• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,378 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Safe Haven

Twilight stared off into space, her chest expanding and contracting ever so slightly. Her biomechanical shell was clean, but still sported a few fresh dents and a couple of scratches. That too would soon heal, but in the meantime it itched at the pony, reminding her of how close she had come to defeat.

“My queen?” Applejack whispered.

Twilight blinked and looked around the back of the APC, only now aware of the fact that Zecora and Applejack were staring at her expectantly.

“I’m sorry, I spaced for a second there. Did you say something?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, I was just telling you about my little, uh, run-in with my brother,” Applejack offered.

“Right, he joined the Daughters and was stealing the cloud seeder,” Twilight replied.

We were hoping you had some insight into the events of the last few days, Zecora added.

“I…” Twilight hummed. “It's obvious that the changeling wasn't the one who wiped out the Combine remnants from the cave. She was far too precise, too detail-oriented to leave behind so much evidence. Never mind the fact that she had no real reason to even bother destroying them.”

“Perhaps she simply wished to clean up loose ends,” Applejack offered.

“No,” Twilight replied. “So long as the Combine were there, she had something to point to which would explain any discrepancies in her quotas.”

It would have been the perfect excuse, Zecora reasoned.

“Exactly,” Twilight agreed. “The attack on the Combine was most likely the work of the rogue queen that escaped from the facility we now control. Though why they would go through the effort of raiding some no-name Combine remnants is beyond me.”

“Maybe they needed the stolen medicine,” Applejack remarked.

Twilight sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “Regardless. Speculation at this point is rather pointless, so I’d much rather focus on something more concrete.”

“Like what to do with all the infested we suddenly, uh, acquired,” Applejack exclaimed.

It is going to take some time to undo the rather haphazard infestation they suffered, Zecora reasoned. Most have lost a good majority of their mental faculties.

“We will rehabilitate them as best as possible, but as Zecora said, it's going to take some time,” Twilight repeated.

“Right,” Applejack murmured, scratching her chin with a scythe-like appendage. “How many did we end up, uh, taking into our care?”

“Nearly two hundred zerg, most of whom are zerglings, and almost the same number of infested,” Twilight answered. “The trucks are packed tight, and let me tell you, it's a pain keeping a hold on so many nearly feral zerg without Fluttershy and Spike to assist.”

We shouldn't be far from the base now, Zecora assured.

“We shouldn't, but until then, I am going to have to deal with this headache,” Twilight muttered.

“Don't you worry, my queen. The moment we get there, I’ll explain everything to the others,” Applejack assured. “You can take care of your report while we handle the rest.”

Twilight nodded, a faint smile crossing her face. “Thank you both. That fight took more out of me than expected, and I’m running on empty at this point.”

“Well, I mean, we ran from one thing to another for nearly twenty-four hours at this point,” Applejack pointed out.

True. Why, I bet it's nearly day outside, Zecora added.

Twilight blinked and was about to cast a scrying spell to confirm that when all of a sudden she felt a mental link connect. All at once, her mind was flooded with the concerned voices of Spike and the others, each one vying for her attention. A shove silenced them all and allowed the infested unicorn to think clearly now that she wasn't fighting for real estate in her own head.

I will address you all once I have a moment. For now, just handle the new arrivals as I told you over the radio, Twilight informed.

Though they grew silent, and no more questions assaulted the infested, Twilight knew that wouldn't last for long.

“They are just worried about you,” Applejack whispered, a scythe limb gently rubbing Twilight's back.

“I know. Please, remind them that I am okay and that I will speak to them all soon,” Twilight stated.

We will, Zecora replied.

Twilight breathed a little easier, momentarily becoming lost in the rhythmic thump of the APC bumping down the road. The moment of relaxation passed unfortunately quickly, and soon Twilight could feel her ride beginning to slow. Around her, she could hear the other trucks and vehicles starting to stop and unload while her transport continued.

The APC ground to a halt a minute later, with the exit squealing loudly before thumping against the ground. Together the trio hastily maneuvered around the piles of supplies they had brought back with them and out into the open. Where Twilight was able to see that it was indeed early morning and that the sun was peeking just over the horizon.

There Zecora and Applejack wordlessly split off, making their way over to where Fluttershy, Spike as well as the others were waiting. Twilight said nothing, giving the group only a brief wave before turning towards the sound of incoming hooves.

“Ahh, Banana Fluff, was it?” Twilight offered.

“It was,” replied the marine

“What can I help you with?” Twilight asked.

“I was hoping you could tell us who we’d answer to,” Banana Fluff replied, the mare shifting awkwardly in her ill-fitting suit. “The sudden drafting and transport of all those, uh, afflicted, kind of left a few questions up in the air.”

“You’ll be reporting to Jetstream after you have offloaded all of the infested and zerg,” Twilight replied, gesturing towards a distant Spike. “You’ll be taking orders from Spike, the dragon, until your job is done.”

“Ahh, I see,” Banana Fluff murmured.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Is there anything else?”

“Err, yeah. I was kind of hoping to apologize, again,” muttered Banana Fluff.

“You don't need to do that. I’ve already forgiven you,” Twilight retorted.

“Yeah, but it still doesn't feel like things are good between us. I mean, I tried to kill you,” declared Banana Fluff.

“A lot of people have,” Twilight tiredly replied.

“That's… kinda messed up,” Banana Fluff pointed out.

“Yeah, it is,” Twilight agreed.

Together the pair stood there, either too exhausted to think of a witty way out or too awkward to. Then Banana Fluff stood up and opened her forehooves.

“Can I hug you?” she asked.

Twilight took one look into those watery eyes and immediately melted.

“Fine,” she grumbled.

One awkward embrace later, Banana Fluff was on her way.

“Thank you! I won't forget what you’ve taught me!” the pony shouted over her shoulder.

Twilight was barely aware of this interaction and simply kept waving until she was certain Banana Fluff wouldn't turn back around. Then Twilight left as well, walking in the direction of the command center which sat atop the rise. Between it and her lay dozens of truck, and a slowly growing mass of zerg as well as infested that were being hauled off.

Her lieutenants moved amongst them, guiding zerg into pens, while the infested found bunks, or were brought deeper into the base. It was a slow process, as there were simply so many of them, but thankfully no fights broke out and no one resisted. Seeing her friends, Twilight was tempted to go to them but knew that once she did, she wouldn't want to issue a report.

So she soldiered on, ignoring the others as they went about their assigned tasks dutifully. That was until she noticed that Ariel Hanson was being brought towards the command center on a stretcher. Twilight swiftly caught up to them and flagged down Bright Wing, stopping them before they could get far.

“What is it?” barked the griffon. “My lead is injured.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at the term lead, but didn't mention it. “You should bring her to my camp. They will not be able to treat her properly,” Twilight explained.

“I think we can manage a few broken bones,” offered the other stretcher bearer.

“Do you know how painkillers interact with zerg tissue?” Twilight asked, stepping closer. “What about allergies? Do you know what kind of substances react adversely to an infested’s altered physiology?”

“You made your point,” Bright Wing interrupted. “But you had better know what you're doing.”

“I don't, no. But I have people who do,” Twilight assured.

Bright Wing grunted and turned towards the base, her pace quick. Behind her, Ariel rested silently, her breathing remaining slow and steady.

Twilight watched them for a moment before turning back to the command center. Noone, marine or otherwise, dare stand in her way. Ponies scampered hastily out of sight, averted their gaze, or gave her a simple nod of respect. Those who didn't have a healthy appreciation for the infested mare feared her or felt a mix of both emotions.

That didn't concern Twilight, who simply kept on walking, her mind focused utterly upon her destination.

Brushing past a pair of door guards near the entrance to the command center, Twilight paused briefly. Standing amidst the hive of activity that was the large round structure, she was briefly unsure of where to go. Then she noticed the map table set near the center, the raised platform overlooking the rest of the area.

“Excuse me,” Twilight muttered.

The tech nodded and hastily dodged out of the way, allowing Twilight to walk past her. After a few short hops as well as several brushes with the ponies who staffed the command building, Twilight had reached her target. There she saw a pair of unicorns pouring over various thaumaturgical maps and diagrams spread across the table.

“I assume this has a direct line with Jetstream?” Twilight asked.

“Of course. Please, go ahead,” offered one of the unicorns, a hint of fear worming its way into his voice.

Twilight nodded and waited for the pair to excuse themselves before locating the transmission button.

“Jetstream, this is Twilight Sparkle. Do you read?” Twilight spoke clearly.

“I’m assuming from the quality of your transmission that you have returned safely back to base,” Jetstream’s slightly staticky voice replied.

“I have,” Twilight answered.

“Then you may deliver your full report,” Jetstream exclaimed.

A quick summation of the events later, Twilight was standing there feeling slightly awkward. “I should have brought additional forces. If I had, we could have ensured that the cloud seeder had not fallen into the hands of the enemy,” Twilight explained.

“You couldn't have known that would happen. Furthermore, they would have likely been diverted in the distraction,” Jetstream pointed out. “Yes, that development was inopportune, but given the circumstances, you performed exceptionally.”

“Yes, but-”

“But nothing,” Jetstream replied. “You and your squad single-handedly turned that shitshow around. Furthermore, I will not allow anyone to level a complaint about my co-commander’s performance on this mission.”

Twilight chuckled. “Fair enough.”

“Now, is that everything?” Jetstream asked.

“Just one question. What happened with Free Flier?” Twilight inquired.

“Ahh, yes, the marshal,” Jetstream muttered. “I believe she is remaining here as am I, though once the reinforcements arrive, she will be returning with me.”

“That is a relief to hear,” Twilight offered.

“Her service has been quite exceptional,” Jetstream stated.

“It has,” Twilight agreed. “She is far more observant than I initially gave her credit for.”

“So you thought she was some dumb, backwater hick too, eh?” Jetstream asked.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Is that a Vanhoover accent I hear?”

Jetstream went quiet for a moment.

“You heard nothing,” stated the mare before the line went dead.

Twilight chuckled to herself and shook her head. For a moment she simply enjoyed the relative quiet of the command center before taking a deep breath. Her mind now back on task, Twilight made her way back through the throng of ponies and back outside.

There she noticed that a field tent had been pitched, and a new command module was being unpacked. From the look of things, the new expansion was a hospital, and the tent was a simple triage area that would soon be taken down. She was about to ignore it and walk back to base, but then a thought occurred to her and Twilight decided to head towards the tent.

Less than a minute later, the infested unicorn was trotting between two long rows of cots. Doctors and even a few field medics were tending to the many wounded with all the haste they could muster. Thankfully noone was on the verge of death, so the atmosphere was tense, but not unbearably so.

Twilight's curious gaze scanned the many beds quickly, locating her target after only a few seconds. Trotting in his direction, Twilight couldn't help but smile when she saw the stallion reclining with a beer in one hoof. Though his midsection was covered by a thin white blanket, Twilight could easily tell exactly who it was.

“Attention!” Twilight shouted.

The stallion crunched the beer can against his head in his hurry to salute whoever had been yelling at him. His rigid posture faded the moment he laid eyes on the infested, a scowl quickly replacing his stony look.

“Stars and stones,” he muttered, falling back into the bed. “You damn near scared the piss out of me.”

“Oh, you need a catheter now?” Twilight asked, glancing over to the nearest doctor. “Oh, nurse!”

“That won't be necessary!” Quick Buck yelled.

Twilight chuckled and laid a hoof on the stallion’s shoulder. “So, are they treating ya right here? You know, I could have you back on your feet in a matter of hours.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. The white coats ain't much to look at, but I wouldn't trade ‘em for the world,” Quick Buck exclaimed.

“So when will you be out of here?” Twilight asked.

“Coupla days,” Quick Buck exclaimed, pausing to take a drink, only to scowl. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to talk them into letting me have that? I damn near had to bribe one of them, orderly fellas.”

“I think Spike found a whole crate of whiskey in the base,” Twilight offered.

“No kidding,” Quick Buck muttered, scratching his chin. “Don't suppose you could spare a bottle or two for a war buddy, could ya?”

“Oh, is that what we are now? War buddies?” Twilight prodded.

Quick Buck blinked. “This may just be the meds talkin’, but you got me right confused, girlie.”

“Oh, I can tell that you aren't that confused,” Twilight replied.

Quick Buck chuckled and waved a hoof. “Ahh, it's nothing. Yer just gettin’ all hot and bothered ‘cause I saved yer life, is all.”

“Sure,” Twilight retorted, rolling her eyes. “Regardless. It's good to see that you're doing well. I’ll be back later to bring you a victory drink.”

“You know, I may not be one who shares easily, but I could be convinced to split it with ya,” Quick Buck offered.

Twilight made a show of contemplating it before finally nodding. “I suppose that's fair.”

“Well, hot damn. I wonder if they can fix my funny face by the time you get back,” Quick Buck muttered.

Twilight chuckled to herself as she walked away, a smile remaining firmly on her lips. That was until she felt a spike of curiosity that bordered on mania. Turning to its source, Twilight noticed that a doctor was making a beeline straight for her, a clipboard held tight to his chest.

“Miss Twilight. Miss Twilight, do you have a minute?” asked the doctor.

Twilight sighed. “Make it quick.”

“I’ll cut to the chase then.” The stallion stopped and cleared his throat. “I was hoping you would allow me to study a few of your zerg as they healed. The speed at which their cells divide makes for an amazing opportunity to study the process.”

Twilight's vision narrowed, and she gently probed the stallion’s mind, immediately finding tons of plans. He wanted to know… everything, and his desire to find this all out was immense, but that wasn't all she located. There was a darkness there, a limitless curiosity unbound by morality or ethics, and then it was gone, as suddenly his mind was filled with rubber ducks.

“I must say that was quite rude, you know, but I would be willing to forgive you if you would just allow me to observe,” he pressed. “Perhaps even take a few tissue samples or-”

“No,” Twilight interrupted. “And if I see you in my base, I will have you killed. Is that understood?”

The stallion blinked and recoiled as if struck. “I hardly think that's an appropriate response to such an innocent question.”

“The question may have been innocent, but the asker was far from it,” Twilight stated.

The infested then turned around and walked away before the stallion had a chance to say or do anything other than stand there stuttering. Twilight left the male in the dust, having never bothered to get his name or even commit his description to heart. It hardly mattered though, she knew he wouldn't be able to hide that curiosity of his, no matter how hard he thought of ducks.

Her mood completely ruined for the moment, Twilight tromped bitterly towards her base. As she did, the mare took note of how few zerg were left standing around or floating in mid-air, trapped in stasis fields. Evidently, efforts to have them added to the hive mind and get them triaged were well underway, a fact she was able to quickly find out for herself.

Many, many new minds were within her grasp, though Twilight refused to touch them at the moment. Any use of her psionic powers, no matter how minimal, made her head pulse angrily, and she could feel a migraine coming on. Worse still, now that she was finally nearing safety, her body was beginning to relax and slow down considerably.

“I gotcha,” Spike whispered, catching Twilight mid-stumble.

The infested unicorn straightened herself and looked over to find that her draconic assistant was holding her upright.

“Thanks,” Twilight muttered. “I didn't think I was that tired, but…”

She trailed off and looked around to find that she had wandered into the central building of her small base. Mostly cleaned of refuse and damaged furniture, it was currently housing dozens of sleeping zerglings and a few infested ponies. The small groups of six or so zerg were nested tightly, and left little room for Twilight to get past them, the mare only able to do so because of Spike’s help.

Together they walked in silence until they came across the commander's old room which had been mostly restored. The bed was incredibly inviting, and even more intriguing was the fact that it had been reinforced in several places.

“I really shouldn't,” Twilight stated. “I have to check on Ariel, and then Tiny is going to need a check-up and get shown the computer banks in the vault.”

“I can handle that,” Spike assured her. “Really, Twilight. Just get some rest. We can manage without you from here.”

“But the girls… I haven't even talked to them yet,” Twilight retorted.

“They know how exhausted you are, and are okay waiting for tomorrow,” Spike replied in a low, respectful tone.

Twilight sighed and allowed herself to be guided to the bed, where she stopped.

“Fine, you win, Spike,” Twilight exclaimed. “I leave the rest in your capable claws.”

“Good, because I really didn't want to have to choke you out, but I was totally ready to,” Spike declared, squeezing his right bicep in emphasis.

“Heh, good night, Spike, and thank you,” Twilight muttered.

Spike pulled the weary unicorn into a hug, patting her metal back. “No worries, Twilight, and good morning.”

Twilight chuckled as she crawled into bed, the mare managing to pull the blanket nearly halfway up before passing out. For a moment Spike just stood there, staring down at the pony, wondering how it was that she looked so small. Then she started snoring loud enough to rattle his bones, and he made a hasty exit, then closed the door firmly behind him.

“Right then, what did she all say again?” Spike paused. “Right, Ariel and Tiny.”

Spike hastened down the steps, eager to leave the snoring Twilight far behind him. Down one flight of stairs and then another, he paused upon reaching the courtyard of the small base. All around him, zerg and infested alike moved about like a horde of bees, each destined for a different location.

Thankfully with his carefully monitored and maintained mindscape, the many individuals acted like a true swarm. Never bumping into one another, they swiftly made their way to wherever it was they were going without having to slow down once. Spike joined the flow after a moment of waiting, falling in behind a limping zergling as the creature heading towards the north wall.

There a simple lean-to had been constructed, hiding the large green pools that had been grown beneath. In the shade, dozens of the most severely injured new arrivals lounged, their bodies all but submerged in the strange liquid. Several others waited patiently on the fleshy strips that surrounded the pools, eager for their turn.

Despite the presence of zerglings, hydralisks, and even a few miniature ultralisks, it was a calm scene. No one fought or jockeyed for a spot, or at least there wouldn't be if there hadn't been a commotion on the other side of the pools. Bright Wing stood between a still unconscious Ariel, Fluttershy, Zecora, and the small personal-sized vat of greenish goop waiting for its occupant.

The raised voices were audible even at a great distance, and Spike hurried over, eager to end any disagreements before they could balloon out of control.

“Hey, what seems to be the problem here?” he offered.

“I made a mistake and want my partner back, but these two won't let me,” Bright Wing growled, the feathers on the back of her neck rising threateningly into the air.

“And I have been trying to explain that Miss Ariel needs a protein bath in order to recover her strength and regrow any damaged tissue,” Fluttershy sternly retorted.

Zecora nodded. Our queen tasked us with this one’s health, and we intend on seeing that order through.

Spike sighed and stepped a little closer. “Bright Wing, look. I know this seems weird and like a vat of acid, but it will heal your partner and-”

“This is only going to make things worse. I can feel it,” hissed Bright Wing. “She is a pony, not some kind of monster. She should have a doctor!”

“But they don't know how to treat infested. She could get hurt or worse!” Fluttershy urged.

“If it means she does not end up as some kind of abomination, then that is a chance I am willing to take,” Bright Wing retorted.

Spike raised a hand and stepped between the two groups, then knelt down in front of the griffon. “Look into my eyes, Bright Wing,” Spike demanded. “Look into them and tell me if you see any malice there.”

Bright Wing clenched her jaw and reluctantly looked into the dragon’s eyes, staring intently for several seconds. She then sighed suddenly, her shoulders falling slack.

“I know it looks crazy, I know it seems like it's going to make things worse, but it won't,” Spike stated firmly. “And when the bosslady wakes up, she will personally see to it that Ariel here has her mutations removed painlessly.”

“What about this hive mind thing you talked about? Is she going to be stuck as a part of that?” Bright Wing demanded.

“I won't lie to you, Bright Wing. She will have to be for the rest of her life,” Spike stated, raising a hand. “I know this sounds like slavery with extra steps, but we would never force her to do anything she wouldn't want to do.”

“Then why bother with it at all?” Bright Wing asked.

“Because if she is not a part of ours, then she will be vulnerable to any passing queen or higher ranked zerg,” Spike answered. “I know you don't like the prospect, but you must admit that it is better than the alternatives.”

Bright Wing nodded slowly, her gaze falling on Ariel.

“You may proceed with the treatment,” whispered the griffon after a few seconds of silence.

Zecora and Fluttershy moved the other infested pony into the open pit, gently setting her down so just her head bobbed above the liquid. The pair lingered for a moment before being waved away by Spike, who stayed close, silently watching Bright Wing.

“I was readying for my final flight when I met her,” Bright Wing stated suddenly. “Purpose was a balm my wounded heart desperately needed.”

“Apology accepted,” Spike replied.

Bright Wing frowned. “A griffon does not apologize for defending what is hers.”

“Apology not accepted then,” Spike corrected.

Bright Wing chuckled. “I will be staying at the base. I know your queen offered me a bed here, but this is not my place, nor my people.”

“I’ll have someone contact you the moment she’s been cleared for visitors,” Spike offered.

“See to it that you do,” Bright Wing declared.

The griffon then turned and walked away, not once looking back at her partner or any of the other zerg. Spike watched her go before squatting low and peering intently at the infested mare bobbing in the pool. Her eyes were closed, but Spike could feel that her mind was stirring lethargically within the shared mindscape.

She loves you quite a bit, you know, Spike thought.

Ariel twitched once.

Rest now. The less you resist the pool, the faster it works, Spike explained.

For a moment Spike wasn't totally certain if the pony had received his message. Then she relaxed completely, and a small smile crossed her face.

Now confident that his work there was done, at least for the moment, Spike stood back up. With a bit more confidence in his step, he walked back into the courtyard and over to the small side building. Within he saw a dozen other zerg waiting, as well as Fluttershy and Zecora.

“I’m g-glad that y-y-you were able to help,” Fluttershy whispered.

“I knew someone like her when I was younger, it wasn't difficult to convince her to relax,” Spike replied.

The griffon was too emotional to make a rational decision, Zecora added. She should have excused herself earlier.

“True, but we got there in the end, right?” Spike retorted, bumping his hip against the robed zebra hybrid.

Zecora grumbled, her facial tentacles twitching in disgust.

A moment later, a large flesh-covered mass of steel appeared before them, lifted into position by a series of chitinous chains that went up into the ceiling. Everyone present dutifully assembled on the lift, spacing themselves out just enough to not overload the thing with their weight. The moment they were in position, the lift started to descend, no button having been pressed or command issued.

In silence, they disappeared into the dark, the lift stopping occasionally to let several zerg off before continuing on. By the time they reached the bottom of the vault, the walls were completely covered in creep, the mass pulsing every few seconds. The last group departed, with the two remaining hydralisks taking position next to the open vault door.

Fluttershy, Zecora, and Spike passed them by, before making their way into what had been the command center. There the creep was completely absent, the ever-present fleshy substance having given the area a wide berth. There waited a single hunched minotaur, her back turned to the group as she peered intently at a computer tower.

“No, but that would be…” Tiny murmured to herself, pausing to take a bite of her sandwich.

“Weren't you supposed to stop at Jetstream’s command center to get a thorough physical inspection?” Spike loudly proclaimed.

Tiny leaped into the air and spun around, her wide eyes narrowing slightly when they landed on the trio. “By my ancestor’s bones. You scared me half to death!” Tiny proclaimed, a hand going to the spot over her chest.

“You didn't even take a shower,” Spike pointed out.

“This place smells worse than I could ever hope to get,” Tiny retorted. “Besides. I figure if my health goes south, you can just infest me.”

I agree with the biped. Let's infest her, Zecora eagerly declared.

“I m-mean, it w-w-would speed things up,” Fluttershy murmured.

“We are not doing that. At least not yet,” Spike retorted, stepping forward. “But seriously. You should at least go to sleep or something. This can't be healthy.”

“Can't,” Tiny declared, hoofed foot tapping rapidly. “Endocrine system is in overload after being in a coma for so long. Feels like I drank a quadruple espresso and injected some of that illegal stimulant the Combine guys made by the fifty-gallon drum. Speaking of which-”

“No, we do not have any more of that stuff,” Spike interrupted.

Tiny snapped her fingers. “Damn. I was not looking forward to withdrawal.”

If infested, we could simply flush her system of toxins. I could even do so myself, Zecora offered.

Spike sighed and ran a hand down his face. “It's her choice. Just give it a day at least.”

If you insist, Zecora muttered.

“Anywho,” Tiny began, turning around and jabbing a finger into one of the computers. “You got some serious issues here, bossman. Like, I am going to need a team, a truckload of parts, and a month before I’ll be able to get anything useful out of this mess.”

“But can it be salvaged? Is there any data or info even left?” Spike asked.

Tiny hummed and hawed. “I’m fairly certain there is. The real important stuff was shielded against EMPs, which also deflected most of the bullets.”

“Th-that's g-g-good,” Fluttershy offered.

“Also, this stuff is really freakin’ cool,” Tiny blurted out. “I mean, this tech isn't even on the black market yet. They musta made it specifically for this wicked vault thing they made.”

“Yes, it's all very advanced, but getting back on topic here. I was hoping to do a thorough physical examination. Preferably before you collapse,” Spike offered.

“Yeah, just gimme an hour,” Tiny exclaimed, waving a hand in the air. “My brain should stop producing the go-go juice soon. Just gotta wait it out.”

Spike frowned, but after looking to Zecora and Fluttershy for help, he shrugged.

“Fine,” declared the dragon. “But I want you two to remain nearby in case she keels over,” Spike stated, jerking a thumb in Tiny’s direction.

“S-sure,” Fluttershy whispered.

That is acceptable, Zecora added. Though I demand that Applejack join us. For security purposes.

Spike raised an eyebrow and smiled. “I never thought you would ask, but sure. I’ll arrange it.”

Thank you, Zecora offered.

Spike glanced to Fluttershy, who shrugged, clearly as confused as Spike. The dragon then turned and left, his mind awhirl with plans and possibilities. With so much work before him, he was certain that there wouldn't be a free moment available for at least a day.

Such a monumental task might have overwhelmed him not long ago, but now it merely energized the dragon.

“Right then, let's get to it,” he declared.

Not far from where Fluttershy and Spike spoke, Tiny was buried shoulder deep in a mass of wires and computer parts, an annoyed expression on her face.

“Where did I put that screwdriver?” Tiny muttered.

“Here it is,” offered a voice.

“Oh, thanks,” Tiny replied, taking the tool offered to her on an orangy hoof.

Several turns of the rod later, the minotaur paused, pulled her head from the device, and looked down. To see that there sat a small orange zergling filly, a bright cheerful smile on her face and a belt of tools around her midsection.

“Huh. So are you my assistant?” Tiny asked.

“I guess so,” Scootaloo answered.

“Neat,” Tiny muttered. “Hand me that wire stripper while you’re at it.”

Scootaloo grinned. “Sure thing, bosslady!”

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