• Published 29th Aug 2022
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A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Act 1 - 06 - Sunset - Waiting for Twilight

Sunset - Waiting for Twilight

Sunday, August 17 - 3:45 PM Canterlot time

Once at the mall, Sunset parked her Nicholi in one of the compatible electric charging stalls then pulled her chair out of the back seat and set it up. Putting her backpack on the back, she transferred over to her chair and locked the car up, then headed into the mall to start her shift.

“Good evening Mr. Namori-san!” greeted Sunset as she rolled through the cafe to the break room.

“Hi, Sunset! How’d your trip with your friends go? Did you all have fun?” asked Mr. Namori with a smile as he restocked the serving trays before the dinner rush.

“You know it!” grinned Sunset. “Never a dull moment with those girls.” She headed into the break room to change into her uniform as well as lock her bag in her locker. Changed, cleaned up and hair tucked up and under her cap, she clocked in and returned to the cafe. “Ready to start! What should I do first?” she asked.

“I think I have everything set here. If you could double-check it for me that would be great.” Mr. Namori replied. “I’ll get started on preparing the ingredients for the rest of the evening in the kitchen while you do that.” Sunset nodded and rolled behind the counter as Mr. Namori went back into the kitchen.

A quick once-over confirmed for Sunset that Mr. Namori had indeed prepped everything, nothing was missing or out of place. She then wheeled out and checked each of the tables. A few were low on soy sauce or salt and pepper (though who in their right mind would put salt and pepper on sushi she wondered) which she quickly replaced from the supplies kept by and in the fridge under the serving counter.

With napkins and condiments restocked, she once again took her place behind the counter. “Hi Sunset!” she heard from the front of the cafe.

Looking up, she saw the minty green teenager Lyra, entering. “Hi, Lyra-san! You’re early today! What’s up? Have plans for the evening?” she asked, smiling.

“You know it! Bonnie is taking me to the movies. After that, we’re having a sleepover at her parents' house so we can get an early start tomorrow morning. We’re going to Equestria Land all day and staying until they close!” she answered happily. “It’s going to be epic! She’s meeting me here for dinner.”

Just as she said that Bon Bon entered, smiling. “Hi Sunset!” she greeted. “Dinner for two tonight!” She took her friend's hand and smiled.

“Come on up girls! You’ve beaten the rush! You’re our first dinner customers this evening. What can I get you?” asked Sunset.

Both girls looked at the selection before deciding on the all-you-can-eat sushi buffet. This started with the Miso soup. Sunset served them two trays with Miso soup, the nori and tsukemono behind it, and servings of the sushi they selected. This also came with a tray of wasabi to share. They paid and went to their favorite table. Sunset followed them over. Once there, she served up the green tea and left it with Lyra to refill as she needed - a perk only available to their most loyal customers, Sunset assured them with a grin.

“You mean the most loyal customer, right?” smirked Bon Bon. “I swear Lyra you probably single-handedly keep the lights on in this place!”

Sunset had to laugh. “She’s got you there girl!” She grinned at Lyra. “I think you spend more time here than I do!” They all had a good laugh at that. “Just let me know if you need anything. I’ll be by to check on you shortly.”

They assured her they were good, so Sunset returned to the counter.

After that, things picked up as the usual dinner crowd made their appearance. The afternoon shows had ended, letting out hungry moviegoers who poured into the mall. As a result, the shop filled up. Sunset kept everything going efficiently with a cheerful smile. All were made to feel welcome and everyone got what they wanted. Lyra and Bon Bon came through the line three more times for different selections before heading out for the rest of their evening. “Thanks, Sunset!” said Lyra as they brought over their trays to clear the table before they departed.

“Ah, girls! You didn’t have to do that! I could have gotten them. Thank you!” smiled Sunset. She took the trays and put them in the kitchen slot to be cleared.

“No problem Sunset! Happy to help out!” Lyra said.

“Ah, I’ll have to ask Mr. Namori-san to make you an honorary employee!” laughed Sunset. “Here girls, have a cookie. On the house!” She put two Hato Sabure cookies in a bag and passed them to Lyra. “Have a great evening! Also, be sure to have an awesome time at Equestria Land! The rollercoasters there really rock!”

Bon Bon cocked an eyebrow at Lyra who grinned sheepishly. “What? She asked is all. We’re all friends. Right?” Lyra replied.

Bon Bon took her friend in a side hug. “You are a knucklehead. And yes, we’re all friends.” She grinned at Sunset. “Have a great evening yourself Sunset. Thanks!” Then she dragged her friend out of the cafe and over towards the movie theater. Sunset laughed at their antics.

“They kind of remind me of another pair I know,” she grinned to herself before going back to work.

It was a busy night, the best kind for business. Time passed quickly for Sunset. Between bussing tables, restocking supplies, and serving the customers, she hardly noticed the time passing.

Eventually, closing time came. Sunset helped Mr. Namori-san clean the trays and get the leftover food packaged up for her to take to the homeless shelter, saving Mr. Namori the trip now that she had her own car.

“I still can’t believe you donate all this food to the shelter, Mr. Namori-san!” Sunset remarked in grateful surprise. “I know they are always so grateful to get it.”

“Hey, it’s the least I can do. I know for a fact they were there for a very dear friend of mine when she needed a hand up. I’m happy to help out.” He smiled at Sunset who blushed in return, recalling her younger days when she lived at the shelter after first coming from Equestria.

Thinking back to those days, when she first crossed over from Equestria, she was fortunate to meet such a compassionate and helpful group of people. They didn’t even mind when she insisted she was actually a unicorn from a magical kingdom; a claim she later renounced when she found out just how crazy it made her sound. All they cared about was the poor, down on her luck little girl who needed a place to call her own and someone to look out for her. And if believing herself a magical pony helped her cope, who were they to argue? They loved her as she was, she realized now.

“Ah, thanks Mr. Namori-san. Yeah, they were certainly there when I needed them most,” she smiled at the recollection.

“Do you need help carrying them?” Mr. Namori kindly offered.

“Nope. But if you want to help me out, I won’t say no. I admit though, it’s mostly so I can show you my new car!” Sunset grinned.

Mr. Namor laughed. “My wheel girl has new wheels! Yeah! Let's go check them out!” Mr. Namori-san accepted excitedly.

Together they finished cleaning out the cafe then loaded up Sunset with the day’s leftovers and locked up. Mr. Namori followed Sunset out to her parking spot.

“Oh wow! You got the new Nicholi Roadster!” he exclaimed. “That’s awesome! How do you like it?”

“It is awesome. It handles like a dream and drives like a sports car. I never have to fill the tank, and now I don’t have to leave early to catch the last bus!” Sunset grinned.

They put the food into the trunk. Sunset disconnected the car from the charging port and stowed the connector. She then transferred into the car, folding and stowing her chair in the passenger seat.

Freedom!” she cried out triumphantly.

“Freedom indeed!” Mr. Namori agreed. Sunset waved goodnight as she shut her door and started up the car. She backed out of the parking spot and headed downtown for the shelter.

“Nicholi, Text Twilight - I am dropping off the food at the shelter then coming straight over. See you in about 20 minutes.” Sunset dictated.

“Message sent,” the car verified.

Sunset drove straight to the shelter.

Sister Mary was out front with the volunteers for the night. When the window rolled down, Sunset smiled back with delight.

“Hi, Sister Mary!” Sunset greeted happily. “The food is in the back. I’ll open the trunk.” She popped the trunk open. The two volunteers quickly unloaded the food while Sister talked to Sunset.

“Wow, girl! Look at you! Quite a step up from the little girl that showed up on my doorstep claiming to be a lost unicorn!” she smiled. “Be sure to thank Mr. Namori for us. We really appreciate how much he helps out with his donations. Everyone really appreciates it!”

“I will, and he knows it. I tell him all the time,” smiled Sunset.

The volunteers finished up and shut the trunk. Sunset thanked them, then said goodbye to Sister Mary before driving off to Twilight’s house.

Sure enough, Twilight was out front with her bag packed. It was when Twilight opened the door to get in when Sunset realized her gaff. “Sorry Twi! I flaked and forgot to put the chair in the back. One second.” She reached around to get it.

“No worries Sunny. I got this,” answered Twilight, quickly picking up the chair and gently setting it in the back. She took the seat, her backpack resting at her feet. When she was all set, Twilight asked, “Ready for tonight?” She smiled, shutting the door.

Sunset smiled, waving to Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle, both looking out the living room window. They smiled and waved back at the girls before closing the drapes.

“Parents can be such dorks,” smirked Twilight.

“It’s just because they love you,” grinned Sunset back at her. “Just ask them!” Turning back to driving, she called out “Home Nicholi! You drive.”

“Destination, Royal residence. Auto drive engaged. Travel time 5 minutes,” the car reported as it started towards the Royal residence.

Once there, the garage door opened and the car pulled into the garage. Twilight and Sunset got out.

While Sunset set up her chair and transferred into it, Twilight took a turn plugging the roadster in to charge. It was fairly straightforward, so she finished about the time Sunset came around with both their backpacks.

“Good job Sparky! You’re hired,” she teased which earned a grin from her friend.

“Got to do something with this big brain of mine!” Twilight laughed while adjusting her glasses.

Heading up the ramp and into the house, Sunset called out, “I have a few ideas for that!” She rolled into the house and down the hall to the stairs.

Twilight shook her head laughing, “Sunset, what am I going to do with you?! You’re lucky you're so darn adorable.” She rejoined as she followed her friend into the house.

Once they got to the stairs, Twilight took the backpacks from her friend. “I got these! See you upstairs!” She dashed up the stairs and went into Sunset’s room. Sunset laughed and popped her chair into the lift, then followed her friend into her room.

A voice called out from down the hall.

“Sunset! Twilight! Is that you?” Celestia asked from her room.

“Yup. We’re home, mom!” Just saying that brought a smile to her face and a glow in her heart. “We’re getting ready for bed then calling it a night. Can I get you anything?”

Celestia came out of her room in a bathrobe and slippers, both of which were adorned with her cutie mark.

“Nope!” Celestia answered with a smile while hugging them both. “I got everything I need right here!”

Sunset blushed and groaned. “Mom, sometimes you are so corny.”

Celestia leaned back, placing her hand on her chin. “Sometimes? Only sometimes? Oh, dear. I think I must be slipping!” she smiled.

Hugging her back, Twilight laughed. “I see why you two get along so well!”

Celestia grinned as she hugged the girls. “You too, Twilight. I can see what my daughter sees in you. You really are quite the matched set!” Celestia laughed. “Okay, I just wanted to say goodnight before I went to sleep. Your aunt said to say hello too. She’s spending the weekend with Chrysalis. Not sure what the occasion is but, with those two, I’m not sure they ever need one. Remind you of someone else we know?” she hinted with a grin at the girls.

“Come on mom. It’s not like that! Not you too?” grinned Sunset.

Twilight laughed at Sunset. “Oh, NOW you complain? After pulling the same shenanigans on me all day? Is that how it is?” She grinned at her friend.

“Eh. You’re not wrong,” remarked Sunset with a smirk. “Busted there.”

“You two are absolutely adorable!” grinned Celestia. “Have a good night girls.” With a final squeeze and a kiss to both their foreheads, she returned to her bedroom and turned out the lights.

“Well, I guess it’s just you and me now Sparky! What should we do?” Sunset wiggled her eyebrows up and down again.

Twilight laughed and pushed her friend into her room. “You, get ready for bed here. I will get ready in the bathroom. After that, we can have a nice, quiet, and friendly sleepover.”

Twilight picked up her bag and went into the guest bathroom down the hall. Sunset laughed then set her backpack on her desk. She rolled over to her dresser, got out her nightclothes, picked up her bathroom kit from her nightstand and rolled into her bathroom to get ready for the night.

Her nightly program completed, Sunset rolled back into her room and transferred to her bed, where her friend was waiting. “What took you so long, slow-poke! I’ve been waiting here long enough to finish a dissertation!” teased Twilight.

“Har-de-har-har girl. You know darn well what took me so long. Same as every night,” grumped Sunset, then she grinned. “Besides, I needed some extra time to look stunning for my special friend!”

Twilight punched her arm. “You really are incorrigible!” she grinned, then sighed. “This is nice. I really am looking forward to starting next year with you. I was low-key dreading having to go off to the university without you guys. I’ve gotten so used to having all of you around all the time, I was feeling lost at the thought of having to spend so much time away from you.” She smiled at Sunset, who wiggled her eyebrows. “You. You all. All of You.” Twilight blushed and amended. “Thank you for deciding to go with me to the University. It’s really a load off my mind knowing that I don’t have to do it alone, that you’ll be there with me all through it. I really appreciate that.”

Sunset grinned back and pulled her into a hug. “Hey, Sparky! What are friends for, BFF?” Twilight smiled and snuggled close. “Forever Sparky. Friends are forever.” She turned off the lights and settled in for a good night's sleep with her friend.

Begin each day with a positive thought, and your day's journey will end on a positive note - The Celestial Teachings

Mikoto - Academy City

Mikoto slept dreamlessly on the hotel bed, her body recharging from the intense workout she had just been through. While Mikoto thought of herself as an adult, the truth was she was still a growing girl, just in her teens, and she needed her rest.

Her body knew that, even if she was too stubborn to admit it.

“Sure, Mikoto was out late, but she came back late last night, no need to worry!” assured Kuroko to her friends. “She’s just resting, she’ll be fine! I’ll tell her you called!”

Hanging up, Kuroko frowned. “Sissie! Where are you?” she thought helplessly.

Author's Note:

Events in A Certain Magical Index during this time:

  • The Sisters Arc (Railgun)
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