• Published 29th Aug 2022
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A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Act 2 - 18 - Twilight - Freaky Friday and Then Some

Twilight - Freaky Friday and Then Some

Friday, September 5, 6:30 AM Tokyo time..

Neither of the girls were thrilled by the morning’s alarm. Twilight groaned and rolled over, pulling the pillow over her head.

Sunset groaned and pulled Twilight into her embrace, burying her face in the pillow. As the alarm continued, she sighed, rolling back over. “Time to face the day.” She stretched, turned off the alarm, then turned and rubbed Twilight’s back. “Morning time sleepyhead. Rise and shine, Sparky.”

“Mmm, don’t stop. Other shoulder too, please,” mumbled Twilight, snuggling into Sunset’s gentle massage.

Sunset laughed, moving to her other shoulder, massaging it as well. “Anything for you, Sparky. So ready for another fun-filled day of learning?” Sunset teased.

“Sure, who doesn’t love learning,” moaned Twilight. “Though it’s definitely behind back rubs from my S-F-A-M-B-F-F.”

“S-F-A-M-B-F-F? That’s a new one. Let me guess. Sister from another mother best friend forever?” Sunset smiled, continuing her back rubs.

“Mmm. Got it in one, Sunny. You really are the best,” smiled her friend, eyes still closed as she enjoyed her back rub.

“You can have all the back rubs you want after we get back. We have all day tomorrow to goof around while resting up for the girls and everyone’s visit this weekend. For now though, we really need to get up.” Sunset gave her one last rub, then leaned over, pulling the pillow aside, and kissed the back of her friend’s head. “Time to get going.”

“You first,” smiled Twilight, not moving, eyes still shut.

“Fine. I’ll shower first.” Sunset transferred to her chair, gathered her kit and clothes, then rolled out of their room and into the bathroom.

Twilight grinned, snuggled into the pillow. A few minutes later, she finally opened her eyes and rolled over, sitting up. “I’ll make breakfast,” she smiled.

Getting out of bed, she stood, stretching, then walked into the kitchen. Pulling open the fridge, she looked in, asking herself, “What looks good today? Hmm.” Looking over the leftovers and staples, she pulled out the eggs, some bread, and tofu bacon. “We’ll keep it simple. Scrambled eggs with bacon, toast, juice, and coffee. Always coffee.” She smiled to herself as she put everything she needed on the counter, whisked up the eggs and spices, then poured them into the skillet she’d oiled. Placing the bread in the toaster oven to toast, she put the tofu bacon into the convection oven, then went back to stir the eggs that were nearly done.

The eggs finished, Twilight served them up onto two plates, along with two slices of toast, also done. She placed the plates on the table, the silverware and cups, and the juice from the fridge, along with cream and sugar for the coffee. At that point the convection oven pinged, alerting her the bacon was done. She put them on a serving plate, bringing them to the table as well.

Sunset rolled up, dressed for the day. “Need a hand, Sparky?” she offered.

“Sure Sunny. Want to get the coffee?” Twilight answered.

“On it!” Sunset rolled over to the cupboard and pulled out two cups, then brewed two strong black coffees, setting them on the table. Twilight, in the meantime, brought her favorite toast toppings to the table as well; cream cheese and grape jelly. She grinned.

Rolling up to her place at the table, Sunset smiled. “So, are you going to put cream cheese and jelly on my toast, Ms. Sparkle?” she teased.

“Since you asked so nicely, yes!” Twilight smiled, then booped Sunset on her nose. Sunset looked cross-eyed then laughed.

Together they said harmonic grace, then enjoyed their breakfast. Twilight spread the cream cheese and grape jelly over her and Sunset’s toast, passing back both her slices. Sunset laughed. “Thank you, Sparky,” she grinned as she ate them both.

Finished with breakfast, Twilight headed for the shower while Sunset cleaned up the kitchen. When she finished, she rolled into their room, gathered up her daypack, then rolled back out to the dining area. Twilight emerged from the bathroom fully dressed, grabbed her daypack from the bedroom, joining Sunset.

“Ready Freddy?” asked Sunset.

“Ready Freddy,” answered Twilight. They rolled from the apartment to the waiting elevator, then rode down to the lobby. Exiting, they bowed in greeting to the concierge, crossed the lobby, and exited the building. Twilight took her position and motored Sunset along the way to school, quite practiced by now at moving through the throngs of their fellow students on their way to classes.

Arriving at the Academy, they showed their ids to the student volunteer at the gate and were let onto the grounds. They went straight to their homeroom, nodded in greeting to their classmates and taking their seats in the back of the class before the bell rang. The bell rang, and everyone quieted down. Their homeroom teacher took attendance, then everyone got out their books and studied until the period bell rang.

As everyone gathered up their books, Sunset noticed the class officer staring at Twilight and her. She gathered up her books into her daypack and rolled over to Twilight. She looked directly at the officer, then pulled Twilight into a hug, giving Twilight a long kiss on her cheek. She looked into Twilight’s eyes with a smile. “I’ll see you at lunch sweetie! Think of me,” she teased.

Twilight grinned and rolled her eyes. “Always, sweetness! Until then,” Twilight kissed Sunset on her cheek and left for her class, grinning. Everyone around them was laughing loudly.

The class officer came over, scowling. “Do not forget to show up for your makeup detention today, both of you!” she growled, then left for her next class.

Sunset smiled. “I wouldn’t dream of missing it,” she said, rolling off to her first class.

Lunch was tame without their usual company. The girls got their box lunches, then discussed the plans for the upcoming weekend with their friends. All the papers were filed, and all the preparations made, so now it was just a matter of waiting.

“What do you want to do tomorrow?” Twilight asked Sunset.

“I was thinking maybe we could have a movie night tonight then, if we have time, we can visit NASA tomorrow. It’s too bad Mikoto and the girls are traveling. They liked Mars, so I bet they would love Tranquility Base,” mused Sunset.

“Oh, that would be sweet! Maybe we’ll see Chang’e and Dash while we’re there,” agreed Twilight. “We should definitely ask the girls to join us visiting Chang’e at some point.”

“Okay then. Sounds like a plan,” smiled Sunset. They cleared their lunches and headed off to their afternoon classes.

After school, they went to detention and served their deferred punishments. Sunset didn’t misbehave today, so the teacher in charge of detention released both of them after they served their hour. Free from detention, they hurried over to the Judgment section 3 office where they reported to Mii and got their assignments.

Sashes on and ready for work, Twilight opted to stay behinid at the office to finish an important system update, while Sunset went to patrol the entertainment district.

Patrol was uneventful. Sunset helped lost children find their parents, gave out directions to distressed lost students, and stopped one fight. When their shift ended, she returned to the office to write up her reports.

Once her reports were completed, they headed for their apartment. As they passed through the lobby, Sunset rolled over to the concierge, speaking with her briefly, then joined Twilight in the elevator.

“I ordered something for dinner,” Sunset stated. “She’ll bring it up when it gets here.”.

The elevator opened on the top floor, where they exited then entered their apartment.

“Go ahead and pick out a movie, Sparky. I’ll get the snacks.”

Twilight took the remote, surfing the streaming services looking for something to watch while Sunset rolled into the kitchen to prepare the snacks and drinks.

“Here’s a thought. How about we spend the night at the bunker? We can watch the movie, relax in the spa for a bit, then sleep and go straight to Tranquility Base in the morning,” proposed Sunset. “What do you think?”

“Sounds good to me,” nodded Twilight.

“Sweet! Sounds like a plan,” smiled Sunset. Pulling a soda from the fridge, she popped it open and sipped it while waiting for their dinner. Texting Dash, she asked if she wanted to join them tomorrow, receiving a quick reply in the affirmative. She promised to ping Rainbow the next day when they were heading to the Base.

Twilight phone pinged with a text message from the concierge. “Food’s here.” Twilight read aloud, “On my way up.

Twilight went to the door and opened it as the concierge was exiting the elevator, pushing a cart with a tray of food and their drinks. Letting her in, Twilight thanked her for bringing it up, then the concierge bowed and took her leave, wishing them both a good evening. Pushing the cart over to Sunset, Twilight held the cart, placed her other hand on Sunset’s chair, and in a flash of magenta, the food, Sunset, and Twilight arrived at the bunker control room.

Twilight rolled the cart to the dining room table. “Let’s eat first,” Twilight stated. Seeing, and more to the point smelling the trays of food, Sunset followed Twilight into the dining area.

Twilight set out the plates and silverware while Sunset grabbed cups for them both, pouring their drinks. Twilight placed the trays of food on the table, then they took their places.

Sunset removed the lids from the trays. Before them were trays of delicious Italian food; breadsticks soaked in butter and garlic, an ample variety of pasta and sauces, and a huge tray of vegetable lasagna. Sunset explained. “We have pizza all the time, so I thought it would be a treat to have some authentic Italian food for a change.”

Sunset served Twilight, then herself. They both snagged several breadsticks, and Sunset dipped into the tray of antipasto salad. They teased each other, laughing and chatting as they ate.

Dinner finished, Sunset grinned at Twilight. “Ready for dessert? I got cake, biscotti, custard pies, even some giant pretzels.” Twilight decided on cake and biscotti, while Sunset selected a delicious custard pie for herself.

After dessert, they enjoyed a coffee while they let their feast settle. Twilight put the food away then returned the cart to the concierge, letting Sunset relax for the moment. When she returned, she entered the game room, picking out a movie. Sunset washed up the dishes, then brought popcorn and two bottles of sodas to enjoy while they watched the movie. Twilight's selected the latest StarTrek movie for their evening’s entertainment. They sat together, enjoying the movie and sodas and sharing the popcorn.

As the movie ended, Twilight suggested a soak in the spa, with Sunset enthusiastically agreeing.

“No suit this time, just us girls,” stated Sunset as she stripped down, placing her clothes into her basket, then transferred over to her stool. She ran warm water into the bucket, soaped up the wet brush, and started scrubbing herself from the top down.

Placing a towel over her wheelchair seat, she transferred over, then rolled to the spa. Getting into the harness, she lifted herself up, pushed herself out over the seat in the bath, then triggered the release, slowly lowering herself into the water. Once she was fully seated, she undid the harness and placed it by the side of the bath. Laying back, she stretched out, her arms folded behind her head.

“Ah! Now that’s how to relax!” She teased.

While she did that, Twilight stepped into the bath, and settled down into the tub next to her. She let out a contented sigh. “Now this is the way to end the day! A nice warm soak with the friend you love. Thank you, Sunny!”

Sunset smiled happily. “Thank you, Sparky!”

A bit over an hour later, they got out, dried off and got ready for bed. Twilight magically reinforced the door to the bunker, then joined Sunset under the covers, where they nuzzled together as they fell asleep.

The next morning, Sunset and Twilight woke at the crack of dawn to the alarm they set the night before.

Twilight groaned. Sunset opened her eyes and looked at the clock on her shelf. The clock read 6:00 AM. She turned to Twilight. “Seriously? Sunset asked with a groan. “Six am? I thought we weren’t getting up for another 30 minutes.” She rolled her head back into her pillow. “It’s way too early for this,” she groaned.

Twilight rolled over. “It’s a bad dream, isn’t it? Make it stop,” she mumbled, falling back asleep. Sunset pulled Twilight into a hug, planting a big kiss on her cheek. Twilight’s eyes shot open, her cheeks turning bright red.

“Sunny! What the heck! ” she flushed, curling into Sunset in embarrassment.

Sunset kissed Twilight’s forehead and rubbed the back of her hair. “Sorry, Sparky. I wasn’t trying to be mean, forgive me?”

Now fully awake, Twilight looked into Sunset’s smiling face and grinned. “Jerk!” she laughed, then kissed her on the cheek. “Okay, breakfast time! Feels like a pancake, tofu bacon, and eggs day to me. What say you, Sunny?”

Sunset laughed and nodded, transferring over to her chair, then rolling out to the dining room.

“So, my dear sweetheart friend has declared breakfast! I’ll start the pancakes,” Sunset laughed, washing her hands then pulling out the mixing bowls, skillet, spices, eggs and milk, and pancake mix. She combined the ingredients, then cooked the pancakes on the oiled skillet

Twilight washed her hands in the sink, then placed the bacon on the tray for the convection oven. She then started on the eggs. “I guess I have to wait until the pancakes are done to cook the eggs,” Twilight mused. “Coffee break!!” Sunset looked up and laughed as Twilight made herself a cup of coffee, then one for Sunset too. She sipped her coffee while laughing at her friend.

A few minutes later, Sunset finished. “All yours, Sparky!” smiled Sunset, setting the steaming plate of pancakes on the table, where she sat with her coffee, taking her turn at coffee break.

Twilight stepped back to the stove and pulled the crisp bacon from the convection oven, placing it on the serving plate. She poured the oils from the bacon into the skillet, being careful not to burn herself, then carefully poured the eggs in, covering it and letting them cook for a bit. She gently stirred the eggs a few minutes later, then turned off the heat and plated the eggs, carrying them to the table. Twilight pulled silverware, setting the table while Sunset grabbed two glasses from the cupboard, the juice from the fridge, and the syrup from the spice cupboard and placed them on the table. Taking her seat, Sunset bowed her head, took Twilight’s hands, and together they prayed Harmonic grace.

Sunset poured juices for them both as Twilight loaded up her plate and passed it over, then they dug in. It was a testimony to how good the food turned out and how hungry they were that for a change almost no words were spoken as they shoveled breakfast away.

“Seconds?” Sunset offered as they finished up. Twilight grinned and nodded, so Sunset served them both up second helpings.

After breakfast, Twilight and Sunset cleaned the kitchen and put the food away, then enjoyed another coffee before they hit the showers.

As they were relaxing enjoying their coffees, Sunset’s phone chimed. Checking, she saw it was a message from Dash.

“Hah! Dash is in. She wants to know if someone can pick her up. Let’s see, it’s almost 7:30, so it’s 3:30 pm for her. I’m sending her over to your lab. Shall I do the honors or do you want to fetch her?”

Twilight looked at Sunset, sitting in her chair dressed in a short nightgown. She looked down at herself and saw her purple version of the same outfit.

“You do realize that no matter which one of us goes, we are going to be seriously mocked, right?” Twilight mused. “Ugh, if she carried one of the tagged fobs, we could just snag her.”

Sunset facepalmed. “Ugh! That’s right, I totally forgot about my outfit.” She laughed. “Okay, I’ll go. And a good point about the fob, I’ll mention it to her. And if she gives me any grief about my outfit, I’ll sick Chang’e on her” Sunset snarked. Texting Dash, she went back to nursing her coffee, then when finished, headed into the control room, where she placed on her goggles, rolled into the TACIT receiver, and taking out her phone triggered the transfer. With a magenta flash she was gone.

Sunset rolled out of the TACIT base in Twilight’s lab, tossing the goggles into the box beside it. She rolled out the side door of the garage and out to the side yard, then went through the side gate to wait in the driveway for Dash to show up. Staying back behind the bushes by the fence to avoid being seen by the entire neighborhood, Sunset texted Dash. “I’m here waiting. Almost here?”

“On my way. 2 minutes.” Dash texted back.

Minutes later Dash pulled into the driveway on her motorcycle. She parked it, stowing her helmet and jacket. She walked over to Sunset, then startled when she noticed her attire. “Dang, Sunset. Having a red light party or something?” Rainbow teased.

“Dash, shuddup! I swear I will smite you!” Sunset laughed. “What do you expect? It’s barely 7:30 am for us!”

Rainbow laughed. “Oh, sweet harmony. You’ve turned into a lady of the night!” she teased.

Sunset scowled at her friend. “Smite. I. Will. Smite.” She growled, making Dash laugh even harder. “Seriously, are you ready to go?” asked Sunset, smiling. “Twilight is waiting.”

Dash nodded, still chuckling at her outfit, following her back into the garage and into the TACIT unit. Sunset shut the door, and taking her phone, pressed the trigger.

“Hey, not cool Sunny!” groused Dash as they disappeared in a magenta flash.

They appeared in a magenta flash in the control room. Dash blinked and sputtered as she stumbled out of the receiver as Sunset rolled out behind her laughing. “That’ll teach you to make fun of my PJs!” she snarked, punching Dash in the arm as she rolled by.

“Sparky, I’m home!” she called out. “I picked up a stray I found hanging around your lab. Can I keep her?”

Dash lightly punched her arm back. “Dork. I’m a prize catch, not a stray!”

Twilight laughed. “Hi, Dash! Welcome back to Casa de Mars! Glad you could make it!”

Sunset grinned. “I’m heading into the shower. I see you didn’t waste any time while I was gone,” she snarked, noting Twilight was already dressed and ready to go.

“What? Was I supposed to wait? And what, scrub your back?” teased Twilight back.

Sunset waggled her eyebrows. “Is that an offer, Sparky?” she called out, heading into their bedroom to grab her clothes and kit.

Twilight laughed. “Sure. Anytime dork. Just hurry up and get dressed already. We’re waiting on you!” she teased back.

Sunset laughed. She reappeared a moment later with her kit and a towel, heading into the bathroom.

“Okay, I’ll make this as quick as I can. Back in a bit!” She called out as she rolled into the bathroom.

Dash grabbed a coffee and joined Twilight waiting.

Dressed and ready to go, Sunset rolled out of the bathroom. “Thanks for waiting for me, girls!”

Twilight laughed. “Anytime Sunny! Like we would leave without you.” She hugged her friend. “Let’s go meet Chang’e!”

They returned to the control room, and crowded into the terminal. “Shut your eyes please,” Twilight called out kindly, unlike her brat of a friend. With a magenta flash, they disappeared.

Opening their eyes, they appeared next to the terminal in the NASA office. Sunset rolled over to speak with a NASA official. “Dr. Long, we’re heading over to see Chang’e and Tranquility Base.”

Dr. Long smiled. “Okay. Sunset, Twilight, let me know if you need anything. And thanks for the heads up. Have a great afternoon.” She smiled, heading back into her office. Over her shoulder, she laughed, and called out. “You too, Miss Dash!”

“Okay girls! Let’s go to the moon!” smiled Sunset, leading them over to the TACIT base again. They got in line, waiting for their turn at the busy terminal, then within a few moments, they were up.

They entered the terminal, then a moment later they disappeared in a flash of magenta.

They immediately exited the busy terminal. A few moments later, a magenta flash appeared from the terminal, and technicians entered to unload the next load.

“Wow! They sure keep that terminal humming” noted Sunset.

“They sure do. That terminal is the supply line and transportation terminal for this entire base, so it’s busy around the clock,” noted Twilight. “Okay, Dash, lead on. Take us to your mistress!”

“Oh har har har! She’s not my mistress. I don’t think...” She turned to Sunset. “She’s not, right?”

A gentle hand settled on Dash’s shoulder. With a yelp, she spun around. Smiling, Chang’e took her hands. “Oh, my little one, I am not your mistress?” she grinned.

“Uh, are you, your goddessness? Goddess? Uh... sorry?” gulped Dash.

Chang’e pulled her into a hug, laughing. “Oh my dear Avatar, don’t ever change!”

Sunset and Twilight laughed, faces buried their hands while Dash pouted.

“Now, do not give me that face, dear one! I know how much you love to tease! It’s only fair that I should tease you as well!” laughed Chang’e.

Dash grinned and nodded, hugging her back. “Thank you,” she said happily.

“So, what brings you to my humble domain?” smiled Chang’e. She turned to Sunset. “And I am still annoyed at you for outing me, you stinker!” laughed Dr. Hang’e.

“Oh please, everyone loves you! They deserve to know the charming sovereign of the realm they’re visiting, and you certainly deserve their friendship!” laughed Sunset, hugging her, with Twilight joining in to Chang’e’s delight.

“I cannot deny it is delightful to be surrounded by such charming people. Thank you again for this, my wonderful girls!” She hugged them back.

“Anything for a dear friend!” Sunset agreed.

“So girls, would you care to visit my lair again?” smiled Chang’e as she led them off, taking Twilight's hand. Smiling, Sunset took up the rear with Dash, following them.

First though, Chang’e led them on a tour of the base. Everywhere they went, people greeted Dr. Heng’e, who happily greeted them back, by name mostly. She always had kind words for everyone and was happy to hear what everyone was doing.

Eventually, they ended up at the hangar where the maintenance suits were lined up. Next to the large suit they had used last time there was a sleek eight-seated lunar rover.

“When did this get here?” asked Sunset, amazed. “Wow, that’s fortuitous.”

“NASA brought over to give tours to visiting dignitaries. I do not think they will mind if we borrow it for a brief ride,” grinned Chang’e. “Come! Let’s tour the outside of the base. After that, I will take you to visit my home!”

Dash and Twilight helped Sunset get into the rover and settled into a seat, then they brought up her chair and stowed it in the back. Once they were all in, Dash and Chang’e sat in the command seats, piloting the rover through the airlock and out to a ramp up to the lunar surface.

“Hey, didn’t this connect to the tunnels? What happened?” asked Sunset, confused.

“No, that lock is on the other side,” Dash explained. “They shifted the racks around when they finished the tunnels and started running the trams through them. Can’t get out that way any longer, it’s just access to the tramway tunnel system.

“Instead, this is now the lock you have to use to get to the lunar surface,” explained Dash as they drove, passing processing plants and access terminals scattered across the surface. In the distance, they could see the original Tranquility Base with the lander and rover still there with the flag.

Seeing the lander, Sunset smiled. “Just seeing that brings back memories. We sure had a blast in that rover, didn’t we Dashie?!”

Dash laughed. “Yeah, we did. We all did! I never realized that little outing would lead to all of this!” She smiled over to Chang’e, who smiled back at her.

“Whatever happened to that little red book that was sitting in the seat?” asked Sunset.

“I have it!” smiled Chang’e. “When I saw you girls riding around on it, I decided to take it to my lair for safekeeping. I used to wander over and read it when I was feeling lonely after they left it. I loved the stories in it, especially the ones at the beginning about the kings and visionaries. They reminded me of my old home, and filled my heart with joy. So, I took the book to my home when I realized you were going to be using the rover.”

“Ah, glad to hear that. And happy to hear it brought you joy,” smiled Sunset.

They rolled past the edge of the base and continued towards a large crater in the distance. When they got to the crater, Dash drove up a well-used trail over the edge then down into a cave hidden from view by a large boulder. Driving down the tunnel, they eventually came out into a large cavern lit by a soft glow from above.

“Welcome back to my home!” smiled Chang’e.

The girls were still enthralled by the wonders of Chang’e’s gardens. Sitting, enjoying cups of tea while looking out over her gardens, vineyard and orchards, they laughed as Chang’e smiled, regalling them with stories.

“Do you need to get some sleep, Dash? I don’t want to keep you up too late and turn you into a zombie for our outing tomorrow,” smiled Sunset. “Just let us know when you need to go, and we can head back.”

“Nah, I’m good. I’m not even tired yet,” Rainbow yawned as her head dipped.

Sunset poured her another cup. “Have some more tea, Dashie,” she snarked.

“Okay,” Dash agreed obliviously, sipping the new cup.

Sunset looked to Chang’e, and they both laughed. Dash, in turn, looked at them both and shrugged. “I don’t get it.”

“We know,” grinned Sunset.

“Not cool, Sunset,” groused Dash.

“My dear, you should get some sleep. You are literally ready to fall asleep sitting at my table. If you don’t get some sleep soon, I may need to take you into my home and tuck you in myself,” smiled Chang’e.

“I wouldn’t mind sleeping over,” smiled Dash. “And you’re not wrong, I am a little tired.”

“If this is a little tired, my dear avatar, I would hate to see you exhausted,” teased Chang’e.

“It’s not pretty, she will literally drop right out of the sky!” Sunset snarked.

That doesn’t count! That was magical exhaustion. Not my fault,” mumbled Dash.

“True that,” agreed Sunset. “Seriously though, Dashie. Get some rest. I really want you at your best so you can enjoy all the fun Sparky and I have planned for tomorrow.”

“Okay. Sheesh. The last thing I want to do is leave you guys hanging,” agreed Dash. She yawned again.

Sunset smiled. “I guess we need to head home so Dashie here can get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow with her and everyone coming over for the day. Let’s say our goodbyes.”

Chang’e got up, giving Sunset and Twilight a hug goodbye. Dash got up, hugged the girls, then followed Chang’e back to her castle.

“That’s our cue,” nodded Twilight, heading towards the rover with Sunset. Twilight lifted her friend up into the lander, entered it then carried her to the driver’s seat. Twilight climbed down and placed Sunset’s chair into the rover then entered again, closing the hatch. She made her way to the copilot seat and sat down. “Ready Freddy?” she smiled at Sunset.

“Ready Freddy!” Sunset agreed, starting the rover and spinning it around to face out of the cavern. “Okay girl, time to head home.”

The rover moved through the cave tunnel, then out into the crater. Sunset angled it along the path up the crater wall then over the top and down the other side. From there it was a brief and uneventful trip across the lunar landscape to the base.

Upon arrival, they had to cross the base to the ramp down to the airlock. Keying in the code displayed on the console to open the lock, she drove the rover in and let the lock cycle.

When they were released into the storage bay, Sunset parked the rover where they found it, shutting it down. Twilight climbed back and opened the hatch, then exited with Sunset’s chair and placed it by the rover. Twilight carried Sunset out and set her in her chair, then locked up the rover.

Sunset and Twilight returned to the TACIT receiver where they observed Dr. Long chatting with the technicians unloading equipment.

“Hi, Dr. Long!” Sunset called out.

Looking up from her conversation, Dr. Long waved. She excused herself, joining the girls. “So, did you enjoy the base and your stay on the moon? I certainly hope you enjoyed yourselves,” she smiled then grinned. “You seem to be missing one,” she teased.

“Yeah. Dashie decided to spend the night with Chang’e so it’s just us chickens,” Sunset laughed.

“They are quite a pair,” laughed Dr. Long. “So heading home then?” she asked.

“Yup. Big day tomorrow. Hosting the family and friends over at Academy City. Time to get some rest.” Sunset agreed. “Thank you again for having us!”

“Anytime girls. You and your friends are always welcome here,” Dr. Long smiled. Twilight and Sunset gave her a parting hug, then they joined the line for the return trip on the TACIT receiver. When their turn came, they entered, shutting their eyes tight. From the NASA office, they teleported directly back to their apartment.

“Okay, movie night then. I’ll order us some dinner. Pizza sound good?” Sunset asked.

Twilight nodded. “I have a few calls to make, then I’ll join you,” Twilight observed. She sat on the bed and made the calls while Sunset contacted the Concierge to order their dinner.

“Do you want me to pick the movie? Or do you have one you want to see?” asked Sunset.

Twilight smiled. “Tickets and reservations are confirmed. We’re good to go.”

“Sweet!,” smiled Sunset. “So, what do you think of Your Name for our movie”.

Twilight laughed. “Classic.” They finished their coffee then started the movie. Midway through Sunset made popcorn and brought that and sodas over for snacks as they watched the rest of the movie.

The movie ended, they got ready for bed. Sunset shut the door and rolled into the bathroom to get herself ready. Finished, she rolled into their bedroom and joined her roommate in bed.

“This will be epic,” Sunset smiled as she snuggled into her friend.

“Yup!” Twilight agreed, snuggling back. They drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

Enlightenment comes not from being better than others, but from bettering yourself - The Celestial Teachings

Author's Note:

Events in A Certain Magical Index during this time:

  • The Mikoto 4 still at Liberal Arts City. Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Uiharu Kazari, and Saten Ruiko are randomly selected to take part in Academy City's seven-day exchange program. Here, they are taken to Liberal Arts City, an affiliate of Academy City, and are later involved in a conspiracy involving Aztec magicians. The story is set in Liberal Arts City and takes place in the time period between September 3rd to 10th.
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