• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,144 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

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A Most Unexpected Guest

Chapter 12

Administrator’s Cabin, Camp Everfree

Even with the mystic power of Gaia Everfree coursing through her veins, Gloriosa still found it rather difficult to get out of bed in the morning. Habit more than desire spurred her body into action. After letting out a particularly loud yawn, the camp owner threw off her floral-patterned sheets and blinked a few times to dispel the grogginess that lingered just beneath the surface of her mind. It wasn’t nearly as effective as she’d hoped. With an annoyed grunt, her bare feet smacked against the wooden floor as she plodded over to the bathroom for a nice, hot shower.

She’d expected Gaia to make some kind of snide remark about being so disheveled and out of sorts in the morning, but the forest spirit had become increasingly mute as time wore on. Gloriosa wasn’t entirely certain if that was a good or a bad thing. Gaia had mentioned that there would come a point where they would merge completely and become one, inseparable entity. Considering how much finer control she’d been able to exert with her powers over the past few days, Gloriosa wondered if that point had already come to pass.

Based on her limited understanding of Equestrian magic, it had something to do with the harmonic nature of the elements. They always tried to heal and bring balance to those that had been touched by their influence. Much like Sunset Shimmer or Twilight Sparkle, Gloriosa mused. Just to prove her point, the camp owner mentally called out to the spirit… only to have silence greet her after half a dozen attempts.

Her frustration mounted when she heard nothing but birdsong filter in through the bathroom window. She peered into the mirror, desperate to see if another presence stared back at her. It was to no avail. All she saw was her own, bed-headed reflection. Gloriosa finally gave up and decided that her energy would be better spent on getting ready for the day. If Gaia really wanted to talk to her, she would do so whenever the time was right. With a weary sigh, Gloriosa hopped into the shower and welcomed the sensation of the hot water as it sprayed her skin.

As always, getting ready for the day at a naturist camp was ridiculously easy. All Gloriosa had to do was: dry off with a towel when she got out of the shower, apply deodorant (sometimes a few dabs of perfume if she was so inclined) and brush her hair to make it look presentable. That was it. No need to worry about picking out a comfortable pair of panties, a bra, or even shoes. Mother nature had already provided her with the ultimate casual outfit to wear: her birthday suit.

Gloriosa shuffled out into the kitchen, only vaguely aware that the smell of brewing coffee was already present in the room. She blinked slowly a few times as her mind tried to process what it perceived as an unusual and possibly alarming occurrence, but Gloriosa dismissed the thought almost as quickly as it formed. After another big yawn, she scratched her crotch and stared at the poofy-haired woman dressed in nothing but a frilly, pink apron.

Adagio turned around a gestured towards the table with a smile. “I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your kitchen this morning. I made waffles! And look! They’re happy to see you!”

Dumbfounded, Gloriosa plopped into the chair and looked down at her plate. Sure enough, a delicious, fluffy waffle greeted her: complete with eggs for eyes and a bacon strip mouth. She looked back at the apron-clad siren and gaped like a fish. After all, it wasn’t every day that a naked woman broke into your cabin and made you a gourmet breakfast. With practiced ease, Adagio flipped another waffle onto a plate and slide the toppings onto it as well. She pulled out the chair opposite to Gloriosa and immediately began to eat her portion.

“Go on, sweetie. There’s no need to be polite. Eat up.”

After a few bites, Gloriosa wiped her mouth. “I’m just going to cut straight to the chase: how the hell did you get into my cabin and what do you want with me so early in the morning?”

Adagio made a show of taking off her apron and pouring a cup of coffee for the cabin’s owner. She then slid it right next to Gloriosa’s hand with nary a word, poured a cup for herself, took a big gulp, and sighed. “Mmm~ That’s some high-quality Joe you’ve got there. What kind is it? Tastes like Columbian Reserve Light Roast if I’m not mistaken. Fair trade?”

“It is. Now, if we’re done chatting about what I keep in the cupboard, can you please answer my questions. I don’t take kindly to uninvited guests in my cabin. Even if they’re paying to stay here. At… Camp Everfree, I mean. Not HERE specifically.”

Adagio leaned back in the chair and propped her bare feet onto the table in a very unladylike fashion. “Semantics. Gotta love ‘em~ To answer you first question: I politely asked Rufus if I could come in. The little gentlebager allowed me into your abode under the condition that he receive a hearty share of bacon. Of which, I provided to him without protest.”

Sure enough, Rufus sat in the corner happily munching on a few strips of greasy, crispy bacon. Gloriosa glared at him with an expression that conveyed both disappointment and disapproval. The baby badger let out a whimpering whine (with bacon still crammed into his mouth). He at least had the decency to look like he was sorry about letting a guest in the cabin without Gloriosa’s express permission.

The camp owner’s expression softened when she realized that Rufus probably didn’t view Adagio as a threat to her. With an encouraging smile, she patted her thigh, urging Rufus to come over and sit with them while they ate breakfast together. He barked once, skittered across the floor, and nuzzled Gloriosa’s ankle. She used her toes to rub his fur affectionately while she continued to enjoy the delectable meal that Adagio had gone to the trouble of making for her. After all, there was no sense in letting good food go to waste.

“To answer your second question: a little bird told me that you have magic powers. As a former denizen of Equestria myself, I made it my top priority today to talk with you. In a private setting. Just the two of us. After all, I don’t know who I can trust around here. Especially with a secret like this. No offence, but I’ve found that humans generally freak out when it comes to magic. Just look at how the Witch Hunts turned out. Need I say more?”

Gloriosa took a swig of her coffee. “That talking British vulture mentioned that his mistress was presently vacationing here at Camp Everfree. He wouldn’t happen to be your pet, would he? Magic-related shenanigans have kept happening to me on a pretty regular basis ever since my… transformation. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point.”

“Pet… is such a crude term. Lucy is my companion, my confidant, my best friend. But you are correct in the sense that he alerted me to your presence and what he was able to glean from it. I simply wish to offer you whatever guidance I can render. You know, someone to talk to about ‘Magic-Related Shenanigans’ as you so eloquently put it.”

Gloriosa narrowed her eyes. “Guidance? You mean to tell me that you can ‘sense’ that I have powers? How do you even know what they are? I certainly haven’t shown them to you.”

“Correct on both counts, sweetie. My powers were taken from me when I was blasted by those meddlesome bunch of teenagers. A fitting punishment, I suppose. I only used my magic for nefarious purposes and my own personal gain over the course of the past several centuries. Much like you had done just prior to your reformation. Am I wrong?”

Gloriosa gripped her cup tighter. “Well, no but—”

“Dissonant magic is much like a fine wine,” Adagio interjected, “Delicious and smooth down to the very last drop~ It fills your entire body with a fiery warmth that makes you feel like you could conquer the world. Akin to the most passionate, intense, sweaty sex you’ve ever experienced but the orgasm that follows is on an entirely different scale. Simply put: it’s difficult to go back to being mundane after tasting greatness.”

Gloriosa shuddered at how accurate Adagio’s description of how her powers felt before she was purified by the Rainbooms. At that precise moment, she knew that Adagio was a kindred spirit. “I-I can feel your aura of magic too! It’s faint but… still there in the background. It radiates off of you like a series of… golden waves. Does that sound weird? I don’t know how else to describe what I’m feeling.”

“An astute observation from someone untrained in the ways of Equestrian magic. I’m afraid that what little power I have left is merely passive at this point. I can still sense emotions, but I can’t wield my siren magic like I used to. It’s probably for the best in all honesty. Fueling my body with negative emotions is often detrimental to those who seek to befriend me. I’m ready to let go of that part of my life now. Even though it has proven to be quite the challenge thus far…”

Gloriosa bent down and picked up Rufus by the stomach. As friendly as he was, the badger still had a sharp set of claws that could easily scape her bare skin if she wasn’t careful. She allowed him to sit in her lap and he, in turn, stayed still for the most part while she ran her fingers along his fur. It was comforting to have him there, even though he could contribute little else towards her conversation with Adagio Dazzle. She fed him a bite of her waffle and he purred in response.

“I knew who you were before we met today, Adagio. That’s why I didn’t freak out as badly as I could have when I saw you in the kitchen. But it does surprise me that a celebrity of your caliber would willingly choose to vacation here. We’re not exactly running a five-star resort.”

Adagio chuckled mirthlessly. “Well, I certainly didn’t come here because I expected the accommodations to rival the Ritz Carlton. I simply wanted to go someplace where no one would judge or expect anything from me. The fact that this place doesn’t have a dress-code only makes it better! Don’t worry; I’ll be sure to write a positive review of Camp Everfree on your website. It’s the very least I can do. Even so, I can tell you’re deflecting~”

Gloriosa sighed. She just couldn’t win with someone who sensed emotions. “Maybe I am. Can you blame me though? Talking about magic and all the terrible things I did while under Gaia’s influence isn’t exactly what I would call pleasant.”

“Of course not. I wouldn’t dare presume otherwise. But I’m not here for all usual banal pleasantries of casual conversation. I’m here to help you face your demons and cope with what your life has now become. Like or not, Gloriosa Daisy, you’re stuck with those powers. There’s no getting rid of them. Why don’t you start by telling me what you’re able to do, hmm?”

Gloriosa shifted in her seat. “I—erm—I can grow plants. Like, really fast. To the point where I feel as though I’m the real-life Poison Ivy! Animals seem to understand me too. This all started to become more noticeable after my fight with the Rainbooms. I… got zapped like you did.”

“Advanced chloromancy with a passive affinity for zoolingualism. Makes sense to me. That is, if you somehow merged with the guardian spirit of the Everfree Forest like you claim. Anything else I should know about?”

“I can heal almost instantly too.”

Adagio threw back her head and laughed. “Way to make a girl jealous~ Perhaps you should consider turning yourself into this world’s first nude superheroine. Hah! You’ve certainly got the figure for it. The media would go wild over the mysterious, unclothed vigilante who uses vines to ensnare villainous fiends! All you’d need is some kitschy mask to conceal your true identity.”

Gloriosa blushed furiously. “I-I’d never do something like that!”

Adagio stood up and spread out her hands in a theatrical manner. “The naked crusader: Vine Vixen! Catch her exclusively on tonight’s eleven o’clock newscast. Hrmm. They’d still have to blur just about all of the footage due to this world’s bizarre censorship laws. But think of how popular you’d be on the internet though! There would be so much knock-off porn and fan art~”

Gloriosa turned so red that Rufus began to worry that she’d gotten a fever. “Yeah… w-well, you’re just going to have to keep fantasizing. Because IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!!! I’m not some perverted exhibitionist with a hero complex; I’m a naturist for heaven’s sake!”

“No need to get testy. I’m well aware of the difference,” Adagio snickered, “It’s just so much fun teasing you! In all seriousness though, you really do have a delectably scrumptious figure. Keep up whatever exercise routine you’ve got going, sister. Clearly, it’s working quite well for you~”

“Thanks, I guess. I like to do yoga and hike every day.” Gloriosa muttered.

“Now, about these powers of yours: do you think you’d be up for a little demonstration out back? Just something simple to show me what I’m working with. If it’s too much of a hassle, we can always do it later when—”

Adagio never got the chance to finish her sentence. She immediately stopped talking because she sensed something strange. It reeked of a powerful, but somewhat familiar magic aura. The siren bolted out of the cabin to try and see if she could spot whatever was causing the disturbance. Gloriosa and Rufus soon followed; a perplexed expression painted the camp owner’s face.

“Adagio, what was that weird tingling sensation I just felt?”

“You sensed the power surge too, huh? Hmm. This doesn’t bode well. It’s definitely coming from an experienced magic-user but the aura feels… off somehow. Damn it! I can’t quite put my finger on it. Why does it seem so familiar, yet so alien at the same time? We must investigate!”

Gloriosa grabbed Adagio’s arm while an uneasy sense of dread filled the pit of her stomach. “We can’t just go traipsing off into the middle of the forest without some kind of a plan! What if it’s a super powerful, evil creature hellbent on exterminating mankind? What then, Adagio?!”

“I seriously doubt it. Dark magic doesn’t have that kind of aura.”

Gloriosa bit her lip. “Shouldn’t we at least tell someone where we’re going first?”

“There might not be time for that. If we run into trouble, then we can immediately turn around and head back to camp. Otherwise, we need to get our bare derrières in gear. C’mon! There’s no sense in dawdling around, thinking about what to do. Off we go!”

Gloriosa knelt down and politely asked Rufus to stay behind at the cabin. Mostly because she didn’t want to put him in harm’s way, but he could also alert someone if it took too long for them to return from their little escapade into the forest. She ruffled his fur affectionately one last time, and took off with her new “counselor” leading the way. As they ran towards the source of the aura, Gloriosa swallowed a lump that had begun to form in her throat. She hoped it wasn’t some horrible creature. It was time to see if she could really trust Adagio Dazzle or not.

Everything happened so fast that neither of the two women had remembered to bring a pair of shoes along with them on their little adventure. Adagio didn’t seem to mind running around the Everfree Forest barefoot, but Gloriosa wasn’t too keen on the idea. Twigs and pebbles weren’t very fun to pick out of the soles of one’s feet when perfectly good hiking boots prevented the problem in the first place. Not to mention how many times she got scratched up by bushes and branches. With an irritated sigh, Gloriosa watched a particularly nasty scratch along her left thigh heal up just as quickly as it had appeared.

“Adagio, I know this is important but… can we please slow down a little? Running through the forest without a shred of protection is a terrible idea. For a couple of naked women, at any rate.”

Adagio blinked owlishly. “Oh? The thought hadn’t even occurred to me. My body is much more durable than the average human female. Erm—well, probably ninety nine percent of the human race, more likely. Despite, my lack of magic. Funny how the works, eh? Alrighty then. You’re the boss. We can take a short pit stop; I suppose.”

Gloriosa didn’t hesitate to accept the siren’s offer. She plopped down on a relatively clear spot of moss and took a moment to catch her breath. The young woman was also a bit annoyed that they hadn’t brought any water along with them either. What if they wound up getting lost? She had to admit that it was moot question. Gloriosa knew precisely where they were and about two dozen different ways to get back to camp due to her innate magic abilities. She just didn’t like anyone who roped her into making rash and impulsive decisions.

With a flourish of her hand, she collected thousands of dewdrops from the surrounding plants and merged them together in a makeshift cup fashioned from oakleaves. She made a second one for Adagio just because it was the right thing to do. The poofy-haired woman may have been a shameless tease and irritating to boot, but that didn’t mean she deserved to suffer from dehydration.

Adagio let out an impressed whistle after she took a big gulp from her cup. “That’s pretty damn amazing what you just did there. I didn’t think your magical control had become that far advanced. Gaia Everfree must have been a very ancient, and powerful forest spirit to be able to do shit like that. Heh. You might not need my guidance after all…”

“Really? All I did was picture in my mind what I wanted to do and it happened.”

“That’s precisely my point. It takes some practitioners decades to master what you just did in under a minute. This is merely conjecture, mind you, but I think your high degree of precision and control can be attributed to the way the elements purified you as well. Way to rub salt and lemon juice into a papercut. Seriously! Fuck you, Elements of Harmony!”

Gloriosa attempted to rub Adagio’s back, albeit awkwardly. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I know how difficult it’s been for you living without your siren magic. If I could, I’d let you have mine in a heartbeat. I never… wanted to be some freak with super powers. Having a normal life would have been enough for me. I guess the universe doesn’t work that way, huh?”

Adagio clicked her tongue. “Nope. Never has. Never will. You’d best start believing in fairy tales, Miss Daisy; you’re in one! Wait a second… isn’t that from a movie? I can’t remember.”

“Maybe? I don’t watch too many movies. Flash would probably know.”

Adagio nudged her in the ribs. “Speaking of… how are things going with Flash Sentry?”

“Our relationship has been surprisingly strong so far. I’m glad that he agreed to work here over the summer, despite his initial trepidation over being naked all the time. Because finding the time to date people when you’re busy running a naturist camp is next to impossible! It’s kind of corny but, I feel as though we were destined to meet again that day. Know what I mean? Uh—AHEM—sorry, I didn’t mean to get all sentimental. He just makes me really happy.”

“Must be nice.” Adagio remarked in a snide tone.

“Is there something wrong? You sound… upset.”

“I’m fine,” Adagio snapped, “I accidentally sat on a fucking pebble and it dug into my ass cheek. It hurt, so I’m cranky. Just forget I said anything. Can we talk about something else instead?”

Gloriosa wiggled her toes in the grass and frowned. “What do you think we’ll find?”

“Not so much a what but a who. A complex magical aura like that can only belong to a sapient being. I have a hunch who it might be but I can’t be certain. We aren’t in Equestria.”

Gloriosa’s eyes widened. “Do you think another Equestrian may have come through the portal?”

“Nah. We’re too far away from Canterlot High for that to happen without someone else noticing. Besides, this presence felt like it showed up in the forest suddenly. Almost as if it dropped straight out of the—no, that can’t be right. Or could it? Oceans, I hope I’m wrong…”

Gloriosa bit her lip. “What? You’re scaring me, Adagio. What is it that you hope you’re wrong about? Please! Tell me! The suspense is killing me!”

“Jeez! Just calm down already. I don’t need you freaking out in the middle of the woods and causing a minor catastrophe with your magic. It’s a bit of a long shot, but we might have to consider the possibility of coming across an extra-terrestrial lifeform.”

Before Gloriosa could protest, Adagio held up her hand. “Ububub! Stop! Don’t EVEN start with me about how just such a scenario happening to be implausible. You’re literally talking to a being from an alternate reality, remember? Is an alien landing in the forest really so farfetched?”

“It does sound kind of silly when you put it that way…”

Adagio placed her hands on her hips and adopted a smug expression. “You’ll find that I’m right about a great many things. Comes with age and experience, my dear~ Off we go then. The source of the disturbance isn’t too much further. The aura seems to be most concentrated near that little pond over there by the clearing.”

Gloriosa shrugged and decided to follow Adagio’s lead. It wasn’t as if she had anything to lose by following the older woman’s supposedly ‘sage’ advice. As fate would have it though, what they stumbled upon in the clearing proved that Adagio’s hypothesis was correct. Resting in the grass was a sleek, obsidian colored craft that gave off a sickly green glow every so often.

By all accounts, it looked like an alien escape pod that came straight out of a high-budget science fiction movie. Gloriosa was curious and wanted to get closer to the pod, but she wasn’t sure how safe it was. The green glow didn’t assuage her fears that it might even be giving off dangerous levels of radiation. Not something anyone should be messing around with in their right mind. Especially, when one lacked any sort of protective attire.

Adagio didn’t seem to have any such qualms. She boldly stepped forward and ran her fingers along the pod’s smooth surface. “Hmm. Very interesting indeed. It’s not even hot to the touch. The glow it’s giving off is not dissimilar to the magic aura I sensed earlier. I don’t think it’s radioactive though. If it is… I could potentially die a horrible, agonizing death when my body starts to break down at the cellular level. Like those poor bastards at Chernobyl. Ha! Wouldn’t that be a hell of a way to go after fifteen hundred years.”

“Adagio! How can you joke about something like that?!”

The siren crouched on her knees and examined the underside of the pod. “When you get to be as ancient as I am, you develop a pretty dark sense of humor. Besides, I’m a tough, stubborn old bitch. It’ll take way more than a little radiation to put me in a coffin. I promise you that!”

“Well, if it’s all the same to you… I-I’d rather not risk it. Even with my powers.”

Adagio knocked on the pod’s surface with her knuckles. “Sure. Do whatever you please. Damn! What’s this thing made of? It looks really brittle but feels harder than tempered steel. I guess it would have to be if it was designed to fly through space for prolonged periods of time.”

“Are you sure you should be banging on the lid like that? What if you—”

Adagio fell flat on her ass when a tiny slot opened up on the side of the pod. A spherical device extended outward and began to speak in a strange, alien language that sounded very similar to cicadas chirping. The pod suddenly started hovering and a surge of sickly-green light blossomed out of the sphere like the shockwave of a bomb. After a few more seconds of clicking and chittering, the probe retracted back into pod and it rested in the grass once more.

The siren let out annoyed huff and glanced down at the ground underneath her feet. Gloriosa could tell that the grass was wet somehow, even standing a few paces away. “Fuckin’ A! I actually soiled myself. Stupid alien pod scaring the literal piss out of me! Well, at least it’s not a complete pain to get cleaned up since I’m already naked. If you don’t mind, I’m just going to hop into the pond over there and freshen up. I promise it won’t take long~”

While the siren was busy washing up in the pond, Gloriosa’s curiosity got the better of her. She slowly approached the pod and decided to investigate the alien craft herself. To be certain, the little probe shooting out of it earlier had been quite frightening but Adagio didn’t appear to be any worse for wear. Physically, at least. That emboldened her just enough to place her own hand on the pod’s surface in order to see what it felt like.

The metal (Gloriosa didn’t have any other word to describe the other-worldly material) resembled obsidian but was far smoother to the touch. She noted, with astonishment, that is wasn’t hot at all like she had expected. But then again, the immediate area surrounding the pod didn’t seem to be disturbed, aside from the grass beneath it being slightly askew. It suggested that the pod had made a controlled landing in the forest. The pristine condition of the spacecraft also explained why neither of them had heard much when it touched down.

Gloriosa knelt down in the grass to inspect the pod at every angle she could. After about thirty seconds of inspection, she could find no discernable seam that suggested the craft could be opened by any conventional means. Assuming she even had any tools at her disposal. Her eyes widened in realization when she saw a beetle crawling along a nearby log. She did have a tool! Gloriosa closed her eyes, took in a deep breath, and focused on the flora nearest to her.

Almost instantaneously, dozens of tree branches responded to her command. They moved as quickly and fluidly as if they were her own fingers. She bade them to wrap around the pod. But just as the branches were about to touch its surface, the spacecraft began to glow once more. It shined brighter and brighter until Gloriosa could no longer bear to look at it. With a long, hissing pop, the door slowly cracked open and revealed the occupant stowed inside.

Having witnessed all the commotion just after wrapping up her impromptu bath, a sodden Adagio Dazzle came scrambling over to her newest acquaintance to make sure that she was ok. When Gloriosa finally got to her feet, she peered into the pod and witnessed something amazing. Inside the pod was an unconscious, naked woman covered in some kind of green gel.

It was fairly obvious that she was tall, even while in a supine position. Gloriosa estimated that she was somewhere around two meters, give or take. Her smooth, glossy skin was entirely composed of varying shades of black. From her face all the way down to her toes. She didn’t have a spec of body hair on her either, save for what was on top of her head. Even then, it looked more like turquoise-colored silk rather than any human hair Gloriosa had seen.

The alien woman’s strange looking hair was straight, smooth, and went just past her shoulders. A tiny pair of fangs protruded from her mouth, making the being inside the pod resemble a vampire. At least, superficially. Gloriosa couldn’t be certain that this… person even used her fangs for sucking blood. Oddly enough, her ears were pointed too. Whatever Gloriosa was expecting an actual alien to look like… this wasn’t it. She was surprisingly human.

Adagio tackled Gloriosa to the ground and held her there with all the strength she could muster. “GET AWAY FROM THAT MONSTER!!!”

“Adagio, what the hell are you doing? Get off of me!”

The siren stubbornly refused to budge. “Absolutely not! You have no idea what this alien menace is capable of. Just look at her! She’s got creepy-ass fangs and long claws! I bet she’d suck the life out of you without a second thought. You have to trust me on this, Gloriosa. This bitch is bad news.”

“Quit being so judgmental! You don’t know any of that for certain. We don’t even know if she’s still alive. Now, let go of me. You’re starting to hurt my wrists.”

Adagio chuckled awkwardly and released her grip. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that I was holding onto your wrists that hard. Look, I know for a fact that she isn’t dead. Can’t you feel it? Her aura, I mean. It’s still generating magic. That’s an obvious sign she’s alive.”

Gloriosa got up and brushed the grass off of her butt. “Sort of? I’m still pretty new to this whole having magical powers thing. Wait a second. Where did all of that green goo get to? She was covered in it just a few seconds ago. Do you think it might have evaporated when—”

Adagio grabbed ahold of Gloriosa’s shoulders and stared straight into her eyes. “Damn it, Gloriosa! Listen to me! I know this might be a little difficult to believe, but I… know this woman. She’s from an insectoid race known as the Changelings. They’re parasites who love draining pon—erm—people of their emotions. Do YOU want to become an emotionless husk? Because I sure as hell don’t! This vampiric slut-queen is nothing but trouble. I say we find a nice, sharp rock and jam it straight into her chest before she has the chance to wake up.”

“Stop it! I don’t want do anything of the sort. Look, I know how upset you were earlier. And as embarrassing as it is to wet yourself, it’s ok to be scared. I was too! But don’t you dare use that as an excuse to jump to conclusions about someone we know nothing about.”

Adagio’s entire body sagged. “But I’m telling you the truth…”

“These Changelings you’re talking about, are they from Equestria?”

“Yeah. Why do you ask?”

Gloriosa sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Because that means the Changelings were from an alternate universe. Your original universe, to be precise. Whoever you think this woman is might not be related to them at all. Sure, the two might be similar in appearance, but they may not necessarily be the same. Did that ever occur to you?”

Adagio blushed and shifted uncomfortably. “Well, fuck me sideways. I didn’t think about that. Oh, alright! You win this time, Gloriosa. I’ll give her one chance to prove she’s not evil. If not, then I reserve the right to exterminate the love-sucking bitch without hesitation. Got it?”

“First thing’s first: we need to get her to the infirmary as soon as possible and have the nurse check her out. I’m no doctor, but it looks like she’s still breathing at least. That must be a good sign, right? Maybe there’s a chance she might recover and we can ask her how she got here. I’d love to go with you right now but… I have to be at the front gate in fifteen minutes for a supply delivery. Only I can sign for them. Sorry, Adagio.”

Adagio plodded past Gloriosa, scooped up the alien woman, and hefted her over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Or she could attack us. Whatever the case may be, she’s YOUR responsibility from this point forward. Eww gross! She’s still covered in some of that weird green goo. I’m definitely going to need a shower after we get back to camp. And remember: you owe me big time for lugging her carcass over to the infirmary!”

Fluttershy was trained to perform first aid and CPR, but her medical knowledge was far better suited to treating animals rather than humans. Even so, Camp Everfree’s resident nurse, Tender Care, was currently sick with a mild fever and in no condition to treat patients. Although somewhat reluctant to do so, Fluttershy volunteered to take care of the camp’s newest guest. After giving the woman a quick bath, she’d decided lay her down on one of the cots.

From what she’d gathered from Adagio’s brief account, the dark-skinned woman was some kind of extra-terrestrial who’s escape pod had landed out in the forest somewhere. Despite some very distinct anatomical features that were decidedly not human, Fluttershy was amazed at how similar she looked to an average person. Well, maybe not so average. She was actually quite beautiful all things considered. Given the fullness of her breasts and other body parts, the shy care-taker was convinced that the alien was, mostly likely, a grown adult.

As she used her hand to judge the woman’s temperature, Fluttershy noted how smooth the alien’s forehead was. The texture was also significantly more rigid than human skin. She’d attempted to put an IV needle into her arm, but the woman’s skin had not yielded after several tries. Rather than injure her patient, Fluttershy decided to do things the old-fashioned way and hydrate her another way. She padded over to the supply cabinet, soaked a sponge in cold drinking water, and gently squeezed it into the woman’s mouth.

Fluttershy squeaked in surprise when the alien’s eyes suddenly shot open. She immediately sat up and started looking around the room, panic clearly showing in her green, insectoid eyes. Unsure how else to calm the poor woman down, Fluttershy hesitantly placed her hand on the woman’s shoulder and rubbed it gently. The alien seemed to appreciate the gesture and muttered something in a language that sounded an awful lot like a cicada chirping.

“Um… it’s ok, miss. I’m not sure if you can understand me, but you’re ok now.”

The woman’s eyes flashed a sickly green color and Fluttershy’s entire body became enveloped in a magic aura. “Yes, I can sense your intentions. Do not be alarmed by my magic. I am merely scanning you to discern your race’s language. It is how my people communicate.”

“Oh, my goodness! That’s quite an interesting power you have there, miss. My name’s Fluttershy and you’re currently staying at Camp Everfree. My friends were out hiking in the forest and they found you unconscious in an escape pod. They brought you here so that you might rest and recover your strength. Are you… feeling ok?”

The alien rubbed her temples. “Princess Chrysalis. But you may call me Chrissy for short. I never cared much for royal titles anyway. Ughh. Aside from a slight headache and stiff muscles, I shall endure. How long have I been unconscious?”

“It’s nice to meet you, Chrissy. Welcome to Camp Everfree! And to answer your other question: I honestly don’t know.”

Chrissy stood up and staggered toward the door. “THE POD!! I must… check the chronometer to see how many cycles I’ve been in stasis. It’s vital that I—”

Fluttershy scrambled to catch the alien princess before she collapsed onto the floor. “Easy there. You really shouldn’t be moving around in your condition. It’s best to take things one step at a time and gather your strength back gradually. We can always go check on the pod later. Now sit down and rest. I’ll get you some more water.”

After heaving a heavy sigh, Chrysalis sipped her water gingerly. “My apologies, Fluttershy. Right before I entered the pod, I was in a rather precarious situation. I’m merely anxious to see how long it as been since I first entered stasis. Please forgive my rashness. I promise you that it shan’t happen again.”

“That’s ok. I’m sure you’re a bit frightened and stressed out over finding yourself in a strange place without all of your friends. It’ll be alright. We’re here to help you.”

Chrysalis smiled, showing off her fangs. “An astute observation from a being who cannot sense emotions directly. Or can you? Your aura is… quite different from what I am used to reading. In any case, I admit that I am… at a lost as to what I shall do next. Hmm. I suppose there is nothing to be done about it then. Rest must be my first priority.”

A long stretch of awkward silence pervaded the air while Chrysalis laid back on her cot and closed her eyes. Fluttershy knew that she should probably be more frightened of the insectoid-looking alien, but so far, the supposed princess didn’t seem like such a bad person. She fidgeted in place nervously, unsure exactly what topic she could broach with Chrysalis. Before she could utter another word, Adagio stomped into the room and shot the alien a distrustful stare. The siren then tapped her foot impatiently and leaned up against the wall.

“Don’t mind me. I’m just here to make sure OUR GUEST doesn’t do anything untoward.”

A loud growling noise emanated from Chrysalis’s stomach. She opened her eyes slowly and a slight, green-hued blush colored her cheeks. “It would appear that I am in need of sustenance. Would one of you be… kind enough to provide me with a meal? My people typically prefer animal protein over plants, since it is more efficient to digest. Please?”

Adagio grabbed Fluttershy’s shoulder before she could scamper out of the room. “Nuh uh! You’re staying right here, butter buns. Very well then, your majesty. What do you desire?”

Chrysalis chose to ignore the siren’s prickly attitude. The woman proved very difficult to read emotionally for some odd reason. But Chrysalis couldn’t really blame her for being distrustful of an alien stranger. After finishing her glass of water, the princess smiled politely at the other female and did her best to sound gentle and unthreatening.

“I only just arrived on this planet. I haven’t the foggiest idea what your people typically eat. What would you suggest I dine upon, Miss…?”

Adagio placed her hand on her chest. “The name’s Adagio Dazzle. And what I would suggest is a nice, juicy hamburger and a heaping load of fries. You look like you could use some greasy comfort food after being stuck in a pod for who knows how long. Am I right?”

“Umm—Adagio, I don’t think it’s a good idea to feed her such a heavy dish right off the bat. Maybe we should start with something lighter, like soup and crackers or—”

Adagio scoffed. “Trust me. I can tell she’s a carnivore at heart. Just look at those fangs! She’ll be fine. If she was tough enough to survive floating around in space, she’s tough enough to eat a damned hamburger. Besides, Smokey’s a kickass cook when it comes to meat. I’ll go get one.”

“Alright. If you’re sure. I’ll—ah—stay here and make sure that Chrysalis is comfortable.”

Chrysalis nodded towards the siren. “Much appreciated, Miss Dazzle. I look forward to eating this greasy monstrosity you call a ‘hamburger’. Hive Mother knows I could use the calories.”

“Sure thing, your majesty. Just be patient and try not to suck the life out of our adorable little care-taker. I don’t think her girlfriend would take too kindly to that. Nor would I~”

Fluttershy frowned as she watched Adagio leave the room. “I’m so sorry, Chrysalis. Adagio is… well, she’s not the friendliest or most trusting person around. She’s still in the process of sorting out some personal issues. I think she’ll be more agreeable once she’s had the chance to get to know you better. I’m sure of it.”

“It’s quite alright. Based on what I’ve seen so far, my visage must be frightening to your race. I am curious about one thing though. Would you care to indulge my curiosity for a moment?”

Fluttershy twirled a strand of her hair. “I don’t see why not. Ask away.”

“Forgive my bluntness, but your race appears to be simian in nature. And nearly hairless. Save for the patches covering your reproductive organs and head. Your bodies seem… ill-suited for anything other than a tropical climate. Does your species normally walk around uncovered?”

Fluttershy blushed slightly and shuffled her feet. “That question is a bit… complicated to answer. I suppose you could say that human beings typically wear clothing most of the time. Um—for various reasons. Warmth, protection, and modesty, of course. But Camp Everfree is an exception to what’s considered normal in our society. This is a place where people can enjoy the freedom of being nude without—erm—consequences. Does that explain things? I’m sorry if it doesn’t.”

“Based on what you’ve told me, humankind appears to have a strong, cultural taboo against nudity. Many species across the galaxy do as well, I’m afraid. My people, the Cicadians, do not cover ourselves at all. It would interfere with our ability to morph properly. Plus, as you may have deduced, our bodies have evolved to be durable and adaptable to many climates.”

Fluttershy rubbed her hands together and nodded. “Oh, I see. You must have felt me touching you earlier. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way. I was only trying to help.”

The princess giggled melodically. “Don’t worry; I understand. Like I told you before: I have the ability to sense other being’s emotional signatures and, to an extent, their intentions. I appreciate your kindness and all that you have done for me thus far. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. It’s what I would want if I was stranded somewhere too…”

Chrysalis got up and stretched her legs for a little while, albeit she did so cautiously to ensure that she wouldn’t fall again. She peered out the window and watched a few of the planet’s native creatures flitter around in the forest. Chrysalis sighed to herself.

She harbored no doubts that humankind’s current technology was far too primitive to be of any practical use to her. She had no idea what kind of shape the pod was in either. And even if it was fully functional, she knew that it was never designed for powered, interstellar travel. The princess realized that she might very well be stuck on the planet for the rest of her life.

She turned around when she heard the door open and the telltale sound of bare feet pattering against the tiled floor. Sure enough, the prickly woman from before had arrived with a grease-stained paper bag in her clutches. She walked over to the table and plopped it down unceremoniously. Chrysalis looked at the bag and then back to the woman. She placed one of her hands on her hip and gestured towards the meal with her other.

“One, deluxe bacon cheeseburger with the works. I also took the liberty of getting you curly fries. No idea if that suits a princess’s palette, but it’s what we’ve got. Welcome to earth~”

Chrysalis bowed slightly in appreciation and opened up the bag. She took a tentative sniff and her mouth began watering at the delightfully meaty aroma that wafted into her nostrils. Even though it was very unprincess-like, she grabbed the hamburger with both hands and devoured it like a ravenous animal. It was delicious! With her sandwich gone in under two minutes, she munched on a few fries with a pleased expression plastered on her face.

Adagio shook her head. “Holy shit! You eat like a bear who just came out of hibernation. But then again, I suppose that’s not too far from the truth. Heh. Half expected you to be all dainty about it. You did say you were some kind of alien princess, right?”

Chrysalis let out a loud belch. “Indeed, I am. Just don’t expect me to behave too much like one. I never chose to be royalty; I was born into my position. My true passion lies in engineering and machinery. I was working on an exploration drone before… all of this happened.”

Adagio’s expression softened slightly. “Do you mind telling us how you got here?”

“Well, I suppose there’s no harm in telling you. Without looking at the chronometer installed in the escape pod, I have no way of knowing how long I was set adrift in space. Suffice to say: it has likely been a long time. I was aboard one of our navy’s corvettes conducting experiments… when we were attacked by pirates. It took us all by surprise because they were using a heavily armed capital ship.

“I’m not sure how they managed to discern out location. The expedition was meant to be a state secret. Whatever the case, they began firing upon the corvette to try and disable it. The purpose of which, I assume, was to capture and ransom me for a hefty sum. One of the brave naval officers risked his life just to help me escape. The last thing I remember was being jostled around in the pod from an explosion right before I entered stasis.”

Adagio rubbed her chin in thought. “It sounds like you get knocked way off course. For what it’s worth: I’m sorry that you’re stuck here with us. I know how much it sucks to be trapped and alone in an alien world. You could say that I’ve had plenty of experience dealing with it.”

Chrysalis took a moment to observe the poofy-haired woman in greater detail. Both magically and physically. “Ah, yes. I knew I sensed something different about you. You’re not quite like the other humans. At least, compared to Fluttershy.”

“And there we go with the creepy emotion reading. This is precisely why I hate Changelings so much! Tell you what: I’ll discuss the kind of being I once was IF and WHEN you prove yourself trustworthy to me. Does that sound fair to you, Princess?”

Chrysalis shrugged. “Fine. Keep your secrets then. I’m not in any hurry to learn them.”

Fluttershy waggled her finger. “Now, girls. There’s no reason to be so hostile towards each other. I think the two of you just need to take a deep breath and calm down before someone says something mean that they can’t take back. Please, try to be friends, ok?”

Adagio scrunched her lips and pouted. “Fat chance of that happening anytime soon.”

“The first step is always the hardest.” Chrysalis murmured.

Fluttershy let out a deep sigh and shuffled over to the fridge so that she could get an apple juice box for her patient to sip on. She was thankful that the alien princess didn’t seem to be offended by Adagio’s brusque behavior but at the same time, she was more than a little frustrated that Chrissy wasn’t inclined to offer up an olive branch either. With former villains like Adagio, she supposed that the process of making friends and tolerating others wasn’t quite so easy for them.

The Element Bearer’s intuition screamed at her that there was a far more complicated explanation for Adagio’s attitude than she had let on. However, Fluttershy didn’t want to upset the siren further by inquiring about her sordid past with these so-called ‘Changelings’. Perhaps, she would visit Tree Hugger later on in the day and see if her friend could do something to help Adagio clear the air with Chrissy. For the time being though, she was grateful that the princess was content to sip on her juice box and leave Adagio alone.

Adagio walked over to the door and looked back at Fluttershy with a strained expression. It was quite clear that the siren had just about hit the limit of her patience (which wasn’t much to begin with) but Fluttershy chose not to say anything to her regarding the matter. “Since I went ahead and delivered the princess her hamburger, I’m heading out. If anyone should need me, I’ll be back at my cabin taking a nap or… whatever the hell I feel like doing. Bye.”