• Published 29th Aug 2022
  • 1,312 Views, 55 Comments

A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Act 1 - 05 - Twilight - Movie Night

Twilight - Movie Night

Saturday, August 16 - 6:15 PM Canterlot time

They sat around the table as Granny and Big Mac brought in the fixings for the night's feast. “Everything smells so heavenly, Mrs. Smith!” Twilight grinned happily.

“Thank you, dear! And call me Granny, Twilight. No need for being all formal here!” Granny smiled as she started serving up the plates. “If’n you got something you don’t want or can’t eat, let me know and I’ll keep it off yer plate,” she instructed. “Unless it’s something you have to eat, like your veggies. In which case you jus’ gotta hunker down and eat ‘em.”

The girls laughed and looked at Dash. “What? What’re you all looking at me for?” asked Dash. “I eat my veggies.”

“Unless it’s in a pie,” grinned Applejack. “Want some pot pie Dash?”

“That’s just dumb. No one has to eat a pie. You're just trying to make trouble. Dork.” grimaced Rainbow. “Seriously. Have to eat your pie. Pfht!”

Everyone laughed. “One of these days, Dash, you're going to have to explain that one,” laughed Sunset. “It’s just too random not to have some funny story behind it.”

“What’s to tell? Pie’s are lame. I don’t eat them. End of story,” said Dash, tucking into her turkey and stuffing.

“Like I said, random. I can’t wait to hear it,” smiled Sunset.

Rainbow just rolled her eyes and kept eating. Twilight smirked.

When dinner finished the girls helped clean up. Afterwards they dressed for bed and gathered for the evening’s entertainment. It was Pinkie’s turn to pick the movie, so it was expected to be a rom-com or straight-up comedy. Snacks laid out and couches staked out, Rainbow turned to Pinkie. “Okay Pinkie, spill! What did you pick? Please tell me it has some action in it! The last time you picked some romance I fell asleep in 10 seconds flat.”

“Dashie, you fall asleep in 10 seconds flat all the time. It’s just your preferred state of being!” Pinkie teased her friend. “Seriously girl, you could sleep through an earthquake.”

“I won’t deny it, I actually did sleep through the last earthquake we had, and I am really tired a lot. But that’s just because I have awesome super speed! I need to get my energy back somehow!” answered Dash.

“Suuuurrrrre…. Let’s go with that,” snarked Sunset from her corner, popcorn settled in her lap as she snacked. “You just like to sleep. Admit it.”

“Hey! Nothing wrong with taking a quick power nap! It’s awesome! And I’m awesome. So there!” grinned Dash back at her.

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “Girls, don’t get her started. Seriously Dash, you know we love you. Give it a rest, girl.”

Applejack laughed. “Dang girl! Called out by your bestie! Guess you need to reel it back in.”

“Whatevs! Fine!” Turning back to Pinkie, Dash asked, “So Pinkie, really, what are we watching tonight?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s a classic! You'll all love it!” gushed Pinkie. “And I’m not just saying that. I know you all love it, because you all said so.”

“Ah… so repeat then?” replied Rarity. “Something we have all seen before? Something good I hope.”

As they were talking Pinkie selected her movie from the service menu and started the movie. The opening scene rolled by and everyone smiled. A young boy was on his bed playing video games while his mom asked how he was feeling. As he answered, his grandfather entered his room with a book. He explained how when he was a kid, they didn’t have TV, and this was how they were entertained.

“Oh my gosh! I LOVE this show!” shouted Sunset. She turned to Dash who smiled back at her. They chanted together, “You killed my mother! You killed my father. Prepare to die!” then both cackled gleefully.

“True fans. What can one do?” smiled Rarity. “Good choice Pinkie. One never goes wrong with the classics!”

“Yupper duppers!” agreed Pinkie, munching on her bowl of popcorn.

The girls settled in for a delightful night of friendship. And dread pirates. And a princess.

After the movie ended, Sunset helped Pinkie clean up the snacks while everyone got out their sleeping bags and settled in for the night. Sunset got the couch since it was easier for her to transfer to and from her chair. Once everyone had made their last trips to the bathroom and snuggled into their blankets and bags, Sunset thanked them all.

“Girls, I know I’ve said this before, but I'm really really glad to have you all as my friends. Seriously, you have no idea how lost I would be without you all. Thank you for sticking by me through all my craziness.”

Twilight reached up and took her friend's hand. “And you have no idea how lost we would be without you. Sunny, you saved me from myself when I was lost.
I’m grateful to you too!” She smiled back into Sunset’s gaze.

“Dah, so cute!” gushed Dash as she snapped a picture of Sunset and Twilight with her smartphone. “Do you two need some space? A room maybe?” She snorted back a laugh as she put away her phone again.

“Beast!” laughed Rarity, smacking her friend on her back. “Let them have their moment. Also, it’s rude to take pictures of your friends without their permission, darling.”

“Don’t worry!” Dash assured with a goofy grin. “I’m so going to filter the heck out of it.”

“That actually makes me more concerned,” Rarity replied with narrow-eyed suspicion.

Blushing, Twilight turned to Dash and Rarity. She waved her hands and shook her head. “What? No. Wait. What? Um … uh ...No moment! No. Not a moment. Really! Good friends. No moment!

Sunset hid her face behind her hands. She made no sound but shook slightly, her face turning red, then light blue. Finally, she threw her head back and burst out in cackling laughter. “Hahaha! Oh, sweet Celestia! Hahaha!” When she finally got a chance to breathe, she rolled over and scooped up her friend into a hug beside her on the couch.

Eeep!” squeaked out Twilight as she was swept into the embrace of her friend.

Snuggling her friend, Sunset exclaimed, “Oh Twilight! Don’t ever change. I love you so much, girl!

Snuggling into her friend's embrace, she smiled back. “I love you to Sunset. Best Friends forever.” She turned to Dash and Rarity, sticking out her tongue. “Nyah! Neener neener!”

They both laughed. Seeing the shenanigans, Applejack just grinned then pulled her hat down over her eyes. Fluttershy smiled at them all as she snuggled down into her bag.

“G’nite girls!” called out Sunset, her friend tightly snuggled in her grasp.

“G’nite!” they all called out as they drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Twilight awoke. She was still in the warm embrace of her dearest friend. Smiling, she found her glasses and put them on. She gazed into the peacefully sleeping face of her friend. “Sunset, you really are a dork. And I know dork. Trust me!” She gently hugged her sleeping friend then shifted to get up.

Sunset smiled. She opened her own eyes and raised one eyebrow. Twilight grinned back, oblivious. “It takes one to know one, dork.” Sunset grinned and planted a kiss on her friend's cheek. “I love you too, you silly girl.”

Twilight blushed and touched her cheek. “What was that for?” she flushed, looking down shyly.

Ruffling her hair, Sunset smiled up at her. “That was the kiss of true friendship. We’re bound now. No escaping it. Friends for life!”

Twilight grinned back. “Oh har-de-har-har. You really are a dork!” she laughed then sat up on the edge of the couch. She helped Sunset to sit up beside her. “So, you get a good night’s sleep?” she asked.

“The best!” Sunset smiled back at her. “Dreamt the whole night I was in the arms of an angel.”

“Sunset!” laughed Twilight, lightly punching her shoulder. “Knock it off! If the girls hear you there’ll be no end to their teasing!”

“Too late!” grinned Dash as she rolled over from her spot on the floor. “I have the whole thing captured on my phone! Posting it now!” She jumped up and ran down the hall.

Sunset quickly transferred to her chair and lit off down the hall after Dash. “Dashie! I swear you better not!” she called out as she rolled after the speedster.

“I swear, you two are just so adorable!” snarked Rarity from her place on the floor.

Twilight blushed. “You do realize we’re just friends right? You guys always make it sound romantic or something. That’s not happening. I swear.”

Rarity tittered. “Oh, darling. We just love to tease you both.” She laughed.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh. Okay. That’s good. Tease. Because we’re friends. Right. Okay.”

“But a girl can dream, can’t she?” teased Rarity.

“Wait, what?” Twilight turned back to Rarity. “What does that mean?”

Rarity just laughed, getting up to get ready for breakfast.

“No really. What dream? Who’s dreaming? What dream?” Twilight continued trailing after her. “What dream?

The girls all wandered into the kitchen, where Applejack and Pinkie were making a country breakfast, complete with pancakes, sausage, eggs, biscuits, and gravy. Sunset was still rolling around after Dash who was dancing around her, holding her phone just out of her reach.

“Oh wow! Over 300 likes so far! You’re such popular girls!” teased Dash as she danced around the kitchen.

Sunset laughed. “I swear Dashie! I will be avenged!” she called out while continuing to lunge for Dash’s phone.

Pinkie laughed as she plated up more eggs and passed them to Applejack. “I wonder what that’s all about?”

“No idea sugarcube, but I bet we’ll find out over breakfast!” Applejack laughed as she loaded up plates with the waiting pancakes and sausage. Together they carried them over to the table, passing them out to the girls.

“Where are Granny and Big Mac?” asked Twilight, looking around.

“Granny had to go into town early for a bit, and Big Mac is driving her. They said they would eat when they got back, and not to wait for them,” answered Applejack from her station at the stove.

“And where are the Crusaders?” asked Sunset, as she poured syrup over her pancakes, her other hand still absently reaching for the phone Dash held just out of reach. With her free hand Dash powered through her own eggs and sausage.

Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile, sitting on Sunset’s other side.

Rarity spoke up, sitting down next to her. “I don’t think they will be joining us any time soon,” she replied, reaching for the syrup Sunset had just finished pouring. “I had to, uh hem, step down the hall, around 4 am, and heard them still laughing and carrying on in Apple Bloom’s room. I’d bet they’re still sound asleep.” She poured the syrup over the pancakes, proceeding to carefully slice out bite-sized portions with her fork and knife then daintily eat them.

“Ah thought ah heard them carrying on last night. Guess Ah was right,” grinned Applejack, continuing to hand out the breakfast plates. “We’ll jus’ set some aside for them then, along with Granny and Big Mac.” Sitting down at the head of the table by Rarity, she shot a grin at Dash. “So what shenanigans are you two up to?”

“Oh don’t worry! I posted it to MyStable. You can all check it out whenever you want!” grinned Dash as she continued to hold the phone just out of Sunset’s reach.

Sunset put her face in her hands and groaned. “Fine! But I am so getting you back, Dashie!”

Rainbow just laughed while still watching the video and enjoying the growing number of likes.

Everyone pulled out their phones and loaded up the video. Sunset just shook her head while laughing. Twilight smiled beside her, head ducked in acute embarrassment.

Duh Oh! Oh. My. Stars! You two are ADORABLE!” gushed Rarity as she clicked away her likes and comments on the video.

Taking out her own phone, Sunset loaded the video and posted her own comment to it. “Yup! She’s my BFF! Love her forever!” which immediately sparked its own firestorm of comments and likes.

Twilight took out her phone, and after watching the video, her face turned bright red with embarrassment. After that, she made her own reply. “We are Friends! Really, we are Best Friends!” That sparked even more embarrassing comments and likes, leavingTwilight wanting to crawl under the table.

Sunset reached over and pulled her friend into a hug. “They're just being silly, Twilight! Ignore them. We know what matters!” Sunset hugged her tight, leaving her arm around Twilight’s waist. Smiling, Twilight nodded, then went back to eating her breakfast.

Finishing off her eggs and tofu bacon, Sunset passed her plate down to Pinkie, who took it with hers to the sink to be washed. After that, Sunset turned to Twilight and reassured, “Are you gonna be okay Sparky! Do you need another hug?” She smiled.

Twilight looked up at her, deadpan. “Seriously, now you’re going to tease me too?”

Sunset leaned in and hugged her friend. “Nope. Just looking for an excuse to hug my adorkable friend!” she smiled.

Twilight blushed but didn’t stop her. Shuddup you.” she grinned.

Rarity watched them, beaming.

Sunset helped with the dishes and clean-up after breakfast. She dried the dishes as Pinkie washed, while Applejack put away the leftovers and the clean dishes. After a quick wipe down of the kitchen and a note on the table for Granny, Big Mac, and the Crusaders about the leftovers, the three joined the rest of the girls in the living room.

“Too bad I have to work today,” Sunset sighed. “This was fun! I wish I had more time for these moments.” Turning to the girls, she added, “Sorry, girls. I forgot about everyone having to work. Rainchecks on the roadster rides. Okay?”

In response, the girls groaned but nodded.

Pinkie nodded. “Speaking of which, my shift at the bakery starts in about 20 minutes, so I need to say goodbye. Bye girls!” Pinkie cheerfully waved to them all as she picked up her bag and left. They could see her drive off through the window.

“Welp, Pinkie there has the right idea. Guess it’s time to head out to the orchard. Later girls!” waved Applejack, heading out the door as well, then off to tend the apple trees.

Dash waved. “I’m gonna go help AJ out. Later girls!” She ran out the door after Applejack.

Rarity turned to the rest of the girls. “I’m heading out soon too. Does anyone need a ride back to town?” she offered.

Fluttershy spoke up. “I could use a ride if that’s okay with you,” she said shyly as she hooked part of her pink hair behind her right ear. “I need to check-in at the animal shelter and help with the feeding and cleaning.”

“No problem darling! I’m happy to give you a lift. I’m taking Sweetie and Scoots home too, so the more the merrier! We’ll leave as soon as I can drag them out of bed and they eat. I just need to go check on the girls and make sure they're actually up and getting ready to go,” smiled Rarity. She got up and headed up the stairs to Apple Bloom's room.

“Thank you Rarity!” said Fluttershy with a quiet smile. She took a book from her backpack and started reading while she waited.

“The care and feeding of Rabbits,” noted Twilight, catching sight of the book. “I bet I know who that is for.”

Fluttershy smiled. “It’s for Angel.” Twilight and Sunset just nodded and smiled.

“So Twilight, want to take a ride in my new car?” asked Sunset.

Twilight grinned. “You bet I do! Can I get a ride with you?”

“If you brought your license, you can do more than ride. I’ll let you drive!” smiled Sunset.

“Yes!” Twilight brought her fist down in a victory celebration, smiling. “When do we leave?”

“I’m ready whenever you are,” replied Sunset.

“Okay. Let’s go say goodbye to Rarity and the girls, then head out,” Twilight suggested. They walked over to the stairs.

“Why don’t you just go tell them goodbye for both of us?” Sunset suggested as she looked at the stairs. “I’ll just wait here.”

“Oh! Yeah, okay!” Twilight tromped up the stairs and down the hall to Apple Bloom's room. She came back shortly with Rarity in tow.

“I am so sorry darling! Too bad the Apples don’t have one of those elevators like you have at your house,” said Rarity as she came down the stairs and gave Sunset a hug. “I’ll just say goodbye here.”

“Ah Rarity, you didn’t have to come down. I understood,” smiled Sunset.

“Nonsense! I wouldn’t dream of missing seeing you off after our fun evening,” smiled Rarity, tightening her hug. She turned to Twilight and embraced her too.

“Eep!” chirped Twilight, awkwardly hugging Rarity back.

“Now dear, I wouldn’t want you getting jealous!” smiled Rarity, hugging Twilight tightly. “I’m not trying to steal your girlfriend! I love you too!”

Flustered, Twilight wriggled in Rarity’s grasp. “She’s not my girlfriend. Honest! How many times do I have to say that?!” she asked, acutely embarrassed.

“Oh darling, you are just too easy!” Rarity grinned then kissed Twilight on the forehead. “Don’t ever change, dear!”

Sunset shook her head, laughing quietly. Twilight glared at Rarity, then smiled. “Ha ha. Good one Rarity. Really. Good one. Are we done now?”

Giving her one more gentle squeeze, Rarity relented. “Yes dear. We are done now. I have it all out of my system.”

“Good!” said Twilight.

For now…ta ta!” added Rarity as she waved and went back up the stairs.

“Ugh! You’re incorrigible!” groaned Twilight, laughing.

“Don’t I know it, dear!” Rarity tittered as she entered the girls room.

Sunset and Twilight went back into the living room to pick up their bags. “Goodbye, Shy! Have a great time at the shelter, and tell everyone I said hi!” said Sunset as they headed for the door.

“Goodbye, Sunset! Goodbye, Twilight! See you later!” waved Fluttershy to them as they left, then returned to her book.

Sunset unlocked the car. They put their bags in the trunk. Sunset transferred into the passenger side, folding up her chair and putting it in the back seat. Running around to the driver's side, Twilight hopped into the car and shut the door. Turning to Sunset, she grinned. “Okay, tell me everything! Let’s get this baby started!”

Smiling back at her friend, Sunset took out her phone and loaded the Nicholi app. Starting the car, she put in Twilight’s address and hit the start button. Twilight watched in rapt fascination. Her hands were ready on her knees. She watched as the car backed out of the driveway and headed towards the farm's entrance. “This! Is! Amazing!” she gushed, smiling from ear to ear.

“Oh you think THIS is amazing, wait until we get on the road! I said you could drive. Wait until you see how this thing handles! You wouldn’t even dream it was an electric car,” grinned Sunset back. Twilight just nodded, speechless with happiness.

The roadster turned out of the farm's entrance and headed down the side road towards the freeway back into town. Sunset turned to Twilight. “My shift at the mall isn’t until after lunch. What say we head out to that old diner where we had breakfast after camp everfree? Then you can drive through the mountain roads for a bit and get a feel for how it handles.”

“Yes! Yes yes! It’s a date! Let’s do it!” Twilight nodded happily.

Sunset grinned and wiggled her eyebrows. Realizing what she had just said, Twilight quickly amended, “I mean a date, not a date date. Er. No. Not a date. Lunch. With a friend. Like on a date. But not a date. Like a calendar date. Date date. Not a date date. Ugh.” She facepalmed.

Sunset laughed out loud. “Any date I have with you is a date worth remembering!” she snickered while still wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

Laughing, Twilight took her friend's hand. “Stop! Just stop!” She laughed harder. “And stop that weird eyebrow thing! What the heck, Sunset! You’ve been hanging around Rainbow too much!” Sunset relented with a grin.

“Okay Sparky! A lunch date it is! Nicholi!” she said to her phone. “Change of plans. Take us to Otto's cafe instead.”

The car responded. “Destination now is Otto's cafe on the Everfree highway. Estimated time of arrival: 40 minutes.”

“Thank you Nicholi!” answered Sunset.

Twilight just squeed. “That is SO amazing!”

True to her word, once they were off the main freeway and onto the mountain roads, Sunset asked Nicholi to transfer driving controls to Twilight. The transfer was seamless. Soon Twilight was smiling while taking the mountain's curves at speed. The car gripped the road perfectly and handled like a dream. Even on the steeper grades, the car never lost power or acceleration. It really was an honest to goodness Roadster.

Eventually they reached the cafe. Twilight pulled into the driveway and parked the car, then hopped out and helped Sunset with her chair. Together they wheeled into the cafe, taking a seat at one of the open booths.

“I’ll be right with you darlin’s! Just need a minute here!” called out a voice from the kitchen.

“No worries! We’re just looking over the menu!” called out Sunset from the booth. “I’m thinking of the fruity tootie waffles just like last time. We can get a double order and feed each other,” grinned Sunset.

Twilight smacked her friend on the arm. “Don’t even start, girl!” she groaned. Just then the proprietor came out from the kitchen.

“Howdy girls… say, I remember you two! Still cute as buttons, and still together I see! That’s darn special! How y'all doing?” he asked as he came to the table. “Ya’ll decided on what yer gonna order?”

Twilight hid her face in her hands while Sunset cackled. “Don’t you know it, old timer! She’s my special friend!” she grinned, pulling Twilight in for a hug and kissing the top of her head.

“I just want to die. Now.” groaned Twilight.

Sunset and the man looked at each other and laughed hysterically. “Okay, I think I may have overdone it a bit. Sorry Twilight!” said Sunset, pulling Twilight's hands away from her face and smiling. “No hard feelings. Right, Sparky?”

Smiling, Twilight agreed, “No hard feelings BFF!” She gave Sunset a hug. Sunset hugged her back.

“Kiss and make up?” she asked.

The old man howled with laughter.

“No, no no no…” Twilight said. Her face was in her hands again.

After a real apology and a promise by Sunset to stop being such an annoying tease, they placed their orders and waited for their lunch, which arrived quickly as they were the only customers. “I can’t believe he remembered us after all this time!” observed Twilight. “That was months ago, and we only came through that once. He must not get many people here if we stood out that much.”

“I think you underestimate how memorable you are Sparkie! I know I could never forget you,” smiled Sunset.

“You really are a dork. You know that?” smiled Twilight. “I am fairly sure you’re the memorable one. How many cute redheads do you think he gets through here in a month anyway?”

“Why? Looking to trade up?” snarked Sunset.

Twilight lightly punched her arm. “No, you dork. You’re more than I can deal with most days anyways!” She stuck out her tongue then took another bite of her waffles. “You were right. These really are as good as I remember.”

“I bet he gets more people through here than you’d think!” Sunset observed. “And I bet my chair was more memorable than me.”

Twilight looked over at her friend. “Sunset, trust me. When most people see you, the chair is the last thing they notice. You’re the complete package, girl! You’re cute, and funny, and your smile could make anyone forget what they were about to say. What was I saying again?” she snarked.

Sunset smiled. “You always know how to cheer me up Sparky! What would I do without you?”

“Same thing you do with me,” grinned Twilight. “Just without the style I clearly add!” Then she laughed out loud. “Okay, that was corny, even for me!

“Still though, you’re awesome and a dear friend. With or without me, you’re completely memorable, and with or without your chair.” She bopped Sunset on the nose with her fork. “Oops! Looks like you have something there. Let me get that!” Twilight leaned forward and planted a kiss on Sunset’s cheek before wiping off her nose.

Sunset blushed. “Dang Sparky! Way to surprise a girl! Did not see that coming.” She smiled at her friend.

Twilight gently pinched Sunset’s cheek. “Best. Friend. Forever!” she smiled. “Not messing that up with romance. Sisters from another mother and all that stuff you say.”

“Best friends forever!” agreed Sunset as she took Twilight’s hand from her cheek and gave it a squeeze. “My sister from another mister.'' She laughed. “You were thinking Brother from another Mother. It’s Sister from another Mister, and Brother from another Mother. Silly girl! Get it right.” She gently bopped Twilight’s nose.

Twilight looked crosseyed through her glasses. “You didn’t put anything there, did you?” she asked.

Sunset leaned over and hugged her friend. “Nope!” she answered. “But I’d be happy to plant something there if you asked.”

Twilight groaned. “I swear Sunset. You promised you were done teasing. You really are incorrigible.” She took Sunset’s hands and they both laughed.

The proprietor came up to the table. “Get you fine ladies anything else?” he offered politely.

“Nope! Can’t top perfection! That was perfect,” smiled Sunset. “Best date ever. Can we get the check please?”

Twilight groaned again. “Sunset. I swear... “

Sunset and the old man laughed.

Bill paid and leftovers packed, Sunset and Twilight got back into the Roadster and headed back into town. Twilight drove again, thoroughly enjoying the experience. Once they were back in town, she let the Roadster take over while she spoke with her friend.

“Thank you Sunset! That was fun, and you were right. Your car handles like a dream. I can’t even tell it’s electric. It handles just like a sports car. I love it!” Twilight smiled. “Next time I get to watch you drive. I enjoy being chauffeured.”

“It’s a date girl!” agreed Sunset.

Twilight smiled and shook her head. “Incorrigible.”

The roadster pulled up into Twilight’s driveway. “Do you have time to come in?” Twilight invited.

“Sorry, no,” answered Sunset. “But I get off around 9 when the mall closes. Do you want to hang out tonight?”

“Sure!” answered Twilight. “I’ll let mom and dad know. Just text me then just swing by to pick me up. Can we hang out at your place?”

“Sounds like a plan. I mean a date!” grinned Sunset.

“Such. A. Dork!” grinned her friend before grabbing her bag and getting out of the car. “Just text me when you want me ready. See you tonight BFF!” She shut the door, waved, then ran up the steps and entered her house.

“Never change, Sparky. Never change!” grinned Sunset. “Okay Nicholi! To the mall please. You drive.”

“Destination set, Canterlot Mall. Auto drive enabled. Travel time: about 10 minutes,” the car chimed.

“Engage!” said Sunset, with the obligatory hand swipe as the car backed out of the driveway and headed towards Sunset’s work. The roadster of course ignored the reference completely.

Filled with Love, we are filled with the Maker - The Celestial Teachings

Mikoto - Academy City

Sneaking back to the hotel room she had purchased for the day, she slipped out of her civvies and laid out on the bed.

“Well, that went well. Mostly. Almost got caught there at the end, need to move faster,” she thought, eyes closed.

“No! No time for sleep! I need to keep going! If I stop, they keep running the experiments, and more of my sisters die! I can sleep when I’m done!” she thought, trying vainly to sit back up.

But her body knew better than she did. Her head fell back, her hand dropped to her side, and she passed out from complete exhaustion.

Author's Note:

Events in A Certain Magical Index during this time:

  • The Sisters Arc (Railgun)
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