• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,378 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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An Interesting Conversation

“That will conclude our combat exercises for the day,” Celestia announced, the alicorn using her magic to place her claymore in its sheath.

The weapon itself was relatively simple, meant only to replicate her true weapon, Dawnbringer, without copying any of the weapon’s power or majesty. Only its length, weight, and general feel was truly recreated, which was exactly how Celestia liked it. Twilight, on the other hand, wielded a quarterstaff, the long metal weapon being the only thing currently keeping her from falling to the floor.

“Is that it?” Twilight asked between short, quick breaths, her forehooves desperately gripping her weapon as her back legs shook. “I thought that was just a warm up.”

“In that case, maybe we could move ahead tomorrow’s lesson.” Celestia smirked, pulling her blade back out and ducking into a defensive stance. “How does another three rounds sound to you?”

Twilight gulped, and slowly pulled herself into a standing position. “You know what? You're probably tired and hungry, we should just call it a day.”

Celestia chuckled and resheathed her sword before levitating it over to its stand. “I admit I am feeling rather peckish. Why don't you place your weapon off to the side so we can sit and chat before grabbing some well-earned lunch.”

The mortal mare nodded and trotted to the other side of the gym, while Celestia conjured a small mound of pillows for herself and her companion and sat atop her pile. While waiting for her student to return, the alicorn carefully watched as Twilight gently laid her weapon in its proper place and trotted back. The ancient mare’s eye caught the way Twilight’s musculature flexed and moved, the younger pony having evidently grown much stronger in more than just her magic.

Plopping down across from her mentor, Twilight wiped the sweat from her brow. “So, what did you wanna talk about?”

“I was hoping to resume the discussion we started on your first day back,” Celestia explained. “You seemed hesitant to follow through with my lesson plan.”

Twilight sighed and looked away. “It's not that I don't want to. I just don't understand why you have me taking such… strange courses. How to spot a liar and those other manipulation tactics are interesting lessons, but leadership? I’m a lot of things, but one of those things is not a leader.”

Celestia smiled gently. “Tell me, Twilight, if you were in a group with a few other ponies and you noticed they continually messed up your collective project, what would you do?”

“I would tell them what needs doing, and how to do it,” she replied quickly, shrugging her shoulders. “Why?”

“That's what a leader does,” Celestia pointed out. “You may believe that you are unfit to lead due to your unique personality, but in reality leadership is not all poise and grand speeches. It's about seeing something that needs doing, a role that needs filling, and simply getting it done.” She waved a hoof dismissively. “The rest is simply presentation and practice.”

Twilight frowned, but reluctantly considered the elder mare’s words carefully. She had always known that she had a low tolerance for stupid, but to have that intolerance described as a trait that made her worthy of a leadership role was a bit much for the infested pony to accept. She was an outsider, in her mind, and she struggled to imagine a pony that would want to be led by the creepy pony that could read her mind and always wore a coat.

Sighing deeply, the pony reluctantly nodded and looked up at the alicorn. “If you insist, but I really don't think the average being would want to follow my orders. I mean, look at me.”

“You know, most ponies flirt with me a little more subtly,” Celestia remarked with a smirk.

Instantly Twilight’s face grew bright red and the pony began to stammer, only for Celestia to cut her off with a giggle.

“I’m teasing you, dear,” Celestia quickly explained. “I know what you mean, but just trust me when I say that during an emergency, few ponies are going to argue with the biggest, smartest pony in the room.”

“Well, you are right about one of those things anyway,” Twilight murmured.

Rolling her eyes, Celestia sighed and leaned a little closer, extending a hoof. “Look, I know the value of these lessons is not immediately evident, but you trust me, right?”

“Of course I trust you,” Twilight replied instantly.

Celestia smiled widely, her heart leaping in joy at hearing such a quick and confident affirmation of trust. “Then just continue to trust me on this one. Think of it like another kind of challenge. After all you're learning things you aren't immediately good at, for once.”

The unicorn’s blush nearly lit up both of her cheeks, and she tried to hide her face behind a hoof. “Oh stop. I’m not that smart.”

“Well, you’ve excelled in just about every academic course and test I’ve thrown at you, so I’d say you are pretty smart. This is just another trial, one that will merely take more effort to pass than usual I’m afraid,” Celestia continued.

Twilight nodded slowly. “I suppose, though it does make me wonder what kind of plans you have for me if you think I’ll need leadership skills and a better understanding on how to spot a good liar, among other things.”

Celestia smiled mysteriously, one side of her grin rising a bit higher than the other. “That's for me to know, and you to find out. Soon, I might add. I promise you won't be in the dark for much longer.”

“Well, I hope not,” Twilight muttered. “As much as I trust you I don't enjoy being moved around like a chesspiece.”

The alicorn laughed and shook her head. “Oh, Twilight, you are not a piece on the board, you are playing the game with me, I just haven't let you see that board yet.”

Twilight’s jaw hung open and she stood there awkwardly, confused, but also oddly flustered by the strange compliment. “Thanks? I think.”

“It is indeed a compliment, my dear friend,” Celestia continued, patting the mare on the hoof. “Now then, I had a few other questions to ask before I had to return to my duties.”

The younger mare straightened her back and nodded. “Fire away, Princess.”

Rolling her eyes, Celestia sighed. “You know I hate it when you use honorifics, Doctor Sparkle.”

“Hey, that one’s low! You tricked me into becoming a doctor,” Twilight replied, crossing her forehooves over her chest while wiggling a little more into her seat.

“You know most ponies would be happy that they had accidentally earned a doctorate before the age of eighteen,” Celestia pointed out.

“And I am not most ponies,” Twilight shot back.

Celestia nodded slowly. “That you aren't, my young friend. Regardless, I was just wondering how your father and Spike were doing. I heard the divorce finally went through.”

Twilight winced. “Dad is doing… alright, but he's not taking this whole unicornization of Canterlot well. He has been talking about moving away recently, but I don't think his idea of helping uncle Star Shine on his farm out east is the best idea.”

“Why do you say that?” Celestia inquired. “The confederacy may not be the most… well-liked of provinces, but it is remarkably safe, all things considered.”

Twilight nodded. “I know you’ve been trying to help them, and that it's been working, but it just seems silly. Why run from tribalist pricks only to go to the one place you are most likely to get strung up from a lamp post for having a horn.”

The alicorn frowned deeply, but couldn't help but agree. “Though I don't like it either, I would suggest your father follow that instinct of his. Canterlot’s troubles may be more than skin deep, but eventually those troubles will reach the surface and when that happens, things will not be pleasant.”

The younger mare stared at her older counterpart for several long seconds before nodding knowingly. Twilight knew that the alicorn’s words were only ignored by the foolish, and the dead, and she was determined to not end up as either of those things. “I’ll tell him that when I get home tonight, but I don't think he's going to leave Canterlot while I am still here.” She smiled faintly. “He's too loyal a stallion for that.”

Celestia felt her frown melt away, replaced by a soft smile. “Perhaps I could come up with a possible solution then.” She shook her head suddenly. “Regardless, how is Spike doing? Is he adjusting well to the tower? Or is he still scared of heights?”

Twilight giggled, and shook her head. “Oh, he got over that fear years ago, now he's just convinced the whole tower is just going to topple over one day.”

“Mature, yet so young at the same time,” Celestia mused aloud. “Such is youth, I suppose.”

“I’d say he's a smart dumbass, but I suppose that's a nicer way of putting it,” Twilight concluded with a small smirk.

Celestia chuckled, her gentle laughter akin to the sound of many tiny bells in Twilight’s opinion. “Regardless of however way you slice it, I’m glad you three are getting along so well.” The alicorn readjusted her hooves, all levity leaving her features in an instant. “Would you mind if I ask how your mother and brother are doing though? If you don't wish to speak of them, that's understandable.”

“No, it's fine,” Twilight remarked dismissively. “They are not worth of my anger,” she declared.

Celestia winced slightly, the alicorn able to detect the small, subtle shift in her annoyed student’s more rigid body language. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely,” Twilight affirmed. “Mother was attending some manner of meditation course that was mandated by her work last I checked. She hasn't spoken to me in a long time, not since dad stood up for me a few years ago. As for Shining Armor…” She shrugged. “He's been distant, always looking away from me like he's ashamed or something. I don't think he's bought into mom’s bullshit, but he also won't leave her.”

“It is hard for any child to leave their family, especially when they are the last thing that family has,” Celestia replied softly. “I would not give up on him quite yet.”

“Well, some of us don't have that kind of patience,” Twilight muttered. “So, was that it?”

Celestia nodded slowly. “That is indeed it, my student. Have a wonderful evening, and I’ll see you bright and early for our seven o’clock start.”

Twilight hopped up, gave the alicorn a short, quick bow and left, her mind and attention elsewhere. A small part of her felt bad for treating the alicorn so rudely during the end of their lesson, but no matter how prepared she thought she was, conversations about the other half of her family always left her bitter. Bitter and angry, and she channeled that anger into her hooves as she stomped out the door, ignoring the looks she got from the guards that were present on either side of said door.

Just focus on getting back to the tower, Twilight, after that we can focus on how to apologize to Celestia, she thought to herself, her jaw clenched tight, and her gaze set on the distance, where she knew her destination lay. Hopefully Bull is working, I haven't seen her since I left for summer break.

The thought of the crotchety guard made her smile, and she silently hoped that the guard was waiting at her door, a smirk on her face, and a joke waiting on her lips.

Twilight’s boots clacked against the stone floor, her gaze lingering on the long line of windows to her right, and the cityscape that lay beyond. The view was amazing from the sky bridge leading from the central castle to her tower that lay just beyond the main structure. She could see for miles out over the city, and though the vista no longer filled her with awe and hope, the pony could not deny it was still pleasant to look at.

A stark contrast from what her new senses were telling her.

She detected no emotion from up ahead, and little to no thoughts either, making Twilight fear the worst. Images of Bull having been turned into one of those mindless servants of the old houses filled her head and she had to forcefully banish them lest the visions color her perception. She told herself that would never happen, but she remembered a time when she would have said the same about her brother and mother.

With her will steeled, she turned and glanced down to the end of the hall where a single lone guard and two doors sat. One, she knew led to the lower levels of the tower, while the central-most door led to her level, and was a pleasant sight. The guard however, was not, as he appeared to have the same glassy look that just about every other did. Though the sight gave Twilight hope that Bull had not fallen to the houses, it also left her fate up in the air.

The guard’s gaze remained locked on her the entire time Twilight approached, and though the younger mare towered over the full grown stallion, he did not waver in his gaze. When she finally drew near, he nodded slightly, a greeting of politeness, but not one of respect.

“Greetings, Twilight,” he began, his milky teal eyes betraying no emotion.

The young mare stopped for a moment, realizing that despite his somewhat bland exterior, that he wasn't quite as generic as he first appeared. Though his armor was a bog standard gold and he wore the same thing every other guard did, his fur was a soft orange, and a few strands of his electric blue mane poked out from the cracks of his helmet. Twilight brushed aside those small, subtle details and focused on the male more fully, finding that his mind was as seemingly blank as every other guard she had tried that on.

“Greetings to you, guard,” Twilight muttered. “Where is Bull? I was told she was assigned to me for another year.”

“She retired,” the guard replied quickly and evenly. “In disgrace, I’m afraid.”

Twilight bit back the angry retort she felt building in her throat and forced away all emotion. “What happened?” she demanded.

“I’m afraid I’m not authorized to give you such information,” the guard answered, bowing his head slightly. “I am sorry.”

Twilight probed the guard’s mind a second time, and after finding no manner of entrance, brushed him aside and pulled open the door to her home with her magic. “No matter then,” she muttered, passing by the guard without another thought.

Once inside, she quickly shut the door, and closed it firmly, using her magic to seal the portal tightly. Without having to worry about the guard’s uncomfortable gaze, Twilight looked around her abode with a small grin on her face. It was huge, easily three-storeys tall, witha large open area in the center. On either side of her were two storeys of bookshelves that ended where another full storey of windows began.

The central area was large, and had three-storey tall windows on either side that joined with the ones behind and above her. The result was an absolute flood of natural light that ensured that Twilight rarely had to burn a candle no matter the time of day. Not like that was even necessary anymore, as she found her natural night vision to be excellent, but she still used them regardless, just to keep up appearances if nothing else.

The other side of the structure was broken up into three layers, one, a simple reading nook tucked underneath the upper levels. It contained a large flat table piled high with various books, with a plethora of pillows stacked underneath. It also had a bathroom, and a small kitchenette complete with an enchanted fridge and dishwasher, luxuries that Twilight had rarely seen before she moved in. Above that was a floor where her bedroom lay, accessible by stairs tucked away in the right corner of the tower.

Above that was a large open area suitable for magical testing and star gazing, the second activity made easier by the large telescope in the corner. All in all it was a wide open and amazing place, and Twilight loved it, though that love was stifled somewhat by all the glaring security flaws that had been present when she had first arrived. Ultimately those had been fixed by a layer of wards and enchantments that made her home into a fortress.

Though that didn't explain why Spike was sitting in the reading nook, his hands clasped tightly together and a worried expression on his face. “H-hey, mom,” he greeted, waving a claw.

Raising an eyebrow, Twilight trotted over to the young dragon, stopping herself from taking off her boots and jacket due to the uttering of the word mom, which he rarely used. “What happened, Spike?” Twilight asked, her mind going out to his and finding that although he was worried, his thoughts were too tumultuous to read.

“I had an… interesting conversation,” he began, relaxing slightly when Twilight settled in next to him and rested a hoof on his back.

“Oh really, and with whom?” Twilight pressed, her consciousness brushing against his and forcing his thoughts into a more orderly state, while also placing her glasses on the table.

“H-him,” Spike whispered, pointing towards a seemingly random wall.

Instantly Twilight’s senses spun towards where Spike had pointed, psionic and magical power alike coming to her call. “Blueblood,” Twilight muttered, disgust dripping from every word.

The stallion emerged from a swirl of smoke, stepping forth from wisps of smoke and revealing himself fully. He was tall and lanky, the stallion appearing to be every bit the adult he carried himself as. Other than the increased height, he had evidently changed in other, more subtle ways, as his usual long blonde mane and tail had been cut so short they were both hardly visible and were bound in a tight braid.

His eyes also seemed to glow a faint green, smoke of the same shade of jade billowing from the edges. His normally nude body was wrapped in a tattered purple cloak bound to his form by dark purple wrappings of some kind. On one hoof he had one of the energy blade gauntlets she had seen a few of house Blueblood wear, though it seemed vaguely different. The weapon wasn't activated yet and Twilight wasn't going to give him time for that to change.

A mere second had passed since the smoke shrouding him had vanished and Twilight was already on him. Her large frame flew across the room, her right forehoof connecting with his chest hard enough to knock him back a few feet. He hardly had a chance to groan before Twilight appeared before him in a flash of light, her back hooves already extended and aimed at his chin.

The stallion went flying, the buck strong enough to send him airborne, his hooves leaving the ground fully and sending his mind reeling. He didn't have a chance to even land before he felt his body enraped by a field of some kind, though he didn't see the glow of Twilight’s magic. Then he was flying once more, this time tossed into a bookshelf which crumbled under the strength of the throw, and the stallion’s own body weight.

Twilight stomped her way across the floor, ignoring the strangely conflicted Spike standing off to the side, his spines raised, and his muscles ready, but his features unsure, and his mind awash with warring emotions. Brushing aside the dragon’s worry, the infested mare stomped her way up to the groaning pile of books which contained her target.

Extending a hoof, Twilight pulled the stallion from the ground by will alone, her hoof gripping his robe. “What do you want?” she hissed, her glowing yellow eyes burning brighter than ever.

The stallion’s gaze seemed distant, the male unable to gather his thoughts quickly enough for Twilight’s liking. The infested unicorn, already irritated by his presence, began to summon her magic in order to channel a spell powerful enough to eliminate the offending male. A second before it was complete however, Blueblood seemed to finally gather his bearings, and a hoof suddenly shot out and pressed against the mare’s head.

“Calm,” he whispered.

In an instant all rage was forgotten, the anger from having her sanctum invaded and the protective urges riled by Spike’s words, all just… slipped away. Stumbling backwards, the mare’s magic sputtered and fizzled, and she looked down on the stallion in a new light. She had been hasty, she knew that, but in her eyes this was her enemy, an emissary of the old houses sent against her. Now though, those feelings of anger were hard to rouse, and she watched him slowly rise and dust himself off, determined to hear him out at least before she reduced him to ash.

“Speak, noble,” Twilight spat.

Blueblood gave his body a quick shake, before turning and giving the broken bookcase a forlorn look. “We sure have changed, haven't we? I mean, here you are, destroying books and damaging a library,” quipped the stallion, who lifted one such destroyed book up, displaying its ruined spine.

Twilight yanked the book from the male’s grip and used the mana she had been building for an offencive spell to make the book glow and quickly fix itself. “There, now would you tell me why you are here?” Twilight reiterated.

Blueblood nodded and stepped out from the pile of books. “I apologize for intruding and speaking to your… son without your knowledge, but I’m afraid it was necessary.”

“Oh, and why is that, huh?” Twilight replied, her glare hardening. “I doubt gloating about isolating me or taking all my friends is that important.”

The male winced visibly, his gauntleted hoof rubbing the back of his neck. “No, I am not the same pony I was nearly a decade ago.”

“Right, now you are one of them. Albeit with a weirder dress code,” Twilight added.

“Just hear him out,” Spike interrupted, the dragon wincing when Twilight’s blazing orbs settled on him. “He has something important to say.”

Twilight relaxed slightly, the words of her most loyal companion weighing heavily on her. “Well, go on then.”

“Please, allow me to apologize for my tacit endorsement of my father’s actions. I wish I had stood up for you all those years ago.” He sighed. “But that is neither here nor there. Long story short, I’ve learned just how truly mad my father and his allies are and I’ve come to offer you aid in the form of information.”

Twilight eyed him carefully before she finally relaxed completely. “Out with it then. I don't have all day.”

“Right.” Blueblood took a deep breath. “Something big is going to happen a year from now. I have allies within the ranks of the houses, allies that wish to break away from the houses’ control, but not before we are able to deal them some kind of blow.”

Nodding slowly, Twilight brushed against his mind and found that what he said was true, though the rest of his thoughts lay below an impenetrable layer of something she could not push past. Pulling back, the unicorn was pleased to find that there was indeed the activity she had been searching for, but the layer of white noise over top of it was too much like the empty space inside the other guard’s minds for her liking.

“A blow we wish to deal in one year,” Blueblood continued. “Though we know not what this blow will take the form of. Our mutual enemy seems to think that their plan will quote unquote, win their freedom. Whatever that means.”

Twilight scoffed, a sneer growing across her face. “You know nothing but vague portents and have nothing to offer but empty promises.”

Blueblood took a step forward, his brow creased with worry. “We need to work together when we act, you have Celestia’s ear, she must know what you now know.”

“What would I tell her, huh?” Twilight challenged. “That some random stallion thinks something bad is going to happen next year, but don't worry his shadowy cabal is going to try and help us to stop it? Get real.”

Sighing, Blueblood shook his head. “I am not your enemy, Twilight. I am just-”

The infested unicorn lurched forward, teeth bared and eyes glowing brightly. “You, your family, the old houses and everyone else that wants to get in my way is my enemy. So take your prophecies and nonsense and fuck off.”

Blueblood shook his head slowly, a strangely sad expression crossing his face. “That is exactly what they want you to say. Abandon hatred, Twilight.” His form began to blur as smoke billowed all around him. “For hatred is a weapon they can turn against you. And they will use it against you.”

The smoke vanished as quickly as it appeared, the stallion it had hid having disappeared.

With an angry shout, Twilight grabbed a random book and whipped it as hard as she could against a window. “Fuck!”

Author's Note:

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Anonymous, Apollyon, Azin, Blade Tech, Brendan, Canary in the coal mine, Ceepert, Chris, Craig, DioKyo, Doomgooey, Facinus, Free, GruB, I am unknown, Ivar, Jeffrey, Josh, Kali, M, Makani, Mecha Paladin, Megatyrant, Menthol Qtip, Mike, Mikhaila, Mirvra, Nathan, Nfreak, Nicky Aelia, Octavia, Pacsik, Peter, Random Reader, Shooting Star, Soundtea, Starless, Steven, T Sparkle, Tiwake, Todd Herron, Trash Panda, Travis, Vigilant Watch, Xvos, and last but not least Zarivin.

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