• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,133 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

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It's Always Sunny In Camp Everfree (I)

Chapter 14

Interstate 85, En Route to Camp Everfree

Sunset Shimmer smiled as she drove down the densely wooded path towards Camp Everfree. She sat atop her most prized possession: an early 50’s vintage, Indian Chief motorcycle. It was painted in its factory original dark cherry red but with custom gold flames to match Sunset’s hair. The bike had been sitting in the Apple family’s storage barn for over half a century, collecting dust and cobwebs until Applejack brought it up in casual conversation one day.

Apparently, none of the Apples had any desire to keep the bike. They recognized that it was a rare piece of automotive hardware, but they simply didn’t have the funds or the motivation to get it restored. When Applejack offered to let her friend have it for free, sans towing fees, Sunset nearly wet herself on the spot with excitement. In the end, Sunset insisted on paying Applejack at least a thousand dollars for it (to which the farmer begrudgingly agreed to take) and began a three-year effort to have the bike restored to its former glory.

Quite literally, the bike was toiled over with Sunset’s very own blood, sweat, and tears. The Chief itself had been in remarkably good condition despite not being driven for over fifty years. Probably because it had sat in a relatively dry environment that was protected from the elements. The worst part was getting it sandblasted, re-chromed, and replacing the rotted upholstery. Other than that, the powerful V-Twin engine roared with the same intensity it did back in the day.

Sunset was relieved to see a brand-new sign advertising Camp Everfree, stating that it was just a few more kilometers down the road after a sharp, left turn. That meant she didn’t have much further to drive. Despite her love of motorcycles, she wasn’t a big fan of having to wear a full-faced helmet and leather biking gear whenever she rode Bertha anywhere. However, it was entirely necessary for her own protection were she to fall off of her bike or get into an accident.

The fiery-haired biker made sure to drive carefully down the dirt road that led to the camp proper. She didn’t want to scratch up the paint or roll off into a tree. Bertha was the undisputed queen on paved roads, but she didn’t handle the wilderness too well. After parking Bertha in the designated, enclosed parking area, Sunset took off her helmet and took in a deep breath of the fresh, woodland air. She then opened up one of the storage compartments and retrieved what meager possessions she’d decided to take along.

All she’d brought was a simple duffle bag. It was filled with the essentials: a toothbrush, assorted toiletries, a few towels, hiking boots, and a comfortable pair of orange flip-flops. Sunset didn’t see the point in taking along any clothing. She wouldn’t be wearing any for remainder of her stay at Camp Everfree. It had officially become a naturist resort, after all. And that suited her just fine.

Since there were no obvious signs to direct her otherwise, she assumed that the parking area was also considered private property and part of Camp Everfree. With that in mind, she wasted no time taking off her cumbersome, leather biking gear and quickly shed what little clothing she’d been wearing underneath. Now completely nude, save for her flip-flops and the Geode of Empathy, Sunset made her way over to the main area of the camp.

The layout of the camp had not changed at all since she last visited it. Other than a few signs advising that no photography or video recordings were permitted unless the individual(s) gave their express consent to the one taking it. She also noticed a group of guests playing a friendly game of volleyball over by the edge of Lake Clarity. They all waved to her and with a smile of her own, Sunset eagerly waved back. Despite the questionable circumstances that brought her here in the first place, she knew that she was going to like the new and improved Camp Everfree.

Registration had already been taken care of online, so she didn’t really need to check in at the main desk. Instead, she headed over towards her assigned cabin and dropped off her duffle bag. Given how hot the ride over had been, Sunset decided that her first order of business would be to take a quick shower and then see if she could find Wallflower. She was genuinely concerned about her nerdy friend, but Wallflower’s text hadn’t seemed urgent enough to go busting down any cabin doors. Sunset also didn’t want to get kicked out of the camp either.

The hot shower had felt great. It had done a marvelous job of washing away all the sweat and dust. Sunset felt even better when she walked outside and let the sunlight warm her bare skin. She breathed in deeply and allowed herself a girlish giggle. This is what life should be like on the human side of the portal. Always having to wear clothing in public (barring arrest) for the sake of decency was a habit that Sunset had never quite gotten used to. She was glad that places like Camp Everfree existed where she could go without them for however long she pleased.

Even after her shower, Sunset started to sweat again almost immediately. It was late afternoon in the middle of summer, so she wasn’t exactly surprised. Rather than complain, she shifted her attention towards the sparkling clear waters of Lake Clarity. She walked the short distance back to her cabin, grabbed a towel, and headed over to the beach for a refreshing dip in the lake.

As she walked along the shore to find a good swimming spot, Sunset spied the very woman whom she was most concerned about. Unsurprisingly, Adagio Dazzle wasn’t wearing so much as a stitch of clothing either and appeared to be laying on her belly, taking an afternoon nap. Perched on a tree branch nearby, sat a turkey vulture, busy sunning himself. Sunset didn’t consider herself an expert zoologist by any means, but even she thought it was unusual for the raptor to be so close to a human without showing the slightest bit of trepidation.

With her plans to find Wallflower all but out the window, Sunset walked over to her former adversary and placed her hands on her hips. Even though she didn’t think Adagio deserved the courtesy, she politely asked the siren for her attention. It took a few moments, but Adagio slowly opened her eyes, rolled over onto her back, and sat up. After letting out a loud yawn, she smacked her lips and stared at Sunset expectantly.

“Hmm~ If it isn’t the illustrious captain of the Rainbooms herself, Miss Sunset Shimmer! Come to greet me in the flesh. To what do I owe such an honor?”

Sunset tapped her foot in the sand impatiently. “C’mon, Adagio. Cut the crap! You know damn-well that I’m not here to play your little mind games. What have you done to Wallflower?”

Adagio deliberately spread her legs apart just enough to showcase her goodies. She grinned like a Cheshire cat when she noticed that Sunset’s attention had drifted towards the very spot, she’d intended it to go. “You’re going to have to be more specific, Sunset. I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I’ve done nothing to harm Wallflower or Fluttershy for that matter.”

Sunset’s face flushed pink. Partially from embarrassment, partially from rage. “BULLSHIT! I just got a text from Wallflower yesterday saying that you were in cahoots with Queen Chrysalis. Whatever it is you’re planning; I’m putting a stop to it! Even if I have to do it all by myself!”

Adagio chuckled mirthlessly. “Really now? Is that why you came all the way out here in your birthday suit? Just to threaten me over mere conjecture? I thought you were smarter than that.”

“I’m warning you, Adagio. I’m not in the mood to deal with your attitude right now. If I find out that you’re up to your old tricks again, I’ll—”

Adagio reached over and took a big gulp from a can of iced tea. “Or you’ll do what, exactly? Please, enlighten me. I’m quite literally powerless and naked right now. Your sparkly rainbow laser made sure of that. The only reason I’m staying at Camp Everfree right now is because I happen to enjoy the naturist lifestyle, much like you do. Is that a crime?”

Sunset sprang forth and pinned Adagio down, holding her wrists in place. The siren shouted in protest, but she made no attempt to resist Sunset’s advance. In the heat of the moment, Sunset focused on the artifact dangling around her neck, and concentrated on reading Adagio’s mind. Her eyes glowed like a white-hot inferno, and in an instant, Adagio Dazzle’s memories began to flash before her like a movie sequence. Unfortunately for Sunset, she was too distracted by the process to prepare herself for Adagio’s vicious headbutt.

Pain erupted in Sunset’s skull as she tumbled backwards into the sand. Taking full advantage of her adversary’s vulnerable position, Adagio kicked Sunset in the rubs until she recovered enough to grab the siren by the ankle and drag her down. Adagio fell to the ground with a meaty thump, but sprang to her feet within a matter of milliseconds. Stars twinkling in her vision, Sunset slowly rose to her feet and attempted to regain her bearings.

Adagio grinned savagely and cracked her knuckles. “Sweet Oceans, have I been waiting a long time for this. Come get some, mother fucker!”

Sunset winced in pain as Adagio’s brutal right hook slammed into the side of her face. It hurt like hell, but Sunset had enough wherewithal to dodge the next punch and elbow Adagio right in the gut. She staggered back and wheezed like an old man, but still remained on her feet. Adagio screamed like a banshee and tried to land a swift kick to Sunset’s ribs.

Since the sand beneath their feet was so unstable, Adagio staggered a bit and was instead, punched in the eye by Sunset’s left hook. Just when Sunset thought she had a moment to catch her breath, the relentless siren employed one of the dirtiest tricks in the book by kneeing her opponent right in the crotch. Unable to bear the additional pain to her privates, Sunset curled up into a ball on the sand. Adagio’s eyes flashed red as she looked down at her injured foe.

“Look at poor wittle, Sun-shit Shimmer. So helpless and weak! Were I the same person I was back before you blasted me with that stupid rainbow laser, I would’ve made an example out of you. Just to prove, once and for all, that I am the true alpha female around here.”

“I knew you couldn’t be trusted. You’re still the same old, manipulative, evil bitch that you’ve always been. You may have beat me down but… once I tell my friends… we’ll take care of you for good this time.” Sunset croaked.

Adagio crossed her arms underneath her breasts and scoffed. “Fat chance of that happening, sweetheart. You’ve already taken away everything that ever mattered to me. But every single day since then I’ve tried my best to move on from my past mistakes and thrive despite them. A life lesson I’m certain that you’re all too familiar with.”

“Are you kidding me,” Sunset coughed, “you’re seriously trying to reform? But why? What do you have to gain by doing so?”

“Because I have nowhere else to go but up after hitting rock bottom. I don’t see any need to adhere to my previous pattern of manipulation and domination. Without the thrill and extasy of my siren powers, it is all meaningless anyway. I see that now. Is it really so difficult for you to believe that I want to lead a normal life?”

Sunset carefully propped herself up and rubbed her sore cheek. “I might have gone just a teensy bit overboard after reading Wallflower’s text. You weren’t exactly doing anything wrong when I got here. And what little I was able to glean from your most recent thoughts pretty much pointed to the same conclusion. I—uh—really screwed up and lost my temper, didn’t I?”

Adagio helped Sunset to her feet and dusted the sand off of her butt. “Yes, you did. There’s certainly no denying that at this point. However, I am willing to call it water under the bridge considering the nature of our relationship in the past. Loathe as I am to admit it: I lost my temper as well. I apologize for injuring you, Sunset Shimmer.”

“And I’m sorry for hurting you too, Adagio. Um—I’m not gonna go so far as to say that we’ll ever be friends, but I think we might be able to understand each other well enough to… coexist.”

Adagio looked at her reflection in the water and frowned. “Oh marvelous~ You actually managed to give me a black eye. That’s going to take forever to go away! Ugh! Well, it’s not as though I’m putting much effort into making myself look pretty anyway.”

“Heh. I just noticed that you aren’t wearing any makeup or accessories.”

Adagio shrugged. “Neither are you. Save for your magical geode, of course.”

“I want to have fun and relax just like you do. Not stumble my way through a bunch of random, blind dates. Who would even be interested in that sort of thing at a naturist resort?”

Adagio laughed. “You say that now, but opportunities for romance often show up when you least expect them. And in the most surprising ways. I’ve yet to experience such a situation myself, but I’ve learned to keep an open mind whilst vacationing here. You never know…”

“Now that you mention it, there might actually be someone here that I’m interested in. Erm—someone that I already know. He’s part of the reason why I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to come visit Camp Everfree in the first place. I didn’t want to… make things awkward for him.”

Adagio smiled knowingly. “Ah~ Flash Sentry. After all this time, your love for him hasn’t quite extinguished yet, has it? Can’t say I’m terribly surprised. He seems like a decent enough man. A bit too much of a boy scout for my tastes, but he is easy on the eyes.”

Sunset blushed despite all the pain she was in. “Um—yeah. He was probably the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. After the whole she-demon thing, I wanted to focus on getting back in touch with myself for a while, so I broke up with him. Don’t get me wrong: it was the right decision at the time. But now that I’ve finally got my life back on track, I think I might ask him out again.”

“One thing at a time, sweetie. There’s no need to rush forward with your romantic agenda. The first place you should be going right now is the infirmary. I probably should too, for that matter.”

While Adagio led the way over to the infirmary, Sunset hobbled along a few paces behind, painfully aware of her bruised ego and lady bits. The building itself was very easy to find, given its central location at camp. Adagio barged into the first aid station without preamble and announced that she and a plus one required medical attention. The only person currently inhabiting the office was Fluttershy, who had been sitting in an office chair reading manga.

“Oh, my goodness! What happened to you two?”

Adagio sat down on a cot while Fluttershy fussed over her black eye. “Sunset Shimmer and I had a bit of a disagreement on the beach. We chose to voice our opinions physically, rather than verbally as you can see. We’ve since come to an understanding. What are you still doing here, Butter Buns? I thought Tender Care was still the resident nurse around here.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Well, umm—the thing is: she’s still sick with a fever. It ended up being more serious than she originally thought. So… I’m still substituting in for her until she gets better. Don’t worry! Timber said he would pay me for my time.”

“As my mother used to always say: ‘If you’re talented at something, then you should never do it for free’. I think you’ve done enough for now. My body tends to heal faster than the average human. Go on and take a look at Sunset. She’ll need the painkillers more than me. Hahaha!”

Sunset laid flat on the cot and carefully spread her legs apart. “Yeah, go on and laugh it up. Hey, Shy? Do me a favor and be gentle down there. Adagio kneed me in the baby-maker with a fair bit of force. Not gonna lie, it hurts pretty bad right now.”

Upon closer inspection of Sunset’s privates, Fluttershy frowned. “That’s because your vulva is showing signs of acute bruising. I’d suggest taking some extra strength aspirin and applying an ice pack to help reduce swelling. I know it’s a little embarrassing, but you don’t want to make the injury worse. You’re welcome to stay here at the infirmary if it’s too difficult for you to move around.”

In a move that surprised everyone, Adagio padded over to the fridge and got out a large, gel ice pack. She then placed it gently over Sunset’s crotch. “There we go~ I wouldn’t want that perky lil’ poochie of yours to get all banged up on my account. Get well soon, Sunset Shimmer.”

Before Sunset even had the chance to offer a retort, Adagio had already walked out the door to go do whatever it was former sirens did in their spare time. Probably take a nap, eat, or masturbate for a while. Sunset shook her head quickly at the thought of Adagio engaging in the latter. Not because the mental image was repulsive in any way, but because it brought about some incredibly awkward feelings that Sunset did not want to deal with at the moment.

Speaking of awkward, no sooner had she begun to calm down, another visitor appeared in the infirmary shortly after Adagio’s departure. Sunset immediately recognized the young man as Timber Spruce. Gloriosa Daisy’s younger brother and co-owner of Camp Everfree. As one would expect, he wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing either. The only things he carried on his person were a brown paper bag and a juice box.

“Hey, Fluttershy. Did I… come at a bad time?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, it’s ok. I was just treating Sunset for some injuries.”

“Oh, yeah? What happened?”

Fluttershy sighed. “She got into a fight with Adagio. Neither of them are known for having a cool temper, so I’m not surprised things turned out this way. Hopefully, they’ll both learn from the experience and never do it again. What is it you have there?”

Timber placed the bag atop the nurse’s desk. “It’s your lunch. They were having a special on turkey club sandwiches today at the canteen. Came with a bag of chips too. It’s the least I could do since you’re covering for Nurse Tender Care. Seriously! Thanks for that.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble at all. I enjoy helping people and animals whenever I can.”

Timber rubbed the back of his neck. “Cool. Uh… hey, Sunset. Long time no see.”

“Hey yourself, Timber. How’s the naturist life treating you?”

Timber subconsciously covered up his privates for a brief moment, then placed his hands on his hips. Not that it really mattered much anyway. Sunset had already gotten an eyeful of his, well… everything. Noticing how uncertain he looked, she couldn’t help but empathize with Timber because she felt much the same way. Sometimes, it was just plain weird (and maybe a little embarrassing) seeing someone you’d known a while without any clothes on for the first time.

“Not too bad so far. I wasn’t entirely on board with my sister’s plan to convert the camp over to being permanently clothes-free… but I’ve actually come to enjoy it. I’m confident that our grandparents would be proud of what this place has become if they were still alive today.”

Sunset adjusted her icepack. “Yeah. I’m sure they would. Are you and Twilight still dating?”

“Nah. Not anymore. It just wasn’t working out between us. With her going to university and my obligations running the camp, I don’t think we could’ve kept things going much longer anyway.”

Sunset bit her lip. She hadn’t meant to hit a sore subject. “Erm—well, you know what they say: there’s plenty of other fish in the sea! Just give it some time, Timber. You’re a decent guy. I’m sure you’ll find someone else in no time at all.”

Especially, when you’re lugging around an anaconda like that in between your legs. SWEET CELESTIA! I had no idea he was hung like a stallion. Makes me wonder if Twilight had trouble accommodating him whenever they got intimate. I hope that’s not the real reason they broke up.

Timber grinned. “Thanks for the advice but I’ve already found someone special. In fact, she works here at the camp as one of the counselors. I’m not saying that Twilight wasn’t special. Because she totally was! Uh—in her own way, that is. But Gilda and I, we just kind of… click better, I think. It’s really hard to explain. Do you have any idea what I’m talking about?”

Sunset smiled, thinking back to Flash. “Mhmm. I do. For what it’s worth, I’m happy for you two. If you don’t mind, I’m going to rest for a little while. My crotch is absolutely killing me.”

“Oh—uh—sure thing. Feel better, Sunset.”

Fluttershy waved goodbye as Timber left the room and focused her attention back to Sunset. “I wanted to apologize for Wallflower’s text. She usually means well but she… tends to make rash decisions whenever her anxiety gets triggered. I’m sorry if she gave you the wrong impression of what’s actually going on at camp.”

Sunset chuckled. “Well, I gotta admit: her text did make me a wee bit nervous. Whenever a former Siren and a Changeling Queen inhabit the same place, bad stuff usually happens. I—um—didn’t get a chance to read Adagio’s thoughts completely. I assume that she’s trying to turn over a new leaf or something along those lines?”

“Mhmm. She is. Tree Hugger has also taken Adagio in under her wing, so to speak. I think they’re going to be very good friends even after our vacation here is over. As for Chrysalis… I—um—I don’t think she’s the same being you know from Equestria. Kind of like how we’re all different from our pony counterparts. Or at least, that’s what I think…”

Sunset cocked her eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”

“When I was talking to her, she didn’t seem dangerous to me. More like: sad and depressed. Probably because she’s a long way from her home planet and doesn’t have any way of getting back there or seeing her loved ones. I cried last night just thinking about her awful situation. I wish there was more we could do to help Chrysalis feel welcome here.”

Sunset’s expression softened. “I know all too well what it’s like to be stuck in a strange world full of strange people without anyone else to rely upon. Maybe I could… try to be her friend? You know, like show her the ropes or whatever.”

Fluttershy gently patted Sunset’s thigh. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Sunset. I’m sure she’d appreciate making a new friend. For now, though, you need to rest.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s my own stupid fault for letting my temper get out of control.”

Fluttershy leaned over and kissed Sunset’s forehead. “That may very well be, but you apologized to Adagio and the two of you reconciled your differences. It’s ok to make mistakes, Sunset.”

Sunset sighed and shifted around on the cot to get more comfortable. “Guess I could always try to buy Adagio lunch or something. As a ‘I’m sorry for attacking you out of the blue’ gesture. In the meantime, I don’t think I’m going to be doing much of anything other than sitting around.”

“That’s to be expected. Just take it easy for the next day or two and you should be fine. Adagio is a lot stronger than she looks but—um—I think she actually held back when she fought you. The situation could have really spiraled out of control had she decided to go all out.”

Sunset winced in pain when she rotated her torso just a bit too quickly. “Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me. She must have retained some of her physical abilities as a siren. Ow! Damn, that smarts! Even when I managed to land a few good strikes on her, Adagio seemed to shrug them off like they were nothing. She hits like a champion boxer too…”

“Oh, dear. Is there anything else I can do to make you feel more comfortable?”

Sunset closed her eyes and nestled her head against the pillow. “Not unless you have some medical grade beaver tranquilizer laying around.”

“Actually, I might have some in my—”

Sunset held up her hand. “Don’t finish that statement! I wasn’t being serious, Shy. But I suppose, of all people, you would be the one to legitimately have beaver tranquilizer in your possession.”

“Alright, so long as you’re sure. I made sure to get the lowest dosage possible the last time I was over at the vet’s office. The tranquilizer is just powerful enough to make them happy and a little drowsy. It helps calm the beavers down whenever they need serious treatment for their injuries. Mostly due to—um—mating season.”

Sunset thanked Fluttershy for her consideration, but decided that letting her body heal on its own the natural way was her best option. Even though it would probably take a few days in all likelihood. The fiery-haired nudist carefully removed the ice pack from between her legs and set it on the table beside the cot. Figuring that she wasn’t going to get any more comfortable, Sunset pulled the thin, scratchy bed sheets over her shoulders and tried to get some sleep.

It had been an arduous two days. Sunset wasn’t happy that it had taken so long for her injuries to heal, but she was thankful that Adagio hadn’t sent her to the hospital. After a refreshing shower and belly full of pancakes and bacon, Sunset was focused on enjoying her extended vacation at Camp Everfree rather than doing so out of obligation to a friend in duress. Or at least, she would have been… had she not received a menacing text from Gloriosa Daisy.

The message was simple and to the point: “Please meet me in my office around ten o’clock. There’s much we have to discuss”. Sunset was certain that she already knew what the topic of conversation was going to be. It wasn’t as if she’d expected there not to be any negative repercussions from her little scuffle with Adagio. Even though they’d become good friends after her first visit to Camp Everfree, Sunset wasn’t looking forward to talking with Gloriosa.

As Sunset approached the administrator’s cabin, she broke out into a cold sweat. Her palms felt clammy as she grasped the handle to Gloriosa’s office. Sunset swallowed a heavy lump that had begun to form in her throat. Just a few steps beyond the door was Camp Everfree’s owner. She stood in front of a window with her hands clasped behind her back, a neutral expression plastered across her lips. Sunset wasn’t entirely sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

Gloriosa turned around and smiled at her friend. “Good morning. Are you feeling any better?”

“Well, I’m not quite at one hundred percent yet but I’m getting there.”

Gloriosa nodded. “That’s encouraging. Fluttershy gave me a full report on your injuries earlier this morning and they seemed rather serious. It’s good to see you again… despite the circumstances. If you don’t mind, I’m going to cut straight to the point: do you know why I called you into my office today, Sunset?”

Sunset felt her stomach twist into a knot. Her mouth was so dry that it was as though it had stuffed to the brim with an entire box-worth of ground up Triscuits. Sunset was relieved that Gloriosa hadn’t insisted that she sit down on one of the plush chairs. Much to her own embarrassment, Sunset found out that, whilst in her human form, she had a tendency to sweat profusely in-between her butt cheeks whenever she got nervous. She didn’t want to have to explain why there was a big wet spot on the cushion after she got up.

It was a small comfort, at least, that she currently wasn’t wearing panties. Those thin bands of cloth human females were so fond of, felt absolutely awful when wet or bunched up. Sunset typically wore the most comfortable underwear (plain cotton ones that came rolled up in packs of six) available whenever the situation necessitated their adornment. Otherwise, she much preferred going commando. It was one of the reasons why she’d stopped wearing short skirts and switched over to skinny jeans or long dresses.

Humans tended to get upset if someone’s genitals were exposed in public. Even when it wasn’t on purpose. Sunset still didn’t quite understand why. But nonetheless, she accepted it as the reality of living in human society. The same logic applied to female breasts. She wasn’t a fan of wearing bras either, but understood their practicality in certain situations.

Sunset pressed her thighs together ever so slightly and gathered what little courage she was able to muster. Much to her irritation, she became distracted by the distinct, clammy wetness in-between her cheeks. She took in a deep breath and tried to ignore the unpleasant sensation but it did little to abate her discomfort. The former unicorn blushed and looked directly at her friend.

“Because I got into fistfight with Adagio…”

Gloriosa nodded. “There is a zero-tolerance policy in place for certain types of behavior within the confines of Camp Everfree: 1). Wantonly Lewd Conduct 2). Violence Towards Fellow Guests or Wildlife 3). Illicit Substance/Alcohol Abuse. Timber and I may add more as we see fit but those are the basic, cardinal rules around camp.”

Sunset shuffled her feet and blushed harder. “I-I figured as much.”

“Under normal circumstances, I would kick out any guests involved in a fight immediately. However, I’ve decided to let both you and Adagio Dazzle off with a warning this time. Even with your complicated history together, I was led to believe that the fight was mostly due to a misunderstanding and concern over a friend’s wellbeing.”

Sunset rubbed her arm. “Did Adagio tell you everything that happened on the beach?”

“She did. And she was quite honest about all the lurid details. I’m giving you a chance to tell me your side of the story because I trust you. I consider you a good friend, Sunset. Especially, after everything you did to help me overcome my magical possession. Please, just tell me the truth.”

Sunset let out a shuddering breath. “I was afraid that Adagio was up to her old tricks again. She was being her usual pain-in-the-ass self when I started asking questions and I… lost my temper with her. That’s why I tried to the force the answers out of her by using the Geode of Empathy. I know it was wrong of me to attack her like that. I shouldn’t have. But what’s done is done.”

Gloriosa walked over to Sunset and gave her a hug. “I suppose your heart was in the right place. As for Adagio, she seems to have moved on from it, so I see no reason to pursue the matter any further. Just remember: if I see you getting violent with her or anyone else, you will no longer be welcome at Camp Everfree. Understand?”

Sunset squeezed Gloriosa tightly and sniffed. “Crystal clear. So—uh—what’s with Queen Chrysalis anyway? I assume you must know that she’s here, running around the camp.”

“Yes, I’m well-aware that she’s staying here. In fact, Adagio and I were the ones who discovered the landing site of her escape pod in the first place. For the time being, I’ve decided to let her live in one of the spare staff cabins. Her role within the camp has yet to be determined, but I’m sure that we can find something productive for her to do.”

Sunset blew her nose into a tissue and shot Gloriosa a confused look. “Escape pod? You make it sound as though she… landed on the plant rather than drove here. Like, as in alien from outer space. You’ve gotta be kidding me! That’s not… possible, is it?”

Gloriosa shrugged. “I know it sounds strange, but it’s true. I saw the pod with my own eyes. Chrysalis obviously looks different from a normal human woman. Physically, I mean. But she’s similar enough that the differences aren’t noticeable unless you look closely.”

“You mean, she’s not a shape-shifting, emotion-draining vampire?”

Gloriosa scratched her head. “Not from what I can tell, so far. She’s a bit eccentric but that’s be expected of an extra-terrestrial. Come to think of it: Adagio had a very similar reaction when she first saw Chrysalis in the escape pod. Is she some kind of villain in Equestria?”

Sunset nodded emphatically. “One of the worst ponykind has ever known. Eheh. I probably shouldn’t have assumed that her counterpart here on Earth was the same. I’m sorry. I was really worried that everyone might’ve gotten drained or worse. That’s her usual MO.”

“Between Fluttershy, Adagio and I: we’ve all been keeping a close eye on her ever since she arrived at Camp Everfree. It seems like Chrysalis just wants to make the best out of the new life she must now adjust to. Quite frankly, I can’t help but feel sorry for her. No one deserves to have everything they’ve ever known taken away from them.”

Sunset gently patted her friend’s shoulder. “You did the right thing, Gloriosa. It takes a lot of courage to show a complete stranger from another planet as much kindness as you have. I’m extremely proud of how far you’ve come along since we first met.”

Gloriosa blushed at Sunset’s sincere praise. “Really! It’s not a big deal…”

“I’m sure Chrysalis doesn’t see it that way.”

Gloriosa took in a deep breath and composed herself. “In any case, that’s the situation. I trust that you’ll do your best to bury the hatchet with Adagio and help Chrysalis adjust during your stay?”

“Yeah. I promise. What happened earlier was a… one-time thing. A temporary lapse of judgement on my part. Uh—mind my asking, but what exactly is Chrysalis doing around camp?”

Gloriosa watched as Rufus and Lucifer were playing around in the garden. “I invited her into my office while you were still recovering and gave her an aptitude test. Kind of like a job application, but a bit more generalized. Much to my astonishment, she scanned my computer with her magic and claimed that she had a fairly comprehensive understanding of our technology.”

“That’s unusual. I’ve never heard of Equestrian magic being used that way before.”

Gloriosa picked up the coffee mug sitting on her desk and took a sip from it. “Neither have I, based on my own limited experience. When it came out of her fingers, it looked like little pixelated cubes. Kind of like what you’d see in a video game except green-colored. I’m not entirely sure it was strictly magic in the sense that we understand it.”

“Twilight would definitely be interested in meeting Chrysalis and studying her magic, but I don’t know if I could convince her to visit a full-fledged naturist resort. She’s not exactly what I would call ‘comfortable’ with any kind of nudity. For nearly the entire first year that I knew her, I always had to put on a bathrobe whenever Twi came over to visit, so that she wouldn’t feel anxious around me. The rest of the girls didn’t seem all that bothered by it though.”

Gloriosa nodded in understanding. “At least they’ve all come to respect your lifestyle. That’s more than I can say for some people. I’m more worried about Chrysalis getting used to living on Earth and making friends. Any future research projects regarding her magic and how it works can wait until she decides the time is right. I don’t want anyone pressuring her.”

“Oh, no! That’s totally cool! I agree with you one hundred percent. She’s a person first and foremost, not some science experiment. I just feel like I’d be the best one to talk to her right now. You know, since I’m technically an alien too. Umm—but I do have one question first. Do you happen to know which cabin Wallflower is staying in? I’d like to check up on her too…”

Gloriosa giggled. “Of course! She’s staying over in Row B, Cabin 4. Just make sure that you knock first. She’s sharing it with her uncle. Oh, and just as a head’s up: they both work at the canteen as chefs. Wallflower might not be there if she’s currently on a shift.”

Sunset thanked Gloriosa and left the administrator’s cabin feeling significantly better than before. Her anxiety over ruining their friendship and getting kicked out of the camp before she even had the chance to enjoy herself, evaporated like the morning dew from the grass. The former unicorn placed her hands on her hips, closed her eyes, and took in a deep breath through her nostrils. The air smelled of pine trees and lake water with a slight hint of smoke.

Everything about Camp Everfree was just like she’d remembered but more vivid this time around because she wasn’t wearing any clothes to dull the sensations. As Sunset drew closer to Row B, her thoughts began to drift back to Flash Sentry and what she would say to him when they eventually met again. It would, in all likelihood, be a very awkward conversation but she was prepared to endure it no matter what. Flash deserved that much. With renewed confidence in her stride, Sunset put on her best smile and knocked on the door to Wallflower’s cabin.