• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 1,092 Views, 38 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

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The siege of the north part 2

Twilight was worrying greatly and said "how could I let him get taken".

Then Shining said "you did everything you could now we need to do everything we can do to get him back".

Twilight then said "Right" then looked at the ferret "Ring tail you stay here in case he comes back".

They climbed onto scales back and flew off. With Timber he was traversing threw the snow with Flash on his back. In the spirit world Flash was looking around then saw a monkey looking thing, he went over to it and said "excuse me but I need to find the moon and ocean spirits".

The monkey then said "go away but perhaps that glowing thing will help chase it" Flash did so and then the monkey said "Finally".

When Flash caught it It disappeared then a voice said "greetings Flash".

Flash looked down at his reflection and said "Rock hoof".

Back in the real world Timber was running to get off thin ice and when he did he looked up and saw a cave then said "shelter" and then dragged Flash into it were he started to chain up his hands.

Back in the spirit world Flash said "Rock hoof I need to find the ocean and moon spirits the northern water tribe is in danger".

Rock hoof then came up from the water and said "the ocean and moon spirits are ancient they passed from the spirit world into the real world centuries ago there is only one spirit I know who is old enough to remember".

Flash then asked "who?"

Then Rock hoof said "his name is Discord but he is known by another name the face steelier when you talk to him you must be very careful not to show any emotion or he will steal your face".

Back in the real world Timber was waiting out the blizzard and said "I finally have you but can't get you home because of this weather you could never understand your like my sister everything always came easy to her she's an earth bending master my father said she was born lucky and that I was lucky to be born but that doesn't matter I've always had to struggle in battle and thats made me strong its made me who I am".

Meanwhile the earth kingdom was putting up a fight and Stygian said "I must warn you if you do not defeat the water tribe before sunset they will be unstoppable".

Garble then said "I have a plan for that I plan to remove the moon as a factor".

Then Stygian said "remove the moon how do you plan on doing that?"

Then Fancy pants said "General Garble prepare to meet your fate" Fancy ran at him with a spear and Garble just moved out of the way then he fell off the edge.

Garble then said "as I was saying years ago I found a great secret the identity of the ocean and moon spirits mortal form".

Stygian then said "what?"

"I was a young solder working for anther general when I discovered a hidden library were I found something incredible a detailed illustration with the words ocean and moon I then knew it was my destiny".

Stygian then said "Garble the spirits are not to be angered".

Garble then said "yes I've heard rumors of you journey through the spirit world but the ocean and moon spirits gave up immortality to live in our world and now they will meet there doom".

Back in the spirit world Flash had made it to the area were discord was then took a deep breath and said "Show no fear show no emotion at all" and went in once inside he said "hello I'm looking for a spirit named Discord".

Then a strange looking spirit made of several different body parts appeared but what was most notice able was the head that looked like a giant eye with someone else's face appeared and said "welcome".

Flash then said with no emotion said "thank you".

Discord then said "my old friend the avatar" his eye like head then blinked and the face changed to anther one.

Flash then said "you know me?"

Discord then said "how could I forget you one of your past lives tried to slay me a few hundred years ago".

Flash then said "I didn't know that why did I try to kill you?"

Discord then switched to the face of a woman and said "something about stealing the face of a loved one but thats all in the past why should I hold a grudge for something that happened in a past life so why have you come to me".

Flash then said "I need to find the moon and the ocean I need there help to save a tribe".

Discord then said "oh you think you need there help they are the ones who need help someone is going to kill them"

Flash then said "oh do I find them and protect them".

Discord then said "you already met them in the real world the moon and ocean have always circled each other in an eternal dance they balance each other good and evil, ying and yang".

Flash then realized who those spirits were and said "of course thank you" then he left and saw Rock hoof again then said "the spirits are in trouble I need to get back to the real world".

Rock hoof then said "a friend of yours is here to help".

Flash then turned around and said "Po" then he climbed on is back and Po took off.

Back in the real world the water benders were holding of the earth benders as garble was making his way to were the koi fish were then said "when we get to the place were going fishing".

Back in the spirit world Flash said this is were I came in how do I get out?"

Po then helped him and Flash disappeared then the monkey from earlier said "good riddance" then Po went over to him and roared in his face as his bigger form and the monkey ran away.

When Flash got back to the real world he said Ring tail sleeping then said "Ring tail" but Ring tail stayed asleep Flash was confused until he looked and saw his body was gone then said "oh no were's my body this can't be good".

Then his spirit flew off to his body and Twilight saw It and said "look that must be Flash" then they followed it.

Flashes spirit then went into a cave and into his body he woke up and found his hands chained then he got up and saw Timber who said "welcome back".

Flash then said "good to be back" then shot fire at him and launched him self out then Scale landed nearby and Twilight knocked Timber out".

Twilight then used her water bending to break the chain and then Flash then said "we have to get going the ocean and moon spirits are in danger" then he looked back at Timber and said "Wait we can't leave him here" flash then dragged Timber onto Scales saddle then they took off.

Back at the Spring the spirits were swimming in there circle then Garble reached in and grabbed the moon spirit and put it in a bag then the moon turned black and water bender lost there bending Over with Flash and the group he Fleur said "The moon spirit is in trouble I can feel it".

Flash then said "Me to".

Fleur then said "I own the moon spirit my life".

Shining then asked "what do you mean?"

Fleur then said "when I was born I was very sick and very weak most babies cry when there born I was born as if I was asleep our healers did everything they could they told my parents I was going to die my father pleaded with the spirits to save me that night under the full moon he placed me in the spring and my blue hair turned pink and I opened my and began to cry they knew at that moment I would live".

Back at the spring Garble said "I am a legend the earth kingdom will tell stories of the great Garble who darkened the moon they will call me Garble the moon slayer".

Then Scale landed nearby and Flash said "Garble don't".

Garble then said "Its my destiny to destroy the moon and the water tribe".

Flash then said "that wouldn't just destroy the water tribe It will throw the world out of balance".

Then Stygian came over and said "he is right Garble".

Garble then said "Stygian why am I not surprised at your betrayal".

Stygian then said "I am no trader Garble the earth kingdom needs the moon too we all depend on the balance whatever you do to that spirit I will unleash on you ten fold let it go now".

Garble did so but then shoot a metal string at it and killed it and then the sky turned dark then Stygian jumped in and took out the solders as Garble ran away. When they were all defeated Stygian went and picked up the dead moon spirit and Fleur said "There's no hope now its too late".

Then Flashes eyes started glowing and he said "Its not to late" as he walked to the middle of the spring and then the ocean spirits eyes were glowing as well then water went up surrounding him and took the form of a giant which started fighting the earth benders.

With Garble he was trying to get away when a rock shot a him he then turned back to see Timber and said "Your alive?"

Timber then said "you tried to have me killed".

Garble then said "yes I did your the blue spirit enemy of the earth kingdom you freed the avatar".

Timber then said "I had no choice".

Garble then said "you should have excepted your failure then you'd be able to live".

Back at the spring Twilight said "its to late its dead".

Stygian then looked at Fleur and said "you have been touched by the moon spirit some of its life flows threw you".

Fleur then said "yes your right I gave me life maybe I can give it back".

Shining then said "what no you don't have to do that".

Fleur then said "Its my destiny shining".

Then shining said "your father told me to protect you I can't let you do this".

Then she said "I have to do this" she then went and placed her hands on the fish and was glowing then she fell to the ground.

Shining then said "no she's gone".

Over with Flash all the earth benders returned to there ships and the water giant pushed them all away back with Shining Fleur's body then disappeared and the fish came back to life then when Stygian put the fish back in the water the spring started glowing and a figure appeared it was Fleur and she said "goodbye Shining I will always be with you" then she kissed him as she disappeared and the moon reappeared in the sky.

With Flash the water giant looked up and saw the moon had returned to its place in the sky then disappeared into the water and placed Flash on a ledge over with Garble and Timber Garble looked up and saw the moon then said "no it can't be" then a giant hand of water came up and grabbed him.

Timber tried to help but he refused and the hand pulled him into the water. The next morning Twilight was talking with Star swirl who said "I have decided to go to the south pole some other bender and healers want to join me its time we helped rebuild our sister tribe".

Twilight then said "what about Flash he still needs to learn water bending?"

Star swirl then said "well then he had better get use to calling you master Twilight".

Twilight then smiled. Over with Shining he was with the chief who said "the spirits gave me a vision with Fleur was born I saw her become the moon spirit I knew this day would come"

Shining then said "you must be proud".

The chief then said "very proud and sad and sad as well"

Out in the water on a makeshift raft Timber and Stygian were sailing away and Stygian said "prince Timber I'm surprised that your not at this moment trying to capture the avatar".

Timber then said "I'm tired".

Stygian then said "Than you should rest a man needs his rest".

Later with Flash he was standing looking out at the horizon when Twilight came over and hugged him.

Meanwhile at the earth kingdom earth king Glad mane said "Stygian is a trader and your brother is a failure I have a new task for you".


Comments ( 7 )

Back in the real world the water benders were holding of the fire benders as garble was making his way to were the koi fish were then said "when we get to the place were going fishing".

Over with Flash all the fire benders returned to there ships and the water giant pushed them all away back with Shining Fleur's body then disappeared and the fish came back to life then when Stygian put the fish back in the water the spring started glowing and a figure appeared it was Fleur and she said "goodbye Shining I will always be with you" then she kissed him as she disappeared and the moon reappeared in the sky.

Other than that, I don't really have much else to say.

There Fixed and by the way just wait until the next story.

How come this story is the only one of your stories to not have a run-on sentence for the synopsis?

I based it off the actual show.

Too many typos and a rushed story that lacks the feelings the original had.

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