• Published 29th Aug 2022
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A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Act 1 - 22 - Change - A Frank Discussion in the Lunar Realm

Chang’e - A Frank Discussion in the Lunar Realm

Thursday, August 21. Unknown local time, noon-ish Canterlot time.
Warning - Naurito class talk-jitsu coming. Gird your loins or flee in terror.

“Okay wait! Then who is the god or goddess of earth? The Maker?” asked Sunset as they sat back around the table and enjoyed their tea. “And you mean that Twilight and I are what? Acting goddesses of Mars?” She sipped her tea.

“Yes, though not acting. There is no pretense in this. The old god of the world you have claimed moved on many ages ago. Your world is in a deep and deathlike slumber, but I have seen signs of its return to life since your arrival,” agreed Chang’e.

“I wonder. Do you mean the blooms we discovered along the riverbed?” asked Twilight.

“Just so, and other things as well,” agreed Chang’e.

“Wow. Just, wow.” said Sunset “Who knew we were claiming anything! Right Sparky? We were just having fun. For science!” she grinned.

“For science!” laughed Twilight. She turned back to Chang’e. “So, as to what Sunset said, who is the god of earth? Is there a god of earth?”

“Were there no god of the realm, the magical energy of your world would wither and fail. Slowly, mind you. See how long it has taken your new realm to fall to where it is. But fall it would.

“No. Your world has not been abandoned. The Maker created it but she has left it in the care of her disciple. The Maker’s Will is the guardian of earth,” answered Chang’e.

“The Makers Will? Wait, you mean my… you mean Faust, right?” asked Sunset. “My great whatever times-something grandmother is the goddess of earth? How does that work?” she asked.

“Yes, my child. That is exactly what I mean. Your great-great-grandmother is the goddess of earth. And she is thrilled to see you, and your dearest friends, taking your first steps towards stewardship of your own realm. And what do you mean? How does what work?” responded Chang’e.

“That’s so much to unpack!” sighed Sunset shaking her head. “Okay! Tabling that for a bit. I mean how does it work that my… that Faust is the goddess of earth? She’s not even from earth! She’s from my realm! She was an alicorn like me and the princesses. How in the world… How is it that Faust is the goddess of earth? A world she never even lived in? Why isn’t she the goddess of, say, Equestria?” Sunset shook her head.

“First off, as I understand it, Equestria is a country, not a world,” corrected Chang’e.

“Okay, yeah, Fair point,” conceded Sunset. “We usually call it Equus. But that’s just as bad. There are so many other races besides ponies there yet we seem to be a bit… uh… pony-centric? Going with that…pony-centric in our language.

“So anyway, yeah. My world, in the realm I grew up in, why isn’t Faust the goddess of that instead?”

“For one, your world is lousy with goddesses!” laughed Chang’e. “Good heavens, just your kingdom alone has three of them. Five if you count the Crystal goddess and her daughter. It is the so-called blessing of the beast realm. Your realm never fell, as the human realm did. So you have no shortage of souls making the journey to the Astral realm. Also, it is not just you ponies. Every race has had their share. Mostly they drift off to other worlds to start their own realms.”

She took a sip of her tea, then continued. “Look at the god of the world you have claimed. The one you called Mars. He wanted to try something different, and so he did. When you have eternity to spend, you don’t stay in one place forever.” Chang’e grinned. “I however plan on being here for quite a while. There is too much fun to miss out on.”

“But regarding Faust, she came here because she was needed. She is the Maker's disciple. She is the teacher of harmony and guardian of the Maker's truths. Humanity holds a special place in the Maker’s heart. So, when the Maker asked her to become the guardian of earth, she did not refuse,” finished Chang’e.

“So there haven’t been many human gods or goddesses?” asked Sunset.

“Oh, good heavens child! There have been a great many over the ages! They have laid claim to every nearby realm and spread from there. There are many humans in the Astral realm.” Chang’e smiled. “Just not as many as there have been from the beast realm. Not that it is a contest. If the Maker’s will were everywhere followed and cherished, all born to reason and hope would tread the path to ascension.” She smiled.

“Sadly that is not to be. Though all is not lost! Ascension is just one gateway to eternity. All creatures of goodwill are welcome! This includes those who pass through death's gate. All in the realm are gladdened by their presence.”

“What about those that pass through death's door with, uhm… without goodwill? Are they welcomed too?” asked Twilight, looking troubled.

“They are welcome but unfit for the realm. They choose not to stay. However, by the application of great mercy, some shed their shackles and chose to remain. But it is a rare heart that can accept the change required after the mortal coil has been shed. Though rare, it can happen. And when it does, there is great rejoicing.”

Chang’e looked at Sunset. “Know this. Kindness… The healing thoughts and intercessions of a forgiving heart… Love, friendship, and goodwill towards others, especially towards those who deserve it least and need it most… All these have a great effect towards easing the shackles on the hearts and souls of wretched creatures lacking goodwill. Miraculous change has been known to occur! Many souls have been redeemed by acts and thoughts of goodwill for those who lack that grace. It is one of the Maker’s mysteries how this is so, but it remains our delight that it is! No one is meant for the places souls are lost to when they cannot live with goodwill.”

“What do you mean?” asked Sunset, confused.

“I mean, dear child, there is someone even now in the astral realms joyfully running across the plains of Elysium. Someone who did not know goodwill but who now holds you precious in her heart. Not all who are assumed lost are lost. Keep up your hope and kind thoughts on their behalf! It brings joy to the Maker and to all in the Astral realm,” replied Chang’e.

“Wow. That’s deep,” said Twilight. Sunset was lost in thought. Dash had fallen asleep across her arms, drool spreading in a puddle on the table.

“I think we lost Dashie,” observed Twilight with a grin.

“My dear avatar seems more suited to moments of action,” snarked Chang’e.

“True that,” agreed Sunset, gently shaking her friend. “Dash… Dash… Dashie… wake up.”

Dash opened her eyes and looked around slowly. “Ah… it wasn’t just a dream. Wow.” She sat up and wiped her arm, and the table, with a cloth napkin. “Sorry about that!” she said sheepishly.

Sunset pulled her into a quick hug. “No worries, Dashie. I didn’t know we were going to go full egg-head. If I weren’t such a nerd, I would’ve fallen asleep too!” she joked.

Dash laughed. “Thank’s Sunset.” She hugged her back.

Sunset laughed, scruffing Dash’s hair. “Come on, sleepyhead. Let's get you home.” Smiling, Dash nodded. Thanking the goddess for her hospitality, they packed up their things and headed out. Twilight levitated Sunset and her chair beside her as together they made their way back to the surface.

“Dumb question. How the heck did you get down there in the first place? There’s no way you were able to roll down here.” Twilight realized.

“No. Not dumb. But I was,” Sunset grinned. “I teleported from rock to rock, following Dash and Chang’e to her cavern. I thought I had it down until I hit a soft patch and flipped my chair. Everyone had a laugh at that one,” she grimaced. “Nothing hurt but my pride. Ah well. Dash carried me from there and Chang’e pulled my chair along until we got into her cavern where I could wheel it again.”

Twilight laughed out loud. “Leave it to you to provide comic relief!”

“It was pretty epic!” agreed Dash with a grin.

“Har dee har har! Laugh at the girl in the wheelchair, why don’t you…” Sunset groused.

“Hey, come on, Sunny! It’s not like that. I was just teasing,” grinned Dash.

“I know. Sore topic. I hate not being able to do everything myself,” Sunset admitted sheepishly.

“Well, you could have gone full magic mode and just levitated yourself you know,” observed Twilight.

“Yeah. I know Princess Twilight’s friend, Starlight, does that all the time. Maybe I should just practice that more and float around everywhere like some sort of meat ghost,” snarked Sunset. “Still though, good point. I’ll ask her for some pointers. It would be a useful skill to have.”

“Good! Then you can teach me too!” smiled Twilight as they approached the Apollo site. Finding a firm patch of ground, she set her friends down, chair and all. “Okay! Time to head home. That’s all you, Sunny!” she smiled.

“Right!” Sunset said while holding out her hands. Twilight and Dash each took one. “On three! One, two, three!” There was a teal flash and the girls were gone.

If there is no struggle, there is no progress - The Celestial Teachings

Toma - Academy City

Toma ran through the city streets, racing towards the lot Mikoto informed him was to be the location.

Back in the cargo holding area, Accelerator agreed the experiment was indeed beginning, and charged at Misaka.

Mikoto snuggled the cat close, though it was becoming restless due to the electromagnetic field.

“I know Toma said this only works if he battles Accelerator, because he’s the Level 0, and has to be the one to beat him. And he promised to bring my clone back unharmed. I know even if I go there, I can’t do anything or I risk undoing what he’s trying to do,” she stressed.

“But he’s crazy if he thinks I can just stand here and do nothing,” she said to herself and she ran towards Accelerator’s location. “I can’t just leave things be! I can sit here and do nothing!”

Toma neared the railway cargo holding area, looking at the fence surrounding it. He could hear the sounds of the battle raging inside. He quickly scaled the fence and ran towards the sound of the battle.

Further in, Misaka 10032 jumped and attacked Accelerator with her electromagnetic blast. As expected, it had no effect on him as he redirected each attack back at her, some hitting but others missing as she attempted to evade them while still closing with him.

“I really have to commend you for your pace and ferocity! It’s not going to change anything in the end,” he panted, grinning. “But it is buying you time!”

Misaka continued her relentless attacks. Accelerator caught his breath, watching as Misaka leapt to the top of a nearby shipping container.

“The night is completely windless, notes Misaka,” she called out from the top of the container.

Accelerator sniffed, noticing for the first time the air had a slightly burnt tinge to its smell. He smiled. “Oh! That’s clever! That’s a first! Well done, you are a clever one! You’re using your powers while we fight to break up the oxygen in the air and create ozone! You're using your powers to fill the battleground with ozone, depriving me of oxygen so I run out of air! That’s ingenious!” He complimented Misaka.

“One little flaw with your plan there though,” he continued. “Your plan will fail spectacularly as soon as I catch you. And I will catch you!” he smiled, charging towards her.

He caught her easily. “See! I changed the vectors of my feet, and your speed was no match.” He punched her. Misaka slammed to the ground, her body rolling a few feet away before she stopped.

In pain, and unable to rise, she looked up to see Accelerator looming over her grinning. “Do you know a way to beat up your opponent without punching them?”

He hauled his food back, then kicked her hard in the stomach. “Just like that! All I need to do is touch your body, and change the vector of the opposing momentum. See!” He resumed kicking her, stopping only on noticing a movement in the corner of his vision. He turned, and saw Toma had arrived.

Toma ran up to him and dropped into a fighting stance. “Get away from Misaka!” he commanded, hands held up like a boxer.

“Oh, this just gets better and better. Now I have to kill an idiot civilian to keep the experiments secret.” He groaned. “Okay idiot. Prepare to die.”

Toma didn’t flinch. “Shut up. Get away from Misaka now!”

Accelerator raised an eyebrow. “Wow, stupid much? Ready to face this?” He kicked a small rock resting by his foot. The rock launched at supersonic speeds past Toma, slamming into a tower behind the lot, destroying it violently on impact.

Toma didn’t even turn to see it, still facing down Accelerator. “Wow. Well you are fearless, though stupid,” noted Accelerator.

Toma had enough of the verbal sparring. He stomped towards Accelerator.

From her position on the ground beside Accelerator, Misaka 10032 watched Toma with surprise. The brief time they had spent together bonding over the black cat rushed through her thoughts. “Toma! Why are you doing this, Misaka queries in confusion. I am an experimental subject, created for this experiment. There are many replacements for me, and more can be grown if needed, Misaka explains,” she called out to him in pain.

“Misaka, shut up!” shouted Toma to her, still facing off against Accelerator directly. “I’m here to save you. I’m here to save all of you. You are the only one of you in this world and I’m going to save you!”

Accelerator groaned, hearing him. “Oh please! What do you think you are? Some stupid comic book hero? Spouting stupid lines like that, you sound like you fell right out of the pages of a really bad manga! Have you forgotten who you are fighting with?”

Accelerator tapped his foot gently on the ground, creating an explosion of rocks and dirt, and throwing Toma several feet away from him. “Too slow!” he called out, mocking Toma as he rose.

Accelerator tapped on a nearby metal rail with his foot, which launched itself at Toma like a missile, though Toma quickly dodged it. Accelerator continued, launching several metal rails at him.

The rails hit the ground around him, throwing up clouds of dust and dirt and blocking the view of Toma. When the smoke and dust cleared, Toma could be seen standing, a tangle of rails all around him, unhurt by Accelerator's attacks. Toma heard a crack. Looking up he saw several more beams falling towards him. They hit the ground with a boom, throwing up more dirt and dust, once again blocking Toma from view.

When the dust cleared, Toma was still standing in the middle of the beams, gasping for breath. He looked up, noticing Accelerator had moved and was now standing on top of one of the beams. They stared each other down intently for several moments.

“Wow, you really are too slow!” Accelerator mocked, jumping down from the beam to the ground, then walking towards Toma.

Accelerator tapped on the ground with his foot again, displacing more dirt and rock in a shower of debris that covered Toma, who fell to the ground under the onslaught.

Accelerator laughed happily as he walked towards Toma. “Well! And now, I end you with one touch. Goodbye you annoying nuisance,” cackled Accelerator, reaching forward to place his hand on Toma. As he reached out to touch him, Toma slapped his hand away with his right hand.

Accelerator looked confused for a moment, unable to understand what had just happened. He then screamed in frustration, stomping the ground, displacing rocks, dirt, and Toma into the air before him. The explosive force sent Toma slamming into a nearby metallic shipping container, denting it deeply and leaving him sprawled out before it, covered in rocks and dirt.

“Ouch,” grunted Toma, rising to his feet again. The force of the impact from him and the rocks, in addition to denting the container, had displaced several other containers stacked on top of it. They tipped, tearing open and pouring out their contents over Toma as he dodged the falling debris.

Recovering, Toma slowly backed away from the wreckage.

“Now that’s interesting,” noted Accelerator as he walked towards Toma again. “It seems one of those containers contained wheat flour. You know what? That’s dangerous, especially tonight, with no wind to disperse it.

“I wonder what would happen if all this powdered flour floating around you were to suddenly catch fire. Ever hear of a dust explosion, hum?” he teased.

Toma’s eyes widened in shock, realizing what Accelerator was about to do. “Bacca!” he screamed, racing as fast as he could to clear the area. Accelerator cackled. “Too slow!” The area around them was engulfed in flames and he ignited the flour, setting off a huge dust explosion.

Several moments later, the dust and ash from the explosion cleared. Accelerator stood gasping and laughing in the middle of it, while Toma stood unharmed near the edge. Both were trying to catch their breath.

“Well, note to myself,” commented Accelerator, still laughing as he caught his breath. “Don’t do that again. Set off explosions where they won’t use up all your oxygen and leave you gasping like a floundering fish.” He turned to Toma, still catching his breath and glaring back at him.

“Rejoice, idiot! You’re the first one to have actually pushed me into a near death situation. Take that happy accomplishment with you to your grave!” he laughed.

Toma didn’t respond, only standing once again before Accelerator in a silent challenge.

“Wow, they really did raise you an idiot!” Accelerator gloated. “There is nothing you can do! You’re going to die here in the next few moments, having only been useful as an enjoyable diversion for me for a few moments. No matter what you do, I can control any vector I touch! With one touch, I can blow all of your veins and turn your organs to paste! The fact that you’re even standing now is a bit of a miracle, so pat yourself on the back for that on your way out of this life! You really should just stand down like a good little idiot, and fade back into whatever woodwork you fell out of. Maybe I’ll even let you live for a while before I decide to hunt you down and end you like I promised. No, not scampeing for your life yet? Guess you’re still too slow, idiot!” laughed Accelerator.

He charged at Toma, extending his right arm to touch him with the intent to end his life. With nothing more left to say or do, Toma clenched his right fist and punched Accelerator in the jaw as he came at him, sending Accelerator hurling backwards several feet and landing in a heap.

Accelerator sat up quickly, shocked at what just happened. He shook his head to clear the fog the punch delivered.

Toma looked at his right fist, smiling. “Imagine Breaker even works against his power. Though so!” he thought smugly.

“Okay, that was sweet. You really have my blood jumping for joy! Nice punch!” said Accelerator as he rose.

He quickly launched himself again at Toma, enraged, the compliment clearly just a ruse. Toma ducked aside as Accelerator blazed past him, punching him in the face as he passed. He followed that up with several more quick punches that Accelerator was unable to block. One final punch launched Accelerator several feet, leaving him once again sprawled out before Toma.

Toma leapt forward, intent on delivering a final punch to his face to knock him out, but Accelerator avoided the punch by using his vector reversal to launch himself a great height into the air in retreat.

Shaking his head, Accelerator tried to clear the internal fog Toma’s beat down had inflicted on him. He struggled to keep his balance, unable to understand what just happened.

Seeing him shaken and dazed, Toma laughed, mocking him back. “So much for being completely unbeatable, eh?” he taunted. “How do you like being on the receiving end of a good old-school beat down? Still having fun?!”

He moved closer to Accelerator, still fighting to keep his balance. “I guess it figures a guy that can just deflect anything his opponents throw at him and defeat them with one attack wouldn’t be worth shit in a real fight. Don’t feel bad! You’ve just been spoiled by never having to actually fight anyone ever. Just a big overgrown, overpowered baby. No one expects a baby to be able to street fight,” he taunted. “Wet themselves? Maybe. But fight? Nah!” He laughed as he stepped up to Accelerator.

Shaking with rage from the insults, Accelerator used his vector powers to rip the metal rails from the tracks through the railyard. They distorted and bent, carrying Toma into the air with them, as he had been standing on one of the rails while taunting Accelerator.

Unphased, Toma used the momentum of the writhing metal to launch himself through the air towards Accelerator, landing a crushing right hook and sending Accelerator flying into a stop sign several meters back in the yard. Toma stuck his landing then walked over to Accelerator, standing over him as he struggled to sit up.

“So, why is it that these people who are just trying to live their lives as best they can end up being your prey? Hmm? Why is that?” he asked, standing over Accelerator.

Accelerator finished pulling himself into a sitting position. From the ground under Toma’s glare, he laughed. He slowly got back up.

“What you said about people trying to live their lives is complete nonsense. You really are a complete idiot!” He laughed.

Standing up and stepping back, Accelerator raised his arms over his head, spouting clicks and bizarre screeches. He then laughed maniacally as sudden gusts of wind filled the area around them, most notable being the streams of blue energy forming above him.

As the blue energy swirled and writhed above him in his control, Accelerator called out to them. “Kill him!” he commanded. The swirling blue energies compressed themselves into a small sphere, and released several streams of energy. Unable to block them all, Toma was overwhelmed by their power and blasted back by the attack.

Accelerator laughed. “See, idiot! You really are powerless before me!” he mocked, forming another pulsing blue ball of energy. “You’re all talk! One more hit, and you’re done. Goodbye idiot!”

Accelerator raised his arms high, holding his hands below the swirling streams of blue energy. “Ah, not sure you can hear me. It looks like I may have knocked you out with that last attack. Don’t worry though, your suffering is about to end!” He cackled.

“Ever wonder what happens when you compress ionized air? Did you ever want to see what would happen to someone if they touched it? Guess what? You’re about to find out, first hand! Where is all your bravery now, hmm? Guess you’ll just have to play along now and fill the part of my next victim. Too bad!” He gloated.

“Accelerator! You need to face me, not play with him!” shouted a voice he recognized.

He turned, and noticed Mikoto standing there at the edge of the railyard, a game token in her hand and arms outstretched to launch it into him. “Oh goody, another one,” he snarked, turning to face her.

“No Mikoto! Don’t do it! You can’t interfere!” called out Toma, struggling to sit up and face her. “You can’t do this!”

Mikoto smiled at Toma. “I know you wanted nothing lost, and everyone to come out of this smiling. But that’s not possible. I know what I’m doing here is selfish, but I don’t care. Toma, I want you to live! I’m not willing to let you die for this, for me.” She crouched down into her stance ready to launch her token, then paused for a moment, sensing something amiss.

She started at the ball over Accelerator, realizing it was filled with glowing plasma, controlled to flow in a uniform direction and compressed down to the one spot above him. The sphere grew larger by the second.

She tried controlling the plasma with her electromancy powers but was unable to affect it. She noted the wind, sensing Accelerator was using the flow of the wind to control and grow the plasma. Then she heard a cat meow nearby.

Yes,” she thought, dropping her stance and racing to where Misaka 10032 had crawled to hide behind a shipping container and with the cat. Accelerator watched her antics with amusement as he continued to add to the plasma ball overhead.

Misaka! Misaka, wake up!” She called out to the girl, who had blacked out again from her injuries. “Misaka, we need your help! You’re the only one who can do this! Wake up!”

Misaka woke, then stood up shakily. “Misaka does not understand the meaning of your words, but they resonate strongly within her, Misaka states.”

Throughout the city, the wind turbines started moving on their own, producing powerful gusts of wind. Sparks flew out of the nacelles of the turbines.

Accelerator was losing control of the ball of plasma above him. “What’s happening? Did I miscalculate the flow?” he cried out in frustration. He checked over his vectors. “No, no mistakes, What did I miss?” He looked around, then noticed the blades turning on the wind turbines throughout the city. He turned around to face Mikoto who was standing next to Misaka. She smiled then flipped him the bird.

Throughout the city, sister clones were standing at the base of each wind turbine, using their electromancy powers to force the flow of air from the turbines, in perfect telepathic communication with each other.

Accelerator was enraged. “I swear! I’m going to kill you both!” he raged.

Mikoto stood before her clone, arms outstretched and token once again in her hands. “Bring it!” She challenged him.

Accelerator growled in frustration. “Screw it! Neither of you are even worth my time! You’re both too weak for me to even bother with!” he raged.

Toma called out to Accelerator. “Wise choice. Leave them alone. This is our dance.”

Accelerator turned to him, surprised and excited. “Are you kidding me? Oh, this is too much! You really are the best I’ve ever had to fight!” He raced towards Toma, arms once again outstretched to end his life. When they were both nearly in each other’s grasp, Toma surprised him, ducking under his arm and forcing him to try using his other hand to touch Toma. Toma easily batted it away with his right hand, completely negating its effect.

The surprise move left Accelerator completely open for a moment, unable to defend himself from Toma’s next advance. Flowing into his fighting stance, Toma clenching his right fist, jumping towards Accelerator. With a final right-handed haymaker to Accelerator's face, he hit him with everything he had. Accelerator launched into the air, landing and rolling to a stop just before Mikoto and Misaka, face-up and completely unconscious.

Toma smiled at the girls, gave them a thumbs up, then blacked out from his injuries.

Author's Note:

Events in the A Certain Magical Index during this time:

  • The Sisters Arc (Index).

I :heart: Toma.

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