• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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5. Armored Avenger

Earth 616

New York City

"Okay!" A bearded man exclaimed as he clapped his hands together, "J.A.R.V.I.S, what's on the agenda tonight?" The man asked as he walked over to the bar inside of the room he was currently standing in.

The man wore a white tank top with grey suit pants, but his two most distinguishable features would be his goatee and the blue light on his chest shining through the lining of the shirt.

This man was none other than Anthony 'Tony' Stark. Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, and Philanthropist. But what he is most known for is for heroic exploits as the leader of the super hero team known only as The Avengers. But in his own words, "He is Iron Man".

Tony was currently pacing around the very top floor of one of, if not, the tallest building in the entire city. One which he owned for the record, Stark Tower. With a glass of scotch in his hand, Tony walked over to the Holotable in the center of the room, where a holographic image of soundwaves was being projected above the Holotable.

"Everything seems rather quiet tonight sir." A synthetic voice replied to the man suddenly, the soundwaves moving along with what the voice was saying.

This was the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) that Tony had created, Just A Really Very Intelligent System was what his creator had decided to call him, but everyone just called him J.A.R.V.I.S. The A.I. was integrated into every single piece of Tony's technology, that included his computers, phones, cars, his various armors, even the entirety of Stark Tower.

J.A.R.V.I.S controlled it all.

Hearing what his artificial assistant had said, Tony visibly slouched and slowly sat down on the black, leather couch behind him. Releasing a deep exhale, Tony silently took a sip of his scotch and looked deeply at the holographic projection before him.

"Really? Nothing at all?" Tony asked, hoping for something to cure his insatiable boredom.

But alas, J.A.R.V.I.S had nothing, "My apologies, sir. If you would like I could call Miss Potts to see if she has time in her schedule for a visit?" The A.I. suggested to his creator.

But Stark shook his head, shutting down that idea right away, "No, I don't wanna bother Pepper with my problems. Besides she's got a whole section of the company to run, I don't wanna get in the way of that."

Pepper Potts was Tony's human assistant, who managed parts of his company, Stark Industries, a world wide tech company, when Tony had his hands full with, as he put it, "Hero Stuff". She was also Tony's secret crush, so there's that too.

Leaning back in his couch, Tony asked, "Well what about the other members of The Avengers?" He rested his right leg on top of his left knee as he took another sip of his drink, "What are they up to?"

"Mister Barton is currently in Germany on a secret mission for S.H.I.E.L.D. Doctor Banner has gone off the grid, likely to help keep his anger under control. Prince Thor has returned to Asgard to deal with an infestation of Frost Giants from Jotunheim. And Captain Rogers and Miss Romanoff are currently partaking in a stealth mission down at the New York docks."

Now that got Tony's attention. Placing his right foot on the ground and leaning forward, both hands holding onto his glass of scotch, the billionaire replied, "Alright, now there's something I can work with. J.A.R.V.I.S, pull up all you can on this little stealth mission Cap and Widow are on."

Doing as he was commanded, J.A.R.V.I.S pulled up the mission report that Captain Rogers had filed into the Avengers Database. Getting up from his seat, Tony walked over to the hologram and read the mission report. Apparently the tech terrorist group known as A.I.M had been mining in specific regions in the nation of Wakanda. These specific regions housed gigantic caves filled with Vibranium.

Vibranium is a very rare, indestructible metal that can only be found in Wakanda. It is very powerful, and very dangerous in the wrong hands. Apparently Cap and Widow found out that A.I.M was shipping in the very rare mineral into the New York docks... Tonight.

It was supposedly heavily guarded so that nobody could interfere with the delivery.

Stark frowned as various thoughts raced through his intelligent mind, "If A.I.M get their hands on that Vibranium, the results could be catastrophic." Bringing his glass to his lips, Tony finished his glass of scotch in one gulp and placed it on the rim of the Holotable. Walking away from the holographic projector, Tony spoke aloud, "J.A.R.V.I.S, prepare my favorite suit, if things go bad down at the docks, Cap and Widow are gonna need all the help they can get."

Tony turned to the glass doors leading to the balcony of his tower, hearing a series of beeps coming from behind him. The billionaire started walking towards the doors as the floor under him began opening up. Emerging from the floor were red, armored boots that fit themselves onto his feet perfectly. From behind him, the counter at the bar lifted open as various pieces of his armor flew towards him. Planting itself onto his back, Tony's armor began to fit around him plate by plate. His Arc Reactor lit up in an orange color as the armor folded and sealed itself around him. His iron gauntlets flew around him before fitting themselves around his hands, the rest of the armor finally sealing itself around him.

His face plate closed, the armor's eyes lit up as Tony opened the glass doors. Once he was on the balcony, Tony's boots began to spark before fully igniting. Then all of a sudden, The Invincible Iron Man took off into the sky at astounding speeds.

Iron Man soared high above New York's skies, nothing could keep up with him. He looked down at the city of lights with a smile before stumbling in the air slightly. Referring to J.A.R.V.I.S, "Woah, little sluggish isn't it, J.A.R.V.I.S?" He then thought of a solution, "Place the thrusters at 80% and divert all remaining excess power to them as well. We don't need the extra weight right now, do we?"

Say it and it shall be done, J.A.R.V.I.S diverted all the power he could to the thrusters and surely enough, Iron Man rocketed through the clouds, parting them due to his extreme speed.

"Alright, we should be closing in on the New York docks." Tony informed his A.I. as he looked closely at the HUD inside his helmet.

He looked down and as clear as day, there were the New York docks.

Already having scanned the area, J.A.R.V.I.S informed, "Sir, I'd exercise caution. Scans reveal the area to be heavily armed and dangerous."

Iron Man let a sly smirk tug on his lips, "Well that's just how we like it, isn't it buddy?" Wasting no time, Tony tilted below him and boosted down toward the docks. The docks and the container yard drew closer as the hero flew downward at high speeds.

Just as J.A.R.V.I.S said, the New York docks were full of gunned soldiers. They wore yellow, bee keeper like suits with black shoulder pads and green visors inside of their helmets.

These A.I.M Agents were scattered around the place, either guarding for potential intruders, or lifting the merchandise onto one of the various trucks stationed at the docks. One pair of A.I.M Agents were lifting a metal box off of the container ship and moving it onto one of the trucks, when a sudden voice from the shadows caught their attention.

"Best be careful with that," the figure leaning against the wall in the shadows warned before standing off of the wall and walking into the light. This man wore a white cape with a hood. The inside of the hood and cape were colored orange. He had white gloves along with white boots to match. Blue body armor with an orange patch in the center of his chest was what he chose to wear to protect himself. Strapped to his back were a blue and orange shield with a sword as well. His skull mask made anyone who encountered him shiver involuntarily.

Taskmaster walked over to the pair of agents and patted the metal box, "After all, what's in there is irreplaceable."

As the two agents continued moving the box of Vibranium to the truck, they were blissfully unaware of the pair of eyes that were currently watching them from the shadows.

Feeling like he was being watched, Taskmaster turned and looked behind him. When he saw that no-one was there, he scowled before moving towards the warehouse up ahead, unaware that the two figures were silently following in the shadows.

Walking into the warehouse, Taskmaster took note of all that was going on around him. Looking around, he saw multiple A.I.M Agents testing various weapons, multiple resources being escorted out of the building, and the development of several guns and drones to be used against their enemies.

The mercenary folded his arms as he saw a Latina lady wearing a green dress suit with gold accents, gloves, and a gem stone on her chest walk over to him with a smile on her face.

Monica Rappaccini, A.I.M's Scientist Supreme, stood before Taskmaster before acknowledging the mercenary with a nod.

"Thank you, Taskmaster," Monica thanked, "Thanks to your supervision over the mining operation down in Wakanda, A.I.M is now in possession of the most powerful mineral in the world."

But Taskmaster didn't really care, all he wanted was his money, "I fulfilled my assignment with no problems whatsoever. All that's left is the matter of my fee."

The Scientist Supreme's face fell, of course the only thing the hired gun cared about was the money. "Rest assured that your payment shall be deposited to your off shore account after the Vibranium is safely secured at the selected safehouses at our disposal."

Taskmaster nodded slowly before adding, "Be sure that it is. A.I.M doesn't want to make an enemy out of me."

Monica laughed softly, "Worry not about your payment, think of what you've helped achieve! With this, Advanced Idea Mechanics will change the world!"

"That's not going to happen!"

Turning to the direction of the shout, both villains saw that a red and white, star spangled shield was flying right towards them. Thinking quickly, Taskmaster moved in front of Monica, took out his shield, and deflected the projectile away from his benefactor.

The shield spun around in the air a few times before being caught by a star spangled man. He wore a blue suit with a white star dead center on his chest. His torso also bore the colors of the American flag, red, and white. On his mask was the letter A imbedded on his forehead. On the sides of his head were white wingtips. On his waist was a brown belt with multiple patches and a silver buckle in the middle. Holding his shield close, the man glared at his enemies, those who defied the American way.

Captain Steven Rogers aka Captain America, raised his star spangled shield into the air as several A.I.M Agents converged on his position. Looking around, it would seem that Captain America was surrounded.

But then that assumption was dismissed as multiple A.I.M Agents cried out in pain as electricity appeared all over their bodies. The agents fell to the floor as a second individual landed next to Captain America. She had red hair and wore a black jumpsuit with blue highlights. Stitched onto her shoulders were the Avengers symbol, to show her allegiance to her team. Not only that, but there was a red insignia planted on the chest of her jumpsuit as well. On her wrists were her Widow's Bite, wrist guns that shot electric tasers. She also wore a silver belt with a red insignia in the center. On her thighs were gun holders with pistols lodged into them, just in case things went bad.

Natasha Romanoff, aka, The Black Widow removed her guns and aimed them at the soldiers around her and Cap.

But they soon found themselves surrounded by even more A.I.M Agents, knock one down, two more take their place. Monica and Taskmaster walked to the front of the pack to get a better look at their adversaries. While Taskmaster said nothing, Monica simply laughed.

"You really did not think this through did you, Avengers?" she then spread out her arms, gesturing to the agents around them, "We are A.I.M! We are legion! We are one! How could you possibly hope to stop us?"

It was then that Cap took a step forward, "As long as there are those willing to stand up against you, you'll never be able to achieve victory."

The Scientist Supreme scoffed before waving her right hand, giving the order to shoot them, "Ridiculous. Kill them."

"Sounds like that's my cue!"

Right on cue, the ceiling exploded open as the Armored Avenger flew downwards, firing multiple missiles from his back. Taking the chance, Cap hurled his shield forward as Black Widow sprinted after it. She then jumped off of it, flipping through the air before kicking Monica in the chest, sending her crashing down on her back.

Natasha was about to place her under arrest, but suddenly, she was shoulder charged by Taskmaster.

The mercenary looked down at his employer, who ordered, "Kill them all, otherwise you will not be receiving a single dime! Now do your job while I get out of here!" Taskmaster nodded as he took out his sword, eyeing Romanoff as she got back to her feet.

"Romanoff." He acknowledged her as he pointed his blade forward, "From one former S.H.I.E.L.D agent to another, keep up." Taskmaster then charged forward with his shield and sword in hand as Widow took out her electric batons and met her enemy in the middle.

Meanwhile, Tony and Steve were busy fighting off the horde of A.I.M Agents, with Tony firing Repulsor Blasts from his hands and Steve hurling his shield at any foe he saw. Catching his shield, Cap then proceeded to bolt forward, jumping up and kneeing an A.I.M Agent in the face before flipping over him, delivering a nasty kick to the agent behind him.

Landing on his feet, Cap turned to see Tony up in the air, throwing an A.I.M Agent down to the ground, "Tony, you're timing is impeccable!"

Focusing on the battle, Tony shrugged, "Eh, I was bored. Plus it looked like you could use some help. Which reminds me, was this just a spontaneous thing or what? I mean, how long have you been tracking A.I.M?" He asked before firing another set of Repulsor Blasts.

Punching an agent to the ground, Cap gawked upward at his friend, "Are you serious? Tony we've been tracking A.I.M for months. We finally had enough intel to go after them, don't you read the intelligence S.H.I.E.L.D sends you?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D? Most of, if not, all of the emails I get from them I send to my spam folder."

"You're unbelievable."

Chuckling at the banter between them, Iron Man dove down before jetting forward, knocking down a group of agents in the process. While Tony took to the air, Cap turned and saw that Romanoff was busy fighting Taskmaster.

Black Widow slid underneath Taskmaster's sword before sweeping at the mercenary's legs. Unfortunately, the villain jumped in the air, hurling two grenades as he flipped over her head. Natasha, thinking quickly, kicked the grenades away before turning around and blocking a downward attack from Taskmaster with her batons.

"I see you're taking down notes." Widow shot before backflipping away, gaining some distance from Taskmaster.

Tilting his head to the side, Taskmaster asked, "What are going on about?"

Widow barked a laugh, "Oh come on! The more I fight, the more you learn!"

"It's called Photographic Reflexes!" Taskmaster argued.

"It's called unoriginal!" Widow barked back before aiming her Widow's Bite and firing.

Unfortunately Taskmaster predicted this and raised his shield, blocking the projectiles which electrified his shield. Once the tasers burnt out, he backflipped through the air, using one hand to hurl his shield away while using the other to throw three landmines down to the ground.

Flipping out of the way, Natasha avoided the explosions that followed before she rushed forward as Taskmaster landed on his feet. Once they met up, Widow threw some punches, but Taskmaster parried each of them with such precision that she would be believing that she was fighting herself.

Ducking under a right hook, Taskmaster palmed Natasha in the stomach, sending her stumbling back.

But before she could recover, Taskmaster's shield struck her in the back, sending her to the floor. Turns out that all he needed to do was distract her long enough so that his shield could get into the right position to knock her down. He caught his shield and dashed over, sword ready to finish her. But just her luck, Captain America charged directly into him with his shield, sending the villain flying into a stack of wooden crates.

Looking down and offering a helping hand, Captain America helped Black Widow to her feet.

Taskmaster leapt out of the broken crates and landed right in front of the two heroes.

Cap and Nat nodded to one another before the WW2 veteran taunted, "Try and copy this!"

Smirking underneath his mask, Taskmaster retorted, "Got some bad news for ya, pops, I'm a quick study."

Thus, the battle between all three of them commenced.

Cap and Taskmaster hurled their shields at one another, the two projectiles colliding and landing on the floor as Natasha slid across the floor, striking at the mercenary's legs with her batons while Cap picked up his shield while the villain was stunned.

The Star Spangled Man used the face of his shield to smack Taskmaster in the face, causing the villain to stumble. He was delirious, he couldn't focus. If he couldn't focus, he couldn't learn any of their moves. Widow used both of her legs to kick Taskmaster in the back, sending him forward so Cap could punch him in the face.

On both of his knees, Taskmaster quickly caught a glimpse of Natasha trying to kick him in the face. But much to her chagrin, the villain caught her kick and threw her right into Cap, sending them both to the floor.

While this was going on, Iron Man was simply flying around, destroying all of A.I.M's supplies so that they couldn't use them for whatever devious schemes they were preparing them for. "This beats just sitting at home, doesn't it J.A.R.V.I.S?"

"That it does sir. By the way, A.I.M's Scientist Supreme is trying to get away."

Looking over to the entrance of the warehouse, Tony saw that J.A.R.V.I.S was right on the money as Monica was making a bee line for the door. Smirking under his helmet, Iron Man boosted downward, landing right in front of miss Rappaccini. Aiming his hands at her, Tony simply said, "Nuh uh. You ain't going anywhere."

Monica didn't respond.

Tony shrugged and decided to quip, "So, you doin' anything later?"

Monica curled her upper lip in disgust, "Ugh! You are vile!"

"Meh, I've been called worse. So since you're clearly outgunned, why don't you just surrender, and tell your bobble headed boss that he isn't getting his hands on this Vibranium."

The Scientist Supreme scoffed, "You think this will stop us?! We are forever, Stark! The days of the abnormal are at an end, super powers shall be extinguished! A.I.M shall revolutionize the entire planet! There is nothing that you can do to stop it!"

Tony was bored, how many times had he heard villains say this type of speech before?

"You done?" He asked. Receiving no response, Tony just took that as a yes, "Okay, glad you got that out of your system. Now come quietly, final warning. I really don't wanna blast that pretty face of yours, sweetheart."

But just as Tony was about to place her under arrest, the sound of a window shattering caught everyone by surprise, causing them to turn to the cause of the noise. What they saw, was a small little orange bomb clank against the concrete floor.

When the bomb rolled to a stop, everyone could see that it wasn't an ordinary bomb at all.

It was a Pumpkin Bomb.

The bomb exploded, sending multiple A.I.M Agents flying across the room. In the midst of the chaos that ensued, three more Pumpkin Bombs crashed through the windows, creating more chaos as they too exploded in a blaze of glory. Another window shattered, only this time there was no bomb, instead there was a man flying a glider. This man was wearing purple armor, and he wore a green mask that bore the resemblance of a goblin. His glider had a bat like face on the front of it, making him all the more dangerous.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The Green Goblin cackled like a lunatic as he tossed a Pumpkin Bomb up and down in his hand. "Well isn't this a nice surprise? Here I was on my way to steal your Vibranium for myself, when I learn that you're all throwing a party without me! Well we can't have that now, can we?"

Tony visibly slumped, "Osborn? Seriously?"

Goblin ignored Stark's complaint and focused his attention on the Scientist Supreme, "Hello, my dear. Would you be so kind as to give me all your Vibranium?" His smile widened, "If you do, then I may let you live." He licked his teeth in anticipation, "But no promises."

It was then that Cap decided to speak up, "What do you want with the Vibranium anyway?"

Goblin shrugged, "Selling weapons is a competitive business trade. If I want Oscorp to be at the top of the food chain, then I gotta take out the competition, hahahahahahaha!"

"Yeah, no!" Tony had clearly had enough as he shot upwards, firing Repulsor Blasts at the cackling ghoul. Green Goblin laughed as he flew away, hurling Pumpkin Bombs backward as Iron Man gave chase. He was doing pretty well in dodging the projectiles, but it wasn't meant to last as Goblin quickly turned his glider around and hurled two directly in his flight pattern.

Exploding in his face, the bombs sent Iron Man spiraling to the ground, crash landing into a box of weapons.

Goblin shot a fist up in the air in victory before turning to see Monica leaving the building. Not one for wasting opportunities, he flew right out of the building in pursuit.

Taskmaster, knowing when to get out when it gets too hot for him, turned to Cap and Widow, "I didn't sign up for this. Keep your money, things are getting too dicey for my liking."

"You think we're just gonna let you walk out of here?" Natasha asked rhetorically.

Taskmaster shrugged, "Oh Romanoff. I'm already gone." And with that, he threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared out of sight. The two Avengers ran forward to stop him, but it was too late, he was gone. As they looked at one another, they both heard Tony groan as he got back up onto his feet.

They both rushed over as Tony's system came back online. "Tony, are you alright?" Cap asked, concerned for his friend.

"Yeah, I'm good Cap." He replied as he rolled his shoulder back. He then hovered in the air before turning to the door, "Come on, we got a Trick-or-Treater to stop."

Outside, Green Goblin was hovering over Monica with his arms folded over his chest, grinning like a mad man, "Now, I'll ask once more, sweetheart. Hand over your Vibranium, and I won't bash your skull in. Sound fair?"

"You and I have very different definitions about fair."

Lifting his head up, Goblin saw Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow making their way towards him. Letting out a dejected sigh, Norman flew right over Monica's head before firing two missiles directly from his glider. Thinking quickly, The Avengers made their move.

Cap deflected the missile with his shield, Tony dove under the missile targeting him, and Natasha flipped over her missile. But as soon as Goblin pressed some buttons on his gauntlet, the missiles turned around and focused on them. Pointing behind them, Goblin turned his enemies' attention to the approaching missiles.

But as soon as they were about to make impact with the trio of heroes, three lines of webbing stuck to the three missiles. Their savior then used the webs to toss the missiles into the ocean, exploding them underwater. Goblin, filled with fury, turned to see a familiar spandex wearing hero sticking on the side of a red shipping container.

This familiar face wore a red a blue spandex suit with black webbing tracing the entire suit. On the front of the suit was a black spider symbol on his chest, while there was a red spider symbol on the hero's back.

The Spectacular Spider-Man waved his hand, "Now there's something you don't see everyday."

"SPIDER-MAN?!" Goblin roared in rage and annoyance.

Tony however, was somewhat relieved, "Kid, you're timing is perfect."

"I couldn't agree more." Cap agreed.

Spidey shrugged as he pounced off of the container and landed with the rest of his fellow heroes, "Well I was in the neighborhood picking up some milk from the store when I saw the fireworks. Thought I'd swing by and hang." He then turned his attention to his nemesis, "Gobby I'm hurt, I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but I didn't think you'd replace me with the A-Tier heroes."

That actually managed to get a smile out of Goblin, "Oh don't worry, Spider, no-one could ever replace you." He reassured as he took off two Pumpkin Bombs from his belt, "After all, I live to destroy you!!!"

"Everyone scatter!" Cap ordered as Goblin hurled two Pumpkin Bombs at the group of heroes. As Spidey and Iron Man took to the air, Cap and Widow charged forward on the ground. Green Goblin took to the air as he hurled more bombs down below.

Cap used his shield to parry the bombs back into Goblin's glider, damaging it slightly as Iron Man fired multiple Repulsor Blasts at the villain. His focus diverted, Goblin failed to notice that Spider-Man was swinging right behind him. Delivering a Swing Kick to Goblin's back, Spider-Man sent the villain falling right off of his glider.

But he wasn't done yet, as Goblin managed to land on both of his feet. He turned to see Natasha right behind him. Blocking a few strikes, Goblin managed to hold Widow off for a time before being tag teamed by both her and Captain America. Unable to keep up, Goblin decided to cheat instead. Throwing down a Pumpkin Bomb, the villain sent Cap and Widow flying into separate shipping containers.

Using his gauntlet to call his Glider, Norman leapt onto his flying device as it swooped down to pick him up.

"Aye! Where're ya goin, Norman? Party's this way!" Spider-Man shouted as he shot balls of web as he swung, hoping to stun Goblin momentarily.

Growling, Goblin threatened, "You won't suffer long, boy!" He then hurled multiple bombs at his nemesis, encouraging the annoying hero to swing away as Iron Man took this chance to attack.

"Hey Norman, I think you got your dates wrong! Halloween isn't for another few months!" Tony quipped as he tackled and grabbed Goblin right off of his glider.

"Ngh... What is it with you hero types and your quips?!" Goblin muttered before delivering a mighty knee to Tony's faceplate. In response, Iron Man threw Goblin back down to the ground as Cap hurled his shield forward. But to his surprise, Goblin caught the shield with his enhanced strength, "Nice try." He taunted before tossing the shield back and ducking under one of Widow's kicks.

He then backhanded her away before calling his glider again and taking to the air.

"Have a treat on me! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Goblin laughed as he dropped a dozen bombs to the ground. The area beneath him exploded in an explosion of high proportions. Cap protected himself with his shield while Black Widow his behind cover.

Green Goblin suddenly stopped laughing as he felt something tug on the back of his glider. Turning around, he saw that Spider-Man was holding onto the glider with two lines of web. Spinning his glider around so that the tips of the wings would cut the webbing was how he managed to escape.

He then flew downward to chase after Spider-Man, but that plan was halted as webbing suddenly clouded his vision.

Taking the chance, Spider-Man Web Zipped over to Goblin and delivered a haymaker to his jaw, sending the villain spinning around in the air. He then shot webbing at his back and pulled him off of the glider, dragging him to the floor.

"Now's our chance!" Spidey shouted.

"You heard the kid, people! Let's finish this!" Cap agreed with an order as he charged forward, hitting Green Goblin in the chest with his shield.

Goblin flew through the air right into Natasha as she hit him with an upward kick, sending him into the air. Then from out of nowhere, Iron Man dove downward and punched the insane villain directly in the nose, sending him straight back down to the ground.

"He's all yours kid!" Tony shouted to the teenage super hero.

Swinging by, Spidey replied, "Much appreciated, Iron Man!" He then let go of his web and shot two lines down, sticking them to both sides of Osborn. Spider-Man then pulled himself downward before landing directly onto Norman's chest, breaking the ground beneath them.

Once the dust settled, Peter backflipped off of Norman and landed right next to Captain America. As Goblin groaned in pain, Iron Man landed right in front of Spidey, folding his arms as he looked down at the beaten villain. Not having enough strength to get back up, the Green Goblin fell back down to the floor, unconscious and defeated.

With the battle over, Monica, who was hiding this entire time, thought that this would be the perfect time to escape. But unfortunately for her, she would find herself stuck to the side of a container thanks to Spider-Man. Seeing how she was struggling to break free, Peter simply hung upside down on a line of web and gave her a wink, "Courtesy of you Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man."

Landing upright, Peter turned to see Iron Man and the other Avengers walk over to him, "You did good tonight, kid."

"Thanks, Mister Stark." Spidey beamed at the praise from those he looked up to.

It was then that Cap placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, "You were Avengers material tonight, son. You should feel proud."

"But right now, we need to get this Vibranium back to Wakanda. I'm sure that T'Challa would like that very much." Tony stated, getting back to the point.

Everyone agreed, but suddenly, Spider-Man's Spider-Sense went off like a hurricane in his head. This wasn't over just yet. And his point would be proven as a blue light shined behind the group. Turning around, Iron Man and the other heroes saw the emergence of an Interdimensional Rift.

"What the hell is this?" Black Widow asked aloud.

Tony took a step forward, scanning the portal, "It's a portal of some kind. I'm getting insane readings off of this thing, and I mean insane. It's completely out of this world."

"Sir, my readings suggest that something is making its way through the portal as we speak." J.A.R.V.I.S informed his creator.

Turning to his teammates, Tony informed the group, "Guys, something is coming through." And speak of the devil, one of the strange beings that had visited the other universes jumped right out of the portal, but it wasn't alone as smaller beings appeared right beside it.

They were very similar to the larger creature, but instead their arms connected to their body and their visors sat on their chests instead of their heads, in fact, they had no heads at all. They were black in color and they meant business.

"Guys, the pizza's here." Tony quipped before aiming his hands at the strange and deadly creatures.

Awaiting orders, the figures just stood there, much to the heroes' confusion, "Um, are they meant to be doing something?" Spider-Man asked no-one in particular.

But they suddenly sprung to life when the voice of their master commanded in their minds, "I only need one shard of the Foundation Element. Bring it to me, and destroy anyone who gets in your way."

Charging forward all of a sudden, the strange creatures mowed through the group of heroes before breaking apart any truck that they saw. Groaning in pain, Tony sat up and saw that the large creature had destroyed a truck with ease before slicing the metal box apart with its sword like limbs.

There, it took the single shard of Vibranium out of the destroyed box before ushering its underlings back to the portal. Seeing that they were escaping, Iron Man looked to Cap and the others, "You know that this is gonna be a bad idea, right?"

Cap sighed as he and the others stood up on their feet, "What else is new?"

Tony turned back to Spidey, "You with us, kid?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Was the reply he got.

"Alright then," he muttered before facing the closing portal, "Avengers... and others present." Tony ignited his thrusters before muttering, "Let's try not to die." And with that, he led the group of heroes right into the portal. Iron Man flew through as Cap and Widow followed on foot. And just as it was about to close, New York's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man swung through, tagging along for whatever awaited them.

Leaving New York City behind.

Author's Note:

Green Goblin - SpeedCam

Soldier - Langtanium

Some notes on this chapter, I know that the Infinity Stones are the go to for stuff like this... Which is exactly why I'm not using them. They are the go to choice. I wanna differentiate my story from the norm, which is why I think Vibranium is the perfect choice for this. It can only be found in the Marvel universe so it makes sense to use it as one of the Foundation Elements.

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