• Published 30th Apr 2019
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Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

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Winter solstice part 1 the spirit world

Flash and the group were flying over the air nation then they spotted something Twilight said "Hey look down there".

Then shining said "It looks like an earth quake hit this place" they went down there and saw the land in ruins the forest destroyed "Earth kingdom I swear if i see one i'll..."

Then Flash said "this is all my fault I'm the avatar I'm suppose to bring peace and prevent this kind of thing from happening".

Twilight then said "don't be sad Flash look" as she held out an acorn "these acorns are all over the place and eventually they will grow into new oak trees and all the animals that lived here will come back".

Flash then smiled and said "thanks I needed that".

Then a voice yelled "you there".

They all looked and saw an old man walk over to them and Shining said "um who are you?"

He then said "my name is Grand pear when I saw the dragon I didn't think it was possible but then I thought are you the avatar".

Then Flash said "yes I am".

"Well then maybe you can help us my village is having a problem that the avatar should be able to help with".

The Twilight said "okay were is you village?"

Grand pear then said "right this way" and lead them to the village.

Meanwhile at a hot spring a few miles away Stygian was siting in it then Timber came over and said "Uncle what are you doing?"

Then he said "I am taking a break please join me the water is great".

Timber then said "I don't have time for that were leaving please get out of there and get to the ship". Then Stygian got up and timber covered his eyes then said "on second thought take a few more minutes but be back at the ship in half an hour or I'm leaving without you".

Back with Flash and the group they had just arrived at the village and Grand pear took them to a building at the end and said "everyone this is the avatar".

Then they all looked and gasped and then a woman came over and said "so its true the avatar is back".

Grand pear then said "Flash, Twilight, Shining this is my daughter Pear butter".

She then said in a sad tone "please just call me butter cup".

Twilight then asked "you seem sad is something wrong?"

Then a man walked over and said "its because of Po".

Grand pear then said "Po is the black and white forest spirit every night for two weeks now he has come and attacked the village and then he makes off with one of our people and recently he left with..."

Butter cup then broke into tears said "My daughters, first it was Applejack then Apple bloom".

Twilight then said "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that".

Grand pear then said "We are growing even more worried as the winter solstice approaches you see every year during the solstice the spirit world and the real world become so close that the line between them is almost none we are worried as to what will happen then but who better to solve this problem then the great bridge between the real and spirit world".

Flash then said "Great bridge between the worlds yep thats me".

Then Twilight said "Um Mr great bridge can I talk to you for a minute" as she pulled him over "Flash are you sure about this you don't even know that much about the spirit world".

Flash then said "true but it is the avatars job to bring balance to the world I have to help them" he went back over and said "I will see what I can do".

Back with Stygian he was getting out of the water and got his cloths on then started walking to the ship when he got there Timber said "Uncle I was wondering when you would arrive turns out the avatar has been spotted nearby so were going to be staying a little while longer okay".

Stygian then said "whatever you say".

Later at night back with Flash he was waiting while everyone else was inside hiding when Po arrived when flash saw him he looked a panda mixed with some kind of bug which then started attacking buildings Flash flew over to it and tried to talk to it "Hey your Po right why are you attacking this town?" But Po didn't listen and continued to attack.

Back inside everyone was watching from a window and Shining said "thats enough avatar or not Flash cant do this alone" then ran outside and threw his boomerang at Po then when Po saw Shining it ran over grabbed him and started running away "oh no Flash do something".

Flash flew after them but after a minute something conked him out. Flash went back to the village the next morning and saw Twilight at the gate looking worried he tried to talk to her but she didn't seem to hear him he then looked and himself and gasped "I'm in the spirit world now what do I do" he then heard a noise and turned around to see a giant spirit something flying towards him and tried to fly away but he found he couldn't fire bend in the spirit world the the spirit arrived and Flash was a little worried until it touched his head with one of its claws and Flash then realized something as he looked the spirit over and saw it looked like a badger mole then said "your Rock hoofs animal guide like how Scale is mine I need to save my friend and I don't know how is the a way for me to talk to Rock hoof?" The mole then leaned his head down and Flash climbed onto its back then the mole moved very quickly to a temple in the earth kingdom and into a special room with a statue of Rock hoof "this is just another statue how is this going to help" then the mole moved its head to show a light ray shining like it was slowly moving to the statue "what I get it so I can talk to Rock hoof during the solstice?" then the mole spirit put a claw to Flashes head and flash saw what looked like a comet "Is that what he wants to talk to me about? I don't have time I need to find Shining now then the mole lifted Flash back onto its back and zoomed Flash back to his body Flash then woke up and looked around then saw a statue of a panda he read the writing on it then realized something "of course thats it then flew back to the village.

When Flash arrived it was close to night and Twilight said "Flash were have you been?"

Flash then said "no time to explain now but I know how to stop Po and maybe save everyone but just to be safe you might want to get inside" Twilight nodded and ran inside a nearby building just as the sun went down. Po then appeared and Flash ran right up to it and placed his hand on its snout then said "Po I know why you've been attacking the village the forest you love was destroyed by the earth kingdom but there's still hope" as he held out an acorn then said "these seeds are everywhere the forest will grow back but the people of this village did not attack it please let the people go".

Po then turned around and walked to the village gate as his form changed into a panda and after he when through the gate bamboo trees grow up behind him and everyone he had taken came appeared coming out of those trees when the villagers saw this they all walked outside and when Buttercup saw her daughters she ran over to them and pulled them both into a bone crushing hug and said "Applejack, Apple bloom I was so worried I glad to see your both alright"

Apple bloom then said "mom we can't breath".

There mother smiled and slightly loosened her hug enough that they could breath but continued the hug and Applejack asked "what happened who saved us?"

Buttercup then pointed to Flash and said "the avatar saved you and everyone else Po had taken"

Over with Twilight and Flash, Shining had walked over to them and said "wow Flash you saved the whole village nice".

Flash then said "yes but more important matters are at hand you see I found a way to contact Rock hoof at a temple but I have to be there at the solstice".

Shining then said "that might be a problem since the solstice is tomorrow".

Flash then said "thats not the only problem the temple is on earth kingdom territory".

(to be continued)

Author's Note:

Okay I got that down in case your wondering yes I did skip an episode but it will workout just wait but for now Ghost out.