• Published 30th Apr 2019
  • 1,092 Views, 38 Comments

Avatar the last fire bender, book one water - phantom ghost hunter

The earth kingdom has started a war only the avatar can stop them but he has vanished.

  • ...

The warriors of Mist mane

Timber was siting in his room meditating when his uncle came in and said "Timber I have news but I don't know it your going to like it".

"Uncle I have been training to remain calm in any situation tell me the news"

"Okay the the thing is we don't know were the avatar is" as he pulled out a map "you see there have been several avatar sightings".

"It seems the avatar is evasive how am I going to find him".

Over with Flash and the group Shining said while looking at a map "you know I don't think you know where your going".

Then Flash said "sorry I'm trying to find a certain island but I think I just spotted it lets go".

They landed on the island and Twilight said "So why are we here?"

Then a giant fish jumped out of the water and flash said "thats why were here elephant Koi I'm gonna ride it" as he striped down to his swim cloths and jumped into the water then got on the back of the Koi then rode it for a minute before going back to shore "well that was fun".

Then they were ambushed by shadowy figures and blindfolded the next thing they knew they were tide to a post and Shining said "who's there!" Then there blind folds were removed and they saw a group of woman wearing a lot of makeup and Shining said "who are all of you".

Then the one who seemed to be the leader said "were are the warriors of Mist mane what are you doing here".

Then Flash said "wait Mist mane as in avatar Mist mane?"

Then an old looking man came over and said "Yes she was born here over a hundred years ago".

Flash then said "I know Mist mane".

The old man then said "Impossible Mist mane Lived here over a hundred years ago how could you know her".

"I know her because I'm the avatar".

Then the Leading warrior said "Impossible the avatar was a fire bender who disappeared one hundred years ago".

The old man then said "I've heard enough throw them in the pit".

Twilight then said "Flash now would be a good time to prove your the avatar fire bend us free".

Then Flash said "oh right" as he shot fire out of his fists and jumped into the air.

Then the warriors gasped and the old man said "its true you are the avatar".

The lead warrior then went over to the other two people there and said "sorry about the whole blame thing" as she blushed but it was hard to tell under her makeup.

Shining the said "oh its fine but do I know you from somewhere you look kinda familiar" he then looked her over and said "wait Cadence is that you?"

Then she said "you know my name how?"

He then said "Cadence its me Shining".

Cadence then looked him over and gasped "Shining it is you".

Then the other warrior came over one of them said "um you two know each other?"

Cadence then said "remember that time I left the island for a year I spent the whole time at the south pole and meet Shining and his family I even looked after his little sister Twilight... wait" she said as she looked at Twilight "Twilight is that you you've gotten so big".

Shining then said "so are you going to introduce us to you friends?"

Cadence then said "oh right these are the warriors of mist mane, Minuette, amethyst star, Twinkle shine, Lyra heart strings, and Moon dancer".

Then they all (except Moon dancer) said "hi nice to meet you".

Twilight then walked over to moon dancer and said "hi are you okay".

Moon dancer then said "I... um... well..."

Then Cadence came over and said "Its alright Moon dancer" Cadence then looked at Twilight and said "sorry shes a great fighter but she's kinda shy".

Twilight then said "oh okay".

Cadence Then asked "so what brings all of you to Mist mane island".

Twilight then said "oh just a little detour one our way to the north pole you see were going so Flash and I can master water bending".

Then Moon dancer gasped then got up in twilight's face and said "oh your a water bender thats so cool".

Twilight then said "um thanks".

Moon dancer then said "say I think I might have something that can help you" she then went into a building then came out holding a scroll of some kind "here this has been with my family for a while but maybe you should have it" as she handed the scroll to twilight.

Twilight opened the scroll and gasped "a water bending scroll this is great thank you".

Then Flash came over and said "wow that should help with training why don't you give it a try"

Twilight then said "yes lets go down to the beach and give it a try"

Later word of Flashes location had passed to the ears of Timber spruce who said "What the avatar is on Mist mane island thats wear were going ready the ostrich horses" he then went to get his metal bending armor.

Back on Mist mane island Shining and Cadence were catching up and Cadence said "so I heard you dad went to aid in the war".

"Yes he left when I was to young to go with but now I'm going with the avatar to help end the war in anther way".

"Thats amazing".

Down at the beach Twilight looked over the scroll and said "i'll try this the simple water whip" she then concentrated and successfully did it "I did it".

Then Flash tried "hey I'm bending it already".

Twilight then said "nicely done Flash".

Then they saw something I the distance and saw it was Timbers ship "oh no we have to go tell the others" Flash said as he and Twilight ran back to the village and then warned them.

Cadence then said "don't worry we can handle this" as a group of earth benders on ostrich horses rode into the village.

Timber then said "avatar show your self" then he looked to his right and saw Cadence trying to attack him but he grabbed her with his metal rope thing and threw her at a building then the other Mist mane warrior fought but they couldn't stop him "avatar stop teasing me with these girls fight me like a real avatar".

Then he got hit by a water whip and Twilight said "go away Timber"

Timber then said "not until I have the avatar"

Then Scale appeared over head and shot fire at them timber jumped out out the way but looked and saw Flash riding Scale then Flash said "Twilight get on and were is you brother"

Shining was with Cadence who was hurt but she said "Shining you and you friends need to get off this island and continue to the north pole"

"But I can't leave you your hurt"

"I'll be fine just go"


"Wait just one more thing" she then pulled him in and kissed him full on the lips then when they broke apart she said "until we meet again good luck"

shining blushed then ran over to were Flash and twilight were and climbed into the saddle and said "I'm right here".

Then Flash said "hey Timber if you want me come and get me" as scale flew off with them.

Timber then said to his troops "come on back to the ship".

When they were a good ways from Mist mane island Flash said "so you and Cadence?"

Then Shining said "ya but for now lets just focus on getting to the north pole".

(To be continued)

Author's Note:

Well how was that leave your thoughts In the comments and tune in next time for more but for now ghost out