• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,144 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

  • ...

Belly Dancing 101

Chapter 18

Sunset’s Cabin, Camp Everfree

Not for the first time, Sunset Shimmer awoke at an hour many would consider unreasonable. At least, for people who were currently on vacation and had no obligation to do so. Sunset had always been a morning person and enjoyed the peace and quiet this time of day offered. Upon opening her eyes, she realized that she was not the only one using her bed.

Nestled in front of her like a little spoon was the familiar form of her best friend. It had taken a fair bit of convincing on Sunset’s part to get Twilight to agree to sleeping with her, but in the end, she’d succeeded and what a victory it was! Sunset pressed her nose against Twilight’s hair and breathed in her friend’s scent: a faint hint of sweat mixed with lavender and lilacs. It immediately put a smile on Sunset’s and put her at ease.

She reveled in the warmth of Twilight’s body, the subtle softness of her bare skin, and the steady rhythm of her breath. In Sunset’s experience, humans tended to view this level of physical affection as something reserved only for those whom you shared an intimate relationship with. While Twilight certainly wasn’t her lover, she trusted her long-time companion enough to feel comfortable snuggling her in such close proximity.

Without even thinking, Sunset leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss upon Twilight’s neck. It was just enough stimulation to wake her up, much to Sunset’s dismay. Despite the guilt she felt, Sunset enjoyed watching Twilight let out an adorable little yawn and roll over.

“Morning, Twi.”

Twilight blinked owlishly. “Hmm? Oh… OH! Yes, erm—good morning to you as well, Sunset. I hope that I wasn’t too disagreeable as a sleeping companion?”

“Nah. You’re really fun to cuddle and the perfect size to be my little spoon.”

Twilight blushed furiously. “Thanks, I guess.”

Sunset giggled and booped Twilight’s nose. “Hey, there’s no need to be so reserved. We’re best friends, Twi. I would’ve thought that you’d be more comfortable being with me by now.”

“No, I am! I-I mean… it’s just that I’ve never been—that is to say—I’ve never snuggled anyone like this before. Sorry. I’ll just shut up now before I dig myself into a deeper hole.”

Sunset placed her hand on Twilight’s hip and caressed it gently. “Not even with Timber? Look, I don’t mean to pry but you’re always so cagey about your breakup with him. All I ever hear is vague half-answers, nothing concrete. Did he do something bad to you? Something that… you’re ashamed to talk about? Please, Twi. Talk to me. If there’s something bothering you, I—”

“Of course not! Timber treated me with the utmost respect and kindness. The ‘real’ reason we broke up, as you so eloquently put it, had nothing to do with our chemistry together. We got along really well, in fact. It was actually due to—can you promise me something, Sunset?”

“Anything! You know you can trust me, right?”

Twilight reached down and took hold of Sunset’s hand. “Yes, I know. But that doesn’t make telling you any easier! It’s—ah—something that I’ve never told anyone before except Timber. And the only reason I even told him at the time was because he deserved to know.”

“What did you tell him?”

Twilight curled her toes underneath the sheets. “The main reason Timber and I broke up is really quite simple: I’m homosexual. Mind you, it took me an EMBARSSINGLY long time to realize that I was attracted to other women, but once I did everything sort of just… clicked into place.

“There wasn’t any point continuing our relationship after my little epiphany, as you might well imagine. I’m just glad that Timber was so understanding about my… preferences because I could tell that he serious about me. Being with me, that is.”

Sunset hugged her friend closer to her. “I’m so proud of you, Twi! It takes a lot of courage to admit something so personal. Believe me, I would know! Back in Canterlot, I had an awful time coming to terms with being Bi back when I was still a filly. Heh. Made for a pretty damn awkward conversation with Celestia during afternoon tea…”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness! I was really worried that you’d freak out or something. Erm—this won’t make things weird between us… will it?”

“What makes you think that? I still love you just the same as I always have, Twi.”

“Ah w-well you said you’re bi-sexual so…” Twilight squeaked.

“OH! Ah—well, to be honest though, I hadn’t really considered the possibility. Not that you aren’t cute, of course! I just—GAH—now, I look like I’m the babbling idiot. Suffice to say: so long as you’re still ok with hanging out as BFFs, I don’t think there will be any issues between us. Does that answer your question?”

Twilight let out a tiny, frustrated huff. She wasn’t at all satisfied with Sunset’s nebulous answer, but what her friend had said wasn’t exactly a resounding no either. That meant there was still hope that she might be open to the idea of deepening their relationship into something more intimate. Even so, she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Getting to cuddle Sunset without a stitch of clothing on was an experience that Twilight wouldn’t soon forget!

Thus encouraged, Twilight nestled her head atop Sunset’s bare breast and marveled at how it could be so soft yet so firm at the same time. If Sunset was at all bothered by the skin to skin contact, she didn’t show it. Instead, she wrapped her arm around Twilight’s back and began to run her fingers through Twilight’s hair, which reminded the younger woman of what her own mother used to do whenever she wanted comforting. Twilight became so lost in the sensation that she nuzzled her cheek against Sunset’s breast without even thinking about it.

“That feels really good, Sunset. I almost feel like I could fall asleep again...”

Sunset watched as the sun began to rise above the treetops. “I suppose we could sleep in a little while longer, since it’s still so early. But I’d prefer to get some breakfast. Kinda hungry.”

Twilight giggled when she heard Sunset’s stomach growl. “No kidding! Do they serve a decent breakfast at the Canteen? I didn’t get a chance to try much of the food here yet.”

“Eh for the most part. Smokey and Wallflower are way better at making BBQ than other stuff, but they aren’t too shabby when it comes to breakfast. What’re you in the mood for?”

Sunset’s hair reminded Twilight of a certain, crispy strip of meat. “Bacon! Oh, and I want a couple of those big hash brown patties. A plate of scrambled eggs would be nice too!”

Sunset chuckled. “Well, well~ I didn’t realize that I was talking to the famous: Lumberjack Sparkle! Guess I’ll have to see how many trees you can fell in the forest.”

Twilight scrunched her lips together. “We both know that’s more AJ’s schtick. Can you imagine a nude lumberjack in the Everfree Forest? Knowing her, she’d inadvertently look sexy cutting down trees with that chiseled, farmgirl body—hey! I know that look. Don’t you dare tell AJ!”

“What?! It’s not like I’m disagreeing with you. AJ is sexy! She’s just really bad at noticing it.”

Twilight cocked her brow confusion. “Wait. Did you ever try to flirt with her?”

“One time, I decided to put the moves on her while we were skinny dipping together in the Apple Family pond. This was after I’d agreed to help AJ harvest a bumper crop at Sweet Apple Acres during the summer. It went about as well as you’d expect: a total disaster.”

“What happened?”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “She thought I was just being friendly. She had no idea that I was blatantly flirting with her the entire time. Never had the heart to tell her otherwise. The only thing that happened afterwards was we wound up drinking a whole bunch of apple whiskey and got shitfaced drunk. Oddly enough, we were still naked then too…”

“Do you think she’s into girls as well?”

Sunset clicked her tongue. “I seriously doubt it. The Apple Family are super traditional and err on the conservative side. In any case, I hope she realizes how beautiful she is someday. Maybe she can nab herself a good husband and pop out a few kids. Who knows?”

Twilight glanced over at the clock atop the bedstand. “I hope so. Since sleeping in seems to be out of question at this point, do you want to head on over to the Canteen?”

“Mhmm. Sounds like a plan to me. Although, we should probably take a shower first.”

Twilight got out of bed, stretched out, and put on her glasses. “Umm… how does that work exactly? I noticed that you have a bathroom in here but it’s pretty small. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t mind sharing the stall with you but it would be a bit cramped…”

Sunset followed suit and hugged Twilight from behind. “Don’t sweat it, Twi. There’s a huge, communal shower in the center of camp. There’s plenty of space to lather up in there, but don’t expect any privacy. It’s pretty much just a fancier version of a locker room shower.”

“Oh. Well, I suppose there’s no sense in putting up shower curtains when everyone’s going to be walking around in the nude anyway. Do you think there will be a lot of people using it right now?”

Instead of answering immediately, Sunset padded over to the closet and fished around for some bathing supplies. Twilight nearly had an anxiety attack when Sunset bent over to grab a bottle of body wash on the lower shelf. It gave her an unobstructed view of Sunset’s entire backside. Even though she’d seen her best friend naked plenty of times before, it was never this up-close, personal, and frankly, revealing. Twilight wanted to avert her eyes for the sake of propriety, yet she found that her gaze was glued in place.

Sunset crawled onto her hands and knees in order to better access the back of the closet. This only served to spread everything apart further. “There might be a couple of other people. Most folks don’t shower at six thirty in the morning when they’re on vacation though. I’ve got a couple of scents to choose from: Passionate Pink Plumeria and Bootylicious Bubblegum Blast?”

Twilight’s heart thundered in her chest and her mouth felt like cotton. “ON THE HOLE, I THINK PINK IS THE BEST! Erm—that is to say—I’ll take the pink bodywash. Hehehe!”

“Seems like a solid choice to me. Hmm. I have no idea how the hell bubblegum bodywash even got in there. Sounds like something Pinkie would use. Weird, huh? It’s probably for the best that I don’t think about it too hard. She might be ok with smelling like a candy store, but I’m not about to lather up in anything bubblegum scented, thank you very much!”

“You’d smell good to me no matter what bodywash you use, Sunset.” Twilight blurted out.

“Thanks, Twi. Appreciate the compliment. But—uh—I’m still sticking with the plumeria.”

I can’t believe I just said all of that aloud! C’mon, Twilight. Pull yourself together! Witnessing Sunset’s anatomy in all of its glorious detail is… expected given the circumstances. I’m simply going to have to get used to the idea that everyone’s body parts will be on full display. Including, Timber’s near-mythical endowment. Come to think of it, I noticed that his scrotum was rather hefty too. I wonder if the volume of his ejac—GAH! Stop it brain! Do not go there! Just take a deep breath, count to ten, and collect yourself. Act casual when Sunset hands you a towel.

Sunset shot Twilight a concerned look. “Hey, are you feeling alright? You look a little flushed. Are you sure you’re not coming down with a fever or something?”

“No, I’m p-perfectly fine! My mind is going into overdrive again. Sorry.”

Sunset entwined her fingers with Twilight’s and grasped her hand firmly. “Remember: we’re in this together, Twi. I want you to feel comfortable while you’re staying here, but not at the expense of your own health. You need to let me know if there’s a problem. Can you do that?”

“Yes, of course. It’s just going to be awhile until I become fully acclimated to Camp Everfree.”

Sunset smiled. “I suppose that’s to be expected. C’mon! I’ll show you where the showers are.”

The shower itself had gone off without much issue. As Sunset had predicted, there were very few people occupying the stalls at such an early hour of the morning. Twilight typically enjoyed taking long, hot showers if she had the time to do so, but she didn’t want to drag it out this time due to several factors. Mainly because both she and Sunset were hungry. That, and she didn’t want to make the situation between them any weirder than it needed to be.

Twilight had to admit that it was extremely convenient to be able to walk right out of the shower and go about her business without having to worry about what to wear for the remainder of the day. The same applied to rolling out of bed, if one didn’t care to bathe or look presentable immediately thereafter, she supposed. Sunset preferred to go barefoot whenever possible, but Twilight wore a pair of purple flip-flops. She didn’t want to risk getting any cuts or blisters.

The Canteen was set up exactly how Twilight remembered from last time, except that the seating had been upgraded. That is to say: the chairs and stools had all been outfitted with cushions. She shuddered to think how uncomfortable it would be to plant your bare bottom on metal or wood. Unlike the showers, there were several guests seated amongst the tables, enjoying their breakfast. Mostly older couples, by the looks of it. They all greeted Twilight with a polite good morning.

Whilst they stood in line for the breakfast buffet, a familiar figure caught Twilight’s eye. If she wasn’t mistaken, it was Fluttershy’s best friend, Tree Hugger, in all her natural splendor. After loading up their plates with copious amounts of bacon, hash browns, and eggs, Sunset and Twilight took a seat directly across from Tree Hugger. The hippie waved to them both.

“Sup ladies?”

Sunset took a sip of her coffee and let out a happy sigh. “Good morning, Tree Hugger. Do you have anything interesting planned for the remainder of the day?”

“As a matter of fact, I do,” Tree Hugger replied after taking a bite of granola, “Would you girls be interested in joining me after breakfast for some totally radical belly dancing? I’ve got the entire Rec Center reserved from eight o’ clock this morning until just after lunchtime. My buddy, Sandalwood, agreed to provide the background music. Whaddya say?”

Twilight nearly choked on her eggs. “As in: traditional, Indian belly-dancing?”

“You got it, sister. The real deal. It’s a great way to get some exercise, mellow out, and keep the positive vibes flowin’. Know what I mean?”

Twilight twirled a strand of her hair. “I’ve read about it plenty of times before, but I’ve never actually participated in any dance sessions. Umm… to be honest, I’m not sure that someone as unathletic and poorly coordinated as me would be suited for such a task.”

“Belly dancing is all about finding your inner grove. Let the music guide you and do whatever feels right~ No one’s gonna be there to judge you, dude. I promise.”

Twilight looked towards Sunset for guidance, desperate to gauge her reaction. But when her friend’s expression remained frustratingly neutral, Twilight decided that she was just going to have to make the decision on her own. “Alright. I don’t see any harm in giving it a try. What do you think, Sunset? Would you like to go belly dancing with me?”

“Sure. Sounds interesting. Not like I’ve got anything better to do anyway.”

Tree Hugger stood up and pumped her fist in the air. “Righteous! You guys can just follow me over to the Rec Center once we’re done eating. Oh, uh—one thing. We’re all gonna have to do some prep work before we officially get started. To keep things authentic n’ shit. Ya dig?”

Twilight chuckled awkwardly. “Well, you’d know better than me. Lead on!”

Whatever Twilight had been expecting, it certainly wasn’t this. Tree Hugger led them into a back room that had two massage tables set up, along with a compliment of towels. She explained that it was necessary to loosen up the muscles with a bit of stretching (that part at least made sense) and some controlled breathing exercises. Once they were finished with that, Tree Hugger instructed them to lather up their bodies with scented oil.

Tree Hugger insisted that the oils had certain herbs and flowers mixed in them that promoted better circulation and had a calming effect on one’s nerves. Plus, they would serve to make everyone smell pleasant while they were busy exerting themselves. Despite showering a short time ago, Twilight certainly had no desire to smell like sweat. She also wasn’t entirely comfortable with idea of dancing nude in front of other people, but at least she didn’t have to deal with her clothes getting all sticky and gross. That was a plus.

However, it was very difficult for Twilight to keep focused. She’d lathered up her own body in oil efficiently enough but watching Sunset do the same was almost enough to make her want to leave the room in a lust-addled panic. Not because she didn’t want to see Sunset do it, but rather… it made her already gorgeous, amber skin shine with a healthy sheen underneath the light. Twilight had to excuse herself for a few moments in order to regain her composure.

If that wasn’t enough, Sunset decided to tie her long, fiery locks into an adorable ponytail. She claimed that it was a lot easier to move around when she didn’t have to worry about her hair getting all over the place. Regardless of whether or not that was true, Twilight didn’t care one bit. She was too busy admiring how cute Sunset looked with her hair tied up.

Just as Tree Hugger had said before, a man in his early twenties with tan skin and lime-colored dreadlocks sat cross-legged in the corner with a sitar propped up across his lap. It was evident that he was busy tuning the instrument to ensure that it would sound proper while he played music for everyone. Tree Hugger padded over to Sandalwood and offered him a quick fist bump, to which he returned with gusto.

Once he was finished tuning his sitar, he introduced himself to everyone. Twilight knew that he attended Canterlot High at some point, but she’d never gotten to know him at the time. He seemed like a nice enough guy. And in good shape too. Given that he was just as much of a hippie as Tree Hugger, Twilight absentmindedly wondered if they were dating.

Tree Hugger clapped her hands together. “Now that everyone’s prepped and ready to go, how’s about we get started? I think we should take it slow and see how that feels, then graduate to—”

Everyone’s attention shifted towards the entrance of the Rec Center, as a certain poofy-haired siren burst through the door. She looked a little out of breath, but otherwise in good shape. It was readily apparent that she too had oiled up, as her golden skin glistened under the lights. Everyone seemed surprised that she would want to participate, none more so than Tree Hugger. A huge grin spread across her lips as Adagio walked across the floor and stood next to the hippie.

“I hope I’m not too late. Did you guys get started yet?”

Tree Hugger patted her shoulder. “Nah. You’re right on schedule.”

“I’ll have you know that I had to haul ass just to get here in a timely manner. Waking up early isn’t exactly my thing. Especially, when the Canteen had shrimp omelets on the menu with—”

Tree Hugger placed her finger on Adagio’s lips. “Not to rain your parade but that’s, like, what alarms were invented for in the first place, Dagi. Am I right? Well, whatever. You made it and that’s what counts in my book. Ok, Sandman. Do your thing and send us those sweet, melodic vibes, brother. Don’t be afraid to get funky~”

The hypnotic sound of Sandalwood’s sitar filled the room. Everyone closed their eyes for a moment and collectively tried to find the rhythm of the beat, as Tree Hugger suggested earlier. To everyone’s surprise, the first one to say something was not Tree Hugger, but Adagio Dazzle. She walked into the center of the room, raised her arms above her head, and began to slowly gyrate her hips back and forth. It truly was a mesmerizing display of athletic grace and skill.

Adagio smiled, knowing full-well that she had a captive audience. “As one might imagine, belly dancing is all about moving the muscles of your stomach. The key, however, is to make your entire body move to flow of the music, beginning with the stomach, and radiate it outward.”

To demonstrate her point, Adagio stepped lightly from foot to foot, dancing gracefully across the floor. There were twirls and pirouettes not unlike ballet, but in an exaggerated fashion that emphasized the sensual nature of belly dancing. It was apparent that she was not only comfortable dancing in such a manner, but well-practiced at the art too.

Adagio turned around to make sure that everyone got a good look at her toned backside, writhed towards the ground, and squatted onto her haunches. With a single shake of her head, she slowly rose up again and flexed her stomach while waving her arms around like the Hindu Goddess Kali. The raw, sexual tension she created was thick enough to cut with a knife.

Twilight’s face was beet red when she leaned over to whisper in Sunset’s ear. “I-I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get any dancing done at all. Adagio’s just so—”

“Freakin’ hot?” Sunset finished.

YES! Oh my gosh! What I would do to her if I—ehem! Sorry, my mind’s not exactly in the cleanest of places right now. How is she so good at belly dancing? It’s like she’s a professional.”

Sunset nodded while keeping her eyes glued to Adagio’s firm buttocks. “No kidding! If I had to wager a guess, I’d say she probably traveled to India at some point during her incredibly long life. Let’s face it: Adagio’s had plenty time to master belly dancing. But damn. If she would’ve just done this at the Battle of the Bands, instead of using siren magic, she would’ve had everyone in the palm of her hand…”

Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat. “Uh… yeah, for sure. So, do you want to try dancing as well? I-I mean that’s kind of the reason why we came here in the first place.”

“Right. The dancing. Maybe we should move over there, away from Adagio.”

Twilight shuffled her feet. “That’s probably a good idea. If for no other reason than to stay out of her way or… keep getting distracted by her svelte, oiled up body gyrating like that. HAHAHA!”

Sunset chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, Twi.”

Even though Twilight felt invigorated while dancing around in nothing but her birthday suit, she had a difficult time keeping her movements synchronized with the music. Twilight simply wasn’t as gifted, athletically, as the other girls. It was one of several reasons why she’d asked Sunset if they could move away from everyone else and practice on their own as a pair. Not only that but she got the distinct impression that Tree Hugger was engrossed in her own little world.

Twilight gently tapped Sunset’s shoulder. “Pssst! Is it just me or does Tree Hugger look like she’s practically hypnotized by Adagio’s dance moves? Do you think those two are a couple?”

“I know they’re good friends and they’ve been hanging out with each other a lot lately. But I never heard Adagio mention that she was in any kind of relationship. Why? Would it bother you if they were dating each other?”

“No! Not at all! It’s just that they seem like a really odd pair to me. Erm—people that you wouldn’t imagine getting along very well. UGH! I didn’t mean it to sound so… judgmental. Sorry!” Twilight blurted out.

Sunset smirked and gyrated her hips in a slow, deliberate manner. “Oh yeah? What about us, Twi? A former egomaniacal unicorn and a scientist with a PHD in magic studies, BFFs? Perhaps, some people might think we’re an odd pair too. Ever think of that?”

Twilight nearly had a heart attack when Sunset suddenly hugged her from behind and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. “I-I suppose we’re considered a strange pair too. AHAHAHA!”

Out of the corner of her eye, Adagio noticed the Purple Princess Look-A-Like and her bacon-haired BFF were getting rather cozy together in their own little corner of the room. In a way, it was amusing to see how awkward Sprinkles was, struggling to perform even the most basic moves. Yet, she and Sunset seemed to be enjoying themselves regardless. Working up a good sweat and having fun were all that really mattered in the end.

Speaking of fun, a certain hippie managed to shimmy her way over to Adagio’s side in all the commotion. Tree Hugger was no slouch when it came to belly-dancing; she performed nearly all of the same moves Adagio did with grace and skill befitting of her physique. A small corner of the siren’s mind secretly delighted in the sensuous display of flesh before her. Adagio paused momentarily to watch Tree Hugger’s bountiful breasts jiggle while she flexed her stomach.

Tree Hugger grinned like a cat while she wiggled her rump in front of Adagio. “You’ve got some seriously bodacious moves, Dagi. And an equally bodacious bod to go with them~ You know, a lot of people tell me that I’m, like, super flexible from doing yoga all the time. Hehe~ Makes me wonder if you think so too…”

Adagio was so close to her friend that she could smell the scented oil mixed with Tree Hugger’s sweat. The aroma was a tad pungent, in the siren’s honest opinion, but it was by no means unpleasant. For the first time in what seemed like eons, Adagio felt something stir within her chest. A fire that seemed to fill the very fiber of her being. Did she dare admit what this rare and oh so fleeting feeling was? Ever the patient tactician, Adagio considered her options carefully.

“You most certainly have a remarkable body, sweetie.”

“Remarkable enough to hold your attention?” Tree Hugger whispered.

“I would say there’s a distinct possibility—MMMFF!”

Adagio’s careful planning ground to an unceremonious halt as Tree Hugger grabbed her cheeks and planted a passionate kiss upon her lips. The minty taste of Tree Hugger’s saliva tickled Adagio’s taste buds while the hippie explored the siren’s mouth with her tongue. Surprised as she was, Adagio didn’t do much to reciprocate the kiss except for a little lip smacking. When her green-skinned friend finally pulled away, her cheeks were colored in a rosy blush.


Tree Hugger attempted to reach out and take Adagio’s hands into her own, but the siren batted them away instead. Terrified that she’d just crossed the line with her friend, the hippie took a few shaky steps back and tried to calm herself. Even after a few deep breaths, Tree Hugger was unable to keep her heart from thundering in her chest like a jackhammer.

“Dagi, please. You gotta listen to me! I wasn’t trying to—”

Adagio placed her hands on her hips. “Trying to do what, exactly? Forcefully shove your tongue down my throat? I don’t seem to recall ever inviting you to do anything like that to me. Did you ever consider how I felt about it either? WELL?!! Oh, and don’t you dare try to pass off a kiss like that as part of the whole ‘I was feeling positive vibes’ bullshit.”

Tree Hugger’s eyes began to tear up. “It’s not bullshit! A kiss like that was the best way to express my feelings for you. Maybe I took it a little bit too far, but—”

“Congratulations, Tree Hugger. You made it abundantly clear that you’re only interested in getting me to spread my legs for you. Just like everyone else! I’ll bet the oiling up bit and this whole fucking dance session was a merely set up for you to live out whatever lewd fantasies were bouncing around in that pot-addled brain of yours!” Adagio bellowed.

Before Adagio even had a moment to contemplate what she’d just said, Tree Hugger was already running towards the exit, sobbing along the way. It took Adagio a painfully long time to come to her senses and realize that she should probably go after her friend to see if she was ok. Adagio glared at Sunset and Twilight, daring them to interject. A deafening silence filled the room when Sandalwood abruptly stopped playing his sitar, stood up, and shook his head.

“Not cool, dude. Not cool.”

Adagio’s face flushed red in a mixture of embarrassment and rage. “Fuck you and your self-righteousness, you dirt-worshiping hippie! Let’s see how you react to when one of your closest friends kisses you on the lips out of fucking nowhere! Sprinkles! Bacon Bits! Don’t think for a second that I haven’t forgot about either of you. If you know what’s good for you, keep your mouths shut. I know that I screwed up and I’m about to rectify the situation.”

The angry siren stormed out of the Rec Center without any real direction in mind. Much as she hated to admit it, the more Adagio thought about what had happened, the more guilty her conscience became. Even if the kiss was a complete surprise, Tree Hugger didn’t deserve to be yelled at like that. Especially, in front of her friends. Adagio stomped her feet in the grass a few times out of pure frustration, then plopped onto the ground with a heavy thud.

“I’ve really fucked things up this time, haven’t I? Hmph. Figures. Just when I was finally starting to make some actual friends too. Suppose I should try and find Tree Hugger. But where the hell could she have gone? This stupid camp is such big place that—”

Sensing his mistress’s distress, Lucifer soared above the treetops until he spotted her. He carefully landed next to her in the grass and nuzzled her arm as a gesture of comfort. Just about anyone else would have found a turkey vulture’s affection disturbing, but not Adagio. She smiled and ruffled Lucifer’s chest feathers with her fingers. Once Adagio settled down, she allowed Lucifer to sit in the crook between her legs while she looked up at the clouds.

“What’s troubling you, Mistress?”

Adagio bent forward and kissed his bald head. “Oh, the usual. I caused pain and suffering to those closest to me. All in a day’s work, I say. Find anything good to eat?”

Lucifer fluffed his wings. “Come now, Mistress. Cease the melodramatics. So long as you are sincere in wanting to apologize to your friend, then there is still hope. What happened, if I may inquire? Did you have a falling out with Miss Tree Hugger?”

“Ah… well, I suppose you could say that.”

Lucifer cocked his brow, or at least as much as a vulture could. “Out with it. I shan’t help you if you’re dead-set on being cagey about the situation. What happened between you two?”

Adagio wiggled her toes in the grass. “We were having a marvelous time belly dancing and she—erm—kissed me. Right on the lips. Without any warning. And not the platonic type between friends, mind you! Oh no! This was definitely a lover’s kiss.”

“I see. Did she ever indicate that she was interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you previously? I seem to recall that the two of got along swimmingly beforehand.”

Adagio blushed. “I don’t know! Maybe? If she did, Tree Hugger was never direct about it.”

“Should you happen to find her, I would advise discussing the topic.”

Adagio crossed her arms underneath her breasts and huffed. “Well, no shit! Sorry, Lucy. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m just frustrated and confused. I don’t know what to do with all of these… strange feelings I have. Is this what love is supposed to feel like? GAH!”

“No offence taken, Mistress. The way I see it: nothing will ever be resolved between the two of you until a conversation takes place. Would like me to search for her whereabouts?”

With a single nod, Lucifer went off in search of Tree Hugger. While he soared high above the treetops, Adagio took a moment to collect herself and try to figure what she would say to her friend. The real question of the hour was: how did she really feel about Tree Hugger? However unlikely, they’d formed a tight-knit bond during the time they’d spent together at Camp Everfree.

Under normal circumstances, Adagio was not fond of hippies. She couldn’t deny that Tree Hugger had some rather annoying habits to that end, but on the other hand, it was quite refreshing to hang out with someone who accepted her without any false pretenses. In other words, Adagio could be herself with Tree Hugger. Was that enough to warrant such deep feelings of passion towards as a being as flawed and short-tempered as a siren? More importantly, did Adagio want to reciprocate those feelings?

Adagio let out a frustrated whine. “Why does this have to be so fucking complicated?”

In what seemed like a blink of an eye, Lucifer returned from his search and perched on a nearby tree branch. “Good news, Mistress. I have located your quarry. She is sitting on the far side of Lake Clarity, wading her feet in the water and staring at clouds, I believe. Miss Tree Hugger hasn’t moved for quite some time. I don’t imagine she’ll leave before you arrive.”

Just as Lucifer predicted, Tree Hugger hadn’t moved from the spot she’d been sitting by the time Adagio arrived on the scene. The raw, churning nervousness that bubbled up in Adagio’s stomach made her want to run into the bushes and puke her guts out. But she clamped down on the feeling. After taking a deep breath, she carefully approached Tree Hugger and took a seat next to her in the grass. For what seemed like an eternity, neither of them uttered a single word.

Adagio hesitantly reached over and rubbed her friend’s back. “I’m sorry about the way I reacted back there, Tree Hugger. You didn’t deserve to be yelled at like that. I just—you surprised me is all. I didn’t know what else to do.”

“I should be the one apologizing, Dagi. I totally violated your personal space without taking into consideration how you felt about it. You gotta understand: it was in the heat of the moment! I was feelin’ frustrated and little horny so I—uh—acted on pure impulse.”

Adagio sighed. “Frustrated that I wasn’t picking up on the hints you were giving me?”

Tree Hugger blushed furiously but nodded in agreement. “Yeah. Hit the nail on the head with that one. Still doesn’t make what I did ok though. Are we still… cool?”

“Well, that depends on how serious you are about being in a relationship with me. Before you say anything else, please understand that I am, by no means, an expert on such matters. I’ve bedded many partners over the past few centuries but romance has never been my forte.”

Tree Hugger blinked owlishly. “Man, I sort of assumed that you were, like, a master seductress or somethin’. That’s what it seemed like based on your belling dancing, anyway. Uh… since the cat’s outta the bag, I’ll just come out and say it. I really dig ya, Dagi. Like, a whole lot. If ya put me on the spot, I dunno if I could properly explain why. I think it’s because you’re so genuine.”

Adagio reached over and grasped her friend’s hand. “By the mother siren, you’re completely serious about your feelings towards me. Forgive my astonishment, Tree Hugger. I just never imagined that a nudist hippie, of all people, would willingly choose to be with girl like me. I don’t know what to say…”

“Tellin’ me that ya dig me back would be a pretty good start.”

Adagio laughed. “Hold on there, Casanova. I haven’t agreed to anything just yet.”

“But why would you—”

Adagio placed her finger on Tree Hugger’s lips. “I didn’t say no either. Here’s what we can do in the meantime: take things slow, experiment, explore what we enjoy and what we don’t. Right now, I cannot definitively say that I’m in love with you. However, I do… care about you as a friend. A very dear friend, whom I wouldn’t mind partaking in a few extra benefits with.”

“Not exactly the answer I was lookin’ for. But I’m happy that you’re at least willing to give me a chance. Dagi, I promise that I’ll try my best to keep your feelings in mind from now on.”

Adagio got up, walked over to the lake’s edge, and dipped her toes into the water. “Life is all about compromise, sweetie. Trust me; I would know. I’ve been around the block enough times. Let’s start off our new relationship with a simple activity: a nice, refreshing swim. If for no other reason than to clean off all of this oil and sweat. How’s that sound?”

Tree Hugger watched as Adagio dove, headfirst, into the crystal-clear waters of Lake Clarity. Just like last time, she was the picture of beauty and grace while swimming. Water was definitely her natural element. Upon remerging from under the surface, Adagio’s hair looked like a waterfall of gold and bronze that cascaded just below her shoulders. As Tree Hugger untied her bandana and let her dreadlocks hang loose, her heart skipped a beat when she saw Adagio smile, then lift her foot out of the water, beckoning Tree Hugger to come join her.

Adagio was feeling a bit impish, so she quickly dove underwater again once the hippie swam out far enough to reach her. Tree Hugger followed suit but couldn’t match Adagio’s agility. After a few playful, but frustrating attempts to catch the siren, Tree Hugger eventually gave up and opted to float on her back instead. It was at that point Adagio chose to surface. She wrapped her arms around Tree Hugger’s waist, and nibbled on her friend’s ear.

“It would appear that I have caught my hapless prey~ What ever shall I do?”

Tree Hugger relished the feeling of Adagio’s warm skin pressed up against her back. Without a shred of hesitation, she reached her arm around Adagio’s head and pulled her into a kiss. “I dunno. Maybe you’re gonna have to give me a little taste to make sure I’m a proper meal~”

Rather than reply verbally, Adagio carried Tree Hugger in her arms all the way to the shore like a princess and gently placed her down in the grass. Even though she didn’t consider herself overweight, the hippie was surprised at how easily Adagio had carried her, even while wading through the water. Not that she hadn’t noticed Adagio’s athletically-toned physique before.

The siren sauntered a few steps forward, then got onto her hands & knees, and crawled towards Tree Hugger with a predatory grin plastered across her lips. She proceeded to plant a flurry of kisses along her friend’s ankle and inner thigh before she laid down on her stomach, and rested in the crook of Tree Hugger’s legs. Adagio giggled while she used her fingers to play with a few strands of Tree Hugger’s pubic hair.

“You know, I never repaid you for that kiss back at the Rec Center.”

“Gimme a break, dude! I already said that I was sorry about it.”

Adagio leaned in closer and took a deep breath of Tree Hugger’s natural scent. “Fear not; your transgressions have been forgiven. In fact, I quite enjoyed your token of affection, now that I know what sort of feelings were behind it. I’m just making sure that you get an equally passionate kiss to the lips in return~”

“Umm… Dagi? My lips are up—”

Adagio laughed. “How very naïve of you! I’m not talking about the ones on your face, sweetie~”