• Published 18th Aug 2018
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The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Twilight paused at the edge of a ditch, the infested unicorn peering intently at the landscape before her. Though most of the land was open plains which lead up to Canterlot, there were a few minor hills and some scattered woodland. This offered the trio of infested at least a modicum of cover, though it also granted the same privilege to their enemies.

“There,” Twilight whispered, gesturing to a nearby patch of scraggly trees and sickly bushes. “Looks like a dozen or so lying in wait.”

I see them, my queen, Zecora replied, her glowing eyes narrowing. Should we be rid of them?

“Now hold on there,” whispered Applejack. “We don't know for sure what they are doing out here. They might be waiting for someone.”

Twilight frowned. “There is a destroyed wagon tucked away in the bushes, and the one at front has blood on their weapon. Worse still, they are laden with gold and more food than they could eat before it went bad.”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed, her body stiffening. “The whole damn world is fallin’ apart and they want to rob refugees.”

“We can't afford to engage them. I’m still too weak, and I don't want us to get bogged down in meaningless fights,” Twilight replied, raising a hoof to stop the response she knew was coming. “But we also can't just leave them to prey on someone else.”

“Then what do you have in mind?” asked Applejack.

Twilight hummed to herself. “I’m not sure. Normally I would finish this with a well-timed fireball, but that isn't possible right now.”

I have an idea, my queen, Zecora began, retrieving a jar of blackish, tar-like liquid from her bag. Simply teleport this above them, and it should make them rethink their life choices.

“What does it do exactly?” Twilight inquired, hefting the jar.

They will believe that they are on fire for a few minutes. The pain is quite acute, but it leaves no scars or lasting marks, Zecora replied. Perfect for teaching someone a lesson.

Twilight chuckled. “Just let me double check if they actually are bandits first, then we can move upwind before deploying it.”

The infested unicorn’s eyes narrowed, and she summoned what little psychic ability she could. The earth pony bandit posed little challenge to Twilight, who perused his recent memories with the same ease one may flip through a magazine. Thankfully for Twilight, the pony was inadvertently helping her, as the bandit was actively thinking back on the moment in question.

The standoff had been brief, but tense, with several ragged refugees handing over everything they had. After that the gang of thieves settled back into the corpse of woods, waiting for the next group of passersby. Twilight snorted irritably, her magic levitating the jar close beside as she turned back to her companions.

“Lets go,” she commanded.

The other two infested nodded, and together they made their way along the ditch, up the hill and out of sight of the bandits. Once there, Twilight lit her horn, did a few quick calculations and fired off a teleportation spell, causing the jar to vanish. A second later a distant crash could be heard, followed by a few startled yelps as well as some movement.

It didn't take long for the screaming to start, several bandits running out of the woods and throwing themselves onto the dusty road. The dirt and gravel did little to ease their pain however, as they continued to cry out in agony. Shaking her head, Twilight turned and walked away, her companions close behind her.

“I sure hope they learn their lesson,” murmured Applejack.

I believe they will, replied Zecora.

“Next time they’ll think twice about robbing scared and hungry ponies of what little food they have,” Twilight exclaimed, turning to Zecora. “I’m impressed by your potion though. I wasn't aware that devil’s root could be grown in our climate.”

It can't, Zecora explained. My body is able to synthesize components I have previously ingested. It feels as though my physiology has been altered as such that I could reproduce more complex organisms, though I would need a sample of one before I could do that.

“How do you know that?” questioned Applejack.

How do you know how to shoot spines or move utilizing your unique method of locomotion? Zecora questioned.

Applejack winced. “It wasn't easy to get used to my spines, though at least I didn't have to learn how to walk again.”

“We can explore this line of thinking once we have a roof over our head,” Twilight interrupted. “For now just focus on keeping an eye on our surroundings.”

“Right. Don't want to run into more of those ruffians. Or any of those zealot fellers,” murmured Applejack.

“Exactly. Which is why we’ll be staying off the roads for the most part,” Twilight added.

Excellent idea, my queen, Zecora declared. Let us go.

What do you think they are doing way out here? Applejack thought as she peered out from behind a large oak tree.

Twilight frowned as she watched the small cadre of zealots march quickly down the dirt road, their eyes trained forward. Their movements were perfectly organized, and though they didn't seem aware of their surroundings, Twilight knew better. Even now their collective unconscious was sweeping the surroundings, passing right beside the hidden group of infested.

Their resplendent gold and blue armor was buffed to a shine, the gleaming plates twinkling in the moonlight. At the head of the formation marched a slightly taller, thinner unicorn who seemed to be leading the more blank-eyed group of ten behind her. Though Twilight could tell that she was actively trying to route out any would-be ambushers, it was also clear she wasn't trying very hard.

If it was simple confidence or arrogance, Twilight wasn't sure, either way it allowed the trio of infested to easily remain undetected.

“I don't know,” whispered Twilight as the group of zealots disappeared around a bend in the road, the distinctive clank of their armor vanishing into the distance. “It can't be good, however.”

There doesn't seem to be any large movement of troops either, Zecora reasoned, the zebra stepping out from her hiding spot and running a spiked appendage across the road. Furthermore, they don't seem intent on conquering the rest of Equestria.

“Perhaps they are merely going to wait until the major cities have succumbed to anarchy while the houses rally their forces,” Twilight theorized.

“They gotta be stirring up trouble, keeping ponies from organizing,” Applejack reasoned. “They wouldn't be able to stand against the whole of Equestria, right?”

“I don't know,” Twilight muttered. “They have an alicorn on their side and control of the celestial bodies. Maybe Nightmare Moon really just wants to kill everyone.”

Illogical, wasteful, Zecora exclaimed with a hint of resentment. Why go through all that effort just to rule a lifeless ball of ice?

“I don't know, and I don't want to find out,” Twilight murmured. “Come on, let's keep moving. I don't want to be around in case they decide to double back.”

“How far away are we?” asked Applejack, the hydralisk slipping back into the woods.

“It's not far to the vinelands, after that it’s a straight shot to Canterlot village, and our way into the city,” Twilight explained. “Provided we don't run into any more of these assholes.”

Let us hope we don't, Zecora added, the zebra tugging her hood into place as she followed the infested unicorn deeper into the blighted woods.

“Is that what I think it is?” Twilight muttered, the unicorn peering over a low fence, her gaze settled on a distant mound that had been erected at the center of a crossroad.

Vineyards spread out in all directions, though most had been flattened by the passage of many armored hooves. Blood and broken weapons scattered the area as well as a dozen or so fires, as well as several destroyed buildings. Though the battlefield was intriguing, it wasn't what grabbed the three infested’s attention, rather it was the fifteen-foot tall pyramid at the center of it all.

I do believe they have piled the bodies into a crude mountain. Perhaps to serve as a warning of some kind, Zecora explained coldly.

“Why would they do something so horrible?” muttered Applejack.

“To instill fear into any who may come this way,” Twilight quietly remarked. “To reach Canterlot, you have to come through the vinelands. Like those poor fools have done.”

Together they stared at the grim pile of bloody and broken bodies that were piled at the center of the crossroads. Most still wore their armor, others still clutched their weapons in their hooves, all were dead, their eyes glassy and distant. From what Twilight could tell, they were likely militia from a nearby town, as their armor was a step above leather, though not quite to the level of a royal guard.

“Come on,” Twilight whispered. “We better get moving.”

“I ain't leavin’ ‘em here,” Applejack replied, the hydralisk slithering out of their hiding spot. “These folk didn't deserve this.”

Your queen has given you an order, Applejack, Zecora hissed, the zebra stomping her back hoof in emphasis.

“It's alright, Zecora,” Twilight interrupted, holding up a foreleg. “We don't have time to give them a proper burial, but perhaps we could at least make a funeral pyre.”

That is… much more feasible, Zecora admitted, the zebra reaching back into her bags and producing a clear jug filled with some manner of see-through liquid contained within. Here, this will help.

Applejack grunted as she ripped a section of fence out of the ground before tossing it against the mound of corpses. “You get that stuff figured out. I’ll get some kindling.”

Twilight nodded to the zebra. “I’ll help Applejack, you know what to do.”

I will need time to refill my supplies soon if we keep using them at such a rate, Zecora remarked with a hint of irritation.

“That's fine. When we bed down for the night, you should have enough time,” Twilight replied, the unicorn kicking down a teetering outhouse and using her magic to toss its remains on the pile.

The zebra made an irritable gurgling noise before reluctantly doing as she was told. Uncorking the bottle with a tentacle, Zecora carefully splashed the liquid on the mound, unbothered by the stench of rot which bathed the area. If Applejack was irritated by the smell or the sight, she said nothing, merely tossing more and more sections of fence onto the pile.

In only a few minutes before they had a decent amount of wood piled around the mass of corpses. It took only slightly longer before Zecora had shaken out the last of the clear liquid onto the mass. With that done, the zebra stepped back, joining Applejack a dozen metres away from the pile of bodies. Twilight stood next to them a second later, her horn glowing faintly as she conjured a weak ray of fire before sending it at the mound.

The second Twilight’s spell touched the disturbing pyramid of bodies, flames leapt up all around it, engulfing the entire thing in fire. After watching for several seconds to ensure it stayed alight, Twilight turned away and resumed her walk towards the mountain which loomed over them. Her friends were quick to follow her a second later, the trio remaining silent even as the thick acrid smoke billowed into the sky.

“There were some real young ponies back there,” Applejack whispered.

“I know,” replied Twilight quietly, her mind conjuring an image of the young mare she had seen halfway up the pile.

They are beyond pity now, Zecora stated evenly, her mental voice having lost some of its icy edge. We can honor them only through action now.

“That was nice of you to say,” Twilight remarked.

Zecora nodded slowly. Applejack’s thoughts are surprisingly convincing and insistent.

The hydralisk hybrid smiled faintly. “Sorry about that. I just can't help but feel like we have somethin’ in common, given our shared circumstances.”

There does seem to a be an underlying theme in our pasts, Zecora admitted reluctantly.

“I don't mean to break up your awkward flirting, but we gotta start movin’ a little quicker. I think someone saw our little bonfire,” Twilight whispered.

“We weren't-” began Applejack.

To the east, only five of them. They don't seem to notice us, Zecora interrupted.

“They can't put out that fire, can they?” Applejack whispered, the hydralisk glancing over her shoulder at the crossroads they had left behind.

Impossible. The fire will continue even without air, Zecora explained.

Twilight nodded. “Then let's focus on just getting out of here. If one zealot knows about our fire, then all of them will know.”

True. We should make haste, Zecora added.

Applejack put her head down, easily keeping pace with the other infested as they began to sprint. Thank you, by the way. Noone deserves to be left like that, she thought.

Y-you are welcome, Zecora replied, casting a quick, sidelong glance at the other infested.

Twilight meanwhile simply ran on, a small smile crossing her face.

“I think it's clear,” whispered Twilight.

Applejack peeked her head out of the abandoned stone building they had been hiding out in. Though it lacked a roof, the structure was still more or less intact, save for the broken windows and shattered furniture. Dust hung heavy in the air, and it was clear that noone had been in this particular ruin in quite some time.

It was also much darker than before, the mountain and Canterlot itself now looming directly overtop of the abandoned village. Which was made up of only a dozen stone houses that remained standing, while the other fifty or so structures were now little more than rubble. The buildings that were still upright lay at the center of the town and were evidently more important, such as the town hall.

Leaning out a little further, Applejack glared down at the mine shaft which opened up right at the end of the street. The village’s placement was such that the entrance to the mine lay close to the town’s center. Though convenient for the workers, the plan had not apparently helped the town’s overall longevity.

Popping her head back inside, Applejack glanced down at Twilight. “Say, why did they shut down this place anyway?”

“It was supposed to serve as a base of operations for the construction of Canterlot. In addition they needed to set the anchor points and dig out some of the special crystals required to keep the plate from collapsing,” Twilight explained. “Thus the mine, though after Canterlot was completed, some ponies stayed behind. Until a plague wiped out a third of them, and a fire finished the job, driving off whoever remained.”

Suspicious, remarked Zecora.

“Some say that it was a noble plot, but Celestia’s investigation revealed that it was little more than bad luck. The plague killed the town’s elders and thus noone was there to organize a bucket brigade when the fire broke out.” Twilight shook her head. “Regardless, inside one of the mine shafts is an opening to the sewer. From there we can reach my old hideout, which is where we can bed down for the night.”

“Y'all are being pretty secretive of this base of yours,” Applejack pointed out.

Twilight grinned. “You two are going to like it. I just want to surprise you.”

We should get moving. This place has a foul energy about it, Zecora remarked, the zebra tapping her clawed forelimbs impatiently.

“Agreed. These ruins give me the heebie jeebies,” Applejack murmured, shuddering.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You guys act like ghosts are real.”

Though I never completed my training to become a shaman, I learned enough to know that this world is a strange place, Zecora stated. Do not underestimate it.

“Let's just get moving before I end up with a butt full of spines,” Twilight muttered.

Applejack huffed silently to herself, following Twilight a few feet back. “Well, I for one ain't lookin’ forward to crawlin’ around in the sewers.”

And I am not looking forward to the prospect of fighting zealots and mad gods, Zecora added.

“And yet you are here anyway,” Applejack pointed out. “Why is that? And don't give me none of that she's the queen business. You know she’d let you go if you wanted to leave.”

Zecora’s tentacled appedanges twitched, her gaze lingering on Twilight’s backside as the unicorn crept slowly through the town. I feel myself around her. That, and she represents the chance at community I lost so long ago.

“I know what you mean, sister,” Applejack added.

“Hey are you guys coming, or what?” Twilight shouted from a block away.

We are coming, my queen, Zecora announced.

Applejack waved a forelimb. “Yeah yeah, we’re coming.”

Twilight trudged slowly through the sewers, most of her body now covered in the refuse which came up to her belly. Though Applejack was slightly better off given just how tall the infested earth pony was, Zecora on the other hand was having a hard time. The zebra was slightly shorter than the other two, and her entire body was closer to the ground.

Meaning that she was in an absolutely foul mood after wading through what felt like an endless series of tunnels and waste.

How close are we? she asked.

Twilight sighed. “Only a little closer than the last time you asked.”

“It shouldn't be long now, right Twilight?” inquired Applejack placatingly.

“It shouldn't, but the sewers are fuller than the last time I was down here,” Twilight murmured bitterly, raising a leg and nearly gagging. “At least back then the walkways were above the water level.”

I am going to need a very, very long bath when we get to wherever it is we are going, Zecora exclaimed, her mental voice growing more irritated by the second.

“Just hold up a second, and I’ll try to find our destination again,” Twilight muttered, the unicorn squeezing her eyes shut.

“I’ll take point. You watch our rear,” commanded Applejack, the hydralisk slinking into position at the forefront of the group.

Zecora nodded and did just that, allowing Twilight to focus.

The connection with her hideout was strangely distant, and Twilight had a feeling that it wasn't just her own fatigue that was at fault for this. The base itself was quite large and though it didn't have a mind of its own, Twilight used to be able to feel its presence clear across the city. Searching it out with her mental abilities now was difficult, and Twilight struggled to locate it, though she could at least feel that she was in the right area.

Then, just when she had been about to give up, something clicked and all of a sudden her mind expanded. Twilight’s eyes snapped open, and the unicorn felt her entire body be pointed towards a distant intersection. Though she couldn't explain why, she had the feeling that her hideout had been obscuring itself, until now.

“It’s right around that corner. Let's move, something doesn't feel quite right,” Twilight shouted.

Her companions were quick to follow behind her, both infested remaining quiet and alert.

Dashing around the corner, Twilight sprinted down the tunnel before coming to a screeching halt at a seemingly random section of wall.

“What is it?” whispered Applejack nervously.

“It's here, but I don't remember expanding it this deep,” Twilight replied, reaching a hoof towards the wall.

The second her limb pressed against the stone, the entire wall shifted, blocks slipping apart and parting to reveal a fleshy passage. A dozen thin purple tendrils gripped each individual brick and moved it in such a way to create a small ramp leading into the tunnel. Peering into the depths, Twilight instantly knew that she was in the right place, even though everything she saw was new growth.

“What the heck is that?” muttered Applejack in shock, her shoulders pointing towards the entrance.

Fascinating. I assume this is your surprise, Zecora half asked, half stated.

“It is. But something is wrong. It shouldn't be hiding itself from me like this,” Twilight exclaimed, trotting up the ramp. “Applejack, you’re on my right, Zecora I want you on backup.”

“Got it, boss,” replied Applejack, the hydralisk slithering up next to the unicorn.

As you will, my queen, added Zecora.

Twilight crept low to the ground, her mind constantly trying to secure the connection with the mass of creep, only to find it impossible to do so. It was as if the semi-sentient biomass was afraid, though Twilight couldn't imagine why, or even how it felt that way. Either way, those questions would come later, right now she needed to focus on locating the source of these feelings.

The trio stepped out of the passageway, which sealed itself behind them, before emerging into a wide, open area. Though it was as large as Twilight’s initial hideout, this floor hadn't existed last time she had been here. It also resembled the top level of her childhood home before she had been taken in by Princess Celestia, though the rooms lacked any doors.

Zecora peeked into one of the fleshy rooms, the zebra seemingly unbothered by the writhing mass of purple and green that made up every surface. Odd. I assume you recognize this all?

“I do,” replied Twilight. “Though I have a feeling we should keep moving, as the problem remains above us, I believe.”

“I’ll say. This is the weirdest place I’ve ever seen,” Applejack shuddered. “Though it does feel oddly homey for some reason. I ain't even as tired as I was a minute ago.”

Twilight merely grunted, slipping her way down the corridor and to where the stairs down were located in her old home. Instead of leading into a living room, several dozen stairs lead up to where a second story could be seen. Hastily hopping up the flesh-covered stairs, Twilight stopped at the top of the landing, holding up a hoof towards her companions.

Listening quietly, Twilight extended her mind, trying to feel out the presence of any intruders. When she didn't sense any, she was about to pop around the corner when a hoof suddenly grabbed her and yanked her into the room. Though Twilight was quite strong, the slog through the sewers had sapped the last of her strength. Thus the unicorn found herself lying on her back, a glowing green dagger pointed to her throat.

“Do not move, or I will not hesitate to…” The shrouded unicorn paused, his brow furrowing. “Twilight?”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, only for a cry of rage to drown out what she had been about to say. That cry was punctuated by the dull thump thump of spines shooting out of the doorway and nearly hitting the strange stallion. Deftly spinning out of the way, the dark-cloaked unicorn leapt back, his form fading into the shadows.

Applejack emerged a second later, her face twisted into a snarl as her gaze flicked back and forth, searching for her target. Twilight was about to tell her to stand down when a sudden spike of panic drew her attention to the corner of the room where several ponies huddled. On first glance they seemed fine, but after a moment Twilight was able to see that one of them was lying on the ground, a blanket covering most of his body.

Temporarily distracted, Twilight wasn't able to stop her other companion before she entered the fray, the zebra throwing off her cloak. Revealing that her body was covered in the same organic plates as her face, and that her back was abnormally large. Orange sacks pulsated beneath the white and black organic armor, several more pointed limbs sprouting from her side.

Rearing back, the infested zebra spat a wad of purplish-yellow goo at a seemingly random corner of the room. When the blob erupted into a cloud of spores, Twilight was shocked to find the dark templar stumbling out of the darkness. With a target in sight, Applejack let loose another stream of organic bolts, her aim nearly perfect.

Twilight had enough time to gather herself however, and she swatted the daggers out of the air with her magic before slamming her hoof into the ground. “Everybody stop!” shouted the unicorn, her words laced with a hint of psychic power.

The terrified ponies huddled in the corner of the room stopped trembling all at once, and both Zecora and Applejack found themselves frozen in place. Breathing deeply, Twilight snapped towards the zebra hybrid, her eyes blazing with fury.

“What was that gooey thing?” Twilight demanded.

It was just a choking orb, Zecora replied quickly. It does not harm, only disrupts focus.

Twilight turned to the dark templar, who was coughing and hacking on the ground. “Can you stop it?” Twilight asked, turning to Zecora.

The zebra shook her head. It lasts mere moments and does not leave any permanent damage.

Breathing slightly easier, Twilight slowly approached the stallion, noting that his coat was white beneath the ragged black cloak he wore. His mana blade had been deactivated, and by the time Twilight reached him, he had managed to clear his throat. Once face to face with the stallion, Twilight couldn't help but sigh as she recognized the male.

“Blueblood. I should have known you’d be the one to muck with my mud,” remarked Twilight with a hint of bitterness.

“This is mud? No wonder it smells so bad down here,” retorted the prince, who turned and spat an orangish wad onto the ground.

“Actually, I’m fairly certain that's us,” stated Applejack, the hydralisk relaxing slightly.

Blueblood looked Twilight up and down, shaking his head. “How you manage to always end up neck deep in shit is beyond me.”

“You are one to talk. Why are you here, and who are they?” Twilight asked, gesturing to the still clearly terrified ponies.

“Refugees I was guiding to the castle when we were hit by zealots,” Blueblood explained, the prince rising to his full height. “I used my powers to open a door to a nearby building and ended up in the warehouse above somehow.”

“That explains how you got past my wards,” muttered Twilight. “I hadn't had the time to calibrate them to your unique energy signature. Though it does not explain how you got in here.”

“It let us in,” offered a young filly who stepped forward.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Did it now?”

I apologize, my queen, but I had thought it prudent to make allies since they already breached the wards, whispered a strangely young, yet alien voice. Unfortunately without your presence, I was unable to synthesize anything I could use to heal these creatures.

Twilight sighed. “Great. One more thing to worry about.”

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