• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,377 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Chaos Incarnate

“Do ya think they are trying to breed zerg that can stomach the cold in there?” Rainbow Dash asked as the group walked up to the entrance of the rink. “The whole lot of ‘em do seem to slow down during winter.”

“Zerg don't breed in the traditional sense,” Fluttershy hastily replied. “Though its possible they could be attempting to induce new mutations through environmental exposure.”

“That ain't happening. The ac is dead,” Applejack remarked, pointing to a large pipe that hung loosely from the mostly flesh-covered ceiling.

“It would be more efficient to locate a creature capable of enduring the harsh winters and simply take its genes. Though I admit such a process is only theoretical and not something I’m capable of,” Twilight continued.

“Speculation will get us nowhere,” Sunset Shimmer quickly claimed, turning towards the squad. “Remember, we don't know what we are walking into here, so stay sharp.”

“Now that we are close, our new friend may be able to learn more,” Rarity offered, glancing at Twilight.

Who frowned. “I can try, but the psychic dampener really puts a well… damper on things.”

“Do what you can. The rest of you get ready to breach that entrance,” Sunset Shimmer barked, pointing to a set of double doors standing nearby. “The viewing box is just on the other side and from there we should be able to figure out where to go next.”

Twilight heard none of this however, nor did she notice the chorus of affirmations or the movement of the humans. Her entire focus was centered completely around trying to push past the haze of white noise that made it so hard to focus. It took a bit of effort, but it wasn't long before Twilight sent out a primitive pulse, briefly touching the minds just on the other side.

She was immediately tempted to send out a second wave, as she detected not the small horde she expected, but rather a measly two individuals. One was fully sentient, complex, and seemed to be waiting for something while the other was primitive and completely enraged. All its anger seemed to be bottled up by the more powerful being as it could do nothing but sit still and silently fume over its fate.

Pulling back, Twilight’s frown deepened.

“Well?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Two minds, one is likely this Ed Lorenzo guy you were looking for,” Twilight began. “The other is a zerg of some kind. Likely a small ultralisk.”

“How can you be certain?” Rarity pressed.

“From what I could gather one of them is brilliant in the extreme and utterly mad. The other is mad in the extreme and doesn't have an ounce of brilliance to its name,” Twilight answered. “They also seem to know we are coming.”

“Oh, I don't like this one bit,” murmured Fluttershy.

“Trap or not, we need him out of the black queen’s hands,” Applejack exclaimed.

“I know. Which is why we are going in regardless,” Sunset Shimmer stated confidently. “They’ll be expecting us, but they won't be expecting Twilight.”

“Let us hope that is enough,” Rarity murmured.

“I will be,” Twilight stated confidently.

“Right, let's go,” Sunset Shimmer commanded before taking position to the right of the door, submachine gun in hand, finger placed just above the trigger.

The rest of her friends took position on either side, with only Fluttershy and Twilight being the odd ones out and standing a few feet away. Like a well-oiled machine, Rainbow Dash detonated the breaching charge a second before Sunset Shimmer tossed a flashbang inside. After it had gone off, Applejack charged inside followed closely by Rarity and the rest of the group, with Twilight taking up the rear.

This time there were no gunshots, yells or the clatter of spent shells bouncing across the ground. Only a tense quiet as the group moved silently into the viewing area. Which would have normally looked out over a hockey rink, but now allowed the group to gaze in on one of the most bizarre scenes they had ever witnessed.

Before they could turn their attention to the otherworldly laboratory just beyond a strangely thick set of glass, they dutifully looked around the room. Which had a simple six step bleacher set within a small, air conditioned room separate from the rest of the stands. The door to the rest of the mostly demolished rink was covered by a tough fleshy exterior that made entry completely impossible.

Though most of the mass of twisted skin and muscle tissue was the same color and general composition as in the other room, there it was different. Twitching, hooked appendages grew from the walls while tentacles hung limply from the ceiling. The floor pulsated and shifted on occasion, and an oddly viscous liquid pooled in random places on the ground.

That alone was strange enough to grab their attention, though all six found themselves drawn to the scene just behind the glass wall. There, right where one of the nets would normally be, stood a tall man with a wild look in his eye and an appearance that unnerved even Twilight. Overall he looked human, but his white lab coat bulged in odd places, and something seemed to writhe just beneath his clothes.

One arm had been completely replaced by dozens of tentacles while the other split in two identical limbs at the elbow. He had also gained an odd claw appendage which sprouted from his back and was currently folded up near his shoulder. His eyes were also different sizes, in addition to being a mix of yellow and red, one of which was bloodshot.

He wasn't alone though, as a tank-sized ultralisk was standing several feet away from the edge of what looked like a deep pit of some kind. One which was filled to the brim with the same strange oily green liquid which pooled wherever it found the space to do so. All who gazed upon the pool were immediately struck by a sense of awe, none more so than Twilight Sparkle herself.

For she knew that what she was gazing down upon wasn't just some weird pool of unknown substance, but a concentrated mass of liquid chaos. Magic that had been condensed into a viscous state and captured within a twisting mass of flesh that seemed designed to contain it. Twitching pillars of flesh ringed the exterior, each one of which rose between six and twelve feet in the air.

“Finally, you have reached my little sanctum,” announced the infested human through the still intact speakers attached to the inside of the room.

His voice was strange, like most who bore the taint of the zerg, while also standing apart from the others. For his words warbled, rising and falling in pitch as well as volume in addition to shifting octaves at random. Everything about him was, for lack of a better word, chaotic, with each alien part he had gained seemingly coming from a different kind of zerg organism.

“Damn, crazy Eddy, what did she do to you?” Rainbow Dash remarked, shouldering her weapon.

“I am not crazy Eddy the janitor any longer! Now I am a teacher once more, just as I was in my homeland,” shouted the infested into a microphone he clasped tight in a tentacle. “And as before, I teach the necessity for chaos in this ordered world of ours!”

The ultralisk stomped one of its titanic feet and shifted its enormous bladed limbs irritably.

“Let’s not do anything too hasty,” Sunset Shimmer shouted, stepping towards the glass. “We’ve broken the control the black queen has on you, and we can work something out.”

“Yes, come with us, and we promise to find a cure for your infestation,” Fluttershy urged.

The man immediately broke out into an eruption of laughter. “Cure? This is no disease, young one. This is a way to unlock humanity’s genetic destiny, and the next phase in our evolution as a species!”

“This guy is nuts, can we please just knock him out now?” Rainbow Dash asked, bouncing eagerly on the balls of her booted feet.

Sunset Shimmer shook her head and glanced expectantly to Twilight. “Not yet, we want to be able to take him quietly.”

The infested woman shook her head. “I know what you’re going to ask. I’m afraid I can't break the control he has on the ultralisk without first rendering him unconscious.”

“You know it's rude to whisper amongst yourselves while talking to someone,” barked the infested man.

“Apologies, Mister Lorenzo. Is there anything we can do to convince you to send your beasty away and come quietly?” Applejack offered, stepping forward with her hands on her hips.

“I appreciate your kind tone, young Applejack, but if I am to be captured, I want to be able to do one final test before that happens,” stated the male.

“What could you possibly be testing?” Fluttershy asked.

“Why, the results of maximum exposure, of course!” replied the infested human. “Willpower seems to be an important part of staving off madness and the more detrimental mutations that come with exposing one’s self to raw chaos. Something this little beasty has in spades.”

The ultralisk stomped a foot and scythed its bladed limbs through the air, the creature barely able to contain its murderous impulses in the face of its enemies.

“She would never let me do such a dangerous experiment, after all,” he continued. “But now that you have so helpfully severed that connection, I have free reign to do just that.”

Sunset Shimmer nodded to Rainbow Dash. “Get us through that window.”

“Aye, captain,” Rainbow Dash replied before shouldering her weapon and unleashing a hail of lead.

Which bounced uselessly off the strangely thick barrier.

The infested human laughed through the speaker system. “It seems as though someone is done with talking. That's fine, I was about to get things started anyway.”

Twilight frowned and stepped forward, pushing Rainbow Dash out of the way. “Allow me.”

“Sure, whatever, hot stuff,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Be careful, that glass seems to be psychically reinforced,” Fluttershy warned.

“She’ll be fine. She has magic, after all,” Rarity assured her friend.

“Just a second,” Twilight muttered as she pushed magic into her hand, conjuring a narrow blue flame.

Which she then focused down to a single point before applying it to the wall and beginning the slow process of cutting through the barrier. Though the magical fire was hot, and Twilight’s spellwork was immaculate, the psychically reinforced material seemed especially resilient. So much so that Twilight wondered if the pool of chaos magic wasn't somehow at fault, as it was known to not react well to more orderly spells.

Meanwhile, the ultralisk had taken a lumbering step forward followed by another, inching ever closer to the strange pool of liquid at the center of the room. With every thunderous footfall the pool grew more agitated, bubbling violently as if it were eager for the ultralisk’s arrival.

“And so it begins,” whispered the ex janitor. “Try not to kill it too quickly. I want to see just what my little pool is capable of.”

“How long do you think this will take?” Sunset Shimmer demanded, shouldering her weapon along with the rest of their group save for Fluttershy. “Because I really don't want to have to fight that thing in here.”

“Soon,” Twilight replied.

Twilight grunted irritably to herself as her flame continued to cut through the glass at a glacial pace. While this happened the rest of their little group were readying themselves for the inevitable confrontation, all save for Fluttershy. While her friends were doing last minute checks on their suits and making sure their extra ammo was within easy reach, the scientist remained at the back of the room.

One finger pressed to the side of her head, she peered intently at the pool which lay where center ice would have been. The girl watched on as the great lumbering beast stepped foot into the concentrated mass of chaotic magic and immediately began to change. The flesh around its leg twisted and convulsed, shifting from one color to another so rapidly it looked like an LED of some kind.

Then a second leg entered, followed by the rest of the creature which swiftly vanished beneath the now still pool. The sudden shift from the angry bubbling and constantly frothing surface of the liquid to one of utter stillness was almost enough to shock Twilight from her work. After reminding herself to stay focused on the task at hand, she quickly rounded the top of the circle she had nearly completed.

“Do you think it died?” Muttered Applejack curiously.

“I sure hope so,” Rarity replied.

“That poor creature,” Fluttershy whispered.

“I wouldn't count it out yet,” Sunset Shimmer warned.

“Alright, I’m through,” Twilight exclaimed, her spell flickering and dying.

The infested woman then took a step back and slammed her foot against the glass, snapping off the last bit of her circle that had yet to be completed. She didn't wait to hear the response of her friends and quickly barreled through the opening, landing with a squelch on the other side. Her heavy boots dug into the fleshy floor, sinking an inch into the ground and having to be physically pulled out lest she get stuck.

The others followed close behind her a second later, save again for Fluttershy who remained in the observation area, one hand holding her pistol while the other remained fixed to the side of her head. The rest of the squad assembled on either side of Twilight, each one leveling their weapons towards the still pool of magic.

“How are we going to do this?” Applejack asked. “Do we go after him first or what?”

“No point,” Sunset Shimmer interrupted. “Something tells me he's no longer in control of the ultralisk.”

Twilight frowned. “You’re right. It’s like it’s-”

Whatever Twilight had been about to say was cut off by an enormous foot bursting out of the pool and landing at the edge. There it grew clawed fingers which dug into the fleshy earth, allowing another arm to reach up out of the pool. Not a word was uttered before the relative quiet was shattered by the sound of shots ringing out through the air.

Dozens upon dozens of rounds sunk into the creature’s clawed hand, slicing through flesh and bone with relative ease. Two fingers were severed, followed by a third, forcing the creature to recoil its injured limb even as its flesh twisted and flowed, repairing itself at a rapid pace. Its grip faltered when Sunset’s squad turned their attention towards the other hand, though they found their assault did much less the second time around.

The majority of their bullets did strike home, but most bounced off a fresh layer of thick scales which burst from under its skin. The biological armor served its purpose relatively well, and grew only more effective the more rounds it deflected. By the time the group was reloading after the first onslaught, the ultralisk’s first arm returned from the muck.

Only now it sported extra thick digits as well as a layer of purple fleshy armor identical to that which had sprouted from its other arm.

“Stop, you’re just making it stronger!” Sunset Shimmer shouted, raising a closed fist above her head.

Immediately the rain of gunfire stopped as everyone took a moment to reload.

Twilight meanwhile was so shocked by the strange surge of otherworldly thoughts that she had yet to even begin casting an offensive spell. Gone was the ultralisk’s simple, but efficient mind, replaced by what felt like dozens of individual psyches. Each one of which screamed madly into the void, its thoughts like nails clawing at the edge of Twilight’s mind.

“If it's going to adapt to everything we throw at it, then how do we kill this thing?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

The answer to that question would have to wait, as the creature heaved its front half over the lip of the pool, revealing its grotesque form for all to see. Gone were the four scythe-like limbs which adorned the front of its body, as well as the relatively small horned head which sprouted from beneath a massive armored crest. Now it had dozens of similarly dangerous bladed limbs, with the same number of heads, if not even more.

Its entire body continually twisted and contorted with new limbs sprouting from its body while others sunk back beneath its undulating flesh. Heads, armored sections of skin, spikes, tentacles, dozens of body parts grew from between its armored plates. It was a horrific sight to behold, though a small part of Twilight couldn't help but marvel at the incredible pace of the creature’s evolution.

Yes, it was utterly mad, and would consume or destroy everything it came across, but it was also the perfect killing machine. For a moment Twilight considered putting more effort into dominating the beast before quickly discarding such a thought. It was too insane, and even more pressing was the distinct possibility that trying to invade its mind may lead to different kinds of adaptations.

Adaptations which may lead in Twilight being controlled rather than the other way around. Right now it was stark raving mad, but still little more than an animal, and Twilight aimed to keep it that way. This realization lead to another, and soon Twilight had a primitive plan in mind, one she desperately prayed would work.

“Cover me, and only shoot it when it comes too close! I have an idea!” she shouted.

“You heard the lady, let’s keep this overgrown lab rat busy!” Sunset Shimmer yelled.

Twilight began the fight by conjuring an enormous vat of acid above the ultralisk just as it managed to pull its back limbs out of the pool. The infested woman released her spell the second she had created enough to completely cover the monster from one end to the other. The instant the bright green liquid splashed against the creature’s armored form, a dozen tortured voices roared in anguish.

The creature stumbled to one side, its limbs flailing wildly as it attempted to dislodge the unpleasant liquid burning away at it. In its panic one of the larger tentacles swung down at the group, only to be blocked by one of Rarity’s shields. The gem-shaped barrier shattered a moment later, but that was all it took for the rest of the group to focus their attention and drive the limb back with a burst of concentrated fire.

The tentacle recoiled back into the beast’s body which now sported an extra layer of armor that covered parts of it left exposed by the plates it had grown previously. Acid ran off its body in rivers, where it burned through the flesh-covered ground and disappeared beneath the dirt. The beast had also absorbed the majority of its extra appendages and seemed to focus on the four main ones it had before its impromptu swim.

Twilight was already casting her next spell, however, and thrust a glowing hand at the beast. Purple light briefly filled the room a second before an enormous glowing fist slammed into one side of the still unsteady monster. It was then joined by another, and another, each one of the numerous blows striking another part of the beast’s body.

The rapid flurry of car-sized fists initially knocked the monster back, but it rallied quickly, its armor growing thicker still. Surging forward, the beast swung the longest of its four remaining scythe limbs at the small group, but was stopped dead in its tracks by Applejack who unleashed both barrels of her shotgun into the boney appendage, causing it to crack before bringing her axe down on the same point a second later.

Bone shattered, and the monster recoiled as if struck in the face, the severed bit of its limb briefly contorting before turning into an orangish-green paste. Bursts of fire aimed at the beast’s face kept it from launching another attack before Twilight had amassed enough power. This time she created two orbs, one of which resembled a tiny sun while the other was a perfect sphere of ice.

Throwing the spinning balls at her foe, Twilight struggled to catch her breath due to the sheer amount of power she had been forced to expend just to get through the dampener. Pushing the pain and exhaustion from her mind, Twilight watched as her attacks exploded the second they came in contact with the monster. The fire orb was the first to detonate, briefly bathing the creature in a flurry of white hot flames before its twin rapidly cooled the monster’s exterior.

This time the beast barely even recoiled from the hit before surging forward, a roar spilling forth from its half frozen mouth. The concentrated stream of rounds slamming into its now armored face wasn't even enough to slow it. The only thing that was able to give it reason to pause were the pair of flash bangs Fluttershy threw directly in front of its beady orange orbs.

Now blinded, the creature’s eyes sunk into its head and vanished completely. Twilight reached upward, her hands glowing brightly as static electricity danced between her fingers. After gathering the necessary charge, she brought her arms down before thrusting both arms at the monster.

Lightning burst from the space between her hands and immediately leapt across the room. Thousands of bright white bolts impacted all across the creature’s armored body, making its limbs convulse. This time the rest of the squad didn't let up for even a second, with Rainbow Dash tossing a half dozen grenades at the monster before it could even adapt to the electricity coursing through its body.

More gunfire accompanied the deafening explosions which rocked the area, dislodging parts of the ceiling in the process. Throughout it all the monster continued to roar defiantly, its body twisting as it adapted to the electrical assault as well as the concussive force of Rainbow Dash’s grenades. It wasn't long before it emerged once more, its body now completely encased in biological armor so thick and so well insulated that it appeared impenetrable.

“Great! Now what are we supposed to do?” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“It doesn't even notice our shots anymore!” Applejack added.

“Trust me, this will work,” Twilight retorted. At least it better.

As the towering mountain of corded muscle, steel-like skin, and enormous pincers closed in, Twilight prepared one final spell. With a hand pressed firmly against her chest, she breathed deeply, the glow of her magic flowing through the suit and into her body. With her now terrified friends looking on, she exhaled a great cloud of deep purple gas.

Which billowed outwards in all directions, filling the room and blinding everyone including herself. Together the small squad of humans stood rigid, waiting for the monster’s attack which would surely kill them all. Seconds ticked by without a sound, save for the occasional crackle of the now broken PA system.

The mist began to dissipate, allowing all to see the calcified monster standing only a few feet away. Claws extended, the beast didn't seem to have any visible orifice to speak of, lacking even a nose. Now the same color as table salt, the creature appeared to be more of a statue than a ravenous monster capable of slaughtering everyone it came across.

“What just happened?” Rainbow Dash asked, her arms falling to her sides.

“It adapted away its mouth, and all of its senses in order to defend itself against every attack Twilight threw at it,” Fluttershy muttered in a shocked tone. “At least, I think that’s what happened.”

“I can't believe that worked,” Rarity murmured.

“You and me both sister,” Applejack agreed while holstering her weapon.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Sunset Shimmer warned, turning towards the infested woman. “Please tell me that thing is dead.”

“It is,” Twilight replied after a short pause. “Either that, or it's in a state of hibernation and it adapted away its aggressive urges.”

“Find out which it is, please,” Sunset Shimmer commanded before walking away. “I do not want that thing waking up after adapting to a micro nuke.”

“Right,” Twilight whispered, closing her eyes and bringing the full weight of her psychic might to bear.

Though the dampening field made such an act difficult, it was not impossible, and after a few silent moments Twilight was able to discern that it was indeed dead. From what she could tell, the ultralisk had tried to evolve to become so durable that nothing could harm it while also rebuilding its organs to function without oxygen. Thankfully its ability to adapt had been stretched thin already, and it had only managed to lose its lungs before becoming completely brain dead.

With a sigh, Twilight turned around just in time to see the doors to the announcer’s box open and reveal the twisted scientist who had nearly gotten them all killed.

“Amazing, astounding, stupendous! That was the most wonderful-” was all he managed to say before getting a boot to the stomach and dropped to the ground where he lay wheezing pitifully.

“That's for sicing that monster on us,” spat Applejack.

Rainbow Dash gave him a firm kick to the side. “And that's for always leaving a puddle of water in front of my locker.”

“Rainbow Dash…” muttered Fluttershy in a threatening tone.

The athlete threw up her hands. “What? It was super annoying! Do you have any idea how many times I almost ruined my gym shoes?”

Sunset Shimmer shook her head and walked up to the man. “Come quietly, or else I’ll have Applejack here break your legs.”

“That won't be necessary,” muttered the infested male between fits of coughing. “I offer you my unconditional surrender.”

“Why though?” Inquired Fluttershy.

“Isn't it obvious?” declared the man as he hauled himself back onto his own two feet. “All I’ve ever wanted is to study the nature of chaos, and you have someone with you who knows quite a bit on the subject.”

Twilight frowned. “I don't know as much as you likely think I do. Though I admit my understanding is likely greater than any in this dimension.”

“And she is from beyond this reality no less. Truly you have made powerful allies,” exclaimed the man, a wide smile crossing his vaguely Eastern European features.

“Not like we needed her though,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You do know that you will not be allowed to restart your experiments, right?”

The man chuckled. “Maybe not right now, but in time the government will want the power my queen already has and when that time comes, I will be waiting.”

“They wouldn't do that!” Applejack declared. “Even they aren't so stupid as to think they can control the zerg.”

“Really now? Even I, a former citizen of the Soviet Union know of Operation Paperclip,” deadpanned the man.

“Operation Paperclip?” Twilight asked.

“After the Second World War the US government coerced a great number of nazi scientists to come work in the United States,” Rarity answered grimly. “The government has and will coddle monsters in order to get what it wants.”

“Woah, that’s messed up,” Applejack murmured.

“I’m just surprised Rarity is the one who knew about it,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Rarity scoffed. “Just because I’m a pretty face doesn't mean I am not as curious as our dear friend Sunset.”

“Your country isn't exactly the beacon of morality you seem to believe it is,” stated the infested man.

“Regardless,” interrupted Sunset Shimmer, “you’re coming with us.”

“Well, hold on a minute, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Applejack exclaimed, stopping Sunset before she could take a step towards the man. “We should think about this.”

“Yeah, you don't want all of this to happen again, now do you?” Rainbow Dash added.

“You can't be serious. We aren't going to off the guy just like that,” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed.

“It's not right, he's not a threat anymore,” stated Fluttershy.

“But he knows all about the zerg, and the chaos pool thingy!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Do you really want all this to happen again in like ten years when Twilight isn't around to help?”

“But with his help we could find a cure,” Fluttershy implored.

“I would do no such thing,” rebutted the man.

“You are really not helping your case here, dude,” Sunset Shimmer muttered.

Twilight sighed and stepped forward, brushing past both Sunset Shimmer as well as Rainbow Dash. “Allow me.”

The infested woman didn't even wait for a response before wrapping one enormous hand around the male’s head. All he could do was let out a startled yelp of surprise before his eyes rolled into the back of his skull and the world fell away. While at the same time Twilight felt her universe expand as she crushed the man’s feeble willpower beneath her metaphorical bootheel.

His memories, thoughts, and emotions surrounded her in a great kaleidoscope of swirling lights. Though it may at one point have been a daunting task to maneuver through such an enormous amount of experiences, Twilight was used to being connected to multiple minds at one time. Compared to handling a half dozen other minds at one time, just one was a walk in the park.

Before she could get to work on the entire reason she was here in the first place, Twilight pulled forth everything he knew on the topic of the zerg. Which turned out to be quite a lot, though it wasn't what she was expecting from the male given how confident he had been a minute earlier. Yes, he knew how to draw forth and collect chaotic energy from the environment, but he didn't actually know much about spawning or commanding zerg bioforms.

Years of study had given him a vast understanding of physics both mundane and exotic, but it had not given him a firm grasp on the underlying biology he was toying with. What he did know was that zerg DNA had the ability to rapidly adapt given the proper amount of environmental stresses. He also knew how to encourage the growth of certain zerg structures, though they were fairly basic in their purpose.

Constructing a primitive hatchery was his crowning achievement, and nearly every other building had either never been tried or was only in the planning phases. His actual knowledge was limited, if not completely non-existent, though Twilight could tell that was by design. His psyche had strange edges to it that made the infested woman think that certain memories had been cut out of him at one point.

A twinge of guilt shot through Twilight before the former unicorn ruthlessly crushed that emotion. She needed to know what he knew, and she needed to ensure he no longer had said information. The choice was obvious, and yet she still couldn't help but feel a little bad for what she was about to do.

A second later she returned to the material world once more, her eyes snapping open to find the other members of her squad fighting. They all seemed to be either trying to pull Twilight’s arm away, or to get between Twilight and those attempting to move her. Thankfully they all stopped when Twilight looked down on them once more, as the man crumpled into an unexpected heap.

“Oh my gosh, you killed him!” Fluttershy shrieked.

“Great job, Twi, I knew you would make the right choice,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“I didn't kill him,” Twilight quickly replied. “I merely removed what he knew of the zerg, and chaos in general.”

Sunset Shimmer breathed a sigh of relief. “That's perfect.”

“But what if he decided to figure it out all over again?” Applejack questioned. “He may not know it now, but he's figured this all out before.”

“That won't happen,” Twilight stated simply.

“How can you know for sure?” Rarity asked.

“Because I also took away his ambition,” Twilight replied. “He will be happy to serve as a janitor until the end of his days.”

The infested woman didn't notice the strained looks her companions were exchanging as she was already walking towards the door, a migraine building at the back of her mind.

“Let’s, uh, get moving,” Sunset Shimmer offered.

The rest of the girls silently followed after them while Sunset Shimmer closed the distance between her and Twilight.

“Hey, you alright?” Sunset Shimmer offered.

“I’m fine. The field is just taking its toll, I think,” Twilight muttered bitterly.

“Are you still up to finishing the mission?” Sunset Shimmer pressed.

Twilight sighed. “Of course.”

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