• Published 18th Aug 2018
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The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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A Steel Heart

Twilight stepped up to the door, expecting it to open automatically, only to be surprised when it remained shut. Her first instinct was to ask Steel Heart for a hoof, but she stopped before she could do so, instead extending her psychic senses out into the world. Where they immediately brushed against the familiar mind of a certain pink pony.

T-Twilight! she thought. Oh my goodness, where are you?

I’m on the other side of the door, Twilight replied simply. I don't suppose you could let me in?

“Now then, if you're done staring at the wall. I’ll just input this code and get us inside,” Steel Heart exclaimed.

“Don't bother. Pinkie’s on it,” Twilight replied.

“Well, ain't that convenient,” Steel Heart murmured.

Oh, and sorry in advance, Pinkie Pie remarked a second before the door opened.

“What di-” Twilight began, only to be cut off when a snarling, barking form leapt at her.

Still exhausted and low on magic, Twilight was forced to rely on her natural strength to defend herself against the flying mass of teal fur. Thankfully the loud pony-shaped mass was easily dodged, giving Twilight enough time to place an unmoving hoof against the center of its back.

The pony growled and thrashed, but Twilight’s firm hold offered no room for movement.

“What the hell?” Twilight muttered.

“She's just being overprotective,” explained another odd pony wearing a yellow beanie.

Twilight blinked, only now realizing what strange company she was in, the oddest of which was the mare she had pinned beneath a hoof. She had a wild grey mane and tail, violet eyes, and a cutie mark of a screw that was emblazoned upon her teal fur. She also sported numerous shallow scars that resembled burn marks that had not been properly cared for.

The other female that had approached her was almost as strange, though the most startling aspect of her person were her eyes. Which had swirly pupils that seemed to turn slowly in the low light of the repurposed engineering bay. Save for that, she seemed fairly average, with her purple fur having been recently combed, as had her grape colored mane. Upon closer inspection, Twilight saw that she had several streaks of white hair in her mane and tail. That, and she also had a screw as well as a ball for a cutie mark, the meaning of which Twilight couldn't deduce.

“She doesn't have rabies, does she?” Twilight asked, glancing down to the oddly well-muscled mare still barking and flailing under her hoof.

“No,” declared the purple mare. “Now, if you would please release my sister. I would greatly appreciate it.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you can contain her? Because I really don't want to get bit by some crazy pony.”

“She won't hurt anyone, now let her go,” demanded the beanie-wearing pony.

Steel Heart shrugged. “She looks harmless enough.”

Twilight reluctantly lifted her hoof and took a step back.

Sure enough, the snarling pony was quick to continue attacking the infested mare, but was intercepted by her supposed sibling. Who managed to catch her around the shoulders, then tackled her to the ground, swiftly and expertly pinning her.

“Shhh, Screwy, this is a friend of Pinkie Pie,” murmured the beanie-wearing pony. “Relax. You wouldn't want to hurt a friend, would you?”

“F-friend?” stuttered the other mare.

“That's right, friend. You wouldn't want to make Pinkie Pie sad, now would you?” whispered the purple earth pony.

Screwy vigorously shook her head.

“I’m going to let you go now. Be good,” declared the other mare before doing just that.

The siblings quickly untangled themselves from one another, with Screwy hesitantly trotting towards Twilight while her sister stood back.

“S-sorry,” whispered Screwy.

“Isn't that much better than all the barking and biting?” exclaimed the purple pony, extending a hoof towards Twilight. “The name’s Screwball, and like you might have already guessed, this is my sister, Screwy.”

“What happened to her?” Twilight asked, directing her attention towards Screwy’s sister.

“Same as me,” Screwball began. “We are both psychically gifted, but that wasn't enough for our unicorn parents who wanted us to have magic. So they gave us to the great houses, who experimented on us.”

Steel Heart shook her head in pity. “That's just about the most disgusting thing I’ve heard all day.”

“It gets worse,” Screwball cautioned, watching as Screwy sniffed both of the newcomers before sitting down next to her sister. “I could hide my gift, but Screwy couldn't, so they focused most of their cruel efforts on her.”

Screwy growled, the hair on the back of her neck rising.

Screwball pulled the other mare closer, squeezing her shoulders gently. “They were so cruel that Screwy here reverted to a more… base state of being.”

“And the dog thing?” Twilight inquired.

“Our golden retriever, Chaser, was the only creature she interacted with which didn't electrocute or beat her,” Screwball finished. “She kind of latched onto that.”

“Ponies bad,” whispered Screwy.

“Interesting,” Twilight muttered.

“She's been getting better though,” interrupted a familiar voice. “Isn't that right, Screwy?”

“Screwy talk much better,” replied the other mare enthusiastically.

Twilight turned to find that Pinkie Pie stood only a few feet away, her long hair having been tied into a braid. She also wore a tight greyish-black suit adorned with several bulky devices that created a web of wires and metal that nearly covered her from head to hoof. Other than her change in fashion, the young earth pony hadn't seemed to have changed much.

She wasn't alone, however, as a nervous young buffalo as well as a tall earth pony with the bearing of a noble followed close on her heels. The younger of the two was nearly as tall as Pinkie Pie, though the orange-coated cow was thin to the point of appearing malnourished. She also wore nothing save for a simple headband with alternating purple and white triangles across her brow. This seemed to serve the purpose of keeping her fluffy wheat-colored mane out of her eyes, though she hid so close behind Pinkie Pie that it didn't matter.

Contrary to the thin, cowering young buffalo, the other newcomer stood resolute and proud. His light grey fur had been combed to perfection, and upon his nose rested a pair of circular spectacles. His mane and tail were two tones of even lighter grey that had been cut short in the style of a butler or personal assistant. A professional-looking black tie and unrolled scroll for a cutie mark confirmed Twilight’s suspicion that he was involved with the nobility in some way.

“It’s good to see you, Pinkie Pie,” Twilight exclaimed, trotting up to the mare, and opening her hooves wide.

Who, after a moment’s hesitation, mimicked the gesture and clasped Twilight in an awkward hug. “I’m glad to see you’re alright,” whispered the earth pony.

Twilight squeezed the other mare gently, noting that Pinkie Pie’s limbs were stiff and barely able to bend. “How have you been?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie Pie smiled faintly, giving Twilight a squeeze back before gently stepping away. “I’ve been better,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “But before we continue, I’d like to introduce you to Tall Order, a former butler for the Blueblood family. And this little cutie is Little Strongheart of the Great Plains buffalo tribe.”

The grey stallion crossed a hoof over his chest and bowed low. “It is an honor to meet the elusive Twilight that Miss Pie has spoken so highly of.”

“H-hi,” stuttered the young buffalo, who had shifted so that most of her body was obscured by Tall Order’s torso.

“Nothing but good things, I hope,” Twilight offered, glancing to Tall Order.

Pinkie Pie smiled and nodded. “Of course. We also have a final seventh member, but she's sulking in her room at the moment.”

“Is it that blue dragon lady?” Steel Heart asked.

Pinkie Pie nodded. “Ember is still a little disappointed that we can't attack Nightmare Moon right now.”

“Why would that matter to a dragon?” Twilight inquired, only to wince and rub her head.

“Princess Ember’s father, Dragonlord Torch, was assassinated by the she-devil in question,” Screwball exclaimed.

Twilight scowled. “Let me guess. She’s similarly disrupted the rest of the other nations?”

“Pretty much,” Pinkie Pie replied with a shrug.

“At least she too has the gift,” offered Tall Order.

“I think she’d trade her psychic powers to have her father back,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Tall Order coughed and ran a hoof down his tie. “Ahh yes, of course. My apologies, I spoke before considering my words.”

“It's fine. You don't have to apologize to me,” Pinkie Pie replied with a shrug.

“Have the confederates been able to help heal you?” Twilight asked. “I can see you still wear limb braces.”

“I am still very weak,” Pinkie Pie reluctantly admitted, shifting from hoof to hoof. “The suit helps, and I hope to be able to alleviate the worst of it with the next prototype.”

“What are you all doing here anyway?” Steel Heart inquired, stepping forward. “I’ve been too busy working on project Odin to look over the reports I’ve received on your work.”

“Have you truly not heard a word of Miss Pie’s amazing innovations?” Tall Order exclaimed in shocked tone. “But they are so groundbreaking!”

“I, err, have not,” Steel Heart admitted.

Pinkie Pie waved a hoof. “It's fine T.O, I haven't been working on anything that amazing. Just some new guns, a suit, and some chemicals, though that last one’s mostly one of Screwball’s projects.”

“Which you’ve easily contributed about half the work to,” Screwball replied.

Pinkie Pie blushed and looked away. “Yes, well. I just noticed a few areas you could have improved on, is all.”

Twilight didn't pay attention to the short back and forth, as her gaze had been drawn to the engineering bay itself. It had at one point likely served as a space to test vehicles or other large objects, though it had not done so in a long time. It had been divided into primitive rooms, small work areas, and even a spot for cooking, as well as relaxation.

It looked to be one part ramshackle town, another part barracks, and finally the last bit was a mixture of a laboratory as well as firing range. Most of which looked rather ramshackle, with the rooms having been created from spare sheets of metal welded or simply leaned together. Despite how haphazard it all appeared, Twilight could tell that it was well-loved by those who lived there. Small nick nacks, drawings, or other bits of personalization dotted nearly every surface, giving it a certain charm Twilight couldn't help but appreciate.

“Fascinating,” murmured Steel Heart as Twilight paid attention to the conversation once more. “How did you solve the power issue? We tried to minitiruze the suit before but always ran into a problem with the batteries.”

“Simple. There are far fewer features,” Pinkie Pie replied. “When a current is run through it, the bodysuit augments a creature’s natural strengths. The only other function it currently has is a rangefinder, communications, and a minor psi-booster. Though these can be changed out as needed.”

Steel Heart slowly nodded her head. “That certainly wouldn't draw as much as our combat suits.”

“I just wish I didn't have to give up so much protection,” Pinkie Pie remarked.

“Pfft,” Screwball scoffed. “Why worry about that when you can just turn invisible?”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Very true. But I don't think Twilight came all the way down here just to hear about what we’ve been building.”

“I don't know. That whole psi-boosting drug cocktail, and set of augmentations might be of interest to her,” Steel Heart offered.

“That could be useful, but no, that's not why I’m here,” Twilight exclaimed. “I actually came to see how you were doing, and if you were alright.”

Pinkie Pie smiled. “Things have been better, but at least the confederacy has helped me get in contact with others like myself.”

“So I can see,” Twilight stated, glancing around the room. “Did you keep in contact with the rest of our friends?”

The pink pony wilted, her shoulders slumping. “I visit Rainbow Dash and Rarity fairly often, but I haven't been allowed to see the others since we first got here.”

Twilight’s bitter response was stopped before it started, with Steel Heart wrapping a hoof around the infested mare’s shoulders.

“Don't you worry about that,” exclaimed the older pony. “I’m sure once you explain everything to the general, he’ll let yer people go. Probably just worried about a security breach, what on account of them being infested and all.”

“I am too, yet I wasn't detained,” Twilight pointed out.

“Pardon me for saying this, but you seem a mighty bit stronger than the others,” Tall Order remarked.

Twilight sighed. “Be that as it may, I was going to discuss matters with this Duke individual, after which I was hoping to speak to you and the rest of our friends shortly after. We have much to talk about and even more to plan.”

“You’ll be looking for Rainbow Dash and Rarity then, huh?” Pinkie Pie offered.

Twilight nodded. “Indeed.”

Pinkie Pie’s face scrunched up, and she looked left, then right before pointing at a wall. “Rainbow’s over there testing out a new flight suit, and Rarity is… still in the hospital observation area.”

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie. I promise to explain everything once we all meet back up again,” Twilight proclaimed.

“No problem, Twilight. I’m just glad everyone’s alright. Oh, and you totally gotta tell me all about that suit of yours!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Twilight nodded. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you soon.”

The two mares hugged once more, this time Twilight was more careful to not squeeze too tight or lean heavily on the other pony. Then they parted, offering one another only a small nod before Twilight turned towards the door, leaving the strange menagerie of creatures behind. Once outside and with the door closed, Twilight stopped and pressed a hoof against her head, groaning in pain.

“Is everything alright?” Steel Heart hastily inquired, the mare ready to hold Twilight up if necessary.

“It's nothing,” replied the unicorn. “They all have such little training that they can't help but shout their thoughts at all times. The only one of the bunch who wasn't constantly yelling in my metaphysical ear was Screwball and, to a lesser extent, Pinkie Pie.”

“Even Ember?” Steel Heart asked.

Twilight frowned. “Unfortunately. The poor girl was all but screaming about her dead father and how badly she wanted revenge. I didn't have much of a choice but to live out the entire experience against my wishes.”

“What was it like?” Steel Heart pressed.

Twilight paused. “It was-”

Ember hummed as she looked over the wagon that had stopped atop the mountain which served as her father’s throne. The draconic merchant who stood nearby remained silent, merely observing as the young princess picked her way through his goods. Occasionally she would stop, run a clawed hand over the light blue scales which covered her chin, or cross her arms over her chest.

Throughout it all the seller remained silent, shifting from standing on his feet to resting on his surprisingly strong tail. His pulse quickened whenever a breeze rolled over him, making the young male to shift uncomfortably. He tugged nervously at his brownish red cloak, or to touch the wand he kept inside of a hidden pocket.

Dragonlord Torch saw it all, yet didn't move from his position hovering over the two other dragons. Towering over even most of the local mountains and armored by a black breastplate larger than a small farm yard, the ancient dragon cut an intimidating figure. The only thing off about the giant male was the comparatively tiny staff he held in his right hand, pinching the object between a pair of claws.

A sudden shift in the night sky above them prompted the mountain-sized dragon to gaze up at the starry expanse. A deep rumble emanated from the male, and he briefly pondered if he had seen a star moving, or if it was the product of his own bored mind.

“It seems like the night is lasting strangely long today,” shouted the merchant in an awkward attempt at conversation.

“It is,” Torch rumbled. “I would not worry about it. I’m sure that the ponies will get their business settled soon.”

“How can you be sure?” replied the merchant, only to quickly backpedal. “Not like I am doubting you, oh great Dragonlord.”

If Torch had been annoyed by the remark, he didn't show it and continued to look up at the now blank moon. “I know because I have received certain assurances from their ruling monarch,” Torch replied.

“I have made a decision,” Ember announced, grabbing an armload of goods. “I will take these four books, this bottle of perfume, and that hat.”

The merchant released a sigh of relief, turning to the much smaller dragon. “A wonderful choice, Princess. You’ll be hard-pressed to find any of those things outside of the pony lands.”

“Not like we need such items,” Torch muttered in a low tone which was still loud enough to be heard by everyone in a quarter mile.

“Come now, father. You must be at least a little curious as to what it's like,” Ember replied as she placed the large bright purple sun hat on top of her head. “If nothing else, then you must admit that my new chapeau is quite fetching.”

“Fetching? Chap oh? What are these nonsense words you use?” Torch demanded.

The merchant awkwardly cleared his throat. “I don't mean to interrupt, but I was hoping to get my payment please.”

The dragonlord grunted and dropped a small bag of gold half the size of his head next to the smaller male. “I think that should cover your expenditure and future expeditions.”

“I--yes, it will. Thank you, oh great and powerful dragonlord,” groveled the merchant.

Torch merely snorted, watching as the scrawny male hastily hooked up his cart and began to sprint away. Only when the dragonlord was alone with his daughter did he look down on her, a mixture of concern and irritation on his face.

“Why do you waste time on such useless baubles?” Torch demanded.

“They are not useless,” Ember retorted. “Each book contains knowledge we do not have. The hat will keep the sun from my eyes, and the perfume will help me get a mate.”

“At least one of those things is useful,” Torch murmured.

“I knew you saw the value in knowledge,” Ember teased.

The dragonlord grumbled, his voice causing the ground to vibrate. “You know that's not what I… Get down!”

Ember barely had a chance to blink before an incredibly bright white light lit up the volcanic crater she called home. The young princess was then immediately knocked off her feet by the sudden shockwave which shook the caldera. Her hat blew away, her books were scattered to the wind, and somewhere behind her she heard the bottle of perfume shatter against the rocks.

She didn't have time to mourn the loss of her new possessions, as a roar almost as powerful as the first impact could be heard. Scrambling to her feet, she peered from behind a pile of rocks to find that her father had been wounded. By who, Ember didn't know, but what she could tell was that her dad’s chest was now sporting a brand new hole.

One so wide that Ember could likely fly into it and gaze at the other dragon’s insides. Somehow, the projectile that had hit him had pierced through the black armor he always wore, as well as his natural scales. Tears welled within the young female’s eyes.

Torch let out a second, less powerful roar, the great dragon somehow managing to stay standing despite the blood now pouring out of his chest. Bright red and coursing like a raging river, the elder dragon’s life essence was quickly pooling around Torch’s feet. He wasn't defeated quite yet, and after a moment to steady himself, he raised the Bloodstone Scepter above his head.

“Come to me, my-” was all he could say before a concentrated blast of moonlight caused him to stumble backwards.

With his grip on the staff interrupted, the dragonlord dropped the tiny artifact and crossed his arms over his chest. Doing his best to block the magical attack, Torch stumbled back several steps, nearly tripping at the edge of the caldera. Only when it seemed as though he may be pushed right over did the attack stop, allowing Ember to see the damage it had left behind.

The elder dragon’s scales were scorched white, the attack having somehow robbed him of his distinctive blue green pigment. The impact had done more than discolor his body; it had also blasted away almost every last bit of armor the dragonlord wore. Leaving Torch open to a spear of darkness that fell from the heavens and screamed towards his chest.

The male was not so distracted as to be completely unaware, however, and he deftly twisted to the side. Trusting in the strength of his scales, Torch was relieved to feel the spear skid across his tough exterior without breaking through. With that dealt with, he turned towards where he had seen the projectile be thrown from and where a dark alicorn now stood.

“Your resilience is commendable, but you are nothing compared to the elder dragons of old,” Nightmare Moon declared in a deep, booming voice.

“I think you’ll find that I am more than a match for some tiny little pony who has to rely on hiding and hitting me when I’m not looking,” Torch exclaimed.

Nightmare Moon scowled, drawing forth another spear of darkness from the depths of her own shadow. “I will make you eat those words,” she declared.

“You will try,” Torch retorted, flashing Ember a quick sidelong look and subtly pointing to the ground. Stay hidden, commanded the dragonlord without uttering a word.

Before the alicorn could attack, Ember ducked back behind her cover, hiding from the shockwave she knew was coming. She wanted to rise back up immediately after, to wait until she saw an opening to help her father, but her feet wouldn't move. Fear combined with Torch’s unspoken order kept her rooted to the same spot, unable to even look over her small wall of rocks.

Yells of defiance met roars of rage, the battle continuing for several more minutes. Though she didn't dare even peek over the side of her pile of rocks, the princess could tell her father was losing. His voice grew quieter each time he bellowed a challenge, and the weight of his titanic blows had diminished significantly.

Until at long last the great dragonlord Torch was knocked to the ground, where he lay unable to rise again. The only thing Ember heard was the sound of something heavy repeatedly slamming into a wet object. In the silence that followed, Ember felt her curiosity slowly begin to win out, and she slowly peered over the lip of the rocks.

Though her heart beat fast and loud in her ears, the princess steeled her resolve and pressed on. The first thing she saw was her father lying on his side, eyes closed and missing one of his great horns. The titanic mass of bone had evidently been used to bludgeon the dragon to near death as the appendage was covered in blood.

While her father sported numerous wounds and lay inert on the ground, the mysterious pony was unharmed. Not only that, but she seemed completely unconcerned with her surroundings and was scanning the ground below her.

“What is she…” Ember murmured, trailing off when the alicorn plucked the Bloodstone Scepter from a pile of shattered stone.

Ember’s eyes went wide, and for a moment she worried that her and the rest of dragonkind was about to be made into slaves. Such a fear vanished a second later when the alicorn gripped the ancient artifact and, with a twist, snapped it in two. A wave of red light rippled outwards, causing a flurry of dust to rise into the air and forcing Ember to duck once more.

After the air cleared, the young princess peeked over the rocks once more. Where she found nothing save for the bloodied form of her father and the shattered remnants of the Bloodstone Scepter.

“F-father,” muttered the princess.

Taking wing, Ember flew as fast as she could to the elder’s side, tears already falling from her cheeks. In only a matter of moments, the young dragon had flown across the caldera, landing next to Torch’s one remaining eye.

“Father, please. Don't leave me,” Ember pleaded.

The great eye opened to reveal a yellow, bloodshot iris which stared sadly down on the princess. “I’m sorry, dear one,” he croaked. “But it seems like I will.”

“No, don't say that. You’ll be fine,” Ember shouted. “I’ll fix the scepter, summon the doctors, and-”

“It's too late for me,” Torch interrupted. “It's not too late for you, though. Go to the pony land, seek out Celestia. She must honor the old treaties.”

“B-but…” Ember stuttered.

“Go!” shouted the elder dragon.

Ember couldn't help but leap to her feet and take flight a moment later, flying as fast as she could for pony lands. As she flew, she peered over her shoulder, watching as the still form of her father grew smaller and smaller.

Until at long last even his monstrous form vanished from sight.

“-unpleasant. To say the least,” Twilight concluded after a long pause.

“How didn't the others notice this if it's so loud?” Steel Heart inquired.

“They aren't as powerful, nor as experienced as myself,” Twilight explained. “I doubt they even notice what they are doing.”

“Still,” Steel Heart murmured in a rare moment of quiet.

Twilight cleared her throat. “I believe that's one down, and two to go.”

“Right. The flight tests shouldn't be far, but it will be a bit of a hike to the hospital,” Steel Heart replied.

“Then we had best get moving,” Twilight declared.

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