• Published 29th Aug 2022
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A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Prologue - 02 - Twilight - Twilight Remembers

Prologue - Mind Blown

Twilight - Twilight Remembers

Twilight sat down at her desk with a sigh. It was one year ago today that her beloved pet and friend Spike had died defending her from yet another magically supercharged psychopathic teen hell-bent on world domination.

She took out her magical journal and began writing.

Sci-Twi: Hey Princess, are you there?

Princess Twilight: What? No Hi other me? What’s wrong, why so serious?

Sci-Twi: I miss Spike. Today’s the anniversary of his death. It was one year ago today he died saving me from yet another monster powered by Equestrian magic.

Princess Twilight: Oh, Twilight! I am so sorry! I can only imagine how you feel. Is there anything I can do?

Sci-Twi: You’re already doing it. I just need a friendly ear to share with. Thanks, Twilight for being my friend.

Princess Twilight: Anytime Twilight. And always! I will always be your friend. Just like Sunset. You know how much she loves you.

Sci-Twi: I know… If it weren’t for Sunset, I don’t know how I would have gotten through it. Spike was my little buddy. He was there for me through everything. When I lost him, I lost a huge part of myself. But Sunset was there for me through that too, just like when I lost myself to Equestrian magic.

Princess Twilight: She never could see anyone suffer without helping. Especially not any of her friends, and most especially you! She has the Makers Heart! Since she turned her life around she’s one of the most sensitive and caring mares I’ve ever known. And, she’s darn lucky to have you.

Sci-Twi: It’s her empathy, she sees people where they are and can’t help but want to help them. She’s such a kind heart! It’s one of the many things I love about her, and I’m darn lucky to have her too! She really is my BFF.

Do you know, after Spike died she stayed with me the entire time I was grieving? Principal Celestia gave me a week off to grieve with my family. Sunset asked for the week off to be with us the whole time. She gave me space when I really needed to be alone, but the moment my thoughts were turning dark or I needed someone to talk with, she was right there by my side. She read me like a book. Knowing her gift, maybe she really did? But however she did it, it was exactly what I needed. Knowing how much she cared helped me let go of Spike and wish him happiness in eternity. She even came to his grave with me every time I went and stayed back so I could have the moments I needed alone in my grief. When I was ready she was right there, her hand on my shoulder, tears in her eyes sharing my pain. Knowing that she knew how much I was suffering and that she was suffering with me, I fell in love with her all over again.

Princess Twilight: Are you ever going to tell her how you feel? You know she loves you too, right?

Sci-Twi: I know. At least I think I know. It’s scary! I don’t want to lose her. I don’t want to scare her off. Are you saying she told you she loves me?

Princess Twilight: No. And even if she did, I couldn’t share that. But I don't need to! Anyone who spends even a few moments with the two of you can see how much you love each other.

Sci-Twi: If you say so. I’m still scared. I don’t want to lose her. She really has filled my soul with peace and happiness. I’m sure Spike would approve, he did adore her. I hope I get to see him again! Everyone keeps telling me that animals don’t have immortal souls, but I pray they are all wrong! I still miss my little buddy and want to see him with all my heart.

Princess Twilight: I don’t know about animals and immortal souls, but I can say this. Even if that were true, In my heart of hearts I know Spike was special. I can’t imagine him not waiting for you in Elysium right now, just begging for the chance to tell you everything he’s getting into. You wait, you’ll see him again! I’d bet my life on it.

Sci-Twi: Thanks Twilight! I really hope so, and hearing you say that makes me even more hopeful. You really are a dear friend! Thanks!

Princess Twilight: Always happy to help, other me. Sorry! One of us had to say it, right? ;-P I love you, and tell Sunset I love her too! And tell her you love her yourself! Don’t keep her guessing. I know in my heart she loves you too, you have nothing to fear. Tell her, please?

Sci-Twi: I will. Someday. I’ll know when the time comes. Thanks, Twilight!

Princess Twilight: Anytime! Always here for you, anything you need just ask. Take care Twilight!

Twilight smiled and shut the journal. She felt peace again, it was such a blessing to have such caring friends in her life.

The gates of Elysium, one year ago today

Confused, Spike looked out at the rolling fields, ponies frolicking throughout them. A large alicorn broke off from their play and trotted towards him.

“Is this Equestria?” asked Spike as she approached. “If it is, what am I doing here? The last thing I remember is jumping into a beam of magic headed for Twilight, and then stars and light and now I’m here. I thought when dogs died they just died? I’m still a dog, right?” He looked himself over. Yup, still a dog.

The alicorn laughed and smiled. Her laughter was like the tinkling of a thousand bells, and one of the happiest sounds Spike had ever heard. He wagged his tail in delight. “Yes Spike, you’re still a dog. And regardless of what happens to dogs, you are here.”

In a flash of Teal magic, she switched to her angelic form and bent over to scratch under his chin. His tail thumped madly, his eyes closed in bliss.

I don’t know who this person is, but I really really like her right now!” he thought happily.

“We’ve never been introduced, but I’ve been watching you with affection your entire life. You, Spike, are the very definition of a good dog!” the angelic lady said. Spike beamed with pride and pleasure. The angel continued, “Welcome to Elysium, Spike! I'm Faust, Sunset’s great-many-times grandmother. And you my dear soul, are what we call soul-touched. When you came into contact with Equestrian magic, it sparked your soul to a level of self and other awareness. That granted you sentience. And that caused your soul to become immortal, the same as any other sentient being. Which, my dear dog is why you are here. You get to stay here for eternity with us, and eventually Twilight and her dear friends. Does that sound good to you, Spike?”

Does it! Oh boy yeah! Is she here yet? When do I get to see her?” Spike jumped up and down in joy.

“Not yet, my dear Spike. In time, when she is ready, she will appear. In the meantime, I have some important work for you that will help her and her friends. Would you be interested in that?” asked Faust.

Spike jumped up, placing his forepaws on her knees. “Would I! Heck yes! I’ll do anything to help Twilight!”

Faust scooped Spike up into a hug. “You’re such a pure and perfect soul! I know you will. Come! Join the herd, we’ll share this adventure together.” Transforming in a Teal flash of magic back to her alicorn form, she gathered her beloved friend Spike in her forehooves and flew off towards the waiting herd. Setting him down gently they frolicked and played together in the fields of Elysium, waiting for the day when Spike would once again work tirelessly for his beloved Twilight, and be reunited with her once again to his heart’s delight.

Friends remembered and cherished are never truly gone - The Celestial Teachings

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