• Published 29th Aug 2022
  • 1,312 Views, 55 Comments

A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Act 1 - 04 - Twilight - Slumber Party

Twilight - Slumber Party

Saturday, August 16 - 3:30 PM Canterlot time

Sitting in the van, Twilight’s cheeks still blushed thinking back on the girls. “Sheesh! They can be such children sometimes!”

Smiling, she thought of Sunset, and of all the fun she and the girls had while meeting and showing off for the other mages. “Still though,” she thought, thinking of the girls, “I really wouldn’t trade them for the world. They really are my best friends!”

The trip back went quickly, Twilight lost in happy thoughts the entire trip. Once she was dropped off back home, she put everything away and went to her room. Taking out the journal her other self had given her, she opened it up and started writing.

SciTwi: Hi me! It’s me!

After a few moments, Princess Twilight responded.

Princess Twi: That never really gets old, does it?

Twilight replied.

SciTwi: Nope! We had an awesome time! The girls and I got to show off for the mages Sunset met. They put on a demonstration for us too! It was fun! Sunset and I got into a mock battle, complete with wings and flinging magic back and forth for like 15 minutes! It was incredible! I am so happy to have such wonderful friends, especially Sunset! I wasn’t expecting her to fly, but she sprouted these flaming wings then took off! It was truly epic!

Princess Twilight: Flaming wings? Wow! Sorry I missed that. That does sound epic!

SciTwi: I recorded it. It was awesome! I’ll get a copy for you. It was a blast. Literally.

Princess Twilight: You definitely have my sense of humor, mini-me!

SciTwi: Hah! You just think you can say that because you're older. Barely.

Princess Twilight: And a princess. So there!

SciTwi: And a princess. Neener neener. So any chance you’re coming over to visit any time soon? I know the girls would love to see you again, and it's always nice to talk to another “egghead”.

Princess Twilight: Please. If you want to talk to an egghead, go talk to the flaming-haired egghead you were just with. She’s as much a nerd as you and I.

SciTwi: Yeah. That’s true. She just makes it look good. :-P

Princess Twilight: I hate to admit it, but it's too true. Sunset makes everything look good. Darn her evil cuteness!

SciTwi: She really does. It’s hard to keep up with her weapons-grade cuteness. She swears you and I are cuties, but we both know - She’s the cute one. It’s just not fair! Lol!

Princess Twilight: True. If she wasn’t such a dear friend I’d totally be jealous. ;-D

SciTwi: Seriously though… We’d all love to see you again! You should come on by sometime when you get the chance. Just let us know and we’ll work something out. Okay?

Princess Twilight: You bet! Yeah, I’d love to see you all again too. I’ll figure something out. Hey wait, before you sign off, I have some news for you and Sunset.

SciTwi: I’m listening. Okay. What did you find out?

Princess Twilight: I spoke with Celestia and Luna. They were able to chat with Faust and confirmed you weren’t just dreaming. All that stuff in the dream realm? She really did that. You two are ascended! Alicorn princesses! Celestia is planning the coronation for you both. She liked my suggestion that you both be crowned together.

SciTwi: Okay! Yay us! I’ll let Sunny know. When is it?

Princess Twilight: It won’t be for a while. It takes some time to get everything set up. Are you in a hurry? If you want it sooner, we could just opt for a private ceremony. Less fuss, no parades, and much less to plan for if you decide that route. Though I am pretty sure Celestia is looking forward to making a big fuss over both of you.

Twilight read that and rolled her eyes.

SciTwi: That figures! Will have to run it by Sunny and see what she thinks.

Princess Twilight: Sounds like a plan. I have to sign off now. Take care mini-me!

SciTwi: Sounds good. Catch you later, other me!

Princess Twilight: Yup! Later tator! Take care of yourself!

SciTwi: You too!

Twilight put the journal back up on the bookshelf on her desk. She headed into the kitchen to put together a snack to share for the movie night. Digging through the pantry, she found a case of sodas.

“Hey, that’ll work! I just need to ice them so they’re cold tonight,” she thought. “Maybe a bag of chips or something too.”

She kept digging through the pantry, the case of soda levitating off the shelf and over to the table. She found a large bag of chips and an unopened bottle of salsa. They floated over to join the case on the table.

“That should do it,” she thought to herself in satisfaction while shutting the pantry back up. Heading back to her room, she took out her backpack and pulled out the supplies she had brought with her to their meeting in the Everfree forest. She levitated them all back away.

Next, she pulled out a change of clothes and some cute warm pajamas for the sleepover after the movie. The chips, salsa, and case of soda floated through the door and into the backpack, followed by the clothes, her journal, and bathroom supplies. There was no way the case of soda should have even been able to fit through the open zipper of the backpack, let alone into it, yet it slid easily into the backpack followed by everything else. When it was all packed, Twilight zipped it shut then laid down on the bed to wait until it was time to leave. She picked up one of the scientific journals laying on her nightstand for some light reading to pass the time.

A few hours later, her phone vibrated, waking her up with a start. Her journal was over her head, drool running down her cheek. “Oh ugh! How ladylike!” she groaned as she wiped the drool off her cheek then put the journal back on the neat and tidy stack. “I guess that magical battle took more out of me than I thought! Still, I can’t wait to try that out with Sunset again!”

She looked at her phone. Rarity had sent her a text. “Hi dear! I’m on my way to Applejack’s! Still want to catch a ride with me? Let me know soon! I’m about to pass your house.

Twilight texted back. “Yes please and thank you! :)

No problem!” Rarity texted back.

A few minutes later her phone buzzed. “I’m here! Come on out!” Twilight rolled out of bed and threw her backpack on.

“Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! I’m off to the sleepover! I’ll see you tomorrow!” she called out as she raced down the hall.

“Bye, dear! Take care! See you tomorrow!” her mom called out.

Twilight shut the door behind her and raced over to Rarity’s car. “Sorry! I hope you didn’t have to wait long?” she said as she entered the car.

“Oh, pish tosh darling! Hardly even a moment! And honestly, you didn’t need to run out. It’s not like I’m going to leave you behind or something! I can wait while you come out at whatever pace you can manage, dear.” Rarity smiled.

Twilight gave her a hug. “Thanks, Rarity. You’ve no idea how much that means to me.”

“It’s nothing dear! For a friend, it’s less than a trifle. Now buckle up, we’re heading out.”

Twilight bucked in then turned to Rarity. “Do you know what the movie is?”

“No idea Darling! But I heard it is Pinkie’s turn to pick, so I‘d imagine it will have plenty of laughs.”

Twilight laughed. “Pinkie’s turn eh? Yeah. That’s a safe bet then. Are you staying for the sleepover afterward?”

“I almost had to miss it, there’s so much work for me to catch up on. However, I was able to shift some things around, so yes,” answered Rarity with a confident nod as she merged into the traffic. “This time I get to join you.”

“No rest for the wicked!” teased Twilight with a grin.

“You mean wickedly good!” laughed Rarity. “My work has been getting noticed! So, my reward is more work!”

“Good for you!” smiled Twilight proudly. “I hope it goes well for you!”

“From your lips to the Maker's ears!” grinned Rarity. “So, how are things going with you and Sunset?”

“Going well, thank you!” Twilight smiled. “I’ve been accepted by all the universities I’ve applied for. We’re just waiting on Sunset. She still hasn’t heard back from all her applications, and frankly, where she goes, I go. That girl has been through the gates of hell and back for me, and I refuse to leave her on her own.”

Rarity turned to Twilight with a smile. “That sounds so romantic!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You know we’re not like that Rarity. Sunset is my dearest, most intimate, closest thing to a soul mate I’ve ever known, friend. Neither one of us ‘swings’ that way. I love her more than a sister, but like a sister. So quit teasing, okay?” Twilight smiled.

Fiiine! Take all my fun away!” Rarity giggled. “I know that dear, I was just teasing.”

“Thank you!” Twilight smiled.

A short while later they drove through the gate to Applejack’s family's orchard and up to the farmhouse. Rarity parked next to the other girls' cars. Twilight helped Rarity carry in her snacks.

Applejack opened the door for them. “Howdy, Rares! Howdy, Twi! Welcome! Come on in.” She stepped aside, closing the door behind them when they entered. “You can just drop yer snacks in the dining room. Everyone is just hanging out in the living room waiting for the last of the crew.”

“Thank you darling!” replied Rarity as she followed along with Twilight behind Applejack. “So who are we waiting on?”

“Well, it was just you, Twilight, and Sunset. So I guess now we’re jus’ waiting on Sunset.” Applejack replied.

“That’s odd,” mused Twilight. “If everyone else is here, I wonder who she got a ride with?”

“Dunno sugarcube. Good question. Guess we’ll find out when she gets here.” responded Applejack.

Twilight placed Rarity’s snacks down on the dining room table along with the rest of the girls.

“Oh, Twilight! I just noticed we didn’t bring in your snacks! Did I leave them in the car?” asked Rarity.

“Ah, no. Instead, I put them in my backpack,” responded Twilight. “Just a sec. I’ll put them out.” Taking off the backpack, she set it on the table and unzipped it. “Sorry about that. Bad planning on my part. I put them in first so they’re on the bottom. One sec.” Twilight pulled out the journal, her bathroom supplies then finally her cute pajamas which evoked a chuckle from Dash, earning a scowl from Twilight. Following that, Twilight pulled out her change of clothes. The pile beside the bag was already bigger than the bag.

Applejack scratched her head. “What in tarnation?” she mused.

Twilight reached down into the bag again. “Here they are!” she exclaimed. She pulled out the bag of chips which was almost as big as the backpack itself. Applejack's eyebrows rose. Next Twilight pulled out the large jar of salsa and placed it beside the chips.

“Can’t forget the sodas! They were on the bottom.” Twilight continued, reaching in again. The corner of a case of sodas appeared poking out from the zippered bag. Applejack and Rarity’s jaws dropped. “Sorry, this one is a little heavy. Just a sec.” The case glowed with magenta magic, floating out of the bag then onto the table. The case was clearly several times larger than the bag. “Oh right! I need to chill them! Nothing nastier than a warm soda, am I right?” smiled Twilight. She placed her clothes, pajamas, bathroom supplies, and journal back into the bag and zipped it up. After that, she slid it back onto her back. Reaching over to the case of sodas, she flicked them with a finger. In a flash of magenta magic, the entire case was covered with a sheen of frost. “That ought to do it!” smiled Twilight in satisfaction. “Okay. All set now!” She turned back to her friends and noticed their gobsmacked faces.

“Uh, what? You guys okay?” Twilight checked. Neither one of them even blinked. “Rarity! Applejack! Hello? Are you guys alright?”

Twilight felt something brush her cheek. As she turned her head, her face smacked into Pinkie’s. “Hi, Twilight!” greeted Pinkie through smooshed cheeks. “I think you broke our friends.”

Twilight shut her eyes and gently shook her head. “Hi, Pinkie. I really wish you wouldn’t sneak up on me like that. I swear you’re trying to give me a heart attack.”

“No way, Jose! I’d never do anything to hurt a friend! And you’re most certainly my friend!” Pinkie smiled.

“So… uhm. How do you think I broke our friends?” asked Twilight, still staring at the gobsmacked and unmoving pair. “They do seem a bit broken. Clearly on the unresponsive side.”

“I don’t think they’ve ever seen anyone use a hammerspace before,” stated Pinkie casually. “You’d think they’d be used to it being around me all the time. Clearly not the case though.”

“Clearly not,” agreed Twilight.

Applejack blinked. “Hammer what now?” she asked before shaking her head in confusion. Blinking once again, she looked at Twilight and asked. “What was that again? And how did you make that huge box fit into your tiny backpack? Heck, more to tah point, how’d you carry it? Didn’t that hurt with all that weight on your back?”

Rarity blinked, then shook her head as well. “Yes, darling. What she said. How?”

Twilight smiled. “Pinkie called it. It's a hammerspace. I fold up the spacetime of whatever I need to put into my backpack and stretch out the spacetime of the area inside my backpack. On big items, like this case, I have to do both - if I didn't fold the space up before I put it in, it wouldn't even fit through the zipper to get inside. Once it’s inside, it really doesn’t take up any space at all because the fold in space-time inside the bag removes it from space in our universe. This is also why it doesn't really weigh anything while it's loaded, otherwise, yeah. My back would be killing me.”

“Seriously! That’s no lie!” Pinkie nodded. “Could you imagine the neck pains I would have if I had to carry the entire weight of all my fully loaded party cannons on my head at the same time? I would probably break my neck!”

“Please don’t break your neck!” Twilight begged her pink friend. “We would miss you terribly!”

“Dah! Aren't you the sweetest thing!” gushed Pinkie as she pinched Twilight’s cheek.

Ouch. That hurts!’ complained Twilight.

“Sorry, sweety! All better!” Pinkie kissed Twilight’s cheek.

“Pinkie! Stop messing around!” growled Twilight. Pinkie just laughed.

“So yeah. Hammerspace. It’s a pocket dimension to hold stuff. It’s like a coin purse that can carry buildings.” smiled Pinkie.

“What she said,” agreed Twilight with a nod.

“Ah! Okay. So, like magic then,” nodded Applejack.

“Magic.” nodded Twilight

“Yuppers! Magic!” agreed Pinkie.

“Magic,” mused Rarity. “Hmmm..” She looked up, a faraway look in her eyes.

“Okay… on that note. Come on Rarity! Let’s go join everyone waiting for Sunset.” Twilight took her friend by the elbow and gently led her to the living room.

“Magic…” Rarity continued to muse, still lost in thought as her friend guided her through the halls.

Settling Rarity down on the guest couch next to Fluttershy, Twilight joined Dash and the rest of the crew on the family couch.

“So, if we are all here, who’s bringing Sunset?” asked Twilight as she sat down.

“That’s the question of the hour, right?” agreed Dash. “No one got a text from her? We didn’t drop the ball and leave her hanging?”

“Nope. I double-checked!” answered Rarity, snapping out of her muse to answer the question. Everyone else nodded as well.

“Hmm. Maybe I should give her a call,” decided Twilight. She dialed her phone and placed it on speaker.

“Sunset here! Hey Sparky! Wassup?” answered Sunset.

“Hi Sunny! We’re all here, just waiting for you. No worries. Just… well… were we supposed to pick you up or something?” asked Twilight.

“Ah. Nope, though I can see why you’d be confused. I’m almost there. I’m pulling through the gate now.”

Everyone rushed to the window to look outside. Sure enough, a sporty electric car zoomed up to the house. The driver's door opened, and there was Sunset smiling and waving at them.

“Sweet Celestia! Sunset bought a car!” exclaimed Twilight, her arms dropped to her sides in shock.

Everyone ran down the hall and out the front doors, racing over to Sunset’s new car. Sunset had just pulled her chair out from the seat next to her and was reattaching the wheels. As they watched, Sunset locked the wheels, unfolded the chair, and set it next to the driver's seat. She then lifted her legs out and placed them in front of the chair. One of her hands was on the chair and one on the seat which lifted herself over to the chair, settling herself in. Putting her legs up on the footrests, she turned and slid her backpack onto the back of the chair. Unlocking her wheels, she backed away from the door, then shut and locked the car.

Ta-da!” she announced with a flourish. The girls laughed and applauded.

“When did this happen?!” yelled Twilight excitedly. “Is that the new Nicola Roadster? When did you get it? And how long have you been able to drive? Did you get the auto-drive package? And seriously, When. Did. This. Happen!?

Sunset laughed. “Breath girl, deep breaths!” She reached over and took Twilight’s hand. “Yes, it’s the new Roadster. And yes, it has the auto-drive package. Also yes, I used it on the way over here. It’s just as awesome as you think it is!”

Twilight started to shake. A squee quietly started to drift past her lips. Sunset squeezed her hand tighter. “And yes, to your unanswered question, I will totally take you out for a spin in it.” Twilight started to bounce up and down in place with a silly grin plastered on her face as she let out a squee of joy.

“And as for how long, I bought it last month. I’ve been taking the classes for my driver's test since then. Mom pulled some strings to get me in for the test last week, and I passed! It’s been sitting over at Chrysalis' house until I passed my test, but I did and now it’s mine! Freedom!” shouted Sunset.

“Awe! Does that mean you won’t need rides from me anymore?” said Pinkie.

“Heck no! I’ll still carpool whenever I can. But it does mean that now I can take a turn being the driver!” grinned Sunset.

“That is so awesome!” cheered Rainbow as she looked back and forth from Sunset to the car and back. “I can’t wait for my turn to ride in it!”

“Let’s get inside and get this party started,” said Sunset. “I promise anyone who wants a ride and tour of the car I will give you one tomorrow!” Sunset rolled up the ramp and into the house. The girls followed, Twilight still bouncing and squeeing happily.

They returned to the living room and took their places on the couches. Applejack turned to Sunset. “So, sugarcube,” she asked, “don’t you need to plug them electrical thingamajiggers into a wall or something? Is it going to be okay out there not plugged in?”

“Normally, yes, you’re right. I’d need to plug it in somewhere overnight to charge so I could use it again the next day. Celestia and Luna put a charging station in our garage at home so I can charge it up every night. But it has a full charge, and the only thing I’ve done with it today is drive over here to be with you guys.” Sunset gave a casual shrug. She assured the girls, “So, it’s fine. I can just leave it unplugged for the night.”

Twilight had a dreamy look still, lost in thought. “I want one,” she said quietly. Sunset gave her a gentle side hug.

“I’ll share,” she promised simply. “Especially when we end up going to the same university. I’m totally not going to leave my best friend and roommate hanging.”

Twilight turned to her. “You would do that for me? Really?” she asked.

“Girl, I would do anything for you!” answered Sunset, hugging her tighter.

‘Dah!” cooed Rarity. “So adorable!”

Twilight hugged her friend back. “I love you, Sunset Shimmer! You’re the best friend I’ve ever had!” she gushed.

“I love you too, Twilight Sparkle!” Sunset gushed back. “You're my sister from another mister!” She squeezed her tighter.

The girls hugged them both, overcome with adorableness.

Sweetie Bell poked her head into the living room. “Hey everybody! Granny says it’s time to eat. Wash up and come get it.”

“Thanks, Sweetie!” said Applejack. “Where’s the rest of your cohort? They're already washed up and ready to go?”

“Yeah. We’re helping Granny and Big Mac get everything ready for dinner,” smiled Sweetie. She departed back into the kitchen with a final wave.

“I think it’s great that Granny let the girls come over too for their own movie night. After the whole Anon-a-miss debacle, I would hate to see them feeling excluded again,” Sunset stated.

“Agreed!” stated Rarity. “We can help them be good influences on each other and not get lost in a sea of loneliness and bitterness. Again.”

“Amen to that!” agreed Sunset. “From your lips to the Maker’s ears!”

Rarity bent over and gave Sunset a gentle hug. “Thank you for that dear. You’re such a gentle soul.”

Sunset hugged Rarity back. “I’ve been to the dark place. And I never intend to let anyone else go there as long as there’s breath left in my body!” Sunset smiled. “I love you girls, your sisters, and even everyone involved in that painful part of my life. That love keeps me moving forward.” Sunset smiled at Rarity, then the rest of her friends. “Thank you girls, for everything.

“Now, you heard Sweetie. Granny has called. Let’s eat!”

Smiling, everyone headed down the hall to wash up before going into the dining room for dinner.

The cure for a troubled mind, a weary soul, a broken heart? A simple Prayer. The Maker loves a simple hearted soul - The Celestial Teachings

Mikoto - Academy City

Misaka Mikoto had a mission.

She had over twenty facilities to take down, all participating in Radio Noise, the Sisters’ Clone project. She was currently in her civilian disguise in a phone booth outside of the entertainment district. She had her pocket terminal connected to the phone’s data jack, using it to connect to the internal systems of her next target through their communications network.

“This has been going well, over half way through the list!” she thought to herself as she attached her terminal process to the institute’s main server. From there, she hacked into each piece of equipment in their lab, overloading them with power so they exploded from the inside out.

She had been very careful to use the surveillance systems first to verify there were no humans in the area. The researchers were not her target, just their systems. She would end this gruesome nightmare of a project.

As the last system in the lab exploded and caught fire, she released her suppression of the fire alarms and let them go off. As she did that, she purged all the core memory and data from all the servers, releasing a custom virus that would ensure they stayed gone.

Viewing the electronic carnage from the video feed on the terminal, she nodded with satisfaction, closing out her links and queuing up her next target.

As she was working on her third facility for the afternoon, she ran into a snag. “Damn it!,” she swore. “Guess I jinxed myself earlier. Well, if they are going to block my access, I guess I will have to make a personal visit to the rest of the facilities and close them out the old fashion way.”

She disconnected, put her terminal back into her fanny pack, and ran off towards the facility.

“Sir, a fire has started at one of our facilities!” a panicked researcher ran up to the chief of security.

“I know, you already told me,” he sighed.

“No! This is another one! This is the second one this hour! Someone is targeting our research!” informed the panicked man.

“Show me,” requested the security chief, walking out into the control center. On the screens were several images of equipment carnage, flames and smoke billowing out of equipment and servers.

“How are they getting in?” requested the chief.

“There is no sign of any entry. Nothing picked up on the infrared, nor the motion detectors. The attacks occur during breaks or off-hours. And the systems and equipment targeted are always the ones for our project. It’s terrorists! Terrorists are after our research!” asserted the researcher.

“No sign of entry, targeted computing and lab equipment, off hours. This doesn’t sound like a terrorist. This is corporate espionage and attack. It’s too targeted to be terrorists,” reasoned the chief.

He watched the screens as yet another datacenter burst into flames, one targeted server at a time. “How are they doing that? Look at the channels into the data center!” commanded the chief. His assistants monitored the incoming traffic. “Sir, we have packets coming into the communications channel originating from outside our network. We are starting a traceback now!” they informed him.

“See! There’s your terrorist. Just a corporate raider on their assignment. And there’s your fix. Cut off all external communications between the data centers and the outside,” instructed the chief.

“But sir, if we do that…” started his assistant.

“Do it! Now! Do you want to see all our data and equipment up in smoke!” commanded the chief.

“No sir! Isolating communications now!” responded the assistant, removing that route from the allowed protocols. Immediately the attacks ceased, and no more equipment burst into flames.

“See! That’s how you respond to this! Monitor the communications channel, and see if our little terrorist tries to get into any other centers. Make sure you disable communications for all our remaining facilities right now! Am I clear?” instructed the chief.

“Yes sir!” his assistant responded, moving to make it happen.

“At least I got 70% of them. I’ll just do the last of them the hard way,” thought Mikoto as she ran through the streets, heading to her next target.

“Sir! We traced the communications back to a hacked public phone outside the entertainment district,” informed the assistant. “We monitored video feeds and surveillance around the booth, but all feeds had been disabled before and for several minutes after the attack. Also, the card used by the attacker was a stolen cash card, untraceable.”

“Well, no surprise there, our little terrorist knows how to cover their tracks. Let’s see what they have planned next,” mused the chief.

Mikoto looked across the street at her next target. She was hidden in the evening's shadows, magnetically holding onto the building in what her roommate Kuroko jokingly called her spider-man pose.

“There’s the lab, on the top floor. I can enter from the side of the building through that window. Time for an EMP pulse to knock out the surveillance,” thought Mikoto.

With a flash, a directed pulse washed over the building. All the lights and sounds from the top floor went dead. With a quick flick of a high speed game token from her railgun, a window on the lab floor was smashed. She leapt from her perch and magnetically glided across the gap and through the broken window.

Running quickly through the darkened halls, she headed for the data center. “As good a place as any to start!” she thought.

“Sir! The entire building just went dark! We have lost all our feeds and communications!” shouted his assistant.

Seated at a desk before the control center monitors, the chief sipped his tea. “A bold first move. Do we have assets in place that can stop them? Or at least get eyes on the situation?”

“They are in route sir! Estimated time of arrival is 5 minutes,” informed his assistant.

“We’ll see what we see,” nodded the chief, sipping his tea.

Mikoto raced up to the security door. With a pulse from her hand, the digital lock on the door spun through number combinations, then clicked and popped open for her. She ran through the datacenter, lightning streaking from her hands, destroying everything she ran by. Fires sprang up behind her, setting off old fashioned mechanical heat alarms and flooding the center with halon gas.

Mikoto slipped on the face mask she brought with her then continued her rampage.

Finished with the carnage in the data center, Mikoto exited the still open door, halon gas pouring out after her. She raced down the hall to her next target, the labs, knowing that time was not on her side.

“Sir, teams report they are on site. They have breached the main floor and are moving up to the top floor to capture the terrorist,” informed the assistant.

“Excellent,” agreed the chief, sipping his tea.

The last of the equipment in flames behind her, Mikoto raced back for the opening in the window to make good her escape. Behind her, she heard shouting and running boots. Pulling herself out of the window, she shot up the side of the building and onto the root. “Wow, they were fast. Finished just in time!” she thought as she sprinted to the far side of the roof.

“Sir, units on sight caught a brief glimpse of our target. The target made good their escape, and the lab and data center are reported to be totally annihilated. It’s all lost, sir!” reported the assistant. On the screen, he displayed the images captured by the video feeds from the suppression team. From the ground, a quick moving figure in the shadows popped out of the broken window and shot up the side of the building, then onto the roof.

Another feed captured the roof, showing a smallish human shaped figure dashing across the roof then leaping off the other side. There was a final picture of a smallish shadow sailing between two buildings, then nothing.

“Well damn. I guess we have to reassess for our next attack,” noted the chief, taking his tea back into his office and closing the door.

Author's Note:

Events in A Certain Magical Index during this time:

  • The Sisters Arc (Railgun)

Just saying, Toma is awesome, Index is great, Sunny and Twi are little godlings, but Mikoto Misaka is bucking amazing!

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