• Published 30th Apr 2019
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Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

  • ...

The young man in the iceberg

In the south pole Shinning armor and his little sister were rowing a small boat threw the water when shining saw a fish swimming near and he said "watch Twilight i'll show you how to catch a fish".

Twilight looked and saw another fish and go an idea she then started moving her hands then the water started to move with her and the fish in the water came out with it and she said "Shining look I got one".

"Quiet twilight you'll scare the fish" then he lifted his spear but it hit the water bubble twilight made then the fish in it got away and the water landed on shining "ugh why is it that when ever you play with magic water I get soaked".

"Its not magic its..."

"I know water bending an ancient technique from our tribe but maybe If I had that kind of abilities I would keep my weirdness to my self".

"Your calling me weird I'm not the one who make muscles at my own reflection".

Shining was doing just that then said "to shay" then the water current picked up and pulled there boat over to a big iceberg and broke the boat then they were trapped on an ice chunk "oh great now were stuck here twilight".

Twilight then got mad and said "thats it you are the most immature person I have ever known I can't believe your my brother!"

Shining saw that she was cracking up the giant iceberg behind her "um Twilight calm down".

"No ever since mom died I have been doing all the work around the house while you have been playing soldier!" The iceberg was cracking even more "thats it you are on you own".

Then the iceberg shattered and pushed them away then Shining armor said "okay you have gone from weird to freakish twilight".

"What I did that".


Then a strange light appeared in the water and a glowing iceberg emerged when they looked closer they saw a guy inside it then his eyes opened and twilight said "he's alive we have to help" as she grabbed her brothers hatchet and ran over to it.

"Twilight get back here".

She ran over to the iceberg and chopped at it then after a few swings hot air shoot out and the ice cracked up and shattered then a young man with yellow, orange skin, navy blue hair and a strange mark on his arm fell down there and twilight ran over to him as he opened his eyes and saw her he said "what happened?" then a loud noise was heard and he got up "oh man" he then climbed over the ice wall.

Twilight and Shining went around it and saw a large red lizard and Shining said "what is that?"

Then the guy said "this is scale my flying dragon".

Shining then looked at him weirdly and said "flying dragon it doesn't even have wings".

Then Twilight said "So I'm Twilight sparkle and this is my older brother shinning armor whats your name?"

He then sneezed and shot fire at a different iceberg melting it to nothing "sorry my name is Flash sentry"

Shining looked surprised "he just sneezed and melted a twenty foot iceberg".

"Really it looked bigger than that" Flash said.

Then Twilight said "wait your a fire bender"

"Yes I am".

Then Shining said "guy in an iceberg, flying dragon, fire bender ya I'm going home were things make sense" as he turned around and saw no way threw the water.

Then flash said "If your stuck we can give you guys a lift".

Then shining said "fine" as he and twilight climbed into the giant saddle on the dragons back and flash sat on his head.

"Okay scale yip yip" then the dragon jumped into the water and started to swim "come on buddy yip yip meh he's probably just tired right now a little rest and hill be fine".


On an earth kingdom steam ship another young man was looking throw a telescope and saw a bright light in the distance he then looked back and said "uncle Stygian that light do you know what it means".

Stygian then said "that I won't get to Finnish my lunch".

"That light it must have come from something powerful my search is almost over soon I will find the avatar".

"Prince Timber spruce you know that you father, grand father, and great grand father all searched and failed to find the avatar".

"Yes except there honor didn't rely on finding the avatar set our course for the light".

The next morning Twilight shook Flash awake "What the? Twilight? what is it?"

"The people are waiting to meet you come on" as she pulled him out in front of the crowd "Flash this is our tribe everyone meet Flash".

"hey everyone" he said but some of them looked scared "is something wrong did scale sneeze on me or something?"

Then an old looking woman said "Its just that no one has seen a fire bender in a long time we thought they were extinct until my grandson and granddaughter found you in the iceberg".

"What extinct?"

Then shining armor came over and said "whats with that metal staff thing your carrying around?"

Then Flash said "Its a fire nation multi tool but the most common use is this" he turned part of it and wing like fans came out the sides "with this I can shoot fire out my legs and fly".

"Wow thats incredible" Twilight said.

Flash then got on and started to shoot fire out his feet flying around then landed right next to them Shining armor then said "impressive I guess".

"Well it you think thats impressive this thing has a lot more tools like the spear or hook" Flash said.

"Say Flash I was wandering if you can teach me bending?" Twilight asked.

Then Flash said "well I would but i'm a fire bender not a water bender aren't there water benders in your tribe that can teach you?"

"Actually no your looking at the only water bender in the south".

"Well there's anther water tribe at the north maybe there's a water bender there who can teach you" Flash said.

Twilight then said "but we haven't had contact with our sister tribe in years and its on the other side of the world"

Flash then said "Have you forgotten I have a flying dragon we can take you there".

"I don't know" Twilight said.

Then black snow started falling and flash said "whats going on?"

Shinning then answered "earth kingdom attack".

"What why would they attack?"

"The war of course".

Flash then said "war um how long was I trapped in that ice berg?"

Twilight then said "I think It seems like a hundred years thats how long the war has been going".

Flash was stunned "I've been trapped for a hundred years".

Then an earth kingdom ship hit the nearby ice and ten earth benders came down and a guy with a scar on his face and he said "people of the southern water tribe were is he?"

"Who?" Shining asked.

"don't play dumb with me I and prince Timber spruce of the earth kingdom were is the avatar".

Then Flash stepped forward and said "leave them alone I am the avatar"

Then the crowd gasped and Timber said "excellent now get on my ship"

Flash did so and the ship left one hour later Twilight was preparing to leave and Shining came over to her and said "Twilight are you leaving?"

She then said "yes if Flash is the avatar then he is the last hope for the world I have to help him".

"I know thats why i'm coming to".

"What really?"

"I cant let my little sister go alone".

Then there grandmother came over and said "I understand what your doing seems that you two will have a greater destiny in the war than I thought you had best be going".

Then Twilight said "well there's no way we can catch up to an earth kingdom ship in a small boat like this" then there was a loud sound and twilight looked to see flashes dragon "Scale maybe he can help us".

Five minutes later Shining was riding in the saddle on Scales back whale Twilight was on his head with the reins and Shining said "I still don't believe this thing can fly I mean it doesn't even have wings".

Then Twilight said "don't listen to him scale I know you can fly".

"Wait a minute what were the words that guy said again yo-yo, ye ha, yip yip".

Then right after Shining said that Scale jumped out of the water, flaps opened on his sides and fire shoot out as he started flying Twilight then said "Shining you did it".

Meanwhile on the earth ship flash had managed to escape his cell and made his way on deck after he got back his staff but he was surrounded then scale with Twilight and Shining riding him flew over and shot fire at the ship and Flash jumped onto his back as they flew away. Timber then yelled "this isn't over hear me I will find you".

Later they were flying threw the air and Twilight asked "Flash why didn't you tell us you were the avatar?"

He then answered "because I never wanted to be but I guess now that the world needs its avatar".

Twilight then said "from what I know your first suppose to master water, then air, then earth is that right?"

"Thats what the sages told me".

"Well then we can all go to the northern water tribe together" Shining said.