• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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23. Metropolis (Part 3)

Earth 1


Twilight fired off a magical blast from her horn that struck the chest of a Changeling, sending it crashing into the hood of a car. The unicorn let out a breath of relief as she fell to her haunches, the toll of the immense battle finally starting to affect her. She was startled by a hand placing itself on her shoulder. Looking up, Twilight saw the smiling face of Diana Prince: aka Wonder Woman.

"You fought valiantly, young one." Diana commended the studious pony, making her feel good about her performance during the fight. "You remind me of myself when I was young."

As Twilight blushed from embarrassment, Green Lantern landed next to the group and said to Batman, "Well it looks like you've been busy. Mind filling us in on what's going on?"

Batman was about to answer but Mario beat him to it as he said, "Honestly we don't even know what's going on half the time."

Martian Manhunter, who was silent for the most part, said suddenly, "I believe all will be explained when the others arrive. When both of our teams regroup, maybe more light can be shed onto this situation we find ourselves in."

Right on cue both Iron Man and Cyborg landed next to the group, having dealt with the enemy Changelings in the air. Then not a second after, The Flash zoomed in with his incredible speed, although the absence of a certain blue hedgehog was apparent. Then only a few seconds later did the Blue Blur make his appearance, his hands rested on his knees as he panted due to trying to keep up with the Scarlet Speedster.

"Woah..." Sonic said exasperatedly, "You're fast!"

Flash smirked cockily, "I get that a lot."

"Well now that everyone is here," Superman started, gaining everyone's attention, "I think it's time that we caught everyone up to speed."

The Justice League listened carefully as their leader began to explain the situation to them.


This was turning out better than she could've hoped. Chrysalis had it all. She had a throne, a citadel, several sources of sustenance for her and her subjects; her specifically. And soon enough the one who had ruined her invasion of Canterlot would be groveling at her hooves, begging for mercy, where she would get none.

"Yes, my Changelings! Fly and feed, drain all the love you possibly can!" Chrysalis commanded through the Changeling's shared hivemind. "Fill up our bellies until they cannot be filled any longer! Never again will we be subjected to starvation! Now is the time for us to FEED!!!"

The Changeling Queen let out a mad cackle as she sat atop her chitin like throne, her Changeling guards laughing along with her as they stand guard to protect her grace.

"Having fun there?" A sudden, yet familiar voice said sarcastically to the laughing Changelings. There hovering above them was Infinite, "Nice to know while I'm out there keeping the rabble in line, you're sitting on your plot stuffing your guts with love."

Chrysalis sneered at her partner, the nerve of this jackal! "Is there something you need Infinite? As you can see I'm a little busy commanding our forces!"

The jackal pointed down to her, "You also seem to be stuffing your face. How intimidating." He commented sarcastically, slightly annoyed that he was basically doing all of the work.

Chrysalis placed her hoof to her belly absentmindedly. She hadn't gained that much weight, had she? It had been quite sometime since she had felt this full. She shook her head and snarled at the jackal, "How about instead of criticizing me and how I command my forces, you go out and cause some more destruction!"

"And I will." Infinite replied before getting to the point. "I thought I should let you know that our guests of honor have finally arrived."

Upon hearing this, Chrysalis couldn't help but let a twisted smile form across her face. Finally it was showtime.

"Excellent. You know what to do."

Infinite nodded before turning around, floating up to the opening in the citadel's ceiling. But not before Chrysalis called out to him.

"And Infinite!" He turned down to face her and saw her smile, "Have fun."

He nodded, "I intend to."

Back with the heroes

"So basically, you all come from different Earths, you're friends were taken, and you have to find these Keystones to power up a portal to max capacity to find them? Am I hearing that right?" Green Lantern asked after summarizing what Superman and the others had told them.

Iron Man nodded, "Pretty much. And whoever is behind taking our friends is probably the one behind this entire invasion."

Wonder Woman folded her arms, "What confuses me is why this individual is recruiting these villains." She said in wonder. "What could they possibly be after?"

Sonic shrugged his shoulders, "No clue, but we're going to find out!"

"Right now we need to find Chrysalis and stop this invasion." Twilight said to the Justice League, informing them of what they need to do. "Ms. Lane said that she saw Chrysalis take the Keystone with her to a place called Lexcorp. Any idea where that is?"

Martian Manhunter nodded and pointed behind her, "There. The largest tower in Metropolis." When Twilight turned and looked at the tower, she saw that it was covered in black chitin like plating, with three pointy arches on the helipad, presumably Chrysalis' new citadel.

Nodding, Mario closed his fist and said, "Then that's where we need to go!"

Suddenly the roar of Giganto sounded off throughout the entire city, reminding them all of the present danger that the Titan posed against the city of Metropolis. The League looked at the group of heroes before looking at one another. The problem of Giganto was a high priority, but so was getting that Keystone back.

The League members looked at one another before nodding, formulating a plan in their minds. They knew what had to be done. Superman looked down to Twilight and said, "We'll buy you some time. You all need to get that Keystone and stop this invasion. The League and I will hold off that monster for as long as we can."

Twilight looked at the Man of Steel with widened eyes, were they seriously considering taking on that thing alone? It was suicide, they wouldn't stand a chance against it. "B-But what if you need help? Shouldn't we take it on together?"

Superman knelt down and placed a hand on her shoulder, "We'll be fine, we've handled a lot worse than a giant robot. What you need to do is get that Keystone and stop this madness." Twilight looked down in contemplation, still not comfortable with leaving them behind. But he was right, they needed to get that Keystone and stop the invasion, she didn't let Chrysalis take Canterlot, she wouldn't let her take this city as well. Her confidence was boosted when Superman said, "I don't know much about you, Twilight Sparkle, but I do know that you have a heart of gold. You're a hero in your own right." He then pointed a finger to her chest where her heart would be. "I believe in you."

Her eyes shot open, he believed in her. They all did. But they were not the only ones who believed in her, her friends believed in her as well.

"C'mon ya'll! Let's go check on the princess."

"In fact if I were you, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all!"

"You have a lot to think about."

"You have a lot to think about."

"You have a lot to think about."

"You have a lot to think about."

"You have a lot to think about."

"You have a lot to think about!!!"

She held back tears as memories of the ones she cherished turned their backs on her, throwing away everything they had built over the course of a year together. Her friends showed their true colors. Her brother showed his true feelings towards her. Her teacher revealed her true opinion of her.

Ever since then she has felt alone, she would've confronted them had the Crystal Empire not returned. She was actually planning to address the issue at the picnic they had planned before they were taken. But what didn't make sense to her was how these people who she just met had more faith in her than her very best friends.

Sonic, Tony, Mario, and Batman had the utmost faith in her.

Superman and the Justice League believed in her.

She shook her head of the negative thoughts that plagued her mind, once this whole situation with the Keystones was resolved she would confront those who had hurt her and, hopefully, they could work through it.

Twilight looked up into Superman's eyes and nodded with a grateful smile on her face, "Thank you. Please be careful."

"We will." Superman replied before standing up and looking at Batman, "Think you can handle this?"

Batman replied, "Not to sound like how people think I do, but I'm Batman, of course I can."

The Man of Steel nodded and patted his friend's shoulder before turning to face his team. He floated up into the air and took off, with Green Lantern, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter flying behind them. Flash saluted the group with two fingers before running after them.

Wonder Woman nodded to the group and said, "May Athena watch over you all." With that, she took off into the air, flying after her team to try and hold off Giganto for as long as possible.

Once the Justice League had departed, Tony clapped his hands together, "So, shall we honor her grace with our presence?" He quipped to the group.

Batman walked ahead of the group and said, "We have to get to Lexcorp!" He then turned his head to the group, "Come on! I know a short cut!"

But before they could begin their journey, a red, glitchy orb struck the ground in front of them, ceasing their movements. As red mist rose into the air, Mario quipped, "That might be a bit difficult."

"Well look who's finally arrived." Infinite greeted as he hovered down from the air, floating above the group menacingly with his arms folded. "The little blue savior. It's been quite sometime." He continued as he adjusted his mask back into place.

While everyone else looked at the newcomer in confusion, Sonic simply stepped forward nonchalantly, unthreatened by the jackal's presence. "Oh, hey Infinite!" Sonic greeted back casually. "Long time, no see." He smirked mischievously as he tapped his index finger on his chin as he recalled their last encounter, "Last time I saw you, me and my buddy sent you packing with your tail between your legs."

Infinite growled in frustration, "Wretched hedgehog!" He clenched his right hand and pointed his left down towards the Blue Blur, "The only coward I see is you. You may not show it, but I can sense the fear emitting from you. It seems I did leave an impression after all."

Twilight, quick to defend her friend, stood beside Sonic and glared up at the jackal. "You're wrong! Sonic isn't a coward, he's one of the most loyal and honorable friends anyone could have!" Sonic smiled in gratitude at the unicorn's praise of him. "And he would never abandon his friends whenever they needed him most!" She added, taking a jab at Rainbow Dash, but no-one else knew that.

Instead of being intimidated, Infinite was amused at the unicorn's attempt of defending her friend. "So you must be Twilight Sparkle. Chrysalis has told me much about you." This fact made Twilight inwardly gasp. "To think that such a small thing like yourself could cause so much trouble. I will enjoy seeing you both beg for mercy, to which you will receive none!"

It was then that Iron Man stepped forward, "Look I hate to break up this reunion, but we have a place to be, so if you wouldn't mind?"

"Why yes, I do mind. For none of you will leave this encounter alive." Infinite then released a burst of Phantom Energy, turning everything around them a bright shade of red. Then to everyone's astonishment, they began to float in the air as their forms began to glitch.

"Woah! Woah, woah, woah, woah!" Sonic exclaimed, remembering what the Phantom Ruby was capable of.

Batman noticed this and asked, "Sonic! What's happening?!"

The hedgehog turned to the Dark Knight and shouted, "The Phantom Ruby!!! Don't let it---" He was cut off by another burst of Phantom Energy. Once it encompassed them all, they all glitched out of existence, having been teleported to another location.

Infinite laughed as he teleported away, seemingly to the same locations as the heroes.


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When Twilight reopened her eyes, she was no longer in Metropolis. No, she and the others were trapped in a purple void with floating cubes and net-like grids above and below that extended to infinity. The only solid ground there is a platform made up of purple cubes with lightning swirling around it.

The unicorn let out a startled cry when a strike of lightning nearly struck her, barely landing in front of her which caused her to stumble back and fall on her haunches. She was breathing heavily, her heart pounding in her chest as her anxiety levels went through the roof.

Things had escalated from bad to worse.

One moment they were on their way to find and stop Chrysalis, now they were trapped in some endless void with seemingly no way out.

Her attention was brought to Sonic, who let out a groan of frustration. "Oh great, Null Space."

"Null Space?" She repeated, not understanding what he meant.

The hedgehog turned to her and explained, "Apparently it's a dimension created by the Phantom Ruby. It's a closed off space where absolutely nothing exists. I escaped it once, but I had help from a friend of mine."

Getting up onto his feet, Iron Man asked, "Phantom Ruby? You mean that jewel on that guy's chest?"

Nodding in confirmation, Sonic continued, "It's the source of Infinite's power. Without it, he's basically powerless."

"So if we get that ruby off of him, we could use it to get out of here and stop him!" Iron Man exclaimed, seeing what Sonic was hinting at.

"Bingo!" Sonic replied.

"Unfortunately you won't get the chance!" Infinite's voice sounded off all of a sudden, prompting everyone to go back to back to try and locate where the jackal was hiding. Suddenly the Phantom Ruby sounded off as Infinite appeared hovering above them, looming over them menacingly. "Class is now in session." He said as he pointed down to them. "I will teach you fear, then pain! And then, well at the fear and pain will end!"

Infinite adjusted his mask before releasing a burst of Phantom Energy, sending Twilight and the others sliding back. They recovered as Infinite flew around the platform, sending forth strands of red cubes down towards the group of heroes.

Sonic darted into action, dashing forward towards the jackal. He slid under a strand of red cubes and continued running forward. He jumped into the air and curled into a ball, but before he could attack, Infinite dashed forward and roundhouse kicked him to the floor.

As Sonic rolled across the platform, everyone else was struggling to avoid the strands of red cubes. Batman used his acrobatic abilities to avoid the projectiles while Iron Man flew around, firing Repulsor Blasts at the strands. But he found that they did nothing as they simply fazed through them.

Letting his guard down, he failed to avoid a strand from behind, which struck him in the back. As he fell to the ground, he found that everything around him had a red tint to it and that the platform had become barren and empty. He was the only one present in Null Space.

But before he could assess the situation, five giant saw blades glitched into reality and moved through the platform, headed straight towards him. "Woah!" Tony exclaimed as he took to the air, avoiding the saw blades as they moved around the platform, moving under the base of the platform as well as the top of it.

He let out a sigh of relief when the blades disappeared, but relief soon turned to confusion as the red tint disappeared and his friends were once again present on the platform. He shook off his confusion before darting towards Infinite, flying at high speeds towards the villainous jackal.

But he saw him coming and teleported behind the Armored Avenger and hit him with a blast from his palm.

As Iron Man tumbled through the air, Infinite refocused his attention on the heroes below. When he looked down at the platform, he saw that both Mario and Twilight Sparkle were dashing towards him. He chuckled before zooming downwards, landing with his fist on the ground, creating a red shockwave that sent both heroes flying backward.

As Twilight rolled across the platform, the world around her took on a red tint, and all she could hear were the sounds of Infinite's laughter. When she got up onto her hooves, she let out a startled cry before bringing up a shield with her magic, blocking seven incoming projectiles.

Hovering around her were seven floating cannons that were reloading to fire again. When they fired again, Twilight lit up her horn and teleported away from the blast zone. She reappeared a few meters away as the cannons disappeared, but it wasn't over yet as five more Phantom Projections appeared before her.

But these ones were different.

These were projections of her friends.

Before she could ask what was happening, Phantom Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Look at the little egghead, on the verge of having another panic attack?" She asked spitefully before scoffing, "It isn't bad enough that our lives were turned upside down because of you, but you also brainwashed our home and tried to ruin our chance to be bridesmaids as well? Tch! So uncool."

"Ah've never met somepony as crazy and dishonest as you!" Phantom Applejack said spitefully, causing tears to brim Twilight's eyes. "Our town was quiet before you showed up! Why don'tcha go back to Canterlot you snob! We don't wantcha here no more!"

"Party Pooper!!!" Exclaimed Phantom Pinkie.

"Uncouth mental case!!!" Phantom Rarity sneered.

"Our lives would be better off without you in them!!!" Shouted Phantom Fluttershy.

By this point Twilight was curled up on the floor with her hooves over her ears, trying to block out the spiteful and hurtful comments. As they continued bombarding her with the mean words, she couldn't help but feel small and weak, like she was back in Magic Kindergarten.

She was shaking and practically sobbing as the Phantom Projections disappeared.

Meanwhile Mario was dodging several laser blasts from different angles, his world also taking on a red tint as he too was stuck in a Phantom Reality. As the world returned to normal, he saw that Twilight was curled up on the floor, tears streaming down her face, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Um, guys?" Mario shouted, getting everyone's attention as the Phantom Strands dissipated. When everyone saw Twilight curled up on the floor, it was then that Infinite appeared hovering over her, his hand open and aimed right at her head.

"Aww, look at the little unicorn, scared of the fact that she has no friends." Infinite mocked as a red orb appeared in his hand. "Forget Chrysalis! I'll make this quick!" But before he could finish her off, he was struck in the side by a Homing Attack, which sent him flying a few meters away from the unicorn.

While Batman slid down and tended to Twilight, Iron Man, Mario, and Sonic confronted Infinite as he readjusted his mask.

"Leave her alone, Infinite!" Sonic shouted, pointing up at the jackal. "This is between you and me!"

"And why would I do that?" Infinite asked rhetorically. "You told me that your friends are you power. What better why to tear you down than to destroy your pathetic friends?" He then released a burst of Phantom Energy as multiple cannons appeared by his side. "This will be goodbye."

While this was going on, Batman was knelt down by Twilight's side, stroking her mane as she continued to hyperventilate. "Twilight? What's wrong?" He asked, trying to calm down the distraught unicorn.

She didn't answer, she simply cried into his chest, the pain in her heart becoming too much to bare.

But before anyone could do anything, Infinite fired the cannons. The projectiles struck the ground, sending everyone flying back and rolling across the platform. Mario, fell unconscious first, followed by Twilight and Iron Man. Batman tried but he too eventually fell down.

Sonic got up onto one knee, gritting his teeth, but when Infinite appeared behind him and karate chopped him on the back of his neck, it was lights out. The jackal once again adjusted his mask, laughing maniacally before releasing a burst of Phantom Energy, teleporting them all out of Null Space.

All she saw was green. Translucent green surrounded her vision as she struggled to break free of her confinement. Twilight looked around in a panicked state, realizing where she was.

She was in a Changeling cocoon.

She struggled to break free, but found that she couldn't, it was too cramped. Then she remembered the fight with Infinite, the Phantoms of her friends, if she could even call them that anymore. She wasn't so sure anymore, since apparently the group she found herself with treated her better than her friends did anyway.

The fact that four total strangers were nicer to her than her very best friends was puzzling to the unicorn.

But what's worse is the fact they they had all gotten captured... because of her.

She let her emotions get the better of her, and now they were at Chrysalis' mercy.

A tear slid down her face, some hero she turned out to be.

"Sir? Sir can you hear me?" J.A.R.V.I.S. asked, trying to awaken the unconscious billionaire. But alas he was unsuccessful in his attempt. Regardless that wouldn't deter the A.I. from finding a way out of this wretched cocoon. After a few moments an idea came to his artificial mind, if he could release a discharge from the Arc Reactor, the resulting blast should be enough to break the cocoon. Although the suits power would have to reboot, which would take a few minutes, but it was the only way.

With a gentle hum, Tony's arc reactor began to glow brightly as it began charging enough power to warrant a discharge.

"Releasing discharge in 3. 2. 1." J.A.R.V.I.S. counted down before a burst of power released from the Arc Reactor, disintegrating the cocoon and sending Tony crashing down onto the metallic floor.

The billionaire hacked and coughed as his faceplate slid up, allowing him to cough up some green fluids from the cocoon. After wiping his mouth with his forearm, Tony Stark looked at his surroundings before asking, "J.A.R.V.I.S.? What the hell happened?"

"After your encounter with that jackal, you were brought back to this reality." The A.I. informed his creator. "To which you and the others were promptly sealed within these cocoons to be fed upon. I released a discharge from the Arc Reactor to free you, although I regret to inform you that your armor will take a few moments to reboot."

Tony nodded before taking in his surroundings, he appeared to be in a lab of some kind. Lookin around, Tony saw that there was a distinct logo on the screens of the monitors. A Lexcorp logo. "So this is Lexcorp huh?" Tony asked himself, placing his hands on his hips. He then shrugged and said, "My company's better." before turning to face the other four cocoons containing Twilight, Batman, Mario, and Sonic. He moved forward to try and tear them down but stopped and turned around when he heard a distinct hissing coming from behind him.

There, standing at the doorway of the lab were two Changelings, hissing menacingly as they slowly stepped forward, looking ready to pounce at any second. Tony's mask slid over his face as one of the Changelings pounced forward, forelegs stretched out as it tried to tackle him.

But Iron Man moved to the side and grabbed the Changelings tail as it moved past him. He then raised it into the air before smashing it onto the floor, knocking it unconscious. The other Changeling pounced but was struck in the chest by his unconscious comrade, who was thrown by Iron Man.

With the Changelings dealt with, Tony turned around as his Arc Reactor began humming with power. "Suit power has reached 100%." J.A.R.V.I.S. informed his boss.

"Hell yeah it has." Tony muttered excitedly before aiming his hands at Twilight's cocoon. He then fired two Repulsor Blasts that immediately destroyed the cocoon, sending the unicorn crashing to the floor. As Twilight coughed, Tony released the others as well.

As he stood to one knee, Sonic looked around and asked everyone, "Are you all okay?"

Mario adjusted his cap as he replied, "I'm good." He then took note of the lab and asked, "Where the heck are we?"

"Lexcorp." Batman informed the group, "My guess is that they kept us alive to feed on us. But they didn't count on us ever getting out."

Tony smiled under his helmet, "You can thank J.A.R.V.I.S. for that. Now all we need to do is find that Keystone and then we're golden."

"I'm sorry."

They all turned to Twilight, who was sitting on her haunches and staring down at the floor with a heartbroken expression on her face. Sonic looked at the unicorn sympathetically, hating how crushed she looked. "Twilight?" He asked softly, slowly walking over to her with the others.

She didn't even make eye contact with him. "It's my fault we got caught. I screwed up. I let my emotions get the better of me again." She wiped her nose with her foreleg as she sniffled. "Some hero I turned out to be. P-Please don't hate me..."

She then felt a hand touch her shoulder, a comforting hand. She turned her head and saw Batman kneeling beside her, staring her dead in the eyes. "I don't know what happened, but when we get back to Vorton we're going to talk about it. But know this. You are a hero, Twilight, more than you could possibly know."

"You made a mistake, it's part of the job." Tony reassured her.

"And we could never hate you, Twi." Sonic said kindly.

"So enough with the tears, and let's-a-go get that Keystone, huh?" Mario encouraged with a smile.

Twilight giggled as she wiped her eyes with her leg, slowly getting up off of her haunches. "T-Thank you. All of you." She thanked before turning to face the exit to the lab, which led to the helipad, where the heart of Chrysalis' fortress was.

Time to get that Keystone.

Once the doors slid open, Twilight was greeted with the sight of a dome like throne room, the helipad surrounded by black chitin with green flames dancing in their torches on the walls. Beneath their feet was a black and green carpet that led to Chrysalis' throne, where lo and behold, Queen Chrysalis was sitting there waiting for them with an eager smile on her face.

Standing on both sides of the carpet were Changelings guards who sneered at group as they walked up to Chrysalis' throne.

Tony, always on the ready, had his palms aimed up as he walked alongside the others, his Repulsor Rays humming softly. "Okay, not the welcoming committee I was expecting..."

Once they were close enough Chrysalis laughed softly as she glared down at Twilight, licking her lips in anticipation. "Twilight Sparkle," the queen addressed her adversary, "You're a long way from home."

"I could say the same about you!" Twilight retorted. "Last time I saw you, Cadance and Shining Armor banished you from Equestria with their combined love!"

Chrysalis' face dropped to a frown, "That sow Cadance may have been the one to banish me, but it was you who ruined everything!" She exclaimed, pointing down at the unicorn mare. "If you had just minded your own business my plan would've gone perfectly! Instead we were forced to retreat back to the Changeling Kingdom to starve!" Then a smile graced her features, "That is until a... shall we say guardian angel summoned me and proposed a rather enticing offer."

"What offer?" Twilight asked with a tilt of her head.

"Simple. Destroy you and your new friends and then I'll be free to feed on all the love the multiverse has to offer!" Chrysalis revealed with a mad cackle, shocking Twilight and the others. "Once I'm through with you, my benefactor will grant me the ability to traverse multiple worlds. Once that happens, the Changelings shall feed on infinite amounts of love forever!!! And then, I will subjugate any dimension I please, starting with Equestria! I will be queen of not just the Changelings, but of all creation!!!"

Her evil monologue was suddenly cut off by Batman, who said, "Sorry. But I don't see any royalty here." This got Chrysalis' attention. He continued, "All I see is a psycho looking for an excuse to kill people, and who's so stupid, she doesn't even realize she's being used by her benefactor."

The Changeling Queen snarled, "I'll enjoy feeding off of you, you fool!!!" She then lit up her horn and pulled out the Keystone from behind her throne.

The Evolution Keystone to be precise.

Then all of a sudden the chitin dome began to split apart as it revealed the scene going on outside. When the heroes turned around as the dome completely retracted, they all saw Giganto battling the Justice League. They witness the monstrous behemoth grab Superman and toss him into Wonder Woman. It then opened its mouth and fired a purple and red beam, destroying the buildings it impacted.

Chrysalis cackled, drawing their attention back to her, "Not only will I destroy all of you, but you get to witness your friends be crushed by that monster." She then held the Keystone close to her face, "But perhaps you won't live long enough to witness it."

"What are you doing, Chrysalis?" Twilight asked worriedly.

The Changeling Queen laughed as she suddenly planted the Evolution Keystone onto her chest, it's glow increasing as orange, glowing veins spread across her form. She then doubled over in pain, letting out an agonizing cry as her entire body began to morph.

She began to grow in size as her form began to change, an orange cocoon wrapping around her and surrounding her form, her cries of pain muffled by the cocoon that now sealed her. Twilight looked on in terror as the cocoon grew bigger, taller than even Princess Celestia. They all saw Chrysalis' shadow change from an equine form to something more monstrous.

Then out of nowhere, the cocoon exploded in an orange light, sending Twilight and the others flying back, landing harshly on the edge of the helipad.

It was then that they gazed upon the evolved form of Queen Chrysalis.

Her abdomen, now located behind her legs, was large and green with a black stinger sticking out the end of it. She had grown two extra legs, which to go with her new legs, were elongated and had sharp claws on her feet. Her skin had become armor plating of sorts, the wings on her back became bigger and sharper, more pronounced. Her new upper torso like body was broad and powerful, with spikes protruding from her shoulders and forearms. She now had pincers at the end of her new arms, which were the same color as her hair, which grew longer. Her jagged horn grew backwards, looking more like a crown now. Her eyes glowed a menacing green and her fangs elongated as she licked her lips with her snake like tongue.

Queen Chrysalis let out a monstrous shriek, spreading out her larger wings as her Changelings hissed in admiration of their evolved queen. She looked down and snapped her new pincers, "Do you now see how powerless you truly are, Twilight Sparkle!!!" She bellowed as she took on step forward, looming over her foes. "My power now exceeds that of Celestia!!! My new form fit for a queen!!!"

Twilight was terrified. How were they supposed to stop her now, she had evolved, and basing on what she had learned about Changelings after extensive research, shouldn't be possible. But to her surprise, Sonic stepped forward and pointed at the monstrous Changeling with a smirk on his face.

"Your new form can't hide how sad and lonely you are!" Sonic accused, "Twilight beat you once, and now she's got us to back her up! We've beaten larger and scarier than you, this'll be a peace of cake!"

"Such arrogance! I can't wait to shatter your spirits!" Chrysalis roared in reply.

Sonic turned and looked down at Twilight, "You with us, Twi?" He asked.

Although she was terrified, Twilight wouldn't let her friends down. She would stand with them until the end, she would never abandon them. "Always." She nodded in reply.

Sonic chuckled, "Then let's kick her cheese holed, legged butt back to where she belongs!" But before he could take a step forward, a red orb struck the ground in front of him, causing him to jump back slightly. "Oh come on!"

They all looked up to see Infinite floating down from the sky, hovering next to Chrysalis' head, the Phantom Ruby pulsating with power as he glared down at his enemies. "Pathetic little hedgehog." Infinite sneered as he adjusted his mask. "You thought I was finished with you? I still have enough power to smash you into a blue jelly. I'll show you how outclassed you really are."

Sonic wasn't threatened. He beat Infinite before, he could do it again. "Like I told you before, I'm in my own class!" He then pointed upward and declared, "Time to put up or shut up, Infinite!" With the stage set, it was time to finish this. Without hesitation both Twilight and Sonic dashed forward, leading their team against the forces of Chrysalis and Infinite.

The fight was on.

Author's Note:

Kaiju Queen Chrysalis - Pyrus - Leonidas

Thought I'd try something different with the final fight for this segment of the story. Instead of the fight with Chrysalis most were expecting, I decided to give her a new type of evolution thanks to the Keystone.

And instead of our heroes facing one big threat at the end of this level, I've decided to implement my Duo Boss boss fight for the first time. Some segments will end with a regular boss, and some will end with a Duo Boss.

Anyways, sorry for the long wait, and I'll see you all next chapter.

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