• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 1,749 Views, 23 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Special Friends - smirker

Pinkie Pie looks back on several ponies she has helped in the past who had problems that normal ponies did not have.

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Pinkie Pie was playing with the foals in Ponyville since their parents were struggling to get them to focus on their studies,

"Okay, kids, let's play!" Pinkie Pie announced, and she got soft rubber balls and the foals cheered, they played dodgeball and Pinkie Pie dashed around at blinding speeds and threw the balls and hit every foal, she also dodged every ball easily and took out every foal,

"Yay! I won!" Pinkie Pie boasted while she saw the foals laying on the ground,

"Oh, did I hurt you all?" Pinkie Pie asked worriedly, the foals nodded,

"I'm terribly sorry, everypony, I got caught up in the moment and forgot, it's a habit of mine." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"It's okay, Pinkie, we're all pretty rough when playing at school, too." a colt answered, the other foals nodded,

"Playing rough was common when I was your age, my family and I didn't attend school, but playing rough back at home really hurt, especially when Limestone played rough, she left us with scrapes and bruises sometimes." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Oh, wow." one filly replied,

"My parents said playing like that was common when they were kids, too." another filly remarked,

"Still a shame some schools in Equestria don't allow recess anymore, you kids are really missing out on a lot of fun." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"I agree, this beats sitting at a desk and working all day." another colt spoke, the adults then began calling for them,

"Go on, everypony, don't keep your parents and guardians waiting." Pinkie Pie said, and they went while Pinkie Pie went back to Sugarcube Corner. She arrived back and saw an earth pony stallion looking around while tapping his front hoof impatiently,

"Sugar Rush, is that you?" Pinkie Pie asked, he turned around and faced her, he had a white coat, long dark white mane and tail, dark brown eyes, and his cutie mark was a white sugar cube,

"There you are, Pinkie Pie, I just found the most interesting subject back at home shortly before I came here, it's about how to craft toys and playhouses out of wood from scratch, but it's so much info and steps to process that I can't focus, I developed a sudden craving for sugar too and I then remembered..." Sugar Rush stated,

"...that I run a shop selling sugary and yummy stuff and you couldn't resist coming here and wanted to have a little so you can focus on what interests you at the moment and hope you can learn something fun and interesting so that you can try again or teach others later so you yourself don't forget what you learned, either." Pinkie Pie said, Sugar Rush nodded while smiling,

"Great, now remember, Sugar Rush, I can't give you too much since you'll become too hyper and energetic and unable to focus." Pinkie Pie stated, and she recommended sweets to him while he looked around instead,

"Sugar Rush." Pinkie Pie called out, he looked at her and saw her offering him a few muffins with fruits in them,

"Sorry, got distracted like always, I couldn't help but notice all of these sweets, I'm impressed you made them all by yourself." Sugar Rush spoke,

"Thanks, and go ahead and pay now before you lose interest." Pinkie Pie responded, and he did and ate the muffins quickly, he had a sudden jolt of energy and sprinted home,

"Ah, Sugar Rush, you haven't changed." Pinkie Pie remarked, and she stood behind the counter while Sugar Rush came back a few minutes later with a book,

"Thought you'd like to learn, too." Sugar Rush said,

"Ooh, sure." Pinkie Pie stated, and they went to a table. They sat together and Sugar Rush showed her the pictures of the crafts in the books and her eyes popped out of her sockets and slid all over the pages, he turned the pages and Pinkie Pie continued looking at the crafts,

"Ooh, these look fun." Pinkie Pie commented,

"I know, I was hoping I could make some with you as well." Sugar Rush stated,

"Sure, I'll go ahead and start buying the crafts after I finish work here today." Pinkie Pie responded, and she went back while Sugar Rush stopped reading and began looking at the sweets in the store, the customers came in and asked about him while Pinkie Pie explained he was curious and looking at the products, he looked at everything for a few seconds and then explored outside and looked around Ponyville, Pinkie Pie finished working hours later and took a deep breath,

"Sugar Rush, I'm ready." Pinkie Pie called out with her voice going through all of Ponyville and sounding like she was speaking through a megaphone, she heard running and he came back. They sat and began trying to make the crafts together, they lost focus after a few minutes and tried a new craft, they lost interest again and tried another and laughed,

"This brings back old times a bit." Sugar Rush said,

"It does, I still remember when I first met you." Pinkie Pie responded, and they began talking about the past.

Pinkie Pie was hopping to a house in a rural area of Equestria with no neighbors around because a pony living there sent her a letter and requested that she come over, she saw lots of cows outside and standing around peacefully, an earth pony mare ran to her,

"Oh, Pinkie Pie, thank Celestia you arrived." the mare said, she had a white coat, long yellow mane and tail, yellow eyes, and her cutie mark was a milk carton,

"You the one who sent the letter?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Mm-hmm, I'm Dairy Farmer, I don't need help on producing milk, it's my little brother, he's super energetic and doesn't focus, I was hoping somepony similar to him could bond with him and help him find ways to focus and get stuff done." the mare explained,

"Sure, I'd love to make a new friend, just leave it to me." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Oh, I knew you'd accept, come on, I'll take you to him right away." Dairy Farmer stated, and they went into her home. They entered the home and Pinkie Pie saw lots of glass bottles filled with milk and several cheese wheels on the counter, they walked down a hallway and they heard running and various noises,

"Sugar Rush, you have a guest." Dairy Farmer called out, they heard running and he came into their views,

"Hi, my name is Pinkie Pie, nice to meet you." Pinkie Pie spoke,

"Hello, my name's Sugar Rush, I'm a dairy farmer just like my sister even though I prefer sweets and love sugar, my sister and I inherited this farm from our parents after they passed and we milk cows and make cheese to sell for a living, we've been doing it for over fifteen years now and have been enjoying it ever since, our first milk and cheese are family recipes passed down through our family for generations that incorporate..." Sugar Rush spoke quickly,

"Whoa there, Sugar Rush, remember, that's a family secret, we can't share that." Dairy Farmer reminded,

"Sorry, I got carried away." Sugar Rush stated,

"See, this is just one problem I have with him, he talks too much, he doesn't focus on work, either." Dairy Farmer remarked,

"I'd like to see how he is during the rest of the day." Pinkie Pie said,

"No different from now." Dairy Farmer spoke,

"I'd like to see so I can have the full picture." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Alright, but don't be surprised over anything." Dairy Farmer responded, and she watched him. Pinkie Pie watched Sugar Rush write, draw, cook, read, paint, build crafts, carve wood, play instruments and sing, and try to act out a scene from a play, Pinkie Pie noticed he was changing his activities every few to several minutes,

"Sugar Rush, time to milk the cows." Dairy Farmer called out, and he reached for a pouch and began pouring sugar into his mouth while Pinkie Pie's eyes widened, he suddenly became energetic and ran outside, he began helping Dairy Farmer milk the cows and he ran off after milking his first cow for five minutes,

"No, Sugar Rush, the cow's not done yet." Dairy Farmer said, Pinkie Pie dashed to him and carried him back,

"Focus now, Sugar Rush, you can play again after work is done." Pinkie Pie stated,

"But this is so boring, I wanna do something fun, milking cows is not fun, I wanna do something more engaging and physically demanding, I got lots of energy to let out and this isn't working, I want to play and have fun so I can focus better on work and get things done while happy." Sugar Rush lamented while speaking quickly,

"I get it, I really do, I don't like boring work either, that's why I try to make things fun, it makes things more engaging and we'll be done in no time, I'll see if I can make this fun somehow." Pinkie Pie explained,

"Yes please, I'd appreciate that, I'll go ahead and wait while you think of stuff to make this more enjoyable." Sugar Rush stated, and Pinkie Pie dashed. She moved around and got pans in the shape of hearts, flowers, animals, and holiday images and had Sugar Rush milk the cows and the milk formed into the objects,

"Ooh, I'm making art, I'm creating, this is fun." Sugar Rush said,

"Come on, Sugar Rush, they're just pans, it's not that different from using a pail." Dairy Farmer remarked,

"Let him have fun, Dairy Farmer, it'll make him more motivated to work." Pinkie Pie spoke, Dairy Farmer sighed and continued milking the cows. Sugar Rush watched with interest while the cow milk made various shapes in the pans and smiled at seeing them form, Pinkie Pie milked the cows with them while watching Sugar Rush closely and noticed he was having fun, she smiled and milked the other cows quickly,

"Phew, milking cows by hoof is a lot of work." Pinkie Pie stated while rubbing her own front left leg, Dairy Farm chuckled, she noticed the pans Sugar Rush were using were not big and deep enough to hold all of the milk,

"Where do you store the milk, Dairy Farmer?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"This way." Dairy Farmer responded, and they went into the house. They entered the kitchen and Dairy Farmer got glass jars out of a cardboard box and she poured the milk into them and put them in the refrigerator, Pinkie Pie saw a lot of milk jars, cheeses, and cheesecake inside,

"Ooh, I love cheesecake." Pinkie Pie commented,

"I keep a little for Sugar Rush since sweet stuff keep him focused, the cheesecake and Sugar Rush's pouch of sugar are the only sweet things we have." Dairy Farmer explained,

"Do you make the cheesecake at home?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, I buy it from a mare who makes them at home and sells them in a market square pretty close to here." Dairy Farmer responded,

"I can make it if you wish." Pinkie Pie stated,

"It's fine, Sugar Rush doesn't eat much, thankfully." Dairy Farmer spoke,

"Oh, well, I'll go ahead and go help your brother finish." Pinkie Pie stated,

"I'd appreciate that." Dairy Farmer replied, and Pinkie Pie dashed out with more buckets while Dairy Farmer smiled. She arrived outside and stopped when she saw Sugar Rush holding his pouch and eating more sugar, he then tried to ride one of the cows, she watched with surprise at seeing him stay on for a few seconds before the cow threw him off, he got back up and jumped onto another cow, it began running and jumping around while he rode them and stayed on as long as he could, he got thrown off after about seven seconds,

"Come on, Sugar Rush, let's finish milking the cows, you can ride them after we're done." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'm taking a break, I'll get back to work when I feel recovered and ready." Sugar Rush replied,

"Breaks are fine every now and then, let's finish now, I'll help you and try to have fun." Pinkie Pie stated, Sugar Rush smiled widely and ran to get the pans. They took turns switching and had fun watching the milk take the shapes of forms of the buckets and pans while Sugar Rush consumed more sugar, they finished after a while and went into the kitchen,

"What took you two so long?" Dairy Farmer inquired,

"Um..." Pinkie Pie and Sugar Rush said,

"Don't tell me you were riding the cows again." Dairy Farmer said,

"It was only for a short time and for me to unwind and get back in working mood again." Sugar Rush replied,

"Sugar Rush, this isn't a rodeo, the cows are to be milked so we can have food and drink and sell them for a living, plus, you should know better that riding them like a bull is dangerous." Dairy Farmer reprimanded,

"Wait, Dairy Farmer, do you take breaks yourself?" Pinkie Pie questioned,

"Sometimes, but I don't do anything dangerous or try riding the cows." Dairy Farmer replied,

"Sis likes to sit and read, I tried it, got bored, can't get into drama or romance, I much prefer my books which are full of action and adventure." Sugar Rush added,

"I'll see what I can do." Pinkie Pie stated,

"You can now, I've got to make our next batch of cheese, Sugar Rush gets bored easily on it, so keep him occupied until I'm done." Dairy Farmer said,

"Let's go, Sugar Rush." Pinkie Pie remarked, and he led her to his room. They entered and Sugar Rush began trying to paint while Pinkie Pie looked, her eyes widened when she saw his painting was abstract and could not tell what the image was, he stopped painting after about eight minutes and then began trying crafts, he cut thin wood with a crafting knife and glued the pieces together, he made the body of a house and stopped after it was made and did not make the roof. Sugar Rush began looking around and ran around his room while finding nothing to do,

"I'm bored of everything now." Sugar Rush remarked,

"You don't feel like doing anything?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Not right now." Sugar Rush responded,

"Tell you what, take a short break, Sugar Rush, just close your eyes and take a deep breath." Pinkie Pie instructed, and he did, he smiled and then went to a stack of books, he picked out one from the middle of the stack while also knocking the books on top of it over, Pinkie Pie trotted to him and saw he was reading about a knight fighting and slaying a dragon,

"Hmm, not something a typical pony would read." Pinkie Pie commented,

"I find all of those stories about friendship, nonviolence, and forgiveness to be boring, it's action like this I enjoy reading, I like fight scenes, chase scenes, racing scenes, stunt scenes, acrobats, and whatever else is high energy and requires lots of energy." Sugar Rush replied,

"Is the author somepony famous?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, it's an obscure pony, he never achieved fame in his lifetime." Sugar Rush answered,

"Oh, I see what you mean, I don't recognize this pony's name." Pinkie Pie commented when she looked at the book's front cover, Sugar Rush kept reading and flipped through the pages quickly, he skipped the scenes he found boring and read the parts that interested him, he read and focused while Pinkie Pie noticed he was smiling, she smiled and decided to read with him, she saw he was reading about a sword duel between two characters at the edge of a cliff with strong water tides closing in on them, Sugar Rush adjusted the book so she could read with him. They read together and got engaged in reading the scene until it ended with one character winning the duel and escaping the tides, Sugar Rush then browsed and skimmed through the pages for any parts that interested him, he did not find any and closed the book, he then put it on the table and picked up the ones that fell,

"Sugar Rush, if you're not busy, can you go out and chop some firewood for the oncoming winter?" Dairy Farmer requested,

"Well?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Might as well, I'm getting bored with everything in here." Sugar Rush responded,

"Slow down now, Sugar Rush, you'll overload your brain eventually if you don't." Pinkie Pie advised, Sugar Rush nodded while smiling and took deep breaths, he then got ready to eat more sugar,

"No, Sugar Rush, put that down, I've noticed that's making your short attention span and hyperactivity worse, you'll get a bad headache eventually, too." Pinkie Pie warned,

"What am I supposed to have then?" Sugar Rush asked, Pinkie Pie reached into her mane and took out a non-sweet cake with fruits and nuts in it, he ate it and smiled,

"Okay, I'm ready." Sugar Rush spoke, and he walked outside,

"So Dairy Farmer wants me to get him to calm down and focus on getting work done? This is going to be easy." Pinkie Pie remarked, and she headed outside.

Sugar Rush walked to a wooden stump near the back of the house and away from the cows, she looked farther back and saw more wood with painted targets on them, the outermost circle was black, the next circle was blue, the innermost circle was white, and the center was red. Sugar Rush picked up a hatchet and a small log and chopped it into smaller pieces, he cut one log into about eight small pieces and stacked them in a big pile of small wood. He got the next log and chopped it into eight pieces, he sighed and began chopping the next log, he suddenly stopped when he cut it into four pieces and began throwing the hatchet at the targets, he smiled and ran to the target, he took the hatchet out and ran back, he threw it at a different target and hit the center,

"Yes! Bullseye!" Sugar Rush boasted, and he ran back to get his hatchet and threw it more. Pinkie Pie got an idea and dashed around, she picked up the remaining logs Sugar Rush had to chop and she spray painted the targets on them while he watched, she threw one into the air and Sugar Rush threw the hatchet at it and cut it, they smiled at one another Sugar Rush walked to get the hatchet, Pinkie Pie picked up one piece of the cut log and threw it, Sugar Rush threw the hatchet and cut it in midair, Pinkie Pie picked up the other piece and threw it and Sugar Rush threw the hatchet and cut it, they repeated it with a few more logs and they had fun,

"What are you two doing?" Dairy Farmer called out, they got startled and turned around and saw her,

"You're supposed to be chopping firewood, Sugar Rush." Dairy Farmer reminded,

"We are, we're just doing it in a more fun and interesting way." Sugar Rush replied, Pinkie Pie showed her the remaining logs and the target circles she drawn on them,

"Can't you focus on work for once, Sugar Rush?" Dairy Farmer inquired,

"Dairy Farmer, please, Sugar Rush is working, we just need to find a way to make it fun for him." Pinkie Pie responded,

"If fun involves throwing the hatchet around, then I won't allow it, plus, I already warned him about throwing it before, that's dangerous, he could hit me, one of our cows, or a visitor." Dairy Farmer stated,

"Come on, sis, I'm throwing it at a spot where there's nopony or cows around or come by." Sugar Rush stated,

"You'll still scare anypony who passes by, plus, if it's local law enforcement or a royal guard, we could get in serious trouble." Dairy Farmer reminded,

"Come on, Sugar Rush, let's try to find another way to make the task fun." Pinkie Pie stated,

"How you get it done is up to you, just finish before nightfall." Dairy Farmer said, and she went back into the house. Pinkie Pie instructed Sugar Rush and she held a log in place and he threw the hatchet at it and cut it, he did not smile and continued throwing the hatchet a few more times and quit, he looked down and stopped cutting the firewood while Pinkie Pie watched him, he put the hatchet down and sat and closed his eyes, she waited and Sugar Rush got back up about ten minutes later. He began chopping firewood and got bored after about fifteen minutes,

"Come on, Sugar Rush, let's try throwing the hatchet at the logs again." Pinkie Pie suggested,

"It's not as fun as throwing it at the logs while they're in midair." Sugar Rush replied,

"Come on, let's finish so you can do something more fun." Pinkie Pie spoke, Sugar Rush sighed and chopped logs normally while Pinkie Pie swung her front legs up and down very quickly and cut the logs while Sugar Rush watched with surprise,

"There, all done." Pinkie Pie boasted as she stacked them,

"How did you do that?" Sugar Rush inquired,

"It's something that runs in my family only, come on now, Sugar Rush, just one more log to chop." Pinkie Pie encouraged, and Sugar Rush cut the last log and put it in the stack,

"Good job, now we can have fun trying something new." Pinkie Pie chirped,

"I'd like to take a break first." Sugar Rush responded,

"Sure." Pinkie Pie spoke, and they walked back into the house.

They entered the kitchen and saw Dairy Farmer was still working, Sugar Rush opened the refrigerator and took out a slice of cheesecake and ate it, he then went to his room and laid down and closed his eyes, Pinkie Pie smiled and she sat and rested as well, Sugar Rush got back up after about thirty minutes and began doing a little bit of exercising, he did push ups, lunges, jumps, and crunches, he then stretched while smiling and was about to eat more sugar until Pinkie Pie offered him a banana muffin and he ate that instead, he then began reading another book, Pinkie Pie trotted to him and read with him. They read together and Pinkie Pie saw the scene was about a bank robbery and the thieves were tying up its employees, they blew up a vault with a bomb and then began putting the money in big bags,

"Wow, this isn't something a typical pony would read." Pinkie Pie remarked, Sugar Rush got startled and began reading again, they read about the thieves avoiding law enforcement and boarding a train to escape them, they were then attacked by other robbers from inside and outside the train that wanted the money for themselves, the thieves threw the ponies in the train out and one drove the train to its maximum speed, it flew off the rails and they got out. The thieves saw law enforcement waiting for him and they began fighting one another, the thieves from earlier arrived and joined in, reinforcements for the law enforcement eventually came and they arrested all of the thieves and compensated the money,

"Okay, I'll go ahead and skim through some parts since the next many pages are about them being conditioned for jail and it's lots of dialogue and drama." Sugar Rush stated, and he skipped many pages. He got to the part where the thieves were escaping the jail and they read about them climbing over a wall,

"Sugar Rush, I'm done, it's time to make dinner, you're in charge of picking out the fruits and vegetables like always, I'll do the cooking and cutting, make sure you give our guest what she wants, too." Dairy Farmer called out, Sugar Rush put the book down and he and Pinkie Pie trotted to the kitchen.

Pinkie Pie and Sugar Rush arrived while Dairy Farmer got the cutting boards and knives ready, Sugar Rush opened the refrigerator and looked at the fruits and vegetables, he got strawberries, celery, carrots, tomatoes, and beets, Dairy Farmer took them and put them on the cutting board and then put hay in the cast iron,

"Are these okay for you, Pinkie Pie?" Sugar Rush asked,

"Of course, I'll have what you guys are having." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Go ahead and leave now, I need to work on making our meals, so go on and put the plates and glass cups on the table, and no playing around." Dairy Farmer remarked, and they left. Sugar Rush got plates out of a cabinet and put them on the table and then put three glass cups on it, Pinkie Pie then put forks and napkins on the table,

"Alright, I'll go ahead and rest now." Sugar Rush stated, and he sat and closed his eyes while Pinkie Pie heard cooking in the kitchen, she decided to sit and watch him closely. Sugar Rush exhaled a little loudly and then groaned,

"You okay, Sugar Rush?" Pinkie Pie inquired, he began rubbing his own forehead,

"Dairy Farmer, Sugar Rush isn't looking good." Pinkie Pie stated, she came out of the kitchen and looked at him,

"He's just burnt out, let him rest, he'll be back to his normal self in a few hours." Dairy Farmer spoke,

"How often does this happen?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Every few days, he'll be fine, just let him recharge his batteries." Dairy Farmer stated, and Pinkie Pie looked on worriedly, Sugar Rush rested until Dairy Farmer came with dinner and he opened his eyes, Dairy Farmer and Pinkie Pie sat with him and they had dinner together. Sugar Rush ate very slowly and Pinkie Pie noticed a bored expression on his face, he picked up his knife and began cutting and carving his food into various shapes, he also cut and carved faces into his hay and he showed them, Pinkie Pie laughed while Dairy Farmer glared at him, he continued carving his food more and made funny shapes, Pinkie Pie laughed more while Dairy Farmer glared more,

"Come on, Sugar Rush, eat your food, we gotta get ready for tomorrow afterwards." Dairy Farmer stated,

"What's tomorrow?" Sugar Rush asked,

"We're going to be selling our new and fresh milk, maybe some of our cheese too if we're lucky, Pinkie Pie will be coming to help you focus on selling." Dairy Farmer explained,

"I... have to stand behind the stand again and wait for customers?" Sugar Rush questioned,

"Yes, you do, if I get injured or can't work for one reason or another, you'll have to do everything by yourself, including dealing with customers and waiting, consider this your training." Dairy Farmer responded,

"No worries, Sugar Rush, I deal with customers all the time, I can give you several pointers." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'd appreciate that." Sugar Rush replied,

"Let's finish, we got a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow." Dairy Farmer remarked, and they ate dinner and washed the dishes. They got ready for tomorrow by pouring the milk into smaller jars and making sure the cheeses looked appealing, Sugar Rush began pouring the milk in and out of two jugs and checking to make sure they were even, he did the same while smiling and then began poking holes in some of the cheeses,

"Sugar Rush." Dairy Farmer scolded, he worked while Pinkie Pie got everything arranged very quickly,

"Wow, you're fast." Dairy Farmer commented while smiling,

"What can I say, I like this kind of work." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Oh, well, that's convenient, let's get ready for bed now, we leave early tomorrow morning." Dairy Farmer stated, and they brushed their teeth with Sugar Rush trying to make shapes with the toothpaste onto his toothbrush, he brushed his teeth and he and Dairy Farmer laid in their beds while Pinkie Pie went into a sleeping bag and they slept.

The next day came and their alarm clocks went off, they pushed them and Dairy Farmer yawned while Sugar Rush jumped up awake and he began dancing while making his bed, he and Pinkie Pie threw the sheets and pillows to one another and made Sugar Rush's bed, Dairy Farmer took a shower while they played around and Sugar Rush ran to the kitchen and got fruits out of the refrigerator, he laid them on plates and he and Pinkie Pie ate strawberries, cherries, and orange slices for breakfast while Sugar Rush also ate a slice of cheesecake and was about to eat more sugar out of his pouch, he stopped for a second and put it down. He and Pinkie Pie carved the fruits together to make various face and objects, they had fun and ate breakfast together, Dairy Farmer came out of the shower and began to put her makeup on while Sugar Rush entered the shower. Sugar Rush took a shower and he began singing while Pinkie Pie recognized the song, she dashed away and came back with her ten instruments and began playing music, Sugar Rush stopped for a second but realized Pinkie Pie was playing the song, he began singing again and they had fun while Sugar Rush danced in the bathtub,

"Pinkie Pie! Sugar Rush! We don't have time to fool around! We're going to be late!" Dairy Farmer hollered, they got startled and Pinkie Pie sped up her music while Sugar Rush moved faster in the shower and finished, Sugar Rush combed his mane and tail and he headed out with Dairy Farmer and Pinkie Pie.

They walked on a dirt road and Pinkie Pie pointed out various leaves and rocks on the path,

"You really find those interesting, Pinkie Pie?" Dairy Farmer inquired,

"If it keeps Sugar Rush interested and he reaches his destination, then there's nothing wrong with pointing out and enjoying stuff in nature that stand out from the rest of the scenery." Pinkie Pie answered,

"I'm finding this to be interesting, like that oddly shaped rock there, and that different colored leaf there, and the water body there, and the tree with different leaves and colors there." Sugar Rush stated,

"Suit yourself, as long as we reach the marketplace in time, that's all that matters." Dairy Farmer remarked, and they walked while Pinkie Pie pointed out more leaves, trees, and rocks. They arrived at the marketplace and Sugar Rush began waiting for customers while bored, the ponies walked by and not a single customer came,

"Come on up, everypony, freshly made and refrigerated milk and cheese right now." Pinkie Pie spoke with her voice sounding like she was speaking through a megaphone,

"Pinkie Pie, is that necessary?" Sugar Rush inquired,

"Of course, it's how you get customers." Pinkie Pie replied, no customers came and Sugar Rush began playing with the milk and cheese,

"Sugar Rush." Dairy Farmer said, he stopped and stood still, he began playing again and Dairy Farmer had to restrain him, Pinkie Pie looked at the stand and saw it was made of dark brown wood and the phrase 'Milk and Cheese Farm Products' were written on the top in black marker,

"Hmm, the stand is pretty dull and boring looking, it could use some pizzazz." Pinkie Pie stated,

"What do you mean by that?" Dairy Farmer asked,

"Your market stand needs to be attention grabbing, some color and displays will draw in more customers." Pinkie Pie explained,

"I don't have the time or patience for such activities." Dairy Farmer spoke,

"I do, step aside, Sugar Rush, I'm going to make this the most eye catching thing in the market." Pinkie Pie stated, and he did. She dashed around quickly and began holding spray paint with her mane, she painted the stand white and replaced the words 'Milk' and 'Cheese' with pictures of a sealed glass jar full of milk and a yellow slice of cheese with holes in it, she then rearranged everything very neatly and began calling for customers, they came over and examined the products. Sugar Rush began conversing and selling the milk and cheese while Dairy Farmer's jaw dropped, he smiled and enjoyed talking with the customers and he managed to sell everything,

"Wow, I can't believe it actually worked." Dairy Farmer remarked,

"See, you need to make it attention grabbing, same with your brother, from what I'm seeing, he needs to be engaged and have fun, I know every individual with your brother's condition is different, but his doesn't seem to be too bad, just find ways to make things fun and interesting for him, and he should be fine. Oh, and alternative sweets to his sugar, he'll eventually crash and have a bad headache if he keeps eating that." Pinkie Pie explained,

"That's going to be difficult for me, what he likes are usually stuff I have no interest in, and he's already got cheesecake." Dairy Farmer responded,

"Let me handle it then, I'm a bit like him, so I understand quite a bit, and I'll make the cheesecake, no sugar." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Thanks, I knew you could be helpful." Dairy Farmer stated while smiling, and they stood at the market stand until evening came and they headed home.

Pinkie Pie pulled various art and crafting tools, story books, cookie cutters, a culinary arts book, a record player, several records, and a recipe for sugar free cheesecake out of her mane and placed them on the floor,

"Here you go, Dairy Farmer, things to keep Sugar Rush engaged, as long as you let him have fun and embrace his hyperactivity and short attention span, you should be fine." Pinkie Pie instructed,

"Alright, I'll see what I can do, I'll need your help setting up everything, though." Dairy Farmer replied,

"Sure, anything to make him get his chores done." Pinkie Pie spoke, Dairy Farmer smiled and they began making a routine for Sugar Rush. He tried them and rotated around the new activities while finding each one fascinating, he had more cheesecake than usual and Pinkie Pie taught Dairy Farmer how to make the sugar free cheesecake, Sugar Rush tried it and liked it. He then listened to the different genres of music Pinkie Pie brought and enjoyed every one of them, he had fun with the new things and Pinkie Pie had him read the book on wood carving and made art on the logs with the hatchet,

"Good job, Sugar Rush, you'll be done with your chores in no time if you keep at it like this." Pinkie Pie stated, he smiled and he began milking the cows into different shaped bottles and looked at the animal shapes, he smiled and Dairy Farmer then began storing them and making cheese in the kitchen. Sugar Rush looked at the book on culinary arts and began setting up the food and smiled at the displays he made, he exercised while he waited for Dairy Farmer to finish working and Pinkie Pie taught him new exercises. Five days passed and it was time for them to go back to the marketplace, Pinkie Pie put a record player in the bathroom for Sugar Rush to play while taking a shower and he sang with it, they went to the marketplace and Sugar Rush began talking about the milk and cheese and attracted customers while Dairy Farmer bought fruits, vegetables, hay, and cheesecake, every product was sold and Dairy Farmer smiled,

"Wow, good job, Sugar Rush, you did good today, let's go home." Dairy Farmer said, and they did,

"Thanks, Pinkie Pie, I think I can handle things on my own from here." Dairy Farmer spoke,

"You're welcome, you can write to me anytime, and remember, if Sugar Rush gets tired or has a burnout, let him rest." Pinkie Pie responded,

"Right, see ya, Pinkie Pie." Dairy Farmer said,

"Thanks for everything." Sugar Rush spoke,

"You're welcome, too, Sugar Rush, I'll be going now, I think I found a place in Equestria to settle down: Ponyville, I'll be setting up shop there." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Okay, here, take these before you go as a token of my gratitude." Dairy Farmer replied, and she gave her four glass jars of milk, two cheese wheels, and three slices of cheesecake,

"Oh, thank you, I'll enjoy them when I eat and drink these, well, off my go, good luck to you two." Pinkie Pie spoke, and she walked away while Dairy Farmer and Sugar Rush waved bye to her.

Pinkie Pie and Sugar Rush were sitting at a table and crafting items from the book while conversing,

"I never forgot those days with you, some of the most fun I've had in my life." Sugar Rush stated,

"I had a lot of fun, too." Pinkie Pie responded,

"My sister's still making milk and cheese for a living, she's a bit tired now, so I'm helping more often." Sugar Rush reported,

"I don't blame her, if I had her job, I'd be tired of it by now, too." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I better get home, Dairy Farmer will be worried if I don't come home by dark." Sugar Rush spoke,

"Yeah, you should, tell her I said hi." Pinkie Pie stated, and Sugar Rush trotted out. Pinkie Pie worked at Sugarcube Corner and closed at night, she looked by her bed at the letters Dairy Farmer and Sugar Rush had sent her asking how she has been and advice on getting Sugar Rush to focus, she smiled and then laid in her bed and slept.