• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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30. San Fransokyo (Part 1)

Earth 2014

San Fransokyo

A world of science and technology. A city of remarkable, technological feats unparalleled to anyone else. San Fransokyo was a technological marvel, a true sight to behold. The sun was beginning to set upon the city as a Rift appeared on the bright orange suspension bridge leading into the city.

When Twilight's hooves touched the concrete road beneath her, she felt a massive breeze hit her face, her mane moving with the wind. As the others landed behind her, she couldn't help but stare in awe at the city in the distance. It was massive! It made Canterlot look miniscule, and it certainly dwarfed Manehatten, one of the largest cities in all of Equestria.

When she heard Tony whistle behind her, she turned her head as the billionaire said, "Look at this! A single scan and I've already picked up hundreds, if not thousands of pieces of tech! It's like the whole city is a entirely comprised of tech!"

Agreeing with his friend, Sonic added, "It's a lot like a place back home. Metropolis Zone." The hedgehog shrugged as he walked forward slightly, "So how're we gonna find a microchip in a city that's made entirely of tech? It's like finding a needle in a haystack."

"This could take days to find." Said Mario, who was stroking his chin in thought. "And we don't have that kind of time."

Batman walked past the group saying, "We're not gonna make any progress just standing around here. We need to move out." He suddenly stopped when he noticed that a certain lavender unicorn was not with them. Turning to his left, Batman saw Twilight standing on her hind legs with her forelegs leaning on the railing, gazing at the city in the distance with a twinkle in her eyes. "Twilight, let's move."

She got off the railing and pouted, sticking out her bottom lip. "Aww, but I wanna take a look at the big city!" She whined, her inner nerd showing. This was unlike anything she had ever seen before, and she probably wouldn't see it again after they found the microchip.

"Heh heh." Sonic chuckled. "It's pretty exciting, isn't it?"

But Batman wasn't so easily swayed, "Nevertheless, we have a job to do."

Twilight, however, was persistent. "Come on! Can we please just take a quick look?"




"Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?" She asked multiple times, hopping up and down on the spot each time she asked.

Despite her cute pouting, Batman simply folded his arms. "Just saying it won't make it happen." He let himself smirk a tiny bit when the unicorn sat on her rump and folded her forelegs, sticking out her bottom lip like a little filly who had their toy taken away.

Suddenly an explosion rocked the bridge, causing everyone to lose their balance and stumble. Turning around to the source of the disturbance, everyone looked on in shock as a massive blade moved overhead. They followed the blade's movements until their eyes were set upon a massive robot.

But it wasn't any ordinary robot.

It was another Titan.

This Titan was a giant gunmetal robot with a silver face with echidna-like dreadlocks, brandishing a buzzsaw-like shield and a large red sword which it stored on its forehead. It had four legs with wheels attached the bottom, allowing for quick mobility.

Knight let loose a massive roar that shook the bridge, its visor lighting up as it observed the bridge.

Twilight gasped as she took a step back, how had they not noticed the Titan before? Had it just appeared? It didn't matter now, what did matter was how they were going to stop their corrupted predecessor.

"Well, this is a lovely way to start." Tony commented sarcastically before hovering in the air. "J.A.R.V.I.S? Run a scan and see if you can pinpoint any weaknesses on that thing."

But before the A.I. could respond, something flew right past Tony's head. Or more specifically, someone.

Everyone turned around to see the figure fly across the bridge before sliding across the pavement, a set of falling off of their suit. The figure was a young woman of Korean descent with short black hair with streaks of violet, brown eyes, and a curvaceous figure. She also wore yellow armor with four discs attached to her limbs.

Go Go raised her head slightly before slipping back into unconsciousness.

The Guardians were about to rush over and see if she was okay, when a sudden shout from above them caught their attention. "Go Go! You okay?" Upon hearing this, the Guardians looked up and saw something red and purple fly over them.

"What in..." Twilight muttered to herself as she watched the large red figure land with its rocket boots pointed toward the ground as the smaller purple-suited passenger jumps off its back, rushing to check on Go Go.

The large figure was a robot wearing red armor with purple highlights while the smaller purple-suited figure wore purple armor with black and red highlights.

Baymax and Hiro Hamada looked down at the fallen form of their friend, with the latter turning to the former and exclaiming, "Baymax!"

The large robot began scanning the girl for any injuries and then relayed the information he had gathered. "Go Go's suit has shielded her from a major injury, but the blow she sustained to her head has caused a mild concussion. We should take caution and not move her until we can fully stabilize her head."

Hiro nodded, "Got it."

"Are you kidding me?! I feel cheated! Am I allowed to feel cheated?!" The complaint caught the attention of both heroes, causing them to turn around and be face to face with the Guardians. Tony then went on saying, "I mean, look at that! That's pretty much my design! Is copyright non-existent in this dimension?! I feel like I have a right to sue. Can I sue?"

"In this case sir... no." Was the reply he got from J.A.R.V.I.S.

Hiro looked at the newcomers in confusion while Baymax simply waved. "Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion."

Tony was silent until he asked again, "You sure I can't sue?"

"Tony!" Hearing Sonic shout made Tony turn his head to face the hedgehog. "Giant robot! LITERALLY RIGHT THERE!!!" He exclaimed as he motioned toward the Titan with his arms.

The billionaire slapped his forehead, "Right! Sorry."

But before they could head off to fight Knight, Hiro reached out and shouted, "Hey! Who are you?"

Twilight stopped first, turning to face the young boy with a surprised smile. "Oh! I'm Twilight Sparkle." She then gestured to her fellow Guardians with her hoof. "And these are Batman, Iron Man, Mario, and Sonic the Hedgehog."

Smiling, Hiro turned and nodded to Baymax before rushing up to the Guardians. "Name's Hiro. You...mind helping us fight that thing?" He asked before adding, "Our team's called Big Hero 6."

They all looked to one another before Sonic answered for them with a thumbs up, "Sure!"

With that, the group turned around and charged forward towards the explosions, with Baymax flying alongside Iron Man, Hiro riding on the robot's back. When they reached the sight of the battle, the Guardians saw three other individuals trying to fight against Knight.

The first was a dark-skinned man with brown hair in dreadlocks and brown eyes. He wore green chest armor and pauldrons with blue pants, a red headband and belt, and a green visor with a black bodysuit with red highlights underneath. His gauntlets were also equipped with twin cyan plasma blades.

Wasabi rolled away from an incoming laser blast from Knight's visor, grunting in effort before charging forward to try and attack the behemoth that loomed over the bridge. But when he jumped into the air and slashed at Knight's chest, it had no effect. Instead a swirl of red energy formed where Wasabi had attacked before firing a laser that sent him flying back.

Leaping over Wasabi as he flew backwards, a man wearing a a three-eyed blue and orange monster suit.

Fred launched a fireball at the Titan from the mouth of his suit, but it had no effect. In retaliation Knight let out a roar, sending forth a shockwave that blew Fred away, crashing into the side of a car. Groaning in pain from the hit, Fred failed to notice a girl wearing pink armor with a red protective chest plate land on top of the car. Her helmet was pink with yellow highlights. She was equipped with a purse that doubles as a handheld computer chemical lab. It had a monitor on the side that bears the periodic table on it, allowing her to input the right elements to create chem-balls for any situation.

Honey Lemon reached into her chem-purse and pulled out a chem-ball, hurling it at Knight. But before it could even touch the Titan, it turned to ash due to Knight lighting up his visor, the extreme heat reducing it to nothing. "I-Impossible! My chem-balls have no effect!" Before she knew it, Honey Lemon was on the move because Knight fired a laser from its visor. Quickly grabbing Fred, she rolled out of the way, groaning in pain as Fred tried getting back up, but failed to do so.

Now was the time for action!

Looking over to Hiro, who was riding on Baymax's back, Tony said, "Hey kid! Go check up on your team! We'll handle the rest!"

Nodding, Hiro tapped Baymax's back, motioning for the robot to take them down to check on the rest of Big Hero 6.

Seeing the two heroes leave the fight, Sonic chuckled as he boosted forward towards Knight's torso. "Let's go!" He shouted as he curled into a ball and slammed directly into the Titans chest. Iron Man flew past the hedgehog as he bounced back, firing a small missile from his gauntlet.

The projectile made an impact as Mario leapt into the air, bouncing off of the underside of a flipped car to get some airtime. Gliding alongside him was Batman, who took out three Batarangs and threw them forward as Mario landed a punch on the Titan.

While the attacks weren't doing any damage, they were buying Big Hero Six enough time to gather their bearings.

Twilight gritted her teeth as she used her magic to lift up a car, her sights set on Knight's head. Without waiting, the unicorn hurled the car directly into the Titan's face. Knight growled as The Guardians of the Multiverse grouped up in front of the menacing behemoth.

Flashing its visor, Knight used its wheels to roll back several yards away from the bridge, the sunset behind it making its silhouette all the more threatening. Thinking that it was going to attack, the Guardians readied themselves, only to look on in bewilderment as the Titan removed its gigantic sword from its forehead and slashed a tear into the very fabric of reality.

Looking at the bridge menacingly once more, Knight rolled into the tear and left this dimension, off to cause more chaos in another world.

The Guardians all looked to one another, confused as to why the Titan decided to up and leave. They all shrugged, a problem for another day. Right now they had a microchip to find. But first, they had to check up on some potential new allies.

They turned around as Big Hero 6 stood before them, all of them sans Baymax and Hiro staring at them in confusion and awe. These guys had just made the giant, scary robot that appeared out of nowhere retreat in a matter of moments, while they fought it for a few hours straight and didn't make a single dent.

Both teams stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before Hiro stood before his team and said, "Why don't we head back to the garage and I'll explain everything?" The team nodded at his suggestion before he turned and asked the Guardians, "You guys in?"


Unbeknownst to the two heroic teams, a certain someone was observing the battle on the bridge from a safe distance. He and his two henchbots witnessed the battle with the Titan from the security of his Egg Mobile.

Eggman had his arms crossed and was tapping his fingers on his forearms as Orbot said, "I will say, they did make short work of that Titan."

"Yeah! But why did it leave?" Was the question Cubot asked.

In response, Eggman simply waved his hand dismissively, "It doesn't matter now, now that it's gone." He then smiled deviously, "What does matter is the opportunity presented before us!"

"What do you mean boss?"

"While my associate is off locating the Foundation Element, it would be unwise to not use this glorious opportunity." His grin grew wider as he continued, "This entire city is comprised of technology!" He adjusted his glasses with his index finger. "Imagine what it could do for the Eggman Empire!" The doctor then let loose his iconic bellow of laughter, confident that nothing could foil him this time.

Orbot and Cubot rolled their optics, already knowing where all of this was going.

Time to add another score to the tally.

Hiro's Garage

Big Hero 6's morale was low. Extremely low. Not only did they get pummeled by Knight with little to no effort, but The Sokyo News had released an article about them completely misconstruing what had happened, making it look like they weren't capable of defending their home.


Crisis struck San Fransokyo today when a
massive unidentified creature attacked
the populace without warning.
Local super team Big Hero 6 was nearly
deep-sixed when they came to the rescue,
raising questions about just how prepared
they are to protect the city.
Will another group of crimefighters rise up
in our hour of need? Or is there no force
capable of containing this new threat?
In the opinion of this humble reporter, the
city's days are numbered, so grab your
wallets, keys, kids, and pets, and get your
kiesters to the airport before it's too late.

"Not cool." Go Go commented bitterly.

Honey Lemon sighed deeply. "People like spectacle, not truth."

"Yeah, who needs quality reporting when you can just make stuff up?" Wasabi agreed with his friend, clearly not happy with how they were being portrayed in the article.

Suddenly Fred stamped his foot in annoyance, "I don't get it. I mean, didn't they see how awesome we were?! Sure, that thing landed a couple of good hits, but we had chem-balls, and laser hands, and fire-breathing!"

"Well, it really didn't matter. It beat us." Honey Lemon reminded the group sadly.

"Where'd it even come from?" Go Go asked the obvious question, to which none of the members of Big Hero 6 had an answer.

It was then that they were reminded that they were not the only ones in the garage, as Twilight and the other Guardians were grouped up on the other side of the room. Twilight Sparkle was taking an interest in the conversation, Tony was making some modifications to his armor, Mario and Sonic were chatting, with the former leaning his back against the wall.

Batman was pondering to himself in the shadows. Like usual.

Wasabi then said, "Well... Why don't we ask the guys...who actually stopped it?"

This caught the attention of the Guardians, who stopped what they were doing and turned to address Big Hero 6. Sonic and Mario chuckled while the others remained silent. Tony finished tinkering with his suit while Batman carefully studied the other heroes in the room.

Honey Lemon turned to Hiro and said, "Hiro, you never introduced us."

Hiro, who was sat at the computer, was wearing a blue hoodie jacket, a red shirt with a humanoid robot on it, long dark beige cargo capri shorts, and dark brown Converse sneakers with yellow laces.

"Oh! Right." The young boy said, standing up from his chair and moving towards the head of the team, facing opposite the Guardians. "Well, uh, this is...the gang!" Beside him, Baymax, who was no longer in his armor, resembled a rotund and squishy marshmallow.

Hiro then began introducing the members of Big Hero 6.

"That's Go Go."

She regarded the group coolly with a simple nod.

"He's Wasabi."

Wasabi waved, "How ya doin'?"

"And that's Honey Lemon."

"Hello there."

"Jesus, those codenames could be better." Tony thought to himself internally, not wanting to offend them.

Suddenly Fred jumped forward and landed in front of the group, "I'm Fred. Don't be alarmed." He then pulled down the hood of his costume, revealing a boy with long, blonde hair wearing a beanie.

"This is not my real body!" Fred informed them dramatically.

"We noticed." Batman said stoically.

Hiro turned to his friends and gestured to the Guardians and introduced them, "Those five are Twilight Sparkle, Mario, Sonic, Iron Man, and Batman. The, uh....." He trailed off, trying to remember if they had a team name.

Sonic, deciding to be helpful, blurted out, "The Guardians of the Multiverse." When his friends looked at him with 'Are you serious' looks, he defended himself by saying, "What? We are, aren't we?"

"Real smooth, furball." Tony reprimanded the hedgehog sarcastically. "Ugh, so much for low profile."

Realizing his mistake, Sonic looked away and laughed nervously. "Ah heh heh heh heh... Whoops?"

Baymax quickly ran a scan of the hedgehog and informed, "I am detecting minute contractions in your face and shoulders, perhaps due to the garage's brisk temperature." He raised his index finger and continued, "To remedy that, I will give you a hug and warm you with my internal heat source."

Mario barked a laugh as Baymax's chest glowed orange, "Ha!" He turned to his blue companion and nudged his arm with his elbow. "Yeah, Sonic. Go and give the big, robot marshmallow a big ole' hug."

"Shut up."

"The robot." Go Go said, getting back to what truly mattered. "Tell us how you managed to take it down."

"Um, technically we didn't." Twilight said with a slight blush. "It just ran away and opened a portal to another dimension."

Upon hearing this Hiro's eyes widened, "Hold on. Other dimensions? Guardians of the Multiverse?" His eyes shot wide open as he pieced it together. "Are you saying that the multiverse is real?!"

When they nodded, Hiro noted mentally that he would have to learn more later.

Twilight then continued, "We've come to your world in search of a key artifact that can unlock something of great power. We're here to stop someone from getting it first."

"Ooh, now we're talking! Light versus darkness. Classic conflict!" Fred said excitedly.

Only to be reprimanded by Wasabi, "Would you calm down, Fred? This is serious."

"Yep. These Soulless Ones are no joke." Mario said seriously. "Some of them will be even too much for you guys to handle."

Go Go looked at them as if they were crazy. "Wait. So you're expecting us to just give up?"

"With our current skillset, my analysis places our chances at 0.0000--" Baymax calculated, only to be cut off by Hiro.

"Yup, we get it, Baymax."

Sonic pushed himself off against the wall and approached the group, "Hey, don't sweat it. The five of us will go take care of the Soulless Ones for you." He gave them a thumbs up with his signature smirk, "We'll be out of you hair in no time!"

"Hate to rain on your parade, blue boy, but we have no idea where the Foundation Element is." Tony reminded the ecstatic hedgehog, immediately souring his mood as he slumped forward comically.

"It could be anywhere in this entire city." Batman added, finally saying something.

Twilight nodded to her friend, "We could be here for days, and we're short on time."

Mario placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled, "Well we'd better get going then." The unicorn shared a smile with the plumber before they all moved to leave, but were stopped by a sudden shout.

"Wait!" They stopped and turned around to face Hiro, who had a hand reached out to them. "We're going too."

Twilight smiled kindly at the young boy, "Hiro, it's okay."

But the boy shook his head, "We have to help." He placed a hand to his chest and said, "My brother would have." Showing their support, Big Hero 6 nodded in affirmation. The Guardians looked to one another before nodding back to Big Hero 6, accepting their help.

Wasabi looked down at Hiro, "Great, buuut...don't we need a plan?"

Suddenly Fred walked and stood in between the two teams, "We train up! When heroes are brought low, they get new powers." He flipped up his hood and struck a 'Wushu' salute, "It's shugyo time!"

Go Go smirked at her friend and teased, "Did you read that in Geek's Quarterly?"

"Fred's actually not wrong. I may have an idea." Hiro said with a smile. He then went over to his desk and pulled out a futuristic-looking headset called an AR device. He walked back over and handed it to Twilight, "This is an AR device."

"AR device?"

"Yeah. Cool, huh? It creates a CG overlay that augments your vision. While you wear it, this device sees everything you do and logs it."

Twilight looked confused and turned to Tony, hoping for some clarification.

"You put it on your face."

She smiled gratefully before taking the device in her magic. Twilight then slowly placed the AR device over her eyes, closing them as this was entirely new to her. When she reopened them, the room was surrounded by Soulless Ones. She shrieked and pulled the device off of her face, but was confused when the room was void of any enemy combatants.

"What the...?" She muttered as Tony took the device away from her.

"Whoa! Chill." He said to the unicorn before analyzing it himself. "Huh. Your own version of Virtual Reality." Iron Man looked at the young boy and said, "Not bad, kid."

Hiro smiled at the compliment, "Thanks. But so far the map data only covers San Fransokyo. I need to expand it."

But before he could get to that, Fred was growing impatient, "Now can we shugyo?"

Wasabi then proceeded to frown at his friend and ally, "Not yet, Fred. She's still learning."

Deciding to be a little helpful, Honey Lemon began explaining it in a simpler way for the unicorn. "Twilight, all you need to do is run through some courses that Hiro scripted. Like a minigame."

"Think of it as a time trial." Sonic said helpfully. "Like you have a few minutes to return a book you borrowed from the library, only if you don't reach it in time, you get a late fee."

Twilight's eyes shrunk to pinpricks. Such a horrible thought to have. The thought of not returning a book on time was on par with Discord causing all sorts of chaos around Equestria. She just couldn't let that happen.

Go Go then said, "We'll put a tracer on your movements so we can--"

"Shugyo, shugyo, shugyo!"

"...So we can shugyo."

"I can shugyo by installing new combat data." Baymax said helpfully with a raised finger.

Tony thought to himself and spoke aloud, "Y'know it's been a while since I did a combat update on my armor." He then looked down to Twilight, "And this'll be the perfect opportunity to try out some of that combat magic you've learned from Starswirl's book."

"Been a bit since I've had a proper workout." Sonic said. "I'm in."

"Me too." Mario agreed.

Batman simply agreed with a nod of his head.

With that, Hiro clapped his hands together and said, "Alright team! Let's try it out!" Something told the young boy that this was gonna be the team up of the century. Two teams from separate worlds, working together to become stronger. Yes, this was going to be quite the experience indeed.

Author's Note:

I am a freaking idiot....

This was meant to be out last week but I forgot to hit publish.

I truly am a genius lol.

Anyways, we're in San Fransokyo and we've met up with Big Hero 6!

This world's going to be a doozy, stay tuned!

Knight - HGBD-WolfBeliever5

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