• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,374 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Twilight’s gaze lingered on the horizon, her attention fixated on the mountain which was slowly sinking into the distance. Canterlot felt so far away, even though they had only left it a mere two hours ago, the train evidently going remarkably faster than a civilian vessel. Then the mountain was gone, replaced by a sheer rock wall that seemingly rose from nowhere, startling Twilight from her thoughts.

Shaking her head, Twilight dismissed the worry that had plagued her all day, and tried to focus on the here and now. Looking around the car, Twilight noticed that most of the other passengers were giving them a wide berth, leaving only Spike, Silver Bulwark, and a gaggle of military ponies who sat near the back. Bull and Spike were still speaking in hushed tones about their plans to get more training done, and a brief look into the dragon’s mind told Twilight that he was becoming slightly nervous.

The unicorn smiled and sent a soothing wave of confidence to the young drake through their connection, making his shoulders fall slack. His worries now assuaged, Twilight turned back to the window, which once more displayed the wastes which the confederates called home.

From the low lying hills and mountains near the Canterhorn, to the wide open expanses of the wastes, dry and barren ground dominated her sight. The cool weather and near constant snow had vanished within the first hour after departure, winter apparently forgetting all about the wastelands. Here summer reigned eternally, the heat of the sun beating down on the mare and her dark black coat. Not like she minded the change, indeed she found herself relishing the heat, finding it much more tolerable than the cold they had just left behind.

She wasn't sure why, but the temperature here made her feel at home in some strange way, like she was meant to be somewhere that was hot every day of the year. Was it due in part to what she was? Or perhaps Spike was simply rubbing off on her? Either way, Twilight was glad that the land was so different here.

Those differences were greater than just the heat though, as Twilight had done her research before she had left and had discovered why the badlands were called just that. Though originally called the steppes of Canter, that name had long since lost all meaning to all but the scholars. For during the eclipse wars, many battles had been fought on these plains, ravaging the once pristine landscape and reducing it to its current state.

Which was little more than a barren expanse of rock, the occasional hill and the odd cliff or plateau, beneath which was a vast churning web of geothermal activity. Between the heat and the currents of strange, lingering magic, it wasn't difficult to understand why no one had tried to resettle the area for close to a thousand years. Yet as Twilight thought about the land’s history, she also spotted a few scattered farms here and there, most of which could be found on the hills they had passed by earlier.

There were other, smaller farms here and there, but they were few and far between, the majority of towns being built around factories or other centers of industry. Twilight contemplated looking back through her notes on the area, but was jarred out of her geographically focused thoughts by a pulse at the back of her mind.

Gritting her teeth, Twilight pushed aside the uncomfortable presence of mother and her council. Though the unicorn was certain that her presence was not discovered, it was obvious from the intensity of the pulses that the zerg at least knew she was in the province and were actively searching for her. A quick check told her that the wall she had built between her and mother was well-reinforced with psychic power while still leaving Twilight with a large reserve. Though the constant reinforcement of which left her weaker than normal, it was an acceptable weakness.

She had backup after all.

Spike and Silver Bulwark were with her, but there was also an entire platoon of Celestia’s chosen who would be in town as well. All of whom seemed clear of the great houses’ taint. Though that didn't mean they were all perfect, it was nice to see that there remained a group of ponies still loyal to Celestia.

As Twilight watched out the window, she noticed their destination rise in the distance, the distinct square plateau catching her gaze. The plateau itself was just over a hundred and fifty meters into the air, with one side sloping all the way to the ground. Burninghill was apparently the camp of some general whom had chosen that spot due to the aquifer inside the plateau in addition to the height advantage it gave him. Though his actual name and what side he belonged to were lost to history, what happened there was well-remembered.

The camp had been razed to the ground by pegasi who utilized fire bombs to trap the general and his company atop the plateau, their exit cut off by magical fire. The largely ground-bound force was then forced to choose between burning to death or leaping off the side of the plateau. Though the stories aren't clear as to what fate befell the general, what is known is that the steepest side is referred to as General’s Leap by the locals.

That was in the past however, now the town itself was quite larger than the simple camp that had been there nearly a millennium ago. Short walls encapsulated the town and the town itself covered the entire top of the rock formation and even spilled down the slope, ending at the trainyard at the bottom. Though their soil was poor, mineral deposits had recently been discovered and there was a bounty of fresh water just beneath the ground.

Twilight couldn't help but grin as she looked out over the town, the tall red stone buildings clashing with the metal ones that sprouted up randomly between them. Despite the inelegant overall design of the town, it was quite orderly, the buildings arrayed in a proper grid structure. It made Twilight’s heart happy to see at least one place where the streets were designed not to make some noble’s view a little prettier but rather for the convenience of those who lived there.

“One hour out, briefing is in ten, you maggots!” shouted a voice from the back of the car, startling Twilight from her thoughts.

Glancing over at Spike and Silver Bulwark, she noticed that they seemed ready to move at a moment’s notice, but Twilight decided to keep her distance from them for a bit longer. She had wanted more time to think and plan, though she had a feeling her time would end up being spent worrying and accomplishing nothing. With a sigh, the unicorn tapped the hoofrest of her chair, idly listening to the surface-most thoughts of her companions while also keeping tabs on the ponies at the back of the car.

The mare wasn't certain how her vacation would go, but something told her that it was not going to go according to plan. The only question left in her mind was if this was something that she could adapt to, or not.

“That didn't take too long,” announced Spike as he stopped off the train and onto the platform.

Beside them, Silver Bulwark levitated what meagre bags they had brought along, the well-armored unicorn grinning beneath her helmet. “Military trains can use magic to make them faster, but more importantly, do you all smell that?” Silver Bulwark asked.

“Smell what?” Twilight deadpanned, the unicorn sniffing the air and finding nothing out of the ordinary.

“That's what it smells like when you don't have a whole city full of unicorns with their heads up their asses,” Silver Bulwark replied with a smirk.

Twilight rolled her eyes as she scanned the platform, noting that the troops they had joined on the train were mostly helping to unload various supplies. The open air platform was relatively large, with all exits blocked off by at least two guards who held the civilians at bay while the military unloaded their cargo. Before them lay the station itself, and beyond that the slope which lead to the bustling frontier town of Burninghill.

Looking around, Twilight realized most of the ponies she saw were earth ponies, though she did see a good number of pegasi, and a handful of unicorns, most of whom were wearing armor marking them as Celestia’s chosen.

“So, where to next?” Twilight asked, turning to her personal bodyguard.

Who pointed to the ticket stand where two earth ponies wearing thick leather armor stood, primitive firearms strapped to their sides. “We gotta talk to the local guard and get our passports checked before we can enter the town proper. Come on, I got them all ready for ya,” announced Silver Bulwark who stepped forward, leading the way.

Spike and Twilight were quick to fall in behind the unicorn, trotting up to the two stern-faced militia ponies who were watching the hustle and bustle with an intense scrutiny. Upon approaching the pair, Twilight noticed their gaze shift and fall upon them, inspecting them critically. To the left stood a slightly taller and more heavyset stallion with a deep brown mane, and a thick orange coat. Beside him was a slightly less stern pony, who at first glance appeared to be a stallion, only for a second look to tell Twilight that it was actually a mare.

The mare had a stark black mane, and grey fur, her deep blue eyes peering intently at the trio as they approached. “You are Twilight Sparkle and company, correct?” she asked, a small amount of curiosity breaking through her guarded tone of voice.

“That is correct,” replied Silver Bulwark, who raised the grille of her helmet, and handed over the small stack of passports. “And here is our identification.”

The stallion snatched the pile of papers from the armored guard’s grip and glared down at them without saying anything.

“Well, hello to you to,” whispered Silver Bulwark slyly.

Spike snickered.

“And what is the reason for your visit?” asked the mare, who spared only a single glance at their paperwork before turning her attention back on them.

“I am visiting a friend,” Twilight declared, taking a small step forward. “Princess Cadance, to be precise.”

The mare’s eyes narrowed as she looked up at the towering unicorn. “Really now?” she asked. “And what brought that on?”

The infested mare raised an eyebrow. “I was not aware I needed a reason to see an old friend of mine.”

“She asked you a question, stick head,” interrupted the stallion.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed and she could feel her companions stiffen, waiting for her response.

It never came though as the militia mare slapped her fellow guard upside the back of his head. “Dessert Cream!” she hissed. “Cut it out with the racism. You know what she said about that kind of thing.”

The stallion wilted slightly, his angry expression replaced with a guilty look. “That it just makes us as bad as them... Sorry, miss.”

The infested mare still wanted to offer some kind of rebuttal, but stifled that urge quickly. “Apology accepted. Now, may we pass?” she asked, gesturing to the gate just beyond the pair.

The female guard nodded. “Go right ahead, Miss Sparkle.”

“Enjoy your stay in Burninghill, ma’am,” added the male guard, while handing back their passports.

Twilight ignored the duo and strode past them, forcing her companions to hastily trot after her.

Spike was the first to catch up, the dragon grinning from ear to ear. “That was so cool. You put that jerk right in his place.”

Twilight smirked. “Actually, I think it was his companion who did that for me.”

Silver Bulwark nodded. “It is good to see that not everyone has forgotten the lessons of harmony.”

“Agreed,” Twilight replied, the unicorn stopping off to the side of the busy street while looking up at the long rows of buildings. “Cadance mentioned she would be helping with the construction of a new apartment building on the east end of town. There should be a motel a block away which we can drop our stuff at first.”

“Lead the way,” encouraged Spike.

“Well, that wasn't the nicest place ever,” Spike muttered as they trotted down the hot asphalt road.

“It was affordable at least. Though I worry about our stuff,” added Silver Bulwark, who had taken up a position to Twilight’s right, the mare still wearing her armor.

“I wouldn't worry about it. If anyone tries to steal our luggage, I will be able to track it, provided they don't die from all the lightning runes I placed on it,” Twilight replied with a cruel smirk.

“There's no chance of us getting electrocuted, right?” Spike asked hesitantly.

Twilight raised an eyebrow and looked to the dragon walking on her left. “Do you really think I would do that?”

The dragon shook his head. “No, but after getting zapped by that test rune you made, I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

The unicorn shook her head and went back to simply walking, her gaze sweeping over the shops and homes which lined the street. She found herself struck once more by just how different it all was, as there were no grand front gardens, or lawns at all really. With only a few homes having even a few feet of greenspace between the house and the road. It was nice in a way, Twilight decided, as it was orderly, efficient, and though it wasn't much to look at, the actual architecture of the buildings made up for that.

Efficient and robust dwellings of varied height flanked them, and helped block out some of the surprisingly hot afternoon sun. It was quite the change from the sprawling mansions and flowery designs which dominated Canterlot, that much was certain. Though the people seemed every bit as paranoid as the ones who populated the many streets of Canterlot.

Curious gazes looked upon the trio from all angles, though Twilight could sense that these looks were less malicious than she had first assumed them to be. That alone made Twilight feel at least a little better about this whole thing, though it was a far cry from being welcomed with open hooves.

“Yeesh. What's their problem?” whispered Spike, who gestured to a group of local militia ponies who stared openly at the trio as they walked the street.

“We are strangers who may very well be spies for the great houses,” Twilight replied idly, nodding to the militia ponies as they passed. “We should not bemoan their curiosity, but seek to prove ourselves.”

“Well said, Twilight,” added Silver Bulwark.

“So where is this place anyway?” Spike began, while looking around. “I don't see any construction sites anywhere.”

“It should be right around this corner,” Twilight replied.

Sure enough, after they turned the next corner, they were faced by a large open construction site where dozens of ponies were hard at work. The skeleton of the structure had already been erected, metal beams rising five stories up, scaffolding allowing a handful of welders to attach new pieces to the frame. Earth ponies and pegasi filled the area, each one intent on completing whatever task they had been assigned, few even giving the trio so much as a passing glance.

“I don't see Cadance anywhere,” Spike muttered as he looked up at the apartment complex.

Twilight focused herself, and reached out towards the ponies, brushing her mind across the surface of their thoughts. Most were devoted to simply doing their jobs, while a few were thinking about food, or what they were going to do once the day was over. She was about to give up, when she felt something familiar, and after following it to its source, Twilight found what she was looking for.

“There,” Twilight declared, pointing to a spot off to her right.

Spike and Silver Bulwark both turned just in time to see Cadance trot out from behind a pile of bricks, a large metal I-beam on her shoulder. All but Twilight raised an eyebrow at that, the two startled by just how strong the alicorn was, while Twilight was wondering why Cadance didn't just use her magic. Though the beam was heavy, it wouldn't be that difficult to simply use a telekinesis spell to move the piece of metal with relative ease.

As she watched, she saw the dirt and grime-covered alicorn pass the beam off to two large earth ponies, who both struggled visibly under its weight. Now free from her burden, Cadance rolled her shoulders and looked around, only for her and Twilight’s eyes to meet.

Though the infested mare had worried quite a bit about this moment, that worry dissipated as Cadance happily trotted up to the trio, her smile wide and genuine. A cursory scan of the mare’s thoughts revealed that there was nothing to indicate she was under the thrall of the great houses. Though Twilight wanted to push a little deeper, she wouldn't do so without permission first at least.

“Twilight, Spike! It's wonderful to see you two!” Cadance explained, before grinning like a mad filly at Twilight.

Who blushed hard, already knowing what was coming and that she was powerless to stop it.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake,” they both sang, the two females mirroring the actions of the other, one more enthusiastically than the other.

Cadance giggled and quickly wrapped the infested mare in a tight hug. “You are as adorable as ever. Even with that giant metal coat of yours,” declared the alicorn.

Silver Bulwark blinked, and leaned closer to Spike. “What was that?”

“A greeting they did since Twilight was a foal,” Spike replied, holding back a snicker.

Twilight grumbled. “Cadance, I’m an adult now. You can't just do that whenever we meet.”

“You may look the part of an adult, but I know you are still seventeen, young lady,” Cadance shot back.

The infested mare continued to grumble, only to notice that a few of the earth pony workers had stopped and were now staring at them. “What are you looking at, huh?” she shouted.

Cadance giggled. “I’m glad to see you are more confident than the last time I saw you.”

“That's not all that's changed,” Twilight muttered before taking a step back and looking Cadance up and down. “And speaking of changes, you sure have come a long way from that chubby mare I knew when I was a kid.”

The alicorn giggled and rubbed the back of her neck, flexing as she did so and showing off her large muscles. “Yeah well, when you work hard, you get strong or you quit,” Cadance remarked.

“Fair enough,” Twilight admitted.

“So, who is this?” Cadance asked, gesturing to Silver Bulwark. “Don't tell me Celestia finally convinced you to ask one of your many crushes on a date.”

“I didn't have that many crushes!” Twilight blurted out while stamping a hoof.

Silver Bulwark slid next to Twilight and wrapped a hoof around the large unicorn’s shoulder. “Why yes, she finally did ask me out after all these years of pining. Come here, sweetie,” Silver Bulwark exclaimed before making exaggerated kissing faces at the other mare.

Twilight shoved her bodyguard hard, causing her to nearly fall over, laughing all the while. “Silver Bulwark is my bodyguard, not my whatever you thought she was,” Twilight declared.

“Really now?” Cadance muttered, eyeing the mare in a new light. “Well, it's nice to meet you either way, Silver Bulwark, I’m Cadance.”

“Not a fan of Mi Amore?” asked Silver Bulwark, who was busy dusting herself off.

The alicorn scoffed. “Only nobles use that title.”

“And anyone who wants to get under her skin,” added a passing earth pony, who snickered as he walked away.

“I’ll get you for that, Nails!” Cadance shouted after the male, who merely kept laughing and walking away.

“So we were just about done for the day. Do you guys want to help out a bit?” Cadance offered, gesturing to the site behind her. “I’m sure Blue Prints can find you a job to do for a little while then after that I can show you around town.”

“Sure,” Spike offered.

“I suppose a little manual labour wouldn't kill me,” Twilight added, before turning to Cadance. “Alright, Cadey, you got a deal, but I gotta ask. Is there a reason you aren't using magic?”

“All these buildings were designed to be built the earth pony way, plus it’s a good way to shed some pounds,” Cadance exclaimed with a giggle.

Twilight nodded, the mare hardly able to take her eyes off of her former foalsitter or her now quite impressive set of muscles. “I’ll say.”

“Come on, I’ll show you around and introduce you to the team,” Cadance offered.

“I’ll stay nearby in case you need anything,” Silver Bulwark added.

Twilight smiled, happy to know that Silver Bulwark was staying serious despite the change in situation. “Alright then. Just tell us where to go.”

“Excellent!” Cadance declared with a grin. “If you follow me I’ll grab you a hard hat and we can get started.”

“One more thing, why an apartment building? I thought you were building hospitals and stuff,” Spike added as they followed after the alicorn.

“This is all meant to house refugees coming from other towns,” Cadance began, stopping at the entrance to a small shed. “The residents want to help give a sense of dignity to the ponies fleeing from the zerg.”

“That is really nice of them,” Spike remarked. “We aren't going to do anything too exhausting, right? I don't want to get too tired and not be able to see the town with you guys.”

Cadance scoffed. “You are a big tough dragon. I’m sure this won't be anything you can't handle.”

Twilight smirked. “Unless you don't think you can keep up with two girls?”

Spike’s eyes narrowed and he squared his shoulders, standing a little prouder as he did so. “You’re on.”

“That... was... a terrible... idea,” Spike proclaimed between breaths.

Twilight snickered. “D’aw is the poor wittle baby dragon too tired from working with girls all day?”

Spike lifted his head from the back of Silver Bulwark and glared. “I hate you.”

“I love you too, big guy,” Twilight replied, while ruffling his scales.

Grumbling to himself, Spike slumped back down onto the guard’s back. “So, what's the plan now?” Silver Bulwark asked. “‘Cause something tells me this tough guy ain't up for a tour quite yet.”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m afraid not. You will take him back to the motel and get him cleaned up while Cadance and I proceed with the tour.”

Silver Bulwark raised an eyebrow at that. “Are you sure? If you wait a little bit, I’m certain Spike can get a second wind. Or we could just wait to take the tour tomorrow.”

“Silver Bulwark is right. We could just pick this back up in the morning,” Cadance offered.

“We will be fine by ourselves and I would rather you keep an eye on this lump anyway,” Twilight declared while gesturing to the exhausted dragon draped over the guard’s back.

“Fair enough,” Silver Bulwark admitted.

“Are you sure about this, Twilight? I’m not worried about our safety or anything, but it's just a tour,” Cadance asked as the trio turned a corner, their motel coming into view a few houses down.

“I am,” Twilight replied, while looking directly into the alicorn’s gaze.

The look Twilight had made Cadance rethink what she had been about to say, the intensity making the alicorn realize that there might be a hidden meaning behind the other mare’s words . “Well, if you are sure about that, Twilight, I guess we can just take a shorter one tomorrow if Spike wants to see the town,” conceded Cadance.

“That would be nice,” muttered Spike.

The group stopped just in front of a U-shaped building with a small greenspace in the middle. A large sign out front indicated that it was their motel, The Oasis. Upon stopping, Spike peeled himself off Silver Bulwark’s back and stood on shaky feet.

“You won't be long, right?” asked the dragon hesitantly.

Twilight shook her head and smiled. “No, and I won't be too far either.”

Spike relaxed visibly and turned to Silver Bulwark. “Well Bull, wanna start finding out what kind of take out they got around here?”

The guard chuckled. “I doubt they are going to have any gems, but there was an interesting noodle shop I saw on the way here. I bet they deliver.”

“Oooh, noodles. Now that's a good idea,” Spike muttered as the pair turned and walked away.

Twilight and Cadance watched them go, only proceeding on their way once Spike and Silver Bulwark had entered their suite on the ground floor. With that done, Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and turned to her old foalsitter, a grim look on her face. “Where can we speak in private?” she asked quickly.

“I’m staying in an old guard house at the edge of town that is just being used as storage. We can speak there if you’d like,” Cadance offered, the mare eying Twilight closely. “Why? Is there something wrong?”

“It’s nothing,” Twilight replied quickly, glancing around at the ponies who walked to and fro down the quiet street.

Cadance nodded, and though she seemed conflicted, went along anyway. “It's on the south end near the edge of the mountain.”

“Lead the way then,” Twilight offered, gesturing down the street.

The alicorn did just that, though she did give Twilight one last lingering gaze as she did so, concern etched plainly across her features.

“This is rather close, isn't it?” Twilight declared, while looking down from atop the small structure which was serving as Cadance’s home away from home.

The wall which surrounded the plateau wasn't particularly high, or thick, given that it was already impossible for it to be sieged by ground forces. With that in mind, the wall served mainly to keep people from falling over the side, while also serving as a good lookout point, in addition to housing some of the local militia. Though that was evidently its primary purpose in the past, it was obvious that this was no longer true, as dark, empty towers and guard houses dotted the wall at regular intervals.

“It is a nice view though,” Cadance offered, sweeping a hoof out over the horizon. “When the sun sets on Canterlot, it feels like everything else is a world away.”

Twilight nodded solemnly, the unicorn looking out over the expanse of broken, desolate earth scattered occasionally with patches of lush green. Behind her she could sense the shifting mass of ponies as they went about their day, few straying near their location.

“Thank you, Cadance,” Twilight exclaimed suddenly. “I think I needed the perspective.”

The alicorn smiled. “It sure felt like you did. Are you ready to talk about whatever it was you wanted to talk about?”

Twilight nodded slowly and turned to the hatch which lead down into the old guard house proper. “I am, though I would ask that you not repeat a word of it to anyone else.”

Cadance’s smile vanished as she followed after her friend. “You are not in trouble are you? Is it those stupid nobles again?”

Twilight paused midway down her descent, her head poking out the top of the hatch. “Yes, and no. Please, we can speak more inside.”

“Alright, but then I am going to want answers,” replied Cadance.

“And I promise you I will give you them, but first I must catch you up to speed on what's been happening back home,” Twilight announced, before she slipped off the ladder, and stepped out into the small second story room which served as the alicorn’s bedroom.

“That’s fair,” replied Cadance who followed after her, the alicorn closing the hatch with her magic as she sat down on her bed. “So, where do you want to start?”

Twilight took a deep breath. “From the beginning.”

The alicorn shook her head slowly as she stared blankly into space, her body sprawled out on her small twin-sized bed. “I can't believe it. Aliens are real, and you… then they…” Cadance muttered, still shaking her head slowly.

“I know it’s a lot to process, but Celestia thought it best if this information came directly from me,” Twilight replied, a hint of nervousness worming into her voice. “I hope this doesn't change anything between us.”

Cadance sat up and turned to the other mare who sat at the end of the bed. “Of course not! You are still the same adorable filly I foalsat, and nothing will ever change that,” she proclaimed.

Twilight’s smile was strained somewhat as a blush spread across her features. “I would have hoped age and experience would change that,” she muttered with a hint of irritation.

Giggling, Cadance sat next to the other mare and wrapped a hoof around her shoulders. “I’m afraid not, ladybug.”

“I hate it when you call me that,” Twilight all but whispered, her face turning a bright red.

“You love it and you know it,” Cadance shot back, giving the other mare one last squeeze before sitting back a little bit. “So, what is the real reason you are here then?”

“Real reason?” Twilight asked. “Is it not enough that I just wanted to see my old foalsitter?”

“Well yeah, but knowing you, there is probably more you wanted to do,” Cadance pointed out. “Or did Celestia finally talk you into taking a plain old vacation?”

“Well, I wouldn't say it wasn't a vacation,” Twilight remarked while scratching the back of her neck. “I just have a few other goals to accomplish while I’m here is all.”

“I knew it,” Cadance exclaimed with a giggle. “What's the plan then?”

“I was hoping to get you to submit to a few enchantments and train with me a little,” Twilight admitted. “I know you are an alicorn, but there are forces out there that will want to capture you because of that and I fear you may not be strong enough to resist them.”

“That mother character, right?” Cadance asked.

Twilight nodded. “The zerg will want your essence. I don't know what that means, but it can't be good.”

The alicorn stared off into space, worry evident across her features. “These enchantments. What would they do?”

“Reinforce your body and magic and make it impossible for you to be stunned or knocked unconscious against your wishes,” Twilight began. “I would also recommend you find a bodyguard, or at least start traveling with a few of those militia ponies.”

“Are you sure that's necessary? I know the zerg are after me, but they don't exactly seem the type to just sneak into town,” Cadance replied.

“The houses will also want you out of the picture. Whatever they have planned, they seem intent on being the sole power in Equestria,” Twilight answered grimly.

“And another alicorn would only make that rule more uncertain,” Cadance added with a frown. “The more I hear of these great houses, the more I dislike them.”

Twilight snorted irritably. “That's not the half of it.”

“I trust you, Twilight,” Cadance whispered, placing a hoof on the other mare’s leg. “If you think these enchantments and training would help me, then I’ll do it.”

The infested mare nodded, and lit her horn. “Just hold still. This will only take a moment.”

Cadance nodded and sat back a little, retrieving her hoof from Twilight’s leg before sitting straight, tall and unmoving.

Twilight’s magic twisted this way and that, the mare quickly working her way through the necessary steps to cast the spells she had told Cadance of. With a flash of her magic, the first enchantment was placed upon the alicorn, a glowing sigil appearing above her back for a brief moment before fading into nothing. Two more sigils of varying complexity and intent appeared one after another, each one causing the mare to glow briefly before fading, the magic sinking into her body. The last one took slightly longer, and Twilight hesitated to cast it, for it was not one she had mentioned to the alicorn.

Swallowing her hesitation, Twilight cast the final enchantment, this sigil being far smaller than the others, and appeared directly over the alicorn’s heart before fading away. Igniting her horn one final time, Twilight closed her eyes and focused on the spell, moving quickly through the necessary steps to cast it. With one last flash, her magic faded, and the unicorn could suddenly feel the alicorn’s heart, and know instinctively where Cadance was.

“There,” Twilight declared with a hint of hesitation.

Cadance blinked and looked down over her breast. “What was that last one? I’ve never seen a spell like that before.”

“It just reinforces the other enchantments and serves as an anchor point,” Twilight lied.

Nodding slowly, Cadance flexed one of her forelegs before extending her wings. “I do feel stronger, more resilient even, like there is a slight weight over my whole body.”

“Just make sure to feed the enchantments a bit of magic every week or so and they’ll stay for as long as you want,” Twilight explained before pushing her way off the bed. “I should really be going though, I bet Spike is worried sick by now.”

“One last thing, Twilight,” Cadance interrupted, causing Twilight to stop in place.

“What is it?” Twilight asked nervously, the apprehension in her friend’s voice putting her on edge.

“Could you… take off your coat and dismiss your illusions?” Cadance asked, gesturing to Twilight.

“Are you sure you want to see that?” Twilight pressed. “It is not a pretty sight.”

“I swear to you it will not change anything between us,” Cadance promised.

Twilight sighed. “Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you.”

“I’m sure it's not that… bad,” Cadance muttered, her voice trailing off as Twilight’s illusions fell away at the same time as she began removing her coat.

The light coming from the infested mare’s eyes immediately caught Cadance’s attention as it with its intense, almost maleficent glow. Caught in the gaze of those glowing orange orbs, Cadance felt as though she were standing before a true predator. Not even her experience meeting griffons, minotaurs, or dragons could prepare her for what it was like to stand before the other being.

They were truly the eyes of an alien, of a creature so unlike a pony, that it made the rest of the mare seem less equine. That wasn't all that Cadance saw in Twilight’s eyes, as beyond mere strangeness there was also sadness, and a deep empathy hidden beneath a layer of cynicism. They might not be the eyes of a pony, but they were still the eyes of a thinking, feeling being, one who had been aged prematurely by the strife that surrounded her.

The glowing yellow lines which emerged from the infested mare’s neck reached up and wrapped around the former pony’s jaw like a large clawed hand. Though the glow was not nearly as intense as the one emitted by the creature’s eyes, they were still unnerving to say the least. A primal feeling of unease rose in Cadance’s belly, she pushed that feeling away quickly, another experience quickly replacing it.

Pity, guilt, and empathy consumed the alicorn, for the other being’s pain and grief were obvious not only in her eyes but her body as well. A body that was slightly misshapen, her proportions slightly off and her left foreleg slightly larger than the other one. Patches of fur were shorter than the surrounding sections, and lumps were visible intermittently across her form, though most were found on left foreleg.

“What happened to you?” Cadance whispered, a hoof brushing across the other pony’s chest.

“I...” Twilight caught herself, her mind overwhelmed by the pity and guilt that poured from her former foalsitter. “I need to be stronger, better. So I experimented, altering my body to better serve my needs.”

“And you did that much at least,” Cadance muttered, the mare easily able to tell that the other being’s skin was harder, her muscles denser, and her body all around stronger. “Is that why you wear that big heavy thing?”

Twilight chuckled, the unicorn relaxing slightly as she felt Cadance’s hoof pull away from her body. “Yes and no. Intimidation can be very useful, and the plates sewn into the leather are quite durable.”

“Well, you should get better at this experimenting thing. Otherwise you’ll never find a girlfriend,” Cadance chided.

Twilight blinked in shock, only to chuckle. “Oh Cadance, only you would worry about me finding love after I’ve been turned into some half-pony, half-zerg monstrosity.”

“You are not a monster,” declared Cadance, her tone brooking no room for argument. “Not even a manticore is a monster. You can only be a monster if your heart grows dark.”

Twilight raised her forehooves defensively. “I know, I know. It's just hard to think that way sometimes. Especially when you look as hideous as I do.”

Cadance sighed. “Good, because one day I will find you a date, and I will not allow some misplaced sense of self pity to ruin it for you.”

The infested mare rolled her eyes and did her best to hide a blush. “I’ll endeavor to not disappoint you.”

“Good,” Cadance exclaimed with a smirk. “I wouldn't want my sister to be alone forever.”

“S-sister?” Twilight blurted.

“Well, I may no longer be marrying your brother, but I was looking forward to gaining a sister,” Cadance replied with a hint of nervousness. “If that's alright with you, I would still like to have that.”

Twilight lunged forward and wrapped her forehooves around the other mare. “I’ve always wanted a sister.”

“And I’ve always thought of you as one,” Cadance replied while hugging the mare back. “Now and forever little, ladybug, I’ll be here for you.”

Author's Note:

The next 2 chapters come tommorrow!

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