• Published 30th Apr 2019
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Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

  • ...

Master of the eastern air city

Flash and the gang were headed for clouds dale the eastern air city Flash said "welcome to clouds dale".

Shining then said "wow this amazing"

Then Twilight said "incredible".

Flash then said "ya I used to come here all the time to see my friend Magnus Its a great place now lets go".

"Wait Flash it could be bad if people find out your the avatar" Twilight said.

Then Shining said "ya you need a disguise".

"What do you expect me to do grow a beard".

Five minutes later Flash was wearing a beard made from a mop and Shining said "perfect you look just like my grandfather".

Then Twilight said "technically Flash is a hundred and sixteen years old".

"Well what are you waiting for young ones lets go" they went down to the gate and found someone there with a cart full of apples.

One of the guards said "you call these apples" As he crushed one in his hand then sent a gust of air that there the cart of the edge.

The apple farmer then said "My apples!"

Then Flash and the group came up and the guard said "state your business".

Flash then said "my business is my business not you young man I'm here on holiday with my grand kids".

Twilight then walked up and said "yes were just visiting the city".

The guard then said "you look like a responsible young lady keep your grandfather out of trouble enjoy clouds dale".

They went in and Shining and Twilight were amazed at what they saw Flash then said "Behold clouds dale's message system air bending sends it up and gravity takes them down but Magnus had anther idea for them super slide".

Five minutes later they were up at the top in a message cart Twilight said "Flash I'm not so sure about this".

But right when she said that Flash had already pushed them off with Twilight at the front Shining in them middle and him at the back "woo hoo" Flash yelled.

Twilight then said "Flash do something use you fire bending".

"Great idea that will make us go faster" as he shot fire behind them, they speed up and Twilight screamed.

Ten minutes later they then fell off the track and crashed into an apple cart and the owner said "my apples!"

Then Flash said "um Three apples please" as guards surrounded them.

Ten minutes later they were brought to the master of clouds dale and a guard said "Master these youngsters were responsible for creating much destruction what should we do".

The old master looked them over and said "throw them... dinner".

Then the apple farmer said "What?!"

Three minutes later they were at the dinner table and the old man said "enjoying your apple fritters?"

Then Twilight said "um yes thank you".

"Well I'm tired so I'm gonna turn in..." then he throw an ice spike at them but flash melted it "a ha we have a fire bender in the house and not just any fire bender the avatar".

"Oops um i'm the avatar just doing my job" as he tried to leave the guards stopped him.

"Sorry but first you must face three challenges and then a riddle guards take them too the guest room".

The next morning Flash woke up and saw Twilight and Shining were gone then the door opened and a guard came in and said "avatar the challenges await you".

Then Flash said "were are my friends?"

The guard then said "The master had them brought to him for some reason".

Two minutes later Flash met up with the Master and said "were are my friends?"

Then the master said "right over there" as he pointed to a cage "only I can open that cage if you want your friends back you must complete the challenges".

Flash then said "alright what are these challenges?"

Five minutes later they were at some kind of water fall and the master said "It seems I've lost the key to my lunch box and I'm very hungry" he the pointed to a key hanging in the water fall and said "oh there it is would you mind fetching it for me". Flash then jumped up with fire bending and landed in the water fall but missed the key. The master then said "oh ya no ones ever tried that before".

Flash then got an idea and broke off a rock spike and throw it into the water fall while at the same time shot fire to stop the water for just a second the rock broke the chain and went to to the ledge and Flash said "there enjoy your lunch".

Then the master said "well on to the next challenge you see I've lost my pet Dipper and I'd like a good hug".

Two minutes later Flash was in another hole and saw a lemur then said "found him".

"Then bring him to me".

Then a sky bison landed behind him and roared and the lemur started flying away and Flash followed it but it then flew into a hole in the wall then the bison was right up next to him then Flash said "wait" as he looked at the bison "Dipper?"

The bison then flew up an over to the master who said "oh thats my boy Dipper" the looked at Flash and said "sorry I wasn't very honest Dipper is not my pet he is my best friend but now for the final challenge". Three minutes later they were at some kind of arena and the master said "your final challenge is a duel and as a good favor i'll let you choose your opponent" as to people came from behind him on with a mace and one with a spear.

Then Flash said "so the one I point to is the one I fight" the master nodded and Flash held up his hand then said "I choose you" as he pointed to the master.

The master then said "wrong choice" he the leaned up and removed his robe reviling big muscles the blew Flash into the arena "you thought I was a weak old man but I'm the strongest air bender you will ever meet you might need this" then one of the guards threw him his staff. Flash then started throwing fire at him and he was blocking it with air bending then created a tornado and Flash was shooting more fire into the tornado heating up the air then it stopped and Flash was up in front of him with the spear mode on his staff out and the master's fist pointed at him "well done you have passed all the challenges all thats left is to solve the riddle you must tell me what is my name come and see me when you know".

Flash then went to the cage and said "guess his name I wonder why".

Then Twilight said "maybe it some kind of test".

Flash thought for a minute then said "thats it" two minutes later he met with the master and said "I know your name all the challenges had one thing in common like you told me years ago I need to open my eyes to possibilities Magnus".

The master then said "good to see you Flash you haven't changed a bit literally"

Then Shining said "sorry to interrupt your reunion but can you let us out now".

Magnus then held up his hand and shot air into a hole on the lock of the cage and it opened the Twilight said "why didn't you just tell us you were Flashes old friend?"

Magnus then said "well sometimes you need to learn from experience if I told Flash then he wouldn't understand" he then looked at flash and said "Flash a lot has changed in the one hundred years you've been gone you must train hard eventually you will have to face the earth king".

Flash then said "thanks but before we go I've got a challenge for you" one hour later they were riding the mail carts again and crashed.

The same apple farmer said "my apples!"

Author's Note:

Well thats that be ready for next time ghost out.