• Published 29th Aug 2022
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A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Act 1 - 21 - Dash - Avatar the last bender

Dash - Avatar, the last bender

Thursday, August 21. 5:00 AM Canterlot time?

Dash was back on the moon. The lunar landscape was in sharp contrast around her as they passed into the earth's shadow. In the distance, she could see the Apollo site the girls had visited. The lunar rover, complete with Twilight’s modifications, sat a short distance from it.

She knew she was dreaming. She was not ponied up. She was just standing there on the lunar landscape.

‘If I were really here, I’d be dead right now,’ she thought to herself.

Beautiful, isn’t it?” cheerfully asked a woman leaning into her ear. Surprised, Dash turned to face her.

She was beautiful, dressed in traditional Chinese robes, flowing and colorful, that covered her down to her feet. Her black hair was done up in the traditional manner with silver pins and pearl gems holding it in place. Her smile was serene.

“Uh, Hi, ma’am. Umm… who are you?” asked Dash.

“Ah. My dear young miss, yes. Allow me to make introductions. I am Chang’e, goddess of all you see here. And you, my dear, are my newest avatar.”

“Avi… Wha… er, what?” stumbled Dash. “Avatar? As in the one you take over when you come to the mortal realm? Oh, no no no no! No no! Please! I don’t want to be a zombie!” cried out Dash dropping to her knees in supplication.

“Oh good heavens, dear! Where do you get these strange ideas?” asked Chang’e crossly. “We haven’t done that sort of thing in ages. I swear you people have the most bizarre thoughts nowadays!”

“I’m so sorry! Please don’t be angry! Please don’t smite me!” quaked Dash.

Chang’e looked sadly at the girl. “Is that how you really feel, Ms. Dash? Do I really frighten you so horribly? My poor dear girl.”

She walked over to Dash and crouched down, facing her. Taking Dash’s hands in her own, the goddess looked tenderly into her eyes. “Dearest child! No one is going to hurt you. I know these are your true and deepest feelings… in dreams, no one can hide what they truly feel! There is no room for bravado or brave fronts in our dreams. Only the truth! Only our deepest, most honest selves.” She pulled Dash into a gentle hug.

“Dear child. I have chosen you. You caught my fancy with your brazen charm. You and your friends! Coming to my moon, playing, and enjoying yourselves - It warmed my heart to see you having such fun! To see such camaraderie on my cherished sphere.”

Leaning back from the hug, Chang'e looked into Dash’s eyes. “So you, my dear child, are my chosen one. It is a great honor, one I do not make lightly! But one I happily bestow on you.” She smiled.

“Thank you,” Dash whispered while looking hopefully up at the goddess.

“And as for that zombie nonsense,” scolded Chang’e playfully, “we haven’t done that kind of silliness in over a thousand years. No one wants a mindless servant. We love our own and delight in the love our own have for us. You can’t be loved by a zombie,” she grinned at Dash. “So no zombies! Only cherished friends. Will you be mine, Ms. Dash? Will you be my avatar?” she looked at Dash hopefully.

“Yes,” Dash agreed softly. “Yes,” she said again, this time louder with conviction. “I would be happy to be your avatar.”

Dash thought for a moment longer. Looking up at Chang’e, she asked, “What exactly is an avatar anyway? Do I get cool powers or something? Never been an avatar before.”

Standing, Chang’e gently pulled Dash back to her feet. She smiled. “Yes, dear! It means you get some cool powers. As my avatar, I bestow upon you the powers I wield in the mortal realm so you may work my will in your world.”

Seeing a look of concern on Dash’s face, she hastened to add, “Do not worry my dear child. I do not intend to take over anything! Nor do I wish to harm anyone. My fondest wish is only to protect my beloved sphere. I also want you to share peace, joy, and harmony with my dear children and their loved ones.”

Relieved, Dash smiled. “Okay! I can do that.” She nodded.

Then you are mine,” smiled Chang’e. “From now on, I assert my claim on you. I have claimed you as my own. My avatar. My faithful servant in your troubled world.” She kissed Dash on the forehead. A silver glow passed into Dash with the kiss. Dash glowed in a pearlescent halo. Feelings of kindness and compassion filled her soul. She embraced the goddess.

“Thank you! Thank you so much! I will do everything I can to bring peace and harmony to everyone I meet!” She agreed happily.

Hugging Dash tightly, the goddess smiled. “I’m sure you will, Ms. Dash.”

Sometime later the goddess and Dash were walking between the craters of the lunar landscape deep in conversation.

“So you all really used to make people mindless zombies?” asked Dash.

“That was many, many moons ago my child. Never again, and not something we in the astral plane are proud of. We have found that love and harmonious cooperation are far better for everyone involved and do not darken our children’s souls as the old ways did.”

“Besides,” grinned the goddess to her avatar. “Who would want an army of mindless zombies?”

“Uh... Have you met my friend Sunset?” smirked Dash.

“Ah yes. Ms. Shimmer! A delightful child! Not one of mine but, as your friend, someone I will cherish and protect. If I didn’t then I’m sure her great-great-grandmother would have some rather cross words for me!'' she laughed.

Wait! Wait wait wait… You know Sunset’s great-great grandma? How is that?” puzzled Dash.

“Well, firstly, there are a few more greats in there than just that. But I am not in the mood to say them all. Suffice it to say that she is proudly Sunset’s ancestor. She’s also quite delighted with the progress her dear granddaughter has made working through her redemption. I know her because she is a goddess, like myself in the astral plane, and truly one of my dearest friends. It was she who showed us the ways of harmony and peace, turning us from our old ways. I will always cherish her for that! Her ways of harmony are a balm for my soul and the souls of my children.” Chang’e smiled.

“So! Sunset’s great-great whatever grandma is a goddess?!” exclaimed Dash. Looking to the side for a moment, she was silent. Finally, she said softly, “That explains so much. Huh…

Dash turned back to her goddess. “So, uh... What’s her great-whatever-grandma’s name?” she asked. “Anyone we would know?”

“You might, I think,” teased Chang’e. “I do believe you may have heard of her. Do you know of the Maker's Will? The vessel of her thoughts? She used to go by the name of…”

Dash nodded expectantly. “Go on…” she encouraged.

“The Faust.” Grinned Chang’e.

Dash’s jaw dropped. “No way! Sunset is related to Faust!” she exclaimed. She started dancing around waving her hands in the air and yelling out excitedly. “Sunset is related to the Faust! My friend is related to Faust! Woo hoo!”

Smirking, Chang'e watched her avatar dance. “What’s this? My goodness child! To see you carry on, I might feel a bit jealous!”

Dash danced over to her and wrapped her tightly in a hug. She lifted her into the air. “Who can be jealous! This is so awesome! Sunset is related to Faust!” Delighted, she danced through the lunar landscape, her goddess clutched tightly in her embrace.

“Truly, your heart is pure!” smiled the goddess as she pulled Dash tight in a return embrace. “I have chosen well! Your joy is my delight, and I share in your happiness!”

Excitement finally spent, Dash set her goddess down gently. “Thank you so much!” she gushed. “I can’t wait to tell Ms. Luna. I met you! The goddess of her cherished moon! She will flip!” she laughed.

“Ms. Luna. Another one of my dear children. Yes! She will flip indeed! I, too, cannot wait to see her reaction!” smiled Chang’e.

“I gotta admit… I would’ve expected you to pick her or something as your avatar,” mused Dash.

“I could not,” replied the goddess simply. “She is also the progeny of my friend. And besides …she has never brazenly come to my sphere and played with the toys left by men. You, my dear child, have stolen my heart with your audacity! No one could match you as my choice!” She pulled Dash into a hug. “Go now! Return from this world of dreams and know I watch over you from this moment on!”

The world around her faded. Stretching Dash opened her eyes to see the day had already started. Jumping up out of bed she grabbed her phone as she raced around to get dressed.

“I have to tell Sunset! This. Is. So. Awesome!” she shouted with a grin.

Sunset sat over the laptop while typing notes and looking up information to firm up the plans that Karoi, Stiyl, Twilight, and herself had made for their mission to Academy City. She had given Twilight the token to her car so she could take the mages back to their hotel then run some errands.

As she was looking at information on the different guilds in Academy City, her phone rang. A quick glance showed it was Rainbow Dash. She put her headset on and answered the call.

“Hi, Dashie. Wassup?” Sunset greeted.

“Sunset! You are so not going to believe this! Guess what!” called out Dash, breathless from excitement.

“Woah! Slow down there Dashie! What happened? What will I not believe?” she asked back with a smile.

“I’m an avatar! The moon goddess Chang’e picked me and made me her avatar! This is so awesome!” shouted Dash in joy.

“Really!? Wow! When did this happen?” asked Sunset, giving Dash her full attention now. “That’s huge, Dashie! Congratulations!”

“Thanks! Right!?” Dash called out. “I just couldn’t wait to tell you! And guess what? She knows you! Isn’t that wild?”

“Uh, what? Chang’e knows me? How would she know me? I mean aside from being a butt and playing on her moon. Is that what you mean?” asked Sunset.

“Well, no. I mean yeah she knows that too. She called us audacious Sunset! She liked our prank! She’s awesome!” Dash enthused.

“But no!” Dash went on to say. “Not that! She said her friend was proud of you. And she was too! I could tell. Her best friend is your great something-something-grandma. I guess she brags on you all the time when they talk. My point is she knows about you! She thought it was cool that you and I came to play on the moon.”

Thinking back to her suicide, Sunset began to get a glimmer of who she was talking about. “Did she happen to mention who her friend was by any chance?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah, get this. Sunset! Your Great whatever-whatever-grandma is Faust! She’s been watching you and bragging on you to Chang’e apparently whenever they get together. Isn’t that awesome!” shouted Dash excitedly.

Sunset grinned. “I knew it! The Maker bless her! That sneaky alicorn! Faust was who I met when I ascended. She never happened to mention that I was her great-anything granddaughter!'' Sunset laughed out loud. “Wow! Thanks, Dash! I think you may have made my day. Again!”

Dash laughed with her. “Right?!” she grinned into the phone. “That’s why I couldn’t wait to call and tell you. So Awesome!”

“So how did you talk to her? Did she come down and talk to you or what?” asked Sunset.

“Nah! She came to me in my dream!” answered Dash. Sunset looked at the time then rolled her eyes, realizing that they had stayed up all night with the mages talking about their plans.

Then Sunset had a new thought.

“Not to be a wet blanket, but if it was in your dreams then how are you sure it was real and not just some awesome story your mind made up for you?” asked Sunset.

“I could tell! Trust me, this was way more real than my dreams usually are. It’s like I was really there. I could feel everything! See every color - well not that there’s much color on the moon itself. The sky had a lot of stars of every color. The earth looked magnificent,” explained Dash. “I’m 100% certain she and I were really there! She also made me her avatar.”

“I believe you Dashie. Just needed to ask,” smiled Sunset.

“Well you could just ask Faust next time you see her,” suggested Dash. “I bet she would know. It sounded like those two brag about everything to each other. Goddess Besties!” Laughed Dash.

“That’s hilarious!” agreed Sunset with a laugh. “Goddess Besties! That’s one I’ll remember.”

“Kind of like you and SciTwi!” snarked Dash.

“She really hates that nickname you know,” warned Sunset. “But yeah … without the goddess part. Apparently, I’m not an actual goddess. More like a demigod,” she snarked. “Or an eldritch abomination.”

“What?! Where did that come from?” asked Dash with a laugh. “I was just kidding.”

“Yeah. I ran into the mages from Necesarius yesterday. Twilight and I spent the night planning our next strategies with them. She just left to take them back to their hotel a little while ago. The smart-mouthed one kept calling me a benevolent eldritch abomination. The nice one said I was more like a demigod.

“Oh! And they called Twilight a saint.” Sunny laughed. “Whatever. Demi my sun-speckled flank!” groused Sunset.

Dash cackled. “Yeah! Still have that competitive streak! One of the things I like most about you!”

“Takes one to know one. I guess we have that in common!” she grinned. “So what are you doing? Want to come and hang here while I try and figure out how we’re gonna do this? Unless you have something else going on?”

“Nah. I’m free. I’ll text you when I get to the Sparkles. Thanks, Sunny!” Dash signed off.

Sunset got up and went into the control room. “Hm. No way I’m going without some way to reach everyone. Let’s see what we have here.” She took down the bin with the transceivers. She took one then went through a few other bins looking for what she would need.

Back at the conference room table, Sunset looked at the device she had cobbled together. She had embedded one of the transceivers into a portable wifi hub with powered usb ports for charging devices. The device would act as a mobile hotspot wherever she went which was connected to the hub in Twilight’s bedroom, drawing power from there as well. That would allow her to use the powered ports to charge phones or other devices as needed.

“There!'' She smiled as she screwed the back panel in place then zipped it into a protected pocket in her daypack. “Now I’m always in range and always reachable.” She placed a charging cable for her phone in the adjoining zippered pocket. Then, after a moment’s thought, she added 3 more cables. “Never know when something might break or someone else might need a charge.” she thought to herself.

Content, she zipped everything back up and placed the daypack in its place on the back of her chair. Taking her phone, she connected to the hotspot and confirmed the internet and phone service were working through the connection. “Awesome!” she thought to herself. “No more being stranded.”

Her phone buzzed with a message from Dash. “I’m here at the lab.

Be right there! Hang tight.” she texted back, rolling over to the control room. She entered the TACIT booth. Taking out her phone she engaged the transporter.

“Crab nuggets!” Sunset swore while rolling her chair out of the booth, rubbing her eyes. “Eyes closed when teleporting. Eyes closed when teleporting!” she lamented, reiterating to herself.

She bumped into Dash who was also rubbing her eyes. “What the heck, Sunset! What was that!” she groaned. “Give a girl a little warning!”

“Sorry Dash! I forgot about the flash. You okay?” she checked while reaching towards her friend.

“Yeah yeah. I’m fine. But wow! That hurt. Headache is fading now.” She sighed. “Woo! Yeah. I see why you guys wear the goggles here.”

“Yup. Burning out your eyes can be painful,” agreed Sunset, finally able to see enough to take Dash’s hand.

“So back in we go?” asked Dash as she headed into the booth.

“Nope! I have another idea. Pony up girl! We’re taking a different trip,” she answered as she dragged Dash out the side door.

Waving to the Sparkles, who were sitting around their pool, Sunset pulled Dash to the middle of the side yard and looked up into the sky. “There it is. Let’s do this.” Dash had ponied up then looked to Sunset expectantly. Sunset ponied up, taking Dash’s hand. “Okay, Dashie! Time to meet your goddess.”

Looking up at the moon, Sunset closed her eyes. There was a teal flash, and the girls were gone.

“Holy crab cakes! You can do that without the TACIT?! Holy Tartarus, Sunset! That’s way OP!” gawked Dash while still holding her hand. They were back at the Apollo landing site.

“Think about it Dashie. How do you think the TACIT got up here in the first place?” challenged Sunset.

Dash thought for a moment then nodded. “Okay! Good point. I knew that. Just, wow. Okay? That was pretty epic.”

Sunset smirked. “Just epic? Not, say… awesome!?” she asked with a grin.

Dash smirked. “Oh hahaha. Yeah okay. It was awesome. Happy?”

“Very!” grinned Sunset. “So let’s see if your goddess shows up.”

“Looking for me?” grinned a beautiful Chinese lady. She took the girls both by the shoulders and pulled them into a hug. “If it isn’t my favorite pranksters! To what do I owe the delight of this return visit? Here to cause more mischief?” She smiled at them both.

“Uh.. hi?” smiled Sunset. “Pleased to meet you! I’m Sunset Shimmer and this is Rainbow Dash. And you must the moon goddess Chang’e, yes?” she asked.

“Oh! I am well aware of who you are Ms. Shimmer. My dearest friend never seems to stop talking about you!” grinned Chang’e. “And yes! I am Chang’e, goddess of the moon. Welcome… well. Welcome back to my glorious moon.”

Sunset smiled. “And of course. I need no introduction to my dear avatar. Still taking it in I see?” she asked as she turned to Dash.

Dash’s eyes got as big as saucers. “See! See! I knew it was real! I told you! Woo hoo! I am the avatar of the goddess Chang’e! This. is. so. awesome!” she crowed.

Sunset smiled. “You’ll have to forgive her. She gets excited easily,” she quipped to Chang’e.

“One of her more endearing traits,” agreed Chang’e with a smile. They both laughed.

Sunset and Dash each sat on either side of Chang’e at a table in her castle, hidden in a cavern below the moon’s surface. The goddess poured them both more tea.

“Thank you!” said Sunset before taking a sip. “This is lovely! I’ve never tasted a blend like this.”

Dash nodded in agreement.

“Thank you! I’m glad you appreciate it. This blend only comes from the remote region near my old village. My children leave offerings of it on my altars which I am always happy to take.” Chang’e smiled. “It really is quite delicious.”

“I can’t believe you have this fantastic castle and gardens on the moon. On the moon!” gushed Dash while still taking it all in. Out the window, they could see a fruit orchard, trees in full bloom beneath the pearlescent glow suffusing the cavern. Besides the orchard, fields of grain and tall grass swayed in a gentle breeze all the way to the edge of the cavern in the distance. It was a glorious and sublime sight, and certainly nothing either expected to see anywhere on the moon.

“It makes our bunker on Mars look like a kids fort,” sighed Sunset with a smile.

“Surely you would not have a goddess stay in a bunker?” joked Chang’e before she sipped her tea.

“No. Certainly not,” agreed Sunset with a smile.

“Do not worry yourself, dear one. You cannot think I built this all in a day? I’m sure, in time, your place will shine with its own wonder.” She smiled at her guest.

“And let's not forget,” added Sunset with a smile. “I’m not a goddess.”

“Are you sure about that?” grinned Chang’e.

“Wha… huh? I’m no goddess. I’m just me,” smiled Sunset, confused. “The mages said I was a demigoddess at best.”

“And what do they know?” grinned Chang’e. “Even if that were true, it is only a matter of time and growth. If you are Demi now, you can be more later, dear one. You’ve already crossed the threshold. You can only move forward,” she encouraged.

“Huh… I guess that’s true. Never thought of it that way. I wonder what our bunker will look like then?” mused Sunset out loud.

“Between you and your near goddess friend, I am sure it will be magnificent!” said Chang’e.

Near goddess friend? You mean Twilight?” asked Sunset.

“The other girl, who like you, has an angel's wings and a magical horn? She has not crossed the threshold as you have but is firmly on its cusp. She could easily join you in your journey through eternity with just a little push. I think we will see that happen soon!” Smiled Chang’e.

Sunset thought for a bit before she said, “Okay that certainly explains a few things. I was working under the assumption we were both ascended. This makes more sense now,” agreed Sunset. “So what can I do to help her cross the threshold?” asked Sunset.

“The same thing you do every day for your friends, my dear child!” Chang’e answered. “Give yourself selflessly to them, looking out for their welfare, cherishing their friendship, and nurturing their souls. Work tirelessly as their advocate, and voraciously as their defender. Be their saint when they need intercession, their strength when they fall to weakness, and their joy when their hearts turn to sorrow. Be their friend.” smiled Chang’e.

“Give them this and they will grow and flourish on their ordained paths through eternity, as will you!'' Chang’e encouraged.

“Thank you! I will!” Sunset promised.

Rainbow smiled. “Man! I am so happy to be a part of this!” She hugged Chang’e. “Thank you so much for picking me! This is so awesome!”

“Indeed it is, my dear child!” Chang’e hugged her back.

Sunset’s phone rang. “Well, I guess that worked!” She took out her phone while Chang’e looked on in wonder.

“Hi, Sparky! Sorry! I thought I would be back by now. Still out with Dash. Where are you?” she asked.

“Hi, Sunny! I’m back at the bunker. I dropped off our friends, did some shopping, and restocked. I thought you’d be back by now too. Where are you?” Twilight asked.

“Still here with Dash. Hey, want to talk with someone? We were just talking about you!” laughed Sunset.

“Huh? Talk to who? Sure, okay,” answered Twilight.

Sunset handed the phone over to Chang’e. “What do I do with it?” she asked. “How does it work?” She held it out away from her face and stared at the screen.

“Ah! It works using science. It’s my phone. Almost everyone has one,” explained Sunset. “Idea. One second. Can I see it back?” Chang’e nodded and handed the phone back to Sunset.

“Sunny, who was that?” asked Twilight over the speaker.

“One second, Sparky. Can you facetime?” she asked.

“Sure!” A second later her smiling face appeared on the screen. “So who’s that with you?” asked Twilight.

Sunset grinned. “Twilight! I’d like you to meet our host!” She passed the phone over to Chang’e again, who held it like Sunset had.

Looking at the screen, Chang’e smiled. “I remember you! You’re her partner! The other little goddess who came to liven up my moon.” She laughed. “You girls are delightful with the amount of mischief you get into! Hello Twilight! I am Chang’e, goddess of the moon!”

Twilight’s eyes grew as big as saucers. Her hands flew up to her face.

“Incoming!” snarked Sunset.

Twilight let out the loudest, most adorable squee.

A short while later Sunset returned with her BFF in tow. Twilight looked around while excitedly pointing and calling out each plant as they rolled back to the castle, Dash and Chang’e right beside them. Chang’e was laughing at Twilight’s antics while confirming each of her observations.

“Yes, indeed my dear! Those are in fact Chinese pears. Quite delicious in salads!” she agreed.

Twilight continued on with her litany to the goddess’ delight. Dash just shook her head and laughed. “Egg head!” she grinned.

Sunset smacked Dash on the arm with a laugh. “Takes one to know one, Dashie!”

“Says you, meaning says exactly no one!” snarked Dash back.

Sunset pulled Dash down into a noogie, almost knocking over the chair. Dash broke away, jumped behind her chair, and wheeled her madly towards the castle. “Last one there is a loser!” she shouted as they shot forward. Sunset waved her arms for balance as Dash zipped them through the garden path.

Dashhhhhh! I am so getting you back!” Sunset yelled out as they zipped toward the castle.

Chang’e turned to Twilight with a grin. “Are they always this way?” she asked.

“All the time,” Twilight grinned back. “Like a couple of kids!”

“I’ve missed this. It’s so wonderful to have guests again.” Chang’e smiled at Twilight as they followed the two pranksters at a more sedate, safer pace. “I am so glad to have met you girls! You are always welcome in my queendom.” The goddess smiled.

“Not that we have an anything-dom, but you are always welcome in ours as well,” invited Twilight back with a smile.

“I don’t know about that,” quipped Chang’e. “The two of you seem to have made a pretty good start on your own planet. The previous master of that realm moved on many ages ago. You two have clearly made a bold and welcome claim upon it.”

“Really?” asked Twilight. “Did he move on when the planet died?” she asked.

“Your planet is not dead,” assured Chang’e. “It is merely in a deep and deathlike slumber. I am sure, between the two of you, she will again know the joy of life and harmony.”

“From your lips to the Makers' ears,” agreed Twilight. “I have a question. You said I was the other little goddess. I’m not a goddess. Not even close. What did you mean?” she asked.

“My dear child, you are a goddess in heart, if not in fact. You are so close to it. One little push is all it would take to put you over the edge,” answered Chang’e.

“But Sunset is over that edge, right?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, my dear. Sunset has crossed that threshold and is a true goddess. She will grow in strength and wisdom for her portion of eternity,” agreed Chang’e.

“And if I do the right thing, I can join her, right?” asked Twilight hopefully.

“Just so, my dear,” assured the goddess.

“Tell me what to do please!” begged Twilight. “I want to spend however long eternity is with my friend! How can I cross that threshold and be with her forever?”

“I will tell you the same thing I told her. The journey is your own. No one can take it for you. The path it takes is between you and the Maker. When she first conceived you, she set your course, laying out the cosmos to guide you in her path. Continue to do as you have done, what is right and just, and be an advocate for all of goodwill. It is clear to me, you are on the true path. What you seek will come to you, at the appointed time, in the appointed manner. Do not be heavy of heart! Hold precious the love you share. Share it with all in your care. And in due time you will surely be with us in the Astral Plane,” smiled Chang’e.

Twilight smiled back and pulled the goddess into a hug. Tears fell gently down her cheeks. “Thank you!” she smiled.

True tragedy can be met two ways; lose hope, and fall into despair and self destruction, or face the challenge in the tragedy to find your inner strength - The Celestial Teachings

Toma - Academy City

Toma blinked, slowly regaining consciousness. He looked at his hand, thinking of what had happened, how he came to be laying here smelling of smoke and ozone.

He closed his eyes again, still too fuzzy to be much use. “That’s right,” he thought. He had taken Mikoto’s electric attack full on, not even attempting to use his right hand to negate it.

He opened his eyes again, straining to see around himself. He could see he was still on the bridge, even if his vision were still a bit blurry. He didn’t see any sign of anyone else.

Something wet landed in his face, giving him a small start. Blinking, he tried to look up to see what was dropping on him, but his vision was still too blurry. Two more drops fell on his face. Blinking once more, and squinted, then widened his eyes.

To his surprise, Mikoto was leaning directly over him, looking off into the distance, weeping. Her tears gently rolled down her cheeks, falling onto his face as she cradled his head in her lap, sitting where he’d landed after her attack.

He reached up, gently wiping away a tear from her cheek with his left hand. “Misaka, I know what I need to do,” he whispered.

Mikoto looked down into his eyes, smiling in gratitude. “I’m so glad you didn’t die,” she said simply.

“I can stop this. I figured it out. No one needs to die,” Toma continued.

“How?” Mikoto asked, curious, her tears drying.

“Tree Diagram designed the experiment under the assumption Accelerator is the strongest esper in Academy City,” started Toma, sitting up next to Mikoto, leaning against her for support as he gathered the strength to stand again.

“Yes, we know that,” agreed Mikoto.

“”So, what would happen if Accelerator was beaten in a street fight? The assumption would clearly be proven false, and there would be no reason to continue the experiments!” smiled Toma.

Mikoto grew sad again. “Yeah, that would work. One flaw with your plan. Accelerator is the strongest esper in Academy City,” noted Mikoto. “I was no match for him. He could have killed me if he wanted to, and there was nothing I could do to stop him.

“And even if I did manage to defeat him, it wouldn’t stop the experiments. The researchers would simply conclude my win was in the acceptable error range for the experiment due to the closeness of our rankings, and still not see Accelerator as weak.”

Gathering his strength, Toma stood, then grinned at Mikoto. “That’s true, which is why you can’t be the one to fight Accelerator.”

“And what idiot is going to die in my place?” sighed Mikoto, rising to stand facing him. “No one besides me even has a chance against him. He’s unstoppable.”

“Not true. There is someone who can fight Accelerator and win. Someone who Tree Diagram didn’t account for. Someone so lowly ranked they would have to throw the experiment out,” Toma continued.

“Anyone that is lowly ranked would be killed almost instantly. It would be a bloodbath,” Mikoto sighed.

“Not anyone. Me. I’ll go fight Accelerator. I’m Level 0. If a no-power Level 0 beat Accelerator in a straight fight, they would have to throw out the experiment. I’m going to fight Accelerator. It has to be me for this to work,” continued Toma.

“You can’t!” exclaimed Mikoto, getting in his face. “Even if it were possible for you to beat him, you just got your butt kicked by me. You’re barely standing, forget about fighting! He’ll mop the floor with you and use your skull as an ashtray! He controls vectors, for pity's sake! Anything you throw at him he will just bounce right back!” she scowled.

“No. He won’t be expecting a straight up street fight. I can do this. I have to do this! I’m not letting you die! And I am not letting any more of your sisters die either!” Toma insisted, grinning smugly as he shrugged off her protests. “Just tell me where he is, and I’ll do this. No one needs to die. We’re done with death here!” Toma affirmed, looking off the bridge towards the city.

Misaka 10032 walked through the railway cargo holding area, looking for signs the experiment was ready to begin.

“Hello, lab rat!” called out a taunting voice.

She looked up to see Accelerator sitting on top of a nearby shipping container, smiling smugly down on her.

Misaka 10032 turned and nodded to him. “I am Misaka 10032, and I am the subject for this next experiment, Misaka corrects,” Misaka corrected him.

Misaka continued. “Before we begin the experiment, please state the password to confirm your participation in the experiment, Misaka requests reasonably.”

Accelerator rose to standing, looking slightly irritated. “I don’t need to confirm anything. This is an experiment trying to make me stronger. I do however compliment you on remaining so calm in the face of your impending death. You know you are here to die, that I am going to kill you. But you’re not using your brain. Think!”

“Misaka does not understand. Misaka states again, It is now time to begin the experiment, and confirms that she is Misaka 10032, the subject for the current experiment,” she stated in confusion. “Please confirm you are ready to complete this experiment, and have made any necessary preparations, Misaka reasonably restates,” she reiterated.

Maker’s tits but you all are so dense,” grumbled Accelerator. “Look! Unlike yourself, my life is the most important thing to me in the world. I’m not going to carelessly throw it away like you’re about to do! I desire power! I want the power to ascend, to become so advanced no one will ever want to face me. My desire for more power has no limitations! Even if I have to kill thousands of you, if that’s the cost to get what I want I’ll do it!”

Misaka looked confused. “Why would you want more power when you are already the most powerful esper in Academy City, Misaka asks in confusion,” she queried.

Accelerator grinned down at her. “Even with the highest ranking, even having power unmatched by anyone else in Academy City, there are still fools who think they can test me, who want to surpass me. Fools who attempt to take me out to claim the title of strongest esper. Enough! I don’t want power they can’t beat, I already have that. And the idiots still come against me, wasting my time with their pathetic attempts. I want to have some much power, to be so clearly beyond what they can even hope to be, that even the stupidest of them can clearly see what a bad idea coming against me is. I want the very idea of coming against me to be unthinkable! That’s the type of power I strive for! I want to be so powerful that even challenging me would be a sin!”

Misaka thought for a moment, then turned back to Accelerator. “Misaka again states the current time and that it is time to begin the experiment. Are you finished with your preparations for the experiment and ready to begin, Miksaka asks helpfully?” she queried.

Accelerator facepalmed, shaking his head. “Yes,” he stated in resignation, jumping down from the container to land in front of her.

Misaka pulled down her goggles, facing Accelerator. “Mikaka confirms you are ready for the experiment to begin. The experiment will now begin, authorizes Misaka,” she stated as she faced off against him.

Author's Note:

Events in A Certain Magical Index during this time:

  • The Sisters Arc (Index).
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