• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,143 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

Dr. Sparkle, I Presume?

Chapter 17

Interstate 85, En Route to Camp Everfree

Twilight Sparkle looked out the window of her brother’s squad car and watched the trees as they passed by like an ocean of green and muddy brown. It was a relatively long drive to get to Camp Everfree, so she had plenty of time to contemplate her situation. That is to say, far too much time for someone who tended to overthink everything in the first place. She recalled Sunset’s conversation with perfect clarity, remembering every tiny detail. Including how beautiful she’d looked, despite being on the other side of a camera screen instead of face to face.

Ever since Twilight had first met Sunset Shimmer, the former Equestrian had never been shy about showing off her body. It wasn’t that she was an exhibitionist, per say, but more like a person who was completely comfortable with who and what she was. A pang of jealousy welled up in the pit of Twilight’s stomach. She knew that it was bad to harbor such feelings about one of your closest friends, but the introverted scientist couldn’t help it. Twilight let out a heavy sigh.

Memories of changing in the girl’s locker room during gym class bubbled up to the surface of her mind. Twilight had enough difficulty coping with an entire room full of young women in various states of undress surrounding her on all sides (during high school she was just starting to realize that she might prefer the fairer sex). Disrobing in front of others had always been a brief, but nerve-wracking affair when the occasion called for it.

Twilight never considered herself an attractive woman by any standards. Whenever she looked at herself in the mirror, all she saw was a frumpy, awkward, nerd. Unworthy of attention or acclaim. Definitely not anything like the other women she’d seen. Women like Sunset, who had beautifully sculpted bodies and confident smiles to go with them.

To her, Camp Everfree represented both her greatest passion and her greatest fear. One coin: two sides. She was very excited to study a live extra-terrestrial and a potentially undiscovered form of magic, but exposing herself to what seemed like the entire world, terrified Twilight to no end. Feeling an oncoming panic attack, Twilight frantically fumbled around in her travel bag until she found her prescription inhaler. After a quick puff, Twilight let out an unsteady breath and counted to ten. Shining Armor looked over at his sister with concern.

“It’s not too late to turn around if you’re having second thoughts. You don’t have to go through with this. Really! I totally don’t mind driving back to Canterlot.”

Twilight flashed her brother a weak smile. “No, I need to stay at Camp Everfree for however long it takes. I—there’s a lot of things I’ve been avoiding just because I’m too scared to face my fears head on. I won’t run away this time! It wouldn’t be fair to the scientific community and it wouldn’t be fair to… Sunset. I made a promise to her, Shiny.”

“Alright. Just so long as you’re sure, Twily. I don’t want to see my LSBBF get hurt.”

Twilight reached over and patted Shining’s leg. “Thanks, Shiny. I appreciate your concern, but I really need to dig deep within myself and find the courage to overcome my anxiety. That's the only way I’m ever going to move on with my life and become more… c-comfortable with myself.”

Shining Armor sighed. “Jeez. I had no idea you were that self-conscious about your body image. It makes me feel bad for not noticing it earlier. Why didn’t you tell how you were feeling—”

Twilight bit her lip and blushed. “Don’t get me wrong: I love and trust you with all of my heart, Shiny. But sometimes, you just can’t talk to your BBBFF about certain, delectate subjects. It’s—erm—it’s a girl thing. I’m sorry.”

“Oh. Yeah, I guess that would be pretty awkward. Did you ever talk to Cadence about it?”

Twilight nodded slowly. “She told me that everyone is unique and that I had nothing to be ashamed of. Argh! She’s so incredibly beautiful though! I just—it’s hard for me to take Cadence at her word when she practically has the body of a supermodel. And after a baby, no less!”

Shining Armor couldn’t help but agree with his sister’s assessment. “You’re telling me! I didn’t think she’d give the time of day to a nerdy guy like me when I asked her out back in high school. But you know how the story goes, Twily. Here we are, years later, married and proud parents of a beautiful girl. Cadence is one special woman, isn’t she?”

“If you’re trying to make me feel better about myself, it’s not working…”

Shining chuckled awkwardly. “Uh… sorry. I didn’t mean to gush about my lovely wife.”

Twilight waved her hands. “I was only kidding! But yeah. She really is amazing.”

“Cadence is right, Twily. There’s no need to compare yourself to everyone else. You’re plenty beautiful in your own right. Just puff out your chest, walk tall, and don’t make a big deal out of it. I’m sure everyone else staying at the camp won’t mind that you’re nude. That’s kind of the whole point with these naturist resorts. Erm—at least that’s what the internet said…”

Twilight rubbed her hands together. “I suppose so. The efforts of my own research yielded a similar conclusion. I must admit, I don’t quite understand what proper decorum would be in this situation. Am I allowed to keep my clothing on until I get to the cabin or do, I take them off right away? Their website was annoyingly vague about it. Like it was some unspoken rule.”

“Heck if I know. I honestly can’t say that I’ve been to a place like Camp Everfree before.”

Twilight cocked her brow. “No, but I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if Cadence was with you.”

“You’ve got me there, Twily. If we ever decide to go, it would be without Flurry Heart. She’s a little too young to appreciate… the venue and just in case Cadence & I want some alone time together as adults. I can’t believe I’m talking about this kind of stuff with my little sister.”

Twilight giggle snorted. “Don’t worry; I totally understand. Although, I’m not quite sure how I feel about Spike deciding to not accompany me to the camp. His support would have been really helpful.”

“It was really nice of him to volunteer to babysit Flurry while we have a date weekend. Man, it’s been ages! Between both of our hectic work schedules and looking after a child, Cadence and I haven’t had much time to be romantic. Besides, I think Spike knows that you can handle yourself. Don’t forget that Sunset and Fluttershy will be there too.”

Twilight glanced out the window and rubbed her arm. “True. I hope staying with Sunset won’t be too awkward. Um—for either of us. It’s just that the type of cabin she’s renting out isn’t exactly known for giving its guests much in the way of privacy. But—ah—I guess that’s a moot point considering that we’re both going to be naked all the time anyway.”

Shining Armor nodded in agreement while he parked the car at the lot. Twilight unbuckled her seatbelt and hesitantly opened the door. Her brother opened the trunk and retrieved her portable lab station, along with the suitcase she’d opted to take along. It mostly contained toiletries and an emergency outfit just in case she would happen to need it. Otherwise, Twilight figured she would have little use for clothing while she stayed at Camp Everfree.

Twilight fiddled with the handle of her suitcase, unsure of how to proceed. “Should I just take my clothes off right now? Technically speaking, the parking complex is private property owned by Gloriosa and Timber. So, indecent exposure laws wouldn’t apply here. Ehehehe! I don’t see any signs indicating that I have to disrobe immediately, but it might be prudent if I just get it over with. You know, b-before I lose my nerve…”

It wasn’t as though the siblings hadn’t seen each other naked before. Plenty of times, in fact. But that was back when they were still living together under the same roof. Twilight was now a fully grown, adult woman. A fact that Shining Armor still had a difficult time wrapping his head around. The police captain took in a deep breath and tried to gather his thoughts. There was no avoiding it: if Twilight decided to take her clothes off, the situation would become unbearably awkward for the both of them.

Shining cleared his throat. “That’s entirely up to you, little sis.”

“O-ok. I think I’ll do it. Just promise me you won’t laugh!”

“Uh… yeah. Sure. Do you want me to turn around or something?”

Twilight’s cheeks flushed a deep, crimson red. “Thanks, but there’s not much point. Everyone will be seeing me in my birthday suit soon enough anyway. Might as well get used to it…”

Shining’s blush matched his sister’s as she began to unbutton her blouse. Rather than drag out the process, Twilight removed the rest of her clothing quickly and balled up her undergarments in a wad. The only accessories she kept on wearing were: a pair of sandals and her trademark glasses when she stuffed the bundle of clothing into the suitcase. Shining tried his very best not to let his eyes wander anywhere that might make Twilight feel uncomfortable.

Body trembling, Twilight gripped the suitcase handle and took a few shaky steps forward. “I-I guess that’s it, then. Wow! When did it get so gosh darn breezy around here? Kind of crazy when you think about it. Especially, since it’s the middle of summer. HAHAHAHAHA!”

“Are you going to be ok walking the rest of the way to Sunset’s cabin or do you need me to help you carry all of your stuff?” Shining asked.

“NO! That’s fine. I think I can handle it. Yeah. Perfectly fine. JUST FREAKIN’ DANDY!”

“Are you sure? The equipment’s kind of heavy and I wouldn’t want you to—”

Twilight glared at her brother. “Yes! I’m perfectly capable of lugging it around on my own, thank you very much! Shiny, I—I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m just so nervous right now, I feel like I could puke. Oh gosh! I better not wet myself either. That would terrible!”

“Let’s not buy into trouble, Twily. Just take a deep breath and try to calm down. You’ll be fine.”

Twilight began to hyperventilate. “Oh no! I’m getting all sweaty again. Does my new haircut still look ok? GAH! I can’t show up to Sunset’s cabin like this. NEWTON’S APPLE!! With all the commotion, I didn’t even think about sprucing up my privates! Quick, Shiny! My pubes don’t look too bushy, do they? I don’t want everyone at camp to think that I’m a slob!”

“I doubt Sunset or anyone else will care what you look like… down there.”

Twilight let out a strained laugh. “Psssh! You’re right, Shiny. Why would a bunch of nudists get upset about something like that? You know what they say: when in Rome~”

Shining Armor carefully placed his hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Exactly. Well, I better get going. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me. Good luck, Twily.”

“Ok. Um—thanks for dropping me off. Have fun with Cadence!”

Twilight waved to her brother as he drove off, keenly aware that she was now alone and standing stark naked in the middle of a parking complex. It was exactly like one of those hot sauce induced nightmares, but all too real. At least she’d managed to keep control of her bodily functions long enough without embarrassing herself or anyone else. Her legs were still a bit wobbly from all of the nervous energy coursing through them, but she was determined to make the short journey through the camp and over to Sunset’s cabin.

Adagio Dazzle hummed to herself while her nimble fingers worked out a tight knot along Sunset’s lower back. She grinned like a shark when she heard the woman underneath her let out an audible, and incredibly sensuous moan. Or at least, that’s what it would have sounded like out of context. Adagio knew damn well that it was merely a natural reaction to the muscle tension being released, but she relished the sound Sunset made anyway. It was quite sexy, after all.

The siren reached over towards the table, grabbed the massage oil bottle, and pumped another big glob into the palm of her hand. She made sure to coat both of her hands generously with the substance, in order to ensure that they were nice and slippery before working Sunset’s muscles again. The bottle itself was from her own personal collection; rose scented and imported from the finest retailer in France. She neglected to inform Sunset that it also contained a mild aphrodisiac. Simply because it had been difficult enough to convince her to get a massage in the first place.

Of course, that hadn’t stopped Adagio from assuming the most provocative position a person could possibly take while administering a massage. Standing off to the side would have been sufficient for a masseuse of Adagio’s skill, but she insisted on getting more up close and personal about it. And so, without a moment’s hesitation, she crawled atop the fiery-haired woman and spread her legs apart so they were on opposite sides of Sunset’s back.

Adagio never once sat on top of her directly; that would have been terribly unprofessional (without permission first). Yet, it had the desired effect of making Sunset Shimmer feel slightly aroused while the tension in her body was being relieved. Basically, it was an elaborate ploy on Adagio’s part to get the blood flowing in Sunset’s veins. Was it absolutely necessary? Nope. But Adagio thoroughly enjoyed teasing her former rival any chance she got.

Adagio worked Sunset’s neck and chuckled. “My goodness! What a sexy little moan you have~”

Sunset’s cheeks flushed. “Hey! Don’t take that the wrong way, you pervert! You’re just really good at working out all of my kinks. That’s all.”

“There’s no need to be so ashamed about feeling frisky, sweetie. In fact, the massage oil I’m currently applying to your skin right now has some aphrodisiacs added to it. You know, the legitimate pharmaceutical kind that actually work. Not all those back-alley drug store concoctions made of ground up deer penis and snake venom. Eugh!”

Sunset growled in frustration. “ADAGIO! How could you not tell me about that?!”

“Well, I didn’t want to ruin the surprise~ Come now, Sunshine. Don’t be a stick in the mud. I know for a fact that you’re enjoying every moment of this. Just relax. You deserve it.”

Sunset sighed quietly when she felt Adagio work her thighs. “I suppose so. All things considered; you really are a great masseuse. I didn’t realize I was so tense…”

“Happens to the best of us, sweetie. You were stressed out and in a state of emotional turmoil. A mind on edge tends to make the body on edge as well. Everything is connected. The other reason I can tell that you’re getting excited is the lovely scent wafting from your—”

Sunset elbowed Adagio’s chest and smirked when she heard the siren grunt in pain. “We’re not going to talk about what does and does not happen to get my motor revving. So, help me, Adagio! Your fingers better not start creeping towards certain places where they don’t belong. Because I WILL NOT hesitate to use your face as a punching bag if you touch me down there.”

Adagio rubbed her sore breast and huffed. “Fine! I get the message. I just don’t understand why you’re so uncomfortable getting in touch with your own sexuality. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having needs, Sunset. Everyone has them. I can’t imagine how long it’s been since you’ve had a good fucking, but it’s quite clear to me that you are well overdue.”

Sunset shifted her body. “Yeah… well, it’s been a while. So, sue me!”

“You think? Ugh! Do you even play with your kitty?”

Sunset furrowed her brow in confusion. “Uh… my what now?”

“Oceans sakes! Kitty is a euphemism for your vagina, Sunset. I’m asking if you masturbate.”

Sunset let out a bashful chuckle. “Oh! That term makes a whole lot more sense now that you’ve put it into context. C’mon, Adagio. Cut me a little slack. Humans have way too many slang words for their genitals, alcoholic drinks, and sex positions. I can’t ever keep track of them all!”

“Try keeping up with them for over a thousand years, then we’ll talk. Now, quit trying to evade the subject matter at hand. Do you or do you not masturbate with regular frequency?”

Sunset blushed furiously. “I don’t—that is to say—not very often, no.”

Adagio rolled her eyes. “Please don’t tell it’s because human penis sizes are inadequate compared to what you were used to in Equestria. Because there are plenty of dildos out there that can replicate and surpass, I might add, a stallion’s cock.”

“Flash’s penis is fine just the way it is! I have the opposite problem, actually. Bigger sized ones are difficult for me to—erm—accommodate comfortably. I had the same issue when I was still a mare. That’s why I’m afraid to use dildos. Vibrators are ok, I guess but they only go so far…”

Adagio sighed. “That still doesn’t explain the lack of frequency.”

“I dunno. I guess it’s just… kind of embarrassing.”

Adagio leaned forward, nibbled on Sunset’s earlobe, and simultaneously traced her finger along Sunset’s spine. “Ah ha! See? You just shuddered in response. It’s not the masturbating part that’s embarrassing for you; you’re a woman who simply needs more intense stimulation. It’s all about the ambience and the partner you’re with, right? I completely understand~”

Sunset clamped her legs together tightly in order to preserve whatever dignity she had left from Adagio’s watchful eye. But the young woman quickly realized that it was a moot point. The damp spot just below her stomach would have smelled strongly of her natural musk even if it hadn’t stood out so much against the crème-colored duvet cover. Sunset was mortified that she’d allowed herself to get so worked up over a massage. With Adagio Freakin’ Dazzle, no less! It wasn’t long before Sunset began to lose her composure. She sniffled, then cried outright.

The poofy-haired siren definitely noticed what had formed atop the bedsheets, but decided to ignore it. “Aww shit! I didn’t mean to get you upset all over again, sweetie. It’s no big deal! Really. You’re not the first girl who’s gotten wet for me and you certainly won’t be the last. For fuck’s sake! Please stop crying! You’re making me feel like a jerk. Uh—do you want a hug?”

Sunset scrambled to the opposite side of the bed and jammed a pillow between her legs. “No, I don’t want a Celestia-damned hug! You can’t just expect that it will magically make everything better when—ARRGH! Adagio, you suck at recognizing when you’ve crossed the line with people. Both physically and emotionally. LEARN HOW TO READ THE MOOD!!”

Adagio’s expression wilted while her shoulders sagged. She tried to say something, anything, in her defense but the pained look in Sunset’s tear-filled eyes was too much for her to bear. For what felt like the first time in her life, she’d actually regretted what she’d done. She reached her hand out hesitantly, unsure of how Sunset would react. When the other woman merely watched her cautiously, Adagio gently massaged Sunset’s leg as a gesture of sincere apology.

“I’m… sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable at any point during our little massage session, Sunset. I wanted to help you relax and unwind a bit after everything that happened with Flash Sentry. I went and made things weird between us, didn’t I?”

Sunset grasped Adagio’s hand and sighed. “Yeah, you did. But I know that you’re just trying to be a good friend to me. I’m sorry for snapping at you. My temper is a bit volatile right now. I’m not exactly what you would call stable at present. Emotionally, speaking. I’m a fucking mess…”

Adagio laughed. “Well, we can be a fucking mess together then.”

Sunset discarded the pillow and scooched closer to Adagio. In a move that surprised the both of them, Adagio took it upon herself to wrap Sunset in a warm embrace. Although the first few moments of cuddling were a wee bit awkward, Sunset let go of her inhibitions and decided to enjoy the opportunity that was presented to her. When Adagio ran her fingers through Sunset’s hair and began singing, she hummed happily in response and nuzzled Adagio’s chest.

“You truly are a pony at heart, aren’t you?”

Sunset nodded. “You bet I am. And damned proud of it.”

Adagio took in a deep breath and allowed herself to enjoy Sunset’s citrine aroma. Not that her former rival’s body wasn’t equally as pleasurable to hold against her bare skin. Sunset had just the right ratio of fat to muscle. Perfect for cuddling, as far as Adagio was concerned. “Mhmm. I can tell. And I’m proud to be a siren at heart too. Oceans… it’s been ages since I’ve held someone like this. I’d forgotten how wonderful it feels.”

Sunset hugged Adagio tighter and placed a gentle kiss along her neck. “Yeah, this is nice.”

Just as Sunset was about to doze off and use Adagio like a warm, human-shaped pillow, her eyes shot open when she heard the front door creak open. A voice that Sunset immediately recognized as belonging to Twilight Sparkle hesitantly inquired if there was anyone present inside the cabin. It didn’t take long before she heard Twilight take off her sandals, plop them onto the floor, and pitter-patter across the wooden floor. In a matter of moments, Twilight stood in the doorway of the bedroom with a shocked expression and fierce blush coloring her cheeks.

Utterly dumbfounded, Sunset had no idea what to say to her best friend. It also happened to be the first time she’d ever seen Twilight completely nude before. Sunset took a moment to observe her friend’s body in all its bare glory while she scrambled to come up with a reasonable explanation for the position, she found herself in with Adagio Dazzle.

As expected, Twilight had a rather petite figure. Soft around the edges, but not overweight by any means. Long, slender legs, a slim waist, and modestly sized breasts. Whatever they lacked in volume was more than made up for by their shape. They were ovular, firm, and ended with a pair of perky, dark purple nipples. Sunset couldn’t help but think they looked cute, and were a perfect complement to Twilight’s slender physique.

Sunset was more than a little surprised to see the bushy tuft of hair sticking out in-between her legs. She pegged Twilight as the obsessive-compulsive type who would want nothing but perfectly trimmed pubes. Then again, Twilight was so self-conscious about her body, that she probably didn’t bother to do any grooming down there, since no one would see it anyway.

What caught Sunset off guard the most was Twilight’s new haircut. Rather than the usual ponytail she preferred to wear; Twilight had cut her hair significantly shorter. It reminded Sunset of Princess Twilight’s hairstyle somewhat, except that the bangs were slightly more pointed at the ends and it only went so far as her neckline. It was a shocking change to be sure, but not an entirely unwelcome one.

“Oh my gosh! I didn’t mean to interrupt you two! I-I can just come back later if—”

Sunset held up her hand. “WAIT! Twilight, it’s not what it looks like.”

“Nope! Seems pretty clear to me. Ehehehe! You guys look like you’re REALLY enjoying each other’s company. Far be it for me to intrude upon your snuggle time. I’ll just head on over to the canteen and get a drink or something. This is OBVIOUSLY a bad time…”

Adagio howled with laughter. “Sweet Mother Siren! You’re soooo adorably awkward~ What a cutie! Ahem! For your information: I wasn’t trying to snog your girlfriend, Sprinkles. Sunset and I were simply sharing a platonic snuggle session. As friends often are wont to do.”

Twilight pouted, which only made Adagio giggle even more. “First of all: Sunset is NOT my girlfriend. Well—erm—technically speaking, I suppose she would qualify as my friend who also happens to be a girl. But not in the way you’re thinking!”

“Oh ho~ How interesting. Go on, sweetie.”

Twilight put her hands on her hips. “Second of all: in what context does physical affection like that ever constitute as platonic? That’s about as intimate as it gets! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you guys look like a couple of lovers who just finished having intercourse!”

“As fun as that may have been, we did nothing of the sort. Feel free to interpret the situation however you like, but Sunset and I have completely different standards when it comes to PDA. It’s an Equestrian thing. You wouldn’t understand.”

Twilight scoffed. “Excuse me?! How would I not understand? There are plenty of human cultures out there who have different standards too. And believe me, I’ve studied a great deal of them over the years. Is that so difficult to believe?”

Adagio tapped her finger against her chin. “Given your proclivities towards academia, no.”

Sunset reluctantly removed herself from the warm comfort of Adagio’s embrace, got out of bed, and walked over to Twilight. “Girls, please. Can we just calm down for a second? I don’t want everyone to get off on the wrong foot and start bickering...”

Adagio laid back on the bed and closed her eyes. “I wasn’t trying to start anything, you know. Sprinkles over there was simply jumping to the wrong conclusion. She’s YOUR best friend, Sunset. Why don’t you handle talking with her? I’d rather take a nap than argue right now.”

Sunset placed her hands atop Twilight’s shoulders. “Look, I know that Adagio can come off as abrasive at times, but she’s not a bad person. She came over to my cabin this morning and offered to give me a massage. Mostly because I needed help relieving some… tension. The snugging part of it was spontaneous, but I don’t regret sharing affection with her that way.”

Twilight’s eyes lit up with hope. “So… you two really aren’t lovers?”

“Pbbft! Of course not! Adagio’s not even my type.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “But that would imply that you do have a type. Hold on a second! That would mean—I didn’t realize that you were sexually attracted to women as well as men. Why didn’t you ever tell me that before, Sunset? Isn’t that what best friends are supposed to do?”

Sunset blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. “Uh… well, the topic never really came up between us. Surprise! I’m officially bi-sexual, in case it wasn’t obvious already.”

“Wow! That’s great news! I—erm—I mean, interesting. It’s interesting to know that you’re so open-minded when it comes to relationships. Yeah. Totally what I mean to say. Yay, Sunset!”

Sunset’s brow furrowed in confusion. Even for someone as neurotic as Twilight Sparkle, the way she’d phrased her response was a bit odd. It was almost as if she sounded happy to hear that Sunset was interested in women romantically. That couldn’t possibly be the reason. Twilight dated Timber Spruce for a while, hadn’t she? In the end, Sunset decided not to pursue the matter any further and chalked it up to Twilight’s unease at being placed in an unusual situation.

At some point, Adagio had decided to get up off of the bed and stretch her legs. She was standing in the kitchen, sipping on a mug full of coffee with an amused smirk on her face. It took everything Sunset had not to shoot the older woman a venomous glare. Instead, she focused her attention back to Twilight, who seemed significantly more nervous than before.

“Hey, Twi. Are you ok? You look like you’re on the verge of passing out.”

Twilight’s knees suddenly buckled and she began to hyperventilate. “I’M WALKING AROUND STARK NAKED! YOU’RE ALL NAKED TOO! Oh my gosh! Why am I just now realizing it?! And why in the name of Newton’s Apple did I agree to this?”

“Uh… yeah. This is a naturist camp, after all. C’mon, Twi. It’s really not that big of a deal. Within a couple of hours, you’ll forget that you’re not wearing clothes anymore. I promise.”

Twilight took hold of Sunset’s shoulders and shook them slightly. “Don’t you understand?! This a big deal for me, Sunset! I’m not pretty like you or Adagio. What if people m-make fun of me?”

Sunset smushed Twilight’s cheeks together and looked her straight in the eyes. “Twilight, listen to me. You are not ugly, nor will anyone make fun of what your body looks like. I know it’s difficult for someone with your unique… condition to accept that, but it’s true!”

“That’s all just supposition on your part, Sunset. Reality is a different matter entirely! I know I told my brother that I’d stick to my guns this morning, but now I’m not so sure I can do this…”

Adagio sauntered out of the kitchen with her coffee cup still in hand, and gave Twilight’s bare rump a playful swat as she passed by. Sunset had to admit that the embarrassed squeak her best friend let was heart-meltingly adorable, but she was a little irritated at Adagio for employing such a dirty tactic. The siren then turned Twilight around, so she could get a good look at the other woman’s body from every angle. Adagio proceeded to boop Twilight’s nose with the tip of her finger. Suffice to say, it left Twilight speechless.

“She’s right, Sprinkles. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. Go on out there and shake what your mama gave you. By the way: I shouldn’t have to tell you this but some people are really into shy, adorkable nerds. Take Timber Spruce, for instance. He seemed to like you~”

Twilight bit her lip and looked down at her feet. “Yeah, he did. For a while anyway…”

“Hmm. I sense there’s a lot of context I’m missing in that response, but I shan’t pry. Since you seem to be preoccupied with your new guest, I’ll see my way out. Feel better, Sunset. Oh, and allow me to be the first to welcome you to Camp Everfree, Twilight Sparkle. Enjoy your stay~”

While Twilight was busy putting away her luggage, Sunset decided to wash up in the bathroom and make herself presentable again. Sunset had known for quite some time now that Twilight & Timber had broken up and gone their separate ways. What always struck her as odd though was that neither of them seemed willing to talk about their reasons for ending the relationship beyond the usual generalities like: “it just wasn’t working out” or “looking after the camp and college”. Sunset’s intuition, much like Adagio’s had pointed out earlier, screamed that there was far more to the story than what either of them admitted.

Sunset knew it wasn’t a good idea to bring up the subject with Twilight. At least… not until she had a little bit more time to get better acquainted with the camp and its inhabitants. There was also the issue of her gymnophobia to consider. Again, it was really just a matter of time before she got used to being nude too. With all of that in mind, Sunset decided that a fun activity was in order to help Twilight relax and loosen up a bit.

The fiery-haired nudist clapped her hands together. “Say, Twi. How would you like to do something new and exciting today?”

“Um… o-ok. What exactly did you have in mind?”

Sunset pulled Twilight in for a half hug. “Well, since it’s such a nice day outside, I figured we could head on down to the beach and go for a nice, refreshing swim. Maybe relax a bit and grab some BBQ as well. What do you say? Does that sound like fun to you?”

Twilight twiddled her fingers. “Sure, Sunset. That sounds nice. But before we go, I should probably lather up with sunscreen. Wouldn’t want to get sunburnt…. everywhere. If you wouldn’t mind, could you—ah—possibly help me put it on all the hard to reach spots?”

“No problem! I’d be more than happy to. Let’s get you lathered up and have some fun!”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “Woohoo. Yeah… fun.”

Although Twilight was reluctant to admit it, walking around the camp completely nude was kind of exhilarating. She shuddered as the afternoon breeze tickled every nook and cranny of her bare skin (especially the places that rarely saw the light of day). Even the simple pleasure of basking in the sunlight was a unique experience in and of itself. Twilight pondered to herself while she walked. How many years had it been since she’d last gone skinny dipping?

She’d certainly still been a child at the time. Barely older than five or six. It was back when Twilight’s family used to vacation at the Sparkle House down south. Not a luxurious mansion by any stretch of the imagination, even though her family had always been fairly well-to-do. Even so, it was a lovely coastal cottage nestled along a private beach. It was the very same beach that she and her brother had frolicked about in their birthday suits when they were younger.

Growing up meant becoming conscious of their nudity. And so, by the time Twilight had reached her seventh birthday, both she and her brother started wearing bathing suits. Never to go back to those innocent days when neither of them cared about such things. That is, until Shiny met Cadence one summer. He didn’t seem to have any issue skinny dipping with her. Twilight giggled to herself when she remembered them getting caught in the act one time. Velvet Sparkle had been furious with them. Night Light, however, thought that it was par for the course for a couple of teenagers in love to do something like that.

Despite recalling all of those fond, childhood memories, Twilight still found herself on edge. She discovered that people of all ages and body shapes were guests at the camp. Many of them seemed friendly enough. In fact, a few of them had even waved at her while she walked along the beach like it was the most normal thing in the world. To an experienced nudist, it probably was.

Twilight tried to act casual, but false bravado could only get her so far. She never considered herself a brave person; especially during situations that exposed her to some of her greatest phobias. Being seen naked in public was definitely among the top three of Twilight Sparkle’s mental checklist of “Phobias that make me want to curl up in a ball and cry”. The number one spot (a close tie with number two) was reserved for being ruthlessly ridiculed for her own stupidity, and three was cheese quesadillas.

Admittedly, her fear of melted dairy products wrapped in triangular-shaped tortillas was the strangest of the three. It was the inevitable by-product of a Mexican-themed restaurant birthday party gone wrong. Suffice to say: it was not a pleasant experience having an entire tray full of scalding hot, cheese quesadillas dumped on you because of a clumsy waitress. Twilight had spent the rest of her birthday in the hospital, getting treated for various second-degree burns. The doctors even had to shave her head because the melted cheese couldn’t be removed otherwise.

Twilight nearly shrieked in terror when her reverie was broken by something furry rubbing up against her leg. Even though she managed to control her voice enough to make it sound more like surprised yelp, it was still embarrassingly loud. She nearly fell flat on her rump but somehow managed to retain her balance by flailing her arms. For a brief moment, all she saw was black and white. Assuming it was a skunk, she scrambled towards Sunset and hid behind her shoulders.

“W-what was that?!”

Sunset knelt down and patted Rufus on the head. “Don’t worry, Twi. That’s just Rufus. He’s what you would call Camp Everfree’s unofficial mascot. Go on. You can pet him too.”

“What is a juvenile Mellivora Capensis doing so far away from its natural habitat?”

Sunset giggled when Rufus licked her fingers. “According to what Fluttershy told me, his mother used to be someone’s exotic pet. She managed to escape and give birth somewhere out in the forest. I guess they must be pretty hardy creatures because the two of them don’t seem to have any problem surviving around these parts.”

Twilight hesitantly stepped forward. “Of course, they wouldn’t. Honey badgers have a reputation for being fierce predators. They’ll even fight off fully-grown lions when threatened. I just—how can you be sure that he won’t bite your hand off? They aren’t known for being docile…”

“Rufus is a special exception. Gloriosa saved his life and I guess the little guy bonded with her or something like that. He’s very friendly and loves getting affection from humans.”

Twilight trusted Sunset, so she crouched down on her haunches and slowly moved her hand towards the little badger. Rufus chittered happily when Twilight ran her fingers through his soft, well-groomed coat. It wasn’t long before Twilight overlooked the fact that she was showering a wild predator with affection. She actually laughed when Rufus licked her ankle. Rufus let out a happy bark when Twilight picked him up by the belly and nuzzled her cheek against his.

“Looks like you’ve got yourself a new buddy, Twi.”

Twilight blushed slightly but nodded in agreement. “Yes, well… Rufus is a lot gentler and more receptive to physical affection than I originally anticipated. His coat is so soft and shiny too! Does anyone around the camp give him baths? It wouldn’t normally be like that.”

“Yeah, he gets spoiled alright. Gloriosa likes to use special shampoo on him when they take showers together. You heard me right. They bathe together. Amongst other things.”

Twilight scratched his chin one last time and set the badger on the ground. “I can’t exactly claim the moral high ground in this instance. Spike gets spoiled a lot too.”

“Speaking of Spike: where is he? I thought he would’ve wanted to tag along.”

Twilight shrugged. “Shiny and Cadence wanted to go out on a romantic date. So, he volunteered to look after Flurry Heart while they were gone. Don’t worry! Spike is perfectly capable of looking after an infant. He knows how to cook, change diapers, and a ton of other things.”

“Heh. He takes after his Equestrian counterpart then. Unicorn Rarity might not be interested in Spike, but with those kinds of skills, I imagine it won’t be difficult for him to catch the eye of a pretty mare or dragon, as the case may be. Princess Twilight mentioned that Dragon Lord Ember was quite interested in spending time with him lately. They’d make a cute couple, I think.”

Twilight rubbed her arm and looked towards the shimmering, blue surface of Lake Clarity. “Is that so? I wish them the best of luck then. What about you, Sunset? Is there… anyone you’re currently interested in? SORRY! I-I didn’t mean to open up any old wounds regarding Flash! I was just curious if you had anyone in mind that you’d consider as a suitable partner.”

Sunset stretched out her arms and sighed. “Nah, it’s cool. I’m still a little upset over what happened yesterday, but I’ll get over it soon enough. To be honest, I haven’t really given much thought towards dating anyone beyond hooking back up with Flash. With all the stuff that’s been going on around here, I’ve been preoccupied for the most part. I mean, c’mon! What are the odds of me finding romance way out here in the middle of naturist camp?”

“Far greater than you realize, Sunset…” Twilight mumbled.

“Huh? What was that?”

Twilight waved her hands frantically. “Nothing! I was just—erm—thinking to myself is all.”

Sunset seemed to take Twilight’s response in stride. While they continued to walk along the beach, Rufus followed closely behind, wagging his tail to and fro. Twilight couldn’t help but be impressed by the beachfront. She hadn’t really thought of visiting it during her previous visit. Surprisingly enough, there weren’t a ton of bathers frolicking about today. Just a few older couples sunning themselves and a group of youths playing a game of volleyball. Twilight’s eyes shrank to pin pricks when she noticed who was manning the lifeguard station.

“Oh no! I totally forgot that Timber Spruce was going to be here too. What do I do?!”

Sunset gently rubbed Twilight’s back. “Hey, it’s no big deal. Timber’s cool. Just walk up to him and say hello. It’s not like you guys haven’t seen each other naked before. Erm… right?”

Twilight groaned in frustration. “That’s just it, Sunset! Our relationship never got to the point where we had sex. Let alone, seeing each other naked. Oh my gosh! WHAT DO I DO?!!”

“Hmm. I see. That’s rather unfortunate. I didn’t realize you two took your relationship that slow. Does that mean you’re still a vir—”

Twilight clamped her hands over Sunset’s mouth. “Shhhh! Don’t mention that out loud.”

“Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me. Do you—um—want to talk with him privately? Because there’s nothing wrong with that. I can just take a quick dip for a little while.”

Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Yes, please. If you don’t mind. I don’t want to make things any more awkward between Timber and I than they have to be.”

As promised, Sunset went her separate way to go take a swim with Rufus in tow. In the meantime, Twilight carefully approached the lifeguard station. When Timber finally noticed her, Twilight’s heart thundered in her chest, her knees felt weak, and her mouth was so dry that she could barely spit. Twilight hoped that she would at least be able to speak properly.

Timber Spruce got out of his chair and rushed over to greet his ex-girlfriend. She waved to him shyly as he came closer, and planted a chaste kiss upon his cheek. “Hey, Twilight. Long time no see. Oh! You got a new haircut. I happen to think it really suits you.”

“Hi, Timber. Thanks for the compliment. I had my hair done specifically for this trip.”

Timber rubbed the back of his neck. “Cool. Hey—um—this is kind of strange, isn’t it? You know, since we dated for a while and never got to see each other… like this before. Not that there’s any problem with that but… I don’t really know where I’m going with this, honestly.”

Twilight shuffled her feet. “If it makes you feel any better, I was pretty much thinking along the same lines. I’m really sorry that this has to be so awkward, Timber.”

“No, it’s fine. I have to admit that you look really beautiful today, Twilight. Seeing you here, in in all of your natural splendor, it makes me feel sad. Like I missed out on something that I’ll never be able to get back. I just... want you to know that I still care about you, Twilight. Nothing will ever change that. AHEM! All that aside, I’m glad that you figured out who you really like.”

Twilight felt a twinge of pain well up in her chest. She still felt terrible about breaking up with Timber. He really was a great guy and deserved someone special to share his heart with. But Twilight could not, in good conscience, allow herself to continue a relationship that she was uncertain about. It had taken her an embarrassingly long time to realize that she was attracted to other women instead of men. A difficult lesson to be learned, but an essential one.

Twilight took hold of Timber’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I’m so sorry, Timber. I never meant to hurt your feelings. I just couldn’t keep living a lie. I wasn’t being true to myself.”

Timber wrapped his arm around Twilight and pulled her into a hug. “I know. And I appreciate the apology all the same even though there’s nothing to forgive. Well, you’ll be happy to know that I’ve finally managed to get myself a new girlfriend. Her name’s Gilda. She works here as a camp counselor. We started dating about a week or two after she arrived. It’s been great!”

“I’m glad to hear it. I—ah—should probably go back to Sunset now. We were supposed to be having fun at the beach today but I ended up talking with you instead. Ehehe! Funny how life works out that way, huh? I’ll… see you around, Timber.”

“No problem. I’ll see you later, Twilight. Have fun with Sunset.”

Twilight slowly worked her legs forward towards the spot where Sunset and Rufus were swimming. She turned around and looked back at Timber as he sat upon his lifeguard chair. The sad smile on his face almost made Twilight want to break down and cry on the spot, but she had to stay strong. This was supposed to be a happy occasion. Twilight was staying at Camp Everfree to study an alien and have fun with her best friend, not sulk about her past mistakes.

When Twilight finally wadded over to Sunset, the former unicorn reached over and patted her shoulder as a show of support. “How’d everything go with Timber?”

“Not as smoothly as I would have hoped. But he seems to be doing ok.”

Sunset began floating on her back. “Good. I know the breakup was difficult for you both.”

Twilight cleared her throat. “Um—between you and me, I didn’t realize that he was so… well endowed. There’s no way something that big could’ve possibly fit inside me! Even if Timber had been really gentle, I guarantee that penetration would have hurt. I-I know it’s rude to sneak a peek at other people’s privates but I couldn’t help it! There’s nothing to cover them up!”

Sunset laughed. “Don’t sweat it, Twi. Everybody steals a peek or two when they think no one else is looking. It’s just a natural part of the nudist lifestyle. There’s no need to feel guilty about it. Hell, I’ve been known to check people out sometimes too, you know.”

“Thank goodness! I didn’t want everyone to think that I was a pervert.”

Sunset waved her hand. “Nah. You’re not even close.”

“I can’t even tell you how many years it’s been since I last went skinny dipping. Heck, I’d nearly forgotten how wonderful it feels. Makes me not wanna go back to wearing a bathing suit ever again. Way too much hassle. Especially, when the bottoms constantly give you wedgies, sand gets in uncomfortable places, and they take forever to dry out. I feel so unburdened and free!”

Sunset kicked her legs so that she could be closer to Twilight. “You’re preaching to the choir, sister. I don’t ever wear a bathing suit unless I absolutely have to. Like when you or the girls invite me to a regular beach or something. Can’t expect you guys to always try things my way.”

“You know we don’t mind that you’re a nudist, right?”

Sunset propelled herself upright again and splashed her hands in the water. “Of course, I do! It’s just that—I always got the impression that you were super uncomfortable with me walking around in my birthday suit. Especially, during our group sleepovers. You were a complete nervous wreck whenever I asked to sleep next to you. Why did you act that way?”

Twilight blushed. “I’m not entirely sure, Sunset. Do I require a rational explanation?”

Sunset didn’t quite buy Twilight’s vague excuse, but she decided not to press the matter any further for fear that she might upset her friend. “Hmm. I suppose not. But there’s no reason we can’t work on alleviating your gymnophobia while you’re staying here.”

“I don’t know. That might take a while…”

Sunset took hold of her friend’s hand and rubbed it affectionately with her thumb. “Then we’ll just have to work on it together for however long it takes. Look, the important thing is: I want to help you feel confident in your own skin. Can you do that for me, Twilight? Please?”

Twilight felt like a jerk for concealing the truth from her best friend. But she lacked the courage to tell Sunset how she truly felt about her. In any case, Twilight didn’t think it was the appropriate time to tell her just yet. Not with Flash Sentry still fresh on Sunset’s mind. At the very least, Twilight hoped there might be a chance that their relationship could mature, and grow into something far more intimate than it was now. Even if the possibility was slim.

With a slight smile, Twilight nodded in agreement. “Yes, I promise.”