighing. “But who am I to say when I’m just as much an odd one. Alright, Shiva. We’ll talk. How long are you going to hold out until then?” Shiva waved a wing slightly in dismissal.

These days of battle have only made me stronger. I can always use the serpent’s power to enhance if I choose too. But if you recall me saying, it is unstable. She replied. I looked up and squinted, using Din’s eyes to spot the podium. However, I didn’t really need to use them as much as I thought as we could see a bright light glowing above us. Shiva’s eyes widened as her icy cover around us vanished in an instant. Steel and I shielded our eyes as the glow became brighter and brighter.

Thi Billet’s POV

I cantered into the stands, immediately covering myself with my muffler as cold wind blew through the arena. I watched with awe as Fie and Steel clashed into one another. I then looked around. Every creature was fixated on the fight. I spotted the podium, seeing King Leo and the Visar watching with their own marveled expressions. I began to make my way over past the seated crowd, keeping my head low as Fie and Steel’s fight started kicking up a lot of sand.

As I got to the section with the podium overhead, I looked to see several guards seemingly forgetting they are on duty and focused on the match. I carefully snuck past them, slipping by before opening the door at the same moment a loud crash of whoever was being buried in the sand happened.

‘Hang in there, Fie.’ I thought as I began to make my way up the steps. I withdrew my bat and arc pistol and sidled along the wall as I reached the very top to velvet curtain covering the podium. I peeked out a little and spied the general of the Centurions watching the show along with a strangely glowing King Leo. I noticed the Visar glancing in his direction, seeming to notice the glow as well. He then noticed me and his eyes widened. I quickly slipped out and put the arc pistol to King Leo, startling my friends.

The general turned and reached for his sword, only for me to point my bat at him. The glowing green eye beginning to burn brightly.

“Make your move, general. Or King Leo gets the usual tradition of dethroning.” I stated coldly. The griffon glared, clenching his sword tightly.

“Damned Gorgon scum…” he muttered. The Visar held up a claw and looked to the king.

“Your majesty. You’re glowing.” He stated. King Leo carefully looked down at his forelegs. He looked stunned. I tapped his head with my pistol.

“Learned a little of what it means.” I said, eyeing him. “You toiled in the god’s domain. And those two gods currently fighting are not too happy with you.” King Leo glanced up at me. A smirk beginning to creep along his muzzle.

“I feel… power…” He marveled. The Visar looked to me.

“Whatever do you mean?” He asked. I kept my pistol trained on King Leo.

“Din and Shiva are mutual enemies. Natural at best. But Din, however, strives for more power while making an example of those who acquire it when they are not compatible.” I explained. “Whatever you feel that you want to accomplish between two forces of uncontrolled nature, even pitting them against each other, you are just as bad as the Triad. At this point, would we be considered the bad guys because Din destroyed Roam?” I shook my head. “You are already mad, King Leo. Making this deal with the Triad already doomed you more than you taking the throne.” King Leo studied him before bowing his head. He began to chuckle.

It escalated into a laugh, covering his eyes and throwing his head back. I felt a chill run down my spine. His glow beginning to brighten a bit. He removed his hoof from his face and studied it shakily with a grin.

“Fate is forever the fickle mistress. The lineage the throne carries is such a heavy burden. Such is the weight of a crown.” He lowered his hoof, looking tired and pale. The Visar stood up as the general quickly moved to the side of King Leo. Leo waved away the griffon and looked up at the exact moment that Steel and Fie clashed in the air. Scribble stepped up next to me.

“Your majesty. The creatures of Roam do not need to suffer the folly of old tradition at the sport of gods and royalty. You have the power and choice to lead Roam into a better and less bloody tomorrow.” Scribble stated. King Leo didn’t look at him but nodded slowly.

“Yes… I have the power… to lead Roam into a better tomorrow.” He began to clutch his head. “This feeling… sickening…” Scribble and I exchanged glances. Flitter nervously walked forward.

“Y-your majesty. W-with all due respect, you should call off this fight. We want to not risk anymore life.” She said. The Visar clicked his tongue.

“Roam has been built upon traditions of honor and the blood, sweat and tears of warriors and heroes. There are always going to be enemies of the throne. We do not need foreigners to dictate our traditions, but merely accept and appreciate the entirety of it all. We do not judge your Equestria for being labeled an enemy to our neighbors.” He stated. I frowned and aimed my gun at him. The general reached for his sword, but my bat’s eye focused on him, causing the general to feel uneasy and remain by the king.

“Don’t sit there and preach about being right in this matter. I heard how you spilled your exposition to the so called ‘criminals’ in the cells. Politicians at the seat of Roam hierarchy imprisoned to fight for their lives at your command. Not only that. Soldiers and families. Criminal or not, what you both have done today is going to doom all of Roam. I think it’s time to renegotiate the deal you made with the Triad.” I said before motioning with my head to Steel and Fie, the two taking off away from the arena and clashing further out. “It’s only a matter of time before Roam is judged.” The Visar met my cold gaze. He smirked.

“You’ve got brass. Even though you are breaking multiple laws in Roam and even attempting murder against the king, I like you. Your majesty, if I may suggest, we should at least hear out what our Equestrian representatives have to say.” He stated. The general balked.

“Visar Galm. These matters must be held amongst the Council. We will not discuss negotiations with terrorists and invaders.” He said sternly. The Visar waved a claw dismissively.

“Considering we’ve unleashed the gods in a battle against each other and inevitably put Roam on the path to destruction, the Council won’t have much choice. I feel it can slide.” He replied, getting up from the chair. The general glared before looking to King Leo.

“My liege?” He asked. King Leo started to look a bit sickly, but he looked at him and nodded. Cloudchaser leaned in and whispered to Scribble.

“What can we even negotiate with?” She asked. Scribble rubbed his chin. The Visar motioned with a claw to King Leo.

“Perhaps Equestria can offer something greater than what Pony Land provides. If your princesses want our co-operation and an ally treaty, then we would require… your champion. In exchange, Roam would provide Equestria troops and resources to better face your oppressors.” He said. I frowned.

“You want to provide Equestria the necessary prep over one pony? I feel like you are asking for way too much or too little.” I replied. The Visar sighed.

“I’ll admit, Pony Land has been providing an abundant of trade for Roam in an attempt to win our favor. We are unsure where they are getting all the resources. You would think they are bleeding their own land dry. Yet, more and more are being imported over. There is no other source of these resources as each is native to Pony Land. Which leads to one conclusion. They are being manufactured.” He explained. Scribble hummed.

“The Kingdom of Fenice is industrious for manufacturing and production. What specifically are they importing over in abundance?” He asked. King Leo rasped before replying.

“Flora with strange properties that we have been using for our own research. On top of that, weapons and armor with strong materials. Look at my general.” We did so as the griffon stood at attention. “The armor and weapon provided to him looks similar to our ancestor’s. However, the material used is stronger and malleable in production. Not only that, but they are also infused with the arcane crystals exclusive to Pony Land." King Leo explained. Flitter arched a brow.

"Equestria is behind on crystal tech. I can only imagine what Pony Land is like." She said. I frowned.

"Alright, so if Equestria can provide something more than the very resources that are slowly changing our very lifestyle, how would Fie be considered equal value? You cannot control the power elements, keep that in mind." I stated, poking my gun at the head of a very sick looking King Leo. I should be worried about it but frankly I wasn't in the mood for beating around the bushes. If what Shiva said was true, then I need at least one volatile exponent in the formula. The Visar smirked.

“As much as word got around to how your champion utterly destroyed her hometown, her achievements are that of the twelve labors.” He said, rubbing his prosthetic claw. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. “Compared to our own champion, your’s bests her in all regards. She has all the leniency to go to and from how she pleases. An exile to some, a grand hero to others. With her at the side of Roam’s throne, the next in line will be safe from any and all threats. Of course, she will have the freedom to go and help out as she pleases.”

I passed a glance at Scribble, who returned it in acknowledgment. I sighed.

“So, you are asking for too much then. Fie’s loyalties are her own. She won’t sit here in Roam looking pretty or being pointed in the direction to do as Roam says.” I replied. The Visar chuckled.

“Ahh, but such is the hypocrisy of Equestrian blood. Is she not doing the same thing based on your own ruler’s order?” He responded gleefully. Cloudchaser glared at him.

“That's completely different!” She retorted. The Visar looked bored.

“I never took Equestrians to be in so much denial. But such is the way when crowns are held up high among the subjects." He said. Cloudchaser was about to retort when Flitter put a hoof on her shoulder and shook her head. The pegasus clicked her tongue in anger. Scribble spoke.

“What she is trying to say is that admittedly, Roam hasn’t been in a proper state for the past several centuries. While Equestria is also built upon blood and labor of ponies, I think the point of this matter is that Fie is just one pony out of many others willing to take the stand. And as her friends, we can try and make things a bit manageable for Roam to handle other matters, such as war efforts and diplomatic discussions. As you can see, Fie is trying to prevent another Hoofington.”

As he finished, there was a loud crash that shook the whole arena. We all looked out to see Steel high overhead. As quick as a bullet, she zipped down and clashed with Fie amongst the kicked-up sand that blinded the spectators. The announcer must be a bit speechless of this conflict. King Leo grunted and clutched his chest, leaning forward. I studied the king before looking at my gun. While Fie is out there taking on gods and monsters, we have done our best to handle the sidelines that are in danger from it.

But out of all my friends, who have blood on their hooves in one way or another, I will be the one to do the dirty work. I aimed my gun point blank at the head of the king, his weak expression meeting my gaze. I glanced at Visar Galm. He didn’t seem bothered at all. In fact, he looked contempt. Satisfied even. I closed my eyes, my thoughts stirring up memories of my time with my friends.

‘Dear Princess Celestia, Luna and Twilight. Guide me into the everstream for the sin I am going to commit once again. For I am a fool with plenty of regrets and will continue to do so until I can come to peace with my actions.’ There was another crash at the same moment I pulled the trigger. My friends looked on in shocked horror. The general drew his sword and screeched, rearing back to bring his blade upon me.

However, Visar Galm brought his prosthetic claw up in a balled manner and slugged the general in the stomach. The griffon slumped to the ground, winded and clutching his stomach. The Visar’s sleeve drew back by itself, revealing a rusty bracelet on his prosthetic. Cloudchaser looked at me.

“Thi… what have you done…?” She asked, appalled by the sight of the king slumped in his seat. I kept my gaze on the Visar.

“I had a little chat with your champion. She’s smarter than you think. One step ahead of you, Galm.” I stated. The griffon examined his claw boredly.

“And here I thought this cat and mouse would go on a little further.” He replied. I shook my head and aimed my arc pistol at him.

“You didn’t even let the king speak his part at all. And I bet he hasn’t done so since he took the throne. You were always at the throne’s side. Speaking honeyed words while you plotted your upbringing.” I retorted. “I bet you had everything to do with the current situation in Roam. So, tell me. What did the Triad promise you? Promised your Roam?” The Visar grinned and shrugged.

“They do not promise anything. Merely hospitality. If anything, I had promised them results. Information, if you will.” He held out his prosthetic limb to us. “King Leo has provided enough information to Euclides. As appreciation for it, he was granted a taste of the power that rivals that of even the gods themselves. Power to lead and guide the creatures of Roam into a prosperous era of unity and peace.” He looked down disappointingly at the king. “A fool to the end.” Scribble frowned.

“That’s nice to know and all. But you are talking in circles. If you wanted to rule Roam, nothing stopped you. Why throw the king under the wagon?” He asked. The griffon held onto his prosthetic limb and studied it.

“Things play out to the end. It's just a matter of when.” He held up his limb. “I’ve heard it many times over and seen plenty of the late kings and queens of the eras falter and crumble at the might of the forces unknown. Creatures turned to dark desires and ill intentions all because of one simple idea.” He opened his prosthetic and it crackled with lightning. “Heed not the words of the wise and follow the path you carve.” Flitter looked mortified.

“You… you sound like you’re-“ She began.

“Older than I appear? Being the right hoof of fools takes a lot out of one creature.” He stated. I glared at him.

“Hercules’s gauntlet doing wonders for you, eh? No doubt the Triad did something with it.” I tapped my horn. “Forgive me if this seems far out there, but my findings years ago against the Triad have been hectic in the Tomb of the Heroes. Strange how everything aside from Xerxes’s Urn was taken and nothing else of value. That is… until we encountered Lavan. How many fakes have the Triad made?” I looked at King Leo. Visar Galm smirked.

“Couldn’t be even farther from the truth. Yes, we have dealt with the Triad for as long as Roam can remember. Even the blood feud that started it all. And they were gracious enough to recover lost artifacts for the sake of something greater. It was only far we relinquished our relics to them as in today, they serve only historical value. But whose to say we relinquished all of them?” He wagged a singular talon. “Roam doesn’t abide by unfair terms.” Flitter looked appalled.

“Infecting King Leo with whatever the Triad offered is considered ‘fair’?!” She stated. “For what?!” The Visar looked out to the arena and held out a claw. At that moment, a whirlwind of snow and ice covered the area.

“The power to command the gods. Not by a fool’s mind, but a mortal’s will. King Leo did not care for the consequences and chose to receive it.” He said.

“And you didn’t stop him?” I asked. The Visar nodded.

“I had no say in the matter. Regardless of that fact, I wouldn’t have said anything at all. I had my own ideals elsewhere. And fortunately, they do not reside with the king or the Council who will all perish amongst the clash of fire and ice.” He then grabbed the general by the neck with his prosthetic and it crackled with energy. He lifted the griffon up high and smiled. “Just need to tie up loose ends. And considering you helped me get rid of the king quicker than the Triad could, I’m willing to discuss even further for Roam and Equestria’s benefit.”

The general griffon coughed and dug his claws into the prosthetic limb, glaring down at him through one eye.

“You… bastard… You’ll hang… for this…!” He gagged. The Visar was about to retort when several armed Gorgon’s funneled out from behind the curtain and aimed at the Visar.

“Drop General Gild, now!” A pegasus zony ordered. The Visar eyed the mercenaries before dropping the griffon, the general rubbing his neck and coughing. Flitter and Cloudchaser helped the general stand up, the griffon drawing his blade and pointing it under the neck of the Visar. The Visar chuckled.

“My my. How unexpected. We were hoping you’d arrive sooner.” He said. A unicorn zony frowned, aiming their carbine at the back of the griffon’s head via magic telekinesis.

“Shut it! Gladius will have your head for what you’ve done to Queen Zeuli and Roam!”

“Guards!” General Gild shouted. No griffon came. One of the Gorgons lowered their weapon and looked apologetically at him.

“We’re sorry, General. We found your kin buried in the tunnels. They were replaced by the Foresworn.” She said. The griffon looked shocked before turning to anger.

“No doubt the serpent’s doing!” He growled. The Visar grinned.

“Guilty.” He said.

“So everything you were just saying. It was all to stall time for the Foresworn to overrun Underworld? To usurp the king, kill me and lead Roam into this promised land?” Gild growled. “I should have listened to the queen.” The Visar threw his head back and laughed.

“Ahahaha! The great hero general, Gild the Crimson Claw, finding out that his actions are having consequences? That’s rich, considering you are attending the very event that has been blacklisted by the Council.” He replied. A zebra stallion spoke.

“Unfortunately for you, snake, the imprisoned creatures you have below are being escorted as we speak. We have commandeered the entire arena while you were busy gloating.” He said. “The spectators and the annoying announcer have all but left the arena.” He then nodded to me. I blinked blankly. Was I the scape goat of this? Dammit, I should have been paying attention.

My eyes then fell onto the king. He was glowing brighter. This caught the attention of every pony else. King Leo’s eyes shot open, glowing brightly as his body began to move. I backed away a bit, aiming my arc pistol. General Gild looked on in shock.

“My liege??” He began. King Leo didn’t respond. Instead, he looked out over the podium and down into the blizzard blinded arena. In a spectacle of light, wings sprouted from the zebra like a flowing veil. I felt a small nudge that snapped me out of my stupor. I turned to see Scribble motion behind me. I turned back around to see The Visar slip out from behind the awe struck Gorgons.

“Hey! We aren’t done here!” I exclaimed, pushing past the Gorgons who were confused as to what was happening. My friends followed after me as we raced after Visar Galm, who seemed to be quicker than we were. We reached the atrium, looking around.

“There!” Cloudchaser said, pointing in the direction of where the griffon was bounding towards. I flicked my head down and sprang through the air, using two springs to quickly catch up to the griffon. I tackled the griffon and we went tumbling down some steps. I felt a claw dig into my skin before being thrown off the griffon, crashing into a suite of armor. I shook away my daze and the helmet that had fallen onto my head, wincing in pain. The Visar glared and balled his prosthetic limb, lightning beginning to crackle.

I saw the bracelet glow through the rust. The Visar pulled back before slamming his prosthetic into the ground. The whole arena shook. I saw my friends yelp as the ceiling begin to collapse. I pushed myself off of the armor and fired off several shots. He held up his prosthetic, the arc bullets bouncing off of the material. I narrowed my eyes before holstering my pistol and calling upon Excalibat. Twirling the bat skillfully, I rushed him and started swinging. The griffon deftly used his prosthetic limb to deflect my bat. However, when I started throwing in punches and kicks, he started to get annoyed.

He grabbed my bat and tried to yank it away from me but my magic hold is stronger than most creatures realize. I got pulled along, withdrawing my arc pistol with my magic without breaking hold of my bat and fired off two shots, grazing the griffon and causing him to let go. I brought my bat around and smacked him across the break with a loud wooden thunk. He stumbled back and growled angrily before lashing out his prosthetic. Hercules’s gauntlet was honestly quite something. Sucks that it is in the claws of a corrupted individual. He didn’t have to connect the punch. The air was enough to wind me and send me flying back into the wall.

I rasped and coughed, keeping myself standing, albeit painfully, as I continued to face the griffon. The Visar brought his prosthetic up and readied to strike the ground. Like the wind, a lilac blur zipped towards the griffon. Cloudchaser locked her forelegs around the prosthetic, flipping over the griffon and causing the Visar to lose balance, which Cloudchaser then proceeded to swipe under the back paws, leaving Flitter to soar around and buck the griffon hard across the face.

The griffon spiraled to the ground and slid a bit. Before he could retaliate, the ground came to life and locked the griffon onto the ground. I looked over and saw Scribble’s hoof glowing. I pointed my bat at the griffon.

“You can’t run, Galm. Turn yourself over to the Council.” I stated. The griffon glared.

“The Council can’t do anything. Key figures have already been set and the pieces are continuing to move.” He grinned. “My trial and execution won’t matter. Roam will forever be driven to a singular idea.” I frowned.

“Not my place to judge the culture of Roam, but perhaps if Roam’s great figures of the past listened to the wise every now and then, centuries of blood would not have been spilled.” I replied. Galm chuckled and nodded softly.

“Regardless of the matter…” The Visar said, lightning crackling under the rock locks. “I still have much to do.” I balked when he destroyed his locks and slammed his prosthetic into the ground, causing the arena to shake again. The griffon was quick and took off once more. Cloudchaser took off after him with Flitter behind her.

Scribble and I followed, chasing after the griffon through the halls, the griffon using the gauntlet to close off passages he went down or to inconvenience us. Eventually, we chased The Visar into one of the prison holds, the cages empty as we raced by. We came to a stop as we realized the Visar was nowhere to be seen.

“Where’d he go??” Flitter asked. I flicked my ears, trying to make out what I can from the sudden shaking and crashing of what I assume is my best friend and Steel combatting. I took a moment to realize exactly where we were. I trotted over to a doorway I used to get inside. It should lead us to the back way out.

“This way.” I stated. We cantered down the hall, my memory working to trace my hoofsteps. Eventually, we came to a halt and I furrowed my look. The passageway is supposed to be right here. I rubbed my chin in thought before reaching with my magic and fiddling with the scones on the side. When nothing happened, I walked over and knocked on the wall, brushing my hoof on the stone. Nothing stood out.

Scribble walked up and tapped my shoulder. I stepped aside as he withdrew a rock and tossed it up. He then brought his hoof back and punched the wall as the rock fell inbetween. A loud blast of concussed wind blew apart the wall. Scribble nursed his hoof, clearly in a bit of pain. I smiled and pat his back.

“Good job, egghead.” I said. Scribble shifted his stoic look.

“Let’s make it quick. I’m not sure leaving a glowing King Leo behind is good for Roam.” He said.

“Neither is the Visar.” Cloudchaser stated seriously. “He set it in motion. Who knows what else he has going for him!” I nodded.

“I agree. I hate to say it, but we’ll leave whatever happens with Fie. She can handle that. We need to do damage control.” We looked down the dim passageway. I quietly began to pray for my best friend’s safety as we stepped in.

Quiet Fire’s POV

Shiva, Steel and I watched as the light from the podium began to float down to the arena floor. Din had come too and pushed herself off the ground, rubbing her neck. When her slit eyes fell upon the light, her expression changed to a seething rage.

The folly of mortals is beginning to piss me off… She growled. I narrowed my eyes and noticed that there was a pony in the light. No, not a pony. King Leo faced us with a stoic and blank expression, the light trailing and flowing out of him like tendril wings. Steel readied her axe.

How peculiar. Somecreature killed the king before us. She said with a knowing smile. I was a bit dumbfounded. Din spat an ember from her muzzle.

I’m going to enjoy breaking this nation. She snarled. I was about to say something when Shiva butted in.

Direct that anger at our sister. You’ll get no satisfaction here as you did overseas. She replied.

Shut up! Din retorted before vanishing into me. Break the king further! This walking corpse disgusts me. I agreed with Din in the matter. As I readied myself, I glanced to Shiva.

“What’s the plan?” I asked. Shiva vanished into Steel as she spoke.

We purge the light from the king. The power will be returned. She said.

How about eradicating it entirely? Our sister is beyond saving! Din chimed.

Because it’ll leave a trail we can follow to find where and how it is being lended. Shiva replied with annoyance. We backed away as the king shambled forward, clutching at his chest. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. His body was beginning to deform into a grotesque amalgamation of muscles and tissues. Din and Shiva used their wings to kick us off into the air as the king made an in-equine cry, flailing a blobby mass. Steel fired from her horns an ice beam, freezing the limb before chopping it, only to get slapped into the stands as the limb grew back almost instantaneously.

“The crowd!” I exclaimed in panic to myself. I arched a brow. The crowd was gone. I was then hit hard in the back by a flailing muscle limb, slamming into the sand once more. The mass beginning to melt around me followed by an intense crushing pressure. I fought against it, pushing as hard as I could. The pressure was then lifted as the massive limb shattered into frost.

Don’t get sidetracked, idiot! Din exclaimed frustratingly. Steel roared and began hacking at the blob that was growing more and more, almost taking up the entire arena ground. My staff formed into a spectral halberd, kicking off into the air and began hacking and stabbing at the mound of glowing flesh. Glowing liquid flung about with every swing and stab. Yet, it didn’t seemed bothered at all. I kicked away from the flesh that seemed to have grown extra legs that reached out at me.

My eyes widened at the sight. An image of an amalgamized Table Top groaning at me. Din groaned.

Of all the… now is not the time to melt down! I want to win! Din stated angrily. I felt my body move on its’ own, rearing back my head before unleashing a heavy beam of fire at the glowing flesh mound. The fire bellowed and spread like a dragon’s breath, swirling down the body. Through the flames, I could see the agonizing silhouettes of thousands of ponies screaming up at me. Their charred hooves clawing at the flames. Din roared and increased the blast, the fire wildly blaring down onto the arena.

I could tell Shiva and Steel had to gain a lot of distance away from the mound of burning flesh.

It’s all your fault! The chorus of agonizing cries repeated this over and over. It was beginning to be hard to breathe. Din increased her attack, thining the beam that pierced all the way through. However, she had to cancel it partway to avoid a stray swipe from the mound. Din directed my body away from the mound that now had a massive hole and charred tissue peeling off of it. It seemed to have done something as the mound began to shrink.

Vessel, I demand you stop your incessant guilty conscious from distracting me! Din snapped. I clutched my chest, the pain starting to be a bit unbearable. I looked at the flesh mound. So many ponies. Among them, Table Top stared back at me. His angry look eyeing me hungrily for revenge. I couldn’t take it any longer. Din hooked me by the cuff of my hoodie cloak and bared her fangs at me. Get over it!! They were nothing more than toxicity in my domain!! I did you a favor then!! You should be grateful!! I blankly met her look.

There was nothing but guilt welling up. Just like in Princess Platinum’s castle, I will no longer run from it. They must have their revenge. I put both hooves on Din’s cheeks. She was taken aback by the gesture, only for me to take full control and let myself fall towards the mound. Din struggled against my will.

You fool!! You’re going to end your life here of all places?! I will not lose to my sisters!! Din struggled. I only smiled.

“Perhaps this is for the better of the entire realm. We can always start anew in another life.” I replied to her. I noticed Steel backing away from a tendril, only to see me and her eyes widened. She kicked off the air and sailed over to me. It was too late. I closed my eyes as Din screamed loudly. The giant mound of flesh began to heal the hole Din made. I landed on something squishy as the hole sickeningly sealed up. The last thing I saw before the darkness was Steel reaching her hand out to me.

I felt my body begin to sink into the darkness, the hooves of the damned pulling me down further and further. Din was biting and kicking at the decaying hooves, but to no avail. I willingly let myself be pulled along. Eventually, we came to a stop. Din struggled, swearing loudly.

I will not lose!! She roared. The chorus cries of the many lives taken by me and Din repeated the phrase over and over. An appropriate hell for a demon. My eyes closed, feeling a wave of satisfaction that these poor souls will have their revenge. I don’t know how long I was out for. Should it really matter? For what felt like an eternity, I finally opened my eyes. I gasped in shock as I saw the face of King Leo blankly staring at me. Din broke free of whatever held her head and in a lash of anger, fired off a beam of fire.

In that moment, I noticed the walls of flesh around me. King Leo rasped a breath, as if on life support. It dawned on me. I was unable to move anything but my head. I concentrated, borrowing from Din. Din swore again as her horn glowed and lit the area around us. I had merged with the walls around us. I then felt something wrap around my horn and a voice began to speak in my head.

A warrior cannot end their life themselves, or else they dishonor everything their ancestors stood for. It was King Leo’s voice. I was stunned.

‘King Leo? You’re alive?’ I asked in thought, finding it hard to physically speak.

Your friend did not do a good job at finishing her kill. But perhaps you can finish the job. He replied. I blinked quizzically. My friend?

‘Did… did you really need to die?’ I replied worriedly. King Leo chuckled.

That brash attitude of her’s certainly doesn’t help with killing intent. But yes, I knew it long ago the moment I took upon this “power”. My eyes widened. For some odd reason, I felt a sense of hope return. Thi is alive. Din growled.

If that brat failed to kill you, then allow me to finish the job! Din stated. King Leo didn’t turn to her, but replied happily.

Very well. Do what you must. But allow me to say one thing to Equestria’s champion. He said. I eyed the flesh merged face. Warrior or not, heroes of every generation have always had some form of tragic experience. It is part of the trade. He paused for a bit. I did not know the extent of what this power I was given could do. I should have listened to my subjects. I furrowed my look.

‘But then… why did you accept it? You risked putting Roam in jeopardy with us. What did Lux promise you?’ I asked. That quieted Din. King Leo’s mouth slouched open as he spoke.

It was not the goddess of light and her bearer. A representative said to be working for Queen Moonlight Sonata had granted it to me. I could not make out the face as they had a hood draped over them. Covered from head to hoof. He made a sigh that sounded like regret. I have made many mistakes before I have taken the throne. I had become complacent and curious. In that moment of weakness, I had unknowingly put my subjects at risk. Our neighbors have been importing so much of their resources to us not out of obligation or attempt to ally, but because of an outside influence. A question of who is what my investigators have been unable to answer appropriately.

Din and I exchanged glances.

‘Wait… so Pony Land is being influenced? Is that the reason they declared war?’ I asked. King Leo closed his slouched mouth in response, only to have it fall open again.

I cannot say for certain. Queen Sonata did make the announcement and declaration. However, with the trade investigations, our sources have come up with a different answer. Unfortunately, anything we’ve tried to push has been denied. The properties of these imports are still being investigated by our own researchers. There is a facility we have in the Zebra Lands, if you wish to know more. He replied. I studied the king’s face.

‘The Zebra Lands? I thought Roam and Zebrica were still on bad terms?’ I stated. King Leo closed his mouth.

It is by Zebrica’s request to maintain that appearance. The hatchet that both homelands and our kin had has long since been buried. This is in due part to the Exiles of the Savanna having made the deal with Pony Land to ally while Zebrica’s people only want peace. As much as you would believe Roam’s infighting is, it is only over the throne. Our kin in the Zebra Lands need allies themselves. But as all proud zebra are, they choose to handle the situation themselves. Din pulled against her binds as she replied.

So, your exiled kin have been making the deal with whoever has been lending out my sister’s power. And here I was hoping I had every reason to utterly destroy my sister for going against the taboo. I frowned.

‘You’re still going to beat her up over it regardless.’ I replied in annoyance. Din chuckled.

But of course. She replied. King Leo’s mouth slouched open.

My time as king is over. I have done what I can to ensure the next in line will last a little longer. I hate to say this, but Gladius is right. He truly is meant to be king. He said with a contempt sigh. I furrowed my look.

‘But you stated the Gorgons are terrorists. Is Gladius really an option?’ I asked. King Leo sighed.

Visar Galm was always the one to put words into my muzzle. Many decisions he states were the royal’s choices are indeed his doing. He ordered the expulsion of our kin and the true heir to the throne. He took advantage of the resources belonging to Pony Land and replaced my guards with the Forsworn, a group of barbaric raiders from the Scorched Lands. I frowned.

‘And what prevented you from stopping it?’ I asked. King Leo was quiet for a bit before finally responding.

It was too late. I had spent decades blinded by the overwhelming power and status of royalty that things were already well out of my care. It always struck me strange that The Visar would bring up decisions our ancestors have made prior to my leadership. It was as if he was there in every scenario of our history. Din hummed.

The overgrown chicken did give off an unusual aura. She replied. I arched a questioning brow at her, which she snapped at in response. One of us needs to pay attention! I looked back at the slack jawed king.

‘So… are we suspecting primordial interference?’ I asked. King Leo sighed in response.

I cannot say for certain. The Visar would know more. And my guess is he is currently escaping amidst the chaos. Quiet Fire. Champion of Equestria. Please… honor this foolish king’s dying wish. Stop The Visar. Learn what you can of the situation. Work with Gladius to find out what Pony Land is up too. This I ask as the first step for Roam to atone for our ignorance. I wasn’t sure what to make of all this information. But I did know that despite the backfire of this power lended to him, he had enough pony left in him to see sense in the end. I nodded seriously at the king.

‘You have my word, King Leonidas.’ I replied. Din slumped.

At least some sense has been retained. Vessel, we will discuss your inability to concentrate in a fight later! I have a sister that needs some explaining to do! She grinned as she charged a sphere of fire at the tip of her horn, aiming at the king. King Leo seemed to smile when his jaw closed.

I go now with my kin. To Eden or Hades. He said contemptibly. In a bright flash of flames, there was an ear piercing screech. Din and I felt ourselves being pulled up as King Leo’s face was enveloped into flames, which seemed to spread on the walls. We were pulled along by a force, further and further. Eventually, I felt something grab the back of my hoodie cloak and pull me out of the darkness. I coughed and spluttered air, seeing the mound of flesh shrink, fire spewing out of it in all places.

I looked up to see Steel look down at me, a look of contemplation over her. Din gave a pleasant sigh.

I’ll cherish this sight for as long as I exist. She swooned. The flesh was enveloped into a massive fire. Almost as if the entire arena was a brazier. The silhouette of King Leo’s amalgamation melted within minutes. With the last of the remnants of the king kindled, Steel reared her head back and from her horns fired beams of ice. The fire was quelled as the arena, leaving nothing but the warm winds of the Scorched Lands. Steel then rose me up to face her, as if I was a cat in trouble.

“The hell were you thinking?! You wanted to destroy the realm?!” She exclaimed. I flushed and rubbed my forelegs.

“I… I’m sorry… I wasn’t thinking properly.” I replied. Steel snorted.

“Sorry isn’t going to cut it! You’re one of the seven meant to protect this realm! Idiotic stuff like that is going to doom us all!!” She growled. I then sighed and smiled softly.

“For what it’s worth… my idiotic attempt got some information out of it.” I replied. Steel was about to speak when Shiva butted in.

What did you learn? She asked. Steel was dumbfounded. But her protest was ignored by the ice goddess. Din yawned and waved a hoof.

Too tired to care. Vessel, remember what I’ve said. She said. I slumped and nodded. I’ll talk about it, but Din isn’t my kind of idea for a therapist. I was about to explain when we heard a scream from somewhere to our left. Using Din’s eyes, I saw a flash of lightning and for a second, I thought Galavance had shown up. However, the griffon we saw was none other than the Visar. And he was holding onto Thi by the throat high in the air before dropping her. I saw a lilac blur zip up and engage with the griffon in the air.

My eyes widened. Without thinking, I wriggled out of Steel’s hold and soared towards them, Thi’s unconscious body falling towards the earth.

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