• Published 18th Aug 2018
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The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Frying Pan, Meet Fire

An aged pegasus with white coat and mane bitterly pushed a mop across the floor of an empty, sterile room. His mane was hidden by a wide-brimmed hat, though it did not obscure the intense pair of blue, almost purple eyes that stared intently at the room’s other occupant. Who happened to be a soldier outfitted with black leather armor from which hung a sword as well as a pistol.

Her mane, though subdued somewhat by the helmet she wore, still managed to stick out the sides, the large blue curls falling down the side of her face. Her expression was neutral, though her gaze fell on the elderly stallion with a yarn ball for a cutie mark.

“Are you still angry about me bumping into you?” she asked.

The male scowled. “You could have broken my hip, you know. Why wouldn't I be angry?”

The soldier sighed and blew a stray curl from her view. “Look, I said I was sorry. This helmet doesn't exactly fit me right, and hair keeps getting in my face.”

“How long have you been serving, a week?” he retorted, jabbing the head of his mop at the soldier.

“Th-three days,” she replied, tugging at her armor.

“Land sakes, girl,” muttered the janitor. “I can't believe they got you guarding this place!”

The elderly stallion waved a wing out over the pristine white room and the golden pedestal that sat in its center. Adorned with symbols of arcane power and thrumming with energy, the artifact was the only object worth guarding. Other than that, there were only a few boxes in one corner which were covered in a fine layer of dust.

“What's so special about this thing anyway?” asked the soldier, gesturing to the pedestal. “Excluding the fact that it's the weirdest night stand I’ve ever seen.”

“This ain't no table, girl,” the stallion exclaimed. “That right there is a mystical connection bound to a whole nother world.”

“Another world?” she replied quizzically. “That doesn't sound real.”

“Ha!” exclaimed the male. “You obviously haven't seen what's down below then.”

“What's down below?” whispered the mare.

“Whole research labs dedicated to training ponies with psychic powers, giant robots, and even infested ponies,” he replied in a low, conspiratorial tone.

“Pfft. There's no way the big mares upstairs would keep live infested. They’re a liability,” she deflected.

“What's yer name?” asked the janitor.

“Uh, Blueberry Curls, why?” she replied.

“Well, Curly, after you get the real tour of this place, you come find ol’ Foggy Fleece. I want to see yer face when I say I told ya so,” exclaimed the stallion.

“Pfft, whatever, old timer,” Blueberry dismissed.

“You’ll see. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I was proved right real soon,” Foggy Fleece remarked, glancing to the pedestal.

Blueberry frowned, her hoof going to her pistol as they both collectively stared at the golden object together. After standing silently for nearly an entire minute, Blueberry was ready to relax, only to be startled so badly she nearly threw her weapon.

“Boo!” Foggy Fleece shouted, throwing up his forehooves and spreading his wings.

“Gah!” Blueberry cried, stumbling back into the door.

“Ha. You lot are too easy to startle. Makes me a bit worried for the future, if I’m honest,” Foggy Fleece remarked.

Blueberry scowled, a hoof pressed over her heart. “You are the worst. I could have shot you, you kn-”

The pony’s words were cut off by a powerful pulse of magic that washed over both pegasus and earth pony alike. The golden wave was followed by a bright light that began to emanate from the artifact, bathing the relatively dark room in its radiance. Nearly blinded and with their senses still scrambled from the eruption of unfocused energy, both ponies scrambled away from the object.

While they struggled to resist the sudden pressure that assaulted them, the pedestal continued to pulse. Wave after golden wave emanated from the artifact, growing in number, though lessening in strength. Until the beginning of one bled into the start of the next, creating a constant aura of intense magic.

Blinking rapidly, Blueberry Curls forced herself to stare at the artifact, her hoof trembling as she held her pistol aloft. No threat had been spotted, but that didn't assuage the mare’s worries, as a square portal had opened on the ceiling. Though she couldn't see through the bright golden barrier, the soldier instantly knew that something was coming.

The pressure increased suddenly, knocking Foggy Fleece to the ground and causing Blueberry Curl’s legs to shake. Yet despite the intense weight that had settled on her shoulders, the mare remained upright, her weapon still trained on the golden door. One second passed, then another, and just when Blueberry began to question her instincts, something large fell through the opening. The creature bounced off the artifact and clattered to the ground in a tangle of limbs, a low groan spilling from its lips.

It may have been shaped like a pony, but it was far larger than even the tallest of unicorns and the burliest of earth ponies. In fact, its height and size was matched only by an alicorn, and even then it would be a toss up over who was bigger than who. Though its increased bulk may have partially been from the strange black armor it wore, that couldn't account for everything.

Such as her long, slightly curved horn, or the twisted mass of alien flesh that sprouted from her shoulder. Other signs of infestation were evident all across the pony, from the bulging orange veins visible on her neck, to the mare’s glowing eyes. Even her scraggly purple mane sported several greenish hairs that sprung from her scalp and clustered together into braids.

Blueberry Curls wanted to continue inspecting the strange new creature, but her training quickly kicked in.

“Stop, identify yourself!” she barked, pointing her weapon down at the creature.

“Woah there, girl. Can't you see this poor mare needs a hoof?” Foggy Fleece exclaimed.

“That's no regular mare. She's infested,” Blueberry whispered.

Foggy Fleece gulped and took several nervous steps away. “Shouldn't you be shooting first then?”

“I wouldn't do that, if I were you,” muttered the strange pony, who rose up from the floor and scowled down at the pair. “I would hate to have to hurt you.”

“I…” Blueberry gripped her weapon tighter, stopping it from shaking. “Identify yourself!”

“Twilight Sparkle,” remarked the pony, waving a mutated hoof in the air. “Now drop the weapon already. Almost everything hurts, and I really don't want to add something else to the list of aches and pains I now have.”

“Twilight Sparkle?” Blueberry Curls muttered. “But I thought she-er, you were dead.”

Twilight snorted. “Not dead. Though I’d almost prefer to be at the moment.”

“Wait, yer Celestia’s student!” Foggy Fleece declared. “I remember reading about you.”

“Hopefully nothing but good things,” Twilight muttered while rubbing her temples.

“How are you here?” asked Blueberry Curls, weapon dipping. “I thought you were killed after getting trapped in Canterlot.”

“Just had to take a brief detour through another dimension,” Twilight exclaimed. “Could you put that thing away already?”

“Err, right,” Blueberry muttered, holstering the pistol.

“I can't believe that pulp magazine was right. Celestia’s student really is infested,” Foggy Fleece remarked.

Twilight grunted. “Yeah, but don't worry. I can't be controlled by anyone. Though I’d kill for a glass of water right now.”

“I got ya,” Foggy Fleece declared, pulling a plastic water bottle of clear liquid from his shirt and handing it to the unicorn.

Who swiftly took it, unscrewed the cap and threw it back, only to immediately begin coughing. “What the hell is that? Vodka?” she spat.

“Oh, whoops. Wrong bottle,” Foggy Fleece muttered.

“No, wait,” Twilight replied, taking another firm swig. “Thanks.”

“No trouble, miss,” Foggy murmured, taking back the container.

Twilight cleared her throat and looked down at the soldier, her glowing eyes boring into the younger mare. “Now then. Where am I?” Twilight demanded.

“Err, the badlands. The capital of the confederacy. Augustgrad, to be exact,” Blueberry replied.

“Wait, Augustgrad? You guys renamed it?” Twilight quickly waved a hoof. “Nevermind, that doesn't matter. Tell me, what happened to Celestia and my friends?”

“I don't know about your friends, but Celestia is…” Blueberry glanced expectantly at Foggy for help.

“She's not good. Alive last I heard, though,” Foggy added.

Twilight sighed. “That's… something. Their names are Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, and I guess Scootaloo as well as Zecora.”

“I haven't heard of any of those people, well, except Rainbow Dash,” Blueberry remarked. “She's been making a name for herself testing out the new flight suits.”

“Is she okay?” Twilight pressed.

Blueberry shrugged. “Seems like it. Noone really talks to her. She just flies around until she runs out of fuel, then goes straight back to her room.”

“I heard about that Pinkie mare once. They say she can read minds and go invisible. Haven't heard hide nor hair of the others though,” Foggy Fleece added.

Twilight sighed and ran a mutated hoof through her mane. “They were probably detained. What about Night Light and Twilight Velvet? Did they make it out of Canterlot?”

“I haven't heard of them,” Foggy Fleece remarked with a shrug.

“They were coming from Canterlot after… well, you know,” Twilight explained.

“Most of the ships made it over, if that's what you’re asking. I think we only lost one due to a mix of zerg fliers and some bad weather,” Blueberry Curls added.

“That's…” Twilight breathed in, then out, a hoof pressed against her chest. “Right. One thing at a time. You, find out if there is a registry or list of refugees and locate the ponies I mentioned.”

Blueberry blinked. “Er, what? I don't take orders from you. No offence.”

“You were here to guard this, right?” Twilight replied, gesturing to the pedestal.

“Yeah,” answered the soldier.

“Well, it can never be used again, and thus you have no reason to be here anymore,” Twilight continued. “Now that you have nothing to do, I’d appreciate it if you were to locate these refugees for me.”

Blueberry scratched her head. “I still don't know.”

“Go on, girl. Ain't no point in you standing around here no more,” Foggy Fleece exclaimed.

The soldier sighed. “Fine. But if I get in trouble, I’m blaming you.”

“That is an acceptable trade,” Twilight declared.

Blueberry Curls gave the towering unicorn one final glance before trotting somewhat angrily out the door.

“Now then. I know you know where my friends are. So let's skip the part where you deny it,” Twilight declared.

The stallion cleared his throat. “I, uh… don't know what you’re talking about.”

“The infested mares I can see in your memories. The ones you saw being led into the levels below,” Twilight pressed, stepping closer to the male.

“Oh, those are yer friends? I didn't know. They’re just a few levels down, actually,” Foggy Fleece replied.

“Take me to them,” Twilight commanded.

Foggy Fleece gulped. “Right away.”

Twilight trotted after the stallion, only to stop when she noticed how weirdly tight it felt inside of her armor. Not only that, but it also felt unnaturally light, and if Twilight focused, she could even sense a light breeze brushing against her back. The cool gust came from an overhead vent she hadn't noticed before, the pleasant sensation somehow coming through her armor.

Running a mutated hoof over her chest, Twilight noticed that she could feel the limb as it brushed across her body. Not only that, but if she focused, Twilight could sense something slowly drawing on her magical reserves. Something that felt connected to her armor somehow, as if she were feeding the radio and other systems.

“Is it fused to me?” Twilight muttered, her hoof searching for the armor release switch and finding nothing.

“Are you coming?” Foggy Fleece inquired, the stallion peeking his head back into the room.

“A moment, please,” Twilight muttered.

Trotting after the stallion, Twilight sent a psionic pulse over her body, noting that her fears were indeed proven true. Despite how seamless the transition back to her own reality had felt, the portal had evidently been unable to differentiate between Twilight and her suit. Organic veins ran throughout the metal exterior, and electronic systems had somehow been shifted inside her body.

The realization was unpleasant, though also curious, as Twilight could tell that her zerg half had somehow melded with the suit almost seamlessly. She knew, almost instinctively, that if damaged, her body could naturally repair any piece that may come loose, or any system which may become inoperable. Provided she had the magic and the necessary bodily components to reproduce any part that became harmed.

She just hoped it wouldn't make using the washroom more difficult.

Twilight frowned as she looked around, her heavy hoofsteps overshadowing her guide’s much smaller ones. The clang of her booted hooves hitting the ground filled the quiet, metal confines of the long hallway she found herself in. One lit only by the occasional flickering overhead light that seemed ready to give out at any moment.

The walls that surrounded Twilight were seemingly made of the same grey brown metal that now encapsulated her. The wooden door that they had just passed through was an exception, as all others that she passed by were also made from steel. The abrupt shift in decor was expected, and Twilight was glad to find that the ceilings were tall enough for her to walk without bending down.

Passing through a sliding metal door that split in half to allow them to pass, Twilight began to extend her mental radius. Dozens of ponies could be sensed all around her, as well as a few gryphons and a small cadre of minotaurs. None seemed to be on alert, however, though that was a small kindness given that she had yet to locate anyone she knew.

Then she felt it, a pull from somewhere below her, one that was familiar and brought a smile to her face.

“Hurry, please,” Twilight encouraged.

“I’m going as fast as my old knees can handle,” Foggy Fleece muttered.

Twilight grunted and though she wanted to berate the stallion, she resisted that urge for the moment.

Another turn, another set of stairs, and the pair ended up in front of what could only be a security checkpoint. The large steel blast door before them was flanked by armored guards wielding rifles and wearing a pair of disinterested scowls. Upon seeing Foggy Fleece and Twilight, however, the two jumped up, with the taller of the two stepping forward and extending a hoof.

“Stop. Identify yourself,” he demanded.

“Twilight Sparkle, back from my excursion into another reality. I’m here to see my friends,” Twilight demanded.

“Friends? But all we have are captured infested and…” the helmeted stallion murmured..

Foggy Fleece cleared his throat. “Ya best let her through, young'un.”

The guards exchanged a pair of shrugs before looking over at the window in the wall. Where a third guard quickly tapped out a response onto the keyboard before her, causing the doors to part.

“Star Hunter, could you please send word to command that Twilight has returned. The comms are acting funny again,” cracked a male voice through the intercom.

“Err, right,” murmured the other stallion.

Twilight ignored them both and trotted through the set of open double doors, her gaze sweeping left and right. She could tell she was close, but had yet to reach the same level as her friends. The hallway she found herself in primarily stretched to her sides with a half dozen smaller metal doors leading off from it.

“Take the elevator straight ahead. The other doors on this floor lead to supply closets or the armory,” Foggy Fleece declared.

“Thanks,” Twilight quickly replied, sprinting up to the closest entrance.

“Ya gotta hit the keypad here,” Foggy exclaimed, pointing down to a glowing green screen set next to where the handle of a normal door would be.

“Would you mind?” Twilight inquired.

Foggy shrugged. “Sure.”

The stallion quickly input a code and stepped back. “There ya go. The big number two will take ya where ya need to go.”

“I appreciate it,” Twilight exclaimed, hastily stepping into the elevator the second the doors had opened.

“Best of luck,” Foggy exclaimed, giving the mare a quick salute.

Twilight couldn't think of anything to say and merely nodded to the pegasus before hitting the button. The elevator’s doors quickly slammed shut and something overhead began to whir as the entire machine descended deeper into the earth. With each second that passed, Twilight could feel her excitement slowly build, and she couldn't help but shift from hoof to hoof.

The pull she felt grew stronger and stronger, yet it couldn't quite seem to connect no matter how hard Twilight reached for it. It was like there was a barrier keeping her influence at bay, even when she was only a few feet away. With her friends not far, Twilight all but leapt from the elevator, stopping only when she noticed there was another checkpoint.

“You two, stand aside,” Twilight barked, her words laced with potent psychic suggestions.

The mare and stallion barely had a chance to open their mouths before a glazed expression crossed their face. As they stepped out of the way, Twilight used a bit of her psionic might to simply pull the door open, her impatience getting the better of her. The second she did so, she felt her friends’ minds immediately connect to her own, and a sharp gasp of surprise filled her ears.

There, standing in front of her were Fluttershy, Spike, Scootaloo, Applejack, and Zecora, the quintet of infested smiling brightly. No words passed between them as they embraced their lost queen, arms, hooves, and other appendages wrapping about the unicorn tightly. Fluttershy sobbed openly, as did Scootaloo, who wrapped all of her limbs around Twilight’s unarmored foreleg.

Applejack was a little more reserved, though Twilight could see tears building at the edges of the hydralisk’s eyes. Spike sniffed, but held back his tears, face buried in Twilight’s shoulder, arms wrapped around the unicorn’s midsection. Zecora meanwhile laid her head on Twilight’s side, an immense sense of relief wafting from the strange hybrid.

“Don't worry. I’m back,” Twilight whispered, nuzzling Spike gently. “And I promise nothing will separate me from you again.”

“We felt you, but it was so d-distant,” Spike stuttered, maintaining the tight grip he had on Twilight.

“I thought I’d n-never s-s-see you again,” Fluttershy blubbered.

I am glad you have returned, my queen, Zecora exclaimed.

“Oh, thank the stars yer back,” Applejack murmured. “We were all startin’ to worry.”

“How are the others? Did they make it here okay?” Twilight quickly asked.

Spike took a step back, wiping a tear from his eye. “We don't know. We were locked up the second we arrived.”

The equine vermin claim we are a security risk, Zecora spat.

“They are s-s-scared of us,” Fluttershy added.

“I’ll find them all soon,” Twilight murmured, glancing at Spike. “Did you hear anything about grandma and grandpa?”

The dragon shook his head. “Most refugees made it here unharmed by the sounds of it, but I haven't been allowed to make contact with anyone outside.”

“Outside of where?” Twilight asked, glancing around the room.

The grating beneath her hooves spread from left to right and extended along the walls of the two level open space. On the far end she could see a set of metal stairs going down to what looked like a large open living area. Along the walls of both levels were two dozen sets of doors that opened to smaller bedrooms and bathrooms. The last space she noticed was a communal kitchen that could be seen through a large hole in the wall directly across from her.

Though sporting several nice additions like couches, books, games, tables, chairs, and even a pool table, there was no doubt that this was a prison. A nice one that allowed those contained within to have their own rooms and make their own food, but a prison nonetheless. A realization that made Twilight’s blood boil and a righteous indignation to burn hotly in her chest.

“Who is in charge around here?” Twilight demanded.

“We d-don't know,” Fluttershy murmured.

“I told ya, it’s some Duke guy, apparently,” Applejack exclaimed.

“Edmund Duke,” remarked a voice from behind her. “I can set up a meeting if you’d like.”

Twilight glanced over to the guard she had passed by a few seconds earlier and nodded. “I’d appreciate that. I won't let this injustice stand for even a moment longer than it needs to.”

“Hey, we were just doing our jobs, lady. We don't like this much more than you do,” added the other.

Those who flee from responsibility deserve neither respect nor mercy, Zecora spat, her tentacles waving menacingly at the stallion.

Twilight growled. “Agreed.”

“Give them the chance to explain, please,” Spike urged.

“They have b-been nothing but k-k-kind,” Fluttershy murmured.

“I’ll worry about them later,” Twilight muttered, stepping back and gently peeling Scootaloo from her leg. “For now you must have a lot of questions.”

Scootaloo latched onto Twilight’s neck. “No questions. Only snuggles.”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, first off. The rest of us have all healed up since our encounter, or encounters with she who shall not be named.”

Spike smiled and waved a hand over his eyes. “It took a while, but I can see just fine. Even if my eyeballs look all messed up still.”

Twilight frowned, noting that they did indeed appear milky and white. “I’m glad. And the rest of you?”

The others nodded, or muttered their agreement, bringing a smile to Twilight’s face.

“I’m so glad to hear that,” Twilight exclaimed.

“But what about you? Where did you get that armor?” Spike inquired.

“Did you get even taller?” Scootaloo whispered, the zergling having crawled onto Twilight’s back.

What happened in this other world? Zecora inquired.

“Take a look for yourself,” Twilight offered, drawing all members of her cadre into her memories.

For several minutes the group stood in silence as they processed the information given to them by their queen. Looks of confusion, awe, fear, and righteous indignation flashed across their faces, with each one reacting slightly differently.

“That's so sad,” Scootaloo muttered softly. “What happened to the other you?”

“I don't know,” Twilight admitted. “Her presence vanished a second before the explosion, but that could mean anything.”

“Good riddance to bad rubbish, if ya ask me,” Applejack murmured. “She wasn't half the mare you are, my queen.”

“If only she had another version of us to help her,” Spike exclaimed.

Cold, logical, but ultimately flawed. She should have sought out the assistance and guidance of others, Zecora reasoned.

“She was everything I hope to never be,” Twilight concluded.

“You got some wicked sweet armor though,” Scootaloo exclaimed, jumping up and down on the unicorn’s back.

Twilight chuckled. “Yeah. I guess it wasn't all a bust.”

“D-do you really think you c-c-could recreate the harmonic e-energy?” Fluttershy questioned, eyes wide with hope.

“With your help, I think I’ll be able to. Though I’m not sure if that will be necessary,” Twilight replied. “I have a feeling that we might be able to use what I’ve learned to alter your bodies to a more harmonious state. Though I’d still need more time to test and work things out.”

“We can worry about that later,” Spike exclaimed.

“Yeah. Right now I need to get you out of here and find out what happened to Celestia as well as the others,” Twilight concluded.

“That's great. This place ain't bad, but I’m not a fan of being stuck down here,” Applejack muttered, shuddering in disgust.

“Don't worry. With the door breached, I’ll be able to keep in contact with you,” Twilight declared, settling a hoof on Spike’s scaly shoulder. “I’ll have your freedom secured within the hour. I promise.”

“I don't want to interrupt, but we still have orders to keep these ones contained on site,” remarked one of the guards.

“Sorry again, by the way,” added the other.

“It's fine…” Twilight muttered angrily. “I’m sure this was a misunderstanding, and if it wasn't, then… I’m sure I’ll find an expedient solution to this problem.”

“Just… hurry back,” Spike muttered, plucking Scootaloo from Twilight’s back and setting the zergling filly on the ground.

“Yes, p-please hurry b-back,” Fluttershy implored. “Being away f-f-from you is t-terible. My thoughts are s-slow, and my body aches.”

Have faith. Our queen has crossed the void between realities in order to return to us. What is another hour apart? Zecora declared.

“Don't you worry none. We’re together again already,” Applejack exclaimed, tapping her head in emphasis.

Twilight smiled. “Applejack’s right. You’ll be with me every step of the way. Now, please excuse me.”

“Stay safe,” Scootaloo whispered.

Twilight gave the young filly a wave before turning and trotting back the way she came, a determined expression spreading across her face. Now then. Let's find out whose ass I need to kick to fix this little issue, Twilight thought to herself as she passed by the still slightly shell shocked guards.

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