• Published 5th Apr 2023
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Through The Multiverse - Battwell

The Multiverse is in peril. An ancient being is gathering forces throughout various universes for a nefarious plan. Join Twilight and her 4 new friends as they journey through multiple worlds in order to stop these dastardly villains.

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33. Jasper, Nevada (Part 1)

Unknown Earth


The Gateway swirled to a close once Twilight's hooves met the concrete floor. She looked around for a moment to make sure that everyone had made it, and relief washed over her when all of her friends were accounted for. "X-PO? We're back!" She announced for the robot to hear. Her call was answered when said robot suddenly appeared before her, getting right into her face.

"Oh, great! You guys made it! Awesome!" X-PO stated happily, glad for the heroes' safe return. "Now where's that Foundation Element?" He asked the question, which was answered when Tony presented the microchip to him in his hand. He tossed it to the robot, which X-PO caught with his little pincers. "Sweet! Let me just scan this aaaaaand..." He drifted off as his singular eye began scanning the microchip, unveiling the first piece of data he needed to triangulate the location of Foundation Prime. "Done!" He said chipperly as he tossed the chip behind him casually.

As X-PO hovered back over, Sonic clapped his hands together, "So! Where to next?"

"Earth 1984. That's where you'll find the next Foundation Element." He revealed. "Now remember, there are only two more Foundation Elements left. We have one and Talos has around... Ten! We can't let him get anymore at all costs."

Mario grinned, "Well it looks like we'll have to get them back when we get to Foundation Prime!"

Twilight gawked at the plumber for acting like storming Foundation Prime was a simple task. "Why are you acting so casual about this?! We have no idea what kind of defenses or traps they have in store for us! We have to get this right otherwise everything will be destroyed! Including all the books! Of Faust not the books!!!"

"Twilight?" Batman called her name, causing her to cease hyperventilating and stare up at him. "Stop talking." He turned to face X-PO as the unicorn mare pouted. "What are we looking for?"

X-PO shrugged, having no idea whatsoever. "No clue. All I have in my memory banks is a vague description. You're looking for a substance that grants life. That's all I got."

"Better than nothing." Iron Man said before adding, "I guess? X-PO, fire up the Gateway."

Foundation Prime

Exiled's Fortress

Exiled sat atop his throne, tapping his claws on the arms of his seat as he observed what was going on in his throne room.

Discord, who was wearing a white buttoned up shirt and a brown afro wig, was currently painting Celestia being chased by mutant cakes with Luna and the Elements being washed away by chocolate milk in the background.

Bowser was doing bicep curls in front of Peach in hopes of impressing her. It did not.

Ultron and two of his sentries simply standing in front of The Avengers' force field, looming over them menacingly, taunting them in a way. It amused the sadistic A.I. immensely.

Joker was simply playing with his cards, tossing the ones with his name on them at the dome surrounding Damian Wayne, who was meditating to ignore the Clown Prince of Crime.

And Eggman was standing there in front of the Freedom Fighters' dome, using his glasses to run some calculations for his master plan, not that anybody knew that of course.

"I grow impatient." Exiled announced suddenly, gaining everyone's attention. He turned his head down to The Joker and asked, "Joker, what is the statis of our latest recruit? Has he accepted my offer?"

Joker smiled, tucking his cards into his suit pocket, "He's seen what you have to offer, and he has run several tests to see if what you claim is true."


"He's in."

"Ah. An excellent development. We need all the help we can gather now that the Guardians are on the hunt for the remaining Foundation Elements." He rested his head on his hand and continued, "We have already lost one. We cannot afford to lose another." He then set his gaze upon Discord, "Have you found the means to free our next recruit?"

The draconequues tossed away is pain brush, which exploded behind him, and snapped his talons. Once his outfit was removed from his person, Discord floated over and hovered in front of Exiled's chair. "It took a bit of digging but I found the rune needed to access the Ether."

"Excellent. Hopefully he will be more successful than my previous recruits." He said snidely, referring to Ultron and Robotnik's failure back in San Fransokyo.

Ultron scoffed and made his way toward the stairs leading to the former Guardian. "Aw, what's wrong? Scared that your plan is... How you meat bags say... Going to Hell?"

But before Exiled could retort, Captain America said, "I'm surprised you're even working with them, Ultron." He continued once the A.I. turned to face him and his fellow Avengers. "It's kind of hypocritical, considering your hatred for organic life, yet you're willing to work with them to achieve your goals."


He took a moment to calm himself before continuing.

"I am many things, Captain. But I'm no hypocrite." Ultron claimed. "This alliance is temporary, only a stepping stone to my purpose. A stepping stone towards peace in our time."

Meanwhile Bowser leaned against the dome and stared dreamy eyed at Princess Peach. "Y'know, It'll be a bit lonely ruling part of the Multiverse by myself." He stopped leaning and gazed into Peach's eyes, "There's always room for a Queen Koopa."

"In your dreams." Peach replied coolly, clearly enjoying antagonizing the Koopa.

"Dreams that will soon become a reality, Peaches." Bowser retorted confidently.

Damian Wayne scoffed at the Koopa before noticing a certain clown smiling at him. "So, you're the new Robin, huh? Never killed the last one. Killed the one before that, but then he came back, tried to kill me, it was a whole thing."

"Shame he never put a bullet in your skull." Damian replied.

"Oh ho ho! I like you already!"

Over with the Mobians, they were glaring at Eggman, who was still making calculations to his little project. "What's your endgame here, Eggman?" Tails asked.

"Yeah, we all know you don't like to share with anyone! So spill!" Knuckled commanded.

The human scoffed at their attempts to threaten him. "I see no reason to tell you." He looked away and smiled, "Just know that not even Sonic will be able to stop me this time."

"ENOUGH!" Exiled commanded for the incessant noise to cease. He turned to Discord and ordered, "Perform the means to free our newest recruit from the Ether at once!"

Discord narrowed his eyes before turning around and landing on the carpet. He licked his index finger, which was engulfed in a fiery, blue flame, and drew a circle on the ground, the inside of the circle covered in runes. He then drew a horizontal line inside the circle before tracing out an 'M' in the circle as well. The symbol glowed blue as a dark crystal shot up from the ground, black smoke erupting from the crystal.

And inside the smoke were a pair of glowing green eyes, a sharp red horn, and a sinister laughter that sent shivers down the spines of Celestia, Luna, and all the Equestrians trapped within the dome.

Earth 1984

Jasper, Nevada

In the middle of the desert, in the state of Nevada, a wormhole opened and outstepped Twilight Sparkle. When she landed, sand shot up and covered her hooves, much to her annoyance. Beside her Batman landed, as did Super Mario. To her right Iron Man landed in a superhero pose, as did Sonic the Hedgehog.

Once the Rift closed everyone took in their surroundings, they were in the middle of nowhere. The only thing in sight was a road ahead of them, a few mountains, and street lights.

"It looks like we're in the middle of nowhere." Mario commented.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Tony quipped, making the plumber frown in annoyance. He then asked his A.I. companion, "J.A.R.V.I.S.? Any idea where we are?"

"Unfortunately not, sir. But I can see if I can triangulate your location with the use of satellites, if they have any in this dimension that is." After a few moments J.A.R.V.I.S. said, "After triangulating your position, I was able to determine that you are in the state of Nevada."

This surprised Tony, "We're near Vegas? Might have to make a detour." He joked before J.A.R.V.I.S. continued.

"From what I could gather, the nearest form of civilization to your exact position would be a small town called Jasper. I have also found some military bases located a safe distance from the town."

"Good as place as any to start looking." Tony said with a shrug before relaying this new piece of information to the team. "Looks like we're in the state of Nevada; that's a state on Earth for those who don't know." Twilight, Sonic, and Mario nodded gratefully at that. "Nearest town to us is a place called Jasper, relatively small but it's a good place to start looking. J.A.R.V.I.S. also located some military bases, might not be a bad starting point either."

Batman pondered for a moment before saying, "We should head to the town first, see if we can find anything of value."

"That's a great idea, Batman!" Twilight agreed with her friend.

Sonic smirked as he swiped his nose with his thumb, "Then what are we waiting for?" He entered a crouched position and shouted, "Let's get going!" He then shot off into the distance before coming back, rubbing the back of his head bashfully. "Uh... Which way is Jasper?"

Secret Autobot Base

Ratchet was not having a particularly good day.

Not only were they running low on their Energon supply, but they were losing the race to find the remaining Iacon relics against their arch enemies: The Decepticons. When their leader had tricked the Autobot leader into thinking he was one of them due to severe amnesia, he had used him to decode the Iacon database to unearth ancient relics from the Hall of Iacon, located on the now dead planet Cybertron.

Ratchet was large in appearance. He's a white robot with an orange paint job, blue eyes, big and bulky hands, with a crown like mold on his forehead.

The former field medic heard a series of beeps coming from behind him. He turned around, gazing at the base they now called home. It was hidden in a mountain and was secretly supplied by the US Government so that they could maintain their secrecy.

Standing before him was the Autobot scout: Bumblebee.

Bee was large as well, but smaller than Ratchet. He had a yellow color scheme with black stripes, blue eyes, car windows on his back that resembled wings, and a small faceplate covering his mouth.

Bumblebee could only communicate through a series of beeps, due to having his voice box forcefully removed from his pipes by the Decepticon leader known only as Megatron.

Ratchet sighed, "No, Bumblebee. I have not yet decoded anymore of the Iacon database." He turned around and returned to the set of green monitors before him. "If I had, we'd already be out there right now, wouldn't we?"

Before Bee could retort, the distinct sound of a motorbike and a car engine could be heard from the tunnel leading into the Autobot base. When both Autobots turned around, they saw two vehicles enter the base.

A blue motorcycle.

And a green SUV.

The SUV transformed first, revealing a large Autobot who was five feet taller than Bumblebee. He was mostly a faded green color while parts of him were black. His eyes were blue and his head was silver except for a faded green part on the top of his head that looked like a helmet.

Bulkhead turned to his left as the motorcycle transformed. She was a small robot, with blue paint primarily, black paint as the secondary, and little areas covered in pink, such as her head crest. She had black feet, hands and a dark grey midriff. Several pieces of her alternate mode hang off of her while in robot mode, such as her wheels, which cling to the side.

Arcee dusted off her hands as she approached the two Autobots, "Jack, Miko, and Raf are home safe and sound."

Ratchet nodded, "Good, it's best for them not be around here when our current situation is as dire as it is now."

"Miko was not happy, I can tell you that." Bulkhead commented before turning to Ratchet. "But I don't get it. Why did they have to stay away? Wouldn't they be safer with us?"

"During these trying times, it is imperative that we keep our human allies safe from harm. We cannot allow our Decepticon foes to use them against us. I will not allow them to be put in harms way during the scavenge for the remaining Iacon relics."

Everyone turned to the source of the response.

Approaching them was their leader. His primary color was red, his secondary color was blue and he had bits of silver and grey. He had three antenna like rods on each side of his head which were attached to his audio receptors. He also had a faceplate that could be applied whenever he needed it.

Optimus Prime looked to each of his Autobot companions, "The Decepticons have already claimed a majority of the Iacon relics that have been found on Earth. We cannot allow them to claim anymore to use for their nefarious purposes." He turned to Ratchet, "We thank you for your endless endeavor in decoding the remaining locations, old friend."

Ratchet scoffed, "I could be doing better."

He then felt Bulkhead's hand clasp against his back, causing him to stumble forward, "Don't sell yourself short, Ratchet. You've been doing everything you could."

"What I want to know is what Megatron plans to do when he gets his claws on the rest of them." Arcee pondered aloud, getting everyone thinking once more.

But their train of thought was cut short when a sudden communication alert sounded off in the base, soon to be followed by a loud bellow. "PRIME!" When the Autobots turned to the monitors, they saw a dark skinned man wearing a grey suit jacket, a white buttoned up shirt, and a loose tie sitting in a helicopter wearing a headset.

This was Special Agent William Fowler, the one who is meant to keep the situation with the Autobots under control, to ensure that the public doesn't know about their existence.

"We read you, Agent Fowler." Ratchet said.

"What in the Sam Hill is going on?!" Fowler asked while shouting, hoping the Autobots could give him some clarity.

"To what are you referring?" Ratchet asked, confused as to what the human was angry about.

"Exactly eleven minutes ago a high security military base was raided and attacked. We assumed it was the Cons, but get this." He then pulled up an image on the monitor. It showcased multiple soldiers incased in ice, some still solid, most of them shattered. "They were all sealed in ice."

The Prime thought to himself, there were weapons capable of sealing others in ice back on Cybertron, but they were all destroyed during the war. Besides this wasn't the Decepticons usual MO. Optimus hated this. He hated seeing human lives cut short when he could have done something to prevent it. He blamed himself, it's what he did best. "How many casualties?"

It was then that Fowler's tone turned somber, "Nobody made it out alive. They were either frozen to death or shattered. But that's not all." He then showed an image of a black crystal. "Does this look familiar to you?"

They took a closer look, but couldn't recollect seeing anything like that on Cybertron. "It looks like a crystal." Bulkhead commented.

"Aren't they common on Earth?" Arcee asked the agent.

"That's what we thought. But upon further investigation, we found nothing similar to any rock or crystal on the entire planet. It's not from around here, so I thought I'd ask our resident aliens if they knew anything."

"I am sorry to say that we have never encountered such a crystal before, Agent Fowler." Optimus answered.

Fowler sighed, "Figures. But that's not what's strange about it. Y'see, whenever anyone touched it they screamed for dear life, and their eyes turned green."

"That's... odd." Ratchet commented.

"What was stolen?" Arcee asked.

"A Particle Fusion Sphere." Agent Fowler answered. "It's the only one of its kind."

"I doubt the Cons would want to focus on anything other than the Iacon relics." Bulkhead said.

"Could it be M.E.C.H.?" Arcee suggested.

"They haven't been active since Silas went down." Bulkhead replied.

"Well whoever it is, they mean business." Fowler interjected. "They're taking no prisoners and are willing to destroy anything to get what they want."

Optimus looked solemn for a moment before addressing his team. "Autobots, I swore to always defend the helpless. To preserve all human life. I will not break that vow now." He turned up and said to Fowler, "We will aid you in stopping these attacks, Agent Fowler."

The human smiled and nodded before cutting off the feed.

Ratchet turned to his friend and asked, "Optimus, shouldn't we be focusing on finding the Iacon relics? This is the last thing we need right now."

The last of the Primes placed a hand on the medic's shoulder, "As much as I would agree, old friend, preserving our new home and those that inhabit it are our top priority." When the medic nodded Optimus stepped away and turned around, determination all over his face.

He just hoped that this new problem wouldn't lose them the race against the Decepticons.

A few hours later

Batman watched over the small town of Jasper in the cool breeze of the night, his cape flapping in the wind as his stern gaze never left the streets below. He heard the clopping of hooves approach him, seeing Twilight Sparkle approaching him when he turned around.

Behind them was Mario and Iron Man, the former was simply sitting on the edge of the building while the latter was looking down at the floor, clearly frustrated.

"Nothing. After all these hours of searching, hoping for even a hint of what we're supposed to be looking for, we've got nothing." Tony vented out his frustrations as he paced the rooftop. "A substance that grants life? What the hell is that? That could be anything."

Mario was inclined to agree with him, "Yeah, and this town? Nothing out of the ordinary here."

"I wouldn't say that."

Batman's correction caught their attention.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked her friend.

Batman then began to explain, "Two things caught my attention today. More specifically, two vehicles. A green SUV, and a blue motorcycle."

"What about them?"

The Dark Knight moved away from the ledge and turned to face the others. "The SUV didn't have a driver, yet it was still in motion. And the motorcycle didn't either, in its place was an ametuer hologram meant to fool the naked eye."

This got Tony thinking, "So what're you thinking?" He asked. "Government vehicles?"

"Maybe. Or maybe something more."

Their conversation was cut short by the abrupt arrival of Sonic the Hedgehog, who held various pieces of food in his arms. "Okay, snack run done!" He announced as he walked around the rooftop, handing the food to his friends. "Shawarma for Tony. Some spaghetti for plumber boy. A salad for Twily. A sandwich for Bats. And around five chili dogs for me!"

"You didn't steal these did you?" Twilight asked as she took the salad in her magic.

In response to her query, the azure hedgehog went 'pfft' and responded, "Of course not! I left them some rings."

"Not sure they accept that kind of currency." Tony muttered under his breath before his mask lifted upwards, revealing his face so he could enjoy his food.

Twilight sat down on her plot and opened the seal containing her food. "Y'know this is nice, us sitting here enjoying a meal together."

"I agree." Said Mario, enjoying his spaghetti. "It's nice to kick back and relax every once and a while."

"Amen to that." Both Sonic and Tony said together.

Twilight looked to Batman and saw him watching over the town, his sandwich in his hand. "What about you, Batman?" She asked, gaining his attention. "Don't you enjoy having a bit of 'me time?'"

"I don't have time for things like that."

She furrowed her brows sadly, "Why not?"

"Gotham comes first. That's all that matters." He answered with no hesitation.

"Well yeah, but surely you take some time to relax, right?" Tony asked.

He received no answer.

A sudden loud burp broke the awkward silence. They all turned to see Sonic laying back, rubbing his now distended stomach with a satisfied smile on his face. "Thank Chaos for my fast metabolism." He opened one eye and said, "If I didn't have it I'd have to worry about losing my figure."

Mario narrowed his eyes, "Do you do everything as fast as you run?"

Sonic shrugged, "If it works, it works."

Tony finished his shawarma and suggested, "I think we should make our way to the nearest military base next." This got their attention. "We haven't found anything of note here, and the base might be our best bet to finding the Foundation Element."

Batman nodded in agreement, "Agreed." He finished his sandwich and took out his Grappling Hook.

Tony looked at him perplexed, "Why do you use that? Y'know I can carry you right?"

"No offense... But I hate that." Was the response he got before the Dark Knight fired and took off into the night.

Iron Man sighed as his mask moved back into place. He turned to Twilight and said, "C'mon Twi, hop on my back." The unicorn nodded and leapt onto the hero's back, wrapping her forelegs around his neck to ensure she didn't fall off. She let out a shriek when the billionaire took off without warning her.

Mario chuckled before leaping off of the building, jumping from rooftop to rooftop as Sonic sped down the side and ran along the highway.

At the US Military Base

Soldiers were patrolling the hangar bay, guns at the ready, their look stern, ready for action.

They had been told by Special Agent Fowler to increase their security, they didn't want what was inside that hangar bay to be stolen and placed into enemy hands. Be that whatever remained of M.E.C.H. or the Decepticons. Speaking of M.E.C.H., after Silas' presumed death by being crushed by his own creation, Nemesis Prime, the government raided their base for their tech and stored it here in this base.

It was some serious firepower in there. Better in their hands than the Decepticons.

A sudden chill ran through the air, causing some of the soldiers to tense up. Whenever they breathed they could see their breath in the air. When did it get so cold? It was the middle of summer for Pete's sake! Their questions would be answered when the alarm began blaring, someone was attacking the base!

Then at the entrance to the base, an explosion of frost and ice could be seen, flipping over vehicles and turning soldiers to ice, killing them in the process. The soldiers were on it in an instant, their guns trained and ready to fire. Inside the ice fog, metallic footsteps could be heard, sending an ominous feeling down their spines.

A pair of red eyes shined through as a figure holding what appeared to be a large gun made himself known.

The figure was wearing a white, biomechanical suit that kept him cold enough to survive. He wore a glass shaped dome to cover his face, which was white itself. He was bald, old in appearance, and was wearing a pair of red goggles. On his back was a jetpack that could send out miniaturized freeze mines and could propel him into the air, as well as a mini missile launcher that could rest on his shoulder. In his hands was a giant freeze gun that had a rail gun like appearance.

"FREEZE!!!" The soldiers ordered, their guns trained on him.

Mr. Freeze kept the same stoic expression he always had, "If you insist." Without waiting another moment, he charged his freeze gun and opened fire, moving it along and freezing every soldier that had dared crossed his path. He lowered his freeze gun once the deed was done.

As more soldiers rushed in to stop him, a black smoke suddenly shot up from behind the villain, a pair of glowing, green eyes could be seen inside of it. The smoke then exploded, surrounding the base as multiple black crystals erupted from the ground, shattering the frozen soldiers and severely injuring the other ones.

Victor walked through the base as the smoke shrunk and landed beside him, shifting into an equine silhouette. He was a dark gray unicorn with a black spiky mane and tail. His horn was curved, smooth, sharp at the tip and it gradients from dark gray to red. He had sharp teeth with two visible fangs unlike other ponies and red irises, with purple mist emanating from them. He wore silver armor on his legs and neck, a crown with horn-like points on his head, and a red cape that covered his flank.

King Sombra laughed mirthfully at the suffering going on around him, kicking a hunk of ice away with his hoof as he walked over toward the hangar bay, where Mr. Freeze was waiting for him.

"This is a waste of time." Sombra commented with his head held high. "We should be securing the Foundation Element."

Freeze paid him no mind as he aimed his freeze gun at the bay doors, "We may know who possesses the element, but we do not know where they are located." He fired his gun, freezing the doors to absolute zero. "Best to draw them out and have them bring it to us. Now if you please?" He gestured to the frozen doors.

Sombra scoffed and held his nose high, walking ahead of the villain. "Manual labor is beneath me."

"Quit complaining. We both know you relish in the suffering going on around you."

The Shadow King shrugged, he did have a point. "You're not wrong." He flashed a grin before lighting up his horn, a large crystal shot out from the ground and pierced the hangar bay doors, shattering them completely. Sombra turned and gestured for Freeze to enter, "After you."

The ice cold villain simply walked past him and entered the hangar bay, Sombra following close behind him. Once they entered they both saw all of the technology M.E.C.H. had left behind once Nemesis Prime was taken offline.

"And just how do you expect the two of us to escort these items out of here?" Sombra asked the scientist.

Mr. Freeze tapped the side of his helmet and said, "This is Doctor Victor Fries. I am requesting a squadron of minions to aid us in this task. It is imperative to our retrieval of the Foundation Element. Send them post haste." Not even a moment later a large portal opened up with a squad of Soulless Ones marching into the hangar bay. Freeze looked to Sombra as the portal closed, "Work smarter, not harder." He recited before commanding, "This technology is now ours! Claim it and remove it from this base at once!"

The mindless drones did what was commanded of them and began hauling the stolen tech out of the hangar bay. Mr. Freeze looked to the mad king, who let out a howl of laughter at their assured victory.

Meanwhile at the entrance to the base, Batman landed down from a glide and crouched down in front of chunk of ice, picking it up and bringing it closer to his face. He heard Iron Man land behind him, dropping Twilight as Mario and Sonic arrived.

"Woah." Sonic commented at the cascade of ice present. "What happened here?"

Batman's frown deepened, "Freeze."

Twilight trotted over to her friend but stopped and gasped upon the sight of a pitch black crystal sticking out of the ground. It had a purple aura and was crackling with green magic. "I-It can't be..." She stuttered before looking forward, seeing more crystals inside the base.

"You know what's up with these crystals, Twi?" Mario asked as he walked up and stood beside her.

She nodded fearfully before answering, "Yeah... And it's nothing good."

Meanwhile at the Autobot Base


Agent Fowler's voice sounded off throughout the base, causing all of the Autobots to gather in front of the Groundbridge. "What is the situation, Agent Fowler?" Prime asked, speaking on behalf of Team Prime.

His face appeared on the monitors as he relayed the current situation, "Another attack on a military base is in progress! This time they're stealing the tech we confiscated when we raided M.E.C.H. after the whole Nemesis Prime ordeal."

Ratchet was stumped, "What could these delinquents want with M.E.C.H.'S tech and a Particle Fusion Sphere?"

"Questions that are left unknown, but are soon to be answered." Optimus replied before turning to face the Groundbridge, his faceplate shutting over his mouth. "Ratchet, open the Groundbridge to the designated coordinates. Autobots! Transform and roll out!"

The Autobot medic nodded and punched in the coordinates before flipping the switch. The Groundbridge swirled to life before Optimus charged forward, transforming into a truck and leading his team to stop this conflict.

Back at the military base

Sombra loomed over a fallen soldier, advancing on his with a sick and twisted grin on his face. The soldier crawled backwards in an attempt to get away from the dark unicorn. "These are supposed to be this world's defense force? What a joke! Allow me to add more fear into the mix." His eyes glowed green with purple mist emanating from them, as did the soldier's.

He the let out a terrified scream as he continued to crawl away. King Sombra laughed mirthfully at the suffering, but was cut short by the approach of his temporary ally, Mr. Freeze.

"If you are done tormenting the help, we must make haste to the next part of my plan."

Sombra turned to the villain and narrowed his eyes, "The plan which you have failed to explain to me."

Freeze maintained his stone cold expression, "All will be revealed in due time. For now we mus--" He was cut short by a Batarang striking his freeze gun, which caused him to stumble.

"That's enough, Freeze!" A familiar voice called out.

"What?!" The villains turned around to see Batman land in front of them with a scowl on his face. "The Batman? Here?!"

Sombra however wasn't as concerned as he should've been. "An ape in a Nightmare Night costume?" He barked a laugh, not taking the Dark Knight seriously. "I was not expecting any kind of resistance, but it matters not. For you shall fall by the magic of the true ruler of the Crystal--- Oof!!!" He grunted as a magic blast hit his side, sending him sprawling across the floor. He shook his head and looked to see Twilight Sparkle standing there with the rest of the Guardians behind her.

"It's over, Sombra!" She declared, her horn still lit up with magic.

The dark king chuckled as he stood up on his hooves, "Well, well, well. Celestia's lapdog has come to join the fray." He simply smirked at the unicorn. "How cute."

"I don't understand!" Twilight exclaimed, glaring at the mad tyrant. "How did you manage to escape from the Ether?"

"Hah!" Sombra laughed before saying, "Through my own power of course!"

Tony, however, wasn't buying it. "Cut the crap, we all know that Exiled issued you with a 'Get Out of Jail Free Card.'"

Sombra gawked at the billionaire, clearly offended. "You dare underestimate my power?!"

"He's not wrong." Freeze added helpfully.

He turned his head and narrowed his eyes, "Nopony's talking to you!" He turned back to face Twilight and the other Guardians. "It doesn't matter how I escaped the Ether. All that matters is that I did escape the Ether! And now I will have my revenge for our last encounter! By putting an end to your pathetic life!" He quickly fired a purple beam of dark magic, aiming for the unicorn's heart. Twilight quickly put up a shield to protect herself as Sonic bolted forward and tried hitting the king with a Spin Dash.

Sombra simply smirked and entered his Shadow Form, allowing Sonic to run right through him.

He untucked and stared up at the cloud of darkness befuddled, "He can turn into a cloud?! Since when could they turn into a cloud?! How is that fair?!"

Sombra simply laughed as his eyes glowed green, summoning several dark crystals that erupted from the concrete below. Twilight yelped as she hopped from one spot to another, being very careful to avoid the crystals. Mario was doing the same while Tony flew into the air, firing Repulsor Blasts at the dark mist, having no effect on it.

"My crystals will pierce your hearts!"

Meanwhile Batman was running ahead of Mr. Freeze's ice blast, the villain following the Dark Knight as he fired his gun. When it needed to recharge, Batman took the chance to throw a few Batarangs while asking, "Why are you doing this, Victor?"

Freeze activated his jetpack and took to the air, avoiding the projectiles as his miniature missile launcher rested on his shoulder. "I have no choice! This is the only way to save my wife!" He fired four freeze missiles down at the hero. Batman managed to dodge them, avoiding the burst of icicle spikes that consumed the ground where they exploded.

"Exiled promised you a way to cure Nora, didn't he?" Batman surmised, throwing more Batarangs up at the villain.

"He has shown me technology beyond my understanding." Freeze answered as he swayed left and right to avoid the Batarangs. "I have run the tests and seen the technology for myself. His offer is sound!" He flew over Batman as his jetpack dropped multiple freeze mines, the explosions covering the ground with ice spikes. Batman had managed to avoid the blasts and glared up at Freeze. "All I have to do is retrieve the Foundation Element and then I can cure Nora!"

"You realize that he is manipulating you." Batman looked at the broken man sympathetically.

"That is a possibility. But I will get my hands on that tech! Even if I have to take it by force!"

As the battle raged on, nobody noticed the green portal open up at the edge of the base. No-one also noticed the group of vehicles drive out of said portal. Once the portal closed, the Autobots transformed and rushed forward to stop this heist, their hands having transformed into laser guns.

They were about to attack, but stopped upon seeing the battle before them.

"What the..." Bulkhead muttered, clearly confused at what he was seeing.

Bumblebee let out a series of beeps directed toward Optimus, clearly asking him what was going on. But he did not receive an answer.

Arcee squinted her optics and asked, "Are those... horses firing lasers at each other? And is that a giant rat running around at the speed of sound?"

Clearly confused at what to do, Bulkhead turned his head and asked, "What's the plan, Optimus?"

When they received no answer, they all turned to see Optimus staring at the battle with widened optics. He couldn't believe it, the legends were true. He stared at the lavender unicorn currently battling King Sombra. Or more specifically...

Her Starburst Cutie Mark.

"By the AllSpark." Optimus whispered in disbelief.

Bulkhead leaned to see what was wrong with their leader. "Uhh... Optimus?"

"The Guardians do exist." This was weird, Optimus never showed this kind of emotion before. He never lost his cool, never laughed at a joke. This was indeed a strange occurrence. His optics narrowed as he took a step forward, "Autobots! Assist the horned horse and her allies!"

Meanwhile Sombra fired a blast that hit Mario in the chest, sending him flying onto his back. The king of darkness chuckled as his eyes glowed, but was stopped by a blue energy blast that went over his head. "Who dares?!" He turned, as did everyone else, to see the Autobots charging forward, firing laser blasts at Mr. Freeze and King Sombra.

Freeze moved through the air to avoid the projectiles while Sombra turned into a shadow and took to the air. As the Autobots moved closer, Sombra's shadow consumed Mr. Freeze and the Soulless Ones carrying the stolen tech.

"This isn't over!" Sombra declared before using his dark powers to teleport his forces out of there, ending the battle.

The Guardians were stumped, what just happened?

Batman walked over to the group as Iron Man landed in front of them, staring wide eyed at the approaching Cybertronians. Optimus was leading the group, walking in front of them as they approached. He stopped, as did they, and simply looked down at the Multiversal heroes. Twilight's mind was freaking out right now. Giant sentient robots that weren't trying to flatten them? She thought she had seen everything during this adventure.

Now she had.

Author's Note:

Optimus Prime - AndyPurro

Ratchet - OrionPax9

Arcee - Barricade24

Bumblebee - AndyPurro

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