• Published 30th Apr 2019
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Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

  • ...

The eastern fire city

Flash and the group were Listing to a story about fire benders a man said "so if you think you see a giant bird it might not be a bird but a flying man who laughs at gravity".

Twilight then said "was that really how it was Flash?"

Flash then said "I laugh at gravity all the time" Flash then went over to the man and said "thanks its great to fire nation stories your grandfather must have seen them a hundred years ago".

The man then said "what are taking about grandpa saw the flyers just last week".

Flash Twilight and Shining were all surprised to hear this and the next day they were headed for the eastern fire city and Twilight said "Shining isn't this great".

Then Shining said "do want my opinion or do you want me to sound like you?"

Twilight then said "are you saying I'm a lyre?"

Shining then said "I'm saying your optimistic kind of the same thing when you think about it"

Then the fire city came into view and they saw people flying around and Twilight said "Flash there are other fire benders".

Flash then said "no there aren't".

Then Shining said "what but look those people are flying".

Flash then said "gliding maybe but you can tell by there movements that there not fire bending they have no spirit".

Then a guy flew past them laughing and Twilight said "are you sure he seems pretty spirited".

Then Flash took flight on his own and chased after him and they flew around for a bit until they landed and he said "wow you a real fire bender you must be the avatar I've heard many stories about you my name is feather weight".

Twilight then said "nice to meet you".

Then shining came over and said "this glider is amazing".

Feather weight then said "If you think this is cool you should see my dads other inventions".

He then lead them into the city and they saw many machines everywhere then they got to a building at the center and Flash looked around and said "everything is so different I never would have imagined it".

Then Feather weight said "well why don't I show you something".

He then lead them to a different building and showed them an aria full of statues and flash said "well good to know somethings haven't changed".

Then a wrecking ball swung in an wrecked a statue and then a man came in and said "hey don't you know to stay away from construction sights were have to make room for the new bath house".

Then Flash said "do you have any idea what you just did".

Then feather weight came over and said "hey dad look its the avatar".

The man then said "the avatar that's great".

Flash then said "why are you living here".

The man then said "well it a long story I was kicked from my home by the earth kingdom when Feather weight was just an infant then I stumbled upon this place with pictures of flying people but no on living here the I found these incredible tools with so many uses".

Flash then said "our multi tools".

The man then said "that's when I got the idea to rebuild my life here and make a new one for feather weight in the air once in the air everyone would be equal".

Twilight then said "that's Incredible".

The Flash said "I guess".

Then the man looked at a candle and said "oh my its getting close to sundown we have to oil the pully system".

Then he left and Feather weight said "hey don't feel bad Flash let me show you something that I know will make you feel better".

Feather weight lead them to anther building with a door like the one at the northern fire city and Twilight said "wow".

Feather weight then said "yes only a fire bender can open it so its just like the sages left one hundred years ago".

Flash then said "thank goodness".

Then Feather weight said "I have always wondered what's inside".

Flash then said "sorry but if this is the only place left the same I can bring myself to open it".

Feather weight then said "I understand why don't we go flying".

Meanwhile Shining was going with Feather weights father into a tunnel and Shining said "These lanterns are terrible" as he opened it and saw fireflies then said "why are you using fireflies".

The man then said "hey close that before they escape fireflies are a non flammable light source" then they arrived at a sealed door and he said "hold your breath and cover your nose".

Shining then said "you brought me down here to show me an empty room".

"Not exactly you see its filled to the brim with natural gas the first time I came down here with a torch bam I thought my eyebrows would never grow back but the gas seems to be leaking from somewhere but I can't find out where how do you find something you can't see, hear, or even smell?"

Back with Flash and Twilight they were with Feather weight at a ledge and Twilight said "I don't know about this".

Then Feather weight said "don't worry Twilight when you take off you find that thing inside you that everyone has". Flash then said "spirit that's what it is".

Feather weight then said "ya that sounds right just jump and let the wind carry you".

Twilight then said "okay" as she jumped and started gliding then said "hey this Is fun".

Flash then flew up next to her and said "just keep your mouth closed or you might swallow a bug, you know feather weight might not be a fire bender but he dose have the spirit of one" Flash then flew down to feather weight and said "you know I've been thinking If you really want to see what's in that building I'd be happy to open the door for you".

Feather weight then said "thanks".

Then Twilight yelled "hey how I stop" Then something happened "ew bug I think I just swallowed a bug".

Then Flash yelled "I told you that would happen" then looked at feather weight "okay first I'll help Twilight then open the door".

Over with Shining he was in the mans workshop and he knocked so stuff down by accident and the man said "don't worry that was a project from long ago and that egg was last weeks lunch".

Then Shining said "ew rotten egg".

"Quickly find that egg".

Then Shining got an idea "wait that's it the gas is undetectable but if you though in something like a rotten egg..."

"Then the smell from the eggs will mix with the gas then just follow the smell and seal up were its coming from".

Then a bell with a string on it started ringing and Shining asked "what was that".

The man then said "that's not good".

Meanwhile Flash and the others were at the door and flash shot fire into the mouths of the dragons and the door opened but then when it opened they saw something that shocked them earth kingdom weapons and Flash said "this is a nightmare".

Then the man came over and said "you don't understand".

Flash then said "your making weapons for the earth kingdom".

Then Feather weight said "explain all this now!"

The man then said "It was at least a year after we came here the earth kingdom found us and threatened to destroy everything I begged them to spare our settlement they asked me what I had to offer so I offered to build now weapons for them".

Later in his work shop an earth commander was there and said "were is that which you promised us?"

The man then said "right this way"

Then Flash came in and said "sorry but your leaving empty handed".

The commander then said "the avatar well if that's so we will just have to destroy your settlement".

Flash then said "just try you will fail".

Then the commander left and later Shining said "This is bad how are we gonna stop them"

Flash then said "simple we have something they don't air power the earth kingdom can't control the sky that's were we have the advantage".

Then the man came over and said "good and I will help as well".

Later Shining said "luckily we finally got the war balloon working you see you could fill it with hot air but it just keeps going up you could put a hole in the top but then all the hot air would escape how do you put a lid on it simple a lid is the answer if you can control the hot air you control the balloon".

Then Twilight said "that's genus".

Later they were taking flight armed with bombs just as the earth kingdom was marching up to them then they drove off the first wave but then strange tank things came over shooting metal disks and Twilight said "how do we stop those?"

Then feather weight said "My father designed them just use you water bending".

Twilight did so and destroyed most of them right as the man and Shining came out and they dropped bombs but it wasn't enough then the man said "do you smell rotten eggs?"

Then Shining said "down there that's were the gas is leaking out".

Shining then took the engine and the man said "what are you doing that's the only thing keeping us air born".

Shining then said "Its also the only bomb we have".

They threw the bomb down into the big crack then there was a big explosion and then Flash went and got them out before the balloon crashed Later after being driven back the Earth soldiers found were the balloon crashed and the commander said "this defeat will lead to many more victory's".


Author's Note:

Well there's another chapter and before you go saying it in the comments I don't know feather weights dad that's why I just called him the man I'm not using OC's just yet but for now Ghost out.