• Published 30th Apr 2019
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Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

  • ...

The water bending master

Flash and the others were riding on Scales back though over the cold water when suddenly ice surrounded them "what the?" Shining said.

Then boats with water benders appeared and surrounded them and Twilight said "water benders, were here".

They explained what they were doing and then the water benders lead them to the northern water tribe and opened a hole in the wall allowing them to go in and Flash said "this is incredible".

Twilight then said "everything is so Beautiful".

Shining armor then saw a young woman with white skin and pink hair and said "ya beautiful".

Meanwhile General Garble was talking with the war board and said "the avatar is heading north, the northern water tribe to be exact he's looking for a water bending teacher".

Then one of the board members said "then lets go get him".

Garble then said "It won't be that simple this isn't some air nation village there's a reason the northern water tribe has survived one hundred years of war the frozen tundra is a playground for them luckily I have a plan".

Later back with Flash and the group they were in the mane room of the water temple and the chief then said "Tonight we celebrate the arrival of friends from our sister tribe in the south Twilight sparkle and Shining armor, They brought along with them someone who we believed to be gone from our world the avatar also we celebrate the sixteenth birthday of my daughter princess Fleur de lis" Shining looked at her and recognized her as he girl he saw earlier. "My daughter is now at the legal age for marriage".

Fleur Then said "may the ocean and moon spirits watch over us for all time".

Then the chief said "now master Star swirl and his students will perform" as he pointed to them they started moving the water in show.

Fleur then took a seat next to Shining and he said "hey hows it going?"

Fleur blushed and smiled then said "um Its going fine".

Later The chief was talking with Star swirl "master Star swirl meet you newest student the avatar".

Star swirl then said "don't think that just because you are destine to save the world that you will get special treatment".

Flash then said "I wouldn't dream of it my friend and I are both excited to learn".

Star swirl then said "well then meet me at sunrise".

Over on Timbers ship he was sitting in his quarters when his uncle came in he then said "Uncle I'm not playing Pai sho with you".

Stygian then said "thats not why I'm here its about our plans it seems we have a problem".

Then Garble walked into the room and said "Its simple I'm taking your crew".

Timber then said "what! is this true?"

Stygian then said sadly "yes even the cook".

Garble then said "sorry but I'm recruiting them for a mission at the north pole sorry you want be there when I capture the avatar but I can't have you getting in the way" he then turned and saw swords on the wall then remembered what happened at the fortress "I didn't know you were good with a blade" as he walked over to them.

Timber then said "I'm not those are just decorative".

Garble then said "Stygian have you ever heard of the blue spirit?"

Stygian then said "just a myth I don't believe its real".

Garble then said "Its real alright and its given the earth kingdom a lot of trouble" he then walked to the door "Stygian my offer for you to join me still stands if you change your mind".

The next morning at the north pole Twilight and Flash were headed to learn from Star swirl and Twilight said "I can't believe it I've waited my whole life for this moment and now its here I'm finally going to learn to water bend from a real master".

They got to the place where Star swirl was teaching and Flash said "hey Star swirl were here for the training this is Twilight she's the friend I told you about".

Star swirl then said "there must have been a misunderstanding you didn't tell me your friend was female in our tribe it is forbidden for women to learn water bending".

Twilight then yelled "what!" as she went up to him "I didn't come all the way here from the south so you could tell me no".

Star swirl then said "No".

Twilight then said "but the must be female water benders here what are they suppose to do?"

Then Star swirl said "Women in our tribe learn to use there water bending to heal If you go to Golden Delicious healing class I'm sure she will teach you".

Twilight looked like she was about to explode with anger then she said "Whatever" then stormed off.

Meanwhile garble was getting some help as he spoke to some pirates and said "I need you to do me a favor have you heard of prince Timber".

Later Twilight had sat though the healing class and when it was over she said to golden "thanks for the lessen".

Golden then said "your welcome so who's the lucky boy".

Twilight then said "what?"

Then Golden said "Your betrothal necklace your getting married right?".

Then Twilight said "oh no its not like that you see this necklace was my grandmothers then she gave it to my mother then she gave it to me".

Golden then looked closer and said "I know that carving why didn't I see it sooner your the spiting image of Twilight silver".

Twilight then said "what how to you know my grandmother?"

Then Golden said "when I was your age I was friends with Twilight silver she was born here in the northern tribe".

Then Twilight said "she never told me".

Golden then said "she had an arranged marriage with a young water bender he carved that necklace for her".

Twilight then said "but if she was getting married why did she leave?"

Golden then said "I don't know she left without saying good bye".

Over on Timbers ship he was in his room and his uncle came in and said "prince Timber I was just going for a walk you should come with me" Timber didn't move "or you could just sit in you room". After Stygian left the pirates quietly got two barrels of gun powder onto his ship then lit a long fuse like trail Timber heard something and then got his gauntlets and when looking eventually in the cockpit then looked out the window and saw pirates rowing away from his ship then realized something. Stygian was walking down a path then heard an explosion then looked back to see it the yelled "Timber!"

Back at the north Shining met up with Fleur and said "hey hows it going".

Then she said "not good sorry but I can't talk" and she ran off.

Later at the house they were staying at Shining asked "so how water bending training going?"

Then Flash said "beard man wouldn't teach her because shes female".

Then shining said "Why don't you just teach her Flash?"

Twilight then said "hey thats a great idea a night Flash can teach me what Star swirl did".

Flash then said "well lets do it".

They went outside and Flash showed it to her then she tried but suddenly the water went up, they looked up and saw Star swirl who said "I thought you would try something like this Flash your teachings are cancelled".

The next day they met up with the chief and he said "well I can't make Star swirl take Flash back in as his student but maybe if you apologize for what you did he will take Flash back".

Then Star swirl said "well I'm waiting".

Then Twilight said "You know what forget it this tribe is crazy" she then took off her necklace and looked at it then said "no wonder my grandmother left".

When Star swirl saw the necklace he gasped "that necklace thats the necklace I made for the woman I love".

Twilight then said "what! your the one who she was engaged to".

Star swirl then said "I never knew why she left".

Then Twilight said "It was an arranged marriage right she couldn't stand the customs of this tribe".

Star swirl thought for a minute then said "Flash, Twilight meet me for training tomorrow at sunrise".

Over with Stygian he was talking with Garble who said "I take it you have excepted my offer to join me"

Then Stygian said "yes I have".

Later on an earth kingdom ship Stygian walked up to a solder and said "they don't suspect a thing".

The solder then took off his mask and reviled to be Timber who said "you didn't have to do this".

Then Stygian said "my family will not stow away on a ship without some back up".

Timber then said "thank you uncle".

Stygian then said "someone is coming stay hidden until we get to the north pole and the avatar will be yours".


Author's Note:

Wow long chapter now I now what you gonna say that I should have used Luna instead of Fleur well I originally planned on doing so but really Shining falling for Luna also if I had used Luna then I would have had to find a place for Celestia as well so ya anyway hope you enjoyed Ghost out.