• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,144 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

Anything Goes

Chapter 6

Lake Clarity Beach, Camp Everfree

Fluttershy walked beside Wallflower at a leisurely pace, her hand held firmly in the other girl’s grasp. Much to the timid animal lover’s delight, she’d spent the rest of the morning and a good portion of the afternoon with her new friend doing all sorts of fun things. Such as: a relaxing, peaceful hike in the forest where they’d seen a rare, Pileated Woodpecker, a shoreside picnic lunch, and brisk swim in the lake afterwards.

Even though she hadn’t known Wallflower for very long, it was clear to Fluttershy that they already shared a deep connection to each other and had quite a lot in common. A connection that she hoped would develop into something far more intimate in due time. She wasn’t entirely certain if Wallflower was attracted to other girls that way but, deep down, Fluttershy knew that she would come to regret not confessing her feelings to the green-haired introvert even if they simply remained friends afterwards. After all, there was no telling when she’d get the chance to see Wallflower Blush again after their together time at Camp Everfree finally came to an end.

It was already getting close to four o’clock, the official start time of the potluck dinner. The volleyball tourney was set to coincide with the dinner, both as a fun activity to engage in for the camp guests and a source of evening entertainment. Fluttershy wasn’t sure if she was up to participating in the tourney herself, but she certainly wouldn’t mind watching some of the action with Wallflower by her side. A light blushed formed on her cheeks as she imagined the romantic scenario: the two of them, sitting side by side, cuddling and enjoying the warm of each other’s bare skin while they watched a bunch of sweaty, nude athletes… hitting a volleyball?

Fluttershy had to blink several times to get the lewd thoughts of certain pieces of anatomy jiggling around during the tourney out of her head. As if to read her mind, Wallflower looked over at Fluttershy with a wary expression, clearly concerned by her friend’s distracted behavior but not quite brave enough to ask why she was blushing so hard.

Once they finally arrived at the beach, Wallflower sighed when she saw Gloriosa standing near the edge of the court. The camp owner looked poised to perform a wicked spike against the other team as the volleyball inevitably sailed across the court towards her corner. With the grace and beauty of a trained Olympian, Gloriosa sprang into the air and smacked the ball hard enough that it spun like a bullet and left a noticeable impact crater in the sand below. When a point was declared by Flash Sentry (acting as referee), Gloriosa ran over to Gilda and they bumped bellies together in a display of celebration and comradery, like a couple of rowdy soccer players.

“Gloriosa sure is beautiful. I know this a terrible thing to say since she’s such a nice person, but I can’t help but feel a little jealous of her rockin’ hot body. Just look at her! That girl practically belongs on the front cover of Alluring Athletes & Muscle Bunnies Monthly. She’d be the perfect partner for Spitfire or Lightning Dust during one of those sports-action photoshoots.”

Fluttershy completely agreed with her friend’s assessment, but was surprised to learn that Wallflower seemed to be an avid reader of AAMBM magazine. It was, after all, intended to be read (mainly) by a male demographic. As evidenced by the fact that it predominantly featured attractive, athletic, nude women within its pages. Fluttershy enjoyed reading the tasteful, erotic publication for obvious reasons, but it was also good reference material for her doujins. Was this a subtle sign that Wallflower Blush might actually be interested in girls that way?

“My best friend, Rainbow Dash, has a very similar physique to Gloriosa’s but she has a bit more muscle definition in certain places. Except her breasts aren’t quite so round… and full. Dashie’s cup size has always been more on the—umm—petite side. That’s probably the reason why she chooses to wear a sports bra most of the time, I think.”

Wallflower glanced down at her own breasts and frowned. “Did she ever—you know—get bullied because of her figure?”

“Not that I know of. She’s always been a tough girl. Both mentally and physically. I don’t think any of our classmates ever made fun of her because they knew she could beat them up easily if they tried. Besides, Dashie never once acted like she was ashamed of her body in the first place. Even though I love her like a sister, sometimes, I can’t help but feel a little jealous of how confident she is in her own skin. Oh, dear. I sound like a terrible friend, don’t I?”

Wallflower traced her thumb along the surface of Fluttershy’s hand. “If anything, I think it makes you sound like an honest friend. We all feel jealous of other people’s talents and… their bodies sometimes too. It’s just human nature. Can’t really be helped.”

“I know; it just makes me feel… a little guilty is all. But thanks for the reassurance, Wallflower. So—umm—do you enjoy reading AAMBM magazine, by chance? I have a monthly subscription to it myself because the models are always so… pretty and it gives me a good reference point for my doujin characters’ potential designs.”

Wallflower rubbed the back of her neck. “Ahahaha, well, you see… my uncle has a pretty decent collection of them back at his house and he lets me peruse them whenever I want. But yeah. I do enjoy looking at the models and READING THE ARTICLES! Erm—you know, since they’re all so relevant and interesting.”

Fluttershy looked away and bit her lip. “Oh, umm… right. Are athletic girls your type? I-I mean, that is to say: do you like girls? Goodness, what am I even saying?! I didn’t mean to ask you such a personal question. You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to…”

“There’s no need to apologize, Fluttershy. I don’t mind telling you. But yeah, I’m definitely into girls. You’re not freaked out by it, are you? Because I REALLY don’t want it to make things super awkward between the two of us or have it ruin our friendship.”

Fluttershy felt her heart soar. “No, it doesn’t. Quite the contrary, in fact.”

“Really? Why’s that, if I may ask.”

“Because,” Fluttershy whispered as she leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Wallflower’s cheek, “I definitely like girls too.”

Wallflower’s entire face turned beet red. “You mean, e-even a girl… like me?”

Fluttershy nodded enthusiastically. “Especially, a girl like you.”

“Does that mean you want to be more than just friends?”

Fluttershy grasped both of Wallflower’s hands and looked directly into her eyes. “Yes, I do. I know this is a very sudden confession on my part, but I truly believe that we were destined to meet here at Camp Everfree. I love spending time with you, Wallflower. Whether it’s talking about manga, holding hands, sharing a picnic lunch, taking a walk, it doesn’t matter! I can tell that we share a strong bond even though we haven’t known each other for very long.”

Wallflower felt like her stomach was doing somersaults. “Are you absolutely sure that you want to date someone like me? I’m not particularly attractive, I have severe social anxiety, I throw up whenever I get nervous, and I’ve never been in a relationship before. Basically, I’m your archetypical, socially awkward, virgin loser!”

“No, you’re not. You just haven’t found the right person to share your heart with yet. If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t ever dated anyone either. And the same goes for sex. Umm… apart from pleasuring myself, of course. We can explore both of those things together! Please, Wallflower. I’d really like it if you’d be my special someone. I won’t force you to say yes, but I wanted to let you know the truth about my feelings for you before it was too late.”

Despite shaking like a leaf and choking back the urge to vomit again, Wallflower managed to lean over and kiss Fluttershy’s cheek. “YES! Of course, I want to be your special someone! From the moment I first saw you in the woods, your beauty took my breath away. I just can’t believe that you felt the same way about a frumpy girl like me…”

Fluttershy’s expression turned serious as she put her hands on her hips. “We’ve talked about this already, Wallflower. I don’t want to hear you putting yourself down like that. Although physical attraction is the basis of many relationships, it’s not the most important part. At least, in my opinion it isn’t. I was drawn to you for many different reasons. But! Rest assured; I really do think that you’re beautiful in your own unique way. So, let’s leave it at that.”

Overcome with emotion, Wallflower embraced Fluttershy in a tight hug, savoring the warmth of her girlfriend’s bare skin as it touched her own and the floral aroma of her perfume. Fluttershy returned Wallflower’s affection in kind, by rubbing her back gently and planting a quick kiss on her lips. The newly minted couple refrained from doing anything more than holding each other’s hands while they continued to walk towards the buffet table.

Neither of the young women were comfortable with overt displays of public affection in first place, let alone doing so whilst in the nude. Hugging, light kissing, and hand holding were perfectly acceptable but anything more intense than that tended to get out of hand rapidly. If for no other reason than nudity tended to erase many of the physical barriers that clothing normally presented. Thus, making it easier for couples to engage in far more intimate forms of affection. While Camp Everfree did have strict rules in place regarding lewd conduct, it was not entirely unheard of for some of the bolder guests to exploit the grey areas.

As Fluttershy and Wallflower were filling their paper plates with BBQ pork and coleslaw, they happened to notice a middle-aged couple standing just a few steps away, doing much the same. Both of the girls immediately recognized them as Canter City’s resident bakers and pâtissiers: The Cakes. To say that they were surprised to see the married couple vacationing at Camp Everfree was an understatement.

Mr. Cake was tall and lanky, had an average-sized penis, and a messy tuft of orange pubic hair right below his waist. Mrs. Cake, on the other hand, was what many would consider to be “pleasantly plump”. She had large breasts with equally large areola, wide hips, and a posterior that jiggled ever so slightly while she walked. The older woman kept her mulberry-colored pubes trimmed in a neat little patch that was somewhat triangular in shape.

The cyan-skinned woman looked extremely nervous and unsure of herself. Very similar, in fact, to the way Fluttershy felt the first day she arrived at the camp. Considering that neither Fluttershy or Wallflower recalled seeing the married couple prior to the potluck, it was entirely possible that they’d just recently arrived. Mr. Cake didn’t seem nervous but it was quite obvious that he was worried about his wife. In one hand, he held a beer bottle, and with the other he gently massed his wife’s back as a gesture of comfort.

“Cuppy, it’s alright. Camp Everfree is a naturist resort. Everyone else is just as naked as we are. Take a deep breath and relax. No one’s judging you.”

Cup Cake sighed. “That’s easy for you to say, dear. You haven’t given birth to twins and have extra ‘junk in the trunk’ to carry around as Pinkie would say. I know I said that I wanted to spice up our anniversary trip this year but… now I’m not so sure that it was a good idea coming here.”

“Honey, you know I’ve always loved you no matter what you look like. If anything, I think you’re still just as beautiful as the day I married you. C’mon, let’s grab some burgers and—”

“No, Carrot! It’s not that simple,” Cup Cake huffed, “Remember what happened when we first checked in? It took me two hours just to work up the courage to take off my clothes and step out of the damn cabin! Don’t you dare lie to me and say that you haven’t checked out some of the other ladies walking around. It’s impossible not to. We’re all buck-naked for goodness sake!

“I’ll even admit that I’ve done some looking of my own. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m overweight and have plenty of stretch marks to spare. I know, in my heart, that you think I’m beautiful but I can’t help but feel… inadequate compared to the other women in the camp.”

Carrot put down his beer and wrapped his wife in a gentle hug. “What can I do to help? I want you to enjoy yourself on this trip. I’ll tell you what: let’s give Camp Everfree a chance until tomorrow morning. If you’re still feeling stressed out and miserable, we can pack up and head straight back to Canter City. How’s that sound?”

Cup Cake sniffed and wiped away a few tears. “Alright, dear. That sounds fair. I’m sorry for being such a Debbie downer. Maybe some baked goods will help me calm down a bit.”

Carrot chuckled. “The good news is: there’s plenty of those to be found here. Oh! And it seems like there’s some familiar faces amongst us too! Imagine that.”

Fluttershy and Wallflower both waved to the Cakes.

Mrs. Cake tried her best to greet the girls with a friendly smile. “Hello, dears. It’s good to see the both of you again. Even if… I’m seeing quite a bit more of you than I’m normally used to. What brings you to Camp Everfree this summer?”

Fluttershy twirled a strand of her hair. “Oh, umm… I’m here because Tree Hugger invited me. And Wallflower’s here with her uncle on a work assignment. He’s the head chef. Wallflower and I got to know each other pretty well after a while, and now we’re officially… girlfriends. Just thought I’d let you know that.”

“Aww, how wonderful! You two certainly make an adorable couple! I wish the best of luck to the both you. As for Carrot and I: we decided to do something different this year for our anniversary trip. That’s why we’re here. Although, this place hasn’t quite been what I expected so far…”

Fluttershy nodded sagely. “Yes, I know exactly what you mean.”

“You do?”

“Oh, yes. I was a complete nervous wreck when I first arrived here too. But after a while, being nude started to feel normal to me. Almost as if wearing clothes was strange and unnatural. I’m sure that once you spend a little bit more time having fun with your husband, you’ll forget all about your anxiety and start to get more comfortable in your own skin.”

Mrs. Cake shuffled her feet in the grass and blushed heavily. “Ah, you overheard my entire conversation with Carrot earlier, didn’t you?”

“Well, umm—not intentionally. That is, we weren’t trying to eavesdrop on purpose. I’m sorry.”

Mr. Cake chuckled awkwardly. “Not to worry girls. Cup and I weren’t exactly being quiet about it. Still, I’m glad that you’re being so supportive of my wife. I’m sure that’s exactly the kind of thing that she needs to hear right now. Thanks.”

“No problem, Mr. Cake. If you don’t mind, Wallflower and I are going to sit together in the grass, enjoy our dinner, and watch a little bit more of the game. It was nice seeing the both of you! Hopefully, we’ll meet again real soon.”

Mrs. Cake waved goodbye to the girls as they made their way over towards the beach to watch the current volleyball match in progress. Still feeling a bit melancholic, she eyed the baked goods arrayed along the buffet table and spotted some delectable looking brownies stored in a plastic Tupperware container. According to the scrawled permanent marker text on the lid, they were denoted as: “special brownies”. Upon opening said container, Cup couldn’t find anything particularly special about them other than the fact that they had some peanut butter chips mixed in. Other than that, the brownies looked and smelled quite delicious.

So, without further ado, Mrs. Cake grabbed three of them and started gobbling down the moist, chocolatey treats with reckless abandon. One thing that Mrs. Cake noticed immediately was the odd, earthy aftertaste in her mouth when she finished each morsel. Some bakers liked to add secret spices to enhance their brownie mix and she figured it might just be a pinch of nutmeg or something similar. With a casual shrug, she went about her business and started enjoying a piece of fried chicken while she washed all of it down with glass of iced tea.

It only took a few minutes before Mrs. Cake started to feel a bit odd. Not so much in the sense that she was in pain or sick but… more relaxed, or lighter maybe? She couldn’t quite put her finger on the sensation. Cup watched as her husband intently as he sat, open-legged, on the picnic blanket and swigged his beer. She scooted a bit closer to him and ran her fingers along the inside of his thigh, which made him pause for a moment, but he didn’t ask her to stop.

Like Fluttershy and Wallflower, they’d decided to spectate the volleyball game as well and Cup had to admit, there were a fair number of attractive people participating in the current match. Both male and female. Especially, the camp owner’s brother, Timber Spruce. Despite his youthful age, it was blatantly obvious that the boy was hung like a horse. Every time Timber moved across the field, his enormous testicles dangled to and fro like a fleshy pendulum.

Cup found herself mesmerized by the sight and looked back at her husband. He seemed to enjoy watching the female players with their bouncing breasts and buttocks as well. What made the scene even more alluring was the thin sheen of glistening sweat that coated the surface of their skin. It was enough to make Cup Cake feel a slow, tingling warmth begin to spread within her loins. For the first time since their trip began, Cup didn’t care that she was nude or that other people were around to see her.

A sense of confidence that she hadn’t known since her university days overcame Mrs. Cake as she crawled atop her husband. Without a moment’s hesitation, she cupped his cheeks, and drew him closer to her lips. She kissed her husband passionately, slid her tongue into his mouth, and played with his own in a little game of oral dominance.

When she finally pulled away, a thin trail of saliva still connected them. Her husband’s expression was a mixture of surprise, and most importantly, arousal. A small part of her mind screamed at her that what she’d just done was horribly inappropriate but it was quickly drowned out by the louder voice that urged her to just go with the flow and let things happen as they may.

“Cup, sweetie. What’s gotten into you all of the sudden?”

Mrs. Cake played with Carrot’s hair, making sure to kiss her husband every so often. “Earlier, I wasn’t too sure about this whole ‘being naked all the time’ thing, but it’s really nice once you get used to it. I’ve never felt quite so… alive… or frisky before. Well, at least since we were in college. Hmm. Those volley ball players are just so… gosh-darned sexy. It makes me want to do a whole bunch of naughty things to my hubby~”

“Erm—that’s great, dear! I’m glad that you’ve finally started feeling more confident about yourself. Now, uh—how’s about we calm down a bit. I’d like to be able to relax and enjoy the rest of this picnic dinner with my lovely wife. Does that sound good to you?”

Mrs. Cake stood up suddenly and sauntered off towards the buffet table. “Oh, how silly of me! I nearly forgot to get some desert for the both of us. Sit tight, sweetie. I’ll be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail. Don’t go anywhere~”

While his wife was off getting who knows what, Mr. Cake took a deep breath to try and calm himself. It had been a very long time since he’d seen Cup act so bold and seductive. Not… that he was complaining, of course. Carrot was simply relieved that he’d managed to exert enough self-control to stop himself from getting a raging hard-on. Sometimes, Cup had no idea how incredibly sexy she could be when she put her mind to it. The situation was only made worst due to the fact that he could see every nook and cranny of her voluptuous, naked body.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he noticed a hippie wearing a floral bandana walk up to the edge of the picnic blanket and smile at him. She didn’t appear to be too much older than Fluttershy, but she was significantly more filled out than Pinkie’s childhood friend. Without so much as a warning, she squatted on her knees (Carrot wound up getting an eyeful of her bushy crotch) and formed a V symbol with her fingers. Utterly confused, Mr. Cake blinked owlishly at her and waited for the green-skinned woman to provide an explanation.

“That bodacious babe your wife, dude?”

“Yes, she is. Why do you ask?” Carrot answered hesitantly.

“Far out! I’ve never seen anyone down so many of my special brownies in one sitting before. That’s, like, gotta be a record or something. Major props to the brownie-chomping machine.”

“What exactly makes these brownies of yours so special, if I may ask? Did you put any particular spices in them? Like nutmeg, coriander, or maybe even some sort of exotic pepper?”

Treehugger shook her head slowly. “Nah, man You’ve got it all wrong. It’s not the spices that make ‘em so special. I put some seriously high-quality Mary-J in those babies. I’m talkin’ about top of the line trees, dude. Like, the bomb kush, ya dig?”

“Sweet merciful heavens! You laced them with marijuana?!!”

Treehugger giggled. “Hells yeah! Had a couple myself not too long ago. Gotta say, they turned out pretty rad. Using that Prench baking chocolate really was the way to go. I’ll have to thank Fluttershy for suggesting that. Help yourself to a few if ya want, dude. Sharing is caring, after all.”

“I can’t believe this. No wonder Cuppy has been acting so strange. She’s higher than a kite right now! Alright, I just need to calm down and figure out a way to allow the marijuana to work its way through her system without causing any more—”

Mrs. Cake scampered over to the picnic blanket with a can of whipped cream in her hand. Before her husband could get a word in edgewise, she proceeded to squirt the sweetened dairy topping into his mouth until he started swallowing it. Whilst giggling madly, Cup pointed the nozzle at her husband’s chest and gave him a whipped cream bikini top, complete with a bottom after she finished squirting a generous dollop on his crotch. Carrot was so surprised that he let out a very manly sounding squeak and fell onto his back. Cup pinned him down and immediately began licking the whipped cream off of his chest, making sure to tease his nipples with her tongue.

Treehugger took to her feet, gave Carrot a thumbs up, and smiled. “Righteous! Looks like someone’s about to get lucky! I’ll leave you two alone to make with the birds and bees. Oh, and I should mention: there’s a nice, secluded spot in the trees over there if you want some privacy. Won’t do anything about the sound. Hehehe. Screaming’s half the fun though, huh? Shout it loud and proud, sweet lovers. Later~”

Mrs. Cake wrapped her arm around Mr. Cake’s waist and rested her head against his shoulder as they walked back towards the beach. Even though she was still slightly embarrassed by the way she’d acted while under the influence of Treehugger’s marijuana infused brownies, Cup could honestly say that she didn’t have any regrets otherwise.

At least Carrot had enough common sense between the two of them while she was high to scamper off to a more secluded part of the woods before the situation really got out of hand. She didn’t want to embarrass herself or her husband even further by getting kicked out of Camp Everfree for wantonly lewd conduct in front of the other guest.

Cup was, by no means, an exhibitionist. She considered matters of the bedroom to be a private affair shared between lovers. But even she had to admit that there was a certain, exhilarating appeal to having a wild romp in the great outdoors, free from the constraints of bedsheets and clothing. Cup nuzzled Carrot’s shoulder. She hadn’t seen her husband act so passionate and manly since their college days.

The middle-aged woman was immensely relieved that Carrot had opted to have a vasectomy a few years after Pound & Pumpkin were born. Cup was certain that her husband had filled her up with enough “Cake Batter” to have another set of triplets and then some to spare. Despite his lanky appearance and the seemingly average length of his “Carrot Stick”, as Cup liked to call it, Mr. Cake was a bonafide stud when it came to the volume of “Cake Batter” he kept stored in the big ole’ pair of “Cream Puffs” that dangled in-between his legs.

When they first started dating, Cup had been completely shocked at how much “Cake Batter” she could coax out of him and she was still amazed by it to this day. He was, of course, self-conscious of his seemingly supernatural stamina but Cup made sure to tell her husband that she loved him all the more for it.

With the fiery passion of their marriage finally rekindled, the couple were content to snuggle in the grass after they made love and basked in the simple pleasure of feeling the warmth of each other’s bare skin for a while. It was the first time since their arrival that Cup felt sexy and comfortable with the way her body looked; imperfections and all. She decided that, perhaps, being nude in front of everyone at Camp Everfree wasn’t quite so bad after all.

The two of them were glad that the shower house hadn’t been too busy when they eventually decided to clean themselves up. Otherwise, it would have been difficult trying to explain why they were sweaty, disheveled, and covered in bits of grass along with other unmentionable body fluids. There had been a little canoodling in the shower stall that they shared together, but nothing more intense than playful groping and a few kisses. The married couple knew where to draw the line. Besides, they were both satisfyingly sore from their love-making marathon earlier and still very much enjoying the afterglow.

The Cakes managed to find a couple of beach chairs that weren’t taken yet, so they decided to join a small group of guests gathered around a roaring bonfire close to the shoreline. Mrs. Cake smiled when she saw Fluttershy and Wallflower sitting together on a picnic blanket nearby, arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders, and enjoying a cup of mulled tea to wash down their s’mores. They were absolutely adorable together and she hoped that their relationship would strengthen and grow beyond the boundaries of Camp Everfree.

Wallflower leaned over and hesitantly kissed Fluttershy’s cheek. “Hey, uhh—I hope you don’t mind me snuggling you like this. It just feels… right, ya know? GAH! Sorry, if I’m still acting like a nervous wreck about this whole… being a couple thing. I’ve never… done it before.”

“It’s perfectly fine, Wallflower. I haven’t either. That’s the beauty of relationships: none of them are exactly the same and they certainly don’t have to follow the same set of rules. We can take it as slowly as you’d like. To be honest, I prefer taking things slow too. There’s no need for us to rush into anything that we don’t feel comfortable with.”

“Like having sex?” Wallflower whispered.

“Mhmm. Committing to that level of physical intimacy is a big step in any relationship. I want you to understand that I’m willing to wait until you’re comfortable enough being with me to… do stuff like that. Please don’t feel pressured to do anything you’re not ready for on my account.”

Wallflower’s cheeks flushed as she sipped her tea. “I promise that I won’t.”

Mrs. Cake walked over to Wallflower’s spot and sat across from her Indian style on the blanket. “Good Evening, Wallflower. Pardon my sudden intrusion, but I couldn’t help overhear your conversation. Do you mind if I give you some relationship advice? One woman to another?”

“I didn’t think we were being particularly loud…”

Mrs. Cake waved her hands. “Oh, no! You weren’t at all! As a mother, I tend to keep an ear out for any signs of trouble. I love both of my children to bits, but they can certainly be rambunctious when they put their minds to it. Maternal instinct and all that. Apologies, dear. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your conversation.”

Fluttershy rubbed her girlfriend’s back. “It’s ok, Wallflower. You can trust, Mrs. Cake. She’s given me excellent advice for as long as I’ve known her. Pinkie too, I imagine.”

“Well, ok then. What should Fluttershy and I do about… being intimate?”

Mrs. Cake smiled. “No two couples are exactly the same, as I’m sure you know. Carrot and I had a similar issue when we first started dating back in college. However, we didn’t have the benefit of spending our summer vacation together at a naturist resort. Personally, I think getting comfortable being nude around your partner is the key to having a healthy sex life. You two already have that down, it would seem. Or am I mistaken?”

Wallflower nodded slowly. “Yeah, this is probably the most comfortable I’ve ever felt with another person… in my birthday suit. Erm—excluding my uncle, of course. It’s not like we snuggle or anything like that. Hugs and kisses, sure. But—ah—you get the idea.”

“Perfectly understandable, dear. My suggestion is this: take little steps and slowly work your way up to bigger ones. Try doing things together like: bathing, sleeping, or perhaps even a full-body massage. Preferably, activities that don’t require you to wear clothing. It’ll help build trust and get you familiar with every nook and cranny of your partner’s body. That way, it’s not quite so awkward when you do eventually decide to make love to each other.

“During those activities, feel free to explore and make mistakes. Get to know where your partner enjoys being touched and make sure that she’s ok with it. Believe me; I found that out the hard way with Carrot and his doughnut hole. He didn’t like it too much when I teased him there with my finger at first but after we talked for a while, he eventually warmed up to the idea. And I mean, he really started enjoying it. Pardon, me! I think I may have said a bit too much!

AHEM! My point is: even if it’s a really embarrassing subject, you should always talk directly with your partner about any issues you may be experiencing when it comes to sex. Both physical and mental. I’ve always found that it helps to have those sorts of conversations when you’re cuddled up next to each other in bed. Helps to ease some of the awkward tension.”

Wallflower scooched over to Mrs. Cake and gave her a hug. “Thank you for the advice, Mrs. Cake. I only hope that we can be as close as you and your husband someday.”

“Goodness, you’ve gone and made me blush! It was my pleasure giving you advice and I wish the best of luck to you girls. Carrot and I will be rooting for you! Oh, and don’t be strangers should you ever come by Sugar Cube Corner for a visit! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to join my husband for some toasted marshmallows, hot tea, and lots of snuggling.”

While they watched Mrs. Cake rejoin her husband, Wallflower’s uncle made his way over to their picnic blanket. He had an acoustic guitar strapped to his back and a beer bottle in his right hand. The veteran took a few liberal swigs of his beverage and belched. He looked down at his niece and gave her the biggest, shit-eating grin she’d ever seen.

“I see ya went ahead and took my advice, Sweetpea. Y’all are looking cuddlier than a kitten in a blanket. You two sweet on each other? Or am I just readin’ into things?”

Wallflower’s cheeks turned beet red. “I—umm—we started dating, yeah. Uncle Smokey, this is my new girlfriend, Fluttershy. I know it’s kind of sudden and all, but we just… clicked. It feels… right. Being with her, that is! GAH! I’m not very good at explaining things, am I?”

“Nah, I understand. Matters o’ the heart are like that sometimes. In any case, it’s a pleasure ta meet ya, darlin’. The name’s Smokey Bones, but ya can me Smokey iffn’ ya want.”

Fluttershy shook his hand. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Smokey. I couldn’t help but notice that you brought your guitar along with you tonight. Do you—umm—plan on playing it?”

“Reckon I will miss. That is, if my niece is willin’ ta perform with me. She’s a real talented singer when ya give ‘er a chance ta strut her stuff. Erm… damn. That didn’t quite sound right. I’m strictly referring to ‘er vocal abilities not—"

Fluttershy giggled. “Oh, I knew what you meant sir. A duet sounds lovely. What song will you two be performing, if may I ask?”

“Welp, you’ll just have ta be surprised. C’mon, Sweetpea. Let’s get this show on the road.”

Wallflower began hyperventilating while her uncle led her to the middle of the beach. “WAIT! There’re so many p-people here. I-I don’t know if I can do this! Especially, with Fluttershy here to see me! What if I… screw up the lyrics or I barf all over the sand?!”

“Sure, ya can, Sweetpea. We’ve performed together plenty o’ times before. I’m sure your girlfriend’ll like your singin’ voice just fine. Take a deep breath and imagine that everyone’s nekkid… actually, that’s already the case. Forget I said that. Anyway, I’ll be right next to ya in case things go catawampus. Ain’t nothin’ ta be scared of.”

Smokey Bones played a few chords to test out his guitar and make sure that it was properly in tune. Thus satisfied, he placed his hand on Wallflower’s shoulder and gently encouraged her to continue with the performance. She took in a deep, shuddering breath to calm her frazzled nerves. It was like some kind of surreal nightmare from her childhood. One where she was wearing nothing but a nervous smile, singing in front of a large crowd. Except… it was very real this time. To make matters worse, the beach had gone quiet. Many of the guests stopped their idle conversations both out of respect to the performers and out of anticipation. Wallflower closed her eyes and allowed the melody of the song to guide her voice.

Times have changed
And we've often rewound the clock
Since the Puritans got a shock
When they landed on Plymouth Rock. ♫
If today
Any shock they should try to stem
'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock, ♫
Plymouth Rock would land on them. ♫

Now that she’d started getting more comfortable with the rhythm of the song, Wallflower began dancing along to the music. She was surprised to see so many people bobbing their heads and tapping their feet along to the tune. The shy girl looked out into the audience and found Fluttershy’s smiling face as she swayed along to the music as well. This encouraged Wallflower to let go of any remaining inhibitions she had with performing in front of the other guests.

In olden days, a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking.
But now, who knows,
Anything goes! ♫
If driving fast cars you like, ♫
If low bars you like, ♫
If bare limbs you like, ♫
Or be undressed you like, ♫
Why, nobody will oppose~ ♫
When every night the set that's smart
Is intruding on nudist parties in studios. ♫
Anything goes! ♫

An electric thrill of pure exhilaration tingled down Wallflower’s spine as she watched everyone applaud. She couldn’t help but start laughing. It had been quite some time since she’d felt so happy and carefree. On pure impulse, she scampered over to her girlfriend, wrapped her in a fierce hug, and planted a passionate kiss upon her lips. Fluttershy blushed like a tomato when everyone in the crowd started cheering and whistling.

Smokey Bones grinned and took another swig from his beer bottle. “Nothin’ like a little music ta get ya in the mood, eh? Atta girl, Wallflower! Make sure ya give ‘er tush a good squeeze while you’re at it too!”

Much to Fluttershy’s horror (even though she secretly enjoyed it), Wallflower followed her uncle’s advice and grabbed a handful of her girlfriend’s bare, buttery-yellow behind while they were still wrapped up in each other’s embrace. The shy animal lover blushed even harder when she heard all of the adult couples in the audience share a knowing laugh at her expense.

“Your butt cheeks are actually a lot firmer than I imagined. Not that I’m complaining, of course! Oh, Gods! I can’t believe I just did that to you in front of everyone here. I’m so sorry, Fluttershy! I-I don’t know what came over me…” Wallflower blurted out.

“Well, that’s because I practice Pilates with Rarity at the gym every week. She says it’s supposed to keep our glutes and tummies in shape. Actually, I—umm—kind of liked being touched there to be honest. Just don’t make a habit of… grabbing my butt while we’re in public, ok?”

Wallflower let out a relieved sigh after she kissed Fluttershy’s cheek. “Thank goodness. I was really worried that I’d royally messed things up between us. You can… grab my butt too if you want. JUST BECAUSE it’s fair and all. Ehehehe.”

Fluttershy gently tweaked her girlfriend’s rear end ever so briefly. “There! We’re officially even now, Wallflower. Could we—umm—possibly go snuggle by the fire for a little while longer? I’d also like to roast some marshmallows, if you don’t mind…”

“Sure. That sounds wonderful. Lead the way, hime-sama~”