• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 1,749 Views, 23 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Special Friends - smirker

Pinkie Pie looks back on several ponies she has helped in the past who had problems that normal ponies did not have.

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Obesity and Anorexia

Pinkie Pie was at the School of Friendship and taking a break at the moment, she sat at the field and watched the students run across the track. Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, and Silverstream ran together and Yona fell behind the others while they continued to run, she panted while her friends continued to run, she finished after them and was the most exhausted of the six. Lunchtime came and Pinkie Pie had lunch with the others, she saw Yona had a bigger meal than the rest of her friends and ate faster,

"Hmm, Yona like today's lunch." Yona said, and she ate the rest of her lunch. Pinkie Pie taught her class and Yona held onto her stomach while sitting in class, Pinkie Pie watched her class work and heard Yona release a small fart, she had a relieved face before it quickly changed to a face of shock and widened eyes. Gallus and Smolder were behind her and tried not to laugh at what they saw, the two had their mouths wide open but no sound came out, the two put their heads on their desks and tried not to laugh. The bell rung and everybody except Yona left while Pinkie Pie watched, Pinkie Pie turned around and began writing on the board for her next class, she heard Yona running out of the classroom and turned around, she screamed when she saw brown liquid on Yona's chair, she looked outside and saw there were no students in the hallway, so she headed to Twilight Sparkle's office,

"Oh, Pinkie, what brings you here?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"I need Yona, Smolder, and Gallus to come back to my class." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Yona, Smolder, and Gallus, please report to Pinkie Pie's class." Twilight Sparkle said on the announcements, Pinkie Pie went back to her classroom. Yona came back and cleaned her body waste off of the chair while Gallus and Smolder watched,

"There, now Gallus and Smolder, apologize to Yona." Pinkie Pie said,

"Huh? What did Gallus and Smolder do?" Yona asked,

"Yeah, see, we didn't do anything." Gallus said,

"Stop playing dumb, I saw you two laughing at Yona when she had her accident." Pinkie Pie said, Yona screamed,

"Gallus and Smolder were laughing at Yona?!" Yona asked,

"Look, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." Smolder said,

"Me neither, I just found it to be so funny." Gallus said,

"Well, don't laugh, you'll hurt the person's feelings, now go to class, you two." Pinkie Pie replied, and Gallus and Smolder went to class. Yona felt her own stomach and looked down,

"Yona fat, Yona have accident, Yona cannot keep up with friends in gym." Yona said,

"No, you're not, Yona, you're not overweight, you're probably just not used to physical activity like your friends." Pinkie Pie replied,

"But Yona eats more than friends." Yona said,

"That's because you're bigger than them, you have to eat more for your body to have energy, anyways, you're not overweight, I met an overweight pony a few years back, and oh, let me tell you, she was big." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Bigger than Yona?" Yona asked,

"Yup, much bigger, she had a twin brother, but he was really skinny, both were unhealthy." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Yona wanna hear." Yona said,

"Alright, here goes." Pinkie Pie replied, and she began to talk about two ponies she once met.

Pinkie Pie was walking around Equestria and saw a town, she smiled since she was out of party supplies, she trotted to the town and went to the candy store. Pinkie Pie entered the candy store and was excited, but it died down shortly after she entered,

"Huh?" Pinkie Pie said as she looked at the store,

"Where is all of the candy?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"The fat mare that lives in the cave north of here ate it all, she eats anything sweet and deep fried." the cashier replied,

"Don't you mean big boned?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, I mean fat, you can't miss her." the cashier replied,

"What's her name?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Bright Smile, she's better known in this town as Fat Pig." the cashier replied, Pinkie Pie gasped,

"That's a mean name." Pinkie Pie said,

"But it suits her perfectly." the cashier replied,

"No! I am not calling her that!" Pinkie Pie said,

"Anyway, she also has a younger twin brother, his name's Joy Bringer, he lives with her." the cashier said,

"Is he overweight, too?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, he's very skinny, you can see his skeleton, we call him Bones." the cashier replied,

"Well, I'll go see them." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay, make sure Fat Pig sees you so she doesn't end up sitting on you." the cashier replied, and he chuckled to himself while Pinkie Pie scowled, she left the store and headed north.

Pinkie Pie trotted north and saw a cave,

"Hello? Anypony here?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Who is it?" a female voice asked,

"Um... Pinkie Pie, party planner and thrower." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Come on in." the female voice said, and Pinkie Pie entered. Pinkie Pie walked in and she heard rumbling and the ground shook, she looked and saw an earth pony coming,

"Hi there, I'm Bright Smile." the pony said, she had a teal coat, long dark orange mane and tail, purple eyes, and her cutie mark was a white plate with a whole chicken on it, Pinkie Pie gasped with her hoof on her own heart when she saw her, she had folds of fat on her entire body, and her hoofs could not be seen, and she was crawling on the ground,

"Who is it, sister?" a male voice asked, and Pinkie Pie saw another earth pony, he had a dark gray coat, long white mane and tail, gray eyes, and his cutie mark was a yellow tape measure, Pinkie Pie's eyes widened at seeing how slim he was, his bones could be seen through his skin,

"This is Joy Bringer, my little brother." Bright Smile said, Pinkie Pie looked on while a little speechless,

"Um... what happened to you two?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"My sister loves eating, she has a big appetite." Joy Bringer replied,

"I'm big boned." Bright Smile said,

"No, you are not, you don't have bones in your tummy, you have to lose weight, but don't worry, I've got food that's both nutritious and delicious." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Really?" Bright Smile asked,

"Uh-huh, you'll be slimmer in no time." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Yeah, that's not going to help me." Joy Bringer said,

"Yes, it will, you need to gain weight, so you have to eat more." Pinkie Pie replied,

"But I don't get hungry often." Joy Bringer said,

"Don't worry, I have a way around that." Pinkie Pie replied,

"What did you bring?" Joy Bringer asked,

"Well..." Pinkie Pie said, and she reached to her right side and brought forward a booth of sweets,

"Ooh, are those cupcakes? I love cupcakes." Bright Smile said and she crawled to Pinkie Pie quickly and ate the cupcakes, Pinkie Pie watched with a dropped jaw at Bright Smile eat them all,

"My sister's always like that." Joy Bringer said,

"Do you have anymore?" Bright Smile asked,

"Um, well..." Pinkie Pie said, and she walked away. Bright Smile waited and a fruitcake hanging from a string appeared in front of Bright Smile, she crawled around as fast as she could as she tried to get the cake, she crawled around the cave while Pinkie Pie sat on top of her head, she screamed when she began to sink into her fat, the cake moved up and Bright Smile jumped up and tried to grab it, but she could not jump very high, and bounced around on the ground. Bright Smile bounced around the cave while Pinkie Pie screamed, Joy Bringer moved away and Bright Smile soon landed on the back, she licked the area around her lips,

"Hmm, yummy." Bright Smile said, Pinkie Pie crawled out of her fat and had an unkempt mane and tail, she panted while she laid on the ground. Pinkie Pie watched Bright Smile gobble up the cake like a pig and got another idea,

"I've got more over there, Bright Smile." Pinkie Pie said as she held out a banana and nut muffin, Bright Smile crawled to it quickly and ate and swallowed the entire muffin without chewing it,

"Over here, Bright Smile." Pinkie Pie said as she held out a strawberry pie from the other side of the cave, Bright Smile crawled to it as fast as she could and ate it,

"Come on, Joy Bringer, you too." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'm not hungry." Joy Bringer replied,

"But you're really skinny, you have to eat." Pinkie Pie said,

"Another time." Joy Bringer replied, Bright Smile gobbled up the pie,

"You have anymore?"Bright Smile asked,

"No." Pinkie Pie replied, Bright Smile groaned,

"I'll be in the back if you need me." Joy Bringer said, and he walked away. Bright Smile ate the pie and licked her own face, Pinkie Pie watched her and wondered how she will get her to lose weight, and how to get Joy Bringer to eat,

"Um... Joy Bringer, Bright Smile, can you two come with me for a minute?" Pinkie Pie asked, the two went to her,

"What is it?" Bright Smile asked,

"Come on, outside." Pinkie Pie said, and the two followed her. Pinkie Pie trotted outside and led the two to her wagon,

"Come on, Bright Smile, try sitting in it." Pinkie Pie said, and Bright Smile did, and Pinkie Pie screamed when her weight smashed the wagon, Bright Smile had an embarrassed grin while Pinkie Pie looked on with her jaw dropped,

"Sorry." Bright Smile said,

"Come on, Bright Smile, you need to exercise." Pinkie Pie said,

"I hate exercising." Bright Smile replied,

"Don't worry, I can make it fun." Pinkie Pie said, Bright Smile looked at her,

"Come on, Joy Bringer, try to pick the wagon pieces up with me." Pinkie Pie said, and he did. Joy Bringer grunted loudly as he struggled to pick up the wagon pieces for Pinkie Pie,

"Don't worry, Joy Bringer, I got some hay for you to eat in order to build some muscle." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'm not hungry." Joy Bringer replied,

"No, you need to build muscle, you're almost as skinny as an apple that only has its core left, we have to get you to a healthy weight." Pinkie Pie said,

"Well, I have tried eating to gain weight in the past, but my metabolism burns it all off." Joy Bringer replied,

"Don't worry, I'll think of something." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sure, just don't keep me waiting long." Joy Bringer replied,

"Come on, Bright Smile, I have an idea for you to exercise." Pinkie Pie said, and she trotted back to the cave while Bright Smile crawled on the ground and Joy Bringer walked with her. Pinkie Pie went back into the cave and waited for Bright Smile and Joy Bringer to arrive,

"Do you like music, Bright Smile?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Of course." Bright Smile replied,

"Good, then I've got just the thing to get you into shape." Pinkie Pie said, and she got earphones and a music player,

"Here, listen to this, and let your body move to the beat." Pinkie Pie said, and Bright Smile put an earphone in her right ear, she tried to put the left earphone into her left ear but it could not reach, Pinkie Pie took it away and came back with a longer one, the two fit into her ears.

"Alright, here goes." Pinkie Pie said, and she chose a song for Bright Smile to listen to. Bright Smile listened to the music and slowly tapped her hoof, she soon began to dance and then began to jump around to the music, the ground shook and Pinkie Pie and Bright Smile flew into the air, Pinkie Pie screamed as she fell up and down,

"Whoa!" Joy Bringer said as he flew into the air, Bright Smile continued to dance and she left craters in the ground and soon went outside while dancing to the beat, she continued to jump and dance but soon panted and fell. Pinkie Pie trotted outside and got took the earphones and music player,

"I'm pooped, I need to rest." Bright Smile said, and she fell asleep and snored, Joy Bringer came outside and pushed her into the cave while grunting, Pinkie Pie pushed her in with him and they were in the cave,

"Thank you." Joy Bringer said,

"You're welcome." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Our food is in the back, Bright Smile eats them, and I have the leftovers." Joy Bringer said,

"I wanna see them." Pinkie Pie replied, and Joy Bringer led the way while Pinkie Pie followed him. Pinkie Pie arrived at the back of the cave and gasped when she saw the food, she saw bubblegum, hard candies, chocolate, donuts, cookies, marshmallows, s'mores, and ice cream,

"Ooh, I want some." Pinkie Pie said,

"You have to let Bright Smile eat first, and you and I can have the leftovers." Joy Bringer replied,

"Well, you should eat some more, too." Pinkie Pie said,

"Not hungry at the moment." Joy Bringer replied,

"Your mouth doesn't water at what you see?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No." Joy Bringer replied,

"So, um... how did you and Bright Smile get the way you two are now?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Funny now that I look back, we were both healthy as kids, but once when we became teenagers, my appetite decreased, while hers increased, Bright Smile just kept eating and eating until she gained weight, her hunger never went down, and mine never went up, I just kept losing weight while she kept gaining weight, and that's how we became the way we are." Joy Bringer replied,

"It must've been hard for you two." Pinkie Pie said,

"What do you mean?" Joy Bringer asked,

"Seeing how you two are, you two must've been picked on." Pinkie Pie replied,

"We were, but my sister is picked on more than I am." Joy Bringer said, Pinkie Pie frowned,

"Well, can I eat those snacks you have there?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sure, don't eat all of it." Joy Bringer replied, and Pinkie Pie ran and began eating the snacks, Pinkie Pie munched on the sweets and ate on impulse,

"Hey, you're going to upset Bright Smile is you eat like that." Joy Bringer said, Pinkie Pie continued to eat and ate most of the chocolate, she stopped after a few minutes,

"Yum, I could go for seconds." Pinkie Pie said as she patted her own abdomen, Joy Bringer walked over to the snacks and began eating, but he chewed very slowly,

"Still not hungry?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Nope, I'm actually forcing myself to eat right now." Joy Bringer replied, Pinkie Pie watched him and tried to think of a way to get him healthy, Joy Bringer only ate two pieces of candy before switching to a different one,

"Um... what do you like to eat, Joy Bringer?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Grains, hay, and vegetables, I can't buy them due to me and my sister not having a job." Joy Bringer replied,

"Why don't you two go out and look for one?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We both got disqualified due to our weights, the rejection letters are behind me." Joy Bringer replied, Pinkie Pie looked and saw them, she trotted to them. Pinkie Pie looked through Bright Smile's and Joy Bringer's rejection letters, she looked through them and saw every letter was a rejection letter from the jobs the two applied for, and each reason was because either Bright Smile was too fat and Joy Bringer was too skinny, Pinkie Pie's heart sank when she saw one rejection letter from a job Bright Smile applied for was being a clown to entertain foals. Pinkie Pie looked back and saw Bright Smile waking up and crawling to her snacks,

"What happened to my snacks, Joy Bringer?" Bright Smile asked,

"Pinkie Pie ate some of it." Joy Bringer replied,

"Ah, okay, hope she liked them." Bright Smile said, and she began snacking on her sweets while Pinkie Pie watched her,

"What happened to all of my chocolate?" Bright Smile asked,

"Sorry, chocolate's my favorite." Pinkie Pie replied embarrassingly,

"It's alright, a lot of foals like chocolate, too, they come to me sometimes to get it." Bright Smile said, and she ate her snacks,

"Um... Bright Smile, what's your favorite thing to eat?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sugar." Bright Smile replied, Pinkie Pie got an idea,

"Um, Bright Smile, do you like fruits?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Of course." Bright Smile replied,

"Ooh, goodie, I'll be right back." Pinkie Pie said, and she dashed away and came back with more fruits,

"I got fruits, Bright Smile." Pinkie Pie said,

"Ooh, I want some." Bright Smile said as she crawled to her and began eating her apples, oranges, strawberries, bananas, pineapples, blueberries, grapefruits, grapes, watermelons, melons, tangerines, and cherries,

"Come on, Joy Bringer, you too." Pinkie Pie said,

"I'm not that big of a fan of fruits." Joy Bringer replied,

"What do you like the most?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Vegetables." Joy Bringer replied,

"Um... I don't think I have any." Pinkie Pie said,

"It's fine, there's green onions growing just outside the cave." Joy Bringer replied, Bright Smile continued eating and soon stopped,

"Well, I might have you do some exercise later, build up some muscle." Pinkie Pie said,

"I lost my muscle when I became a teenager, too." Joy Bringer replied,

"Well, it's almost dark, I'm going to sleep." Pinkie Pie said,

"Goodnight." Bright Smile said,

"Goodnight." Pinkie Pie said, and she slept.

Pinkie Pie woke up the next morning and heard loud chewing, she looked and saw Bright Smile and Joy Bringer having breakfast, Bright Smile ate like a pig while Joy Bringer ate very little,

"Morning." Joy Bringer said,

"Good morning." Pinkie Pie replied, and she joined them for breakfast. Pinkie Pie took several of the sweets and ate while Bright Smile continued eating like a pig, and it distracted Pinkie Pie,

"Bright Smile, I hate to say this, but if you want to lose weight, you have to eat less." Pinkie Pie said,

"But I'm really hungry." Bright Smile replied,

"It's okay, I got tasty food that are low in calories and high in fiber, it'll make you feel full." Pinkie Pie said, Bright Smile smiled,

"Come on, Bright Smile, exercise time, time to listen to more music." Pinkie Pie said, and Bright Smile crawled to her and Pinkie Pie put the earphones back in her ears and they headed outside. Bright Smile danced to music while Pinkie Pie watched her to make sure she did not lose herself and cause destruction at nearby towns, she began to jump and shook the ground, Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she flew into the air and fell onto the ground several times. Bright Smile continued to dance and jump to the music she listened to and was oblivious to Pinkie Pie being on her head at the moment. Bright Smile lost herself to the music and danced, she began to sweat a lot while Pinkie Pie stuck to her skin. Bright Smile panted and fell onto the ground and slept, Pinkie Pie struggled to get herself unstuck and got out of Bright Smile's fat, she went back to the cave to go see Joy Bringer.

Joy Bringer was sitting on the ground and Pinkie Pie entered,

"Come on, Joy Bringer, let's get you back into shape, too." Pinkie Pie said,

"What do you have in mind?" Joy Bringer asked,

"Well, why don't we try to get you eat a bit more, little by little every day." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Sure, that sounds good." Joy Bringer said,

"Alright, I'll be giving you my treats, too." Pinkie Pie said,

"Okay." Joy Bringer replied,

"Well, let's get started." Pinkie Pie said, and Joy Bringer walked to her. Pinkie Pie gave Joy Bringer foods that were high in sugar and fats, Joy Bringer forced himself to eat them so he could get healthy,

"Don't push yourself too hard, Joy Bringer." Pinkie Pie said, Joy Bringer nodded while he continued to chew slowly, he ate and swallowed slowly, he ate a cupcake next while Pinkie Pie had a rack full of them, he smiled at how they tasted and chewed slowly,

"I must say, this is the best cupcake I've ever eaten. Where did you buy this?" Joy Bringer asked,

"I didn't, I made it myself." Pinkie Pie replied,

"You're a baker?" Joy Bringer asked,

"Hmm-mm." Pinkie Pie replied while nodding,

"I could get used to this." Joy Bringer said,

"I got pies, too." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I'd like to try one." Joy Bringer said, and Pinkie Pie gave him lemon pie, he ate it and smiled,

"This is good." Joy Bringer said, Pinkie Pie smiled. Crawling was heard and Bright Smile came into the cave,

"Ooh, you brought some pies and cupcakes, gimme, gimme, gimme." Bright Smile said as she crawled to them and ate them,

"*chuckle* Don't worry, Bright Smile, I got special recipes for weight loss confectioneries, they'll taste mostly the same as my usual things." Pinkie Pie said, Bright Smile nodded while smiling,

"Thanks, Pinkie Pie, my sister will greatly appreciate it." Joy Bringer said,

"Come on, Joy Bringer, let's continue on getting you to a healthy weight." Pinkie Pie said, and Joy Bringer ate a little more, Bright Smile's mouth watered at seeing Pinkie Pie with the cupcakes and pies, she tried to restrain herself but could not, she crawled to the cupcakes and pies and began eating them while Pinkie Pie exclaimed,

"One reason why my sister got big, she can't restrain herself from sweets." Joy Bringer said,

"Alright, um, we're going to have to work on that, I have trouble resisting sweets, too." Pinkie Pie replied, and Bright Smile ate the confectioneries. Pinkie Pie got her non-sweet ingredients and gave them to Joy Bringer, he was eating cheese now,

"What kind of cheese is this?" Joy Bringer asked,

"Cheddar cheese, good for apple pie." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Bleh, I don't like cheese." Bright Smile said, Joy Bringer ate and he stopped after a while and sighed,

"I'm full." Joy Bringer said, and Pinkie Pie put the remaining cheese with the other food. Bright Smile and Joy Bringer rested while Pinkie Pie smiled and watched, clamoring was heard outside and their attentions were caught,

"*gasp* The foals are here." Bright Smile said, and she got her snacks and went outside, Pinkie Pie headed outside. Pinkie Pie went outside and saw Bright Smile with excited foals,

"Quiet, one at a time please." Bright Smile said, and she handed out her candies,

"Alright, Mallomars for Sugar Plum, peanut butter chocolate for Angel, marshmallows for Starry Night." Bright Smile said as she gave out her confectioneries to the foals, Pinkie Pie watched and saw the foals having snacks while Bright Smile handed them out, Joy Bringer walked out and saw the foals,

"Bright Smile always gives the foals her snacks after school, she has to do it in secret, though." Joy Bringer said,

"Why?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Their parents don't want them to be anywhere near us because of how we look." Joy Bringer replied, Pinkie Pie's jaw dropped a little while Bright Smile gave her snacks out,

"Thank you." the foals said,

"You all are welcome, just don't tell your parents." Bright Smile replied, and the foals walked away. Pinkie Pie watched Bright Smile crawl back into the cave and she yawned and laid down on her back,

"I'm tired, little brother, wake me up when the sun begins to set." Bright Smile said,

"Okay." Joy Bringer replied, he then looked and saw Bright Smile was almost out of snacks,

"Come on, Pinkie Pie, we have to buy snacks for Bright Smile, she wants to eat when she gets up." Joy Bringer said,

"Ooh, I know, let's get some fruits." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Alright, I'll show you the way, but you'll have to pay since I'm currently low on bits." Joy Bringer said, Pinkie Pie looked and saw they only had four bits,

"Okay." Pinkie Pie said, and the two walked out of the cave.

Pinkie Pie and Joy Bringer traveled to town and the adult ponies took their foals into their homes,

"Look, everypony, Bones is here." a stallion said, and the adult ponies came out of their homes and threw sweet and unhealthy food at him,

"Here's your food, Bones, go on and eat up." a mare said in a condescending tone, Joy Bringer shielded himself from the food thrown at him while Pinkie Pie grabbed him and the two went to the store. Pinkie Pie and Joy Bringer went to the store and looked for fruits,

"Here they are." Pinkie Pie said, and she got them, the two went to the cashier,

"You sure you don't want any trans fat food, Bones?" the cashier asked,

"Yeah, I'm sure." Joy Bringer replied,

"Really? You'll gain weight faster if you buy trans fats and deep fried food." the cashier said,

"I'm fine, you know I don't like that stuff." Joy Bringer replied,

"Well, alright then, the fruits will be twenty five bits." the cashier said, and Pinkie Pie paid him,

"Wait, I thought I recognized you, so you're actually hanging out with him and his sister." the cashier said,

"They're very friendly." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Well, nonetheless, stuff are yours now, good day." the cashier said, and she and Joy Bringer left the store. Pinkie Pie and Joy Bringer went back outside and the stallions and mares began throwing food and drinks at him,

"Here, eat up, Bones." a stallion said, the other ponies then laughed, a stallion threw a dumbbell at Joy Bringer and he grunted when it hit him in the head and knocked him down, Pinkie Pie gasped and checked him,

"Don't forget to lose the weight and get in shape." the stallion who threw the dumbbell at him said, and the other adult ponies laughed, Pinkie Pie picked up Joy Bringer and took him to the cave while the adult ponies threw food and dumbbells at them.

Pinkie Pie and Joy Bringer arrived back at the cave and Joy Bringer ate a little bit of the fruits,

"You okay?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Yeah, my sister has it worse, though." Joy Bringer replied,

"How's your head?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Throbbing." Joy Bringer replied, and he ate more fruits before going to lay down,

"I need to rest, my head hurts." Joy Bringer said,

"Okay." Pinkie Pie replied, and Joy Bringer fell asleep. Pinkie Pie watched Joy Bringer sleep and his head still throbbed, Pinkie Pie ate a few fruits while she watched, she heard loud yawning behind her and saw Bright Smile wake up,

"Ooh, you all got me fruits, you shouldn't have." Bright Smile said, and she ate them quickly and only chewing about two or three times before swallowing, Pinkie Pie watched with discomfort at seeing Bright Smile eat so quickly, she soon finished all of the fruits and went to eating her snacks. Pinkie Pie watched and Bright Smile was soon out of snacks,

"Oh, I'm out." Bright Smile said,

"That's good." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Huh?" Bright Smile asked,

"You can now focus on fruits and lose weight." Pinkie Pie said,

"I guess, I'll give it a try." Bright Smile replied,

"Okay, I'll go buy some more fruits." Pinkie Pie said, and she left. Pinkie Pie went to the store and bought more fruits, she came back with more fruits and Bright Smile ate them,

"Ready to dance some more?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"No, I'm tired." Bright Smile replied, and she sat a bit and watched her brother sleep while Pinkie Pie smiled.

Two days passed and the days were still the same and Bright Smile has stopped eating her snacks and Joy Bringer ate more, Joy Bringer was eating fruits and Bright Smile groaned,

"I don't feel well." Bright Smile said, Pinkie Pie and Joy Bringer looked at her and saw her sweating and shaking, her snout was runny as well,

"You'll just have to endure it, Bright Smile, it'll go away after a few days or weeks." Pinkie Pie said,

"A few weeks?! That's too long!" Bright Smile said,

"Okay, um, I'll give you something sweet every once in a while." Pinkie Pie replied,

"But I want it now." Bright Smile said,

"You're just going to have to wait, I'll give you your fruits soon." Pinkie Pie replied,

"No, I don't want fruits, I want sugar." Bright Smile said,

"Oh, well, I don't have any." Pinkie Pie replied, Bright Smile groaned sadly while Joy Bringer continued to eat slowly,

"I'm full." Joy Bringer said, and he walked away while Pinkie Pie gave the fruits to Bright Smile,

"Here you go." Pinkie Pie said,

"Thank you." Bright Smile said, and she ate the fruits while Pinkie Pie watched. Bright Smile ate the fruits slowly as she chewed them thoroughly,

"Don't like them?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Not really." Bright Smile replied, and she chewed the fruits slowly and struggled to swallow them. Pinkie Pie watched Bright Smile chew slowly and she swallowed the last fruit and sighed with relief,

"Wanna dance?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sure." Bright Smile replied, and Pinkie Pie got her music player and earphones and put them on Bright Smile and played a song. Bright Smile jumped up and down to the music while Pinkie Pie watched her carefully, she danced and shook the ground, Pinkie Pie and Joy Bringer flew into the air and fell every time Bright Smile jumped,

"Whoa!" Pinkie Pie said as she fell onto the ground, Bright Smile continued dancing to the music,

"What songs do you have on there anyway?" Joy Bringer asked,

"Songs played, sang, and recorded all by myself." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Are they covers of other songs?" Joy Bringer asked,

"Nope, all original songs by me." Pinkie Pie replied, Bright Smile continued dancing and jumping around to the music,

"*chuckle* I haven't seen her that happy in years." Joy Bringer said, Pinkie Pie smiled and she watched Bright Smile dance with a smile on her face. Bright Smile danced a bit and stopped and panted shortly after, she crawled back into the cave and fell asleep,

"Well, I guess we found a speed we're comfortable with." Joy Bringer said, Pinkie Pie smiled and she continued to help the two with their weights.

A week passed and Joy Bringer was eating oranges and pears, Pinkie Pie was getting food for them from the town and the foals stopped coming by since Bright Smile no longer had any snacks with her, she groaned and sweated as she watched Pinkie Pie and Joy Bringer,

"You okay, Bright Smile?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I need sugar." Bright Smile replied while slurring,

"Okay, I'll give you the fruits after your brother's done." Pinkie Pie said,

"No, white sugar." Bright Smile replied while slurring, Pinkie Pie continued to watch Joy Bringer eat fruits,

"Argh! I can't take it anymore!" Bright Smile said, and she crawled out of the cave as fast as she could,

"Wait. Bright Smile." Pinkie Pie said as she ran out for her. Bright Smile crawled into the town while Pinkie Pie went after her, the stallions and the mares in the town began throwing junk food at Bright Smile,

"Here's your weight gain diet, Fat Pig." a mare said, and they continued to throw food at her,

"Come on, Fat Pig, eat." a stallion said, and he began making pig sounds, Bright Smile covered herself while the ponies threw food at her. A stallion ran to her and shoved chocolate cake into her mouth,

"Here, eat like the pig you are." the stallion said and she gagged as he force fed chocolate cake into her mouth and the adult ponies laughed, Pinkie Pie ran to Bright Smile and pushed her back to the cave while tears fell from her eyes and the ponies in the town laughed. Pinkie Pie brought Bright Smile back into the cave while she cried, Joy Bringer ran to her and comforted her,

"See, Pinkie Pie? That's why Bright Smile doesn't go out often." Joy Bringer said, Pinkie Pie checked Bright Smile's mouth and wiped the chocolate cake off, Joy Bringer comforted her while she cried,

"Where are the foals?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Their parents told them not to befriend us since we're freaks, they won't be seeing us anymore now that Bright Smile no longer has any candy." Joy Bringer replied, Pinkie Pie frowned while she watched Joy Bringer comfort Bright Smile, she looked and saw Bright Smile did not gain any weight, the two rested and Pinkie Pie fell asleep.

A week passed and Bright Smile and Joy Bringer stayed in the cave while Pinkie Pie traveled out to get food for them, she got watermelons from the store and gave them to Joy Bringer to eat first,

"Thank you." Joy Bringer said, and he ate the watermelons. Bright Smile watched as her mouth watered, her muscles still ached from not having sugar, she groaned in pain while her muscles hurt,

"Hold on, Bright Smile, I'll be there shortly." Pinkie Pie said, Bright Smile groaned a little more and Joy Bringer finished eating. Pinkie Pie gave the remaining fruits to Bright Smile and she struggled to eat,

"You okay?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"I don't have the energy to do anything." Bright Smile replied, and she ate very slowly, she stopped and groaned while some of the chewed up strawberries fell out of her mouth, Pinkie Pie checked her and saw she was tired, Bright Smile laid down and Joy Bringer went to lay with her, Pinkie Pie looked and her attention was caught, Bright Smile was getting thinner and Joy Bringer was gaining weight,

"Bright Smile, Joy Bringer, your bodies are changing." Pinkie Pie said,

"I don't feel well, though." Bright Smile replied,

"Me neither." Joy Bringer said,

"Give it time, you two, it'll go away." Pinkie Pie replied,

"I hope so, I'm going to sleep now." Bright Smile said, and she fell asleep and snored, Joy Bringer laid down next to her and he soon fell asleep, Pinkie Pie trotted to them and slept with them.

Two days passed and Pinkie Pie bought a new wagon that morning,

"Bright Smile, Joy Bringer, I need you two out here." Pinkie Pie said, the two walked outside,

"I need you two to sit on the wagon and see how it holds." Pinkie Pie said, Joy Bringer sat on the left side and the wagon was stable, Bright Smile sat on the right side and the wagon leaned and fell over onto its side,

"Sorry." Bright Smile said embarrassingly,

"It's okay." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two got out of the wagon while Pinkie Pie pushed it back up,

"It's alright, Bright Smile, no damage." Pinkie Pie said, Bright Smile smiled,

"Well, I have to get going, I have to throw somepony's birthday today." Pinkie Pie said,

"Do you really have to go, Pinkie Pie?" Bright Smile asked,

"Sorry, but yes." Pinkie Pie replied, Bright Smile frowned,

"Hi, Bright Smile." a bunch of foals said, she looked and saw them waving at her, she waved back,

"Wow, you and Joy Bringer look a little different." a filly said,

"Yes, Pinkie Pie helped us get a little healthier." Joy Bringer replied,

"I have to get going, so it's up to you foals to start helping them now." Pinkie Pie said, the foals smiled,

"Are you going to come back?" a colt asked,

"I'll try to." Pinkie Pie replied, and she turned around,

"Well, time for me to go, bye, everypony." Pinkie Pie said, and she walked out of town while Bright Smile, Joy Bringer, and the foals said bye to her and waved at her.

Pinkie Pie and Yona were sitting in class together,

"I would go on longer, but I shouldn't keep you from your next class." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yona wanna know what happened to Bright Smile and Joy Bringer." Yona said,

"They're still not a healthy weight, but not as bad as before." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Ponies not average weight yet?" Yona asked,

"No, of course not, curing obesity and anorexia takes a very long time, some ponies never fix it in their entire life." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Does Bright Smile exercise?" Yona asked,

"Through dancing, I think cardio and weight lifting is too tiring for her, and Joy Bringer doesn't have the energy." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Yona feel better now, thanks." Yona said,

"You're welcome, head to your next class now." Pinkie Pie replied, and Yona left the classroom. Pinkie Pie looked at her sweets and snacks and smiled, while she did enjoy them, she moderated herself on how much she ate, and hoped Bright Smile and Joy Bringer would contact her eventually.