• Published 5th May 2019
  • 4,133 Views, 209 Comments

Camp Naturally - Enclave2277

Gloriosa decides to honor her grandparent's legacy by converting Camp Everfree into a naturist resort. Timber Spruce is skeptical about the idea at first.

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The Morning Star Dims

Chapter 23

Adagio’s Cabin, Camp Everfree

The sun had just barely begun to paint the horizon in a yellow-orange glow when Tree Hugger awoke that morning, and reluctantly left the warm embrace of her girlfriend. Though she would never admit it aloud, Adagio was a cuddler and used Tree Hugger like an oversized teddy bear whenever she slept, or even when they were just enjoying each other’s company. Not that the lifelong nudist minded; she relished the intimacy of Adagio’s skin pressed against her own. The former villain’s presence offered a level of contentedness in her life that could scarcely be put into words. With a warm smile, Tree Hugger bent over and kissed her lover’s forehead.

The only response she received was a tired mumble and the shuffling of bedsheets. A morning person Adagio was not. Tree Hugger had discovered this little fact quite early on in their relationship. On the contrary, she rose with the sun each day, eager to greet the world and all its wonders. Plus, it was the best time to practice her yoga sets. Summer mornings were just cool enough not to feel oppressively humid, like the afternoons could at times.

Tree Hugger padded over towards the window, stretched out her limbs like a cat, and moaned softly when she felt limber enough to start the day once more. She glanced over at the clock sitting on the nightstand and realized that it wasn’t even six o’clock yet. Since the cabin didn’t have an attached bathroom, Tree Hugger would need to visit the communal one in the center of camp if she wanted to bathe. After pausing for a moment, Tree Hugger decided that if she was going to work up a sweat doing yoga this morning anyway, a shower could wait until later.

The only article of clothing Tree Hugger ever bothered to don on a regular basis (when society forced her to conform to a preconceived notion of morality, which was totally lame in her opinion) was the yellow, floral bandana she tired around her head to keep her hair from flopping around too much. However, this morning, she decided not to bother with it and let her frizzy dreadlocks cascade down past her shoulders naturally instead of tying them up.

Normally, Tree Hugger would bring along her own yoga mat if she were practicing sets in the rec center. Not only did it follow proper nudist etiquette, but much more comfortable than constantly peeling your bare skin from the hard wooden floor. That was why all of the chairs in camp had some kind of cushioning on them, whether they were made of metal or wood. Today would be the exception, for she would be practicing her sets outside, along the shore of Lake Clarity. At sunrise, it was a locale that simply couldn’t be beat if one wanted to enjoy the splendor that only Mother Nature could provide.

Some campers would argue that getting covered in dirt and blades of grass was a hassle. Tree Hugger didn’t mind. It was a problem that a quick shower afterwards could easily fix. With that in mind, she made her way over to the shore, nibbling on a homemade granola bar while she did so. The only other luxury she afforded herself was an aluminum thermos full of hot tea. Adagio preferred coffee, but Tree Hugger never developed a taste for the stuff. She thought it was too bitter. Upon wiggling her toes in the cool grass, she spread her legs apart, and lifted her arms above her head, forming them into a triangle. A deep breath in. A deep breath out. Clear the mind of all wandering thoughts. Focus on the sounds of nature. Birds chirping. Water trickling.

Tree Hugger finally opened her eyes when she heard the sound of ducks quacking and a small splash that accompanied them. She looked out towards the center of the lake and spotted a pair of Mallards, a couple most likely, looking for breakfast. She bent forward and pressed the palms of her hands against the ground, arching her back slightly. Her voluminous breasts dangled freely for a moment, the unavoidable effect of gravity at work. When she arose to full height once more, they jiggled slightly in response. A tiny, subconscious part of her mind pondered on how convenient it would be if her breasts were smaller, and firmer like Adagio’s.

Despite her best efforts at maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen over the years, the size and volume of Tree Hugger’s breasts had remained conspicuously large (they drew attention even amongst the nudist crowd) ever since they began growing as a teen. Contrary to what many would believe, going bra-less and practicing yoga regularly served to strengthen her abdominal muscles and offered better support for her breasts than if she’d actually bothered to wear one.

At times, she felt like her breasts were cumbersome or attracted too much attention. Yet, she was perfectly comfortable with her body and how it was made, regardless of a few inconveniences that she had to endure. Besides, Adagio loved to play with them whenever the opportunity arose, and Tree Hugger didn’t mind when that happened one bit. In all honestly, Adagio was adept with her hands, Tree Hugger mused while a warm sensation coursed throughout her body and made her shiver at the memory of their latest massage session. How she managed to obtain such skills was a mystery that Tree Hugger had yet to unravel but the results were impossible to refute…

Tree Hugger’s erotic musings were abruptly interrupted when the telltale splash of a trout jumping out of the water sounded a few meters away from shore. Blinking a few times to refocus on her yoga set, Tree Hugger laid down in the grass and pointed her legs upward, slowly spreading them apart while she leaned forward. To anyone observing, her pose would have left absolutely nothing to the imagination, not that she cared either way. The stretching itself felt great, and the cool morning breeze coming off of the lake only made it better. After working up a good sweat, the hippie decided to drink some tea to hydrate herself and take a quick break.

Just as she was finishing her second cup, Tree Hugger spotted a familiar feathered friend approaching her from the side. She suppressed a shudder, noting how quiet Lucifer could be when he put his mind to it. That more than the fact that he was an intelligent, talking vulture, creeped Tree Hugger out more than anything else. Not that she would ever admit it. He was like family to Adagio, and if he was that important to her, Lucifer was family to her as well.

Tree Hugger patted the ground next to her while she sat cross-legged. “Morning Sunshine.”

“Good day to you as well, Miss Tree Hugger. Do you mind if I join you?”

“Not at all, dude. I was just taking a break from my yoga sets.”

The musky aroma of sweat wafting from Tree Hugger’s skin made such a statement obvious to Lucifer’s sensitive sniffer, but he chose to ignore it. “That’s good. I didn’t want to interrupt anything important. You see, there is a matter that I must discuss with you… in private.”

Tree Hugger reached over and began stroking his feathers, an act of affection she’d seen Adagio perform whenever Lucifer seemed upset. It seemed to help calm him down a little. “I’m all ears. Go on and start talking whenever you feel comfortable. I’m not in any hurry to be anywhere.”

Lucifer ruffled his feathers for a moment, as if searching for the right words. “As I’m sure you are aware, I am no ordinary Turkey Vulture. I have lived far longer than any specimen of my species has any right to. Nearly three hundred and fifty years, in fact.”

Tree Hugger said nothing in response, instead she continued to stroke his feathers as a way of encouraging him.

Lucifer let out when sounded like the vulture equivalent of a sigh. “Mistress Adagio’s magic is responsible for making me into the being I am today. Yet, for all the advantages it affords me, I fear that my body simply was not designed to process it like a human’s. I’m afraid that… I might be dying. My apologies, Miss Tree Hugger, I wasn’t sure how else to break the news.”

The hippie leaned over and kissed his bald forehead. “No worries, little man, I’m glad that you told me. Have you mentioned this to anyone else?”

Lucifer shuffled his claws. “No, I’m afraid not. It took as much courage as I could muster to even discuss the matter with you this morning. Please don’t mention this to Mistress Adagio! I don’t want her to worry about my well-being. She has finally found love and true happiness after all these centuries. I wouldn’t dare impugn upon it. I can’t… I-I won’t.”

“You really think so?”

Lucifer nodded. “I know so. And it’s in no small part thanks to you, Miss Tree Hugger!”

“Uh—I—don’t really know what to say…” Tree Hugger admitted.

The vulture nuzzled his head against her thigh. It was in that moment Tree Hugger began to notice just how frail he looked. An overwhelming sense of sadness washed over her, threatening to bring forth tears. She held them back for Lucifer’s sake. “Then you don’t have to say anything as far as I’m concerned. Your actions have already proven your intent a thousand times over. I can rest in peace knowing that you shall be there for Mistress Adagio when I am no longer able.”

“When did this all… start happening?”

Lucifer shifted his gaze towards the lake. “Perhaps, a week ago. At first, I began feeling more tired than usual. Like I hadn’t slept in days. Then my feathers began to lose their sheen and the… aches set in. Now, I find it difficult to even get up off of the ground. I can barely fly without experiencing significant pain. All I know is that my body is failing me, Miss Tree Hugger.”

Tree Hugger stood up and grabbed her thermos. “Maybe Shy can take a look at you. She’s great with animals! She’s probably still asleep right now but I can—”

Lucifer shook his head solemnly. “I fear that my condition is beyond the understanding of conventional medical wisdom. I appreciate your willingness to aid me, but only an Equestrian or someone with similar knowledge of the arcane can possibly help me now.”

“Are you sure I can’t, like, convince you to hash this out with Dagi? She knows way more about magic than anyone else I know. She could help you, dude!”

Lucifer clicked his beak. “No. My decision on that matter is final and I shan’t be convinced otherwise. I suppose my only other recourse is to consult with Sunset Shimmer. In the meantime, might I ask a favor? Would you mind carrying me? I’m quite tired, you see…”

Twilight slowly cracked open her eyes when she heard the muffled sounds of birdsong filtering through the window. She carefully extracted herself from the soft, inviting warmth of Sunset’s naked form, blushing slightly at the memory of what had transpired the night before. Finally, after putting aside the awkwardness and self-doubt that plagued her mind, Twilight had resolved to become more intimate with her girlfriend no matter how inexperienced she was. Much to Twilight’s surprise and relief, making love to Sunset last night had progressed far more naturally than a gangly virgin such as herself had any right to expect. It was more than just the physical pleasure she’d felt, the sense of emotional satisfaction was beyond even her ability to describe.

After a brief stretch to help loosen up her muscles, Twilight put on her glasses and looked at her frizzy bed hair in the bathroom mirror. At least it wasn’t quite so difficult to maintain, now that she’d cut it shorter. Ever the perfectionist, the young woman brushed her violet locks carefully, and meticulously until she deemed it presentable. Or at least enough until she had the chance to take a proper shower. Once breakfast was finished, bathing would be her top priority for the day.

Twilight had to admit that sex was, undoubtedly, a wonderful experience, but it could also be a loud, smelly, messy process. She didn’t need to sniff herself to know that she probably reeked of stale sweat and other unmentionable body fluids. At the very least, she was thankful that there was no one else around to see her in such a disheveled state. Especially, not Cadence. It was a small mercy that her former baby sitter hadn’t developed any curious inclinations when it came to exploring the clothes-free lifestyle. Not that Twilight would totally put it past her.

Even so, she would inevitably have to explain her new-found relationship with Sunset to her family and the rest of her friends who weren’t already in the loop. And endure all the fawning that came with it. But first! Coffee! A Twilight Sparkle could not function efficiently in the morning without consuming at least one mug-full of coffee. It was practically a law of nature. With caffeination in mind, the nude scientist padded out into the kitchenette, bare feet pattering against the tiled floor, and began brewing the first pot of the day. She grabbed her favorite smiley face mug from the cupboard, and eagerly awaited the machine to work its magic.

Not long after the coffee pot began to trickle, the scent of hazelnut wafted into the bedroom, rousing Sunset Shimmer from her slumber. Unlike her girlfriend, the former unicorn was less inclined to tidy up before starting her day and chose to shuffle out towards the kitchenette in the same state she woke up in. That is to say, her fiery golden-red locks were askew in every way imaginable. After letting out a loud yawn, she scratched her stomach and spotted Twilight standing by the counter. With a loving smile, she crept up behind Twilight and looped her arms around her stomach, pulling the other woman into an affectionate embrace.

Twilight squeaked in surprise when she felt the softness of Sunset’s bare breasts press up against her back in the most delightful way. She giggled when her girlfriend began to plant a series of butterfly kisses along her neck, fingers tickling her stomach, slowly creeping lower and lower. Once Sunset was finished kissing her lover, she rested her head against the crook of Twilight’s shoulder. “Morning, Twi. You sleep well? Mmm~ I know I sure did.”

After adjusting her glasses, Twilight cleared her throat awkwardly. Sunset had always been very… forward when it came to showing affection. Even when their relationship was still platonic. This morning was no exception. She seemed to enjoy running her fingers through the violet tuft in-between Twilight’s legs, occasionally brushing her fingers along more sensitive areas. While a round of morning love-making certainly had its appeal, Twilight wanted to focus on other activities they could share together, and thus, intertwined her fingers with Sunset’s, grasping them gently as a sign of her own affection.

“I did, thank you. Sunset, as much as I enjoyed our time together last night, I need a break. And a shower. In fact, I think you could use one as well. ONCE… we finish breakfast, of course.”

Blushing profusely, Sunset frowned. “Oh… I—erm—may have gotten a little carried away there. I’m sorry, Twi. It’s been a while since I last had sex, so it felt good to finally scratch the itch again, if you know what I mean. I keep forgetting that you were a virgin up until last night.”

Twilight turned around, cupped Sunset’s cheeks, and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. In response, she placed her hands along Twilight’s hips and pulled her closer. “I’m not upset with you, Sunset. After all, we’re still in the process of working out the dynamic of our relationship. But… a big part of that is communicating with each other effectively. If there’s something wrong or you don’t like what I’m doing, I want you to tell me, and vise-versa.”

Sunset chuckled. “That has to be the most clinical relationship advice I’ve ever been given.”

Twilight booped Sunset’s nose. “I studied psychology; you know!”

Sunset kissed Twilight’s forehead in response. “I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. Relax, Twi. Don’t get your panties in a—oh wait—not the best expression to use at the moment…”

“Nope! I have you to blame for not wearing any. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Feels nice not to have to worry about them constantly riding up my butt or getting all sticky with sweat in the summer heat. In fact, I’ve become so accustomed to living in the nude that it’s difficult for me to imagine putting my clothes back on again. Strange…”

Sunset waggled her eyebrows. “Is that your way of getting into my non-existent pants, Miss Sparkle? Because flattery will get you everywhere.”

Twilight crossed her arms underneath her breasts in protest. “Sunset! You’re incorrigible!”

“I’m joking… mostly. What? Can’t a girl compliment her nerdy, sexy soulmate?”

Completely flustered, Twilight’s cheeks became rosy while she struggled to formulate a response. Sunset, or anyone for that matter, had never uttered such words to her before. “Compared to you, I’m not—I don’t—for the sake of argument, let’s just say that I still have some lingering body image issues to sort out.”

“Which, I might add,” Sunset encouraged with a warm smile, “Is becoming less of an issue with each passing day. Look how much progress you’ve made since you first arrived at camp! A little confidence goes a long way, ya know. The secret to feeling sexy is: owning your look and not caring about how other people perceive you. Or at least, that’s what I’ve been doing…”

Twilight traced a circle around Sunset’s nipple with her finger. “An effective strategy, I’d say.”

“Careful,” Sunset warned with a slight blush, “You know how sensitive those are.”

With a smug grin, Twilight giggled. “See? How do you like it when I tease you?”

“Not gonna lie, it’s pretty hot. With proper training, you might make a good dom.”

Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes. “Please don’t mention that word to me ever again.”

“Why? Did I strike a nerve? I’m sorry if I did.”

Twilight poured herself and Sunset a mug of hazelnut coffee, adding a bit a creamer to each. “No, I was just remembering a traumatic memory from my childhood. Back when I was still in middle school and Shiny was dating Cadence, I came home early one afternoon and caught them—umm—in mid-coitus. Let’s just say there were plenty of anal plugs, gags, chains, and black leather to be had. Even now, they’re very enthusiastic about BDSM.”

Sunset blinked owlishly. “Wow that’s both mildly disturbing and kinky at the same time.”

Twilight held up her finger. “Before you ask, Shiny is a hardcore subby. I guess it’s because he’s a police officer and enjoys letting others be in control when he doesn’t have to. Well, Cadence, at any rate. She loves being in control just as much. Something about being under Principal Cinch. Look, they have a weird sexual dynamic, ok? I’d rather not discuss the subject any further.”

Sunset took a slow sip of her coffee. “Fair enough. Hey—uh—you never had any wet dreams involving your brother, have you? Just curious…”

NO,” Twilight shouted while stomping her foot against the floor. In hindsight, it was not a very smart idea to do so, as it caused her a considerable amount of pain. “Neo-Freudian implications aside, I’ve never thought of my BBBFF that way! Sunset, that’s just… disgusting.”

Sunset chuckled sheepishly while twirling a strand of her hair. “Completely understandable. I just wanted to clear the air about it because—I—erm—might have had a few about him myself. What?! Don’t judge me! Your brother is a total hottie! Ask the rest of the girls, they’ll back me up on this. Especially, Rarity. She has this thing for men in uniform where they—”


An awkward bout of silence stretched between the young couple for what seemed like an eternity. The only sounds in the room were the occasional sip of coffee and muffled birdsong. The mood suddenly changed when Sunset heard someone knocking on the cabin door frantically. Since it was highly unusual for anyone to be visiting them at this hour of the day, Sunset opened the door hoping that it wasn’t some kind of emergency. Outside stood Tree Hugger, a worried expression painted on her face, cradling a black and pink lump in her arms.

“Morning, Tree Hugger. What brings you by our humble abode?” Sunset asked hesitantly.

“Dude, I wish it were under more pleasant circumstances. My buddy, Lucy, is in bad shape.”

Sunset took a closer look at the turkey vulture, and realized how sickly he was. “No offence, but wouldn’t Fluttershy be the ideal person to visit concerning the treatment of sick animals?”

Tree Hugger let out an exasperated sigh. “Yeah, I already thought of that. Lucifer told me that she wouldn’t be able to help him. I dunno… it’s got something to do with his magic? He said you were the resident expert in camp, so here I am. Can you do anything for him?”

Sunset bit her lip. “I’m not sure what he expects me to do. If I were a unicorn, I could cast a few spells to try and figure out the problem, but I can’t do that in my human form.”

Twilight walked up to the door and placed her hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “I got this, Sunset. Please come inside, Tree Hugger. We’ll prepare a spot on the couch for him to rest.”

Tree Hugger accepted the invitation and placed Lucifer down as gently as she could. Once he was comfortable, she swaddled him in a wool blanket. She then sat down next to him and began stroking his head as a means to keep him calm. “How’re you feeling, buddy?”

“Quite frankly, like death warmed over. Don’t look so downtrodden, my dear. Your efforts to get me here were admirable. I just hope that Miss Shimmer has a solution to restore my rapidly declining health. Otherwise, I fear that I might not last another day.”

Twilight approached the couch holding a gun-shaped device with an antenna sticking out of the side. It was unlike anything Tree Hugger or Sunset had ever seen, so they both looked over at the nude scientist expectantly, hoping that she would provide them with an explanation. She blinked slowly, confused by their stares until Sunset pointed to the device. She blushed and coughed.

“Sorry! This is an experimental thaumatic measuring instrument I’ve been developing over the past few months. I took it along with me to try and study a natural, magical nexus. What? It’s not weird! I know I’m on vacation, but that doesn’t mean I can’t satisfy my scientific curiosity too!”

After a few adjustments, Twilight pointed the gun at Lucifer and scanned him. The grim frown on her face didn’t bode well and made the other women in the room nervous. “I suppose I should explain how the readings work before I tell you the results. Otherwise, it won’t make any sense. My studies indicate that magical energy behaves similarly to radiation. And like radiation, if there isn’t a proper way to store and diffuse the energy, it becomes harmful to the user. What sort of symptoms has he been experiencing? I’d like to get a baseline before I begin.”

Tree Hugger ran her fingers through her dreadlocks. “From what I can tell, he’s really tired all the time and his feathers are starting to lose their sheen. Does that help?”

“Hmm. It’s a start, I suppose. From what I can tell, Lucifer was initially infused with and has absorbed over three centuries worth of Adagio’s latent siren magic. Normally, this wouldn’t be an issue for a human, because our bodies are designed, at least to some extent, to channel and expend magic. Similar to that of species native to Equus. However, turkey vultures are not. To be honest, I’m surprised that he hasn’t suffered any ill effects sooner.”

Tree Hugger raised her hand. “Could you, like, explain it me in a simpler way?”

Unperturbed, Twilight continued her lecture. “Lucifer is suffering from acute magic poisoning. The thaumatic energy stored within his body is becoming unstable, causing cellular degradation. As I mentioned before, his symptoms, combined with my readings, are eerily similar to that of victims who were caught in nuclear fallout. I’m sorry girls, but he’s dying.”

Tree Hugger began to cry. “There’s nothing you can do?!! Please! There’s gotta be something!”

Twilight looked down at her feet, unable to meet Tree Hugger’s tear-filled gaze. “I’m truly sorry, Tree Hugger. But there’s not much that can be done, even with state-of-the-art medical equipment on hand. Lucifer’s condition is simply beyond the means of human medicine. We can at least try to make him comfortable with pain killers and sedatives.”

“What about taking him through that mirror portal thingy? Ponies are, like, super magical, right? Maybe they can do something for him.”

Sunset shook her head. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea either. We don’t know what kind of effect extra-dimensional travel would have on the magic stored within his body. It could become even more unstable and cause a massive explosion or worse. We can’t take the chance.”

“It’s quite alright ladies,” Lucifer assured, “I’ve made peace with my condition and have lived far longer than I had any right to. I appreciate your willingness to assist me, despite the long odds. Now, I suppose I should say my farewells. I’d rather not upset Mistress Adagio, but I owe her that much. She is… family to me.”

Twilight paused for a moment and rubbed her chin in thought. “Hold on a moment. All hope might not be lost. There is one person around here who could potentially help us reverse Lucifer’s condition. It’s a long shot but… I won’t know for sure until I ask her myself.”

Without wasting a moment, Twilight ran into her room, threw on a pair of socks, and began lacing up her hiking boots. Sunset was soon to follow, standing in the doorway. “Do you mind telling me where the hell you think you’re going, Twi? I don’t want you running off with nothing but a pair of boots. At least have the sense to take a backpack with you or something…”

Slightly embarrassed, Twilight blushed and placed a few essentials in a purple fanny-pack, then hastily clipped it around her waist. “I was getting to that! But thanks for reminding me.”

Sunset tapped her foot against the floor, waiting expectantly. “Seriously! Where are you going? I don’t need to remind you that the Everfree Forest used to have a powerful, magic plant demon prowling around. It’s a big place, Twi. There could still be creatures lurking out there that we don’t know about yet.”

“I know exactly where I’m going, Sunset. The GPS coordinates are programmed into my phone. It’s just that I—promised Chrysalis I would keep the location a secret. Trust me; if there’s anyone here who would have the necessary technology and skillset to treat Lucifer, it’s her.”

Sunset furrowed her brow. “Technology? Wait! What aren’t you telling me, Twi?!”

Twilight kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. “I’m sorry but I can’t explain it right now. There’s no time to waste. To be honest, I don’t even know if Chrysalis will agree to help Lucifer or not.”

Before Sunset could voice any sort of protest, she watched as Twilight awkwardly ran past her and towards the Everfree Forest at full tilt. She hadn’t even said goodbye. Granted, the situation was dire, and time was of the essence, but she hated being left in the dark when it came to magic-related problems. With little else to do but wait, Sunset padded back to living room and sat on the opposite side of Tree Hugger. For her part, the hippie was doing her best to offer what comfort she could to Lucifer, even if it was just getting him a glass of water.

Lucifer clicked his beak. “Pardon me, Miss Shimmer. I have another favor to ask of you. If the worst should come to pass, please summon Mistress Adagio for me. I wouldn’t want to die without saying goodbye to her first. For now, though… I am tired. So very tired. I think… a nap is in order. Yes. Just a small one perhaps. Please wake me up in twenty minutes or so…”

Comments ( 2 )

I loved the honest love between Dagi and Tree Hugger, and Sci-Twi and Bacon Hair.

But poor talking vulture...

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