• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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31. San Fransokyo (Part 2)

Earth 2014

San Fransokyo

The city at night was even more marvelous than Twilight could have ever imagined. The lights of the buildings shining throughout the night sky. The difference between the city from before and now was night and day. Literally. But the unicorn mare didn't have much time to marvel at the sights, as she was busy holding onto the back of Baymax as he flew through the air.

Twilight was riding on Baymax's back as he flew past a fish-shaped windsock overlooking the city, a trail of smoke spewing behind him. A high-pitched squeal and they shot forward with his rocket boots, curving through the skyscrapers. Twilight released shouts of fear and delight as the red robot turned a quick right, then a left into the North District railroad tunnel. He flew back upwards, then ducked beneath the red lanterns hanging from a giant archway, before passing an oversized statue of a sushi-cook which waved its mechanical arms. They then met up with Iron Man, Mario, Sonic, Batman, Fred, Wasabi, Go Go, and Honey Lemon on the roof of a building. Baymax landed in a superhero pose, dropping off Twilight before taking off back into the sky.

The unicorn let out a breath of relief, placing her hoof over her heart to calm herself down. Twilight then giggled before exploding into full blown ecstatic laughter. That was such a thrill for the unicorn, it was surreal. Sure she had flown with Tony before, but never like that. Part of her wanted to do that again. Was that what Rainbow Dash felt all the time?

Immediately her mood was soured when she thought of her 'friend', but she put it out of her mind when Batman landed beside her, having jumped down from a vantage point above. She looked around, seeing Sonic and Mario smirking at her. They too were wearing AR devices while Iron Man and Batman had implemented them into their masks, so they could train too.

Then out of nowhere, Hiro's voice sounded off through her headset, "Okay, guys. Go through the rings and head for the goal." A tunnel of multicolored rings appeared before her as he said this. She assumed that the others could see their own paths of rings in their own headsets. Hiro then continued, "I'll be here to help you out remotely."

"Okay!" The members of Big Hero 6 shouted in unison, ready to begin the training simulation. Fred, Wasabi, Go Go, and Honey Lemon all jumped from the roof, following their own path of virtual rings while Baymax flew overhead.

Sonic simply gave Twilight a thumbs up as he slowly jogged forward, "See you at the finish line!" With that, the hedgehog blasted away at super speed, already plowing through his trail of rings.

Batman glided off of the roof as Iron Man took flight up into the air, all following the route made for them. Mario leapt over the balcony before Twilight started to move. She trotted at first before moving into a full on gallop, going through the tunnel of rings before her.

"Start with the rings right in front of you. Head toward the indicator on your AR device. Try and stay on course. If you start to veer off, you'll know. I put up a virtual boundary." Hiro informed the group through the AR device.

The unicorn let a small smirk grace her lips before she lit up her horn to teleport.

With Sonic.

The Blue Blur was having a blast! He hadn't trained like this in a long while. It reminded him of the various simulations Tails had made for him to test his speed and strength while they waited for Eggman to make his next move. The hedgehog rushed ahead, collecting the colored rings on the building in front of him before deciding to drop to the street below. He then hops aboard a railing as Go Go rolls by him on her wheeled boots.

"Ya gotta keep up, Sonic!" Go Go said with a smirk before splitting off to the right.

Sonic smirked as he chuckled, "Oh, you did not just say that to me." His smile widened as more colored rings appeared on his path. He then jumped from rail to rail, making his way to a building with a high-powered fan. He shot into the air, collecting a string of rings as Fred jumps in the air beside him, Wasabi clutching the suit's tail.

"This is awesome!" Fred exclaimed.

But judging from Wasabi's whimpering it wasn't awesome for everybody.

"Come on... Can't we do this on the ground?" Wasabi asked fearfully.

Fred cackled just as Iron Man flew by them. "Hey come on, I thought this was meant to be a challenge." He then shook his head, "Pick up the pace, will ya?" He said in a joking manner before flying ahead of the group.

With Batman

The Dark Knight glided through the air, going through each of the rings before him. He was a natural pro at this, given the fact that he had set up multiple AR Challenges back in Gotham, so he could properly train the other members of the Bat Family.

Batman landed at the base of a skyscraper before Hiro's voice filled his ear, "Climb up the side of that building."

"Understood." He replied before taking out his Grappling Hook and firing upwards. Batman shot upwards, going through the rings in his path. Meanwhile Honey Lemon created colorful platforms by tossing chem-balls from her purse to ascend beside him.

"Don't you just love chemistry?" She asked the Caped Crusader, to which she got no response.

Once he reached the top of the skyscraper he spread out his cape so he could glide forward, continuing the course.

With Iron Man and Mario

Tony flew overhead, traversing through the multiple rings ahead of him while Mario dashed through his course on the streets below. As the plumber jumped over various cars and obstacles, Tony simply maneuvered left and right to pass through the rings.

When he saw the plumber smirk up at him, Iron Man decided to pick up the pace and added some boost to his thrusters, propelling himself forward and ahead of Mario.

Then out of nowhere Baymax appeared flying beside him, informing him, "You are near the goal."

The two fliers flew through the night sky, passing Twilight as she teleported to the top of a building. The billionaire didn't miss the happy smile graced upon her face.

"She really needed this." Tony thought to himself before continuing to fly the course.

Back with Sonic

On the ground, Sonic was running alongside Go Go, who was struggling to keep up with the super sonic hedgehog. She couldn't believe how fast he was, he tore through the course like it was nothing. But the fact that he slowed down to run alongside her, made her feel happy that he wasn't that much of a braggart.

If only she knew.

Out of nowhere Sonic burst right past her at speeds she couldn't even begin to comprehend. He then turns to the left and begins running up the side of the building, causing Go Go to stop and look up with curiosity and awe in her eyes. She then began to have a thought.

"Interesting. Gravity--not binding."

With Batman

The Dark Knight glided through the air, weaving left and right avoiding the various projectiles headed towards him. On the roof was Wasabi, fighting various holographic Soulless Ones, courtesy of Tony giving Hiro the proper descriptions to encode them into the AR devices.

Batman landed in front of Wasabi, confusing the hero, before reaching into the pouches on his Utility Belt and throwing five Batarangs. The projectiles destroyed the holographic enemies upon impact, allowing Batman to press forward with his segment of the training course.

Wasabi had a thoughtful look on his face as he looked down at his hands. "Hey, wait. My laser hands..." A smile then appeared on his face. If Batman could use projectiles, then why couldn't he? "...can be projectiles!"

With Iron Man

"J.A.R.V.I.S.? Is it ready for testing?" Tony asked his A.I. companion as he soared through the air, approaching a nearby building.

If J.A.R.V.I.S. could nod, he would've at that moment. "Yes sir, though keep in mind it is still in its early stages. It won't be up to the standard it was in Monstropolis." He warned, a little worried that the test might not go as hoped.

But Tony wasn't worried, "Hey, that's why we have tests, buddy." He then moved downward toward a building, where Honey Lemon was hiding near a group of holographic Soulless Ones, thinking up a strategy to defeat them. "And this little training exercise is the perfect opportunity to try it out."

Without delay, Iron Man landed on the roof in a superhero pose, causing the holographic enemies to cease their movement. He then stood upright and aimed his hand at the virtual Soulless Ones. There, appearing on his forearm, a giant Proton Cannon digitized into existence, sitting comfortably on his arm.

"Here's the big one!" Tony shouted with a smirk on his face. "Proton Cannon!"

The giant laser gun fired, sending forth a massive blue beam that destroyed the virtual Soulless Ones instantaneously. Once the threats were taken care of, the Proton Cannon disappeared. Iron Man turned to the stunned Honey Lemon and gave her a two fingered salute before blasting off into the sky.

"Proton Cannon test number 1 has been successful, sir." J.A.R.V.I.S. informed his creator.

"Was there ever any doubt?"

Meanwhile Honey Lemon was looking down at her chem-balls with a curious look on her face. "Ooh! Change the weapon, change the attack."

With Twilight Sparkle

Twilight had successfully reached the top of a skyscraper with a teleport. Unfortunately, this was not where her end goal was. Before she could get to that she would have to dispose of these virtual foes before her. "Hmm. Let's see." She hummed to herself as she used her magic to summon Starswirl's book. She held it with her magic as the pages flipped to a certain page so she could learn a certain attack.

"Hmm... A fire spell? No. Maybe a liquify spell? Nope, too gruesome. And not to mention gross. What about a spell that turns them into balloons? Meh, that's Pinkie's deal. Ah-ha! Got it!"

She quickly looked over the spell before dispelling the book. The Soulless Ones closed in on her slowly, but that would be her undoing as that gave her enough time to find what she was looking for. Twilight smirked before lighting up her horn, sweat dripping down the side of her head as she concentrated. Once she had enough focus, she released the spell and froze the virtual Soulless Ones solid.

And they shattered into tiny shards of ice before disappearing.

To say that Twilight felt proud of herself would be an understatement.

But unbeknownst to her, Fred was watching her from below. "Whoa. A freeze attack!" He then looked down at his hands and mused, "Fire...and ice. Diametrically opposed...or so we thought!"

Up with Twilight, she saw a final ring with her Cutie Mark inside of it. It was the final checkpoint. She slowly approached it and was about to go through it... But Sonic beat her to it, his checkpoint in the same place as hers. Twilight pouted at the hedgehog as she stepped through the final checkpoint.

Sonic simply leaned back against the antenna on the roof and said, "Too slow, Twi."

She then proceeded to stick her tongue out at him, to which he responded in kind.

Suddenly Hiro's voice sounded off in her headset, "Thanks, Guys. That should be enough data. And I think you guys sparked some new ideas." The young boy was then bombarded with shouting as every member of Big Hero 6 excitedly began telling him about their ideas.

Sonic and Twilight simply smirked at one another before the hedgehog raised his fist for a fist bump. The unicorn giggled before bumping her hoof against the Blue Blurs fist, the shouting sounding like it wasn't going to die down anytime soon.

Hiro's Garage

With new ideas circulating in his mind, Hiro was enthusiastically typing at his computer, creating updates for his pals' gear. Tony and Honey Lemon brainstormed and created new elemental combinations for her chem-balls. Wasabi was praising Hiro on his new gauntlets with Batman looking over the specs for analysis. Fred was giving Hiro difficult specifications for his suit, but surprisingly Twilight came up with an easier solution as she lit up her horn to enchant his suit, along with Hiro making some upgrades of his own. The data from Sonic and Mario was updated for Baymax to use, with Hiro ejecting the data chip from the drive. He walked up to Baymax and pressed the port on the robot's chest. It opened up, displaying Baymax's chip slots. Hiro inserted the updated battle chip into Baymax and the port closed.

Hiro dusted off his hands with a smile on his face. "That...should do it."

Things seemed to be looking up.

But that moment was short lived as a sudden new broadcast ruined the moment with concerning news. "We interrupt your scheduled program to deliver this breaking news. Moments ago, the city's South District was attacked by numerous robots." The screen then displayed robots that were very familiar to a certain blue hedgehog. Buzz Bombers flew through the air, firing laser blasts at unsuspecting civilians. Egg Pawns were marching down the street. And it seemed that a certain Egg shaped man was bringing out the big guns as some Egg Gunners were firing upon any opposing force that got in their way.

They were humanoid and highly futuristic robots standing over two meters tall. They had a slim and almost triangular torso with a pronounced chest area, digitigrade legs, and three-toed hook-like feet. They also had a small machine gun for the left hand and a missile launcher for the right hand. On their backs, they appeared to have a propulsion system shaped as two joined disks, and their heads were shaped like disks with a glowing light blue line on the front for eyes.

The broadcast continued, "Witnesses stated seeing a rotund man in an orb shaped vehicle on the scene. He seemed to be the one orchestrating the attack as he seemed to have some control over the robots. City police are urging citizens to stay at home. For those just joining us, only minutes ago the South District was attacked by--"

And wouldn't you know it, the image displayed Dr. Eggman at the scene, laughing inside of his Egg Mobile as his Badniks continued to wreck havoc upon the city's South District. Hiro turned the broadcast off and turned to face everyone in the room.

Sonic grit his teeth as one word, one name escaped his lips. "Eggman."

Eggman bellowed loudly as he witnessed his Badnik army decimate the streets below. He couldn't help but smile at the prospect of all that technology being in his arsenal. The poor rabble below fled in terror as their pitiful police force attempted to stop him, but his Egg Gunners saw to it that they would no longer be a threat.

"OH HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!" Eggman laughed before grinning, "This is going better than I'd hoped! Not only are my forces seizing control of this pitiful city, but their attempts to stop me have been unsuccessful! And hey! The supposed heroes of this city are a no-show! Soon the Foundation Element will be found, and this city's technology will be mine!"

"Don't count on it..." Cubot muttered.

Eggman turned and glared at his lackey, "Zip it! Nobody asked for your input!" He turned away and continued looking at the destruction below. "Things are going perfectly! And the best part is that the hedgehog is nowhere to be found! I actually expected him to show up, given how he has in the past, and due to recent events. But no matter, with him not here nothing will stop me!"

"Wanna bet!!!"

The doctor's eyes shot wide open as he turned to the source of the noise. There standing atop a nearby building was Sonic with a cocky smirk on his face. Before he could even react, Sonic zoomed down the side of the building and took out a squadron of Badniks.

The Egg Gunners tried locking onto the hedgehog but were suddenly blasted apart by four projectiles. Courtesy of Wasabi and Iron Man.

"Mind if we join in?" Tony asked before flying off to deal with the Buzz Bombers.

"W-WHAT?!" Eggman stuttered out as two more Egg Gunners were frozen solid. They were then shattered by a fire ball from Fred, who flipped through the air and landed in a superhero pose.

Four Motobugs shot forward but a chem-ball landed before them before exploding into a cloud of purple smoke. "Now!" Honey Lemon shouted as Twilight fired a beam of magic which split apart into four separate beams that destroyed the Badniks upon impact.

Batman glided down from the top of a skyscraper and kicked the back of an Egg Gunner, causing it to stumble right into Go Go, who slid under it and took out its legs, causing it to fall over. It was then destroyed by Mario who stomped on its chest.

Eggman grit his teeth as a shadow flew over his head, to which he looked up and saw Baymax flying down with Hiro on his back. The robot fired his rocket fist and destroyed another Egg Gunner as Honey Lemon threw another chem-ball, summoning a solid block of red hexagons, entrapping a squadron of Egg Pawns.

Sonic saw this and boosted forward, jumping over the hexagons and curling into a ball. He then destroyed the Egg Pawns with multiple Homing Attacks before launching into the air and landing right in front of Eggman with a smirk on his face. "Hey Eggman! Long time no see!" He greeted as the combined forces of Big Hero 6 and the Guardians of the Multiverse converged behind him, facing the mad doctor alongside the Blue Blur.

Dr. Eggman growled as he slammed his console, "I should've known you'd still be alive, you stubborn little hedgehog!!!"

"What are you doing out here?" Sonic asked.

But Eggman simply waved him off dismissively, "I don't see how that's any of your business."

"You made it my business when you started trashing the city." Sonic retorted, taking a step forward toward his arch nemesis. "Whatever you're planning, you do know I'm gonna stop you, right?"

Eggman responded by sitting back in his chair and stroking his moustache, "Past experiences indicate that. But this time it will be different! My plan will finally see the end of you, rodent!" He leaned forward and grinned, "You and your new friends don't stand a chance!"

But Sonic wasn't taking his threat seriously. He hardly ever did. "Egghead, I beat you all the time by myself. Now you're dealing with the new Guardians of the Multiverse!" He said with outspread hands, gesturing to his friends behind him.

It was then that Hiro walked up and stood beside the hedgehog, "And the crime fighting team of Big Hero 6! Together, we're unstoppable."

"Yeah!" Big Hero 6 agreed.

Eggman rolled his eyes, "Oh please. No more speeches about the 'Super Power of Teamwork.'" He pointed down to them and declared, "Let's see how unstoppable you are against this!!!"

Suddenly a Rift opened behind the mad doctor, causing everyone to gape at it. When Eggman released his iconic bellow of laughter, a large silhouette appeared inside the portal. Then, from within the portal, a massive robot floated out and loomed over the group of heroes. Sonic gritted his teeth at the sight of the familiar robot. It was a giant Mecha with a cape, created from all of life energy on Sonic's home world. Mobius. It had a red color scheme, broad shoulders, large hands, Eggman's face on the head of the mech, and two yellow points going down its chest.

Eggman laughed as the Super Egg Robo activated, its left eye glowing green as well as its green energy cape draped down from the energy canisters on its back. The mad doctor flew his Egg Mobile up to its head as the cockpit slid open, allowing him to pilot the vehicle into its head. Robotnik laughed again as the glass slid over his head, "Remember this one, Sonic?" He asked before tapping the console before him. "He's been upgraded with more toys to destroy you with! Even you won't last long against this one! You will be crushed by my Super Egg Robo, and in the end, everything will be just as I planned! Hehehehe. Hahahah. HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!"

Suddenly more Rifts appeared just before the group of heroes, and from within them, out stepped more Badniks for them to fight.

"Catch me if you can!" Eggman taunted as he flew away from the battle.

Sonic turned as his eyes followed the doctor, "Hey! Get back here!" Without warning he took off after him.

"Sonic wait!!!" Twilight shouted, but it was too late. She turned to Tony and said, "Iron Man, go help him!"

"On it!" Without hesitation he took off after his friend.

Thinking they may need a little more help, Hiro looked to Go Go and Baymax and ordered, "Were going too. Something tells me they'll need all the help they can get!" When they both nodded, he turned to the rest of his friends and asked, "You guys gonna be okay here?"

"We're fine, Hiro!" Honey Lemon reassured him before pointing in the direction Eggman went. "Just go after them and be careful!" She said with urgency.

With no time to waste, Hiro jumped on Baymax's back as pointed forward. When Go Go took off, Baymax ignited his thrusters and took off after them, hoping that together they'll be able to take Eggman down.

With Sonic

Sonic was currently racing down the road with Eggman in his sights. He had followed him through many city blocks, not wanting to let him get away. He was about to speed up when he saw something in his peripheral vision. On his left he saw Iron Man fly alongside him, and on his right he saw Baymax with Hiro on his back, as well as Go Go skating alongside him.

"You didn't think we were gonna let you hog all the glory, did ya?" Tony asked with a knowing smirk.

"We'll back you up!" Hiro said with a smile, "We're in this together."

Sonic smirked before refocusing his attention on Eggman, "All right! Let's get the show on the road!" Together they all boosted forward to meet the Super Egg Robo head on.

"HO HO HO HO!!! Prepare yourselves!!!" Eggman warned as the Super Egg Robo began to charge up.

Go Go paled at the sheer size of the robot, "That's a big bot."

Sonic shrugged, "Eh. I've faced bigger. No biggie though, I'll tear right through it with a Spin Dash."

"It'll take a lot more than that to stop me this time, hedgehog!" Eggman replied as the mech prepared to attack. "Now... GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!"

Without hesitation, the Super Egg Robo fired a massive green beam from its left hand, tearing through the streets. Sonic's eyes shot wide open before he moved to the right, jumping in the air and air dashing to wall run on the side of a building before jumping back down.

Go Go decided it was now or never, so she dashed forward and ran up the side of a building to avoid the laser blast. She let out a joyous laugh, her upgrades worked! She made it to the top of the building and ran as well as jumped from rooftop to rooftop to keep up with the mad doctor.

Both Baymax and Iron Man shot upwards to avoid the laser, boosting forward to catch up.

The laser ceased as Eggman aimed the mechs right arm forward and then proceeded to fire another laser, the heroes all dodging it again. When the laser ceased, everyone met back up on the road and chased after Eggman.

"Not bad." Eggman complimented before detaching the hands of the mech, the appendages floating before the robot. The Super Egg Robo then fired multiple green orbs at the pursuing heroes. Sonic simply dashed forward and swerved to the left to avoid the projectiles while Go Go jumped over to orbs.

When the projectiles ceased fire, Iron Man and Baymax shot forward, headed right towards the mechs cockpit. Tony fired a bunch of missiles while Baymax shot forward his rocket fist, both attack landing on the head of the mech. Eggman recoiled inside the cockpit before aiming and firing an eye laser from the mechs left eye. The attack struck Tony in the chest, sending him crashing into Baymax.

As Hiro, Tony, and Baymax crashed on the ground, with the latter holding Hiro as they landed so that he wouldn't get hurt, Sonic and Go Go rushed forward to catch up with Eggman. The attacks didn't stop there however as the Super Egg Robo slammed both of its fists down onto the street, sending forth waves of green energy to try and slow down the heroes.

As the waves moved closer, Sonic grabbed Go Go's hand and jumped into the air, avoiding the waves of energy. When they both landed, they saw Eggman pilot the Super Egg Robo into another block of the city. The two speedsters turned left to follow the mad doctor.

"How about this!" Eggman shouted as the mechs hands began to spin around in a drill-like motion. They then pointed downwards and pierced the street, creating a trench in the road as it moved. Inside the trench was green liquid and steam rising from it. Sonic and Go Go had to be very careful where they ran otherwise they would most certainly be destroyed. Once the hands stopped spinning and reattached to the mech, Sonic boosted forward and it the mechs left leg with a Homing Attack, causing it to stagger and lean to the left.

Once its hand was in the right position, Sonic hit it with a Homing Attack before bouncing and hitting its shoulder, until finally bouncing into the air and hitting the cockpit with a Homing Attack, sending the Super Egg Robo bouncing and tumbling down the road.

Once he landed, Sonic boosted forward and struck the mech in the chest, sending it further down the road. Eggman recovered as Baymax, Hiro, and Iron Man caught up and flew alongside Sonic and Go Go.

"You filthy little..." Eggman grumbled before slamming his fist on a button. The right hand of the mech detached and turned to the left before firing a green laser that bounced off the face of a building and moved straight towards Go Go. Just as she was about to be struck, Iron Man swooped down and grabbed her, saving her from certain doom.

The laser moved towards Sonic, who simply slid under the beam.

Baymax boosted forward and moved behind the giant appendage. He grabbed its thrusters and spun it around before throwing it directly into the cockpit of the mech. The Super Egg Robo staggered before it recovered, the mechs hand reattaching to its arm.

"I don't know who you people are, but you've made a very powerful enemy today!" Eggman declared before charging up the mech again.

"He's charging up again! Get ready!" Sonic warned the rest of his friends.

Once the Super Egg Robo finished charging, it detached its hands and aimed them up at the sky. Eggman then fired multiple cubes into the sky that landed in a certain pattern on the street. Following Sonic's lead, Go Go managed to make her way through the obstacles. The cubes disappeared as the hands of the Super Egg Robo rose up and came crashing down, sending forth more waves of energy.

Sonic and Go Go jumped over them as the two fliers boosted forward. When Tony fired a Unibeam Blast directly at the cockpit, Baymax and Hiro dove down and shoulder charged the mech in its torso, causing it to stagger.

When the right hand of the mech dragged across the street, Go Go skated to it and jumped on top of it. She then dashed up as it reattached itself, moving up its shoulder before kicking the cockpit, damaging it severely.

"Grrr!!! You fidgety little...." Eggman grumbled as he propelled the mech backwards to gain some distance.

He then detached the mechs hands again and fired a laser from the left hand, moving towards the right to try and catch them off guard. Sonic jumped over the beam while Go Go slid under it. Eggman tried again, only with the right hand this time. He missed. He tried again. And again. And again. And again.

When his strategy wasn't working, Eggman spread the arms of the mech out wide and summoned six green orbs that hovered around the mech. When the Super Egg Robo sent its arms forward, the orbs launched downward, each locking on to the heroes below.

Sonic had to move quickly and efficiently so that he wouldn't get caught in the resulting blasts, with the other heroes following his lead. An explosion to his left, then right, then behind him. There were explosions all around him and the others but they persevered and continued pressing forward.

"Got anymore tricks up your sleeve, Eggman?" Sonic taunted his number one foe.

Eggman clenched his fist before bringing it down on the main console multiple times, "Just you wait, rodent! You won't survive this time!!!"

"Yeah, sure." Sonic said as he rolled his eyes.

That made Eggman livid.

It was time to end this once and for all.

Eggman raised the mechs hands into the air, channeling all of its energy into this one attack. There, a giant orb appeared in the palm of the mechs hands, growing larger as more power was going into it. "I'm sick of you getting in the way every single time!"

This orb had enough power in it to destroy a whole city block. If they weren't careful, this would be the end of them.

The Super Egg Robo threw the orb down, hoping that it would be the end of that miserable little hedgehog. The explosion was massive, cars were totaled, the sides of buildings were destroyed, everything was set ablaze. Eggman grinned, surely that was enough to destroy the rodent.

"Hey Eggman!"

Of course, that was never the case.

There the five heroes launched upwards out of the explosion and boosted forward, headed directly for the cockpit. Eggman gasped as the five heroes struck the head of the mech, sending it tumbling backwards as it began to explode, having sustained too much damage.

As the heroes landed and the mech rolled down the road, Sonic boosted forward and curled into a ball before piercing the chest of the Super Egg Robo, sealing its fate. Eggman let out a scream of rage as his Egg Mobile was launched out of the mech, an explosion of fireworks shaped like his logo went off in the sky as the Super Egg Robo blew up.

"So much for your plan, Eggbrain!" Sonic shouted to his arch nemesis as he flew into the air, his plan having become shambles once again. With that taken care of, the other heroes walked up the hedgehog as he dusted off his hands. Sonic turned to Go Go and said, "Nice work out there, Go Go. You got some pretty sweet moves."

The girl chuckled and said, "You're not so bad yourself, blue boy."

Hiro smiled at the scene before he received a transmission from Honey Lemon. "Hiro! Were all wrapped up here, the robots have been dealt with. How're things on your end?"

Hiro responded, "We're done here too. The targets been dealt with. Let's regroup and celebrate."

"Will do!"

Hiro smiled before he jumped back onto Baymax's back, "Things seemed to have calmed down a bit. Come on! Let's get back to the others."

But Iron Man was already in the air, "Way ahead of ya, kid." He suddenly took off, with the others following close behind.

Atop the Golden Gate Bridge

Once the Badniks and Eggman were dealt with, everyone, sans Batman, decided that it was time to celebrate. So they decided to get ice cream bars and sit atop the Golden Gate Bridge. Everyone was conversing, getting to know one another, while Batman simply stood away from the group, observing the sunset.

"Was that awesome...or was that TOTALLY AWESOME?! Haha!" Fred exclaimed as he jumped around excitedly.

Sonic simply chuckled, "Yeah, I was pretty awesome."

Meanwhile Honey Lemon was talking to Twilight, "Your magic is amazing. Do you think I could study it sometime?"

Twilight nodded, “Sure! Just as long as I can study those chem-balls."

"Heh. You just made Twilight's day." Mario commented.

Behind them, Go Go, Baymax, Tony and Hiro were staring at the sunset, just talking about things tech wizzes like them talk about. Quantum Physics, Multiverse theory (Which wasn't much of a theory anymore), and upgrades that they could make to their tech.

"My brother wanted to help people. Now, we try to do the same." Hiro said with a sad smile.

"Your brother?" Tony asked, his mask sliding upwards to reveal his face.

"Yeah, Tadashi. There was a fire, and now he's gone." Go Go shared Hiro's sadness as he continued, "But he always wanted to make a difference. He cared about people. That's why he worked so hard to create Baymax."

"I'm sorry, kid." Tony said sadly, feeling bad for Hiro.

"He's still here. In Baymax. In all of us." Hiro said with a smile.

Back with Twilight, she had excused herself from her conversation with Honey Lemon to check on Batman, who was just watching over the city. When he noticed her sit next to him, he turned just as she hovered an ice cream up to his face, offering it to him.

He surprisingly took it and smiled a little as the two friends watched the sunset together.

"How're you holding up?" Batman asked, knowing that the unicorn was still hurting.

Twilight took a bite of her ice cream and replied, "I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm so angry at them, but we've been through so much together. Do I have it in me to throw that all away because of one dispute?"

"Didn't they?"

She looked up to Batman, simply seeing him look at the sunset.

"My opinion doesn't matter, Twilight. This has to be your decision, whether you choose to forgive them or not, that's up to you. Just know that we'll be with you, no matter what."

She gazed up at him in awe before smiling, "Y'know, beneath that rough exterior, there's a gentle pony underneath that mask. A gentle pony I'm glad to be friends with."

"Man, not pony." Batman corrected.

Twilight blushed as she nudged him playfully. They continued to watch the sunset as a certain hedgehog walked over, "This a private party or can anyone join?"

Twilight gestured for him to sit, which he accepted. "So, you think Eggman's left this dimension? I mean, that was some beating you guys gave him, from what you told me."

"Nah. If there's one thing you need to know about ole' Egghead, is that he's stubborn. We'll run into him again while we search for the Foundation Element." Sonic replied, so sure of Eggman's return.

"Speaking of which," she turned to Batman, "Any idea where to start?"

"J.A.R.V.I.S and Hiro are going through piles of data to find anything that matches the description of the Element." Batman answered.

"Any luck?" Sonic asked.

Batman shook his head, "Not yet."

Twilight, however, remained optimistic, "We'll find it. And we'll stop Eggman and whoever gets in our way." She looked back at the smiling faces of Big Hero 6 before looking back at the sunset. "After all, we have friendship on our side."

"Not to mention Starswirl's rooting for us." Sonic reminded playfully, knowing that it would get an excited reaction out of Twilight.

"Don't get her started." Batman groaned, to which both Sonic and Twilight laughed before falling into silence, gazing at the sunset.

But unknown to them, things were going to get worse before they get better.

Author's Note:

What's this?!?! Two uploads in a week?!?!?!?!


This was probably my favourite chapter to write so far. If you couldn't tell Eggman's my favourite character to write lol. I don't know why, he's just a fun character to write dialogue for.

Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter.

Super Egg Robo - Nibroc-Rock

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