• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,145 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

Interview With An Extra-Terrestrial Princess

Chapter 19

Dining Hall, Camp Everfree

Twilight Sparkle never considered herself a morning person. Even though the routine of getting up at the same time every day for lab work appealed to her need for organization amongst the chaos of daily life. The time had finally come to interview an honest to goodness, extra-terrestrial princess and she found herself not wanting to get out of bed. More so due to the fact that she was currently entangled in the warm embrace of a fiery-maned, former unicorn.

Now that she’d gotten a taste of what it was like to sleep in the nude beside someone regularly, Twilight could scarcely imagine the possibility of having to do so by herself anymore. Snuggling Sunset was just so… sublime and she smelled like sweet cinnamon and oranges! It was a scent that Twilight simply couldn’t get enough of. While her best friend continued to slumber, Twilight buried her face in Sunset’s soft, voluminous hair and took in a deep breath. With a contented sigh, she placed a gentle kiss upon the other woman’s head.

Not wanting to disturb her friend any further, Twilight carefully separated herself from the comfortable warmth of Sunset’s body, and stretched out in front of the window pane. It was only a few minutes past six thirty, but she could already tell that it was going to be a gorgeous day. The sun had just started to peak over Lake Clarity. It painted the sky in a soft, golden glow.

Twilight took a quick shower and enjoyed the simple pleasure of being unencumbered by clothing outdoors. As she drew closer to the dining hall, the air carried with it the scents of pine trees, fresh water, and breakfast (like frying bacon & pancakes etc.). It was enough to make her empty stomach rumble with hunger. Even so, her first priority in the morning was always caffeine. She went straight to the espresso machine.

The dining hall was sparsely populated at such an early hour, but that was all part of the bookworm’s plan. Twilight wanted to ensure that she and Chrysalis were afforded some privacy while they talked. While she was taking another sip from her large cup of Café Americano, Twilight spotted Camp Everfree’s illustrious cook, Smokey Bones, shuffling over to her table with a notepad and pen. We wore a white apron and Velcro sandals, but nothing else.

“Good mornin’, Miss Sparkle. What’ll be your pleasure?”

Twilight perused the menu and hummed. “I’ll have the Wild Weekend Waffle Sandwich®, and… hmm—I think Chrysalis would like the Pancakes n’ Bacon platter. Oh and—erm—better get two glasses of orange juice just in case. I don’t know if she even drinks coffee to be honest.”

“Alrighty then. I’ll have ‘em out in a jiff. Not sure where yer gonna put all that food, Miss Sparkle but I ain’t one ta judge a growin’ girl’s appetite. Enjoy yer mornin’.”

Twilight blushed lightly, knowing full-well that she didn’t look like someone who would be able to handle large meals. Especially, when you took her petite figure into account. But as her family could attest, she had the appetite of a hungry polar bear when the mood struck her. After taking another sip of her coffee, Twilight glanced over at the clock. It was just about seven o’clock, the time she’d designated for their meeting. With an excited squeal, the young scientist practically bounced in her seat when she finally saw Chrysalis enter the dining hall.

Her excitement immediately transformed into an awkward moment of arousal. Twilight hated herself for staring at every luscious curve of the alien princess’s body BUT CHRYSALIS WAS SO FREAKIN’ HOT!! Like, supermodel level bombshell. Easily a solid ten on the Sparkle Scale of Acute Sexiness™. Panic gripped the neurotic scientist’s brain as she watched Chrysalis’s beautifully shaped breasts jiggle softly while she sat down. Why couldn’t she have just been an ugly xenomorph from one of those stereotypical sci-fi horror movies?

At least then, Twilight could have approached the situation with some modicum of scientific professionalism. Chrysalis was an exotic beauty, yes. Almost on an anime character level. But still way too human-looking for her liking. Thankfully, Smokey Bones came around with the drink order; it closed the gap of awkward silence between them while Twilight scrambled to think of an appropriate way to greet an extra-terrestrial princess.

Twilight forced herself to smile. She was certain that it looked creepy and unnatural but didn’t know what else to do. “Hello there, your majesty! It’s a nice day outside, isn’t it? Gotta love all that fresh air and sunshine! HAHAHAHA.”

“Indeed. Twilight Sparkle, if we are to converse at length, I must insist that we keep things between us as informal as possible. I may be a princess on another planet, but the honorific is completely unnecessary here. Please, just call me Chrissy.”

Twilight swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “Sure! I mean, technically, I’m Dr. Sparkle but you can call me Twilight or Twi if you really want. I totally don’t mind! So—umm—I took the liberty of ordering you the Pancake n’ Bacon platter. Does… that sound good?”

Chrysalis smiled. “Mhmm. Thank you for your consideration, Twilight. Even though I haven’t spent much time on this planet yet, I find that your kind’s cuisine suits my palate quite nicely. It would appear that humans love meat just as much as I do!”

It was Wallflower this time who came out with the food. Unlike her uncle, she chose to go au naturale save for a scrunchie to keep her bedraggled, forest green hair in place. Although, she had been known to don a frilly pink apron and slippers from time to time. Twilight had to admit that Fluttershy’s girlfriend looked pretty cute with a ponytail. The freckled Otaku set down a monster-sized waffle sandwich, packed with eggs, bacon, and gooey cheese right in front of Twilight. Chrysalis’s platter was proportioned generously but it paled in comparison.

Wallflower shot Twilight a concerned look. “Uh… are you sure you can eat all that, Twilight? Normally, I don’t ask why paying customers order what they do, but good grief! That thing is the size of a freakin’ dinner plate. Maybe even bigger! Do you want me to get you a doggie—”

Twilight’s stomach rumbled loudly, which made her blush like a cherry tomato. “Ehehehe. No, I’m fine! My metabolism is a heck of a lot more efficient than you might think. Believe me, I’ve been researching it for quite some time now. The geode seems to convert most of the excess calories I consume into raw magical energy. Or… at least, that’s my current running theory. I’ll need to run several dozen more tests for the data to be accurate and conclusive.”

“Huh. You know, that does make a certain amount of sense now that I think about it. Kinda like how San-Kugo in Kaiju Prism Y has to eat mountains of food before he goes off to have an epic fight with the bad guys. Can’t create something from nothing, after all.”

Twilight beamed and clapped her hands together like a teacher would when their student got an answer correct. “Exactly! I see that you’re well versed in the principle of matter conservation!”

“Fluttershy doesn’t seem to have that problem though…”

Twilight adjusted her glasses. “When we first received our geodes, each of us gained a unique magical trait. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and I all use abilities that require the direct consumption of significant amounts of energy. In this case, our thaumatic output converts directly from caloric intake. Whereas, Sunset and Fluttershy don’t require that much energy to power their passive abilities beyond the limits of a regular diet.”

Chrysalis nodded after taking a bite of pancake. “Your theory has merit, Twilight. My body functions in a similar manner. However, my race evolved over millions of cycles to harness magic directly. Based on the anatomy books I have read thus far, humankind did not. There is very little magic on this planet from what I can sense. Only faint whispers… traces, you might say.”

“Then our abilities truly are based on Equestrian magic, not anything naturally occurring.”

Chrysalis nibbled on a crispy strip of bacon. “That would appear to be the case.”

Wallflower rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled. “I’d love to stick around and chat but my uncle would get on my case if I didn’t service other customers. Sorry, girls. I’ll see ya later.”

The two scientists waved goodbye to their freckled friend and resumed eating. Nothing else was discussed for a while since they were both hungry and wanted to enjoy their breakfast without interruption. Her face messy and cheeks bulging like a greedy chipmunk, Twilight glanced over at Chrysalis and noticed that she was quite the dainty eater. The alien princess sipped her orange juice and snickered, showing off her pointed fangs in the process.

“You seem to be enthralled by your meal.”

Twilight blushed while she attempted to swallow the chewed-up chunks of food still stuffed in her mouth. “Sorry! I know I can have pretty lousy table manners sometimes. It happens whenever I get hungry. I’ll try to be more considerate. See! I used a napkin!”

“I was merely making an observation. An amusing one, I admit, but that is all. No offence intended to your… dining habits, Twilight. Hmm~ Why don’t we get down to business now that we’ve had a chance to fill our stomachs and get comfortable?”

Twilight let out a particularly loud burp and blushed even harder. “SORRY!!”

Chrysalis burst into melodic laughter. “Very comfortable in your case.”

Twilight cleared her throat and attempted to compose herself. “Be that as it may, I don’t want you to feel as though you’re just a test subject to me, Chrissy. If my time with the girls has taught me anything, it’s that making friends is important. I’d like to get to know you better first. Is that something you’d be interested in? Erm—having fun with me today, that is.”

“Certainly! Everyone here has been nothing but friendly and accommodating since my arrival.”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “Is there anything in particular you’d like to do?”

“I’m not… sure. Every day has been like an adventure to me. What would you suggest?”

Twilight rubbed her thighs together and bit her lip. “How about a hike? I could teach you all about the various species of flora and fauna that inhabit the Everfree Forest.”

“Hmm. An interesting proposal. I’m most intrigued by this planet’s insects in particular.”

Twilight grinned smugly, giggle-snorted, and jammed her thumb in-between her breasts. “Oh! Well, you’ve come to the right person then. I happen to know a thing or two about bugs.”

“I figured you were the scholarly type. When do you wish to depart for our hike together?”

Twilight looked down at her feet and frowned. Walking around camp barefoot was tolerable since most of the pathways were either paved or grassy. Taking a hike in the woods where there were tons of things (like twigs, roots, pebbles, and yes, even snakes) you could potentially step on and get injured by was an entirely different matter altogether. Twilight wasn’t about to take any chances. That simply wasn’t the Sparkle way.

“I can’t very well go traipsing around the Everfree Forest without the appropriate footwear. You can just hang out here while I fetch a pair of hiking boots and some supplies.”

“There is no rush, Twilight. Take as much time as you need to prepare.”

Twilight waved as she left the dining hall. “I promise that I’ll come back as fast as I can!”

With a backpack full of snacks and water, Twilight set off into the forest, Chrysalis by her side. It struck the young scientist as odd that she had chosen to remain completely nude for the duration of their excursion. The extra-terrestrial wasn’t even wearing a pair of sneakers. Then again, it was entirely possible that her race didn’t require shoes to protect their feet. It was one of many questions she NEEDED wanted answered but Twilight was more concerned about getting to know Princess Chrysalis as a person first.

The coal-skinned beauty looked over at Twilight and smiled. “I’m sensing a vast amount of curiosity emanating from you. Is there a question you’d like to ask me, Twilight?”

“I have quite a few, actually. I just—wait a second. How did you know that?”

“My race is empathic. I cannot directly read the thoughts of others, but I can sense emotions.”

Twilight blushed. “So—erm—earlier, you could tell that I was…”

Chrysalis placed her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Attracted to me? Yes. In all honesty, I’m quite flattered that you find my form physically appealing. I was worried that humans would be afraid of me because I look so different from them. However, that doesn’t appear to be the case.”

“To be fair, you don’t really look that much different from us. Save for the fangs and reptilian pupils. I-I mean, sure you’d stand out in any crowd but… you’ve got a gorgeous body!”

Chrysalis giggled. “Thank you. I’m beginning to understand why I felt so much lust radiating from some of the other guests. Male and female alike, if you must know.”

Twilight twiddled her fingers. “Yeah. Is that something you’d be interested in? A relationship, I mean. Because it’d get awful lonely being the only one of your kind on earth.”

“As of right now, I am content to remain single. I may, however, consider finding a mate later on if I require physical or emotional intimacy. Do you… believe that a human would ever be interested in courting someone like me? I can always morph to suit their tastes if they—”

Twilight took hold of Chrysalis’s hand and squeezed it gently. “No, you shouldn’t have to change yourself just to make other people happy. That includes morphing, Chrissy. Generally speaking, most folks tend to respect you a heck of a lot more when you stay true to yourself. I imagine that applies to beings from other planets and—heh—other dimensions too.”

The alien princess’s cheeks glowed green. “Forgive me, Twilight. I’m unaccustomed to this planet’s social norms. It was presumptuous of me to think that I would need to change my appearance in order to fit into human society. I’m beginning to see that it won’t be necessary.”

“Like I said before, I think you’re beautiful just the way you are.”

Twilight didn’t have the ability to read people’s emotions or thoughts, but she could tell that the princess appreciated the compliment just by her body language. While they walked deeper into the forest, Chrysalis seemed to relax more as she got used to Twilight’s company. They had a nice, long chat about the current level of technology earth possessed, or least what the princess understood of it thus far. She felt like she could trust Twilight Sparkle and even become good friends with her, but Chrysalis was hesitant to share any information regarding her own race’s technology. Mostly out of fear that it might be reverse-engineered and misused by humankind.

Twilight ran over to an oak tree and jumped up and down excitedly. “Look! Chrissy, come quick! You have to see this magnificent specimen I just found!”

Chrysalis stared in disbelief as her friend held a large insect in her hand. It was oval shaped, had a black carapace, and a large, curved horn protruded from its head. Twilight didn’t seem the least bit bothered when the creature started crawling up her arm. In fact, she seemed positively delighted. Chrysalis bent down to get a better look at what she assumed must be an insect.

“What is it?”

Twilight grinned from ear to ear. “Dynastes tityus. Or more commonly known as the Eastern Hercules Beetle. They’re not super rare, but fairly difficult to find this time of year due to heavy foliage and predation. See how big his horn is? That’s a sure sign this male specimen is healthy and eating well. His coloration reminds me a lot of your skin tone.”

Chrysalis reached out and touched the beetle with her finger. “Yes, it is quite similar.”

“I—umm—I don’t mean to be rude when I ask this but was your race ever related to any insects at one point? You seem to exhibit physical characteristics indicative of a predatory species.”

Chrysalis watched as the beetle flew over to another tree. “Many of our anthropologists theorized that we originally evolved from a carnivorous, ocean-dwelling arthropod. This, of course, was based on the fossil records we discovered throughout various regions of our planet.”

“Fascinating! I wonder what caused your race to develop empathic abilities…”

“A form of non-verbal communication, mostly likely.” Chrysalis explained.

“That makes sense if you evolved from arthropods. There wouldn’t have been any existing structures for vocal cords to develop from. Your kind must produce speech another way.”

The alien princess nodded. “Indeed. That is why my voice is slightly more reverberant than a human’s. Empathic projection allowed our primitive, hunter-gatherer ancestors to communicate more efficiently and identify friend from foe. Language came later when we became advanced enough to become an agrarian society. The rest, as they say, is history.”

Twilight was busy taking mental notes. Even though she’d intended to study Chrysalis’s magical abilities as her primary focus, learning about how another race from a distant plant evolved was truly groundbreaking. The bookworm took in a few deep breaths to compose herself, so that she wouldn’t go full-ham scientist mode with her friend and start asking rapid fire questions.

Awkward silence formed between them afterwards. Only the sounds of the forest pervaded the aid. The wind blowing through the trees, water running from a nearby creek, a symphony of cicadas. It was relaxing to listen to, but Twilight wasn’t sure what else to say. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a grotto in the distance. Maybe Chrysalis would be up for a swim?

Even underneath the shade of the oak trees, the midsummer heat was still palpable. Twilight could tell that her skin was already becoming clammy from all of the sweat she was producing. It was all the more noticeable when, say, her thighs or butt cheeks rubbed up against each other simply because there wasn’t anything like panties in the way to act as a barrier.

Thankfully, it didn’t happen a lot because her bare skin was continuously exposed to the open air, thus making the sweat dry off more quickly than it would’ve had she been wearing clothes. However, Twilight developed a heightened awareness of the fact that she was naked because of it. The young scientist was getting better at adapting to casual nudity as each day passed, but her subconscious fears and anxiety were ever present in the back of her mind.

Twilight rang her hands together behind her back while she thought about what she was going to say. She looked over at Chrysalis, who was busy watching a sparrow flitter around in the bushes, and shuffled her boots in the grass. “So… would you be interested in taking a dip?”

Chrysalis scrunched her brow in confusion. “Twilight, in case you haven’t noticed, we aren’t anywhere near Lake Clarity. What do you propose we swim in? That tiny creek over there? The water would barely come up to our ankles.”

“No, of course not! I’m quite familiar with the layout of the Everfree Forest. If we keep on going further south, there’s a beautiful grotto with a waterfall just above it. I’ve never actually gone swimming in there before myself, but from what Timber told me, it should be fairly deep.”

Chrysalis cocked her head. “I don’t mind.”

“Great! Just follow me and we’ll head on over to the grotto.”

It was a relatively short hike to their intended destination. As soon as the two women reached the water’s edge, Twilight practically kicked off her boots and socks into the grass nearby. She was, however, much more careful with her glasses. The young scientist removed them with practiced ease, and placed them atop her crumpled-up pile of navy-blue socks. They were meant to act as a makeshift cushion. With a childish squeal of pure excitement, she ran towards the grotto at full speed (which looked about as awkward as you might imagine) and dove in headfirst.

Twilight laughed out loud, and splashed around when she emerged to the surface. “The water feels amazing, Chrissy! It’s so cool and refreshing on a hot day like this. C’mon on in!”

The princess did as she was asked, albeit in a more restrained manner. She swam over to her new friend with such poise and grace that it made her look like a black swan. Twilight found herself blushing again. Chrysalis was attractive enough as it was, but even more so when her body was soaking wet. With a casual flick of the wrist, she brushed away a strand of hair (or whatever it was that grew on top of her head, Twilight wasn’t sure) and flashed Twilight a toothy smile. All of the sudden, the young scientist felt butterflies in her stomach and her knees became weak.

“I must admit that this is a beautiful grotto. Do you think there are any fish living here?”

“Uhh… well, it’s certainly possible!” Twilight blurted out.

Chrysalis let out a long sigh. She preferred not to be blunt with Twilight, but she had to address the matter at hand as quickly as possible. “I know exactly what you’re feeling right now, Twilight. Would it help you if I morphed into someone else for the time being? I’d rather not make things… too awkward between us, if possible.”

Twilight blushed and tried to look anywhere but at her distractingly sexy friend. “I’m so sorry, Chrissy. I didn’t want things to end up this way, honest! But I can’t help it! I-I mean, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about your morphing ability. Your natural form, though, it’s—erm—hitting all the right buttons for me. GAH! That didn’t come out quite like I—”

Chrysalis waded over to Twilight, embraced her affectionately, and began stroking her hair. “In the short time that I have been on this planet, it seems to me that humans are often reluctant to express their sexual desires directly. I’m also confused as to why so many human cultures view nudity as taboo. It is all so very… vexing. However, I consider myself fortunate to have crash landed here. Where I am free to live as my people have for countless generations.”

Twilight was a bit confused as to what direction Chrysalis was trying to take the conversation. Nonetheless, she appreciated the affectionate gesture as it helped ease her anxiety. The young woman closed her eyes and happily nuzzled her cheek against the princess’s soft breast. For a moment, she could almost imagine it was Sunset holding her instead. Heck, Chrysalis even smelled like Sunset. Twilight’s brain came to a screeching halt at the sudden realization.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes and noticed that the skin she was currently nuzzling was, in fact, a golden-yellow hue. When she looked up, Sunset’s beautiful face greeted her with a smile. Her previous sense of tranquility evaporated in an instant as a flurry of confusing emotions threatened to fry her poor brain into a crispy mess. Sensing her impending panic attack, the disguised princess took hold of Twilight’s cheeks and kissed her passionately. The nerdy bookworm knew it was probably wrong, but she loved the taste of Not-Sunset’s mouth.

They continued kissing, tongue entwining with tongue, until Twilight cupped Not-Sunset’s breast and began fondling it. There was no mistaking the shape or firmness! This was DEFINITELY Sunset’s body. In her lust-addled state, the bookworm didn’t immediately notice when Not-Sunset returned the gesture and began teasing her nipple. Twilight let out a squeaky moan.

WAIT! Please… we need to stop w-whatever this is.”

Not-Sunset complied and kissed her forehead. “That, my dear Twilight, is the point I was trying to make earlier. Not so much in words, but through action and touch. I could sense how strongly you feel about your best friend. She is a very lucky woman, you know.”

“But you just—I—WHAT?!!” Twilight blurted out.

“Allow me to explain: I wanted you to understand that your feelings of lust towards me were merely… misplaced. You are, without a doubt, hopelessly in love with Sunset Shimmer. Both in the physical and emotional sense. I believe that the two of you shall make an excellent pair of life-mates, once you get around to—”

Twilight’s entire face flushed red with arousal, embarrassment, and anger. “ARRRGH! I can’t believe you tricked me into doing all of those l-lewd things with you! It’s not the least bit ethical, Chrissy! For Newton’s sake, you even SMELLED like her!! How is that even possible?!”

“I refuse to apologize for what I did. You needed to realize just how much you love her. Consider what we did as a practice run for when you do decide to confess your feelings.”

Twilight crossed her arms underneath her breasts and pouted. “Still not fair…”

“If it’s any consolation, you are an excellent kisser.” Chrysalis teased in a perfect imitation of Sunset’s voice and smug expression.

“Maybe I overreacted just a tiny bit. OK! A lot. I just need to remember that you’re still learning about human culture and taboos. That being said, you must understand that we have a different set of standards when it comes to sex and intimacy. Umm… do you mind changing back now? This is starting to get reeeeally awkward with you looking like a wet version of Sunset.”

Chrysalis morphed back into her natural form and cocked her head. “Different how?”

“Well, it’s—I’m not exactly the best example.”

“Why? You seem passionate enough to me.” Chrysalis answered honestly.

“I am! Well, more accurately, I should say about her specifically. In case you didn’t know, I’m still a virgin. Timber and I never managed to… get that far while we were dating. It took me a while to realize that I was actually into girls. Sexual preferences can be extremely confusing!”

Chrysalis placed her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Do you believe this will matter to Sunset?”

“No, I don’t think it will. But I just don’t want things to get weird between us if she doesn’t… feel the same way I do about her. It’s awkward enough dealing with my naked ex-boyfriend even though our breakup wasn’t a messy one. I don’t need another relationship like that in my life.”

“I’m certain that you won’t have to worry about how she feels.”

Twilight held up her hand and paused. “How can you—oh, right. Empath.”

“Her love for you is consensual but of the platonic variety. I believe that it could easily transform into romantic love, so long as she is pushed in the right direction. That’s why you must be bold and make it clear to Sunset how you feel. Seize the opportunity, Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight’s entire body sagged while she frowned. “Look at me, Chrissy. I’m not even close to being smooth, romantic, or attractive for that matter! Not to mention, I have tons of personal issues. Why would an amazing woman like Sunset want to be with a frumpy dork like me?”

Chrysalis cupped Twilight’s chin in the palm of her hand. “Because Sunset is a person who values emotional intimacy in a relationship above all else. She is far more interested in her lover’s personality than their reproductive organs. Look, I’m not saying that physical attraction doesn’t play some part in her decision process, but you shouldn’t dismiss yourself so easily.”

“You have to understand that I can’t help but compare myself to others. It’s part of my neurotic, over-analyzing nature. Medication and therapy can only do so much to keep me from totally spazzing out during situations like that. I mean, when would I ask her out on a date? How does one even bring up a subject like that with their best friend? Casually? I don’t think so!!”

Chrysalis drew Twilight into a deep, passionate kiss once again. The bookworm enjoyed it a heck of a lot more than she cared to admit. Even though she knew Sunset wasn’t the one who’s tongue she was currently wrestling. Chrysalis was just that good at kissing, despite her obvious lack of personal boundaries. A tingling warmth slowly blossomed in Twilight’s loins. She clamped her legs together tightly underwater, hoping that her empathic friend wouldn’t notice.

Combined with what had happened earlier, Twilight desperately craved release from all the sexual tension that had built up between them. She bit her lip and fidgeted in place. It would be so ridiculously easy since she was already nude. All she had to do was discreetly slip her fingers in-between her legs and start—NO! Twilight closed her eyes and began her breathing exercises.

“Do something similar to what I just did. There’s no need for grand gestures or long winded poems regaling her virtues. Show Sunset how much you love her in the most direct, physical way possible. A way that cannot be interpreted as anything but romantic love.”

Twilight chuckled bashfully while covering up her privates. She REALLY hoped Chrysalis didn’t notice how erect her nipples had become either. Distracted as she was, Twilight blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “You know, you’d make a pretty darn good therapist.”

Chrysalis shrugged. “Only because of my empathic abilities. Otherwise, I would have an extremely difficult time trying to figure out everyone’s emotions and their general opinion of me. This may come as a surprise to you, but I wasn’t exactly an extrovert back on my home planet.”

“But you’re a princess! That has to count for something.”

Chrysalis began floating on her back. “Not as much as you might think, Twilight. I spent most of my time conducting experiments and tinkering around with technology. I was well-educated, intelligent, and considered a beauty amongst my peers but I was never very good at socializing.”

Now that she’d finally calmed down, Twilight began swimming again. “Me neither. That’s why it came as a complete surprise to me that Timber Spruce was interested in dating a nerdy girl like me. Before that point, I’d never had a boy ask me out before. It was incredibly exciting!”

Chrysalis smiled. “Again, I think you’re vastly underestimating your worth.”

“Umm—what’s your honest opinion of me then? Do you think I’m… cute?”

Chrysalis stood up again and nodded emphatically. “I do. People come in all shapes and sizes. It’s what makes each individual unique. That’s why I don’t think you should be comparing yourself to everyone else. There’s no contest that needs to be won. Just be yourself, Twilight.”

“Alright, you’ve made your point. I’ll try to keep a positive attitude about my self-image from now on. Just don’t expect me to go sauntering around the camp like I’m some rockin’ hot nude beauty queen who can make everyone do what I want. Because that’s not happening!”

“Of course, not. But you have to admit, it would be quite a sight to behold.”

Twilight put her hands on her hips and glared at her dark-skinned friend. “What’s that supposed to mean, Chrissy?! The ONLY way I would ever consider doing something so asinine would be if I was completely drunk and wasted out of my mind. Trust me. Nobody wants to see a butt naked, heavily intoxicated nerd stumbling around camp, singing about particle physics.”

Chrysalis couldn’t help but snicker. “Are you speaking from personal experience?”


“You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. Do tell~”

They young scientist let out a resigned sigh. She’d already embarrassed herself plenty of times in front of the extra-terrestrial princess, one more story wasn’t going to break her. “My friend, Applejack, helps run an apple orchard near Canterlot High School. Chief among the products her family produces is… alcoholic beverages. Like whiskey, hard cider, wine, those sorts of things.”

“Is this the same Applejack you mentioned earlier who had powers?” Chrysalis asked.

“Yeah. She has a geode that grants her the strength of several people combined. Her body consumes a vast number of calories whenever she uses her powers, beaten only by Rainbow’s super speed. I mean, she was already a hardy eater before we got our powers… I can’t imagine how much she can put down now. I believe that’s why she doesn’t rely on them very much.”

Chrysalis nodded. “A wise decision. With magic, it’s best not to overexert one’s self.”

“Besides,” Twilight added, “She’s in peak physical condition from working on the farm all day. AJ can get by perfectly fine without using her powers whatsoever. To be honest, I admire her for having that kind of attitude. I’ve been relying on my powers a little too much lately…”

“Hmm. I haven’t seen you use them much around the Camp.”

Twilight shook her head. “Because I promised myself that I wouldn’t. Or… at least not very much. I did bring my geode along with me just in case, but it would taint any data that I’d collect on your magic. My thaumic measuring device is still somewhat experimental, you see.”

“Perhaps, I might be able to help you refine your thaumic measuring device to be more accurate and stable. I am well versed in such matters.”

Twilight let out an excited squeal. “Cool! I-I mean, I’d appreciate it if you could at some point.”

Chrysalis’s expression turned serious. “Just remember, Twilight Sparkle. I am only willing to share a limited amount of information regarding my race’s technological advancements. There are many things that I believe humanity is not yet ready for, and won’t be for some time.”

Twilight recalled the day when her experimental magic containment amulet had turned her into a demonic being and how she nearly tore open a permanent hole across two dimensions. Even though everyone had forgiven her for the incident, saying that she wasn’t completely in control of her actions, Twilight still felt immensely guilty about the whole scenario. It was one of the principal reasons why she wanted to study magic and make sure that it was used safely.

“I understand.” Twilight whispered.

Chrysalis waded over to Twilight and wrapped her arm around the young woman’s shoulders. “I sense that you have some incredibly complex feelings regarding the subject, but we can discuss them later. Now is not the time for that. Let us continue with our earlier story, shall we?”

“I guess so. It’s pretty anticlimactic, given all the backstory I just told you. We had a get-together over at AJ’s place one summer afternoon. By that I mean, the rest of the girls and I. The ensuing sleepover had—erm—we drank a considerable amount of hard cider. Heh. Let’s just say that I’m not the kind of person who has a high tolerance for the stuff. I get drunk quite easily.”

Chrysalis smiled. “Ah~ I assume you did something embarrassing?”

Twilight’s cheeks flushed pink at the memory. “Somehow, AJ & I stripped naked and we… fooled around a bit. At least, that’s what Rainbow told me. She said it was, and I quote, ‘One of the hottest make-out sessions she’d ever seen. Easily a solid ten’. The worst part is: I barely remember any of it. However, I do remember cuddling AJ’s fantastically toned body the following morning. Boy, does it feel amazing to snuggle her! But—uh—I think that was the exact moment when I began to realize that I was attracted to other women.”

“Was this before or after you began dating Timber Spruce?”

Twilight let out a heavy sigh. “During, actually. Some part of me always knew but I was having a difficult time coming to terms with my sexuality. Especially, since Timber was such a great guy and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. In the end though, I decided to tell him the truth because it would have caused him even more pain if I’d have kept my preference a secret.”

“I think you’ll find that it was the correct decision to tell Timber Spruce how you truly felt. Even though you may have caused him some temporary sadness, you’ll both be happier because of it in the long run. Mind my asking, but do you have any plans to woo Sunset Shimmer?”

Twilight looked down at her feet through the water and wiggled her toes in the sand. “To be honest, I really wish I did. It’s funny because Sunset and I have been best friends for several years now. I know her better than practically anyone else does. Maybe even her own family. Assuming she has any left in Equestria. The subject never came up between us.”

“As I mentioned before, I don’t believe you shall need to make any grand gestures. Although, I do have a few suggestions, if you’re open to them.”

“Anything! Please! I absolutely suck at being romantic.” Twilight pleaded.

“Why don’t you go out on a hike in the forest like we did? I’m under the impression that she would enjoy doing just about any activity, so long as you were by her side. And it would provide an ample amount of privacy and ambiance for your confession. What do you think, Twilight?”

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled. “That could work. I guess it would be pointless for me to try and write up a script for what I want to say to her beforehand, huh?”

Chrysalis poked her chest. “No, your words must come directly from the heart! Even if they’re simple and direct, I’m sure that Sunset will appreciate what you have to say. Trust me on this. Overthinking and over preparing for your confession will only make you feel anxious. You must allow things to unfold naturally between you.”

“Ok. I’ll try and let things sort of… happen, I guess.”

Chrysalis gave Twilight a hug. “You’ll be fine.”

The young scientist wasn’t entirely certain of that, but at least she felt like she had an honest to goodness chance to work things out with Sunset. If nothing else, Twilight was confident that they’d still remain best friends even if she wasn’t interested in a romantic relationship. Twilight would definitely go with Chrysalis’s suggestion and maybe follow it up with some cuddling and smores by the campfire. That was considered romantic, right?

Twilight finally decided that she’d had enough swimming for one day, got out of the water, and realized that she had no way to dry off her skin. “Darn it! I forgot that we don’t have towels. I guess that’s what happens when one decides to spontaneously go skinny dipping in the middle of the forest. Hrmm. I’d rather not get my stuff all wet but wiping my feet off in the grass won’t do me much good either. Do you have any suggestions, Chrissy?”

With a flick of the wrist, Chrysalis summoned her magic. A pixelated vortex of green flames surrounded the both of them, followed by a pleasant, warming sensation. In Twilight’s scientific opinion, it felt a lot like putting her entire body through a giant hair dryer. When Chrysalis finished, Twilight was surprised to find that her hair had not become a frizzy mess. And as an added bonus, all the detritus that had clung to her feet was gone too.

Before Twilight could utter a word, magic swirled around her ankles and she was suddenly wearing her socks and boots again. “There~ Now we are ready to hike once more.”

Twilight enjoyed hiking through the Everfree with Chrysalis for the remainder of the morning into the early afternoon. They spent most of their time birdwatching, identifying various plants, and chatting about mundane topics. All were activities that Twilight was much more comfortable with than, say, discussing her feelings for a certain bacon-haired, multi-dimensional unicorn. When she and the princess finally parted ways shortly after lunch, Twilight was left to her own devices, unsure of what else she was supposed to do for the remainder of the day.

After taking off her footwear by the doorway, Twilight entered the cabin and looked around to see if anyone else was present. It wasn’t completely farfetched to think that Sunset might have gone off somewhere to do her own thing. What that was exactly, Twilight couldn’t say. However, she had known that Twilight was going to spend most of the day with Chrysalis beforehand.

She called out Sunset’s name several times, but received no response. With a shrug, Twilight padded over to the bathroom and decided to take a quick shower. Being in a constant state of nakedness made the young woman more wary than ever of her bodily functions and personal hygiene (even though she was quite meticulous about it to begin with). Since it was so hot outside, the sweat and grime she’d accumulated during the hike back to camp completely negated what was washed off earlier in the grotto. Annoying, but not unexpected.

Twilight carefully adjusted the dial to ensure that the water wasn’t too hot when it came out of the showerhead. When the jet of delightfully warm water finally hit her bare skin, she shivered with pleasure. She began lathering up with her favorite scented body wash and conditioner, so that she could get the practical part of the bathing process over with. Like many people, she enjoyed taking showers, and occasionally baths, just because they felt good.

The bookworm began dancing in the stall while singing a jaunty tune to herself. Normally, she’d be way too embarrassed to do such things in public, especially now that she was nude, but there was no one else around to see her at the moment. After about a minute, she was so engrossed with her performance that she failed to notice that someone else had entered the bathroom. The shower stall itself had a transparent glass frame, therefore it did nothing to obscure the bather’s body from the outside. At a naturist resort, opaque shower curtains simply weren’t necessary.

Sunset grinned and watched her friend dance with wild abandon. “Nice~ I wasn’t expecting to see a show today. Feel free to continue if you’d like, Twi.”

Twilight abruptly stopped her routine, nearly tripped over her own feet in the shower stall, and let out an embarrassed squeak. “SUNSET?!! How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough.”

Twilight turned off the dial and blushed furiously. “I didn’t think anyone else was here!”

“C’mon, Twi. It’s not a big deal. I sing and dance in the shower too, ya know.”

“Yeah b-but,” Twilight stammered, “You probably look way better doing it than me…”

Sunset wiggled her eyebrows. “I wouldn’t dismiss yourself so easily, Twi. You looked pretty darn cute to me, dancing around like that. In a nerdy, girl next door kind of way. Look out, Camp Everfree! Twilight’s shaking her money maker and she’s on the prowl~ Pfft. Hahaha!”

Twilight wanted to curl up into a ball and die. “So… what are you doing here?”

“I was having a nice tinkle break, if you must know. I drank a ton of coffee earlier. Stuff goes right through me."

Twilight huffed. “No, that’s not what—I mean, why are you in the cabin specifically?”

“Am I not allowed to? I’m the one who paid for the reservation in the first place.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and pouted. “Ok, now you’re just being a smart ass.”

Sunset laughed and handed her a towel to dry off with. “Yeah, I know. All joking aside, I just got back from eating lunch and was gonna set up my stream for Shroom Eternal. It’s the newest title in the ‘Primo the Peppy Pizza Purveyor’ series. You’re more than welcome to come join me if you want. Should be a lot of fun.”

“Wait a second… you stream games? And isn’t that series known for its gratuitous violence?”

Sunset shrugged. “Well, sure it is. Primo’s just your average pizza shop owner who has to avenge his brother’s death by taking on the mafia and all of their goons. I was gonna play it earlier but there was so much going on that I didn’t get the chance to set up my gaming station here. Anyway, to answer your first question, I’ve been streaming for a couple of years now. Got about two million subscribers on my website as of last month. Pretty cool, huh?”

TWO MILLION?!!” Twilight screeched.

“Yep. Apparently, I’m famous on the internet. Imagine that.”

While Twilight frantically dried herself off in the bathroom, Sunset walked out into the living room, slipped on her headset, and grabbed an elaborately decorated, custom controller off of the coffee table. Just as she’d said, the whole setup was there, including an HD webcam. Twilight kept her distance just in case the camera happened to be turned on and—an errant thought struck her like a lightning bolt. Sunset was completely nude save for her headset. Twilight scrambled over to the webcam and made sure that it wasn’t broadcasting.

“Hold on a second, Sunset! Just what do you think you’re doing?!”

The fiery haired naturist frowned. “Uh… well, I was going to boot up the game before you decided to act like a total spaz. Seriously! What’s wrong, Twi?”

“You’re not wearing any clothes!”

“Duh,” Sunset replied, “I’m a full-fledged naturist in case you haven’t noticed. I always do my live streams in the nude. It’s kind of my thing, ya know.”

Twilight buried her head in her hands and groaned. “Now it all makes perfect sense why you’re so popular on the internet. Everyone gets to see you naked! I should’ve known! Ugh… please don’t tell me that you’ve ever done anything inappropriate while you were on screen.”

“What?! No, of course not! I just don’t see any point in wearing clothes during my streams. Why should I change who I am and how I prefer to play games? It’s not right, Twi.”

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck. “Well, I’m not really in a position to judge your choices or tell you no. Just be careful, ok? I don’t want you getting any creepy fan mail or have stalkers try to track you down in real life. There’s some REALLY terrible people out there, Sunset.”

Sunset got up from the couch and kissed Twilight’s cheek. “I know. Trust me; I’ve been doing this for while now and most of my fans are super supportive. Umm—by the way, you don’t have to join me for the stream if you’re uncomfortable about being filmed in the nude.”

Twilight let out an anxious sigh but sat down next to Sunset after she booted up the game. “You’re right. I’m absolutely terrified of it. But… I have to stop being so self-conscious about my body at some point. Hehe. You know what they say: no time like the present!”

Sunset grinned. “Ok. I promise that we’ll have a ton of fun!”

At the top corner of the screen, Twilight realized that the people viewing the stream could see their entire bodies from head to toe. She practically had to bite down on her own cheeks in order to resist the urge to cover up her bare breasts and cup her hand over her privates. Sunset has no such compunctions, as she sat cross-legged on the couch, letting it all hang out like a true naturist. Twilight placed her hand on Sunset’s thigh and rubbed it gently while she spoke.

“Hello again everyone! This is your favorite naturist gamer gal, BaconBitz4Life, reporting to you live from Camp Everfree. Today, we’re going to be playing the latest Primo game with a special guest. Say hi to my best friend in the whole world, Sparky! See? Isn’t she just the cutest?”

Twilight put on her best friendly smile and waved, even though she was extremely nervous. Based on the explosion of incoming livestream comments, the whole chat went wild at her introduction. The pinging sound of donations rang continuously for the next minute or so as Sunset began playing the game. Much to Twilight’s surprise, the game was fairly entertaining. After a while, she ignored the fact that she was being watched by thousands of people.

“Exactly how much money do you make off of doing streams?”

Sunset stuck out her tongue in concentration. “Enough to be comfortable. Uhh… ok, VERY comfortable if I’m being honest. Streaming is pretty much my full time job now. I’ve even got my own website that’s devoted to doing all kinds of fun stuff in the nude. Cool, huh?”

“That’s great, Sunset. I’m glad you found a lucrative career.”

After about a half hour, Sunset ended the stream and began checking the comments section of her website. Twilight was genuinely surprised at how many people seemed to enjoy her presence as a special guest. There were even more requests for her to make a return appearance. It was such a strange and, dare she admit, immensely gratifying experience to know that people found her nerdy physique appealing. Perhaps, there was something to what Chrysalis had said after all.

Sunset finally closed her laptop and snuggled up against her friend on the couch. “Thanks for making my stream such a success today, Twi. They all loved you!”

Twilight blushed. “Erm—well, I didn’t really do all that much.”

“Sure, you did. I know how nervous you were about appearing nude on camera, yet you did it anyway. I’m so proud of you! Keep this up, and you’ll be a professional naturist in no time.”

Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunset’s waist and nuzzled her cheek against the other woman’s chest. “Thanks. Can we just… stay like this for a while?”

Sunset ran her fingers through Twilight’s hair. “Yeah. I’d like that.”