• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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1. A Perfect Day

Foundation Prime

Present Day


Moving sentient sand.

That's all there was for miles on end, no roads, no infrastructure, nothing.

Just sand.

On this dead world, there were only two beings that occupied the empty planet, the cloaked form of The Exiled, and a small miniature, cube shaped robot. The little robot had two small arms with pincers on the end of its appendages, a single ocular blue eye, and a little antenna on the top of it.

The little robot hovered through the air with The Exiled following close behind, looking from left to right for whatever it was that he sought. He had grown used to the endless vastness of this dead world, he did have over ten centuries to get used to it after all.

Starswirl's betrayal had hurt a lot, he was the only friend that he had ever had, but over time he put it behind him. It was pointless to think of such trivial matters after all. He knew what he needed to do, and there would be nothing that would stand in his way.

He's come too far to stop now.

As he watched the little robot scan the sand covered ground, he took in the sight of the sky. It was as if he was touching the galaxy itself. No clouds whatsoever. Just space, endless space. He was taken out of his thoughts when the robot suddenly beeped, indicating that it had found something of value.

"Hey, I found the thing! Uh, I mean, "Anomaly located, master"" The tiny cubic robot reported, quickly correcting itself after its slip of the tongue. It was on a mission after all, it had to act in a professional manner. Not only that, but the voice of the robot appeared to be masculine, so it was safe to assume that it was male.

Wanting to see it for himself, Exiled marched over to the spot where the little robot had found the anomaly. He shoved the robot out of the way, ignoring his objection to such an action, and knelt down. He then swiped away the sand that covered the anomaly, not wanting it to be obscured by the annoying particles.

Sure enough, there was something there after all. An inscription in the ground, detailing specific items that would be considered rare to find. Exiled scrapped his long, yellow nails across the inscription detailing six jewels before he stood upright.

"This is it," he started, "After more than ten centuries, after hearing whispers and reading the legends, I have finally found it."

After hearing this, the tiny robot's ocular eye seemingly squinted in confusion and offence, "Uh... you found it?"

Ignoring the little robot, Exiled continued, "This depicts the "Foundation Elements". Artifacts from the start of time scattered across dimensions." He revealed, showcasing the importance of these Foundation Elements. "And once I gather them all together, my exile shall finally come to an end."

Hearing this, the tiny robot raised one of his tiny arms, "Just so you know... the Foundation Elements are the cornerstones of time and space. So they're... kinda important. To the... Entire Multiverse."

This objection confirmed Exiled's suspicions, this robot was going to be troublesome. Not one to take risks, he decided to end this now. He turned to the little robot, "You have been of great use to me," he said calmly before tearing off his tattered cloak and tossing it aside, "But like everything else, your uses have come to an end."

The robot’s eye shot open as Exiled fired a blast from his fingertips.

He quickly hovered away to avoid the blast, and he continued to do so as Exiled kept on firing, hoping to destroy the pesky little cube. The robot had to get out of here, he was an explorer of dimensions, not a model made for combat. And so, he used his built in "Keystone Device" and opened an Interdimensional Breach, hoping to enter it and escape.

But unfortunately, Exiled was quicker than the little robot and proceeded to fire a Chest Blast from his core. The attack struck the little robot as it was going through the Breach, blasting it into pieces as the Breach closed itself. Various pieces of the robot fell through the portal, while others fell to the ground.

Exiled looked at the shattered remains of the robot before he began building up energy within himself. Yellow electricity crackled around him until he finally released the pent up energy in a resounding blast of power, disintegrating the sand covering the inscription.

He looked down at the inscription depicting the Foundation Elements and folded his arms over his chest, "I will have them all, I will control their power. My exile shall finally come to an end, and justice will be served." He then began pondering to himself, "But there is one complication. I have lost my ability to freely pass through multiple dimensions, my tether to this dimension remains absolute."

Then something glimpsed out of the corner of Exiled's eye. He turned to see the robot's built in Keystone Device. It was an oval shaped stone with blue glowing ancient text that none could translate, save for The Exiled, seeing as he was an ancient being.

He walked over and picked up the Keystone and held it tightly in his hand as an idea began to form in his mind. He was tethered to this dimension. But it was only him who had this limitation, no one else. If he couldn't retrieve the Foundation Elements himself, then he could force others to retrieve them for him.

Exiled closed his hand as he spoke aloud, "But there is another way." He then chuckled deeply to himself, "You are a fool, Starswirl. You sought to prolong my exile by casting me away to a dead universe, but you've unknowingly given me the means to finally achieve my goals."

He then held his hand forward as a blue glow engulfed his limb.

"The path to ending my exile starts here."

Earth 2010


It was a beautiful day in the town of Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the children laughing. It was so peaceful. The sun specifically shine on the town's local library, "Golden Oaks Library", which was home to one of, if not, the most powerful unicorn in the land of Equestria.

The Element of Magic herself.

Twilight Sparkle.

The sun shined upon the lavender unicorn's face, slowly awakening her to this bright and shining new day. Twilight Sparkle was lavender in color, her mane was a beautiful indigo with streaks of purple and pink in her mane. The same could be said about her tail, indigo with purple and pink streaks in its features.

She also had a starburst Cutie Mark, signifying her special talent of Magic itself.

Twilight groggily opened her eyes as she slowly sat up into an upright position. She then stretched her forelegs as she yawned loudly, blinking the sleep out of her eyes. She levitated her blanket off of her with her magic before getting out of bed and making her way towards the bathroom to freshen up.

She used her magic to comb her mane back into proper order while she swished the water and toothpaste in her mouth before spitting it out into the sink. Once she finished combing her mane, she left the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, posing for herself with a smirk on her face.

"Lookin' good, Twilight." She said to herself before losing composure and sighing, "...Okay even I thought that was lame." She muttered with her head down low, her bangs covering her eyes. Twilight exhaled before recomposing herself and making her way to her bedroom door.

She used her magic to open it and made her way downstairs.

As she trotted down the staircase, the sweet, sweet smell of pancakes hit her nostrils, enticing her stomach to let out a low grumble much to her embarrassment. Twilight eventually made it downstairs and walked through the public library she lived above.

She took note of how there was currently nopony inside the local library, which saddened her for a moment. It really made her feel sad that nopony appreciated the art of books like she did. But she was taken out of her thoughts by her stomach grumbling once again.

She glared down at her barrel, "Alright, alright, I'm moving." She groaned to the complaining organ before she made her way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Twilight trotted into the kitchen with a happy smile on her face, eagerly awaiting her breakfast.

A small purple dragon wearing a pink apron greeted her eyes as she walked through the kitchen. The small dragon had green fins on the side of his head and green spikes on the top of his head. His underbelly was also green, as were his eyes.

The small dragon heard Twilight walking behind him, enticing him to turn around and greet her with a smile.

"Morning Twilight!" The dragon greeted with a smile on his face.

Twilight covered her mouth with her hoof as she giggled, "Morning Spike, breakfast smells amazing."

Spike finished making up breakfast and placed the pancakes on two plates before walking over and placing them on the dining table.

"So, what's on the agenda today?" Spike asked as he removed his apron and took a seat at the dining table.

Twilight swallowed the chewed up food in her mouth before answering, "Nothing much, just going to meet up with the girls for a nice, relaxing picnic."

Spike nodded before asking, "Can I come with you? Things do tend to get boring around the library."

"Of course you can join us, Spike!" Twilight answered with a great big smile before looking up at the ceiling fondly, "Gosh, it will be so nice to have a normal day. We really need it after saving the Crystal Empire from King Sombra."

"Don't forget how you passed your test." Spike added helpfully before stuffing his face full of pancakes.

Twilight giggled, "Yes, we can't forget that. Between all that happened with my brother's wedding and the Crystal Empire, we could really use a break. It'll be nice to just enjoy a relaxing day with our friends."

"Amen to that." Spike agreed.

The two finished what remained of the breakfast. With full bellies the pair were ready to move on with their day, exiting the kitchen and entering the library. As Twilight made her way towards the door, Spike suddenly jumped on her back and sat down, getting comfortable.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight lit up her horn and opened the door, making her way out into the streets of Ponyville.


"... And that's why, Princess Celestia, that I demand that that ruffian be banished to the moon immediately!!!"

That was all that the solar monarch of Equestria got throughout that entire rant. Princess Celestia was large in size, her coat was a heavenly white that emphasized her greatness. She had both wings and a horn, showing that she was in fact royalty. Her mane was rainbow colored and flowed behind her as if the wind were pushing it. She wore royal regalia and had a sun Cutie Mark, showing her talent of being able to move the sun at will.

And what was the solar monarch of Equestria doing at this very moment? Surely something important?

Nope, she had to sit there and endure this simpletons constant whining over how some other noble had spilt wine or some other beverage onto his coat.

Yes, it was truly important.

But the nobles ranting was cut short as the doors leading into the majestic throne room of Canterlot Castle were suddenly busted open, taking Celestia out of her daydreaming state.

The noble unicorn rolled his eyes as he turned around, "Who dares interrupt me when I am speak--"

"BE SILENT!!!" A sudden royal shout shut the unicorn noble right up.

Before the noble was a slightly smaller alicorn who had a dark blue coat with a flowing blue mane. She two wore royal regalia which had her Cutie Mark engraved on the chest piece. Speaking of her Cutie Mark, it was that of a half crescent moon.

This was Princess Luna, Celestia's little sister and the lunar monarch of Equestria.

The unicorn noble physically gulped before scurrying out of the throne room. Luna paid him no mind as she walked towards her sister at a quickened pace, "Sister, there is a matter that is of the upmost importance that needs to be attended to."

Celestia quirked an eyebrow at her sisters arrival, she never really was a morning pony, "Luna, what has you so concerned?"

Luna looked away worriedly before answering, "I felt a presence that I have not felt since days of old."

Celestia blinked a few times before replying, "...You're going to have to be more specific."

"...It is the presence of a being that has not been here since the days of Starswirl the Bearded." Luna elaborated, "Specifically the days before the tree was planted."

This caused Celestia great worry, there was only one being that would cause Luna to worry as much as this. The one who betrayed the world that welcomed him. The one who was exiled from his own home. Celestia inwardly sighed, he has returned.

She was about to tell Luna what needed to be done, but a sudden scream from the Canterlot Gardens caught both of their attention. Not wasting any time, both Celestia and Luna lit up their horns and vanished out of the throne room.

The alicorn sisters appeared in the Canterlot Gardens within a flash of light to see what had caused one of their subjects to scream. And they wouldn't have to wait long as they took in the sight before them. The very same creatures from over a thousand years ago were gathered around a stone statue.

This statue was of a creature called a draconequues. It had the talons of an eagle, the arm of a lion, a serpentine like body, the head of a pony with one antler and one blue goat horn. It had one long fang hanging out of its mouth, different sized pupils, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. It also had the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he has a bat's right wing, a pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon like snake's tail with a white tail tuft.

Truly chaotic.

The statue of Discord. The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony.

Before either Celestia or Luna could react, an Interdimensional Breach appeared underneath Discord's statue. The two sisters flared their wings before flying towards the statue. But it was for naught as the statue fell into the breach.

As the portal closed, the two alicorn sisters opened fire on the lifeless husks that serve The Exiled. But before any of their shots could hit the creatures, they disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the Canterlot Gardens vacant for now.

Luna scowled angrily while Celestia suddenly disappeared, much to the younger alicorns confusion. That confusion was replaced with surprise as Celestia returned in a flash of light with Equestria's greatest defense in her magical grasp.

five necklaces and a golden tiara, each with a jewel inside of them.

A Butterfly.

An Apple.

A Diamond.

A Lightning Bolt.

A Balloon.

And finally, A Star.

Luna gave Celestia a quizzical look, "Sister, why have you gathered the Elements of Harmony?"

"Because we will need them for what comes next." Celestia revealed, "Come sister, we leave for Ponyville right away."


"Look, there they are!" Spike shouted happily as Twilight's friends came into view.

Twilight smiled as she walked through the gate leading towards Sweet Apple Acres, home of one of her best friends and the Element of Honesty. Each of Twilight's friends, or the Mane 6 as ponies around Ponyville had begun to call them, represented an Element of Harmony.

The cyan pegasus with the rainbow mane and tail, and a rainbow colored lightning bolt striking out of a cloud for a Cutie Mark, represented the Element of Loyalty.

Rainbow Dash performed a loopdey loop in the air.

The unicorn with the stylized purple mane, the pure white coat, and the Cutie Mark of three blue diamonds represented the Element of Generosity.

Rarity blinked her eyes a few times, causing Spike to blush, which furthermore caused Twilight to roll her eyes.

The yellow pegasus with the pink mane and the three butterflies for a Cutie Mark represented the Element of Kindness.

Fluttershy offered Twilight a small but kind smile.

The orange earth pony with the Stetson on her head and the three apples on her hindquarters represented the Element of Honesty.

Applejack tilted her hat downwards in greeting.

And lastly, the pink earth pony with the cotton candy mane and the three balloons on her behind represented the Element of Laughter.

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down as Twilight came into view.

And what Element did Twilight Sparkle represent? The Element that brings the others together, the very substance of their world.

The Element of Magic.

Twilight waved her hoof as she made it over to the rest of the Mane 6, "Hi girls! Beautiful day today, isn't it?"

"WHOOO WEEE, Well howdy Twi! Howdy Spike!" Applejack greeted back to her friends.

Fluttershy offered a meek wave, "Um... hi Twilight, hello Spike. Why yes it is a beautiful day..."

Twilight levitated Spike off of her back as Pinkie set down the picnic blanket, "Now that Twilight's here, we can get this party started!!!" The pink earth pony exclaimed excitedly.

"Now darling," Rarity chastised the excited mare before continuing, "This is a time for R&R."

"Restlessness and Rambunctiousness?" Pinkie guessed as she tilted her head to the side.

Rarity scoffed, "No Pinkie dear, Rest and Relaxation. Now I do believe that I speak for all of us when I say that we've had enough excitement for a long period of time."

"Pfft, not this pegasus!" Rainbow boasted, bumping her hoof against her chest before adding, "I'm just waiting for the next jerk to swing by so we can blast them with a giant rainbow laser."

Rarity rolled her eyes and murmured something along the lines of "So uncouth." Before removing her daisy sandwich from her picnic basket.

Twilight giggled as she levitated a gem to Spike, which he took without hesitation, "Well I'm just grateful that I have this day with all of you. Nothing could possibly ruin this wonderful moment."

Everyone agreed and went on with the picnic, that is, until a flash of light shined behind them. Turning around to see what the light show was about, everyone gasped as both Princess Celestia and Luna appeared before them with the six Elements of Harmony in their possession.

"P-Princess Celestia?! Princess Luna?!" Twilight sputtered out.

Celestia walked towards her student with haste, "Twilight, there isn't much time. You and the other Element Bearers must come with us now."

While everyone looked at each other worriedly, Rainbow Dash simply pumped her hoof into the air, "Sweet! I knew we wouldn't have to wait long to go on another adventure!"

While everyone glared at Rainbow and her straightforwardness, Twilight looked up at her mentor with worry in her eyes, "Princess, what's going on? Did I fail my test?! Is Equestria in grave danger?! DID I FORGET ANOTHER FRIENDSHIP REPORT?!"

There was no time for this.

"Twilight, I will explain everything, but right now we need to leave." Celestia explained with an authoritative tone in her voice.

"Why's that?" Applejack asked.

"I will explain later!" Celestia was losing patience now, her sudden shout causing the mares to slink back slightly. The solar monarch sighed before looking at them all with regret, "I'm sorry my little ponies. But time is of the essence and we must--"

But Celestia was cut off when a sudden tremor shook the foundation everypony was standing on. The two alicorns turned around to see an Interdimensional Breach open up behind them. The Mane 6 and Spike all gawked at the newly made portal.

"Wh-what is that?" Spike asked his mother figure.

For the first time in a long time, Twilight didn't have an answer, "I-I don't know..."

But things suddenly went from bad to worse as the Breach began to pull everyone in, including the Mane 6.

"WHAT THE?!" Rainbow shouted as she tried to fly against the Breach's hold.

Everyone tried holding onto something, but once all six Elements of Harmony were sucked into the portal, things got worse.

"THE ELEMENTS!!!" Everypony shouted.

But the portal didn't close as Fluttershy was the next to be engulfed by the portal. "FLUTTERSHY!!!" Rainbow shouted before turning around and flying into the portal.

"RAINBOW!!! NO!!!" Everyone shouted before they two were getting pulled into the portal.






And finally...

"SPIKE!!!" Twilight screamed in horror as her little dragon was sucked into the portal.

"TWIIIIILIIIIGHT!!!!" The little dragon screamed as he was engulfed by the portal.

Twilight immediately relinquished her magical grip on one of Applejack's trees and willingly allowed herself to be dragged into the Interdimensional Breach as well. Her friends were just taken right in front of her, she wasn't going to let them go that easy.

She would get them back. Whatever it takes.

As Twilight entered the portal, the gateway into other dimensions slowly closed. Leaving Equestria at whatever peace it would have without the two rulers of Equestria or the Elements of Harmony to protect them.

Author's Note:

X-Po - Credit goes to me

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