• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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6. The Land of Oz (Part 1)

Earth 1940

The Land of Oz

"GyaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHH" The screams of Twilight Sparkle echoed out into the forest as she flew right out of the Rift that had just opened up. The unicorn mare shout right out of the Rift and collided with a tree before slowly sliding down to the ground in a daze. Her eyes spun around in her head for a few seconds as the Rift closed, trapping her in this new dimension.

Shaking her head frantically, Twilight then proceeded to rub the back of her aching head with her hoof, hoping to soothe the pain she was in. But suddenly, her eyes shot wide open, remembering what had just happened. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had came to Ponyville, there was a portal of some kind, it took both princesses and her friends. She jumped in to save them! Quickly getting up onto all four of her hooves, Twilight looked around frantically, hoping to see any sign of her friends. But alas, all she saw were trees... And more trees.... Aaaand even more trees.

"Hello?" Twilight shouted out, hoping for a response of some kind, "Princess Celestia? Princess Luna? Girls?! Spike?!" She continued to shout out each of their names individually, hoping, no, praying that she would get a response of some kind from any of them. Drooping her head down in defeat, Twilight's mind began to go stir crazy, thinking of multiple scenarios, most of them ending badly. But quickly deciding that thinking those thoughts were getting her nowhere, she began to look around at her surroundings, maybe identifying where she was would help a great deal.

She deduced that this wasn't the Everfree Forest, she'd been in that horrid forest enough times to visit Zecora to know what it looked like. None of the trees had faces on them, and she didn't feel like everything around her was watching her. In fact, she actually felt at peace in the surroundings of these trees. No Manticores or Cockatrices out to get her here.

It was then that finally, that Twilight stated the obvious, "I don't think I'm in Ponyville anymore." Deciding that it would be best to get a move on than to stay here, she began trotting through the forest, hoping to gain a lead on where her friends were, "What is this place? I know this isn't the Everfree, this certainly isn't Whitetail Woods. Could that portal have brought me somewhere outside of Equestria?" As she walked, Twilight lit up her horn to levitate the branches in her path out of the way, not wanting to slow down at all. "Okay Twilight," she started talking to herself, "Let's do what we do best! Make a checklist.... In my head! Okay, step one, find where I am. Step two, find my friends and the princesses. Step three, get the Elements of Harmony back before some evil guy shows up and plunges Equestria into eternal darkness without us there to stop him! Sounds easy enough!"

A strand of her mane plucked out as her left eye twitched.

Twilight then thought that now was a good time to let out a frustrated scream, which scared some of the birds in the trees away. Panting heavily, Twilight then reminded herself, "Okay, calm down. Remember those lessons with Cadance. Breathe in, breathe out." She then took multiple breaths to calm herself down before continuing forward. "Okay... You can do this, Twilight. You're Princess Celestia's personal student. You freed Luna from Nightmare Moon. Defeated Discord. Helped saved the Crystal Empire from King Sombra. Sent the Changelings flying out of Canterlot!" She tried reassuring herself, but then sighed sadly, "But I did all that with the help of my friends..."

A stray tear fell out of her right eye.

She then looked up to the sky with teary eyes, "Wherever you all are... I hope you're okay."

Meanwhile: In some other part of the forest

A Rift suddenly tore itself open in the fabric of space-time, whirling around as it caused the winds to shift around it. There, in the center of the Rift, a blue ball spun around the portal before shooting right out of it, untucking as it landed on both of his feet.

Sonic the Hedgehog darted his eyes around for a second before noticing the Interdimensional Portal behind him. He turned around to face the Breach just as it closed forever, sealing him within this new world. Shrugging it off, Sonic turned his body around before quickly speeding around the area in hopes of finding his friends. Coming to a stop, the blue hedgehog folded his arms and tapped his foot on the grass in thought.

"Alrighty then, so, no sign of either Tails, Knuckles, or Amy. Heck even ole' Egghead is nowhere to be found. The Chaos Emeralds and that weird rock thingy are gone too. I somehow ended up from space to the middle of nowhere in the woods." Sonic finished recapping the events prior to his ending up here. "When that portal opened, Eggman looked like he had no clue what was happening. Looks like we can cross him out for being behind all this."

The Blue Blur then began pacing back and forth, tapping his chin in thought, "Okay, so who could be behind this? Infinite? He can open portals... Nah, his portals are purplish, not blue. The Babylon Rogues? Mmm... Not their style. Omochao? Nah that's just stupid, he's annoying, not evil. I think this is someone new, a new player on the board." Sonic then stopped pacing before moving his head to look around, "Where the heck am I? I could still be on Mobius but I'm not too sure."

The hedgehog then shrugged.

"Well, I'm not gonna get any answers standing around here. I'd better get going if I'm gonna save my friends!" And with that, the speed freak took off at super speed, causing the bushes and plant life to bristle backwards due to his insane momentum.

As he moved through the forest, Sonic noticed that the plant life around him looked a lot different from the ones back home. So did the trees for that matter. He then shook his head, he could worry about that later, right now he had to focus on finding his friends.... And Eggman, he wasn't heartless like his life long nemesis was, if he could save him, then he would. Darting his eyes forward, Sonic noticed that there was a clearing up ahead.

Smiling to himself, the teenage hedgehog said, "Alright! More room to move!" He boosted forward towards the clearing, just about ready to get out of these woods. Sonic made it to the clearing and skidded to a stop, feeling relieved that he wasn't so cramped anymore. Looking down, the blue hero saw a pathway made of yellow bricks. Following the road with his eyes, he saw that this road could go on for miles.

But he didn't mind, he loved to run, plus it would be his best bet for finding out where he wound up after his fight with Eggman.

Sonic said, "Follow the yellow brick road, I guess." before taking off at high speeds down the road.

Meanwhile: In the sky

A Rift opened up in the blue, cloudless skies, disrupting the peaceful quiet that filled the air. From within the Rift, the Invincible Iron Man flew out in pursuit of the strange creatures that stole the Vibranium. Noticing the change in scenery, Tony Stark halted his movements and took it all in as the Rift closed behind him.

The buildings, the planes that passed over the city regularly, even his own tower were nowhere to be found. This definitely wasn't New York City. If it wasn't New York, then where the heck was he? Tony turned around, only just realizing that he appeared in the air, his other teammates couldn't fly, so they had to be in trouble right?

But to his surprise, the small team he was leading was nowhere in sight. No Spider-Man. No Black Widow. And no Captain America. He was all alone. "Ugh... Just great. Leave it to me to save the day.... Again." Tony muttered before addressing his A.I. companion, "Yo J.A.R.V.I.S? You still with me?"

"Always am, sir." The artificial assistant responded immediately.

Nodding, Tony continued, "Great! In that case, J.A.R.V.I.S access the Stark Satellites and pinpoint my location, I wanna know where I ended up exactly. And find out where Cap and the others are too, I don't want to be separated for too long."

"I'm afraid I can't do that sir."

Confused, Tony asked, "And why's that?"

J.A.R.V.I.S answered, "Because I do not have access to the Stark Satellites at this point in time."

Okay, now Tony was really confused, and he didn't get confused that often.

"What do you mean you don't have access to the satellites? We should be able to access them anywhere on the planet. That's why I built them, for situations like this."

After a moment, J.A.R.V.I.S pitched a theory to his creator, "There is a possibility that I cannot access the satellites because we're no longer in their range?"

That made Tony worry a little, "Hold on a second, are you saying that we're on a different planet? Cause I really hope you're not saying that pal."

"No, even if we were on another planet, I'd still be able to connect to the satellites to access your armory."

"Oh, thank God."

"I'm saying that we are in a completely different universe entirely."

It felt like his Arc Reactor shut off and started again. This was way worse than he originally thought, like three thousand times worse. Clicking his tongue in thought, the ingenious Tony Stark responded, "Well I'm boned five times over." Thinking quickly, he devised a plan, "Okay, here's what we do, we find out where the hell we are. Then we find out where the hell the others are. Then we kick some butt, get the Vibranium back, and make it back home to have a celebratory bottle of whiskey."

"Sounds like a plan sir." The A.I. agreed.

"Great! Now we have a plan." Tony muttered to himself, "First thing we should do is find civilization so we can pinpoint just where the hell we ended up."

Meanwhile: In an open field

"Maaaaaaammmaaaa MiiiiiAAAAAAAAA!!!" The voice of Mario screamed before falling flat on his face as the Rift above him dropped him in this dimension. After pulling his face right out of the dirt, the red plumber rolled onto his back so he could catch his breath.

Sitting upright, Mario rubbed the back of his head before gasping slightly. It was then that he realized that he was no longer in the Mushroom Kingdom, that he was, in fact, in another location entirely. Slowly getting up to his feet, Mario dusted himself off with his hands before looking around at his surroundings.

"What is this place?" He asked himself as he looked around, seeing no signs of any Toads, or any of his friends for that matter. Placing both hands on the sides of his mouth to increase the volume of his voice, Mario shouted, "Hello? Anyone here? Peach? Lu? Toad? Heck, I'll even take Donkey Kong!" He received no response, this decided that there was no point in shouting any further.

Mario then realized as he patted himself down that he had only brought a select number of Power Ups with him for his fight with Bowser. He only had one Power Up left, and that was a little red mushroom with white spots and beady eyes.

Placing the Super Mushroom back into his back pocket, Mario began to walk away from his starting position so he could get a move on in finding his friends. "Alright, let's-a-go." He muttered to himself before taking off at a sprint to find his missing friends.... And frenemy if you included Donkey Kong.

Meanwhile: On the Yellow Brick Road

A Rift opened up in the middle of the Yellow Brick Road, disturbing the peaceful calm of the chirps of the birds. There, from within the Rift's depths, came out the gliding form of the Batman, spreading his cape outward to propel himself forward. Landing on the road, Batman quickly rose up to his feet as the portal behind him closed.

"Robin!" Batman shouted, hoping for his son to answer, but alas, no response was given. "Damnit. He must've been taken to a different location." Looking around, the Dark Knight found that he was no longer in Gotham, but in a place that was much more colorful, peaceful even. Placing his index finger to the side of his cowl, Batman called out, "Alfred? Alfred are you there?"

There was no answer, only static over his communications device.

Inwardly sighing, Batman tried again, this time with the Bat-Computer, "Computer, what's my location?" No response. "Computer?" Again, no answer. Removing his finger from the Comms in his cowl, Bruce began to form a hypothesis on what was going on, "All communications with the Batcave have been cut off. I need to assume the possibility that I am off world, or that I'm on a different Earth entirely. Whatever those creatures were, they wanted the Kryptonite for something, and they were willing to do whatever it took to get it. I need to find out where Robin is, and find out why those things needed that Kryptonite."

Batman turned around and saw that there was something glimmering in the distance. Using his lenses in his cowl to zoom in, he saw that it appeared to be an entire city made of emerald. An Emerald City if you will.

"I need answers, and my best bet is probably in that city. I need to move if I have any hope of figuring out what's going on." He took out his Grappling Gun and aimed it towards one of the trees in the forest beside the Yellow Brick Road, when a distant sound of multiple singing voices caught his attention.

"We're off to see the Wizard
The wonderful Wizard of Oz
We hear he is a whiz of a wiz
If ever a wiz there was
If ever, oh ever a wiz there was"

Turning around and placing his Grappling Gun into his Utility Belt, Batman saw four distinct figures skipping along the Yellow Brick Road towards him.

One was clearly female, wearing a blue and white dress, holding both a brown picnic basket and a small brown dog. Her hair was brown and curled up in two pig tails with blue bows to hold them together. On her feet were a pair of Ruby Slippers that sparkled every time she moved her feet.

Beside the girl named Dorothy, was an actual Scarecrow with pieces of hay sticking out of various parts of his body.

On Dorothy's right was a man made of silver metal, holding an axe and had a metal bow tie.

And on the Scarecrow's left, was a lion who had at a glance seemed very cowardly.

Together, Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion all sang along.

"The Wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
We're off to see the Wizard
The wonderful Wizard of Oz!"

The quartet stopped suddenly when they encountered the frowning form of Batman, standing in the middle of their path with his arms folded over his chest. Getting over her shock to this new stranger in their way of the Emerald City, Dorothy smiled and said, "Oh, hello there! Are you another one to join us on our journey? And what are you missing?"

Batman didn't miss a beat, "A sense of humor." He wasn't in the mood for games, "Where's Robin?"

The group of friends looked at each other confusedly before turning back to Batman. The Tin Man responded, "Um, have you tried looking in a tree?" He asked sarcastically.

Batman's frown deepened as he started losing patience, "Not a robin. Robin! Where is he?!" He demanded to know, marching closer to the group.

"We don't know anything about a robin, honest." The Scarecrow replied honestly, pushing his hands out in defense.

But it was at that moment that Dorothy's face brightened, "But maybe The Wizard does!"

"The Wizard?" Batman repeated.

Dorothy nodded, "Yes sir, he lives just in that city over there." She replied as she pointed behind him.

Turning around, Batman saw that the girl was pointing towards the Emerald City he had seen when he first arrived here. Maybe he was right in thinking that heading towards that city could be beneficial to him. He had no other options, he had to get to that city and gather more information.

He was about to make his way towards the Emerald City when a sudden scream from behind him halted his movement, "I s-s-s-see something scary!" That had obviously come from the mouth of the Cowardly Lion.

Rolling his eyes, the Tin Man replied, "Is it Toto again?" But when he looked up to where the Cowardly Lion was looking, his jaw dropped.

Looking upwards, Batman's eyes widened as he saw the sky split open, with two large claws slithering their was through the tear in reality. Unlike the portal that brought him here, Batman noticed that this new portal, or tear if you wanted to get technical, was colored red instead of blue.

The claws then spread apart from one another, further opening the Rift in the sky. From within the portal, emerged a dragon like robot. Batman noted its appearance, its body was mainly gray in color, one that was very narrow and thin, along with pulsing red streaks along its sides. It had two large arms and two sets of jaws. with a laser cannon inside of its mouth.

The Wyvern creature let out a screech that shook the heavens, it could be heard from all the way in the Emerald City.

Taking out a set of Batarangs, Batman muttered to himself, "What the hell is this?" He watched on as The Wyvern zoomed through the air, letting out another screech. The Dark Knight was about to throw his Batarangs at the creature when he heard Dorothy scream from behind him.

Turning around, his eyes widened when he saw that the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion had all been sucked into a Rift that had suddenly opened behind them. Batman saw that Dorothy was being pulled in. He wasted no time in placing the projectiles back into his belt and rushing over to grab her hand just as she was levitated off of the ground.

Dorothy held on tight, as did Batman, but alas, it was for naught as the young girl lost her grip and screamed as she was pulled into the portal. Stumbling forward, Batman grit his teeth over the loss of the young girl and her friends. Snapping his body around, he saw that The Wyvern was making its way towards the Emerald City.

Taking out another set of Batarangs, and didn't hesitate in throwing them directly into The Wyvern's face. They hit their mark, exploding right in the creature's face, causing it to screech and snap its elongated body towards the Caped Crusader. When the Dark Knight saw the creature open its mouth and noticed that a build up of energy was occurring within the beast's maw, he took out his Grappling Gun and quickly moved out of the way.

The Wyvern fired its Mouth Cannon, sending forth a massive red beam of energy hurdling toward Batman. But luckily, he got out of the way as the beam impacted the Yellow Brick Road, decimating it completely, leaving a smoking crater in its wake.

Landing in a tree branch, Batman aimed his Grappling Gun at one of the red streaks on The Wyvern's body and fired. Once it hit its target, Batman zipped up to the creature and swung alongside it as he took out eight miniature explosive pellets. He hurled the pellets at the creatures long form, the resulting impact causing the creature to screech out in pain.

The Wyvern flung its body around, managing to toss Batman off of it.

Batman tumbled through the air for a second before he opened his cape and glided down towards the ground, tucking himself and rolling to a stop before standing up to face the creature.

Moments before The Wyvern appeared

Tony Stark had been flying for a good while now, trying to find any form of civilization ever since he arrived in this strange place. Looking down, all he saw was a long Yellow Brick Road and various trees in a very large forest. He was about to complain to his automaton companion when he suddenly detected an anomaly on his HUD.

"Uh, J.A.R.V.I.S? You're seeing this too, right?"

But before the A.I. could respond, Tony saw something out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head and saw The Wyvern tear through reality as if it were paper.

As the creature let out a terrifying screech, Iron Man muttered, "Huh. Well things just got a lot more interesting." He then looked down below... And saw a man dressed like a bat standing in front of a Rift that had just begun closing, "Is that guy dressed like a bat?"

The Wyvern slammed its massive right claw down onto the ground in hopes of crushing the Dark Knight. But the hero quickly threw down a Smoke Pellet and disappeared. Batman reappeared and ran up The Wyvern's claw, hurling Batarangs at its face.

The beast let out another screech before flinging Batman through the air with a wave of its claw. Batman was about to glide down to the ground, when he suddenly felt someone grab him in mid air.

Batman looked upwards and saw a man in a red and gold suit.

Iron Man looked down at Batman and smirked under his mask, "Hey there, looks like you could use some help." Looking forward, Tony activated his thrusters and zoomed forward at high speeds. Flying above the creature, he prepared to fire some rockets to get the monster's attention. But he suddenly felt lighter as Batman broke free of his grip and glided down towards The Wyvern. Completely stunned, Tony was about to dive down and save him when he saw Batman spread his cape outward and glide down onto The Wyvern's back. Uttering a simple "Huh." Iron Man nose dived down to fly alongside The Wyvern to get its attention.

As Batman ran along the monster's back, Tony fired multiple rockets from his back that struck The Wyvern in the side, causing it to screech out in pain.

Tony turned his head to Batman as he flew, "Okay, that got his attention." He studied the Dark Knight as he ran along, "Now what's he up to?" His eyes shot open as he saw Batman leap up into the air and threw down multiple explosive pellets. Once they exploded, Batman glided down towards the ground and landed just as Iron Man flew down to meet him.

Once the Armored Avenger landed, Batman turned to study this new individual. His armor looked advanced. Way too advanced for anything originating from this place. It was impressive, very impressive in fact. But he didn't know enough about him yet to properly determine whether he was friend or foe. He might've saved him, but he still needed more information.

He was broken out of his deductive thoughts when Iron Man turned to him and said, "We can exchange names later. Right now let's focus on taking... Whatever the hell that thing is down."

Batman, still wary about trusting this stranger, nodded, "Agreed." He looked back up to The Wyvern as it turned to face them. It let out a horrid screech as Batman turned to Iron Man, "Get its attention, we need to find any form of weaknesses that it has if we have any hopes of taking it down."

"Good thing I love the spotlight." Tony replied before shooting upwards into the air.

Seeing as how Iron Man was commencing the plan, Batman darted forward down the Yellow Brick Road while the Armored Avenger distracted the creature.

Iron Man flew around The Wyvern, firing Repulsor Blasts from his hands to try and damage it. "Hey ugly!" He shouted, causing The Wyvern to turn and screech at him. "Wow, you really need dental work. Y'know I got a guy that can help with that. Maybe you won't be so screechy if you just partake in basic hygiene." He was shut up by a backhand from the creature, which sent him spinning through the air before he landed on the road, creating a trench where he landed. Rubbing the back of his head and sitting upright, Tony saw that Batman was swinging up to the creature with his Grappling Gun.

Tony slowly got back up to his feet and asked J.A.R.V.I.S to run a scan of The Wyvern, hoping that he at least found a weak spot of some kind.

But unfortunately, J.A.R.V.I.S said, "I apologize, sir, but I am unable to find any form of weakness on the creature. I have also run it through our data bases and found nothing, this is something new."

The Invincible Iron Man let out a dejected sigh before slowly hovering himself above the ground, "Well that makes things a little harder." He then shot up into the sky and fired more rockets at the creature, "But what else is new?"

Sonic was running down the Yellow Brick Road without a care in the world. He loved the wind blowing against his face, the way his quills felt while running in the wind, it was paradise for him. But that sense of calm was disrupted by the sound of multiple explosions coming from up ahead.

Skidding to a stop, Sonic looked down and saw a giant monster over the horizon, with someone flying around it, shooting projectiles of some kind. Smirking to himself, the hedgehog adjusted his shoes before taking off at high speeds to join the fight.

"It has homing missiles, how is this fair?!" Iron Man shouted as he flew around, trying to avoid the homing missiles headed right for him.

Meanwhile Batman was running along its back again, using his Detective Vision to try and find a weakness from within. But much to his chagrin, he found nothing. Only code that was too advanced for him to make out. Suddenly the red streaks around its body began to glow ominously until they exploded into giant red rings for extra defense.

Thinking on his feet, Batman dove off of the creature and grappled himself onto a nearby tree branch while Iron Man turned around and destroyed the missiles with his variety of weapons. Moving to hover next to the tree Batman was perched on, he looked down and asked, "Had any luck on your end? Cause I feel like I'm doing squat."

Much to his disappointment, Batman shook his head, "No. Whatever I hit it with, it doesn't seem fazed. It's like this thing is impervious to pain."

"If it can't feel pain, how're we supposed to stop it?"

Their attention was brought back to The Wyvern as it screeched once more. The menacing creature was hovering right above them, in the process of opening its jaw to fire a mouth beam attack. But just as the two heroes were about to move, a blue streak sped by and collided with the underside of its mouth.

The blue streak returned and struck the side of its head, and then the lower right corner of its mouth until finally shooting downwards and hitting the top of its head. The blue streak landed on the Yellow Brick Road, revealing that it was none other than a blue hedgehog.

Sonic looked to both Batman and Iron Man and smirked, "My, that's a pretty snazzy performance there!"

Both humans looked at the hedgehog in confusion before Tony asked, "Is that a giant, blue, talking dog?"

"I thought it was a rat." Batman replied.

Sonic frowned before replying, "Hey, I'm not a rat or a dog!" He then diverted his attention to The Wyvern and smirked, "I'm a hedgehog!" And with that, Sonic zoomed towards The Wyvern at high speeds before leaping into the air and curling into a ball, striking it in the face.

Both heroes looked at the display for a moment before springing back into action.

"He's fast." Iron Man commented.

"I've seen faster." Batman replied as both he and Iron Man joined the fight.

As Sonic hit The Wyvern with a few Homing Attacks, Iron Man flew right past the blue hedgehog and fired a Unibeam right into its face, sending the creature flailing back. As Sonic dropped down, he was caught by Batman who was swinging on his Grappling Hook before he was thrown by the Dark Hero.

Noting what Batman wanted him to do, Sonic curled into a ball and hit The Wyvern in the face once more before falling to the ground.

Now noticing that the monster wasn't affected in the slightest, Sonic asked, "Uhh, is it just me or is this not working?"

Hearing what the hedgehog had asked, Iron Man responded with, "No, it's not just you." He then flew up towards the monster muttering, "I feel like I'm fighting The Hulk, only less green and more spikey." It was then that The Wyvern let out another screech, only this time, sending out waves of red rings to try and destroy its foes, "Aw, give me a break!"

If there wasn't enough indication that there was trouble brewing, the explosions and the horrible screeches echoing throughout the land gave Mario enough initiative to charge head first into danger to help anyone in need of assistance. When he was close enough to see what was going on, Mario slowed down to a walk before stopping completely as he saw The Wyvern release a series of red rings to try and eliminate the heroes standing against it.

Mouth agape, the plumber saw a blue hedgehog curl up into a ball as another individual wearing what appeared to be a bat-suit grapple up onto the monster's back. It was then that he saw another individual flying around, launching multiple projectiles at The Wyvern, hoping to do some damage.

Getting out of his stupor, Mario removed the Super Mushroom from his back pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. Once he swallowed the Power Up, he grew in height by a few inches. But that's not all, his strength is increased as is his speed. Pulling his cap down slightly, Mario muttered, "Let's-a-do this!" before taking off in a full on sprint towards the fight currently in progress.

Batman ran along the monsters back, throwing Batarangs at the red streaks along its body hoping to cause even a fraction of pain. But no matter what he did, nothing seemed to affect the creature. But from the corner of his eye, Batman saw a smaller figure jump onto The Wyvern's back.

Looking back as he ran, Batman saw Mario sprinting behind him with a smile on his face. He quirked an eyebrow when the red plumber gave him a kind smile. Thanks to the Super Mushroom, Mario was able to catch up with the Dark Knight easily. Now running alongside one another, Batman and Mario ran up towards the head of The Wyvern.

But suddenly, the red streaks on the monster's body began to electrify, crackling with red electricity. Noticing this, Batman quickly grabbed Mario and jumped off of The Wyvern just as it covered its entire body in red electricity. Taking out his Grappling Gun, Batman swung both him and Mario to the Yellow Brick Road, saving both of their lives.

Once he set him down, Batman looked up to see Sonic and Iron Man tag teaming The Wyvern.

Sonic landed on a tree branch and turned to see the newcomer standing next to Batman, "Who's the new guy?" Sonic shouted to Iron Man.

Looking down, Tony replied, "No clue! But I gotta be honest, that is an awesome moustache!"

Twilight was getting tired. She had been wandering around these woods for a little over an hour, and she still had seen no sign of her friends or the princesses. With her head held down, the Element of Magic trudged along the dirt path with sadness in her heart. She had overcome worse before, but she had her friends by her side the entire time. Together they defeated Discord and Nightmare Moon, they helped banish the Changelings, and they helped Cadance and Shining Armor save the Crystal Empire from Sombra.

Together they could do anything. But this time she was alone.

All alone.

But her ears perked up suddenly as a wave of fright hit her when she heard a horrific shriek. "What was that?" She asked herself before moving into a full on gallop to investigate. Shoving through the bushes and shrubbery, Twilight Sparkle finally made it to a clearing.

She gasped at what she saw.

A battle of epic proportions. This was unlike anything she or anypony in Equestria had ever seen before. Giant monsters, flying machines in the sky. A bat-like creature. A red and blue creature with a moustache. And finally a bipedal blue hedgehog.

Said hedgehog was suddenly wacked out of the sky by The Wyvern, and he was falling right towards Twilight. Thinking quickly, she lit up her horn and caught the falling hero with a levitation spell.

Blinking a few times, Sonic looked around as he was being placed on the ground. He turned around to see his savior, a purple unicorn, who looked at him with concern.

"Are you alright?" Twilight asked in concern.

Sonic rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah, thanks for the save.... Are you a unicorn?"

Twilight tilted her head in confusion, not understanding the question, "Yes? Why?"

"Well it's just... This is a first for me."

The unicorn shrugged, "It's a first for me two. Do you have any idea what's going on?"

"Not really, all I know is that there's a monster that needs to be taken down."

"Hey Spikeball! If you're done playing twenty questions, we could use your help here!" They both turned to see Iron Man fire another Unibeam at The Wyvern, only for it to have no effect. The beast let out a mighty screech, releasing a red shockwave that sent Iron Man falling to the ground.

Twilight, seeing the imminent danger, quickly cast a shield spell to protect her and Sonic. Both of them watched as the red energy passed over them and the shield. Once the energy dissipated, the shield fell and Twilight took a step forward towards The Wyvern, lighting up her horn.

In fact, all of the heroes gathered together and stood against the monster, not wanting it to cause any more chaos. But just as they prepared to attack, The Wyvern released another shockwave, only Twilight wasn't fast enough to cast another shield spell to protect them, causing everyone to be sent flying back a few meters.

Once everyone landed on the ground, The Wyvern slashed a hole in reality and made its escape off to another dimension. The reason, nobody knew, all they knew at the time was that the pressing danger was gone.

Twilight slowly got up to her hooves, groaning in pain due to the effects of the shockwave. She looked around and saw that everyone else was getting up as well. She didn't know who they were or what was going on, but she got a good feeling from these creatures.

The same type of feeling she got when she first ventured into the Everfree Forest with her friends to stop Nightmare Moon.


She decided to speak first, "Is everypony okay?"

Sonic, rolling back his shoulder, replied with, "Eh, I've had worse. Just give me a Chili Dog and I'll be as good as new."

"Where's the creature?" Mario asked aloud, looking around for any sign of it.

Batman folded his arms, frowning as he answered, "Gone. It must of escaped through a tear in reality, much like the one it arrived through when it first appeared."

Iron Man, using his HUD to scan the area, found no traces of it, "I think he's right, I'm picking up no signs of it." Diverting his attention to those around him, Tony couldn't help but think about the weird assortment of individuals gathered on this Yellow Brick Road. Clearing his throat, he decided to ask, "So.... Who the hell are you guys?"

This was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

Just a quick note, this is not, I repeat, NOT the same Wyvern as in Sonic Frontiers, in this story, the events of that game haven't happened. Canon in the Sonic universe diverges after Forces.

The origins of The Wyvern will be explained further on in the story.

Just wanted to clarify that.

Ok bye.

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